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青年罪犯的人格特征研究 被引量:22
作者 蒋俊梅 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2005年第1期217-219,共3页
采用“卡特尔十六种人格因素测验”问卷,分析比较了青年罪犯与青年学生的人格特质、次元人格因素、应用人格因素。 结果表明:青年罪犯与青年学生在8种人格特质(C、F、G、H、L、Q1、Q2、Q3)、1种次元人格因素(X2)、1种应用人格因素(Y4... 采用“卡特尔十六种人格因素测验”问卷,分析比较了青年罪犯与青年学生的人格特质、次元人格因素、应用人格因素。 结果表明:青年罪犯与青年学生在8种人格特质(C、F、G、H、L、Q1、Q2、Q3)、1种次元人格因素(X2)、1种应用人格因素(Y4)上存 在显著差异,提示青年罪犯确有异于同龄人的人格特征,这对青年犯罪的预防与矫治具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 青年罪犯 人格特征 人格特质 人格因素
作者 邱君 张守臣 《黑龙江教育学院学报》 2007年第4期57-58,共2页
采用团体施测法发现罪犯的心理健康水平明显低于常人,且人格特征为高神经质、外倾性、高精神质和低掩饰性;罪犯按其人格可分为成熟老练型、冲动型和内向倔强型,按其心理健康水平可分为较好、一般、较差三类,心理健康水平较差的罪犯占罪... 采用团体施测法发现罪犯的心理健康水平明显低于常人,且人格特征为高神经质、外倾性、高精神质和低掩饰性;罪犯按其人格可分为成熟老练型、冲动型和内向倔强型,按其心理健康水平可分为较好、一般、较差三类,心理健康水平较差的罪犯占罪犯总体的1/5,对心理健康水平不同的罪犯应区别对待,以促进对其犯罪行为的预防和矫治。 展开更多
关键词 男性青年罪犯 SCL-90 EPQ
初入狱青年男性罪犯的人格特征研究 被引量:6
作者 朱海燕 宋志一 宋星 《中国临床心理学杂志》 CSCD 2007年第6期644-646,共3页
目的:探讨初入狱男性青年罪犯人格的基本特征。方法:采用16PF对273名初入狱男性青年罪犯的人格进行测量,并与其他正常组被试和其他年龄段罪犯的人格进行比较。结果:与对照组相比,初入狱青年罪犯在B、E、H、I、O和Q2六个人格特质、X2和X... 目的:探讨初入狱男性青年罪犯人格的基本特征。方法:采用16PF对273名初入狱男性青年罪犯的人格进行测量,并与其他正常组被试和其他年龄段罪犯的人格进行比较。结果:与对照组相比,初入狱青年罪犯在B、E、H、I、O和Q2六个人格特质、X2和X4两种次元人格因素和Y1综合人格因素上存在显著差异;青年罪犯在B、CI、、N、Q2五个人格特质和X2、X3两次级因素上存在显著年龄差异。结论:初入狱青年罪犯有较差的人格表现,未来的研究应采用纵向研究的模式进一步探讨罪犯处于不同服刑期的人格改变进程。 展开更多
关键词 监狱化 初入狱 青年罪犯 人格特征
初入狱青年男性罪犯的人格特征研究 被引量:2
作者 杨惠倡 王大勇 朱海燕 《青少年犯罪问题》 2007年第6期52-55,29,共5页
本研究以273名初入狱男性青年罪犯为被试,以16PF为测量工具,探讨了初入狱男性青年罪犯人格的基本特征,并比较了不同文化程度和不同刑期青年罪犯的人格特点。结果发现,与对照组相比,初入狱青年罪犯在B、E、H、I、O和Q2六个人格特质、X2... 本研究以273名初入狱男性青年罪犯为被试,以16PF为测量工具,探讨了初入狱男性青年罪犯人格的基本特征,并比较了不同文化程度和不同刑期青年罪犯的人格特点。结果发现,与对照组相比,初入狱青年罪犯在B、E、H、I、O和Q2六个人格特质、X2和X4两种次元人格因素和Y1综合人格因素上存在显著差异;不同文化程度罪犯在B,F,H,O,Q1和Q4六个人格特上存在显并差异,不同刑期罪犯在所有人格特质上的差异均不显著。该结论提示,未来的研究应采用纵向研究的手段以进一步了解处于不同服刑期罪犯的人格特质。 展开更多
关键词 监狱化 初入狱 青年罪犯 人格特征
青年男性罪犯的个性分析 被引量:14
作者 邱昌建 张伟 方进博 《华西医学》 CAS 2002年第1期44-45,共2页
目的 :分析不同犯罪类型、不同文化层次、不同刑期、不同已服刑时间青年男性罪犯的人格特征。方法 :采用龚氏修订的EPQ问卷对男性劳动改造人员进行个性测定。结果 :罪犯组与同年龄段男性常模在E、N、P、L人格维度有显著性差异。不同文... 目的 :分析不同犯罪类型、不同文化层次、不同刑期、不同已服刑时间青年男性罪犯的人格特征。方法 :采用龚氏修订的EPQ问卷对男性劳动改造人员进行个性测定。结果 :罪犯组与同年龄段男性常模在E、N、P、L人格维度有显著性差异。不同文化层次、不同刑期、不同已服刑时间的罪犯E、N、P、L人格维度无显著性差异。不同犯罪类型的比较 ,暴力型犯罪E分明显高于财产型犯罪 ,有显著性差异 ,其余各组各维度无显著性差异。结论 :罪犯的人格特征为高外倾性 ,高神经质 ,高精神质 ,低掩饰性。在对罪犯进行行为矫正的同时要加强对其个性的矫正 ,并且应是一个长期、持续的过程。 展开更多
关键词 青年男性罪犯 个性分析 人格特征
日常事件对青年罪犯造成压力的情况研究 被引量:1
作者 李振宇 《青少年犯罪研究》 2010年第2期64-68,共5页
关键词 青年罪犯 日常事件 压力 压力指数
女大学生和青年女犯的父母教养方式与自我评价的关系 被引量:5
作者 肖玉珠 柴江霞 徐笑喆 《中国健康心理学杂志》 2014年第8期1224-1227,共4页
目的了解女性青年罪犯与女大学生之间的父母教养方式差异以及其对自信水平的影响。方法用父母教养方式量表(EMBU)和个人自我评价问卷(PEI)对随机抽取的70名女大学生与70名女性青年罪犯进行研究。结果①父亲与母亲的教养方式在大多数因... 目的了解女性青年罪犯与女大学生之间的父母教养方式差异以及其对自信水平的影响。方法用父母教养方式量表(EMBU)和个人自我评价问卷(PEI)对随机抽取的70名女大学生与70名女性青年罪犯进行研究。结果①父亲与母亲的教养方式在大多数因子上的差异极为显著(P<0.05);②女性青年罪犯和女大学生在父亲严厉惩罚(t=2.98,P<0.05)、父亲拒绝否定(t=2.73,P<0.05)、母亲严厉惩罚(t=3.63,P<0.001)以及母亲拒绝否定(t=3.45,P<0.001)这4个因子上差异显著;③女性青年罪犯和普通在校女大学生的自我评价水平在体育自信(t=-2.29,P<0.05)、学业自信(t=-3.13,P<0.01)、总体自信水平(t=-2.93,P<0.01)这3个维度上存在显著差异;④女性青年罪犯的社交焦虑、外表自信以及恋爱自信与母亲的教养方式显著负相关(P<0.05),女性青年罪犯的恋爱和学业自信与父亲教养方式有关;女大学生的恋爱自信仅与父亲的偏爱相关(P<0.05)。结论父、母亲教养方式之间普遍存在分歧和极端化的倾向。女大学生的自信水平不易受父母教养方式的影响;而女性青年罪犯的自信水平却与父母教养方式(过多的严厉惩罚和拒绝否定)有关,较低的自信水平可能是促成其犯罪的因素之一。 展开更多
关键词 教养方式 自我评价 女性青年罪犯 女大学生
作者 赖修桂 赵学军 《青少年犯罪问题》 2007年第2期62-65,53,共5页
根据心理学自我概念理论,肯定的评价有利于引导个体形成积极的自我认识,并继而做出积极的行为。根据这一理论,在青少年罪犯改造中实行肯定性评价机制,能够提高改造的效果和质量,具有一定的实践应用价值。本文并就在青少年罪犯改造中实... 根据心理学自我概念理论,肯定的评价有利于引导个体形成积极的自我认识,并继而做出积极的行为。根据这一理论,在青少年罪犯改造中实行肯定性评价机制,能够提高改造的效果和质量,具有一定的实践应用价值。本文并就在青少年罪犯改造中实行肯定性评价机制的方案提出设想。 展开更多
关键词 肯定性评价 青年罪犯改造 价值 设想
Confessions of a Closet Comic Book Reader: How Comics Warped Minds and Challenged Cultural Standards
作者 Michele Goostree 《History Research》 2012年第8期497-513,共17页
In 1952, the federal government was called upon to investigate the comic book industry in order to determine if reading comic books influenced juvenile delinquency. The United States could not afford to look weak from... In 1952, the federal government was called upon to investigate the comic book industry in order to determine if reading comic books influenced juvenile delinquency. The United States could not afford to look weak from any angle; the idea of Communist nations exploiting moral weakness of any kind was frightening to many. However, the Soviets were already aware of moral issues on the American home front that were affecting the health of the nation, such as civil rights, sexism (sexual confusion), a rise in fascism, and juvenile delinquency. This study will discuss the investigation of the comic book industry as the sole contributors to juvenile delinquent issues, as Fredric Wertham charged in his book Seduction of the Innocent. In addition, this study focuses on the ways in which Entertaining Comics (EC) pushed the envelope and challenged Cold War standards of ideal middle class values. Their creative resistance led to the federal investigation which nearly destroyed the comic book industry. Through these investigations, the federal government re-defined the first amendment as it applied to this type of media as a way to curtail what they believed was the Soviet Union's efforts to use our own literature as a propaganda tool for their people. 展开更多
关键词 1950s comic books Cold War Entertaining Comics (EC) Fredric Wertham juvenile delinquency
Influence and Countermeasures of Network to psychology of juvenile delinquency
作者 Chunmei Li LI LIN 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第12期110-112,共3页
With the majority of young people increasingly becoming the main force of the use of the network, the network as a new kind of social factors on the growth of young people is increasingly prominent. Network not only h... With the majority of young people increasingly becoming the main force of the use of the network, the network as a new kind of social factors on the growth of young people is increasingly prominent. Network not only help young people broaden their horizons, accept avant-garde concept, concern about the world cutting-edge issues, but also spread some violence, pornographic or reactionary spare, as well as network addiction problem which will cause a serious negative impact on the healthy growth of young people and lead to increasing juvenile crime. The number of juvenile criminals has increased every year in China and has trended to lowering ages, regiment turn and malignant development, which will cause great harm to social stability. Of course, there are many causes of juvenile delinquency, but showing characteristics are also diverse. 展开更多
关键词 JUVENILE cognitive structure NETWORK
Child Upbringing and Delinquency: Implication for Societal Development in Nigeria
作者 Florence A. Undiyaundeye 《Sociology Study》 2013年第7期515-522,共8页
This paper investigated the influence of parental child upbringing styles and juvenile delinquency and the implication for societal development. A total number of 35 female and male delinquent inmates of Children Corr... This paper investigated the influence of parental child upbringing styles and juvenile delinquency and the implication for societal development. A total number of 35 female and male delinquent inmates of Children Correctional Centre in Cross River State and 35 female and male non-delinquents from a normal school aged from 12 years to 17 years took part in the study. The Child Rearing Questionnaire (CRQ) designed by the researcher was used for data collection. Two hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. Chi-square was used in testing the study hypotheses at .05 level of significance. The result of the data analysis showed that parental child-rearing style has a significant influence on the three aspects of dishonest behaviour, namely lying, stealing, and truancy, and parents' bonding with their children is also significant. Based on the findings, it was recommended among others that parents should adopt more of authoritative child upbringing styles. Parents are expected to guide and modify the behaviour of their children to conform with the acceptable behaviours in society as well as participate in activities aimed at preventing crime or disorder being committed by their children. 展开更多
关键词 Parental child upbringing styles children delinquent behaviours parents
The psychoanalysis and prevention of juvenile delinquency in the Three Gorges Reservoir area
作者 Jian LIN Bo KANG 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第7期80-82,共3页
The left-behind adolescents in Three Gorges Reservoir area are at an economic disadvantage situation, and the separation of their parents, inter-generational education and lack of education led to many problems. Lack ... The left-behind adolescents in Three Gorges Reservoir area are at an economic disadvantage situation, and the separation of their parents, inter-generational education and lack of education led to many problems. Lack of family education in critical period of their growth resulted that young people stay without the right guidance, and the development of self-consciousness does not enter the right track, causing a variety of psychological problems, which if not properly grooming, will become a crime risk, thus affecting the community stable. By focusing on children in the Three Gorges Reservoir area, we understand the causes of crime of rural adolescents, and then take proper countermeasures for prevention. 展开更多
关键词 left-behind adolescents criminal psychology the Three Gorges reservoir area
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