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基于线路分段参数的非全程同塔双回线故障定位算法 被引量:11
作者 王守鹏 赵冬梅 +1 位作者 商立群 赵相政 《电工技术学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2017年第20期261-270,共10页
对非全程同塔双回输电线路故障定位问题进行研究。首先,对非全程同塔双回线的特点进行分析,并针对传统伪根识别法无法适用于非全程同塔双回线故障定位的问题,在分析伪根存在与否的基础上,提出一种换模量伪根识别算法,该算法可以有效识... 对非全程同塔双回输电线路故障定位问题进行研究。首先,对非全程同塔双回线的特点进行分析,并针对传统伪根识别法无法适用于非全程同塔双回线故障定位的问题,在分析伪根存在与否的基础上,提出一种换模量伪根识别算法,该算法可以有效识别故障支路与非故障支路的伪根情况。进而,提出一种基于非全程同塔双回线路分段参数的双端工频量故障定位算法,该算法将故障支路辨识与故障点定位相结合,在线路全程内均可完成故障定位,不受故障类型、各端数据不同步和过渡电阻等因素影响。ATP-EMTP仿真结果表明,所提算法可行、有效。 展开更多
关键词 非全程同塔双回线 故障定位 故障支路 相模变换 伪根识别
非全程同杆四回线故障选线新方法 被引量:6
作者 舒巧俊 陈松石 +1 位作者 范春菊 白恒远 《电力系统保护与控制》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2010年第19期130-136,共7页
基于同杆四回线内部故障时反序分量的特点,提出利用同杆四回线反序正序电流量进行故障区域判断,再利用正常线路推算所得四回线与另外两条单回线路相交处母线(记为T点)的电压值作为参考量,设定电压突变量参数来判断故障线路,并结合故障... 基于同杆四回线内部故障时反序分量的特点,提出利用同杆四回线反序正序电流量进行故障区域判断,再利用正常线路推算所得四回线与另外两条单回线路相交处母线(记为T点)的电压值作为参考量,设定电压突变量参数来判断故障线路,并结合故障支路正序电流的特点来对四回线的跨线故障进行故障选线,得出了适用于非全程同杆四回线的新型故障选线方法。通过大量ATP仿真证明该方法的正确性,该方法从原理上可完全消除过渡电阻、系统运行方式、及系统阻抗参数变化等因素的影响,解决了非全程同杆四回线故障选线问题。 展开更多
关键词 非全程 同杆四回线 故障选线 反序分量 电压突变量
非全程PBL课程中对护生实施多元评价的研究 被引量:8
作者 朱大乔 周兰姝 +2 位作者 吕伟波 胡琛 张晓云 《中国高等医学教育》 2009年第1期28-30,共3页
目的:检验和分析在非全程PBL课程中对护理本科生的学习效果实施多元评价的必要性和合理性。方法:在课程实施的不同时间点,采取学生自评、学生互评、教师评价和卷面考核的方法,对48名护生进行学习效果评价。其中,成绩一由学生自评、学生... 目的:检验和分析在非全程PBL课程中对护理本科生的学习效果实施多元评价的必要性和合理性。方法:在课程实施的不同时间点,采取学生自评、学生互评、教师评价和卷面考核的方法,对48名护生进行学习效果评价。其中,成绩一由学生自评、学生互评、教师评价构成,为形成性评价;成绩二,即卷面考核成绩,为总结性评价。课程总评成绩为成绩一、成绩二与权重系数乘积之和。分析总评成绩、成绩一、成绩二之间的差异和关系。结果:成绩一呈负偏态分布,成绩二和总评成绩呈正态分布;成绩一、成绩二均与总评成绩相关非常显著,成绩一和成绩二之间无显著相关。结论:在非全程PBL教学模式下,为反映学生各方面的成长和发展,应采取形成性评价与总结性评价相结合的多元评价。但应注意提高形成性评价的准确性和可靠性。 展开更多
关键词 非全程PBL课程 护理学生 学习效果 多元评价
基于电磁时间反转理论的非全程同杆双回线故障测距 被引量:4
作者 商立群 吉宁 《电力系统保护与控制》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2022年第5期128-135,共8页
为了解决非全程同杆双回输电线路故障测距中存在的双端数据不同步以及伪根识别的问题,首先利用故障区段识别函数组的正负相位特性确定故障发生的区段。在确定故障区段的基础上,采用了一种基于电磁时间反转的频域前行电流法进行故障测距... 为了解决非全程同杆双回输电线路故障测距中存在的双端数据不同步以及伪根识别的问题,首先利用故障区段识别函数组的正负相位特性确定故障发生的区段。在确定故障区段的基础上,采用了一种基于电磁时间反转的频域前行电流法进行故障测距。然后将故障区段两侧的电压、电流解耦后进行快速傅里叶分解,提取工频分量下的电流前行波并求取共轭。最后计算假设的各个故障点处的电流有效值大小,当有效值为最小时,该点即为故障点。仿真结果表明:该方法不需要双端数据的同步,没有伪根识别问题,同时也不受过渡电阻和故障类型的影响,能实现对非全程同杆双回线的准确故障定位。 展开更多
关键词 非全程同杆双回输电线路 故障测距 电磁时间反转 六序分量法
非全程同杆并架双回输电线路非同步数据故障测距算法 被引量:5
作者 张斯淇 李永丽 陈晓龙 《电力信息与通信技术》 2018年第7期87-93,共7页
文章提出一种基于分布参数模型的非全程同杆并架双回输电线路非同步数据故障测距算法,能够准确实现非全程同杆并架双回输电线路故障定位。根据线路两端的正序故障分量推算得到的连接点电压模值大小关系判断故障支路,进而利用双端非同步... 文章提出一种基于分布参数模型的非全程同杆并架双回输电线路非同步数据故障测距算法,能够准确实现非全程同杆并架双回输电线路故障定位。根据线路两端的正序故障分量推算得到的连接点电压模值大小关系判断故障支路,进而利用双端非同步数据故障测距原理在故障支路上进行精确测距。该算法无需判断故障类型,测距时无需搜索和迭代过程,计算量小,易于编程实现。仿真测试表明,算法无需线路各端采样数据同步,测距结果不受故障类型、故障位置、过渡电阻和负荷电流等因素的影响,满足工程对测距精度的要求。 展开更多
关键词 分布参数模型 非全程同杆并架 同步数据 故障测距
基于非全程同杆双回线相位差值的搜索比较测距方法 被引量:1
作者 田斌 方覃绍阳 +2 位作者 李志伟 刘波 高鹏 《电力安全技术》 2019年第5期36-39,共4页
为了解决非全程同杆双回线的故障测距难题,通过解耦变换从非全程同杆双回线中得到T型同序网络,并在此基础上结合过渡阻抗的纯电阻特性,提出一种分支沿线搜索最小相位差值的故障测距方法,并对此测距方法在PSCAD/EMTDC上进行了模拟仿真和... 为了解决非全程同杆双回线的故障测距难题,通过解耦变换从非全程同杆双回线中得到T型同序网络,并在此基础上结合过渡阻抗的纯电阻特性,提出一种分支沿线搜索最小相位差值的故障测距方法,并对此测距方法在PSCAD/EMTDC上进行了模拟仿真和验证。 展开更多
关键词 故障测距 相位比较 解耦变换 非全程双回线 三端输电系统
作者 胡文俐 王斌 杨堂刚 《四川农业科技》 2024年第11期76-79,共4页
随着现代植保技术的进步,已开发出大量可替代化学农药防虫治病的“非化防控”技术(产品)。针对金堂县蔬菜主要病虫害及其发生规律,探索针对性选择“非化防控”技术(产品),科学配套应用,在蔬菜全生育期内替代化学防治,有效控制主要病虫害... 随着现代植保技术的进步,已开发出大量可替代化学农药防虫治病的“非化防控”技术(产品)。针对金堂县蔬菜主要病虫害及其发生规律,探索针对性选择“非化防控”技术(产品),科学配套应用,在蔬菜全生育期内替代化学防治,有效控制主要病虫害,生产更加优质、安全的蔬菜产品具有重要意义。笔者自2017年以来,就生态调控、植物免疫诱抗、物理防治和生物防治等“非化防控”技术进行了深入学习,并于2018—2023年,连续参与了相关单位组织的茄、青豆、花椰菜等蔬菜病虫害“全程非化防控”试验,对蔬菜病虫害“全程非化防控”技术模式进行了初步研究和探索,期望为金堂县蔬菜病虫害全程非化防控提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 蔬菜 病虫害防控 全程化防控
作者 姚平 《现代电视技术》 2004年第6期116-116,118-120,共4页
目前,在中国各级电视台.以非线性编辑工作站为基本操作终端、采用最新先进技术(数据压缩、共享存储、网络化结构,媒体资产管理等)的网络化电视节目生产业务系统,得到了大量的应用。这对广播电视台数字化技术改造产生了极大的推动作... 目前,在中国各级电视台.以非线性编辑工作站为基本操作终端、采用最新先进技术(数据压缩、共享存储、网络化结构,媒体资产管理等)的网络化电视节目生产业务系统,得到了大量的应用。这对广播电视台数字化技术改造产生了极大的推动作用,同时也给电视节目的生产工艺和工作流程.乃至管理模式带来了很大的变革。 展开更多
关键词 电视台 网络化 多媒体业务 全程线牲 线性编辑
Asymptotic Stability in the Large of Zero Solution of Second Order Nonlinear Differential Equation 被引量:2
作者 王德利 谭远顺 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 2001年第2期13-16,共4页
There are many works on the asymptotic stability of second dimensional nonlinear differential equation. In particular, these results only concern with the system which includes one or two terms, whereas few works conc... There are many works on the asymptotic stability of second dimensional nonlinear differential equation. In particular, these results only concern with the system which includes one or two terms, whereas few works concern with system which includes more than two terms. In this paper, system which includes four nonlinear terms are studies. We obtain the global asymptotic stability of zero solution, and discard the condition which require the Liapunov function trends to infinity, and only require that the positive orbit is bounded. 展开更多
关键词 nonlinear differential equation zero solution globally asymptotic stability
Blow-up for a Class of Degenerate Reaction-diffusion Equation with Nonlocal Source 被引量:2
作者 CUI Guo-zhong GAO Yah-ling GUO Cong-zhou 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 2010年第3期352-359,共8页
This paper deals with the properties of the solution to a class of nonlocal degenerate reaction-diffusion equation with nonlocal source,subject to the null Dirichlet boundary condition.We first give sufficient conditi... This paper deals with the properties of the solution to a class of nonlocal degenerate reaction-diffusion equation with nonlocal source,subject to the null Dirichlet boundary condition.We first give sufficient conditions for that the solution exists globally or blows up in the finite time.Then the blow-up time is also given.At last,we obtain a property differing from the local source which the blow-up set is the entire interval. 展开更多
关键词 degenerate reaction-diffusion equation nonlocal source global existence blowup time blow-up set
PML and CFS-PML boundary conditions for a mesh-free finite difference solution of the elastic wave equation 被引量:4
作者 Sun Cheng-Yu Li Shi-Zhong Xu Ning 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2019年第4期438-454,560,共18页
Mesh-free finite difference(FD)methods can improve the geometric flexibility of modeling without the need for lattice mapping or complex meshing process.Radial-basisfunction-generated FD is among the most commonly use... Mesh-free finite difference(FD)methods can improve the geometric flexibility of modeling without the need for lattice mapping or complex meshing process.Radial-basisfunction-generated FD is among the most commonly used mesh-free FD methods and can accurately simulate seismic wave propagation in the non-rectangular computational domain.In this paper,we propose a perfectly matched layer(PML)boundary condition for a meshfree FD solution of the elastic wave equation,which can be applied to the boundaries of the non-rectangular velocity model.The performance of the PML is,however,severely reduced for near-grazing incident waves and low-frequency waves.We thus also propose the complexfrequency-shifted PML(CFS-PML)boundary condition for a mesh-free FD solution of the elastic wave equation.For two PML boundary conditions,we derive unsplit time-domain expressions by constructing auxiliary differential equations,both of which require less memory and are easy for programming.Numerical experiments demonstrate that these two PML boundary conditions effectively eliminate artificial boundary reflections in mesh-free FD simulations.When compared with the PML boundary condition,the CFS-PML boundary condition results in better absorption for near-grazing incident waves and evanescent waves. 展开更多
关键词 mesh-free finite difference elastic wave equation non-rectangular computational domain perfectly matched layer complex-frequency-shifted perfectly matched layer
Whole process control and precision therapy in lung cancer 被引量:2
作者 Zhaozhe Liu Xiaodong Xie 《Oncology and Translational Medicine》 2017年第3期91-92,共2页
Lung cancer is one of the most common malignant tumors in the world. Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) accounts for approximately 80% of lung cancer cases, and approximately 75% of patients are diagnosed in the mid... Lung cancer is one of the most common malignant tumors in the world. Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) accounts for approximately 80% of lung cancer cases, and approximately 75% of patients are diagnosed in the middle and late stages. The treatment methods mainly include surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, molecular targeted therapy, traditional Chinese medicine therapy, and immune therapy. We summarize the current status of lung cancer-related treatment options and targets. 展开更多
关键词 Cisplatin administration radiotherapy chemotherapy emetic thalidomide maintenance satisfactory Thalidomide sequencing
A New Successive Approximation Damped Newton Method for Nonlinear Complementarity Problems 被引量:1
作者 马昌凤 梁国平 《Journal of Mathematical Research and Exposition》 CSCD 北大核心 2003年第1期1-6,共6页
In this paper, we present a new successive approximation damped Newton method for the nonlinear complementarity problem based on its equivalent nonsmooth equations. Under suitable conditions, we obtain the global conv... In this paper, we present a new successive approximation damped Newton method for the nonlinear complementarity problem based on its equivalent nonsmooth equations. Under suitable conditions, we obtain the global convergence result of the proposed algorithms. Some numerical results are also reported. 展开更多
关键词 nonlinear complementarity problems successive approximation damped Newton method global convergence.
作者 WANGDEREN BAIZHONGZHI 《Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B》 SCIE CSCD 1994年第3期335-348,共14页
A class ofparallel nonlinear multisplitting AOR methods is set upby directly ltisplittingthe nonlinear mapping F:D C Rn、R”for solving the nonlinear system of equationsF(x)= 0.The different choices of the relaxati... A class ofparallel nonlinear multisplitting AOR methods is set upby directly ltisplittingthe nonlinear mapping F:D C Rn、R”for solving the nonlinear system of equationsF(x)= 0.The different choices of the relaxation par。ters c。 yield all the kn。n and a lotof new rel8Xatlon methods as well as a M of new relaxatlon parallel nonlinear multisplittingmethods.Thetwrvsided approximation properties and th IMuences on convergence Mmthe relaxatlon parameters about the new methods are shown,and the sufficient conditionsguaranteeing the methods to converge globally are discussed.FlnallL aht ofnumericalresultsshow that the methods are feasible and efficient. 展开更多
关键词 Nonlinear system of equations Nonlinear multlsplltting Monotonlcltys Global convergence.
作者 ZHANG Xiaoyi(The Graduate School of China Academy of Engineering Physics, P.O. Box 2101,Beijing 100088, China) 《Journal of Systems Science & Complexity》 SCIE EI CSCD 2003年第4期550-556,共7页
In this paper, we prove the global existence and uniqueness of non-negative classical solutions of the Smoluchowski equation with viscosity ε>0. The existence of weak solutions when ε=0 is also obtained.
关键词 smoluchowski equation global existence non-negative solution
The Exact Traveling Wave Solutions to Two Integrable KdV6 Equations
作者 Jibin LI Yi ZHANG 《Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第2期179-190,共12页
The exact explicit traveling solutions to the two completely integrable sixthorder nonlinear equations KdV6 are given by using the method of dynamical systems and Cosgrove's work.It is proved that these traveling ... The exact explicit traveling solutions to the two completely integrable sixthorder nonlinear equations KdV6 are given by using the method of dynamical systems and Cosgrove's work.It is proved that these traveling wave solutions correspond to some orbits in the 4-dimensional phase space of two 4-dimensional dynamical systems.These orbits lie in the intersection of two level sets defined by two first integrals. 展开更多
关键词 KdV6 equation Exact traveling wave solution Solitary wave solution Quasi-periodic wave solution
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