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绿色交通理念下的非机动化发展对策 被引量:3
作者 王锋 《科技信息》 2009年第31期J0108-J0108,J0111,共2页
关键词 绿色交通 非机动化 交通拥堵
作者 刘凯 邓卫 杨硕 《山东工业技术》 2015年第22期245-248,共4页
在机动化的时代洪流中,非机动化出行仍然占据着城市交通出行总量的半壁江山,是居民出行时不可或缺的出行方式。笔者试图讨流溯源,利用详尽的居民出行调查数据,通过建立非机动化出行方式选择的的多类别logit模型,鉴别影响步行和自行车出... 在机动化的时代洪流中,非机动化出行仍然占据着城市交通出行总量的半壁江山,是居民出行时不可或缺的出行方式。笔者试图讨流溯源,利用详尽的居民出行调查数据,通过建立非机动化出行方式选择的的多类别logit模型,鉴别影响步行和自行车出行的主要因素,解释因素变化引起的效应变化。研究表明:整体模型预测正确率达到84.7%,模型预测性能良好。步行受家庭特性、个人特性的影响较小,主要取决于出行距离和出行时间。非机动车出行选择影响因素较多;由于需要相应的出行工具,家庭出行工具拥有率表现为强相关影响变量;相对于其他出行方式,非机动车作为实用廉价的出行工具,非机动车出行方式对家庭收入要求不高,随着出行距离、出行时间的增长,吸引力逐步降低。 展开更多
关键词 多类别logit模型 步行 非机动 出行方式选择 非机动化
作者 彭蓬 Shin Lee 《交通运输工程与信息学报》 2011年第4期88-96,共9页
非机动化交通模式以其低能耗、健康、低消费、缓解交通拥堵等优势被认为是生态化且可持续化的绿色交通发展模式。近些年来,英国政府与荷兰政府提出了一系列的政策措施,加强了对交通安全的教育,用于降低机动化交通速度,促进非机动化交通... 非机动化交通模式以其低能耗、健康、低消费、缓解交通拥堵等优势被认为是生态化且可持续化的绿色交通发展模式。近些年来,英国政府与荷兰政府提出了一系列的政策措施,加强了对交通安全的教育,用于降低机动化交通速度,促进非机动化交通模式的发展。通过对比发现非机动化交通配套设施在英国的发展远不及荷兰完善,且荷兰的非机动化交通与其他模式的交通实现了更紧密的结合,从而使荷兰的交通体系得到了均衡发展。基于非机动化交通模式适用于短途出行的特点,结合英国与荷兰的非机动化交通发展经验,在我国完善非机动化交通配套设施,和推行非机动化交通与城市公共交通相结合的发展模式,将更有利于我国建设可持续化的城市交通系统。 展开更多
关键词 非机动化交通模式:交通政策 可持续交通系统
荷兰非机动化交通模式研究 被引量:4
作者 彭蓬 陈刚 《青岛大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2011年第1期89-93,共5页
非机动化交通模式包括自行车出行和步行2种方式,这种可持续化的绿色交通出行模式具有健康、环境友好、便利、廉价以及有益于缓解城市交通拥堵的优势。荷兰是推广非机动化交通模式较为成功的国家,具有完善的非机动化交通基础设施。为控... 非机动化交通模式包括自行车出行和步行2种方式,这种可持续化的绿色交通出行模式具有健康、环境友好、便利、廉价以及有益于缓解城市交通拥堵的优势。荷兰是推广非机动化交通模式较为成功的国家,具有完善的非机动化交通基础设施。为控制小汽车使用量的增长,政府在近20年中,建立了持续的政策并推行了一系列有效的措施,以鼓励非机动化交通模式在该国的发展。但是基于非机动化交通模式更适用于短途出行的特征,它最终无法取代其他交通模式。因此,如何将非机动化交通模式与其他模式,尤其是公共交通有效地结合起来,对于每个城市的可持续化交通发展将至关重要。 展开更多
关键词 非机动化交通模式 短途出行 公共交通 可持续交通系统
作者 潘金生 《科教文汇》 2007年第09X期177-177,共1页
随着交通技术的不断进步所引起的交通生产方式的变化,道路资源分配方式表现出不同的形态,非机动化交通在路权上日益被挤压,机动化交通逐渐占据绝对的地位。在这个此消彼长的过程中,性能优越的机动车辆并没有像人们想象中那样彻底解决公... 随着交通技术的不断进步所引起的交通生产方式的变化,道路资源分配方式表现出不同的形态,非机动化交通在路权上日益被挤压,机动化交通逐渐占据绝对的地位。在这个此消彼长的过程中,性能优越的机动车辆并没有像人们想象中那样彻底解决公众的出行需求,反而暴露出一系列的问题。 展开更多
关键词 道路资源 非机动化交通 机动交通
作者 陈文强 勾小梅 +3 位作者 汪勇杰 王涛 王雪梅 王娇龙 《中国公路学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第8期271-279,共9页
右转车道作为重要的交通基础设施,对提高右转车流效率具有重要作用,但其空间布局会影响行人与骑行者的非法过街行为。以2种类型右转车道为研究对象,利用无人机和OSMO同时拍摄的方式获取了6个右转车道区域2 890名非机动化交通参与者的过... 右转车道作为重要的交通基础设施,对提高右转车流效率具有重要作用,但其空间布局会影响行人与骑行者的非法过街行为。以2种类型右转车道为研究对象,利用无人机和OSMO同时拍摄的方式获取了6个右转车道区域2 890名非机动化交通参与者的过街轨迹和个人特征数据,利用巢式Logit模型分析右转车道类型、交通环境及个体属性等因素对非机动化交通参与者过街行为的影响,并对内在影响机制进行分析。结果表明:相对于分车绿带左侧的右转车道,位于右侧的右转车道区域行人与骑行者的非法过街行为更少,当右转车道位于分车绿带左侧时,参与者倾向在划定的等待区外等待(非安全等待比例55.2%,安全等待比例44.8%);当右转车道位于分车绿带右侧时,参与者更多集中在划定等待区等待(非安全等待比例30.6%,安全等待比例69.4%);而且,分车绿带右侧的右转车道上过街群体的正常通行比例更高,闯红灯比例降低。主要原因是分车绿带右侧的右转车道车流距离过街群体更近,行人和骑行者感知到更多危险,阻止其做出非法过街行为。交通环境、人口统计特征和行为状态也会影响行人与骑行者的过街行为,结果佐证了前期相关研究结论。该研究为右转车道规划及优化、交通管理政策的制定提供了方向参考。 展开更多
关键词 交通工程 非法过街行为 机器视觉 右转车道 非机动化交通参与者
作者 曾聪聪 彭蓬 《工程与建设》 2014年第3期317-318,共2页
文章针对我国城市交通所存在普遍问题,结合公共交通向导发展TOD(Transit Oriented Development,简称TOD)策略,对城市公共交通的发展进行阐述与研究,并提出城市分"区域"发展生态公共交通模式,即在发展、完善城市道路建设的前提... 文章针对我国城市交通所存在普遍问题,结合公共交通向导发展TOD(Transit Oriented Development,简称TOD)策略,对城市公共交通的发展进行阐述与研究,并提出城市分"区域"发展生态公共交通模式,即在发展、完善城市道路建设的前提下,在城市中划分出部分重点区域,仅允许公共交通和非机动化交通混合运行,从而在城市中实现控制小汽车出行的目标。 展开更多
关键词 区域 生态 公共交通 非机动化交通
基于摩拜开放数据的上海市共享单车骑行特征分析 被引量:26
作者 吕雄鹰 潘海啸 《上海城市规划》 2018年第2期46-51,共6页
共享单车有助于缓解城市短距离交通出行和"最后一公里"难题,但其在短期内的爆发式增长,给城市规划管理和交通运行带来较大挑战。基于摩拜开放数据,分析了上海市共享单车的骑行时空特征,识别了骑行交通热点、交通走廊和停放供... 共享单车有助于缓解城市短距离交通出行和"最后一公里"难题,但其在短期内的爆发式增长,给城市规划管理和交通运行带来较大挑战。基于摩拜开放数据,分析了上海市共享单车的骑行时空特征,识别了骑行交通热点、交通走廊和停放供需矛盾区域。总结了共享单车现状问题,提出了明确骑行交通发展定位、完善骑行空间环境、提升智能交通管理等发展策略,为规范共享单车有序发展及鼓励非机动化交通提供规划思路。 展开更多
关键词 非机动化交通 共享单车 开放数据 时空特征
南阳城市慢行交通系统规划研究 被引量:2
作者 齐荣尊 王凡 《山西建筑》 2011年第13期26-28,共3页
关键词 慢行交通系统 发展趋势 非机动化系统 设施
Complete geometric nonlinear formulation for rigid-flexible coupling dynamics 被引量:4
作者 刘铸永 洪嘉振 刘锦阳 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2009年第1期119-124,共6页
A complete geometric nonlinear formulation for rigid-flexible coupling dynamics of a flexible beam undergoing large overall motion was proposed based on virtual work principle, in which all the high-order terms relate... A complete geometric nonlinear formulation for rigid-flexible coupling dynamics of a flexible beam undergoing large overall motion was proposed based on virtual work principle, in which all the high-order terms related to coupling deformation were included in dynamic equations. Simulation examples of the flexible beam with prescribed rotation and free rotation were investigated. Numerical results show that the use of the first-order approximation coupling (FOAC) model may lead to a significant error when the flexible beam experiences large deformation or large deformation velocity. However, the correct solutions can always be obtained by using the present complete model. The difference in essence between this model and the FOAC model is revealed. These coupling high-order terms, which are ignored in FOAC model, have a remarkable effect on the dynamic behavior of the flexible body. Therefore, these terms should be included for the rigid-flexible dynamic modeling and analysis of flexible body undergoing motions with high speed. 展开更多
关键词 flexible beam rigid-flexible coupling dynamic modeling numerical simulation
Effect of sodium carbonate addition on carbothermic reduction of ilmenite concentrate 被引量:2
作者 Xiao-dong LÜ Dan CHEN +2 位作者 Yun-tao XIN Wei LÜ Xue-wei LÜ 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第3期1010-1018,共9页
The enhanced reduction mechanism and kinetics of different Na_(2)CO_(3) additions in the carbothermic reduction of ilmenite concentrate were investigated.The reduction process was carried out at different heating rate... The enhanced reduction mechanism and kinetics of different Na_(2)CO_(3) additions in the carbothermic reduction of ilmenite concentrate were investigated.The reduction process was carried out at different heating rates in a thermogravimetry facility,and the kinetics was studied using the Starink method.The results indicate that Na_(2)CO_(3) addition enhanced the reduction effect as well as reduced the initial temperature of the reaction and the activation energy by increasing reactant activity in reactant form;however,it deteriorated the late-stage kinetic conditions by generating a molten phase,thereby reducing the reaction rate in the late stages of reduction.The average apparent activation energies of ilmenite concentrate with 0%,3%,and 6%Na_(2)CO_(3) are 447,289,and 430 kJ/mol,respectively.The results from kinetics parameters confirm that Na_(2)CO_(3) addition accelerated the reduction kinetics;however,excessive addition worsened the reduction kinetics. 展开更多
关键词 ilmenite concentrate non-isothermal kinetics reduction mechanism apparent activation energy
Geometrically Nonlinear Random Responses of Stiffened Plates Under Acoustic Pressure 被引量:1
作者 YANG Shaochong LI Youchen +1 位作者 YANG Qingsheng WANG Jianmin 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI CSCD 2020年第5期726-738,共13页
An algorithm integrating reduced order model(ROM),equivalent linearization(EL),and finite element method(FEM)is proposed to carry out geometrically nonlinear random vibration analysis of stiffened plates under acousti... An algorithm integrating reduced order model(ROM),equivalent linearization(EL),and finite element method(FEM)is proposed to carry out geometrically nonlinear random vibration analysis of stiffened plates under acoustic pressure loading.Based on large deflection finite element formulation,the nonlinear equations of motion of stiffened plates are obtained.To reduce the computation,a reduced order model of the structures is established.Then the EL technique is incorporated into FE software NASTRAN by the direct matrix abstraction program(DMAP).For the stiffened plates,a finite element model of beam and plate assembly is established,in which the nodes of beam elements are shared with shell elements,and the offset and section properties of the beam are set.The presented method can capture the root-mean-square(RMS) of the stress responses of shell and beam elements of stiffened plates,and analyze the stress distribution of the stiffened surface and the unstiffened surface,respectively.Finally,the statistical dynamic response results obtained by linear and EL methods are compared.It is shown that the proposed method can be used to analyze the geometrically nonlinear random responses of stiffened plates.The geometric nonlinearity plays an important role in the vibration response of stiffened plates,particularly at high acoustic pressure loading. 展开更多
关键词 stiffened plate acoustic loading geometric nonlinearity random vibration equivalent linearization
Kinetics and Mechanism of Decomposition of Nano-sized Calcium Carbonate under Non-isothermal Condition 被引量:7
作者 刘润静 陈建峰 +2 位作者 郭奋 吉米 沈志刚 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2003年第3期302-306,共5页
Experiments on thermal decomposition of nano-sized calcium carbonate were carried out in a thermo-gravimetric analyzer under non-isothermal condition of different heating rates (5 to 20K·min-1). The Coats and Red... Experiments on thermal decomposition of nano-sized calcium carbonate were carried out in a thermo-gravimetric analyzer under non-isothermal condition of different heating rates (5 to 20K·min-1). The Coats and Redfern's equation was used to determine the apparent activation energy and the pre-exponential factors. The mechanism of thermal decomposition was evaluated using the master plots, Coats and Redfern's equation and the kinetic compensation law. It was found that the thermal decomposition property of nano-sized calcium carbonate was different from that of bulk calcite. Nano-sized calcium carbonate began to decompose at 640℃, which was 180℃lower than the reported value for calcite. The experimental results of kinetics were compatible with the mechanism of one-dimensional phase boundary movement. The apparent activation energy of nano-sized calcium carbonate was estimated to be 151kJ·mol-1 while the literature value for normal calcite was approximately 200kJ·mol-1. The order of magnitude of pre-exponential factors was estimated to be 10~9 s-1. 展开更多
关键词 nano-sized calcium carbonate non-isothermal decomposition kinetic mechanism
Collective Directional Transport in Symmetric Periodic Potentials by Breaking the Coupling Symmetry 被引量:1
作者 LIXiao-Wen ZHENGZHi-Gang 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2003年第5期549-554,共6页
Collective unidirectional motion of an asymmetrically coupled array of oscillators in symmetric periodic potentials is studied. A directed current is observed when the drift coupling is presented, while no external bi... Collective unidirectional motion of an asymmetrically coupled array of oscillators in symmetric periodic potentials is studied. A directed current is observed when the drift coupling is presented, while no external biased force is applied. Negative directed current is found when varying system parameters. An addition of a periodic rocking force may enhance the efficiency of directed transport. Resonant steps of the current are found and interpreted as the mode locking between the array and the ac force. Noise-assisted transport is observed, and an optimal noise intensity can give rise to a most efficient transport. The directed transport thus can be optimized and furthermore controlled by suitably adjusting the parameters of the system. 展开更多
关键词 directional transport mode locking stochastic resonance
Dynamics of Motorized Vehicle Flow under Mixed Traffic Circumstance 被引量:2
作者 郭宏伟 高自友 +1 位作者 赵小梅 谢东繁 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第4期719-724,共6页
To study the dynamics of mixed traffic flow consisting of motorized and non-motorized vehicles, a carfollowing model based on the principle of collision free and cautious driving is proposed. Lateral friction and over... To study the dynamics of mixed traffic flow consisting of motorized and non-motorized vehicles, a carfollowing model based on the principle of collision free and cautious driving is proposed. Lateral friction and overlapping driving are introduced to describe the interactions between motorized vehicles and non-motorized vehicles. By numerical simulations, the flux-density relation, the temporal-spatial dynamics, and the velocity evolution are investigated in detail The results indicate non-motorized vehicles have a significant impact on the motorized vehicle flow and cause the maximum flux to decline by about 13%. Non-motorized vehicles can decrease the motorized vehicle velocity and cause velocity oscillation when the motorized vehicle density is low. Moreover, non-motorized vehicles show a significant damping effect on the oscillating velocity when the density is medium and high, and such an effect weakens as motorized vehicle density increases. The results also stress the necessity for separating motorized vehicles from non-motorized vehicles. 展开更多
关键词 car-following mode mixed traffic flow velocity oscillation damping effect
Carbcations Chemistry: β-Methyl Shift--A New Rearrangement of the Carbcations Bridged Alicyclic Hydrocarbons
作者 Evheniy Bagrii 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2014年第8期772-777,共6页
Results of researches on study of the kinetics and isomerization mechanism of the alkyladamantanes in the presence of the heterogeneous catalysts of the acid type are considered as detection and experimental proof of ... Results of researches on study of the kinetics and isomerization mechanism of the alkyladamantanes in the presence of the heterogeneous catalysts of the acid type are considered as detection and experimental proof of a new intramolecular rearrangement of the carbcations bridged alicyclic hydrocarbons--2,4-moving of the methyl groups (β-methyl shift). The proof of realization of such rearrangement is direct and primary formation 1,4-dimethyladamantane from 1,2-dimethyladamatane, passing a formation stage of the thermodynamic much stable 1,3-dimethyladamantane; direct formation 1,3,6-trimethyladamantane from 1,3,4-trimethyladamantane, excepting a formation stage 1,3.5-trimethyladamantane, and also other isomers which formation is impossible to explain by means of known 1,2-methyl shift (a-methyl shift). 展开更多
关键词 Alkyladamantanes ISOMERIZATION alicyclic hydrocarbons carbcations intramolecular rearrangement 2 4-moving methyl groups.
New Homoclinic and Heteroclinic Solutions for Zakharov System
作者 王传坚 戴正德 母贵 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第11期749-753,共5页
A new type of homoclinic arid heteroclinic solutions, i.e. homoclinic and heteroclinic breather solutions, for Zakharov system are obtained using extended homoclinic test and two-soliton methods, respectively. Moreove... A new type of homoclinic arid heteroclinic solutions, i.e. homoclinic and heteroclinic breather solutions, for Zakharov system are obtained using extended homoclinic test and two-soliton methods, respectively. Moreover, the homoclinic and heteroclinic structure with local oscillation and mechanicaL feature different from homoclinic and heterocliunic solutions are investigated. Result shows complexity of dynamics for complex nonlineaR evolution system. Moreover, the similarities and differences between homoclinic (heteroclinic) breather and homoclinic (heteroclinic) tube are exhibited. These results show that the diversity of the structures of homoclinic and heteroclinic solutions. 展开更多
关键词 homoclinic wave heteroclinic wave breather type homoclinic test Zakharov system
Pneumatic Jet-control Valve for Dual Circulating Fluidized Beds
作者 JIANG Haibo DONG Pengfei +3 位作者 ZHU Zhiping WANG Kun ZHANG Yukui LU Qinggang 《Journal of Thermal Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第6期574-582,共9页
With the rapid development of circulating fluidized bed(CFB)technology in different fields,the disadvantages of conventional non-mechanical valves are becoming more apparent,and they are not suitable to be used in com... With the rapid development of circulating fluidized bed(CFB)technology in different fields,the disadvantages of conventional non-mechanical valves are becoming more apparent,and they are not suitable to be used in complex CFB systems.In this paper,a novel non-mechanical valve named the jet-control valve is presented which can avoid the fluidization of solid particles.The feasibility and performance characteristics of the new valve are investigated with a cold-model dual CFB.The results show that compared with the conventional non-mechanical valve,the jet-control valve can transfer solid particles steadily over a larger range,prevent artesian flow,and improve the leakage characteristics.The effects of the operating parameters and structural parameters on the minimum aeration velocity,solid flow rate,and maximum solid flow rate are studied.A two-valve model is proposed to explain the transport capacity of the valve for one jet pipe.A semi-theoretical expression is obtained based on the experimental data with a maximum deviation of 30%providing useful guide for scaling-up the design. 展开更多
关键词 jet-control valve circulating fluidized bed two-valve model
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