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作者 蒙春霞 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)自然科学》 2024年第9期0122-0125,共4页
非洲芙蓉原产于东非和马达加斯加等地,是一种花朵硕大而鲜艳,色彩鲜艳,花粉色至红色的美丽观赏植物。自引种以来,非洲芙蓉在柳州的适应性良好,既可以进行盆栽观赏,也可在绿地内进行栽培观赏。本文以非洲芙蓉在柳州的繁殖方法、养护与管... 非洲芙蓉原产于东非和马达加斯加等地,是一种花朵硕大而鲜艳,色彩鲜艳,花粉色至红色的美丽观赏植物。自引种以来,非洲芙蓉在柳州的适应性良好,既可以进行盆栽观赏,也可在绿地内进行栽培观赏。本文以非洲芙蓉在柳州的繁殖方法、养护与管理、园林应用进行实践、探讨,为同行们提供非洲芙蓉相对完整的繁殖、养护、应用管理经验。 展开更多
关键词 非洲芙蓉 繁殖 园林应用
作者 秦汉荣 闭正辉 +6 位作者 胡军军 孙甜 陆启皇 唐朋 廖权茂 杨建军 何南 《中国蜂业》 2023年第6期64-68,共5页
为了解非洲芙蓉开花泌蜜习性、访花蜜蜂种类及蜜蜂访花行为,在南宁市对非洲芙蓉进行深入调查,开展非洲芙蓉花朵泌蜜量和花蜜糖含量的测量。结果表明,非洲芙蓉花期为12月中旬~翌年3月中旬,花蜜和花粉丰富;单朵小花泌蜜2~7d,泌蜜量156~590... 为了解非洲芙蓉开花泌蜜习性、访花蜜蜂种类及蜜蜂访花行为,在南宁市对非洲芙蓉进行深入调查,开展非洲芙蓉花朵泌蜜量和花蜜糖含量的测量。结果表明,非洲芙蓉花期为12月中旬~翌年3月中旬,花蜜和花粉丰富;单朵小花泌蜜2~7d,泌蜜量156~590μL;花蜜糖含量4.5%~22.0%;访花蜜蜂有中华蜜蜂、西方蜜蜂和大蜜蜂,蜜蜂访花积极。非洲芙蓉是一种具有较高养蜂利用价值的蜜粉源植物。 展开更多
关键词 非洲芙蓉 蜜腺 花蜜 蜜粉源植物
作者 李肖杰 《现代装饰(理论)》 2016年第6期6-6,共1页
关键词 非洲芙蓉
Adichie's Purple Hibiscus and the Issue of Feminism in African Novel
作者 Ibeku Ijeoma Ann 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第6期426-437,共12页
Adichie's Purple Hibiscus is a feminist work that challenges the dehumanizing tendencies of the menfolk as evident in the character of Mama (Beatrice Achike) who eventually exposed the African conception of an idea... Adichie's Purple Hibiscus is a feminist work that challenges the dehumanizing tendencies of the menfolk as evident in the character of Mama (Beatrice Achike) who eventually exposed the African conception of an ideal woman who keeps dumb even in the face of humiliation, victimization, and brutality so as to be perceived as a good woman. We will make a resounding case to portray that Achike belongs to the category of liberal feminism. However, as events unfolds, she was forced by situations beyond her control to respond and go radical in order to crush anything that stands in her way to happiness. Efforts will be made to show how African women are rated based on the real and good women as represented by Ifeoma and Beatrice Achike respectively. This essay in exploring the different tenets of feminism will acknowledge that radical feminism is an off shoot of violence. We shall argue that radical feminism is a radical reaction to dehumanization, humiliation, and violence. This study seeks to address the issue of feminism and how characters subject to series of humiliation that leads to a radical approach to gain their freedom. 展开更多
关键词 FEMINISM HUMILIATION subjugation CATHOLIC fanatic PATRIARCHY real woman good woman Africa
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