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基于面形态学的靶场红外小目标检测方法 被引量:1
作者 王继平 孙华燕 章喜 《装备指挥技术学院学报》 2011年第4期109-113,共5页
针对靶场红外测量图像处理中的弱小目标检测问题,提出一种基于面形态学的目标检测算法:利用面形态学层析原理,首先采用多阈值对图像二值化;其次在每一幅二值化图像内对连通域滤波,按最小面积准则去除连通域;最后通过累加重构二值化图像... 针对靶场红外测量图像处理中的弱小目标检测问题,提出一种基于面形态学的目标检测算法:利用面形态学层析原理,首先采用多阈值对图像二值化;其次在每一幅二值化图像内对连通域滤波,按最小面积准则去除连通域;最后通过累加重构二值化图像,计算目标质心,获得检测结果。试验结果表明,该方法在单帧情况下,可检测低信噪比的较大动态范围红外目标。 展开更多
关键词 红外图像 面形态学 目标检测 层析
作者 鲁大为 石冰 《国际口腔医学杂志》 CAS 2007年第4期290-292,共3页
关键词 非综合征性唇腭裂 单发性腭裂 面形态学
作者 张兴中 林久祥 傅民魁 《中华口腔正畸学杂志》 1995年第1期33-35,共3页
有限单元法在颅面形态学研究中的应用张兴中,林久祥,傅民魁有限单元法(FiniteElementMethod,简称FEM)是目前在工程领域广泛应用的采用计算机求解数学物理问题的有效的数值分析方法。自1973年该法被引入... 有限单元法在颅面形态学研究中的应用张兴中,林久祥,傅民魁有限单元法(FiniteElementMethod,简称FEM)是目前在工程领域广泛应用的采用计算机求解数学物理问题的有效的数值分析方法。自1973年该法被引入口腔医学领域后己在口腔修复学、颌面... 展开更多
关键词 面形态学 有限要素法 有限单 分析应用 生长发育 固定矫治技术 头颅侧位片 研究中 头影测量
腭裂修复术后患者与正常人群颅颌面形态的比较研究 被引量:8
作者 孙国洪 东耀峻 张国志 《同济医科大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第1期61-63,共3页
应用 X线头影测量方法对 4~ 7岁时曾接受腭裂修复术的腭裂患者 (现年龄为 18~ 2 5岁 )的颅颌面形态进行测量分析 ,将结果与湖北籍正常人群测量资料比较 ,结果表明 :腭裂修复术后患者颅底发育未受影响 ,面突角显著减少 ,上颌骨长度显... 应用 X线头影测量方法对 4~ 7岁时曾接受腭裂修复术的腭裂患者 (现年龄为 18~ 2 5岁 )的颅颌面形态进行测量分析 ,将结果与湖北籍正常人群测量资料比较 ,结果表明 :腭裂修复术后患者颅底发育未受影响 ,面突角显著减少 ,上颌骨长度显著缩短 ,下颌角增大 ,下颌平面陡度增大 ,腭裂患者在 4~ 7岁时接受手术治疗 。 展开更多
关键词 腭裂 X线头影测量 面形态学 修复术
未手术成年腭裂患者颅面形态的X线头影测量研究 被引量:2
作者 孙国洪 东耀峻 张国志 《同济医科大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第5期492-494,共3页
应用 X线头影测量方法对至成年尚未接受手术修复的腭裂患者 (年龄为 16~ 3 0岁 )颅面形态进行测量分析 ,将测量值与湖北地区正常人群资料进行比较 ,结果表明 :未手术成年腭裂患者面突度显著减小 ,上颌骨水平向发育不足 ,垂直向发育未... 应用 X线头影测量方法对至成年尚未接受手术修复的腭裂患者 (年龄为 16~ 3 0岁 )颅面形态进行测量分析 ,将测量值与湖北地区正常人群资料进行比较 ,结果表明 :未手术成年腭裂患者面突度显著减小 ,上颌骨水平向发育不足 ,垂直向发育未受影响 ,下颌骨发育正常。 展开更多
关键词 腭裂 X线头影测量 面形态学
基于爬壁机器人的桥梁裂缝图像检测与分类方法 被引量:25
作者 陈瑶 梅涛 +2 位作者 王晓杰 李峰 刘彦伟 《中国科学技术大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第9期788-796,共9页
针对传统的桥梁裂缝检测方法成本高、工作环境危险的现状,提出一种基于爬壁机器人的桥梁裂缝图像检测与分类方法,即利用安装在爬壁机器人上的微型摄像镜头获取桥梁的壁面裂纹,通过图像处理和分析方法识别并对裂缝分类.首先对获取的图片... 针对传统的桥梁裂缝检测方法成本高、工作环境危险的现状,提出一种基于爬壁机器人的桥梁裂缝图像检测与分类方法,即利用安装在爬壁机器人上的微型摄像镜头获取桥梁的壁面裂纹,通过图像处理和分析方法识别并对裂缝分类.首先对获取的图片去除运动模糊;然后运用小波变换对图像中的裂缝目标进行增强,再用二值图像面形态学分析提取裂缝目标,运用KD树对裂缝进行连接完成对裂缝图像的识别;最后运用支持向量机方法对裂缝实现分类,并与几何特征分类方法和基于BP神经网络的分类方法比较,结果表明,该方法对裂缝分类效果较好. 展开更多
关键词 爬壁机器人 运动模糊 小波分析 面形态学 KD树 支持向量机
城区机载激光雷达点云数据与航空影像的多尺度配准方法 被引量:11
作者 陈思颖 王晓鲁 +2 位作者 张寅超 陈和 郭磐 《北京理工大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第2期186-190,共5页
提出了一种激光雷达(LiDAR)点云数据和航空影像的多尺度配准方法.该方法采用渐进式的配准策略,利用面形态学的方法构建尺度空间.配准过程分为两部分:在大尺度下利用面片特征进行配准;在小尺度下利用直线特征进行配准.渐进式的配准策略... 提出了一种激光雷达(LiDAR)点云数据和航空影像的多尺度配准方法.该方法采用渐进式的配准策略,利用面形态学的方法构建尺度空间.配准过程分为两部分:在大尺度下利用面片特征进行配准;在小尺度下利用直线特征进行配准.渐进式的配准策略简化搜索匹配的直线特征的过程,提高了自动化程度,构建基于面形态学的尺度空间提高了配准元的提取精度.最后,通过实验验证了方法的可行性. 展开更多
关键词 激光雷达 航空影像 面形态学 尺度空间 配准
轮廓对称轴法在缺损颅骨修复中的应用 被引量:3
作者 刘燕武 耿国华 +1 位作者 周明全 李磊 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第8期156-158,169,共4页
对缺损颅骨图像进行精确的修补是颅面形态学研究过程中一个必须解决的问题。针对颅骨图像轮廓清晰的特点,提出了基于轮廓对称轴的修复方法。该方法采用了优化搜索的策略计算出对称轴,分析了基于对称轴直接填充修复和拟合修复的优劣,并... 对缺损颅骨图像进行精确的修补是颅面形态学研究过程中一个必须解决的问题。针对颅骨图像轮廓清晰的特点,提出了基于轮廓对称轴的修复方法。该方法采用了优化搜索的策略计算出对称轴,分析了基于对称轴直接填充修复和拟合修复的优劣,并采用最小二乘法拟合修复颅骨破洞。实验证明,利用该方法能精确地找到颅骨CT图像的对称轴,根据几何对称性拟合修复缺损CT图像得到了令人满意的结果。 展开更多
关键词 面形态学 优化搜索 对称轴 最小二乘法
复杂背景可见光图像中弱小目标探测的新算法 被引量:8
作者 范宏深 倪国强 冯煜芳 《光电工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第6期48-51,共4页
针对具有复杂背景的可见光图像中弱小目标很难探测这一问题,研究了一种面形态学空间滤波器可以在单帧图像中检测出比局部背景灰度值高出 10%以上的候选小目标;在经过空间滤波和帧相关滤波后的多帧图像中提取出每一个候选小目标的一组特... 针对具有复杂背景的可见光图像中弱小目标很难探测这一问题,研究了一种面形态学空间滤波器可以在单帧图像中检测出比局部背景灰度值高出 10%以上的候选小目标;在经过空间滤波和帧相关滤波后的多帧图像中提取出每一个候选小目标的一组特征矢量;特征矢量的融合算法可以排列出多个小目标的威胁次序。仿真试验表明该算法可以探测出多个与背景灰度接近的可见光弱小目标,并可以对其威胁次序进行排序。 展开更多
关键词 目标探测 空间滤波器 面形态学 帧相关
成人腭裂患者X线头影测量学的比较性研究 被引量:5
作者 刘宪 张国志 +2 位作者 黄盛兴 JustinPCurtin 王世平 《武汉大学学报(医学版)》 CAS 2002年第4期368-371,共4页
目的:通过X线头影测量学的比较性研究,探讨腭裂手术对颌骨发育的影响。方法:利用计算机X线头影测量与医学统计分析法比较正常(牙合)成人、单侧完全腭裂修复组以及未修复组成人患者颌骨形态学的异同点。结果:与正常(牙合)成人相比,... 目的:通过X线头影测量学的比较性研究,探讨腭裂手术对颌骨发育的影响。方法:利用计算机X线头影测量与医学统计分析法比较正常(牙合)成人、单侧完全腭裂修复组以及未修复组成人患者颌骨形态学的异同点。结果:与正常(牙合)成人相比,手术与非手术组成人腭裂患者的上颌骨在前后向及垂直向均存在发育不足;手术组腭裂患者的ANB角、上颌深度角、下颌平面角、以及前颅底-下颌体长度比与非手术组患者之间差异存在显著性(P≤0.01)。结论:无论接受或未接受腭裂修复术的成人患者均存在上颌骨发育不足,腭裂修复术可加重上颌牙槽突前后向的发育不足,下颌牙槽突的代偿性后缩可导致腭裂患者的假性颏前突。 展开更多
关键词 比较性研究 唇腭裂 X线头影测量学 面形态学
腭裂术后患者软组织侧貌特征研究 被引量:3
作者 孙国洪 东耀峻 张国志 《口腔医学纵横》 CAS CSCD 2001年第3期206-207,共2页
目的 :研究于幼年接受腭裂修复术患者的软组织侧貌的形态特征。方法 :采用X线头影测量方法 ,对 5 5例患者进行测量 ,并与正常人测量值比较分析。结果 :研究对象的上、下面高度比值增大 ,上唇短小 ,上唇突度减小 ,颏底软组织厚度增大。结... 目的 :研究于幼年接受腭裂修复术患者的软组织侧貌的形态特征。方法 :采用X线头影测量方法 ,对 5 5例患者进行测量 ,并与正常人测量值比较分析。结果 :研究对象的上、下面高度比值增大 ,上唇短小 ,上唇突度减小 ,颏底软组织厚度增大。结论 :腭裂术后患者软组织侧貌呈现明显畸形 :上、下面高度比失调 ,上唇短小、后移 。 展开更多
关键词 腭裂 面形态学 X线头影测量 修复术 软组织侧貌
湖北籍正常合成人软组织侧貌X线头影测量研究 被引量:5
作者 李小丹 东耀峻 张国志 《口腔医学纵横》 CSCD 1995年第4期232-234,共3页
作者对湖北地区汉族正常合成人(男64人,女54人)的软组织侧貌进行了X线头影测量研究,建立了湖北地区成人软组织侧貌形态的评价标准。研究结果表明:本地区男女两性正常人软组织侧貌形态存在差异。男性软组织侧貌垂直高度,侧貌... 作者对湖北地区汉族正常合成人(男64人,女54人)的软组织侧貌进行了X线头影测量研究,建立了湖北地区成人软组织侧貌形态的评价标准。研究结果表明:本地区男女两性正常人软组织侧貌形态存在差异。男性软组织侧貌垂直高度,侧貌突度大于女性,颏部形态立体感强于女性。而女性颏部软组织覆盖丰满圆润。与北方地区正常人相关资料对比分析显示:本地区正常人面中份突度较大,鼻尖突度小,唇间间隙大。北方地区人群面型直,鼻尖突度大。 展开更多
关键词 面形态学 头影测量 正颌外科
Synthesis of ordered mesoporous manganese titanium composite oxide catalyst for catalytic ozonation 被引量:1
作者 Chaofei Fei Dan Li +2 位作者 Xian Mao Yu Guo Wenheng Jing 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第9期1862-1872,共11页
In this account,highly ordered mesoporous MnO_x/TiO_2composite catalysts with efficient catalytic ozonation of phenol degradation were synthesized by the sol–gel method.The surface morphology and properties of the ca... In this account,highly ordered mesoporous MnO_x/TiO_2composite catalysts with efficient catalytic ozonation of phenol degradation were synthesized by the sol–gel method.The surface morphology and properties of the catalysts were characterized by several analytical methods,including SEM,TEM,BET,XRD,FTIR,and XPS.Interestingly,Mn doping was found to improve the degree of order,and the ordered mesoporous structure was optimized at 3%doping.Meanwhile,MnO_xwas highly dispersed in the ordered mesoporous materials to yield good catalytic ozonation performance.Phenol could completely be degraded in 20 min and mineralized at 79%in 60 min.Thus,the catalyst greatly improved the efficiency of degradation and mineralization of phenol when compared to single O_3or O_3+TiO_2.Finally,the reaction mechanism of the catalyst was discussed and found to conform to pseudo-first-order reaction dynamics. 展开更多
关键词 Ordered mesoporous MNOX Catalytic ozonation Pseudo-first-order reaction
Influence of polarized bias and porous silicon morphology on the electrical behavior of Au-porous silicon contacts 被引量:1
作者 赵岳 李东升 +2 位作者 邢守祥 杨德仁 蒋民华 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2005年第11期1135-1140,共6页
This paper reports the surface morphology and I-V curves of porous silicon (PS) samples and related devices. The observed fabrics on the PS surface were found to affect the electrical property of PS devices. When th... This paper reports the surface morphology and I-V curves of porous silicon (PS) samples and related devices. The observed fabrics on the PS surface were found to affect the electrical property of PS devices. When the devices were operated under different external bias (10 V or 3 V) for 10 min, their observed obvious differences in electrical properties may be due to the different control mechanisms in the A1/PS interface and PS matrix morphology. 展开更多
关键词 Porous silicon MORPHOLOGY Electrical properties
Mechanism of slope failure in loess terrains during spring thawing 被引量:1
作者 XU Jian WANG Zhang-quan +2 位作者 REN Jian-wei WANG Song-he JIN Long 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第4期845-858,共14页
Slope failure in loess terrains of Northern China during spring thawing period is closely related to the freeze-thaw cycling that surface soils inevitably experienced. Field surveys were carried out on natural and art... Slope failure in loess terrains of Northern China during spring thawing period is closely related to the freeze-thaw cycling that surface soils inevitably experienced. Field surveys were carried out on natural and artificial slopes in thirteen surveying sites located in the Northern Shaanxi, the center of Loess Plateau, covering five characteristic topographic features including tablelands, ridges, hills, gullies and valleys. Based on the scale that is involved in freeze-thaw cycling, the induced failures can be classified into three main modes, i.e., erosion, peeling and thaw collapse, depending on both high porosity and loose cementation of loess that is easily affected. Model tests on loess slopes with gradients of 53.1°, 45.0° and 33.7° were carried out to reveal the heat transfer, water migration and deformation during slope failure. The surface morphology of slopes was photographed, with flake shaped erosion and cracks noted. For three slope models, time histories for the thermal regime exhibit three obvious cycles of freeze and thaw andthe maximum frost depth develops downwards as freeze-thaw cycling proceeds. Soil water in the unfrozen domain beneath was migrated towards the slope surface, as can be noticed from the considerable change in the unfrozen water content, almost synchronous with the variation of temperature. The displacement in both vertical and horizontal directions varies over time and three obvious cycles can be traced. The residual displacement for each cycle tends to grow and the slopes with higher gradients are more sensitive to potentially sliding during freeze-thaw cycling. 展开更多
关键词 Freeze and thaw LOESS Slope failure Water migration Heat transfer
Rice Husk Ash:A New Silicon Source for Preparing SAPO-34 Catalysts Used in the Methanol-to-Olefins Reaction 被引量:1
作者 Ma Shoutao Wang Yingjun Ge Dongmei 《China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology》 SCIE CAS 2018年第2期65-70,共6页
SAPO-34 molecular sieves were synthesized directly by hydrothermal method with rice husk ash(RHA)used as the silicon source.The crystal structure,composition,surface morphology and acidity of the synthesized products ... SAPO-34 molecular sieves were synthesized directly by hydrothermal method with rice husk ash(RHA)used as the silicon source.The crystal structure,composition,surface morphology and acidity of the synthesized products weresieves had a high crystallinity,without any impure phase.Compared with the SAPO-34 prepared by the silica sol,RHA-SAPO-34 had similar acid properties in strength.The methanol to olefins(MTO)experiments showed that the SAPO-34molecular sieve synthesized from RHA exhibited both a good catalytic activity and ethylene selectivity. 展开更多
关键词 SAPO-34 rice husk ash molecular sieve MTO
Morphological parameters of both surfaces of coupled joint 被引量:1
作者 范祥 曹平 +1 位作者 黄雪姣 陈瑜 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第3期776-785,共10页
Twenty one joints were made with Brazilian tests and each surface was scanned by the Talysurf CLI 2000. Morphological characteristics of joint surface were quantified by statistical and textural parameters. By the con... Twenty one joints were made with Brazilian tests and each surface was scanned by the Talysurf CLI 2000. Morphological characteristics of joint surface were quantified by statistical and textural parameters. By the contrast of these parameters between both sides of each coupled joint, the following conclusions are drawn. The upper and lower surfaces of coupled joints have approximately equal values of Sp(maximum height of joint surface), Sa(arithmetic mean height of joint surface) and Sq(root mean square height of joint surface), but the Ssk(skewness of the height distribution of joint surface) values of the two surfaces of a coupled joint are different, one is positive while the other is negative. The Saj(auto-correlation length) parameter values of both surfaces of each coupled joint are quite close, and the S^(texture aspect ratio) values have the same situation to the Sal parameter, but the same parameters of different surfaces have big differences which illustrates its own characteristics of each joint. The two surfaces of each coupled joint have similar values of θp (mean profile angle) which can be used to deduce the value of θp each other. 展开更多
关键词 coupled joint morphology statistical parameter textural parameter profile mean angle envelop area
Comparison of computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging for the detection of mandibular condylar osteochondroma 被引量:1
作者 Molun Shen Ling Zhu +2 位作者 Hongbo Yu Lei Zhang Xudong Wang 《Oncology and Translational Medicine》 2018年第3期108-115,共8页
Objective The purpose of this study was to compare computed tomography(CT) and magnetic resonance imaging(MRI) for the detection of mandibular condylar osteochondroma.Methods Preoperative CT and MRI of 33 patients wit... Objective The purpose of this study was to compare computed tomography(CT) and magnetic resonance imaging(MRI) for the detection of mandibular condylar osteochondroma.Methods Preoperative CT and MRI of 33 patients with unilateral condylar osteochondroma were reviewed. The morphology, location, continuity with the parent bone, cartilage cap, perichondrium of tumors, and changes in soft and hard tissues adjacent to the lesions were investigated by two reviewers. Data were analyzed using Mc Nemar test. A P value < 0.05 was considered significant.Results Among the 33 condylar osteochondromas, 11 were of the diffuse type, 10 were of the sessile type, and 12 were of the pedunculated type. Continuity with the cortex and marrow of the host condyle was observed on both CT and MRI. Both modalities had identical detection rates of surface reconstruction of the temporal bone joint, condylar dislocation, and pseudarthrosis formation. However, MRI showed significantly higher detection rates of the cartilage cap and perichondrium than CT(P < 0.05). Furthermore, MRI showed ipsilateral and contralateral temporo-mandibular joint(TMJ) disc displacement in 4 cases and 6 cases, respectively, and ipsilateral and contralateral TMJ effusion in 20 cases and 14 cases, respectively.Conclusion CT can intuitively display the morphology and spatial location of condylar osteochondromas through three-dimensional reconstruction. MRI may be superior to CT in the detection of cartilage cap, perichondrium of the condylar osteochondroma, and changes in the TMJ and adjacent soft tissues. 展开更多
关键词 mandibular condyle OSTEOCHONDROMA computed tomography (CT) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
Physical, chemical, and surface charge properties of bauxite residue derived from a combined process 被引量:5
作者 REN Jie CHEN Juan +3 位作者 GUO Wei YANG Bin QIN Xiao-peng DU Ping 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第2期373-382,共10页
A detailed understanding of the composition,buffering capacity,surface charge property,and metals leaching behavior of bauxite residue is the key to improved management,both in reducing the environmental impact and us... A detailed understanding of the composition,buffering capacity,surface charge property,and metals leaching behavior of bauxite residue is the key to improved management,both in reducing the environmental impact and using the material as an industrial by-product for other applications.In this study,physical,chemical,and surface charge properties of bauxite residue derived from a combined process were investigated.Results indicated that the main alkaline solids in bauxite residue were katoite,sodalite,and calcite.These minerals also lead to a higher acid neutralizing capacity of bauxite residue.Acid neutralizing capacity(ANC)to pH 7.0 of this residue is about 0.9 mol H^+/kg solid.Meanwhile,the Fe-,Al-,and Si-containing minerals in bauxite residue resulted in an active surface;The isoelectric point(IEP)and point of zero charge(PZC)were 7.88 and 7.65,respectively.This also leads to a fact that most of the metals in bauxite residue were adsorbed by these surface charged solids,which makes the metals not readily move under natural or even moderately acidic conditions.The leaching behavior of metals as a function of pH indicated that the metals in bauxite residue present low release concentrations(pH>3). 展开更多
关键词 bauxite residue surface charge properties METALS chemical species leaching behavior
Investigation on the Morphology of Adsorbed Benzotriazole Film on Copper Surface by Scanning Tunneling Microcopy 被引量:3
作者 XUChunchun Win-yanNG 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2002年第4期450-453,共4页
It is observed by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) that theadsorbed Benzotriazole (BTA) on copper is long in shape and has anirregular rectangle. The growth of BTA on copper is in the form ofpolymeric chain and mai... It is observed by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) that theadsorbed Benzotriazole (BTA) on copper is long in shape and has anirregular rectangle. The growth of BTA on copper is in the form ofpolymeric chain and mainly in one dimension rather than twodimensions. The copper surface covered by BTA becomes flatter,smoother and the roughness was smaller than that of bare copper, sothe corrosion is largely decreased. However, many grooves can be seenbetween BTA polymeric chains in which corrosion may exist to adegree. 展开更多
关键词 BENZOTRIAZOLE scanning tunneling microcopy COPPER MORPHOLOGY
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