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不是股市 但涌风波——访广东爱保农科技有限公司吴革华总经理
作者 罗家勇 周风珍 庄捷生 《广东饲料》 2015年第7期7-10,共4页
维生素又名维他命,是维持人、动物生命活动必须的一类有机物质,也是保持机体健康的重要活性物质。由于维生素动物的需要量小且功能重要,通常以维生素预混合饲料(多种单项维生素通过一定混合工艺复配而成)的形式添加到配合饲料。维生... 维生素又名维他命,是维持人、动物生命活动必须的一类有机物质,也是保持机体健康的重要活性物质。由于维生素动物的需要量小且功能重要,通常以维生素预混合饲料(多种单项维生素通过一定混合工艺复配而成)的形式添加到配合饲料。维生素预混合饲料作为饲料的核心,对动物健康、生产性能的发挥起到重要作用。 展开更多
关键词 预混合饲料 供应价格 配合饲料 革华 活性物质 战略合作伙伴 混合工艺 机体健康 生产性能
作者 阎军社 《当代戏剧》 CSSCI 北大核心 1992年第2期63-63,共1页
关键词 子中 二甲 革华
作者 明吉 《贵州师范学院学报》 1988年第2期80-,共1页
关键词 系科 兄弟学校 副院长 系统复习 夜会 刘德一 革华 黄静 希祥 吉升
作者 赖善成 《秘书之友》 1992年第6期48-48,共1页
由工会主席的任上调到党务秘书的位置,我那先前的繁繁杂杂也就顺理成章地让位给了忙忙碌碌.忙忙碌碌地伏案,忙忙碌碌地撰稿,忙忙碌碌地应酬接待,忙忙碌碌地协调沟通.每当忙得不亦乐乎、晕头转向的时候,而令我念念不忘的,就是周末.周末,... 由工会主席的任上调到党务秘书的位置,我那先前的繁繁杂杂也就顺理成章地让位给了忙忙碌碌.忙忙碌碌地伏案,忙忙碌碌地撰稿,忙忙碌碌地应酬接待,忙忙碌碌地协调沟通.每当忙得不亦乐乎、晕头转向的时候,而令我念念不忘的,就是周末.周末,有我辛勤耕耘的那一畦碧绿滴翠的“园地.”起初,我在那一畦垄亩里耕耘诗歌,耕耘散文和小说.不知是限于功底还是缺乏灵气,总之,播下希望的种子长出来多不是苗,稀稀疏疏,参参差差。 展开更多
关键词 那先 散文和 联话 增广贤文 蜀道 二本 力士脱靴 词选 觉剑 革华
《早期教育(幼教·教育教学)》 1994年第7期28-28,共1页
开个假面表演会 上海 李莉 幼儿离开家庭进入幼儿园,由于环境的变化,很容易“沉默寡言”。尤其是那些性格内向的孩子。为了消除他们的紧张心理,使他们敢说话、愿说话,我就在班里开展了假面表演会活动,让孩子们带着假面具上台表演。孩子... 开个假面表演会 上海 李莉 幼儿离开家庭进入幼儿园,由于环境的变化,很容易“沉默寡言”。尤其是那些性格内向的孩子。为了消除他们的紧张心理,使他们敢说话、愿说话,我就在班里开展了假面表演会活动,让孩子们带着假面具上台表演。孩子们各显其能,有的唱歌,有的讲故事,有的念儿歌,在下面看的孩子也都兴趣盎然。 展开更多
关键词 性格内向 一得集 李莉 夔子 气术 小甸 面表 东夏 革华 失物招领
Current Situation of University Poor Student
作者 HUANG Mengjia 《International English Education Research》 2017年第1期12-14,共3页
Education is rejuvenating the country, education is the talent in the country and rejuvenating the beginning. Popularization of higher education is thc ultimate goal in the development of the national education levcl,... Education is rejuvenating the country, education is the talent in the country and rejuvenating the beginning. Popularization of higher education is thc ultimate goal in the development of the national education levcl, to enhance the knowledge of the entire Chinese nation, the quality level is important. In recent years, the university has gone through college enrollment, fee system reform policy changes, the gross enrollment rate is 40% in 2015, exceeding the average level of middle income countries, is a big step forward on education in China. Along with the change in universities, the proportion of poor students has been expanded, and therefore the state has increased concern about the poor students in colleges and univcrsities. To prevent students drop out of school because of family difficulties, the use of government scholarships, grants in thc form of direct or indirect funding for poor students in colleges and universities. However, many problems still arise in College student poverty measures to implement the process, such as a lack of material poverty Branch precision, "the material poverty, spiritual poverty of light", the students lack credibility, etc. These problems lead to the expected results of poverty alleviation has not really achieved. This article will be poor college students, the poor student's current development summarized and analyzed from multiple levels of student poverty problems generated in the process. 展开更多
关键词 College poor students Student poverty Material poverty Spiritual poverty INTEGRITY
China's Decision-making System from Centralization to Democracy
作者 周光辉 《China Economist》 2011年第6期18-28,共11页
Established during the long years of revolutionary struggle and the founding of the People's Republic of China (PRC), the Communist Party of China(CPC)-led decision-making system has a historical rationality. Bef... Established during the long years of revolutionary struggle and the founding of the People's Republic of China (PRC), the Communist Party of China(CPC)-led decision-making system has a historical rationality. Before China's reform and opening-up was implemented in 1978, the decision-making system highlighted centralization which led to disadvantages such as non-existent specialized division of functions, a low level of institutionalization, heavy reliance on experience, an enclosed decision-making mode and non-existent self-correction mechanisms. These disadvantages were institutional factors which ultimately caused the historic tragedy of " Cultural Revolution. "After the reform and opening-up, the decision-making structure, mode and mechanism were reformed in order to promote scientific, democratic and law-based decisions. History has shown that the reform has successfully overcome various challenges brought about by China's rapidly changing economy and society. From the perspective of political development, the reform has promoted several transitions: from individual controlled decision-making system to a more democratic decision-making process, from being empirical to scientifically-based, from highly centralized decision-making organizations to decentralized one, from an enclosed mode to an open mode, from passive to active participation in the decision-making process and from a non-institutionalized to an institutionalized system. Therefore, the CPC-led open decision-making model based on science and laws and participated by other parties has taken an initial shape. 展开更多
关键词 decision-making system centralized decision-making democratic decision-making scientific decision-making law-based decision-making
荧屏幕后侃奇人 剧作家、作家、药王孙思邈传人——檀林近况
作者 阿娟 《当代电视》 北大核心 1993年第9期42-43,共2页
但凡看过长篇小说《一个女囚的自述》、《燕子吕三》、《命运三部曲》、《圆明园春梦》者,几乎无人不晓得檀林大名。他的作品于1981年起就己荣获全国长篇小说优秀奖、全国文学创作火花奖、被列入全国读书征文推荐书目。他——檀林,已被... 但凡看过长篇小说《一个女囚的自述》、《燕子吕三》、《命运三部曲》、《圆明园春梦》者,几乎无人不晓得檀林大名。他的作品于1981年起就己荣获全国长篇小说优秀奖、全国文学创作火花奖、被列入全国读书征文推荐书目。他——檀林,已被载入《中国当代青年作家名典》史册! 展开更多
关键词 檀林 推荐书目 青年作家 文学创作 电视文学剧本 革华 人生信条 影业公司 二个月 夜雨
作者 平义杰 《瞭望》 北大核心 1990年第28期28-28,共1页
关键词 领导干部 领导艺术 严蕊 革华
作者 祁越 张义平 《音乐大观》 2011年第1期35-35,共1页
关键词 象鱼 革华 通里 千日 一然 气冲 花果
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