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含铬革废屑-壳聚糖-戊二醛对酸性红B1的吸附研究 被引量:4
作者 王应红 张知锦 +1 位作者 向清祥 张元勤 《水处理技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第5期29-32,共4页
用含铬革废屑、壳聚糖及戊二醛交联聚合制备了处理酸性废水染料的吸附材料,并用差式扫描量热(DSC)对其热稳定性进行表征;用酸性红染料B1模似酸性废水染料,用分光光度法考察了交联剂戊二醛用量、吸附时间、pH对染料脱色效果的影响。研究... 用含铬革废屑、壳聚糖及戊二醛交联聚合制备了处理酸性废水染料的吸附材料,并用差式扫描量热(DSC)对其热稳定性进行表征;用酸性红染料B1模似酸性废水染料,用分光光度法考察了交联剂戊二醛用量、吸附时间、pH对染料脱色效果的影响。研究表明,戊二醛交联剂的用量对材料的热稳定性及对酸性废水的脱色均有不同程度的影响。在20℃,壳聚糖:含铬废革屑:戊二醛量比为1:4:1时,可得到一个热稳定性好的吸附材材料,其脱色率可达99.4%以上。在pH为5.5~6时,脱色率可达99.5%以上。而且材料再生性好,其脱附率可达到90%以上。该材料对酸性红B1实际废水有良好的吸附效果,脱附率仍可达到90%以上。 展开更多
关键词 含铬革废 壳聚糖 戊二醛 酸性红 吸附
毛泽东与高考的革废 被引量:1
作者 李涛 廖其发 《河北师范大学学报(教育科学版)》 北大核心 2012年第7期23-27,共5页
高考作为我国核心的教育制度之一,关乎社会的方方面面,牵涉到个体与家庭的利益。然而,文化大革命初期全国统一高考即被废除,与毛泽东的阶级观、实践观、教育目的观、考试观有一定的联系。从现有的文献资料来看,毛泽东并没有明确指示或... 高考作为我国核心的教育制度之一,关乎社会的方方面面,牵涉到个体与家庭的利益。然而,文化大革命初期全国统一高考即被废除,与毛泽东的阶级观、实践观、教育目的观、考试观有一定的联系。从现有的文献资料来看,毛泽东并没有明确指示或者主张废除高考,其考试思想至今仍闪烁着智慧的光芒。 展开更多
关键词 毛泽东 高考 革废
作者 金燕 彭泽平 《教育学术月刊》 北大核心 2015年第1期29-34,共6页
废科举与兴学堂是晚清教育改革相辅相成、同步运行的两大工程,也是传统教育向现代教育转型的重要步骤。新式教育发展所带来的知识结构和教育管理体制的转变、办学主体和培养目标的多元化以及知识分子独立意识的觉醒等不仅直接或间接地促... 废科举与兴学堂是晚清教育改革相辅相成、同步运行的两大工程,也是传统教育向现代教育转型的重要步骤。新式教育发展所带来的知识结构和教育管理体制的转变、办学主体和培养目标的多元化以及知识分子独立意识的觉醒等不仅直接或间接地促使"高度合一"的政学关系开始松动,而且也唤醒了现代教育的主体意识。全面考察科举革废这一历史进程是正确认识现代教育主体意识诞生的社会环境的重要基点。 展开更多
关键词 晚清 科举革废 政学关系 变化
作者 张亚群 《厦门大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第6期33-40,共8页
文言的长期流行,不仅与古代文学和思想演变密切相连,更重要的是受科举考试推动,对中国古代文化、教育、社会政治乃至整个东亚文化产生巨大而深远的影响。晚清时文危机是人才、教育与政治危机的聚焦点与集中反映,其根源主要来自八股考试... 文言的长期流行,不仅与古代文学和思想演变密切相连,更重要的是受科举考试推动,对中国古代文化、教育、社会政治乃至整个东亚文化产生巨大而深远的影响。晚清时文危机是人才、教育与政治危机的聚焦点与集中反映,其根源主要来自八股考试的自身缺陷、西方军事侵略和语言文化的冲击、清朝统治危机的加深三个方面。科举制的改革与废止,是从文言转向白话的关键所在。失去科举选士制度保障的文言文,其实用价值、学术地位和教育影响迅速下降,由此开启长达半个多世纪的汉语汉字改革运动。 展开更多
关键词 文言 白话 科举革废 汉语文化转型
作者 汤克勤 《咸阳师范学院学报》 2013年第1期113-116,共4页
关键词 《学究新谈》 科举革废 士的近代转型
作者 刘帆 《武汉商业服务学院学报》 2008年第1期17-20,共4页
清朝末年,彻底改革与废除科举制度,这是20世纪初中国高等教育的重大转折,是高教国际化的突破口。历时1300余年的科举制度,有其产生、发展和灭亡的历史。而废除科举制度之所以成为近代中国高等教育国际化的突破口,这是由科举制的特定地... 清朝末年,彻底改革与废除科举制度,这是20世纪初中国高等教育的重大转折,是高教国际化的突破口。历时1300余年的科举制度,有其产生、发展和灭亡的历史。而废除科举制度之所以成为近代中国高等教育国际化的突破口,这是由科举制的特定地位所决定的;是由其对高等教育的直接控制功能所决定的;更是由科举制度对高教发展的阻碍作用所决定的。 展开更多
关键词 科举制 高教国际化 革废
作者 崔海港 陈明慧 《武术研究》 2022年第12期34-37,49,共5页
清末武举弊端逐渐凸显,改革与废除武举之声此起彼伏。主张改革武举的代表人物有丁日昌、唐文治等,他们主张变通武举考试内容,增设新式科目。主张废除武举的代表人物有沈葆桢、康有为等,他们主张废除武举,采用新法。亦有王毓藻、德寿等... 清末武举弊端逐渐凸显,改革与废除武举之声此起彼伏。主张改革武举的代表人物有丁日昌、唐文治等,他们主张变通武举考试内容,增设新式科目。主张废除武举的代表人物有沈葆桢、康有为等,他们主张废除武举,采用新法。亦有王毓藻、德寿等人主张固守旧制。随着中外局势不断变化,先是改革武举的呼声居上,后是废除武举的呼声高涨。清廷在应对方面,先是竭力维护武举制度,再到被迫接受武举革新主张,最后迫于局势变化,最终废除武举制度。武举废除后,武生进阶之路受阻,成为社会不稳定因素。同时,清廷虽大力发展武备学堂,但由于兴办仓促,加之存在诸多问题,几年后武备学堂即多遭停办。 展开更多
关键词 清末 武举 革废 政府应对
千年科考终结及其当代启示——基于国家级大规模考试革废的考察 被引量:1
作者 冯用军 《湖北招生考试》 2012年第6期39-55,共17页
科举,诞生于公元605年,废于公元1905年;高考,诞生于公元1949年,其间几经革废,波澜壮阔延续至今。每当我们检讨高考存在的诸多问题时,似乎总能从科举中找到原型,比如作弊问题、考选公平问题。科举废止至今105年,尚未"盖棺定论"... 科举,诞生于公元605年,废于公元1905年;高考,诞生于公元1949年,其间几经革废,波澜壮阔延续至今。每当我们检讨高考存在的诸多问题时,似乎总能从科举中找到原型,比如作弊问题、考选公平问题。科举废止至今105年,尚未"盖棺定论",而高考因为信用和公平危机正深陷"革废论争泥潭"。尝试对在历史上延续1300余年的科举考试制度进行终结性的评论,既是对历史负责任的学术良心体现,也是为走到"十字路口"的高考、国考、汉考等国家级大规模考试的改革与发展寻求"破壁"之策的努力,更是为"全民火爆"的高考、国考、汉考等国家级大规模考试实现又好又快发展目标探析"冷着陆"、"软着陆"之略的尝试。 展开更多
关键词 科举 高考 国考 汉考 终结 革废 当代启示
作者 唐燕 《人文论谭》 2009年第1期229-233,共5页
学制是学校教育制度的简称,也叫学校系统,它是国家颁布并保证实施具有一定法律效力的调整各级各类教育之间的衔接、交叉、比例关系以及教育权利分配关系的学校教育的基本制度。学制与历史发展有密切关系,并随着社会政治和文化教育的发... 学制是学校教育制度的简称,也叫学校系统,它是国家颁布并保证实施具有一定法律效力的调整各级各类教育之间的衔接、交叉、比例关系以及教育权利分配关系的学校教育的基本制度。学制与历史发展有密切关系,并随着社会政治和文化教育的发展变化而变化。我国的近代学制是从清末开始的。考察清末以来我国学制的变迁过程,可以发现新学制的制定、实施与科举制的革废存在互动关系,科举考试改革之迟速是制约中国近代学制产生与实施的一个关键因素,也是阻碍中国近代教育发展的一个重要原因。 展开更多
关键词 学制 教育 发展 科举制 制度 学校 革废
单宁固化废鞣革胶原纤维水刺布Cu^(2+)的吸附性能 被引量:2
作者 赵继松 殷保璞 《东华大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第3期297-302,共6页
将制革工业中废弃皮革经过非织造工艺制成废鞣革胶原纤维水刺布,通过戊二醛交联将单宁固化到废鞣革胶原纤维水刺布上.研究发现废鞣革胶原纤维水刺布经单宁固化后仍为蛋白质的立体多孔状材料.研究Cu2+初始质量浓度、溶液温度、溶液pH值对... 将制革工业中废弃皮革经过非织造工艺制成废鞣革胶原纤维水刺布,通过戊二醛交联将单宁固化到废鞣革胶原纤维水刺布上.研究发现废鞣革胶原纤维水刺布经单宁固化后仍为蛋白质的立体多孔状材料.研究Cu2+初始质量浓度、溶液温度、溶液pH值对Cu2+吸附量的影响.结果发现,随着Cu2+初始质量浓度、溶液温度、溶液pH值的增大,Cu2+吸附量逐渐增大,最大为25.14mg/g.同时利用0.1mol/L稀HCl溶液对吸附材料进行解吸附试验,研究单宁固化废鞣革胶原纤维水刺布吸附材料的解吸附性能及其再生性.研究结果发现,经多次吸附-解吸附后材料对Cu2+吸附量及解吸附量不断衰减,重复再生性不理想. 展开更多
关键词 胶原纤维 水刺布 单宁 吸附 重金属Cu2+
作者 呼庆伟 《山东开放大学学报》 2024年第2期82-85,共4页
科举是古代社会创造的重要选官制度,朝代更迭,其自身也数度变革,但持续沿用,在社会演进中起到了“稳定器”的作用。清末,在变法图强大潮的裹挟下,科举选补政府官员种种弊端成为教育普及的众矢之的,逐渐形成“合科举于学校”的渐进式变... 科举是古代社会创造的重要选官制度,朝代更迭,其自身也数度变革,但持续沿用,在社会演进中起到了“稳定器”的作用。清末,在变法图强大潮的裹挟下,科举选补政府官员种种弊端成为教育普及的众矢之的,逐渐形成“合科举于学校”的渐进式变革思路,并通过变法维新的方式强力推行。甲午之败、庚子国变,内忧外患多事之秋,亡国灭种危机四伏,清廷重臣以科举阻碍学堂的普及、妨误人才的成长为由,屡屡议停科举,最终放弃“渐废”科举的变革道路,而采取了“立停”科举的断崖式变革,不仅造成清廷统治基础的迅速坍塌,而且对近代社会的经济、政治、社会、文化产生了深远影响。 展开更多
关键词 清末科举 渐进式变 断崖式革废 深远影响
作者 赵继松 殷保璞 《产业用纺织品》 2014年第10期24-29,共6页
将制革工业中的废弃皮革经过非织造工艺制成废鞣革胶原水刺布,通过戊二醛交联将单宁固化到废鞣革胶原水刺布上。首先研究单宁固化废鞣革胶原水刺布的形态结构及强伸性变化,然后分别研究Pb2+的初始浓度、溶液温度、溶液pH值对Pb2+吸附量... 将制革工业中的废弃皮革经过非织造工艺制成废鞣革胶原水刺布,通过戊二醛交联将单宁固化到废鞣革胶原水刺布上。首先研究单宁固化废鞣革胶原水刺布的形态结构及强伸性变化,然后分别研究Pb2+的初始浓度、溶液温度、溶液pH值对Pb2+吸附量的影响。结果表明:随着Pb2+的初始浓度、溶液温度、溶液pH值的增大,Pb2+的吸附量逐渐增大,最大为25.95 mg/g。最后利用0.1 mol/L稀HCl溶液对吸附材料进行解吸附试验,并讨论单宁固化废鞣革胶原水刺布吸附材料的解吸附性能及再生性。 展开更多
关键词 水刺布 单宁固化 Pb2+吸附
Recovery Technology of DMF from Wet Type Polyurethane Synthetic Leather Waste Gas 被引量:15
作者 赵舜华 宋锡瑾 +2 位作者 裴宁 张景铸 刘书庆 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2008年第3期461-464,共4页
A new recovery technology is developed to recycle N,N-dimethyl formamide (DMF) in waste gas from wet type polyurethane synthetic leather industry. Given that the concentration of DMF in waste gas was as low as 325.6... A new recovery technology is developed to recycle N,N-dimethyl formamide (DMF) in waste gas from wet type polyurethane synthetic leather industry. Given that the concentration of DMF in waste gas was as low as 325.6- 688.3 mg·m^-3, it was necessary to make sure two phases contact adequately and strengthen the mass transfer by increasing contact area and enhancing the turbulence. Therefore, two-stage countercurrent absorption and two-stage fog removing system were introduced into the technology. The top section of the absorption column was filled with structured wire-ripple stainless steel packing BX500, while the lower section with sting-ripple packing CB250Y. Total height of packing material was 6 m. In addition, there were both two-stage fog removing layer and high efficiency liquid distributor at the column top. All the operating parameters, including temperature, pressure, flow rate and liquid position, could be controlled by computers without manual operation, making sure the outlet gas achieved the national emission standard that the DMF concentration should be below 40 mg·m^-3. The whole equipment could recover 237.6 t of DMF each year, with the profit up to CNY 521×10^3. 展开更多
关键词 N N-DIMETHYLFORMAMIDE polyurethane synthetic leather ABSORPTION RECOVERY
A Novel Approach to Clean Tanning Technology 被引量:5
作者 Jing Li Lan Yan +1 位作者 Bi Shi Jing Zhang 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2013年第12期1203-1212,共10页
Traditional chrome tanning technology is still widely used today. In this technology, chrome shaving as well as chrome contained effluent in tanning and retanning processes is a big issue in the industry. Wet white ta... Traditional chrome tanning technology is still widely used today. In this technology, chrome shaving as well as chrome contained effluent in tanning and retanning processes is a big issue in the industry. Wet white tanning technology has been gaining in importance in recent years, but in general, the comprehensive performance of chrome-free tanned leather is not comparable with that of chrome tanned leather. In the present work, chrome-free tanning and chrome tanning are combined in a reversed procedure, which produces leather with chrome tanned leather quality without chrome tanned leather waste problems. In this procedure, a special amphoteric organic compound, no pickle, no salt chrome-free tanning agent TWT was used to tan delimed hides (no pickle) making wet white with shrinking temperature at 80-85 ~C. Then, new method called reversed tanning further process the wet white into chrome-tanned crust. In this reversed method, retanning, fatliquoring and coloring processes were carried out before chrome tanning. This technology eliminates chrome waste issue in tanning, shaving, post tanning processes. The chrome contained effluent is only concentrated in the last chrome tanning process. The leather made with this technology has complete conventional chrome-tanned leather quality. In this way, chrome leather quality without chrome waste problems was achieved. So, it is a new clean tanning technology. 展开更多
关键词 Chrome-free tanning wet-white reversed tanning process chrome tanning post tanning.
Resourceful Utilization of Tannery Wastewater
作者 Wang Chen Wang Xikui Ding Maochen Zhang Chaoyu 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2012年第1期116-121,共6页
Leather industry is an important light industry in China.Leather making requires a series of chemical treatment.Degreasing,unhairing and chrome tanning wastewaters are the main portions of tannery wastewater.Reclaimin... Leather industry is an important light industry in China.Leather making requires a series of chemical treatment.Degreasing,unhairing and chrome tanning wastewaters are the main portions of tannery wastewater.Reclaiming and reusing these wastewaters can eliminate 80% of COD,75% of BOD,95% of chromium and 93% of sulfuret,furthermore reduce environment impact,decrease treatment costs,save chemicals and water.Some application methods of wastewater reclamation and reuse for different operations were reported.The suitable reclamation and reuse technologies can enable leather making processes more rational,and realize the recovery and recycle of several chemicals in the tannery.Resourceful utilization of tannery wastewater should mate with renovating production technology,updating equipment,and must be guaranteed sufficiently by environmental protection measures. 展开更多
关键词 leather industry WASTEWATER waste liquor treatment resourceful utilization
Quality Assessment of Different Industrial Effluents for Irrigation in Agriculture
作者 M Rafiqul Islam G K M Mustafizur Rahman +2 位作者 A J M Sirajul Karim M Giasuddin Miah M Abu Saleque 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2015年第2期134-145,共12页
A laboratory experiment was undertaken in Soil Science Division of BRRI (Bangladesh Rice Research Institute) during 2010 to assess the quality of industrial effluents and city waste as a source of irrigation water f... A laboratory experiment was undertaken in Soil Science Division of BRRI (Bangladesh Rice Research Institute) during 2010 to assess the quality of industrial effluents and city waste as a source of irrigation water for agriculture. The treatments of the studies were the effluents of five different industrial sources like polyvinyl, dyeing, pharmaceuticals, beverage, tannery, mixed waste water (contaminated with effluents from many industries), CWW (city waste water) and underground water as control. The industrial effluents, MWW (mixed waste water), CWW and control water were tested for electrical conductivity, pH, and soluble ions such as Na^+, Ca^2+, Mg^2+, K^+, HCO3-, CO3^2-, NH4^+-N and H2PO4^-. Micronutrients (Fe, Mn, Cu and Zn) and heavy metals (As, Pb, Cd, Cr and Ni) were analyzed from the samples. Beverage industry effluent showed acidic reaction, while the other industrial effluents showed alkaline reaction (pH 7.25-9.07). Pharmaceutical, dyeing and tannery effluents showed EC of 3.40, 4.30 and 9.49 dS m^-1, respectively, compared to 0.54 dSm^-1 of the control. All the effluents except polyvinyl and beverage effluents and CWW recorded higher carbonate and bicarbonate content than that of control. Industrial effluents and CWW were higher in micronutrient content as compared to control. Dyeing, pharmaceutical and tannery effluents contained 2.51, 3.94 and 4.29 mg L^-1 lead, 0.15, 0.14 and 0.38 mg L^-1 chromium and 0.25, 0.24 and 0.16 mg L^-1 nickel, respectively which might be concemed for health hazard through food chain. 展开更多
关键词 Electrical conductivity heavy metal content sodium adsorption ration soluble sodium percent city waste water.
Investigation of Subsurface Contamination due to Chromium from Tannery Effluent in Kasur District of Pakistan
作者 Haroon Rashid Jiro Takemura Abida Mumtaz Farooqi 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(A)》 2012年第8期1007-1024,共18页
The present study is conducted in the scenario of the tannery waste hazards in Kasur district of Pakistan where the tannery industry is considered as major cause of groundwater quality deterioration, Area focused in t... The present study is conducted in the scenario of the tannery waste hazards in Kasur district of Pakistan where the tannery industry is considered as major cause of groundwater quality deterioration, Area focused in this research constitutes the surroundings of the effluent carrying drains near tannery units. This study includes soil explorations, groundwater monitoring and wastewater analysis in the research area so as to find out the contamination extent of chromium in subsurface. Initial groundwater monitoring exhibited chromium concentrations as high as 90 mg/L in the tannery area. Even groundwater sampling from monitoring wells installed in the adjacent areas of effluent carrying drains, showed concentrations up to 10.4 mg/L. Wastewater analysis of all the drains in the research area has evidenced potential risk of contaminant seepage into soil and groundwater as level of chromium in wastewater samples has reported to be immensely high and varies from 68 mg/L to 2,152 mg/L. However the 30 soil samples collected from two soil bores did not show any significant results as the maximum values obtained for hexavalent chromium for leaching and retained in soil are 0.02 mg/L and 8.1 mg/kg, respectively. These low concentrations of soil samples suggest that the soil contamination may not be a main environmental issue in the areas adjacent to the effluent carrying drains, The research concludes as possibility of direct interference of the tannery wastewater with groundwater through damaged structures and sewers. 展开更多
关键词 Groundwater and soil contamination soil boring CHROMIUM tannery effluent TCLP aqua regia acid digestion.
Soil Explorations and Groundwater Monitoring to Evaluate Subsurface Contamination Due to Chromium in District Kasur, Pakistan
作者 H. Rashid J. Takemura A.M. Farooqi 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2011年第7期835-843,共9页
Due to improper tannery wastewater management in district Kasur Pakistan, groundwater has been reported to be highly contaminated. It was aimed to find out the extent up to which subsurface has contaminated due to chr... Due to improper tannery wastewater management in district Kasur Pakistan, groundwater has been reported to be highly contaminated. It was aimed to find out the extent up to which subsurface has contaminated due to chromium in areas adjacent to the tannery units. Eight (8) soil bores were conducted up to the depth of 30.5 meters and soil samples were tested for total and hexavalent chromium concentrations retained in soil by aqua regia digestion at the every depth of 1.5 meters. Afterwards monitoring wells were installed in these eight (8) bores so as to monitor chromium concentrations in the groundwater on monthly basis. The main source of contamination was considered to be the four (4) drains carrying tanneries effluent therefore samples were collected from these drains so as to observe seasonal variation in chromium concentration. 展开更多
关键词 Groundwater and soil contamination soil boring monitoring wells CHROMIUM tannery wastewater.
Leaching of Electronic Waste Using Biometabolised Acids 被引量:1
作者 M.Saidan B.Brown M.Valix 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第3期530-534,共5页
The revolution in information and communication technology has brought huge technical benefits and wealth, but has created a major global problem: the generation of vast amounts of electronic waste, or e-waste throug... The revolution in information and communication technology has brought huge technical benefits and wealth, but has created a major global problem: the generation of vast amounts of electronic waste, or e-waste through product obsolesce. The challenge in managing e-waste will be in developing sustainable recycling tech- nologies that are able to address the volume and complexity of this waste using cost effective and ecologically sen-sitive methods. In this study, the capability or microorganism metabolic acids in dissolving the metallic tractions from waste printed circuit boards was examined. Several factors were considered in the examination of the activityof the acids-including secondary reactions, solution pH, temperature and the nature of ligands in solutions (or bioacid constituents). The leaching tests were cgnducted ex-situ, using synthetic organic acids. Leaching was performed for periods of up to 6 hat 70-90 ℃ and 1000 r-min-1. 展开更多
关键词 BIOLEACHING E-WASTE organic acids secondary reactions COPPER
采行考试是历史的选择 被引量:6
作者 田建荣 《湖北招生考试》 2005年第8期9-11,共3页
考试的采行是中华民族对人类制度文明的伟大贡献之一。值此纪念科举废除100周年之际,我们高度评价科举考试的历史地位和作用。历史证明,在等级森严的中国封建社会,科举考试乃是一项难得的具有公平精神的制度。采行考试是历史的选择,在... 考试的采行是中华民族对人类制度文明的伟大贡献之一。值此纪念科举废除100周年之际,我们高度评价科举考试的历史地位和作用。历史证明,在等级森严的中国封建社会,科举考试乃是一项难得的具有公平精神的制度。采行考试是历史的选择,在没有想不出再好的办法之前,考试是不可废的。 展开更多
关键词 科举制 革废 现代考试
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