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作者 陆晓蓉 潘贵达 《百色学院学报》 2015年第2期116-121,共6页
革步壮语民歌是广西壮族民谣中的一种,是以吟唱、快板以及壮剧等为主的特定叙述形式。其语言表述采用了叠行、比兴、借喻等修饰手法。革步壮语民歌内容反映了当地壮族人民的生活习俗、文化以及社会变化。通过革步壮语民歌描述,语言表述... 革步壮语民歌是广西壮族民谣中的一种,是以吟唱、快板以及壮剧等为主的特定叙述形式。其语言表述采用了叠行、比兴、借喻等修饰手法。革步壮语民歌内容反映了当地壮族人民的生活习俗、文化以及社会变化。通过革步壮语民歌描述,语言表述的艺术特色以及其文化蕴涵进行分析,旨在加深人们对革步民间文化交流的意识,对进一步了解革步壮族地区民间文化以及传承传统的民间文化有着重要意义;同时也是为学者们提供研究祖国边陲壮族淳朴善良心灵和行为的一手材料。 展开更多
关键词 革步 壮语民歌 价值 探析
《China Today》 2017年第2期39-39,共1页
Considerable economic and social progress in China since the reform and opening-up policy came into effect in the late 197os has significantly improved standards of living as a whole. Since then, several hundred milli... Considerable economic and social progress in China since the reform and opening-up policy came into effect in the late 197os has significantly improved standards of living as a whole. Since then, several hundred million people have been lifted out of poverty, rep- resenting more than 70 percent of poverty reduction worldwide over that period. Much, however, remains to be done to eliminate remain- ing but substantial pockets of poverty, bearing in mind that China, with its immense population, is still at the primary stage of socialism, and its diverse regions show varying levels of development. 展开更多
作者 赵日生 《船山学报》 1933年第2期208-209,共2页
关键词 宗有 鸠杖 潜德 余庆 叶平 登水 革步 善有
Good Things Come to Those Who Participate
作者 Denis Green 《Beijing Review》 2015年第28期48-48,共1页
It’s easy in China,especially Beijing,to go through the motions each day and become just one of 1.3 billion experiencing ordinary daily routines.In a country going through one of the biggest industrial revolutions kn... It’s easy in China,especially Beijing,to go through the motions each day and become just one of 1.3 billion experiencing ordinary daily routines.In a country going through one of the biggest industrial revolutions known to man,things happen so quickly that the ones who just watch it go by get lost along the wayside.One thing I have learnt during my four-and-ahalf years in China is to get involved,no matter what it is---a conversation at the local shop, a game of Frisbee in the park, a football club, a roadside game of Chinese chess, an invitation from some locals for dinner, a hike through the mountains on the edge of the city--any activi- ties like these will break up those predictable daily routines and allow you to participate, and feel good about it. 展开更多
关键词 happen things ordinary watch quickly morethan painting declined conversation smell
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