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作者 张静野 《四川戏剧》 北大核心 1992年第4期47-47,共1页
川剧界老一辈表演艺术家、四川省川剧学校退休教师韩成之先生,于今年4月12日在宜宾市逝世,终年91岁。韩成之,艺名筱灵钧,1902年生于贵州省贵阳市的一个艺人家庭,八岁入“川黔演剧团”学艺,11岁入川改搭川班,后进叙府“钧字科班”深造,... 川剧界老一辈表演艺术家、四川省川剧学校退休教师韩成之先生,于今年4月12日在宜宾市逝世,终年91岁。韩成之,艺名筱灵钧,1902年生于贵州省贵阳市的一个艺人家庭,八岁入“川黔演剧团”学艺,11岁入川改搭川班,后进叙府“钧字科班”深造,专攻文武小生,擅长《风仪亭》、《盗银壶》、《打红台》、《江东桥》、《巴九寨》、《放裴》、《水牢摸印》等川剧犯功剧目, 展开更多
关键词 川剧艺术 韩成 巴九寨 盗银壶 江东桥 舞台形象 贵州省贵阳市 孟玉 沪州市 卜宇
《正气》 2000年第9期34-35,共2页
关键词 杀人案 成虎 韩成 道德防线 黄色录像 淫秽录像 村支书
熵理论在韩城矿区流域地貌研究上的应用 被引量:1
作者 毛明陆 阎嘉祺 《西安矿业学院学报》 北大核心 1991年第3期49-52,共4页
本文选择了韩城矿区的三个流域——白矾河、寺庄河及清水河,分别代表矿区的北部、中部及南部,在用斯特拉勒积分研究矿区流域地貌发育阶段的基础上,根据熵理论,分别研究了这三个流域地貌系统信息熵,进而进行了矿区区域稳定性评价。结论... 本文选择了韩城矿区的三个流域——白矾河、寺庄河及清水河,分别代表矿区的北部、中部及南部,在用斯特拉勒积分研究矿区流域地貌发育阶段的基础上,根据熵理论,分别研究了这三个流域地貌系统信息熵,进而进行了矿区区域稳定性评价。结论是现今矿区地貌发育处于壮年期、矿区区域稳定性东北部比西南部差。 展开更多
关键词 流域 地貌 韩成矿区
《中国数字医学》 2015年第9期81-81,共1页
从9月1日起,新疆维吾尔自治区区本级定点医疗机构实行门诊特殊慢性病电子处方网上结算,取消目前正在使用的《自治区区级单位参保职工门诊特殊慢性病治疗登记薄》。8月25日,自治区社会保险管理局召开新闻发布会,介绍了此次门诊特殊慢性... 从9月1日起,新疆维吾尔自治区区本级定点医疗机构实行门诊特殊慢性病电子处方网上结算,取消目前正在使用的《自治区区级单位参保职工门诊特殊慢性病治疗登记薄》。8月25日,自治区社会保险管理局召开新闻发布会,介绍了此次门诊特殊慢性病电子处方网上结算实施的相关情况。自9月1日起,取消使用《自治区区级单位参保职工门诊特殊慢性病治疗登记薄》,实施电子处方网上结算。 展开更多
关键词 电子处方 慢性病治疗 慢性病患者 定点医疗机构 社保卡 医疗保险统筹 基金支付 退休人员 统筹基金 韩成
《内蒙古大学艺术学院学报》 2017年第1期69-69,共1页
关键词 艺术歌曲 艺术教育 蒙古语 副院长 青年教师 韩成
《机电设备》 2016年第2期52-52,共1页
日前,南通中远川崎船舶工程有限公司(以下简称:南通中远川崎)与川崎重工业株式会社在上海签署LNG船建造技术合作协议。南通中远川崎中方总经理韩成敏与川崎重工船舶海洋公司总裁饼田义典代表双方在合作协议上签字(图1)。LNG船是国... 日前,南通中远川崎船舶工程有限公司(以下简称:南通中远川崎)与川崎重工业株式会社在上海签署LNG船建造技术合作协议。南通中远川崎中方总经理韩成敏与川崎重工船舶海洋公司总裁饼田义典代表双方在合作协议上签字(图1)。LNG船是国际公认的高技术、高难度、高附加值的"三高"产品,被喻为世界造船"皇冠上的明珠",进入LNG船建造领域是南通中远川崎的战略目标之一。 展开更多
关键词 川崎 LNG船 技术合作协议 世界造船 韩成 田义 船舶工程 战略目标 中国造船业 战略需求
《延安市人民政府政报》 2011年第8期44-44,共1页
关键词 城市房屋拆迁 工作部门 领导小组 国有土地 副局长 直属机构 义市 城管局 韩成 局副
Hepatocellular carcinoma in Budd-Chiari syndrome:A single center experience with long-term follow-up in South Korea 被引量:16
作者 Hana Park Jin Young Yoon +5 位作者 Kyeong Hye Park Do Young Kim Sang Hoon Ahn Kwang-Hyub Han Chae Yoon Chon Jun Yong Park 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第16期1946-1952,共7页
AIM:To evaluate long-term clinical course of BuddChiari syndrome(BCS) and predictive factors associated with the development of hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC) and survival.METHODS:We analyzed 67 patients with BCS betwe... AIM:To evaluate long-term clinical course of BuddChiari syndrome(BCS) and predictive factors associated with the development of hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC) and survival.METHODS:We analyzed 67 patients with BCS between June 1988 and May 2008.The diagnosis of BCS was confirmed by hepatic venous outflow obstruction shown on abdominal ultrasound sonography,computed tomography,magnetic resonance imaging,or venography.The median follow-up period was 103 ± 156 [interquartile range(IQR)] mo.RESULTS:The median age of the patients was 47 ± 16(IQR) years.At diagnosis,54 patients had cirrhosis,25(37.3%) Child-Pugh class A,23(34.3%) Child-Pugh class B,and six(9.0%) patients Child-Pugh class C.During the follow-up period,HCC was developed in 17 patients,and the annual incidence of HCC in patients with BCS was 2.8%.Patients in HCC group(n = 17) had higher hepatic venous pressure gradient(HVPG) than those in non-HCC group(n = 50)(21 ± 12 mmHg vs 14 ± 7 mmHg,P = 0.019).The survival rate of BCS patients was 86.2% for 5 years,73.8% for 10 years,and 61.2% for 15 years.In patients with BCS and HCC,survival was 79% for 5 years,43.1% for 10 years,and 21.5% for 15 years.CONCLUSION:The incidence of HCC in patients with BCS was similar to that in patients with other etiologic cirrhosis in South Korea.The HVPG is expected to provide additional information for predicting HCC development in BCS patients. 展开更多
关键词 Budd-Chiari syndrome Hepatocellular carcinoma PROGNOSIS
Extracolonic findings of computed tomographic colonography in Koreans
作者 Sung Keun Park Dong Il Park +6 位作者 Sun-Young Lee Sang Kil Lee Young-Ho Kim Soon Jin Lee Jeong-Sik Byeon Kyu Chan Huh Ki-Nam Shim 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第12期1487-1492,共6页
AIM:To determine the frequency and characteristics of extracolonic lesions detected using computed tomographic(CT)colonography.METHODS:The significance of extracolonic lesions was classified as high,intermediate,or lo... AIM:To determine the frequency and characteristics of extracolonic lesions detected using computed tomographic(CT)colonography.METHODS:The significance of extracolonic lesions was classified as high,intermediate,or low.Medical records were reviewed to establish whether further investigations were carried out pertaining to the extracolonic lesions that were detected by CT colonography.RESULTS:A total of 920 cases from 7 university hospitals were included,and 692 extracolonic findings were found in 532(57.8%)patients.Of 692 extracolonic findings,60 lesions(8.7%)were highly significant,250(36.1%)were of intermediate significance,and 382(55.2%)were of low significance.CT colonography revealed fewer extracolonic findings in subjects who were without symptoms(P<0.001),younger(P<0.001),or who underwent CT colonography with no contrast enhancement(P=0.005).CT colonography with contrast enhancement showed higher cost-effectiveness in detecting highly significant extracolonic lesions in older subjects and in subjects with symptoms.CONCLUSION:Most of the extracolonic findings detected using CT colonography were of less significant lesions.The role of CT colonography would be optimized if this procedure was performed with contrast enhancement in symptomatic older subjects. 展开更多
关键词 Computed tomographic colonography Extracolonic lesion COST Contrast enhancement Clinical availability
作者 杨溢声 《中国作家(纪实版)》 2009年第4期190-198,共9页
关键词 挑山 伏牛 桐柏 韩成 国字 豫南 成国
作者 胡炎 《中国铁路文艺》 2007年第10期53-54,共2页
老韩得了癌症,整个人都垮了。化疗出院后,他一直情绪萎靡,神情里满是绝望。儿子韩江看在眼里,急在心里,他知道。心病比生理上的疾病更可怕。于是,他想尽办法为父亲寻找排遣抑郁的"药方"。这天,他突然发现网上一个抗癌论坛,许... 老韩得了癌症,整个人都垮了。化疗出院后,他一直情绪萎靡,神情里满是绝望。儿子韩江看在眼里,急在心里,他知道。心病比生理上的疾病更可怕。于是,他想尽办法为父亲寻找排遣抑郁的"药方"。这天,他突然发现网上一个抗癌论坛,许多全国各地的病友在上面相互交流,相互鼓励,有的抗癌明星已经让生命延长了二十多年。韩江大受鼓舞, 展开更多
关键词 王秋阳 就这样 这一天 活着 韩成 让王
作者 祖发厚 《少年月刊》 1996年第5期16-19,共4页
关键词 活着 韩成 库沟 黄崖山 副班长 天刚 给你 汪村 石贞 鲁南战役
作者 韩成杰 《七彩语文(习作)》 2012年第9期27-27,共1页
夏夜,月亮升起来了,起风了,院子里格外地凉爽。这个时候,老人们都陆陆续续地出来纳凉了。晚上八点多的时候,星星也亮了起来,萤火虫打着灯笼出来玩,虫儿叫得更欢了,花儿闹了起来。这一切的一切让我心情一下子飞了起来。萤火虫,围着我转呀... 夏夜,月亮升起来了,起风了,院子里格外地凉爽。这个时候,老人们都陆陆续续地出来纳凉了。晚上八点多的时候,星星也亮了起来,萤火虫打着灯笼出来玩,虫儿叫得更欢了,花儿闹了起来。这一切的一切让我心情一下子飞了起来。萤火虫,围着我转呀转,小灯笼闪呀闪!不知这是不是我梦中的画面!月亮一样温柔地照耀着,可是我的心却不同了!夏夜,快乐的夏夜,我喜欢…… 展开更多
关键词 起风了 郭村镇 韩成
《内蒙古画报(蒙汉文版)》 2008年第5期60-60,共1页
关键词 副社长 历届领导 副总编 依克苏 尹瘦石 蒙古画 韩成 乌力吉 刘志刚 巴雅尔
作者 韩成杰 《作文世界(小学版)》 2008年第12期1-1,共1页
关键词 郭村镇 韩成
作者 Yoo Young Seok 李健 《现代青年》 2015年第5期10-11,共2页
当天边那颗星出现 你可知我又开始想念 有多少爱恋只能遥遥相望 就像月光洒向海面 年少的我们曾以为
关键词 遥遥相望 韩成
Cancer incidence varies significantly depending on Sasang constitution of Traditional Korean Medicine
作者 Jonghoon Lee Weechang Kang +3 位作者 Junghyo Cho Chongkwan Cho Hwaseung Yoo Changgue Son 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第3期312-315,共4页
OBJECTIVE: Sasang constitutional medicine is a component of Traditional Korean Medicine that stresses the hereditary makeup of disease incidences or therapeutic responses. This study investigated the relationship betw... OBJECTIVE: Sasang constitutional medicine is a component of Traditional Korean Medicine that stresses the hereditary makeup of disease incidences or therapeutic responses. This study investigated the relationship between the incidence of cancer and Sasang constitution classification. METHODS: Five hundred and one cancer patients were classified as having one of the four types of Sasang constitutions (Taeumin, Soumin, Soyangin, Taeyangin) using Questionnaire for Sasang Constitution Classification II, then compared with data from 1423 healthy subjects. RESULTS: The Sasang constitutional distribution for the cancer patients was significantly differentfrom that for healthy subjects: 22.8% vs 46.9% for Taeumin, 35.5% vs 24.0% for Soumin, and 41.7% vs 29.1% for Soyangin. Our results assumed that the lowest cancer incidence would be in Taeumin (around 2-fold in both sex) while the highest cancer incidence in Soumin males (2.8-fold) and Soyangin females (2.1-fold). CONCLUSION: This study identified a trend involving the frequency of cancer and the Sasang constitutional classification. We hope that this finding will provide new ideas for the study of cancer incidence and its preventive management. 展开更多
关键词 NEOPLASMS Medicine Chinesetraditional Medicine Korean traditional Sasangconstitution
Study on improving blood flow with korean red ginseng substances using digital infrared thermal imaging and doppler sonography:randomized,double blind,placebo-controlled clinical trial with parallel design 被引量:7
作者 Jaehui Kang Namhun Lee +1 位作者 Yochan Ahn Hyun Lee 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第1期39-45,共7页
OBJECTIVE: To examine ginseng for improving people. the efficacy of Korean red blood flow in healthy METHODS: Participants were randomized and treated with 1500 mg of Korean red ginseng extract or placebo for 8 wee... OBJECTIVE: To examine ginseng for improving people. the efficacy of Korean red blood flow in healthy METHODS: Participants were randomized and treated with 1500 mg of Korean red ginseng extract or placebo for 8 weeks. The effect of Korean red ginseng was evaluated by digital infrared thermal images, and Doppler sonography, and blood test. RESULTS: Imbalance Forty subjects completed the protoco n local thermal distribution was significantly decreased in the Korean red ginseng group confirmed by digital infrared thermal images. Doppler sonography showed no significant change in maximum and average rates of blood circulation in single or complex areas. Blood analyses for coagulation and lipid metabolism factors revealed no significant changes. No abnormal reactions to the Korean red ginseng were observed. CONCLUSION: Digital infrared thermal imaging showed that the temperature deviation in the whole body decreased safely in the Korean red ginseng group, which mitigated the body- temperature imbalance. This result suggests that the Korean red ginseng improves blood circulation in the human body. 展开更多
关键词 Radix et rhizome ginseng rubra Bloodcirculation Body temperature Ultrasonography doppler Infrared thermal imaging Double-blindmethod
Anti-angiogenic effects of the water extract of HangAmDan(WEHAD),a Korean traditional medicine 被引量:4
作者 BANG Ji-Young KIM Kyung-Soon +6 位作者 KIM Eung-Yoon YOO Hwa-Seung LEE Yeon-Weol CHO Chong-Kwan CHOI YoungJin JEONG Hyun-Ja KANG In-Cheol 《Science China(Life Sciences)》 SCIE CAS 2011年第3期248-254,共7页
We investigated the anti-angiogenic effects of the water extract of HangAmDan (WEHAD),which is a crude extract of nine Korean medicinal substances of animal and plant origin.In human umbilical vein endothelial cells,W... We investigated the anti-angiogenic effects of the water extract of HangAmDan (WEHAD),which is a crude extract of nine Korean medicinal substances of animal and plant origin.In human umbilical vein endothelial cells,WEHAD significantly inhibited bFGF-induced proliferation,adhesion,migration,and capillary tube formation.We used an antibody array to perform an analysis of signaling proteins,which showed up-regulated expression of various proteins including RAD51,RAD52,and p73,and down-regulated expression of pFAK.Blood vessel formation in a chick chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) treated with WEHAD was markedly reduced in length compared with a PBS-treated control group.These results suggest that inhibition of angiogenesis by WEHAD may be the mechanism of action for the anti-cancer effects of HAD. 展开更多
关键词 ANGIOGENESIS HangAmDan WEHAD antibody array HUVEC
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