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作者 信威 《艺术探索》 1997年第S1期43-44,69,共3页
关键词 蒙古族民间宗教 音道 歌曲 乐形态 歌词内容 轮回 辽宁 蒙古族聚居区 主歌 超度众生
作者 信威 《乐府新声(沈阳音乐学院学报)》 1996年第4期32-33,共2页
关键词 蒙古族民间宗教 音道 歌曲 乐形态 歌词内容 轮回 辽宁 蒙古族聚居区 主歌 超度众生
作者 <中国寺庙>电视片创作组 《海内与海外》 1998年第5期43-44,共2页
关键词 普陀山 菩萨 音道 《大唐西域记》 西方极乐世界 华严经 圆通宝殿 自然景观 乾德五年 四大菩萨
作者 杨霞 《黄河之声》 2022年第23期116-119,共4页
琴禅是禅宗美学的一种重要表现形式,琴之所以能表达禅宗美学,是因为二者在诸多方面具有共通性。《溪山琴况》作为古琴理论的典范之作,总结了古琴在演奏过程中的二十四况,从不同角度表现了禅的美学意蕴,主要体现在琴德与禅德、琴趣与禅... 琴禅是禅宗美学的一种重要表现形式,琴之所以能表达禅宗美学,是因为二者在诸多方面具有共通性。《溪山琴况》作为古琴理论的典范之作,总结了古琴在演奏过程中的二十四况,从不同角度表现了禅的美学意蕴,主要体现在琴德与禅德、琴趣与禅趣、琴意与禅意三个层面,同时解释了琴与禅在形成过程、表达方式、功能价值方面的相通性。 展开更多
关键词 倾向 禅宗美学 琴禅 《溪山琴况》
《庄子》“音声”思想探 被引量:1
作者 李延仓 《管子学刊》 2021年第3期17-27,共11页
《庄子》中包含诸多“音声”意象,“托音寄声”是其喻事明理的重要表现。由于深受老子的影响,庄子的音声思想首先表现在对“无声”的推崇上,即认为道体不可言、不可称。庄子既认为道体“无声”,又以得道为终极归宿,故体悟与契合“无声... 《庄子》中包含诸多“音声”意象,“托音寄声”是其喻事明理的重要表现。由于深受老子的影响,庄子的音声思想首先表现在对“无声”的推崇上,即认为道体不可言、不可称。庄子既认为道体“无声”,又以得道为终极归宿,故体悟与契合“无声”遂转化为主体心性修养的至高境界及修道、进道之工夫。尽管道体无声无臭,但道既生万有之后的世界不可能“鸦雀无声”。《庄子》中或显或隐的众多音声论述中,大多内在包含着或合道或悖道的价值评判。庄子的音声思想对人具有重要的启示意义。从音声思想的视角解读《庄子》,不失为同情理解庄子的一种有效方法。 展开更多
关键词 《庄子》 声思想 体无声
作者 《杭州师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2022年第1期1-11,共11页
佛陀出世为一大事因缘,演法四十九年,喻为狮子吼,威严无畏,降服异端。然而,狮子吼纯属古印度文化所孕育的文学譬喻,声音本身并无实质意义。狮子吼在中国佛教未见重视,原因复杂,包括中国不产狮子以及中国古人如何看待猛兽等,其中儒、道... 佛陀出世为一大事因缘,演法四十九年,喻为狮子吼,威严无畏,降服异端。然而,狮子吼纯属古印度文化所孕育的文学譬喻,声音本身并无实质意义。狮子吼在中国佛教未见重视,原因复杂,包括中国不产狮子以及中国古人如何看待猛兽等,其中儒、道二家对音声的思想至为关键,所以尝试追溯中国佛教中声音象征的漫长发展,先略述其印度前史,继而指出儒、道二家本土因素在其演变中的影响,目的在于说明佛教声音象征的三个演变阶段,即从狮子吼到终极寂默,再到中国修行者心灵中所崇尚的天籁之音。 展开更多
关键词 印度佛教 狮子吼 天籁 天人合一 声思想 禅宗
作者 文武 《安徽税务》 1997年第9期43-43,共1页
归途———致乡村税收员●文武夕阳收去了最后的一缕灿烂躁动的黄土地渐渐安静、温柔庄稼的气息弥漫于空气中你骑着单车一路叮当焦急的心穿过渐浓的暮色直射那个温暖的港湾身上的税服已被汗水浸得泛白起泡的嘴唇干渴的喉咙嘶哑的声音道... 归途———致乡村税收员●文武夕阳收去了最后的一缕灿烂躁动的黄土地渐渐安静、温柔庄稼的气息弥漫于空气中你骑着单车一路叮当焦急的心穿过渐浓的暮色直射那个温暖的港湾身上的税服已被汗水浸得泛白起泡的嘴唇干渴的喉咙嘶哑的声音道出了征税途中的艰辛背上的那个挎包鼓... 展开更多
关键词 乡村 黄土地 空气中 音道 泛白 挎包 港湾 唇干 水浸 喉咙
Noise Impact and Improvement on Indoors Acoustic Comfort for the Building Adjacent to Heavy Traffic Road 被引量:1
作者 Li Zhisheng Li Dongmei +2 位作者 Mei Sheng Zhang Guoqiang Liu Jianlong 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 北大核心 2007年第1期17-25,共9页
A good acoustic environment is absolutely essential to maintaining a high level satisfaction and moral health among residents. Noise and other boresome sounds come from both in- door and outdoor sources. For the resid... A good acoustic environment is absolutely essential to maintaining a high level satisfaction and moral health among residents. Noise and other boresome sounds come from both in- door and outdoor sources. For the residential buildings adjacent to heavy traffic roads, outdoors traffic noise is the main source that affects indoor acoustic quality and health. Ventilation and outdoor noise prevention become a pair of contradictions for the residents in China nowadays for those buildings adjacent to heavy traffic roads. It is investigated that traffic noise emission is mainly con- stituted by the motors of trucks, buses and motorcycles as well as brake. In this paper, two methods of traffic noise reduction on the indoor sound environment and comfort are carried out to study and compare the residential buildings adjacent to heavy traffic roadway in a city. One is to install noise barriers on the two sides of the roadway, which consist of sound-proof glass and plas- tic materials. The effect of sound-insulation of this method is heavily dependent on the relative distance between the noise bar- rier and indoors. A reduction of sound with an average pressure level of 2–15dB is achieved on the places behind and under the noise barrier. However, for the equivalent of noise barrier height, the noise reduction effect is little. As for the places of higher than the noise barrier, the traffic noise will be even strengthened by 3–7dB. Noise increment can be seen at the points of distance farther than 15m and height more than noise barrier; the noise reduction effect is not satisfactory or even worsened. In addition, not every location is appropriate to install the noise barrier along the heavy traffic roads. The other method of noise reduction for the buildings adjacent to heavy traffic is to install the airproof and soundproof windows, which is the conversion from natural venti- lation to mechanical ventilation. A reduction of sound with an average pressure level of 5dB to 17dB can be achieved compared with common glass windows, if adopting sound proof glass win- dows. These two methods are helpful to isolate high frequency noise but not for low frequency noise. For those frequency noises, installing thick and cotton curtain and porous carpet can only decrease 2.4–4.5dB, which hardly contributes to indoor sound comfort, so further study is demanded to cut down traffic noise, especially to cut down the low frequency noise. 展开更多
关键词 traffic road indoor noise COMFORT noise barrier noise proof window impact
作者 Wu Zhijun Duan Haixin Li Xing 《Journal of Electronics(China)》 2006年第2期304-309,共6页
The proposed secure communication approach adopts the proposed algorithm of Analysis-By- Synthesis (ABS) speech information hiding to establish a Secret Speech Subliminai Channel (SSSC) for speech secure communica... The proposed secure communication approach adopts the proposed algorithm of Analysis-By- Synthesis (ABS) speech information hiding to establish a Secret Speech Subliminai Channel (SSSC) for speech secure communication over PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network), and employs the algorithm of ABS speech information extracting to recovery the secret information, This approach is more reliable, covert and securable than traditional and chaotic secure communication. 展开更多
关键词 Secure communication SPEECH Information hiding Subliminal channel Analysis-By-Synthesis(ABS)
作者 覃召文 《华南师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 1992年第4期58-65,共8页
岭南诗论有着鲜明的地方特色:它把自然视为诗歌本体,在注重诗歌自然天工的同时还强调诗人妙造自然的能动性,它视情道合一为诗的原质,既强调“率情”而作,又主张诗歌应具有强烈的理性精神;它具有乐歌为先的倾向,重视歌与诗的统一,并把粤... 岭南诗论有着鲜明的地方特色:它把自然视为诗歌本体,在注重诗歌自然天工的同时还强调诗人妙造自然的能动性,它视情道合一为诗的原质,既强调“率情”而作,又主张诗歌应具有强烈的理性精神;它具有乐歌为先的倾向,重视歌与诗的统一,并把粤歌看作创造新声的源泉.这三大特色的形成取决千岭南特定的社会历史条件,其中,素朴淳厚的岭南文化之影响是尤为重要的一个因素. 展开更多
关键词 自然之学 以诗为诗 为诗 声之
Speech-stream detection in short-wave channel based on empirical mode decomposition and higher-order statistics 被引量:1
作者 钱真 李雪耀 +1 位作者 张汝波 王武 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2009年第5期713-716,共4页
To capture the presence of speech embedded in nonspeech events and background noise in shortwave non-cooperative communication, an algorithm for speech-stream detection in noisy environments is presented based on Empi... To capture the presence of speech embedded in nonspeech events and background noise in shortwave non-cooperative communication, an algorithm for speech-stream detection in noisy environments is presented based on Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) and statistical properties of higher-order cumulants of speech signals. With the EMD, the noise signals can be decomposed into different numbers of IMFs. Then, the fourth-order cumulant ( FOC ) can be used to extract the desired feature of statistical properties for IMF components. Since the higher-order eumulants are blind for Gaussian signals, the proposed method is especially effective regarding the problem of speech-stream detection, where the speech signal is distorted by Gaussian noise. With the self-adaptive decomposition by EMD, the proposed method can also work well for non-Gaussian noise. The experiments show that the proposed algorithm can suppress different noise types with different SNRs, and the algorithm is robust in real signal tests. 展开更多
关键词 speech-stream detection higher-order statistics Empirical Mode Decomposition
Vortex Channel Modelling for the Radio Vortex System 被引量:1
作者 Qibiao Zhu Tao Jiang 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第4期121-129,共9页
In this paper, a free-space vortex channel model of the radio vortex system is proposed to describe the propagation characteristics of vortex signals over the vortex channel. The key idea is to combine the Laguerre-Ga... In this paper, a free-space vortex channel model of the radio vortex system is proposed to describe the propagation characteristics of vortex signals over the vortex channel. The key idea is to combine the Laguerre-Gaussian(LG) modes in the optical field with the free-space propagation model in the radio field. The proposed free-space vortex channel model is derived from the electric field expression of the LG modes and the freespace channel transfer function of the freespace propagation model theoretically. Simulation results verify that the proposed model could reflect the vortex channel characteristics better than the currently used free-space propagation model. 展开更多
关键词 vortex channel model radiovortex FREE-SPACE laguerre-gaussian modes channel transfer function
The Recompositions of Buus'(1547)RicercariFrom His Libro primo.., in Manuscript P-Cug MM 242 and the Didactic Processes of the Friars of the Santa Cruz Monastery in Coimbra.
作者 Filipe Mesquita de Oliveira 《History Research》 2013年第6期423-440,共18页
The purpose of this articleis to address the presence of seven recomposed ricercari by Jacques Buus in the Music Manuscript 242 from the Library of the University of Coimbra in Portugal (P-Cug MM 242). These recompo... The purpose of this articleis to address the presence of seven recomposed ricercari by Jacques Buus in the Music Manuscript 242 from the Library of the University of Coimbra in Portugal (P-Cug MM 242). These recompositions, probably copied in the third quarter of the 16th century, were made after the previously copied Buus's ricercari in Music Manuscript 48 (P-Cug MM 48) of the same library, which were based on the Libro primo de ricercari a quattrovoci, published in Venice in 1547 by Antonio Gardane. In this paper, the author intend to focus in two main aspects of the research done on this subject. The first topic concerns the score-format of both manuscripts 48 & 242, which testify the instrumental activity in mid-sixteenth century Portugal. The author will demonstrate that this format served once, in the Santa Cruz Monastery in Coimbra, as a didactic tool in the teaching of counterpoint through the music of a northern European master such as Jacques Buus. The copies in the manuscripts were never intended to be used as a performing support--they contain many errors of vertical coordination between the voices that make the performance impossible. The second topic focuses on Buus' recomposed ricercari, which were the object of many cuts, brief recomposed bridges, newly inserted sections, and written glosa figurations. Through these recompositions, the author will describe the theoretic assimilation of formal processes, of style, mode, counterpoint and performing practice. The achievement of this paper is to offer historic musicology researchers a new perspective about the enormous influence that Buus' ricercari from his Libro primo.., had in the learning processes of music composition and in the development of didactic and performing practices in the Santa Cruz Monastery in Coimbra, during the mid-sixteenth century. 展开更多
关键词 Jacques Buus P-Cug MM 242 Ricercare Portuguese instrumental music from the 16h century Scoreformat manuscripts
Spatial Distribution of Sound Channel and Its Parameters in North Indian Ocean
作者 K.Ashalatha T.V.R.Murty K.V.S.R.Prasad 《Journal of Shipping and Ocean Engineering》 2015年第6期334-340,共7页
The Present work reports the variability of the derived sound channel and its parameters (surface sound velocity, conjugate depth, SLD (Sonic Layer depth) and SOFAR(Sound Fixing and Ranging) depth) has been pres... The Present work reports the variability of the derived sound channel and its parameters (surface sound velocity, conjugate depth, SLD (Sonic Layer depth) and SOFAR(Sound Fixing and Ranging) depth) has been presented over the Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea. We use World Ocean Atlas Annual data (2013) on temperature; salinity of North Indian Ocean (0°-25°N; 50°-95°E) and its bathymetry have been utilized for the present computation. The depth of the sound channel axis increases towards the northern latitudes in the Arabian Sea, while it decreases in the Bay of Bengal. Coming to the conjugate depth, it shows variation from 120-400 m in the Bay of Bengal and 50-320 m in the Arabian Sea. The range of SLD is varying between 20-40 m in the Bay of Bengal and 10-30 m in the Arabian Sea. The Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea have depth limited nature of the profile, i.e. surface sound speed exceeds the near bottom values. This has an important implication in the sound propagation in the SOFAR channel. Anticipated acoustic rays in an ocean with depth limited profile will propagate as surface refracted, bottom reflected (RBR) rays. As a result, the effective sound channel lies much below the sea surface. 展开更多
关键词 SOFAR channel sonic layer conjugates depth WOA climatology.
Sound propagation in two-axis underwater channel based on beam-displacement ray-mode theory
作者 张林 笪良龙 卢晓亭 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第3期300-303,共4页
Sound propagation in a deep ocean two-axis underwater channel is often complex and difficult to simulate between surface channel and sound fixing and ranging (SOFAR) channel. The beam-displacement ray-mode (BDRM) theo... Sound propagation in a deep ocean two-axis underwater channel is often complex and difficult to simulate between surface channel and sound fixing and ranging (SOFAR) channel. The beam-displacement ray-mode (BDRM) theory is a normal mode method for propagation modeling in horizontally stratified shallow water. An improved method for computing the upper boundary reflection coefficient in the BDRM is proposed and applied to calculate the acoustic fields of a two-axis underwater channel. Transmission losses in the two-axis underwater channel are calculated in the new BDRM. The corresponding results are in good agreement with those from the Kraken code, and furthermore the computed speed of the new BDRM excels the other methods. 展开更多
关键词 two-axis underwater channel BDRM theory reflection coefficient phase-shift correction
Schematic interface of sound creation for computer animators
作者 TONG Kam-pang Maya WONG Kam-wah 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2006年第7期1141-1151,共11页
As an audiovisual medium, computer animations require superior image quality and professional soundtrack to lead audiences into their fascinating virtual world. Without sound, the impact of storytelling is reduced or ... As an audiovisual medium, computer animations require superior image quality and professional soundtrack to lead audiences into their fascinating virtual world. Without sound, the impact of storytelling is reduced or the story is even not under- standable. Despite the importance of sound, most animators are unfamiliar with sound editing software. Limited budget projects such as independent or student works have difficulty hiring sound professionals to create tailor-made soundtrack. Therefore, we need a suitable sound tool to express their individual ideas. In this paper, we propose an approach using schematic for both computer animation and sound. Our approach provides (1) physical simulation on sound through animation parameters and (2) a new channel for animators to add aesthetic values in sound through their experience of using schematics in existing animation software. We demonstrate our idea through several examples, such as Doppler shift, obstacle effect, importance, energetic, and sputtering effect. 展开更多
关键词 Computer animation MULTIMEDIA Digital media Schematics Physical simulation AESTHETIC Sound effects Soundtrack
Joint Source-Channel Decoding of EVRC Speech Encoder Using Residual Redundancy
作者 阿哈麦德 尤肖虎 高西奇 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2002年第2期103-107,共5页
The enhanced variable rate codec (EVRC) is a standard for the 'Speech ServiceOption 3 for Wideband Spread Spectrum Digital System,' which has been employed in both IS-95cellular systems and ANSI J-STC-008 PCS ... The enhanced variable rate codec (EVRC) is a standard for the 'Speech ServiceOption 3 for Wideband Spread Spectrum Digital System,' which has been employed in both IS-95cellular systems and ANSI J-STC-008 PCS (personal communications systems). This paper concentrateson channel decoders that exploit the residual redundancy inherent in the enhanced variable ratecodec bitstream. This residual redundancy is quantified by modeling the parameters as first orderMarkov chains and computing the entropy rate based on the relative frequencies of transitions.Moreover, this residual redundancy can be exploited by an appropriately 'tuned' channel decoder toprovide substantial coding gain when compared with the decoders that do not exploit it. Channelcoding schemes include convolutional codes, and iteratively decoded parallel concatenatedconvolutional 'turbo' codes. 展开更多
关键词 residual redundancy convolutional codes turbo codes
The Use of Acoustic Quality Assessment in the Management of the Road Noise Reduction Project
作者 Waldemar Paszkowski 《Management Studies》 2018年第5期338-345,共8页
The article presents a new approach to the tasks of noise assessment and reduction in the urbanized environment endangered by road noise sources. It was proposed to include the acoustic quality model in the currently ... The article presents a new approach to the tasks of noise assessment and reduction in the urbanized environment endangered by road noise sources. It was proposed to include the acoustic quality model in the currently applied quantitative noise assessment in the management of urbanized environment. In particular, this model takes into account subjective features of sound quality, i.e.: loudness, sharpness, roughness, and fluctuation strength as well as noise mmoya^ce assessment obtained in laboratory conditions. The proposed way can be used in estimating investment costs of an acoustic barrier at the design stage 展开更多
关键词 acoustic barrier acoustic quality noise management noise reduction urban areas
Inspection of pipeline girth welds with ultrasonic phased array technique
作者 Huang Jing(黄晶) Que Peiwen Jin Jianhua 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2005年第3期240-244,共5页
A novel automatic ultrasonic system used for the inspection of pipeline girth welds is developed, in which a linear phased array transducer using electronic scan is adopted. Optimal array parameters are determined bas... A novel automatic ultrasonic system used for the inspection of pipeline girth welds is developed, in which a linear phased array transducer using electronic scan is adopted. Optimal array parameters are determined based on a mathematical model of acoustic field for linear phased army derived from Huygens' principle. The testing method and the system structure are introduced. The experimental results show that the phased array transducer system has the same detectability as that of conventional ultrasonic transducer system, but the system architecture can be simplified greatly, and the testing flexibility and the testing speed can be improved greatly. 展开更多
关键词 linear phased array transducer mathematical model of acoustic field pipeline girth welds defect inspection
A Novel Multichannel Audio Signal Compression Method Based on Tensor Representation and Decomposition 被引量:2
作者 WANG Jing XIE Xiang KUANG Jingming 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第3期80-90,共11页
Multichannel audio signal is more difficult to be compressed than mono and stereo ones.A novel multichannel audio signal compression method based on tensor representation and decomposition is proposed in this paper.Th... Multichannel audio signal is more difficult to be compressed than mono and stereo ones.A novel multichannel audio signal compression method based on tensor representation and decomposition is proposed in this paper.The multichannel audio is represented with 3-order tensor space and is decomposed into core tensor with three factor matrices in the way of channel,time and frequency.Only the truncated core tensor is transmitted which will be multiplied by the pre-trained factor matrices to reconstruct the original tensor space.Objective and subjective experiments have been done to show a very noticeable compression capability with an acceptable output quality.The novelty of the proposed compression method is that it enables both high compression capability and backward compatibility with limited signal distortion to the hearing. 展开更多
关键词 multichannel audio signal compression tensor decomposition Tuckermodel core tensor
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