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作者 丁飞 《江苏教育》 2023年第13期73-75,共3页
关键词 设计思维 思维培养 项目建构 探索类课程
作者 赵伟 《儿童与健康》 2022年第11期30-33,共4页
基于日常生活中父性教育的缺失及“爸爸陪练”项目单一和陪练空间较小的现状,本研究以六十对父子组合为研究对象,采用观察、实验等方法,尝试开发“爸爸陪练”亲子运动项目。“爸爸陪练”项目是指以学期为单位,利用幼儿父亲的碎片化时间... 基于日常生活中父性教育的缺失及“爸爸陪练”项目单一和陪练空间较小的现状,本研究以六十对父子组合为研究对象,采用观察、实验等方法,尝试开发“爸爸陪练”亲子运动项目。“爸爸陪练”项目是指以学期为单位,利用幼儿父亲的碎片化时间,邀请他们参与园内外亲子陪练活动。通过开发父子运动新系列,创建父子运动新空间和推进父子运动新样式等内容,以期培养幼儿的核心运动能力。在为期一年的园本实践中,“爸爸陪练”项目培养了大班幼儿核心运动能力,促进了幼儿运动体格和运动品格的发展,进一步建构了幼儿“爸爸陪练”的运动范式。 展开更多
关键词 大班幼儿 父性教育 亲子运动 培养幼儿 碎片化时间 陪练 项目建构 幼儿运动
高中化学融合STEAM教育理念的项目式学习建构及案例开发 被引量:6
作者 李申申 崔继文 《现代盐化工》 2021年第2期165-167,共3页
STEAM教育是集科学、技术、工程、数学和艺术5门学科于一体的跨学科融合式教育,发展学生解决真实问题的能力,培养复合创新型教育人才,与我国当前新课程改革要求发展学生的必备知识与关键能力存在内在一致性。基于我国当前分科的教学背景... STEAM教育是集科学、技术、工程、数学和艺术5门学科于一体的跨学科融合式教育,发展学生解决真实问题的能力,培养复合创新型教育人才,与我国当前新课程改革要求发展学生的必备知识与关键能力存在内在一致性。基于我国当前分科的教学背景,着重分析了当前STEAM教育理念落地化学学科的困境,并构建了跨学科项目式学习模式,以促进STEAM教育理念与化学学科的深度融合,开发设计了"乳液的制作"典型教学案例,充分体现了跨学科项目式学习模式在化学教学中的应用,有助于培养学生的综合素养与创新实践能力。 展开更多
关键词 STEAM教育理念 高中化学 项目式学习建构 案例开发
行业模式下应用型本科院校“新闻采写”课程的项目制改革 被引量:6
作者 雷璐荣 《重庆高教研究》 2013年第2期82-85,共4页
高校新闻教育的应用型趋势明显,但依然面临如何有效实施的问题。作为应用型本科院校新闻教育的基础课程,"新闻采访与写作"课程教学可以参照新闻行业业务运行的执行流程,建构一个模拟的"新闻采写"实体,以项目制为总... 高校新闻教育的应用型趋势明显,但依然面临如何有效实施的问题。作为应用型本科院校新闻教育的基础课程,"新闻采访与写作"课程教学可以参照新闻行业业务运行的执行流程,建构一个模拟的"新闻采写"实体,以项目制为总体指导,将新闻采写的任务分配到报题、策划、评稿、排版及成果计算等各环节,从而实现课程中教学方式和教学角色的全新变革,提高学生的实践能力。 展开更多
关键词 新闻采写 课程改革 项目建构 行业模式
项目式教学在播音发声教学中的运用 被引量:3
作者 刘宁 《新闻研究导刊》 2016年第21期279-,共1页
关键词 项目式教学 播音发声 项目建构
土地管理学“项目教学法模式”运用研究 被引量:3
作者 柯燕燕 《湖北经济学院学报(人文社会科学版)》 2010年第10期170-171,共2页
"项目教学法"是以师生共同通过实施一个完整的"项目"来组织教学活动的一种方法。本文试图建构土地管理学项目教学法新模式。通过所选课程章节,教师在教学活动中将需要解决的问题或需要完成的任务以项目的形式交给学... "项目教学法"是以师生共同通过实施一个完整的"项目"来组织教学活动的一种方法。本文试图建构土地管理学项目教学法新模式。通过所选课程章节,教师在教学活动中将需要解决的问题或需要完成的任务以项目的形式交给学生,由学生自己按照实际工作的完整程序,在教师的指导下以小组工作方式,共同制定计划、分工合作完成整个项目。经由以上步骤,学生把理性的知识和感性的技能结合起来,感受活动乐趣,对提高专业教学质量具有一定现实意义。 展开更多
关键词 项目教学法教学模式 项目教学法模式建构 教学案例设计
《建筑结构》课程“项目教学法模式”的构建研究 被引量:5
作者 刘强 《贵阳学院学报(自然科学版)》 2007年第4期65-68,共4页
以发现为特征的探究式学习,以学生主动参与,亲身经历为特征,是一种过程性学习。在建筑工程专业教学实践中通过不断探索实验以试图建构新的教学模式,"项目教学法模式"正是基于项目实践的学习,更加注重学生的参与,重过程,重体验... 以发现为特征的探究式学习,以学生主动参与,亲身经历为特征,是一种过程性学习。在建筑工程专业教学实践中通过不断探索实验以试图建构新的教学模式,"项目教学法模式"正是基于项目实践的学习,更加注重学生的参与,重过程,重体验,引导学生掌握探究的方法和要领,感受活动乐趣,对提高专业教学质量具有一定现实意义。 展开更多
关键词 项目教学法教学模式 项目教学法模式建构 案例设计
作者 杨倩 《中国校外教育》 2021年第S01期46-50,共5页
北京市西城区少年宫构建了“少儿生活创意舞蹈”项目,该项目分为三个部分:“童心寻舞”课程、“童心寻舞”教材、“阳光少年”舞蹈社团。项目注重在体验中感知、生成、获得,引导学生从形象到舞蹈的探索,通过主题引领,兼顾训练,学生的艺... 北京市西城区少年宫构建了“少儿生活创意舞蹈”项目,该项目分为三个部分:“童心寻舞”课程、“童心寻舞”教材、“阳光少年”舞蹈社团。项目注重在体验中感知、生成、获得,引导学生从形象到舞蹈的探索,通过主题引领,兼顾训练,学生的艺术学习兴趣提高了,舞蹈创意能力增强了,学科核心素养在项目中切实落地。 展开更多
关键词 少儿生活创意舞蹈 舞蹈教学 项目建构
App Inventor在职业教育中的“项目主题式”教学研究——基于App Inventor的电子商务移动平台的设计与开发 被引量:1
作者 皮健 《软件导刊.教育技术》 2018年第5期71-72,共2页
在职业教育中,以App Inventor为教学内容和认知工具,采用职业教育"项目主题式"的建构主义教学设计模式,"基于App Inventor的电子商务移动平台的设计与开发"为项目任务,给出电子商务移动平台的结构设计与功能实现的... 在职业教育中,以App Inventor为教学内容和认知工具,采用职业教育"项目主题式"的建构主义教学设计模式,"基于App Inventor的电子商务移动平台的设计与开发"为项目任务,给出电子商务移动平台的结构设计与功能实现的具体样例,并通过翻转课堂等多种教学方法,指导学生完成平台设计与开发,从而使学生深入掌握App Inventor开发技能。 展开更多
关键词 APP 电子商务 职业教育 项目主题式”教学建构主义
作者 王林 《商情》 2013年第15期231-231,共1页
中职学校计算机专业培养学生的目标是提升职业能力,努力满足岗位实际需要,即培养学生的岗位能力和社会能力成为当前职业教育的重点,怎样在计算机课程当中能将这些培养教育产品的思想体现出来,怎样培养学生是一名合格的适应岗位的计... 中职学校计算机专业培养学生的目标是提升职业能力,努力满足岗位实际需要,即培养学生的岗位能力和社会能力成为当前职业教育的重点,怎样在计算机课程当中能将这些培养教育产品的思想体现出来,怎样培养学生是一名合格的适应岗位的计算机人才。本文以探索项目教学法在计算机Office课程当中的应用寻求提高学生综合能力的教学方法。 展开更多
关键词 建构主义 项目教学法 以学生为主体 社会能力 岗位能力
完整学科生活:成全丰富完整的人 被引量:5
作者 陆平 《江苏教育》 2019年第7期14-17,共4页
学科生活是指学生在课堂教学和学科综合活动中进行的各种活动。构建完整学科生活的实践路径有两个维度,一是日常课堂教学的重建,二是"辐合"学科综合活动。日常课堂教学的重建策略主要有整体化策略、深度策略和留白策略。学科... 学科生活是指学生在课堂教学和学科综合活动中进行的各种活动。构建完整学科生活的实践路径有两个维度,一是日常课堂教学的重建,二是"辐合"学科综合活动。日常课堂教学的重建策略主要有整体化策略、深度策略和留白策略。学科综合活动采用基于项目式学习策略,这样的学科综合活动能够引导学生体悟完整的世界,最终成全丰富完整的人。 展开更多
关键词 完整学科生活 项目建构 生活样态
Design influence for the success of construction projects
作者 LIANG De Xiang CHEN Yu 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第9期136-139,共4页
In this thesis, the design in construction management is defined as the design meets the requirements of the constructor. There are a range of definitions of design, but in this paper "design" refers to something, w... In this thesis, the design in construction management is defined as the design meets the requirements of the constructor. There are a range of definitions of design, but in this paper "design" refers to something, which has been planned and made and a pattern for decorating in something in the term of construction. Rumane says (2010)the design involves two processes. The first thing is analyzing and designing components and structure on the basis of recognized codes and standards of safety. The other is that designers conduct the information in the form 展开更多
关键词 construction management FACILITY a range of definitions of design building construction
作者 周焱 《当代家庭教育》 2021年第31期73-74,共2页
STEM是科学(Science)、技术(Technology)、工程(Engineering)、数学(Mathematics)四门学科英文首个字母的缩写。STEM教育的过程不是把科学、技术、工程和数学知识简单叠加,而是将跨学科的知识运用到解决真实问题的场景中,让孩子把零散... STEM是科学(Science)、技术(Technology)、工程(Engineering)、数学(Mathematics)四门学科英文首个字母的缩写。STEM教育的过程不是把科学、技术、工程和数学知识简单叠加,而是将跨学科的知识运用到解决真实问题的场景中,让孩子把零散知识变成一个互相联系的整体。建构坊项目活动有着领域整合、材料感知、建构创造的特点,与STEM的教育过程不谋而合,成了STEM课程理念的实践方式之一。而传统建构游戏欠缺探索性,且过于重视建构结果,不利于幼儿的多元化发展。本文就STEM视角下建构坊项目活动的推进策略进行探讨。 展开更多
关键词 STEM 建构项目活动 策略
Determination of Strouhal Numbers at High Reynolds Numbers
作者 Jorge Lassig Claudia Palese 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2014年第2期169-175,共7页
Leeward of natural elevations, like mountains and hills, the air flow becomes turbulent and often times damaging and hazardous to aviation and downwind populations. There is currently a trend for massive construction ... Leeward of natural elevations, like mountains and hills, the air flow becomes turbulent and often times damaging and hazardous to aviation and downwind populations. There is currently a trend for massive construction projects, the result of which are megastructures that behave similarly to these natural elevations and create analogous turbulence conditions. Examples five mega projects were analyzed, and it was estimated that the Reynolds number variation in these buildings, is from 6.10g and 7.109, for winds between 10 m/s and 50 m/s. In this work, the authors present a first numerical approach to this phenomenon by calculating the Strouhal numbers induced by winds blowing against large-volume bodies, in the range of high Reynolds numbers. For this study, satellite images depicting von K^irm^n cloud streets leeward of isolated islands were used. The methodology employed was based on a satellite image where streets watch von K^rnfin vortex, from NOAA-ARL (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration-Air Resource Laboratory) prognosis was obtained for a grid point near the island, then determined the inversion layer and meteorological data (wind, temperature and pressure), was measured from the satellite image the distances separating the vortices to calculate the period, the Reynolds number and Strouhal. The studied results of the cases are displayed graphically, where it is possible to observe a data dispersion as well as a rising trend of the Strouhal number as the Reynolds number increases. 展开更多
关键词 WIND VORTEX Strouhal numbers high Reynolds numbers BUILDING
Simulation Games As Educational Learning Method in Engineering Careers
作者 Leonardo Adan Douglas Costucica 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2015年第4期251-256,共6页
The challenges of today's world require college students have different skills and know how to apply the knowledge acquired to solve new situations. The traditional mode of teaching with lectures, still present in ma... The challenges of today's world require college students have different skills and know how to apply the knowledge acquired to solve new situations. The traditional mode of teaching with lectures, still present in many subjects of the engineering, seems to favor the development of the necessary skills, as active use of knowledge required [ 1 ]. However, they are using simulation games as an educational method in many universities in the world for the advantages they present for learning and the development of various skills, to simulate specific situations of professional activity [2]. This paper presents some background and requirements that games must meet educational purposes and propose their use in subjects related to economics, management and organization of production engineering programs where you can teach and learn from building products with simple items like cardboard paper on the theory of constructionism to build a product where people are building theories and knowledge in the mind [3]. The use of games is not widespread in universities in Argentina, however you can generate more motivating learning situations as it leaves the board becoming less abstract and more concrete learning. Classroom climate changes as students take a more participatory role and the teacher intervenes as a guide or facilitator of learning. This work could motivate teachers and researchers to promote their use in teaching and in future research to evaluate the potential of its use as a learning tool. 展开更多
Study of Quality Management in Construction Projects
作者 Tan Chin-Keng Abdul-Rahman, Hamzah 《Chinese Business Review》 2011年第7期542-552,共11页
This research management, exp and lores preliminarily the practices of quality management, management commitment in quality quality management implementation problems in construction projects in the context of Malaysi... This research management, exp and lores preliminarily the practices of quality management, management commitment in quality quality management implementation problems in construction projects in the context of Malaysian construction industry. The research applies semi-structured interview approach with twelve project management practitioners. The findings of the study indicate that the state of quality management in construction projects in Malaysia needs to be strengthened and there are problems in relation to quality management implementation that require attention and further research. The paper provides an insight on the state of quality management in construction projects in Malaysia. 展开更多
关键词 quality management construction project management PRACTICES management commitment PROBLEMS
The trend of mechanizing road header for coal mine entry
作者 HUI Xing-tian 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2010年第1期99-103,共5页
In discussing coal mine entry construction with rock bolt technology, examinedthe craft and machinery problems as well as the conditions in which to use each kind ofmachine and tool.It exposed the intrinsic flaws of t... In discussing coal mine entry construction with rock bolt technology, examinedthe craft and machinery problems as well as the conditions in which to use each kind ofmachine and tool.It exposed the intrinsic flaws of the widely used road header.The problemis that it was designed according to early timbering support state but is not suitable forrock bolt technology.The way to improve the function of existing road headers is notthrough parallel operations but using the SUDM (Shield Union Driving Machine), which isa new machine that improves construction.This article proposed a few solutions in designto solve this problem. 展开更多
关键词 coalmine gateway mine entry construction road header mechanization suggestion
Examining Construction Quality Supervision and Organization Procedures for BOT Projects by Comparing with DBB Projects
作者 Leu Wen Hao Andrew S. Chang 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2011年第5期412-420,共9页
Adopting the BOT (build-operate-transfer) delivery method has brought opportunities and challenges in construction time and quality for urban infrastructure. Many studies investigate the upstream issues of BOT proje... Adopting the BOT (build-operate-transfer) delivery method has brought opportunities and challenges in construction time and quality for urban infrastructure. Many studies investigate the upstream issues of BOT projects such as concessionaire selection criteria and risk factors. But the project execution becomes complicated such as the escalated quality supervision organization and procedure at the construction stage. This extra supervision may have constituted hidden redundancies as waste to economic sustainability. This paper investigated construction quality supervision of BOT projects to pinpoint adequate degree of supervision and detect redundant organization and procedures. The study adopted ten subway construction projects as cases in which five were from the traditional design-bid-build (DBB) and five from the BOT methods. Thirty six project participants including owners, contractors, designers, and concessionaire managers of the ten projects were interviewed to tell their views on these issues. The quality supervision measures of the DBB projects were used as the baseline and compared with those of the BOT projects. The research results show that the construction quality seems no difference for the DBB and BOT projects. Construction quality comes out of supervision but excessive supervision organization and procedures do not necessarily improve quality. This finding indicates that adequate degree of supervision is enough to achieve required quality to save immense paperwork for large construction projects. 展开更多
关键词 BOT DBB quality supervision quality organization and procedure subway construction.
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