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基于区域投入产出模型的大型建设项目区域经济影响评价——以白鹤滩水电站建设项目为例 被引量:7
作者 谭运嘉 李平 王宏伟 《工程研究(跨学科视野中的工程)》 CSCD 2013年第1期23-34,共12页
目前有关大型建设项目对区域经济影响的理论和实证研究还很薄弱,分析和评价的结论往往具有一定的主观性和随意性。本研究根据大型建设项目对区域发展影响的特点,以及项目决策的目标要求等,建立了适合大型项目区域经济影响分析的局部闭... 目前有关大型建设项目对区域经济影响的理论和实证研究还很薄弱,分析和评价的结论往往具有一定的主观性和随意性。本研究根据大型建设项目对区域发展影响的特点,以及项目决策的目标要求等,建立了适合大型项目区域经济影响分析的局部闭型投入产出模型,试图科学测度和量化大型建设项目对地区经济增长、产业结构、就业以及城市化等方面的影响,增强大型建设项目区域经济影响分析的规范性和和合理性,提高大型建设项目决策依据的科学性。本研究以白鹤滩水电站建设项目为案例,通过编制四川、云南两省的可比价局部闭型投入产出表,运用局部闭型投入产出模型进行实证研究。研究结果表明,白鹤滩水电站在建设期将对项目建设区域内的四川、云南两省增加国民生产总值、加快工业化和城市化进程、扩大就业机会、优化产业结构等方面都具有积极的促进作用,对区域经济发展具有较为显著的影响。 展开更多
关键词 大型建项目 区域经济影响评价 局部闭型投入产出模型 白鹤滩水电站建 项目
职业教育隐性课程显性化的项目预设与实证 被引量:7
作者 方玲玉 《职教论坛》 2008年第4期7-10,共4页
隐性课程的显性化操作是指通过对隐性课程进行有目的预设和系统性规划,使之以直观可见的方式表现出来.并实施有效的组织管理、过程控制、考核评价,强化其正面性效能,从而确保人才培养质量的全面提升。以高等职业教育电子商务专业为... 隐性课程的显性化操作是指通过对隐性课程进行有目的预设和系统性规划,使之以直观可见的方式表现出来.并实施有效的组织管理、过程控制、考核评价,强化其正面性效能,从而确保人才培养质量的全面提升。以高等职业教育电子商务专业为对象,探讨了课堂(教室)之外、专业范围之内,在互动活动层面的动态隐性课程显性化作法.及所取得的初步成效。 展开更多
关键词 高等职业教育 隐性课程 显性化 项目 实践
夏季奥运会设赛项目竞技实力国际分布状态平衡度判别及发展对策设计 被引量:1
作者 陈丹 《浙江体育科学》 2011年第4期33-36,59,共5页
奥运会设赛项目竞技实力国际分布状态变化过程就是一个从均衡走向失衡甚至危机再到均衡的过程,三种状态交替出现符合事物发展的基本现象。采用三元等级判别法确定相对均衡态、失衡态和危机态三种分布状态的测度指标及其组合方式,完成对... 奥运会设赛项目竞技实力国际分布状态变化过程就是一个从均衡走向失衡甚至危机再到均衡的过程,三种状态交替出现符合事物发展的基本现象。采用三元等级判别法确定相对均衡态、失衡态和危机态三种分布状态的测度指标及其组合方式,完成对夏季奥运会31个设赛项目的竞技实力国际分布状态等级判定,期望为夏季奥运会设赛项目的平衡设置及世界、国家奥运项目部署提供切实可行的依据和对策。 展开更多
关键词 夏季奥运会 项目 竞技实力 分布状态 平衡度判别 发展对策
作者 曾繁勇 《数理化解题研究(高中版)》 2015年第9X期67-67,共1页
项目学习法是关于如何设计与管理项目学习整个过程的新方法,强调与课程标准的结合,与课堂的直接传授形成有效互补.而初中物理作为一门实践性以及应用性很强的学科,其在教学过程中存在的问题导致学生的学习效果不佳,降低了学生的学习兴趣... 项目学习法是关于如何设计与管理项目学习整个过程的新方法,强调与课程标准的结合,与课堂的直接传授形成有效互补.而初中物理作为一门实践性以及应用性很强的学科,其在教学过程中存在的问题导致学生的学习效果不佳,降低了学生的学习兴趣,不利于物理教学实效性的提升.因此,为了提升初中物理教学的有效性,在进行物理教学的过程中,充分应用项目学习法,从而激发学生的学习兴趣,培养学生的问题意识。 展开更多
关键词 项目学习 物理课堂教学 初中物理 学习效果 学习过程 问题意识 课程标准 项目评价 项目驱动 项目设
西门子S7-200 PLC面向实验室设计的不同方案
作者 林娟 任晓芳 《电气应用》 2017年第9期78-80,共3页
传统的PLC课程设计项目已不能满足学生掌握PLC在现代工业生产中的使用,结合学校现有PLC设备条件开发符合实际需求的课设项目。PLC课程设计及实训项目的多样化设计越来越重要,以西门子S7-200 PLC控制十字路口交通灯系统为例,介绍使用不... 传统的PLC课程设计项目已不能满足学生掌握PLC在现代工业生产中的使用,结合学校现有PLC设备条件开发符合实际需求的课设项目。PLC课程设计及实训项目的多样化设计越来越重要,以西门子S7-200 PLC控制十字路口交通灯系统为例,介绍使用不同定时器个数的编程方案,拓展学生编程思维,使用不同机型、不同验证结果综合设计课设项目,通过这些多样化不同类型的训练,使学生掌握PLC相关的硬件软件、数字量控制,模拟量控制、变频器、触摸屏以及自动化生产线复杂控制等多门课程交叉融合,为学生未来的工程实践打下坚实的基础。 展开更多
关键词 PLC 项目
基于能力培养的数字电路与系统课程设计教学改进 被引量:1
作者 李林 《电子世界》 CAS 2022年第2期90-91,93,共3页
关键词 解决问题的能力 理论联系实践 数字电路与系统 课程 实践技能 强化过程 教学中存在的问题 项目
Design of Aided Decision-Making Program for Prioritizing Construction Projects in Urban Road Network Planning
作者 任刚 王炜 顾志康 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2002年第3期249-253,共5页
The importance and complexity of prioritizing construction projects (PCP) in urban road network planning lead to the necessity to develop an aided decision making program (ADMP). Cost benefit ratio model and stage rol... The importance and complexity of prioritizing construction projects (PCP) in urban road network planning lead to the necessity to develop an aided decision making program (ADMP). Cost benefit ratio model and stage rolled method are chosen as the theoretical foundations of the program, and then benefit model is improved to accord with the actuality of urban traffic in China. Consequently, program flows, module functions and data structures are designed, and particularly an original data structure of road ... 展开更多
关键词 prioritizing construction projects program design urban road network planning aided decision making
作者 朱晓勇 王晓姣 +2 位作者 钟柳明 刘庆冬 刘文庆 《材料热处理学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第7期51-56,共6页
将实验V-Nb-Mo微合金钢在1200℃固溶处理,在500℃回火不同时间,用场离子显微镜(FIM)研究实验钢中碳化物的析出过程。结果表明:回火0.5 h的样品中,碳化物处于形核长大时期,与基体的{110}呈共格关系;随着回火时间的延长,碳化物形成独立的... 将实验V-Nb-Mo微合金钢在1200℃固溶处理,在500℃回火不同时间,用场离子显微镜(FIM)研究实验钢中碳化物的析出过程。结果表明:回火0.5 h的样品中,碳化物处于形核长大时期,与基体的{110}呈共格关系;随着回火时间的延长,碳化物形成独立的晶体结构,与基体{110}之间呈半共格关系;回火100 h后,碳化物粗化长大,与基体呈非共格关系;形状系数随着回火时间的延长先变大再变小,析出相尺寸从1.6 nm逐渐增大至15 nm。500℃回火30 h的实验钢力学性能最佳,表明碳化物的析出强化效果最明显,相应的碳化物尺寸约为4 nm。 展开更多
关键词 场离子显微镜 回火 析出 V-Nb-Mo微合金钢
Key technical innovation of Xihoumen Bridge——the longest steel box gird suspension bridge in the world 被引量:3
作者 Cuo Jian 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2010年第4期18-22,共5页
All the progress from design to construction of Xihoumen Bridge project and some technical questions were researched, such as design idea considering topography condition, structure choosing considering wind resist an... All the progress from design to construction of Xihoumen Bridge project and some technical questions were researched, such as design idea considering topography condition, structure choosing considering wind resist and controlling progression of construction considering complex ocean environment, etc. The key technical innovations reached international advanced level. 展开更多
关键词 cross-sea bridge Zhoushan Xiboumen Bridge technical innovation suspension bridge
Landscape Network Approach to Assess Ecological Impacts of Road Projects on Biological Conservation 被引量:4
作者 LIU Shiliang DENG Li +3 位作者 CHEN Liding LI Junran DONG Shikui ZHAO Haidi 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第1期5-14,共10页
Awareness of the adverse ecological effects of road and other large construction projects has resulted in a rapidly growing demand to quantitatively predict and evaluate the effects on gene flow among plants and anima... Awareness of the adverse ecological effects of road and other large construction projects has resulted in a rapidly growing demand to quantitatively predict and evaluate the effects on gene flow among plants and animals in natural habitats.In this study,we evaluated the effects of different road construction scenarios on animal species movement by using the methods of ecological landscape connectivity in the typical regions of Yunnan Province,China.The results showed landscape connectivity levels(Probability of Connectivity(PC))decreased after road construction and species with lower dispersal abilities were more affected to the subsequent habitat fragmentation.First level roads affected landscape connectivity most significantly.At a distance of 100 m,the PC index decreased more than 50%.Further analysis suggested that the use of landscape connectivity to assess landscape processes revealed the adverse effects on the species movement more effectively compared with the traditional landscape pattern analysis.In addition,we conducted a graph theory and a least-cost modeling discussion,it is obvious that they are powerful tools to represent and analyze landscape networks with respect to related species movement.Network analysis offers a quantitative and simple but effective tool for ecological process assessment and biological conservation on large scales. 展开更多
关键词 landscape connectivity road project landscape network graph theory least-cost model
Prediction Research of Deformation Modulus of Weak Rock Zone under In-situ Conditions 被引量:3
作者 ZHANG Yong HE JiangDa +1 位作者 WEI Yufeng NIE Dexin 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第2期345-353,共9页
Weak rock zone (soft interlayer, fault zone and soft rock) is the highlight of large-scale geological engineering research. It is an important boundary for analysis of rock mass stability. Weak rock zone has been form... Weak rock zone (soft interlayer, fault zone and soft rock) is the highlight of large-scale geological engineering research. It is an important boundary for analysis of rock mass stability. Weak rock zone has been formed in a long geological period, and in this period, various rocks have undergone long-term consolidation of geostatic stress and tectonic stress; therefore, under in-situ conditions, their density and modulus of deformation are relatively high. Due to its fragmentary nature, once being exposed to the earth's surface, the structure of weak rock zone will soon be loosened, its density will be reduced, and its modulus of deformation will also be reduced significantly. Generally, weak rock zone can be found in large construction projects, especially in the dam foundation rocks of hydropower stations. These rocks cannot be eliminated completely by excavation. Furthermore, all tests nowadays are carried out after the exposure of weak rock zone, modulus of deformation under in-situ conditions cannot be revealed. In this paper, a test method explored by the authors has been introduced. This method is a whole multilayered medium deformation method. It is unnecessary to eliminate the relatively complete rocks covering on weak rock zone. A theoretical formula to obtain the modulus of deformation in various mediums has also been introduced. On-site comparative trials and indoor deformation modulus tests under equivalent density conditions have been carried out. We adopted several methods for the prediction researches of the deformation modulus of weak rock zone under in-situ conditions, and revealed a fact that under in-situ conditions, the deformation modulus of weak rock zone are several times higher than the test results obtained after the exposure. In a perspective of geological engineering, the research findings have fundamentally changed peoples' concepts on the deformation modulus of weak rock zone, provided important theories and methods for precise definition of deformation modulus of deep weak rock zone under cap rock conditions, as well as for reasonable engineering applications. 展开更多
关键词 Weak rock zone In-situ conditions: Stress Confining pressure Deformation modulus MULTILAYERED
Planning method of infrastructure project in China 被引量:2
作者 Du Xiangrong Watanabe Tsunemi 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2010年第4期80-85,共6页
Different planning methods have been applied in private and public infrastructure projects, which resulted in different approval procedures and querry about impartiality. However, planning methods of infrastructure pr... Different planning methods have been applied in private and public infrastructure projects, which resulted in different approval procedures and querry about impartiality. However, planning methods of infrastructure projects are seldom investigated up to now. The authors propose a proper project planning method which is applicable to all kinds of infrastructure projects with various funedorigins. The project planning method includes a comprehensive planning frame- work and a six-step planning process. The financial indicator, i. e. , self-reimbursement ratio is introduced for the proper division of financial obligation between government and project company. 展开更多
关键词 China INFRASTRUCTURE implementation scheme PLANNING PROJECT self-reimbursement rate
Desertification and Blown Sand Disaster in China 被引量:1
作者 Yanli Lyu Yanyan Yang +11 位作者 Lanlan Guo Lianyou Liu Peijun Shi Guoming Zhang Zhiqiang Qu Xia Hu Jingpu Wang Yiying Xiong Haiming Wen Jie Lei Bo Liang Jiadong Dai 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2016年第6期363-371,共9页
Approximately 331 million ha, one-third of China's total land, is prone to desertification processes, leading to natural disasters and economic losses. In this study, the situation, tendency, their influences and the... Approximately 331 million ha, one-third of China's total land, is prone to desertification processes, leading to natural disasters and economic losses. In this study, the situation, tendency, their influences and their risk governance of desertification and blown sand disaster in China were examined using satellite images, field photographs, field data and a literature review. The desiccated areas in Lop Nor and the lower Heihe River fluvial plain covered about 50,000 km2 and 40,000 km2, respectively. In Ejina, about 100 species of vegetation became extinct. The rate of wind erosion in China was between 1,000 tons/km2/year and 2,000 tons/km2/year. There were 12 sand deserts and sandy lands, occupying a total of 710,000 km2. Salinized soils occurred across 99.1 million ha. The two main sand and dust storm-prone areas in China were the Tarim Basin and its surroundings, and the Alxa Plateau and its surroundings. From 1981 to 2007, the annual average frequency of sand and dust storms varied from 1 d to 37 d with a general increase from southeast to northwest. Since 1978, China has implemented a number of ecological construction projects that have reduced desertification from 1999 to 2004 and from 2005 to 2009, and the number of dust and sand storm days from 9.3 d between 1954 and 1959 to 4.4 d between 2000 and 2007. The results could improve understanding of desertification and blown sand disasters in China and provide valuable experiences for global desertification control. 展开更多
关键词 DESERTIFICATION blown sand disaster desertification and blown sand control arid and semiarid China ecological construction project.
Looking Back and Prospecting to the Project Design of the Spaceflight Launching Site in China
作者 Zhang Zeming Chen Yujun 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2008年第1期9-14,共6页
The development history of the project design of spaceflight launching site in China and the main forms used in these designs were introduced in this thesis, and it was pointed out that the spaceflight launch should n... The development history of the project design of spaceflight launching site in China and the main forms used in these designs were introduced in this thesis, and it was pointed out that the spaceflight launch should not use only one fixed model. According to its nation condition, China should design and build the launching project facility and device which correspond to the technology development of spacecraft and carrier rocket. 展开更多
关键词 launching site project design development history combination mode
Working With News Literacy Among Pre-teens: From Selection to Reflection
作者 Ebba Sundin Eva-Lotta Palm Klas Ohling 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2012年第10期1012-1018,共7页
This article presents the outcome of the Swedish pilot study CESEM (named after the initials of the girls' first names) where pre-teen girls produced their own news program and showed it to their classmates. The me... This article presents the outcome of the Swedish pilot study CESEM (named after the initials of the girls' first names) where pre-teen girls produced their own news program and showed it to their classmates. The methodological approach was the action research model where the process of producing news was followed from selecting news to reflecting on their learning outcomes. The knowledge from the pilot study is useful in designing active projects within the scope of media literacy. One of the learning outcomes for the girls in this study was the awareness of how news programs in TV are staged. A positive response was the initiative from one of the participating schools to start their own news project in one of the classes. A possible outcome in longer run projects is better knowledge for developing pedagogical tools in media education. 展开更多
关键词 news literacy media literacy JOURNALISM action research media awareness
Stability analysis of slope in strain-softening soils using local arc-length solution scheme 被引量:3
作者 WANG Xiang-rong RONG Qi-guo +1 位作者 SUN Shu-li WANG Hui 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第1期175-187,共13页
Soils with strain-softening behavior — manifesting as a reduction of strength with increasing plastic strain — are commonly found in the natural environment. For slopes in these soils,a progressive failure mechanism... Soils with strain-softening behavior — manifesting as a reduction of strength with increasing plastic strain — are commonly found in the natural environment. For slopes in these soils,a progressive failure mechanism can occur due to a reduction of strength with increasing strain. Finite element method based numerical approaches have been widely performed for simulating such failure mechanism,owning to their ability for tracing the formation and development of the localized shear strain. However,the reliability of the currently used approaches are often affected by poor convergence or significant mesh-dependency,and their applicability is limited by the use of complicated soil models. This paper aims to overcome these limitations by developing a finite element approach using a local arc-length controlled iterative algorithm as the solution strategy. In the proposed finite element approach,the soils are simulated with an elastoplastic constitutive model in conjunction with the Mohr-Coulomb yield function. The strain-softening behavior is represented by a piece-wise linearrelationship between the Mohr-Coulomb strength parameters and the deviatoric plastic strain. To assess the reliability of the proposed finite element approach,comparisons of the numerical solutions obtained by different finite element methods and meshes with various qualities are presented. Moreover,a landslide triggered by excavation in a real expressway construction project is analyzed by the presented finite element approach to demonstrate its applicability for practical engineering problems. 展开更多
关键词 Strain-softening Progressive failure Slope stability Local arc-length scheme Numerical simulation
Numerical Analysis of Emergency River Restoration Scheme for Qingping Mega Debris Flow 被引量:2
作者 CHEN Ri-dong LIU Xing-nian +1 位作者 HUANG Er GUO Zhi-xue 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第1期130-136,共7页
The mega debris flow occurred on August 13 th 2010 in Qingping town,China(hereafter called '8.13' Debris Flow) have done great damage to the local habitants as well as to the re-construction projects in the qu... The mega debris flow occurred on August 13 th 2010 in Qingping town,China(hereafter called '8.13' Debris Flow) have done great damage to the local habitants as well as to the re-construction projects in the quake-hit areas,and the channel-fill deposit problem caused by the debris flow was the most destructive.Moreover,it is of high possibility that an even severe deposit problem would reappear and result in worse consequences.In order to maximize risk reduction of this problem,relevant departments of the government established a series of emergency river restoration schemes,for which the numerical analysis is an important procedure to evaluate and determine the optimized one.This study presents a numerical analysis by applying a twodimensional debris flow model combined with a relevant water-sediment model to simulate the deposit during the progress of the debris flow,and to calculate and analyze the river flow field under both the present condition and different restoration conditions.The results show that the debris flow model,which takes the confluence of the Wenjia Gully to the main river into account,could simulate the deposit process quite well.In the reproduced debris flow from the simulation of the '8.13' Debris Flow,the original river flow path has switched to a relatively lower place just along the right bank with a high speed of near 7m.s-1 after being blocked by the deposit,which is highly hazardous.To prevent this hazard,a recommended scheme is derived through inter-comparison of different restoration conditions.It shows that the recommended scheme is able to reduce the water level and as well to regulate the flow path.Based on the given conditions of the mainstream and the tributary confluence for the simulated '8.13' Debris Flow,when encountering a debris flow with deposit volume less than 0.5 million m3,the river channel can endure a 20-year return flood;however,when the deposit volume increases to 2 million m3,the flood capacity of the river will be greatly impacted and the scheme becomes invalid.The recommended scheme supported by the present study has been applied to the emergency river restoration after this mega-debris flow. 展开更多
关键词 Flash flood Debris flow River restoration Numerical analysis Finite element method
Multi-level fuzzy comprehensive appraisal on social effects of projects 被引量:1
作者 孙立新 李良宝 +1 位作者 李晓东 王强 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2004年第5期524-527,共4页
The application of multi-level fuzzy comprehensive appraisal on social effects of projects has been studied. The principles for setting up an index system have been analyzed and the index system has been set up accord... The application of multi-level fuzzy comprehensive appraisal on social effects of projects has been studied. The principles for setting up an index system have been analyzed and the index system has been set up according to projects of construction. Models for multi-level fuzzy comprehensive appraisal have been offered and relative calculation steps have been given according to project instances. 展开更多
关键词 multi-level fuzzy comprehensive appraisal projects of construction multi-level index system
作者 王英杰 《管理观察》 2009年第22期297-298,共2页
工程造价管理有两层含义:一是建筑工程概预算管理;一是建筑产品价格管理。我国现行的工程造价管理制度表现为国家直接参与和管理的经济活动。随着经济和社会的发展,这种国家直接参与管理的经济活动凹陷出许多问题。工程造价管理工作... 工程造价管理有两层含义:一是建筑工程概预算管理;一是建筑产品价格管理。我国现行的工程造价管理制度表现为国家直接参与和管理的经济活动。随着经济和社会的发展,这种国家直接参与管理的经济活动凹陷出许多问题。工程造价管理工作是一项复杂的系统工程,与国家、企业、个人等有着十分密切的关系,这就要求工程造价必须进行全过程、多方位的管理,才能使建设项目达到高效合理。 展开更多
关键词 工程造价管理投 资控制建 项目管理
The Role of the Project Manager in Construction Projects in India
作者 Abdussalam Shibani Denish Sukumar 《Chinese Business Review》 2015年第6期298-324,共27页
In India, the construction industry plays an important role in the economy of the country. It employs a sizeable portion of the work force, contributes largely to the gross domestic product (GDP) of the country, and... In India, the construction industry plays an important role in the economy of the country. It employs a sizeable portion of the work force, contributes largely to the gross domestic product (GDP) of the country, and is seen as a key catalyst for the growth and development of the Indian economy. The industry, however, is beset with many challenges, including delivering projects within projected costs and delivery dates and at the right quality to increasingly discerning clients. It is because of this that project management has assumed so much importance with the project manager seen to be a critical resource in the project achieving its objectives. However, the role of the project manager is still ambiguous. These research hypotheses that the role the project manager ought to play is that of a leader. It is only when project managers assume leadership roles that construction projects achieve objectives measured against time, cost, quality, and customer satisfaction. A quantitative approach was followed in this using both theoretical and analytic methods. The theoretical studies revealed the qualities, skills, and competencies that a project manager ought to possess and the links between the project manager assuming a position of leadership and the project achieving its objectives. The main data collection tool in the analytic method was an online questionnaire administered to 20 project managers of construction projects in India. It was found that while the Indian construction industry does recognize the significance of project managers, their role is relegated to administrative, monitoring, and supervision tasks. There is an overwhelming focus on technical skills. In those cases, where project managers were involved in all the stages of the project and possessed a gamut of managerial, technical, human, and interpersonal skills, there were substantial differences in terms of time, cost, quality, and customer satisfaction in the projects administered by them. The importance of this research stems from its alerting the construction sector in India to the true role that project managers ought to play. If it serves in a shift in the perception of the role of the project managers, this research would have served its purpose. 展开更多
关键词 INDIA managerial gross domestic product (GDP) technical skills
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