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基于预传输的虚拟机双机热备可用性研究 被引量:1
作者 郑志蕴 任振芳 +1 位作者 李钝 李伦 《计算机工程》 CAS CSCD 2012年第15期20-22,27,共4页
针对虚拟机双机热备中传统拷贝技术导致的虚拟机低可用性问题,提出一种基于分段挑选最近未使用(SSNUR)算法的预传输方法。在虚拟机运行阶段预先传输被使用的内存页,减少停机阶段需要拷贝的内存页数量,使用SSNUR算法挑选预传输页面,以降... 针对虚拟机双机热备中传统拷贝技术导致的虚拟机低可用性问题,提出一种基于分段挑选最近未使用(SSNUR)算法的预传输方法。在虚拟机运行阶段预先传输被使用的内存页,减少停机阶段需要拷贝的内存页数量,使用SSNUR算法挑选预传输页面,以降低预传输和停机传输的重复率。实验结果表明,与XEN4.0中典型的虚拟机双机热备系统Remus相比,基于预传输的Remus系统在重负载和长间隔时间状态下停机时间明显减少,最高可达23.37%。 展开更多
关键词 虚拟机 双机热备 可用性 XEN技术 预传输 Remus系统
WebGIS图形预传输系统理论与设计 被引量:2
作者 刘明河 崔信国 《河北工程大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2007年第3期38-40,共3页
利用网络电子地图浏览的空间局域性,本文在观察统计的基础上,基于前后浏览操作简单相关性,提出了一种预估浏览操作理论,并由此提出了WebGIS中图形预传输理论。随后,作者设计出了WebGIS中图形预传输模式,并进行了简单的性能分析。利用文... 利用网络电子地图浏览的空间局域性,本文在观察统计的基础上,基于前后浏览操作简单相关性,提出了一种预估浏览操作理论,并由此提出了WebGIS中图形预传输理论。随后,作者设计出了WebGIS中图形预传输模式,并进行了简单的性能分析。利用文中提出的预传输策略,可以在少量增加网络流量的情况下,大大减少地图浏览中的反应延时,近似做到实时浏览。 展开更多
关键词 预传输系统 双半椭圆曲线 实时浏览 空间局域性
基于最大比传输预编码天线分组技术的大规模多入多出系统能效研究 被引量:3
作者 冀笑伟 李莉 +1 位作者 魏爽 张铭 《上海师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 2021年第1期62-68,共7页
大规模多输入多输出(MIMO)系统中,大型天线阵列之间的强天线相关性会导致系统性能降低.针对下行链路场景,提出基于最大比传输预编码的联合天线分组和天线选择算法,把大规模天线阵列划分为若干组,在每组中基于信道矩阵最大列范数选择天线... 大规模多输入多输出(MIMO)系统中,大型天线阵列之间的强天线相关性会导致系统性能降低.针对下行链路场景,提出基于最大比传输预编码的联合天线分组和天线选择算法,把大规模天线阵列划分为若干组,在每组中基于信道矩阵最大列范数选择天线,构造所选天线与接收天线间的信道矩阵,并计算对应的预编码矩阵.建立能效模型,分析联合天线分组和天线选择算法对系统能效的影响.仿真结果表明,在基站天线数为200、发射功率为10 dB、天线相关因子为0.8的假设下,当分组数为24时,与最大范数天线选择算法相比,该算法使系统能效提高了约24.4%. 展开更多
关键词 大规模多输入多输出(MIMO) 最大比传输编码 天线分组 天线选择 能效
作者 刘帅 孙德春 +1 位作者 易克初 杨宏 《四川大学学报(工程科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第1期162-166,共5页
针对TDD-MIMO系统中,天线之间存在相关性时会影响系统性能的问题,提出一种混合预编码传输机制。在该机制中,基站首先采用一种低复杂度的信道估计算法来计算信道矩阵,然后计算信道矩阵的相关度来判断相关性的高低并选择相应的预编码方式... 针对TDD-MIMO系统中,天线之间存在相关性时会影响系统性能的问题,提出一种混合预编码传输机制。在该机制中,基站首先采用一种低复杂度的信道估计算法来计算信道矩阵,然后计算信道矩阵的相关度来判断相关性的高低并选择相应的预编码方式。当相关度大于等于转换系数时,采用基于协方差矩阵的预编码;反之,则利用基于LR的预编码。仿真结果表明,该机制充分利用了2种预编码分别适用于不同相关性范围的特点,在降低了系统的误码率的同时保持了低复杂度,提高了系统在天线之间存在相关性时的容量。仿真验证了该机制的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 基于时分双工的多天线系统 相关性 互易性 混合编码传输
作者 佟庆彬 《智能建筑与城市信息》 2005年第10期44-48,共5页
关键词 体育场馆 设式电视转播链路传输系统 摄像机机位设计 三同轴线缆 电视转播 链路传输 系统解 足球场 天津 传输系统
认知无线电网络中一种改进的传输层协议 被引量:5
作者 李志高 周音 +1 位作者 孙学斌 周正 《无线电工程》 2011年第10期1-3,16,共4页
在认知无线电网络中,传统的TCP协议无法适应认知用户周期性感知频谱、切换信道等特点,使得网络的传输性能大大降低。在TCP-Reno基础上提出了一种基于传输预判与慢启动门限值(Slow Start Threshold,SSThresh)的自适应调整的传输层协议—... 在认知无线电网络中,传统的TCP协议无法适应认知用户周期性感知频谱、切换信道等特点,使得网络的传输性能大大降低。在TCP-Reno基础上提出了一种基于传输预判与慢启动门限值(Slow Start Threshold,SSThresh)的自适应调整的传输层协议———TCP-Cog,该协议通过预测下一个数据包的传输时延,调整发送端的发送,并通过预测切换信道的带宽调整SSThresh。通过在NS2工具中进行仿真,验证了TCP-Cog能够提高TCP的传输速率,降低重传率,提升传输性能。 展开更多
关键词 认知无线电 传输层协议 传输 自适应SSThresh
大规模MIMO下最优预编码选择策略研究 被引量:3
作者 王春燕 王军选 孙有铭 《电视技术》 北大核心 2016年第5期40-47,共8页
大规模多入多出(Massive MIMO)系统中,随着天线数的增加,线性预编码算法的性能逐渐趋于最优,选择合适的线性预编码对系统性能具有重要的意义。针对发射端信道状态信息(Channel State Information at Transmitter,CSIT)不完美的Massive M... 大规模多入多出(Massive MIMO)系统中,随着天线数的增加,线性预编码算法的性能逐渐趋于最优,选择合适的线性预编码对系统性能具有重要的意义。针对发射端信道状态信息(Channel State Information at Transmitter,CSIT)不完美的Massive MIMO系统,推导出了迫零(Zero-Forcing,ZF)和最大比传输(Maximum Ratio Transmission,MRT)这两种常见预编码方案在向量归一化方式下的下行可达和速率下界,并给出了证明。随后对两种下界进行了分析,提出了一个关于系统用户数的阈值,当系统用户数和阈值的大小关系不同时,两种预编码性能的优劣关系也不相同。根据分析结果,文章进一步提出了一种以系统中用户数为参量的预编码选择策略,可以保证不论用户数如何变化,系统都能选择出更优的那一个预编码算法来对信号进行预处理。分析的有效性和方案的可靠性通过仿真得到了验证。 展开更多
关键词 大规模多入多出 编码 迫零编码 最大比传输编码 向量归一化
基于DSP的LTE TDD上行解传输预编码实现 被引量:1
作者 李小文 彭德义 王丹 《重庆邮电大学学报(自然科学版)》 北大核心 2012年第2期159-163,共5页
在时分长期演进(time division-long term evolution,TD-LTE)系统中,为了保证上行传输单载波特性,采用集中式DFT-扩展-OFDM(discrete Fourier transform-spread OFDM)机制。对各种离散傅里叶逆变换(inverse discreteFourier transform,I... 在时分长期演进(time division-long term evolution,TD-LTE)系统中,为了保证上行传输单载波特性,采用集中式DFT-扩展-OFDM(discrete Fourier transform-spread OFDM)机制。对各种离散傅里叶逆变换(inverse discreteFourier transform,IDFT)算法性能仿真比较,通过对硬件性能及实现复杂度的评估,采用基于2-N点快速傅里叶变换(fast Fourier transform,FFT)算法和线性插值的符号抽选相结合的方法,提出一种上行解传输预编码的实现方案。仿真表明,该方法具备较高的输出信噪比的同时降低了实现复杂度,该方案已成功应用于TD-LTE无线综合测试仪器中。 展开更多
关键词 长期演进 传输编码 离散傅里叶逆变换(IDFT) DSP实现
Massive MIMO下行系统小区能效算法
作者 王军选 高珍珍 《传感器与微系统》 CSCD 2016年第7期123-125,128,共4页
在大规模多输入多输出(massive MIMO)下行链路系统下,不牺牲用户端Qo S,进行优化能源效率,对信号发射动态功率进行了推导,这个问题被证明有一个隐藏凸优化,利用凸优化提出优化算法,动态的集中能量给用户分配同时减少了损耗。在相同条件... 在大规模多输入多输出(massive MIMO)下行链路系统下,不牺牲用户端Qo S,进行优化能源效率,对信号发射动态功率进行了推导,这个问题被证明有一个隐藏凸优化,利用凸优化提出优化算法,动态的集中能量给用户分配同时减少了损耗。在相同条件和假设下,与传统的迫零预编码(ZF)和最大比传输(MRT)预编码方案进行性能分析并比较。仿真结果与理论结果一致,并表明在相同条件下优化算法比ZF的性能好,ZF比MRT性能更好。 展开更多
关键词 大规模多输入多输出 迫零编码 最大比传输编码 优化算法 下行传输功率
Function chain neural network prediction on heat transfer performance of oscillating heat pipe based on grey relational analysis 被引量:12
作者 鄂加强 李玉强 龚金科 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第5期1733-1737,共5页
As for the factors affecting the heat transfer performance of complex and nonlinear oscillating heat pipe (OHP),grey relational analysis (GRA) was used to deal with the relationship between heat transfer rate of a loo... As for the factors affecting the heat transfer performance of complex and nonlinear oscillating heat pipe (OHP),grey relational analysis (GRA) was used to deal with the relationship between heat transfer rate of a looped copper-water OHP and charging ratio,inner diameter,inclination angel,heat input,number of turns,and the main influencing factors were defined.Then,forecasting model was obtained by using main influencing factors (such as charging ratio,interior diameter,and inclination angel) as the inputs of function chain neural network.The results show that the relative average error between the predicted and actual value is 4%,which illustrates that the function chain neural network can be applied to predict the performance of OHP accurately. 展开更多
关键词 oscillating heat pipe grey relational analysis fimction chain neural network heat transfer
Application of wavelet transform to recursive prediction of vibration signals
作者 孙振明 王日新 +1 位作者 姜兴渭 徐敏强 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2005年第5期488-493,共6页
This paper investigates the characteristics of a non-stationary time series, which exists in mechanical fault diagnosis. Combining the characteristics with predictive efficiency, the limitation of the ARIMA model pred... This paper investigates the characteristics of a non-stationary time series, which exists in mechanical fault diagnosis. Combining the characteristics with predictive efficiency, the limitation of the ARIMA model prediction method is analyzed. This model often is applied in the prediction of a non-stationary times series in present. Thus, a wavelet prediction method is introduced to solve non-stationary problems. The Mallat method, often used in signal processing, results form the decimation or the retention of one out of every two samples. Its advantage is that just enough information is kept to allow the exact reconstruction of the input series, but the disadvantage is a time-varying series on line cannot be pursued. Therefore, the authors present another method, à Trous method, which can be applied for recursive prediction in real-time sampling procedure. 展开更多
关键词 à Trous wavelet PREDICTION RECURSIVE time series
Traffic Assignment Forecast Model Research in ITS
作者 WANG Wei WANG Quan WANG Chao 《Geo-Spatial Information Science》 2007年第3期213-217,共5页
As an important role in the development of ITS, traffic assignment forecast is always the research focus. Based on the analysis of classic traffic assignment forecast models, an improved traffic assignment forecast mo... As an important role in the development of ITS, traffic assignment forecast is always the research focus. Based on the analysis of classic traffic assignment forecast models, an improved traffic assignment forecast model, multi-ways probability and capacity constraint (MPCC) is presented. Using the new traffic as- signment forecast model to forecast the traffic volume will improve the rationality and veracity of traffic as- signment forecast. 展开更多
关键词 intelligent transport system traffic forecast multi-ways probability assignment traffic assignment
Load Forecasting for Control of the Use of Transmission System for Electric Distribution Utilities
作者 Vitor Hugo Ferreira Alexandre Rasi Aoki Silvio Michel de Rocco 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2013年第1期139-147,共9页
The Brazilian electric sector reform established that the remuneration of distribution utilities must be through the management of their systems. This fact increased the necessity of control and management of load flo... The Brazilian electric sector reform established that the remuneration of distribution utilities must be through the management of their systems. This fact increased the necessity of control and management of load flows through the connection points between the distribution systems and the basic grid as a function of the contracted amounts. The objective of this control is to avoid that these flows exceed some thresholds along the contracted values, avoiding monetary penalties to the utility or unnecessary amounts of contracted flows that overrates the costumers. This question highlights the necessity of forecast the flows in these connection points in sufficient time to permit the operator to take decisions to avoid flows beyond the contracted ones. In this context, this work presents the development of a neural network based load flow forecaster, being tested two time-series neural models: support vector machines and Bayesian inference applied to multilayered perceptron. The models are applied to real data from a Brazilian distribution utility. 展开更多
关键词 Load forecasting artificial neural networks complexity control input selection Bayesian methods support vector machines.
Opportunistic Vector Perturbation with Superposition Signalling
作者 CHEN Rui LI Changle LI Jiandong 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第12期160-165,共6页
In this letter,we first put forward a new basic problem to the famous vector perturbation(VP) precoding that whether the extended constellation of VP could transmit more information bits.Then,we propose an opportunist... In this letter,we first put forward a new basic problem to the famous vector perturbation(VP) precoding that whether the extended constellation of VP could transmit more information bits.Then,we propose an opportunistic vector perturbation(OVP) precoding with superposition signalling scheme,which is aimed at getting the performance of VP closer to capacity limit.The main idea is using subsequent recoverable data symbol vector to perturb currently transmitting data symbol vector opportunistically.Analysis and simulation results show that the proposed OVP can transmit more valid information bits than conventional VP at the same transmit power,modulation order and number of antennas. 展开更多
关键词 transmit symbol opportunistic constellation perturbation subsequent closer downlink aimed antenna
A measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution protocol with a heralded single photon source 被引量:8
作者 周媛媛 周学军 苏彬彬 《Optoelectronics Letters》 EI 2016年第2期148-151,共4页
With a heralded single photon source(HSPS), a measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution(MDIQKD) protocol is proposed, combined with a three-intensity decoy-state method. HSPS has the two-mode characteris... With a heralded single photon source(HSPS), a measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution(MDIQKD) protocol is proposed, combined with a three-intensity decoy-state method. HSPS has the two-mode characteristic, one mode is used as signal mode, and the other is used as heralded mode to reduce the influence of the dark count. The lower bound of the yield and the upper bound of the error rate are deduced and the performance of the MDI-QKD protocol with an HSPS is analyzed. The simulation results show that the MDI-QKD protocol with an HSPS can achieve a key generation rate and a secure transmission distance which are close to the theoretical limits of the protocol with a single photon source(SPS). Moreover, the key generation rate will improve with the raise of the senders' detection efficiency. The key generation rate of the MDI-QKD protocol with an HSPS is a little less than that of the MDI-QKD protocol with a weak coherent source(WCS) in the close range, but will exceed the latter in the far range. Furthermore, a farther transmission distance is obtained due to the two-mode characteristic of HSPS. 展开更多
关键词 photon coherent decoy secure exceed latter raise correction deduced limits
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