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转轨时期居民消费和收入关系研究──居民家庭预算数据分析 被引量:1
作者 谷书堂 臧旭恒 《消费经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 1995年第2期4-8,共5页
转轨时期居民消费和收入关系研究──居民家庭预算数据分析谷书堂,臧旭恒本文利用1978年以来城镇和农村家庭预算抽样调查数据,分析研究经济体制转轨时期居民消费和收入之间的关系,即消费函数。分析所引用的数据除另加注明的外.... 转轨时期居民消费和收入关系研究──居民家庭预算数据分析谷书堂,臧旭恒本文利用1978年以来城镇和农村家庭预算抽样调查数据,分析研究经济体制转轨时期居民消费和收入之间的关系,即消费函数。分析所引用的数据除另加注明的外.均为国家统计局城市社会经济调查总队... 展开更多
关键词 平均消费倾向 农村居民 城镇居民 边际消费倾向 预算数据 收入关系 相对收入 居民消费 基尼系数 转轨时期
数据开放、社会参与和政府预算监督 被引量:9
作者 杨志安 邱国庆 《青海社会科学》 CSSCI 2017年第6期125-131,共7页
区别于以往的政府预算监督模式,新时期政府预算监督的顶层设计应引入大数据的思维,运用大数据加强政府预算监督成为必然的选择。为此,将数据开放、社会参与和政府预算监督机制创新这一焦点问题联结起来,旨在分析大数据推进政府预算监督... 区别于以往的政府预算监督模式,新时期政府预算监督的顶层设计应引入大数据的思维,运用大数据加强政府预算监督成为必然的选择。为此,将数据开放、社会参与和政府预算监督机制创新这一焦点问题联结起来,旨在分析大数据推进政府预算监督的发展趋势以及制约因素,并积极探索一种强化政府预算监督的实现路径,以期实现大数据与政府预算监督的有效结合。 展开更多
关键词 数据政府预算 预算监督 数据开放
作者 刘琴 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)经济管理》 2024年第7期0089-0092,共4页
业财融合是将财务和业务进行相互渗透,财务部门要有通过财务技能分析业务和给予业务部门专业意见的能力,业务部门则需要根据企业财务指标灵活地调整和处理各项业务内容,两者相互协同、相互贯通,促进企业战略目标的实现。对于企业来说,... 业财融合是将财务和业务进行相互渗透,财务部门要有通过财务技能分析业务和给予业务部门专业意见的能力,业务部门则需要根据企业财务指标灵活地调整和处理各项业务内容,两者相互协同、相互贯通,促进企业战略目标的实现。对于企业来说,推行业财融合,可较好地服务于企业内部管理的需要,确保管理会计在企业进行规划、决策、控制、评价时,可充分发挥自身管理作用,促进企业稳步发展。 。 展开更多
关键词 业财融合理念 预算管理 预算方案 预算数据共享
地勘单位全面预算管理研究 被引量:2
作者 王爱琴 尹俊 刘青 《中国煤炭地质》 2008年第S2期189-202,共14页
关键词 地勘单位 全面预算管理 预算监控 预算数据 预算管理委员会 预算编制 预算管理工作 管理研究 预算考核 预算目标
印度政府预算公开的财政治理体制研究 被引量:1
作者 王威 《财政监督》 2017年第14期51-58,共8页
预算数据的公开是现代政府财政治理的着力点。预算透明是公民监督政府行使权力的重要前提,也是政府取信于民、强化公信力、优化行政权力的重要保证。对于如何公开政府预算的数据信息,不同国家的做法不尽相同,印度是我国"一带一路&q... 预算数据的公开是现代政府财政治理的着力点。预算透明是公民监督政府行使权力的重要前提,也是政府取信于民、强化公信力、优化行政权力的重要保证。对于如何公开政府预算的数据信息,不同国家的做法不尽相同,印度是我国"一带一路"的沿线国家,同样属于超大人口规模的新兴经济体,关于其预算数据公开的制度和机制,值得关注。印度关于预算数据和信息的公开体制是比较完整的,既有要求明确的法律法规和政策文件,也有政府设立的机构和公民自建的组织,这些组织成长为联结政府与公民社会的纽带。在详细梳理了印度政府预算公开的各项法律规定、要求,并具体讨论了印度富有特色的公民参与地方预算的制度安排之后,就会发现:行政效能提升是预算数据公开的目标效果,财政治理的关键在于使政府与民众之间形成了有效的互动与协商机制。 展开更多
关键词 预算数据公开 公民参与 行政效能 财政治理
企业预算管理中的预算松弛及其对策 被引量:6
作者 刘焕冰 《商业会计》 2005年第20期59-59,共1页
一、预算松弛及其对预算管理的影响在企业预算编制过程中,为使预算更好地切合生产经营实际,统筹未来的生产经营活动,通常通过“全员参与、上下结合”的方式来确定预算。在预算控制中,为确保预算完成,通常按预算进行资源的配置,并通过实... 一、预算松弛及其对预算管理的影响在企业预算编制过程中,为使预算更好地切合生产经营实际,统筹未来的生产经营活动,通常通过“全员参与、上下结合”的方式来确定预算。在预算控制中,为确保预算完成,通常按预算进行资源的配置,并通过实际经营成果与预算数据相比较。 展开更多
关键词 预算松弛 企业预算管理 预算控制 预算数据 生产经营 经营活动 全员参与 相关人员 预算目标 资源
数据结构与算法设计课程国际化建设研究 被引量:1
作者 郑骁庆 赵一鸣 《计算机教育》 2013年第18期58-61,共4页
针对如何缩小数据结构与算法类课程教学在教学手段和效果方面与国际一流大学之间差距的问题,介绍一线教师在国外从事科研和参加培训期间所观察和学习到的国际一流大学在课程教学中所采用的研讨和互动式教学经验,通过分析中美学生在提出... 针对如何缩小数据结构与算法类课程教学在教学手段和效果方面与国际一流大学之间差距的问题,介绍一线教师在国外从事科研和参加培训期间所观察和学习到的国际一流大学在课程教学中所采用的研讨和互动式教学经验,通过分析中美学生在提出问题和参与讨论方面表现差异的原因,提出促进中国学生在课堂上主动发言和参与研讨的一些方式和方法并讨论如何结合教学实践,针对中国学生的特点,探索引导学生提出问题、参与讨论,从而培养学生在立题、思辨和协作方面能力的进展情况。 展开更多
关键词 数据结构预算 国际化 互动式教学
寿险公司全面预算管理信息化实践 被引量:1
作者 王辉 《上海电机学院学报》 2007年第3期228-232,共5页
关键词 寿险公司 预算管理 预算数据集市 数据整合 预算流程
作者 肖倩 《现代商业》 2019年第20期177-178,共2页
在事业单位中,预算会计起到了至关重要的作用,完整地体现了国家预算监督的基础。我国的预算会计制度建立于1950年,随着时代的不断发展,预算会计制度也经历了三次变革。预算会计制度改革对于事业单位的预算会计来说机遇和挑战并存。本文... 在事业单位中,预算会计起到了至关重要的作用,完整地体现了国家预算监督的基础。我国的预算会计制度建立于1950年,随着时代的不断发展,预算会计制度也经历了三次变革。预算会计制度改革对于事业单位的预算会计来说机遇和挑战并存。本文探讨了预算会计制度改革对事业单位会计的影响和存在的问题,探讨了解决问题的方法措施,为提高我国事业单位会计工作水平提供决策依据。 展开更多
关键词 预算会计制度 预算数据 信息透明度
作者 李天铎 《管理观察》 1997年第5期42-42,共1页
关键词 科研开发 制药公司 通货膨胀因素 科研工作 制药业 美国科学基金会 预算数据 研究开发 开发费用 工作费用
Optimization of support vector machine power load forecasting model based on data mining and Lyapunov exponents 被引量:7
作者 牛东晓 王永利 马小勇 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2010年第2期406-412,共7页
According to the chaotic and non-linear characters of power load data,the time series matrix is established with the theory of phase-space reconstruction,and then Lyapunov exponents with chaotic time series are comput... According to the chaotic and non-linear characters of power load data,the time series matrix is established with the theory of phase-space reconstruction,and then Lyapunov exponents with chaotic time series are computed to determine the time delay and the embedding dimension.Due to different features of the data,data mining algorithm is conducted to classify the data into different groups.Redundant information is eliminated by the advantage of data mining technology,and the historical loads that have highly similar features with the forecasting day are searched by the system.As a result,the training data can be decreased and the computing speed can also be improved when constructing support vector machine(SVM) model.Then,SVM algorithm is used to predict power load with parameters that get in pretreatment.In order to prove the effectiveness of the new model,the calculation with data mining SVM algorithm is compared with that of single SVM and back propagation network.It can be seen that the new DSVM algorithm effectively improves the forecast accuracy by 0.75%,1.10% and 1.73% compared with SVM for two random dimensions of 11-dimension,14-dimension and BP network,respectively.This indicates that the DSVM gains perfect improvement effect in the short-term power load forecasting. 展开更多
关键词 power load forecasting support vector machine (SVM) Lyapunov exponent data mining embedding dimension feature classification
作者 尹志兴 《财讯》 2019年第15期72-73,共2页
预算管理是企业内部管理体系的重要组成部分,但由于其工作量大、流程多,许多企业内部人员除了预算报表内的数字以外,并非懂得数字间的勾稽关系.理解清楚预算管理流程间数据与数据的勾稽关系对于内部人员而言,是理解预算流程以及预算报... 预算管理是企业内部管理体系的重要组成部分,但由于其工作量大、流程多,许多企业内部人员除了预算报表内的数字以外,并非懂得数字间的勾稽关系.理解清楚预算管理流程间数据与数据的勾稽关系对于内部人员而言,是理解预算流程以及预算报表的关键.因此,文章试图从预算管理流程的新视角阐述数据与数据间的内外部勾稽关系,并尝试挖掘各个流程勾稽关系在应用中的漏洞,并给出适当的建议. 展开更多
关键词 勾稽关系 预算管理流程 预算管理数据
Research on Employment Data Mining for Higher Vocational Graduates
作者 Feng Lin 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第7期78-80,共3页
In order to make effective use a large amount of graduate data in colleges and universities that accumulate by teaching management of work, the paper study the data mining for higher vocational graduates database usin... In order to make effective use a large amount of graduate data in colleges and universities that accumulate by teaching management of work, the paper study the data mining for higher vocational graduates database using the data mining technology. Using a variety of data preprocessing methods for the original data, and the paper put forward to mining algorithm based on commonly association rule Apriori algorithm, then according to the actual needs of the design and implementation of association rule mining system, has been beneficial to the employment guidance of college teaching management decision and graduates of the mining results. 展开更多
关键词 Improved Apriori algorithm Data mining Graduates database Association rules
Theoretical Study on N=126 Shell Evolution
作者 SHENG Zong-Qiang REN Zhong-Zhou 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第8期323-328,共6页
The nuclei around magic number N=126 are investigated in the deformed relativistic mean field (RMF)model with effective interactions TMA.We focus investigations on the N=126 isotonic chain.The N=126 shellevolution is ... The nuclei around magic number N=126 are investigated in the deformed relativistic mean field (RMF)model with effective interactions TMA.We focus investigations on the N=126 isotonic chain.The N=126 shellevolution is studied by analyzing the variations of two-neutron (proton) separation energies,quadruple deformations,single particle levels etc.The good agreement of two-neutron separation energies between experimental data and calculatedvalues is reached.The RMF theory predicts that the sizes of N=126 shell become smaller and smaller withthe increasing of proton number Z.However,the N=126 shell exists in our calculated region all along.According tothe calculated two-proton separation energies,the RMF theory suggests ^(220)Pu is a two-proton drip-line nucleus in theN=126 isotonic chain. 展开更多
关键词 shell evolution magic number N = 126 relativistic mean field theory
Spectrum sensing sequence prediction in cognitive radio networks
作者 An Chunyan Ji Hong +1 位作者 Si Pengbo Maoxu 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2011年第4期371-376,共6页
Spectrum sensing is one of the key issues in cognitive radio networks. Most of previous work concenates on sensing the spectrum in a single spectrum band. In this paper, we propose a spectrum sensing sequence predicti... Spectrum sensing is one of the key issues in cognitive radio networks. Most of previous work concenates on sensing the spectrum in a single spectrum band. In this paper, we propose a spectrum sensing sequence prediction scheme for cognitive radio networks with multiple spectrum bands to decrease the spectrum sensing time and increase the throughput of secondary users. The scheme is based on recent advances in computational learning theory, which has shown that prediction is synonymous with data compression. A Ziv-Lempel data compression algorithm is used to design our spectrum sensing sequence prediction scheme. The spectrum band usage history is used for the prediction in our proposed scheme. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme can reduce the average sensing time and improve the system throughput significantly. 展开更多
关键词 spectrum sensing sequence prediction cognitive radio network Ziv-Lempel algorithm
Microseismic Monitoring Data Fusion Algorithm and Coal and Gas Outbursts Prediction
作者 赵志刚 谭云亮 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS 2010年第4期315-316,共2页
The prediction study on coal and gas outbursts is carried out by monitoring some indices which are sensitive to the initiation of coal and gas outbursts. The values and changing roles of the indices are the foundation... The prediction study on coal and gas outbursts is carried out by monitoring some indices which are sensitive to the initiation of coal and gas outbursts. The values and changing roles of the indices are the foundations of coal and gas outbursts prediction. But now, only the data of ere key monitoring station is used in the coal and gas outbursts prediction practice, and the other data are ignored. In order to overcome the human factor and make full use of the monitoring information, the technique of multi-sensor target tracking is proposed to deal with the microseismic informatiion. With the results of microseismic events, the activities of geological structure, fracure-depth of roof and floor, and the location of gas channel are obtained. These studies indicate that it is considerably possible to predict the coal and gas outbursts using microseismic monitoring with its inherent ability to remotely monitor the progressive failure caused by mining. 展开更多
关键词 coal and gas outbursts microseismic monitoring data fusion
DiagData: A Tool for Generation of Fuzzy Inference System
作者 Silvia Maria Fonseca Silveira Massruha Raphael Fuini Riccioti Helano Povoas Lima Carlos Alberto AlvesMeira 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2012年第3期336-343,共8页
In this paper, it described the architecture of a tool called DiagData. This tool aims to use a large amount of data and information in the field of plant disease diagnostic to generate a disease predictive system. In... In this paper, it described the architecture of a tool called DiagData. This tool aims to use a large amount of data and information in the field of plant disease diagnostic to generate a disease predictive system. In this approach, techniques of data mining are used to extract knowledge from existing data. The data is extracted in the form of rules that are used in the development of a predictive intelligent system. Currently, the specification of these rules is built by an expert or data mining. When data mining on a large database is used, the number of generated rules is very complex too. The main goal of this work is minimize the rule generation time. The proposed tool, called DiagData, extracts knowledge automatically or semi-automatically from a database and uses it to build an intelligent system for disease prediction. In this work, the decision tree learning algorithm was used to generate the rules. A toolbox called Fuzzygen was used to generate a prediction system from rules generated by decision tree algorithm. The language used to implement this software was Java. The DiagData has been used in diseases prediction and diagnosis systems and in the validation of economic and environmental indicators in agricultural production systems. The validation process involved measurements and comparisons of the time spent to enter the rules by an expert with the time used to insert the same rules with the proposed tool. Thus, the tool was successfully validated, providing a reduction of time. 展开更多
关键词 Prediction modelling data mining decision tree machine learning fuzzy inference system fuzzygen.
《当代兵团》 2013年第8期2-2,共1页
中央本级三公经费进一步压缩4月18日,财政部向社会公布了中央本级2012年"三公经费"预算执行情况和2013年"三公经费"预算数据。与2012年预算执行数相比,2013年中央本级预算"三公经费"减少1.26亿元,切实将... 中央本级三公经费进一步压缩4月18日,财政部向社会公布了中央本级2012年"三公经费"预算执行情况和2013年"三公经费"预算数据。与2012年预算执行数相比,2013年中央本级预算"三公经费"减少1.26亿元,切实将李克强总理承诺的"三公经费" 展开更多
关键词 三公 经费 预算执行情况 预算数据 财政部 中央 集团军 光纤宽带网络 公布 压缩
A time-series modeling method based on the boosting gradient-descent theory 被引量:5
作者 GAO YunLong PAN JinYan +1 位作者 JI GuoLi GAO Feng 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第5期1325-1337,共13页
The forecasting of time-series data plays an important role in various domains. It is of significance in theory and application to improve prediction accuracy of the time-series data. With the progress in the study of... The forecasting of time-series data plays an important role in various domains. It is of significance in theory and application to improve prediction accuracy of the time-series data. With the progress in the study of time-series, time-series forecasting model becomes more complicated, and consequently great concern has been drawn to the techniques in designing the forecasting model. A modeling method which is easy to use by engineers and may generate good results is in urgent need. In this paper, a gradient-boost AR ensemble learning algorithm (AREL) is put forward. The effectiveness of AREL is assessed by theoretical analyses, and it is demonstrated that this method can build a strong predictive model by assembling a set of AR models. In order to avoid fitting exactly any single training example, an insensitive loss function is introduced in the AREL algorithm, and accordingly the influence of random noise is reduced. To further enhance the capability of AREL algorithm for non-stationary time-series, improve the robustness of algorithm, discourage overfitting, and reduce sensitivity of algorithm to parameter settings, a weighted kNN prediction method based on AREL algorithm is presented. The results of numerical testing on real data demonstrate that the proposed modeling method and prediction method are effective. 展开更多
关键词 time-series forecasting BOOSTING ensemble learning OVERFITTING
Experimental and computational correlation and prediction on herbicide resistance for acetohydroxyacid synthase mutants to Bispyribac 被引量:2
《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第3期286-295,共10页
Bispyribac is a widely used herbicide that targets the acetohydroxyacid synthase (AHAS) enzyme. Mutations in AHAS have caused serious herbicide resistance that threatened the continued use of the herbicide. So far, ... Bispyribac is a widely used herbicide that targets the acetohydroxyacid synthase (AHAS) enzyme. Mutations in AHAS have caused serious herbicide resistance that threatened the continued use of the herbicide. So far, a unified model to decipher herb- icide resistance in molecular level with good prediction is still lacking. In this paper, we have established a new QSAR method to construct a prediction model for AHAS mutation resistance to herbicide Bispyribac. A series of AHAS mutants concerned with the herbicide resistance were constructed, and the inhibitory properties of Bispyribac against these mutants were meas- ured. The 3D-QSAR method has been transformed to process the AHAS mutants and proposed as mutation-dependent biom- acromolecular QSAR (MB-QSAR). The excellent correlation between experimental and computational data gave the MB-QSAR/CoMFA model (q2 = 0.615, P = 0.921, F2pred = 0.598) and the MB-QSAR/CoMSIA model (q2 = 0.446, r2 = 0.929, r2pred = 0.612), which showed good prediction for the inhibition properties of Bispyribac against AHAS mutants. Such MB-QSAR models, containing the three-dimensional molecular interaction diagram, not only disclose to us for the first time the detailed three-dimensional information about the structure-resistance relationships, but may also provide further guidance to resistance mutation evolution. Also, the molecular interaction diagram derived from MB-QSAR models may aid the resistance-evading herbicide design. 展开更多
关键词 MB-QSAR resistance prediction herbicide resistance BISPYRIBAC-SODIUM acetohydroxyacid synthase
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