Movement-needling Technique, a new acupuncture therapy, is based on traditional acupuncture therapy and anatomical principle, combining acupuncture and movement. Combining disease and syndrome differentiation, and int...Movement-needling Technique, a new acupuncture therapy, is based on traditional acupuncture therapy and anatomical principle, combining acupuncture and movement. Combining disease and syndrome differentiation, and integrating TCM and Western medical diagnosis, this technique is used to treat different diseases mainly with acupuncture,combining some movement in needling. These movements not only boost therapeutic effects of acupuncture, but also add new contents to traditional acupuncture.展开更多
Stiff neck is one of the common diseases in acupuncture clinic and mainly caused by an improper position of the neck during sleep or attack of wind and cold. Its main symptoms are acute pain and movement limitation of...Stiff neck is one of the common diseases in acupuncture clinic and mainly caused by an improper position of the neck during sleep or attack of wind and cold. Its main symptoms are acute pain and movement limitation of the neck. The slight case can be cured spontaneously in the several days.The disease duration of severe case can last several weeks and the patient is not cured. The author has treated 42 cases of this disease by relaxing needling plus Tuina since 1995. It was reported as follows.展开更多
文摘Movement-needling Technique, a new acupuncture therapy, is based on traditional acupuncture therapy and anatomical principle, combining acupuncture and movement. Combining disease and syndrome differentiation, and integrating TCM and Western medical diagnosis, this technique is used to treat different diseases mainly with acupuncture,combining some movement in needling. These movements not only boost therapeutic effects of acupuncture, but also add new contents to traditional acupuncture.
文摘Stiff neck is one of the common diseases in acupuncture clinic and mainly caused by an improper position of the neck during sleep or attack of wind and cold. Its main symptoms are acute pain and movement limitation of the neck. The slight case can be cured spontaneously in the several days.The disease duration of severe case can last several weeks and the patient is not cured. The author has treated 42 cases of this disease by relaxing needling plus Tuina since 1995. It was reported as follows.