The present study investigates the effects of congruency and frequency on adjective-noun collocational processing for Chinese learners of English at two proficiency levels based on the data obtained in an online accep...The present study investigates the effects of congruency and frequency on adjective-noun collocational processing for Chinese learners of English at two proficiency levels based on the data obtained in an online acceptability judgment task.The subject pool of this research included 60 English majors studying at a university in China;30 were selected as a higher-proficiency group and 30 as a lower-proficiency group according to their Vocabulary Levels Test(Schmitt et al.,2001)scores and their self-reported proficiency in English.The experimental materials were programmed to E-prime 2.0 and included six types of collocations:(1)15 high-frequency congruent collocations,(2)15 low-frequency congruent collocations,(3)15 high-frequency incongruent collocations,(4)15 low-frequency incongruent collocations,(5)15 Chinese-only items,and(6)75 unrelated items for baseline data.The collected response times(RTs)and accuracy rates data were statistically analyzed by the use of an ANOVA test and pairwise comparisons through SPSS 16.0 software.The results revealed that:(1)the adjective-noun collocational processing of Chinese English learners is influenced by collocational frequency,congruency and L2 proficiency;(2)the processing time is affected by the interaction of congruency and frequency;and(3)the interactive effect of L2 proficiency in conjunction with congruency and frequency also influences the processing quality.展开更多
5G移动通信时代下工业4.0正从万物互联向万物智能演进,工业物联网(Industrial Internet of Things, IIoT)是5G通信系统重要应用场景之一。为促进5G时代下工业4.0的发展,针对IIoT场景提出了一种新的基于几何的随机模型(Geometry-Based St...5G移动通信时代下工业4.0正从万物互联向万物智能演进,工业物联网(Industrial Internet of Things, IIoT)是5G通信系统重要应用场景之一。为促进5G时代下工业4.0的发展,针对IIoT场景提出了一种新的基于几何的随机模型(Geometry-Based Stochastic Model, GBSM)。鉴于5G IIoT具有富散射、多移动性和毫米波等信道特性,所提模型基于正弦和(Sum of Sinusoids, SOS)理论探索毫米波IIoT信道的频率一致性。此外,该模型还基于簇的生灭过程描述了5G IIoT信道的时间-空间非平稳特性。仿真表明角度和时延等小尺度参数在频域上是平滑变化的,且均方根(Root Mean Square, RMS)延迟扩展(Delay Spread, DS)的模拟数据和射线追踪(Ray Tracing, RT)仿真数据的拟合结果较好。以上结果验证了所提模型的准确性和有效性,为5G IIoT信道特性分析、系统设计和优化提供了重要理论支撑。展开更多
文摘The present study investigates the effects of congruency and frequency on adjective-noun collocational processing for Chinese learners of English at two proficiency levels based on the data obtained in an online acceptability judgment task.The subject pool of this research included 60 English majors studying at a university in China;30 were selected as a higher-proficiency group and 30 as a lower-proficiency group according to their Vocabulary Levels Test(Schmitt et al.,2001)scores and their self-reported proficiency in English.The experimental materials were programmed to E-prime 2.0 and included six types of collocations:(1)15 high-frequency congruent collocations,(2)15 low-frequency congruent collocations,(3)15 high-frequency incongruent collocations,(4)15 low-frequency incongruent collocations,(5)15 Chinese-only items,and(6)75 unrelated items for baseline data.The collected response times(RTs)and accuracy rates data were statistically analyzed by the use of an ANOVA test and pairwise comparisons through SPSS 16.0 software.The results revealed that:(1)the adjective-noun collocational processing of Chinese English learners is influenced by collocational frequency,congruency and L2 proficiency;(2)the processing time is affected by the interaction of congruency and frequency;and(3)the interactive effect of L2 proficiency in conjunction with congruency and frequency also influences the processing quality.