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作者 牟俊侠 《大连铁道学院学报》 1999年第4期11-14,共4页
关键词 周期强迫园映象 分形维数 数值计算方法 频率准周期吸引子 分形测度
三电平NPC型PWM整流器开关频率准固定直接功率控制策略研究 被引量:5
作者 张宏斌 董昊 +3 位作者 李旭 闵琼 李虹 王启华 《电力电容器与无功补偿》 北大核心 2018年第5期129-136,共8页
与传统两电平整流器相比,三电平NPC型PWM整流器具有功率因数可调、网侧电流谐波小、能量可以双向流动以及器件承受电压应力小等特点。当PWM整流器应用于电动汽车恒功率充电时,传统的直接电流控制策略将导致功率的二次波动。本文研究了... 与传统两电平整流器相比,三电平NPC型PWM整流器具有功率因数可调、网侧电流谐波小、能量可以双向流动以及器件承受电压应力小等特点。当PWM整流器应用于电动汽车恒功率充电时,传统的直接电流控制策略将导致功率的二次波动。本文研究了适用于恒功率负载的三电平NPC型PWM整流器直接功率控制策略。针对传统三电平直接功率控制导致器件开关频率不固定这一实际问题,本文提出了一种新型开关频率准固定直接功率控制策略,通过引入矢量作用时间占空比来减小器件开关频率的波动。仿真结果表明,与传统的直接功率控制策略相比,本文提出的开关频率准固定直接功率控制策略能优化功率器件的开关频率和输出电压的THD特性。 展开更多
关键词 三电平 PWM整流器 开关频率准固定 直接功率控制策略
一种新的准固定频率滞环PWM电流控制方法 被引量:1
作者 杨旭 王兆安 《电源技术应用》 2002年第11期1-5,共5页
提出了一种新的准固定频率滞环PWM电流控制方法,该方法在滞环电流控制的基础上,引入频率反馈控制,使开关频率基本固定,解决了目前广泛使用的固定频率电流控制方法具有的次谐波振荡的问题,并且具有稳定性好、响应速度快、控制精度高的优... 提出了一种新的准固定频率滞环PWM电流控制方法,该方法在滞环电流控制的基础上,引入频率反馈控制,使开关频率基本固定,解决了目前广泛使用的固定频率电流控制方法具有的次谐波振荡的问题,并且具有稳定性好、响应速度快、控制精度高的优点。对现有的固定频率电流模式控制方法和所提出的准固定频率PWM电流控制方法的原理和闭环响应进行了分析。 展开更多
关键词 固定频率滞环 PWM电流控制 开关电源 开关频率
精准频率反转恢复脂肪抑制技术对腰椎隐匿骨折的诊断价值 被引量:1
作者 周伟恩 《心血管病防治知识(学术版)》 2017年第12期130-132,共3页
目的总结分析腰椎隐匿骨折采用精准频率反转恢复(SPAIR)脂肪抑制技术的临床诊断价值。方法本次研究中以我院2013年5月-2017年5月期间接收的60例腰椎隐匿骨折患者为研究对象,回顾分析所有患者采用X线平片、核磁共振检查的相关资料。结果... 目的总结分析腰椎隐匿骨折采用精准频率反转恢复(SPAIR)脂肪抑制技术的临床诊断价值。方法本次研究中以我院2013年5月-2017年5月期间接收的60例腰椎隐匿骨折患者为研究对象,回顾分析所有患者采用X线平片、核磁共振检查的相关资料。结果所有患者采用核磁共振成像检查完成后,在核磁共振信号表现方面,T1WI在水平方向存在椎体中央条状低信号;T2WI为带状等信号或者是低信号;T2WI-SPAIR显示为高信号,呈带状分布,大范围较为清晰,对应的序列易于识别。结论腰椎隐匿骨折采用精准频率反转恢复脂肪抑制技术,可以获得更为清晰地影像资料,消除伪影对影像检查资料的影响,促进对腰椎隐匿骨折的诊断,从而为患者的临床治疗提供重要参考。 展开更多
关键词 频率反转恢复脂肪抑制技术 腰椎隐匿骨折 诊断价值
作者 刘爱荣 《中州煤炭》 北大核心 1996年第6期28-30,共3页
关键词 频率 晶闸管 交流调压 异步电机 拖动系统
作者 В.С.Боев 张成邦 《起重运输机械》 1990年第3期20-23,共4页
关键词 起重机 平移机构 电气传动 频率
作者 祁文钊 《职大学报》 1995年第3期4-7,共4页
本文所介绍的是在交流调压的基本环节上,对脉冲——移相装置增加一套准频率控制,使电动机在其特定的非工频频率下工作。在这些频率下、利用晶闸管的交流调压装置也可以达到调节交流电机转速的目的。这种系统主回路简单、调节范围宽,低... 本文所介绍的是在交流调压的基本环节上,对脉冲——移相装置增加一套准频率控制,使电动机在其特定的非工频频率下工作。在这些频率下、利用晶闸管的交流调压装置也可以达到调节交流电机转速的目的。这种系统主回路简单、调节范围宽,低速性能好。广泛应用在各式起重机械的拖动系统上。 展开更多
关键词 频率 反并联 晶闸管交流调压 谐波 频谱 调速范围
作者 程光华 刘佳 张轩 《空间电子技术》 2021年第6期48-55,共8页
频率选择面作为准光学馈电系统的关键频率器件,其传输特性直接关系到整个准光学馈电系统的性能。针对馈电系统中的频率分离方案,设计了一种基于小孔阵列的准光型频率选择表面结构,用于有效分离54 GHz和183 GHz的频率信号;并利用飞秒激... 频率选择面作为准光学馈电系统的关键频率器件,其传输特性直接关系到整个准光学馈电系统的性能。针对馈电系统中的频率分离方案,设计了一种基于小孔阵列的准光型频率选择表面结构,用于有效分离54 GHz和183 GHz的频率信号;并利用飞秒激光微制造技术加工了有效孔径150 mm的钛合金圆柱孔阵列频率选择面,通过对准光学馈电系统样机的传输特性的实验测试,显示了飞秒激光加工群孔优良的一致性,验证了飞秒激光加工大尺寸频率选择面的有效性和可行性。 展开更多
关键词 频率选择面 飞秒激光 传输特性 群孔加工
《股市动态分析》 2012年第20期73-73,共1页
本次降准基本符合市场预期,为年内第二次。目前为止,央行保持"每季一次"的降准频率,预计年内还有50-100BP下降空间。中国面临"内忧外患",近期要求降息的呼声也越来越高,年内非对称降息可能性很大。本次降准及未来... 本次降准基本符合市场预期,为年内第二次。目前为止,央行保持"每季一次"的降准频率,预计年内还有50-100BP下降空间。中国面临"内忧外患",近期要求降息的呼声也越来越高,年内非对称降息可能性很大。本次降准及未来可能的降息,将为债市带来多重利好:一是货币市场资金稳中向松。 展开更多
关键词 降息 债市 市场预期 频率 内忧外患 非对称 市场资金 信用 可能性 资本利得
作者 梁焕 来子晗 +2 位作者 严结实 李潇 陈旭 《电力设备管理》 2024年第11期141-143,共3页
本文主要分析了等间隔非同步采样对带限周期信号幅值计算的影响,并提出两种解决措施。第一种是滤波法,即先进行滤波,再进行精准频率计算;第二种是重采样法,即先拟合出原始模拟差值信号,然后进行重采样,直流分量最小值对应的采样频率即... 本文主要分析了等间隔非同步采样对带限周期信号幅值计算的影响,并提出两种解决措施。第一种是滤波法,即先进行滤波,再进行精准频率计算;第二种是重采样法,即先拟合出原始模拟差值信号,然后进行重采样,直流分量最小值对应的采样频率即为同步采样频率。两种方法均可以使非同步采样转变成同步采样,减小信号幅值计算误差。 展开更多
关键词 非同步采样 频率计算 滤波 重采样 波形拟合
作者 汤璐璐 顾澄琳 +3 位作者 罗大平 邓泽江 潘海峰 李文雪 《计测技术》 2023年第3期17-28,共12页
双光梳光谱技术是一种先进的精密光谱测量技术,具有高分辨力、高频率精度、快速测量和宽带光谱覆盖等优点,已在光谱激光雷达、温室气体监测、燃烧诊断等测量领域中广泛应用。关于双光梳光谱的新原理、新方案和新技术不断涌现,因此有必... 双光梳光谱技术是一种先进的精密光谱测量技术,具有高分辨力、高频率精度、快速测量和宽带光谱覆盖等优点,已在光谱激光雷达、温室气体监测、燃烧诊断等测量领域中广泛应用。关于双光梳光谱的新原理、新方案和新技术不断涌现,因此有必要对其发展现状进行梳理和总结。本文详细地阐述了双光梳光谱技术的原理和性能指标,分析对比了光频参考、电光调制、单腔双光梳和光调制四种典型双光梳光谱测量系统的实验方案和优势,同时具体分析了双光梳光谱技术在工作波段拓展方向的发展现状,最后对双光梳光谱系统的发展趋势和应用前景进行了总结和展望,为双光梳光谱技术在全波段光谱测量和多场景应用中的进一步提升提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 双光梳光谱技术 光学频率 激光光谱学 精密测量 非线性频率准
0.18μm CMOS programmable frequency divider design for DVB-T
作者 胡庆生 仲建锋 何小虎 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2008年第2期159-162,共4页
The implementation of a programmable frequency divider, which is one of the components of the phase-locked loop (PLL) frequency synthesizer for digital video broadcastingterrestrial (DVB-T) and other modem communi... The implementation of a programmable frequency divider, which is one of the components of the phase-locked loop (PLL) frequency synthesizer for digital video broadcastingterrestrial (DVB-T) and other modem communication systems, is presented. By cooperating with a dual-modulus prescaler, this divider can realize an integer frequency division from 926 to 1 387. Besides the traditional standard cell design flow, such as logic synthesis, placement and routing, the interactions between front-end and back-end are also considered to optimize the design flow under deep submicron technology. By back-annotating the back-end information to front-end design, a custom wire-load model is created which is more practical compared with the default model. This divider has been fabricated in TSMC 0. 18μm CMOS technology using Artisan standard cell library. The chip area is 675 μm × 475 μm and the power consumption is about 2 mW under a 1.8 V power supply. Measurement results show that it works correctly and can realize a frequency division with high precision. 展开更多
关键词 programmable frequency divider frequency synthesizer standard cell DVB-T
A Σ-Δ Fractional-N PLL Frequency Synthesizer with AFC for SRD Applications 被引量:1
作者 章华江 胡康敏 洪志良 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第7期1298-1304,共7页
A fractional-N frequency synthesizer for 433/868MHz SRD applications is implemented in a 0.3μm CMOS process. A wide-band VCO and an AFC are used to cover the desired bands. A 3bit third order sigma-delta modulator is... A fractional-N frequency synthesizer for 433/868MHz SRD applications is implemented in a 0.3μm CMOS process. A wide-band VCO and an AFC are used to cover the desired bands. A 3bit third order sigma-delta modulator is adopted to reduce the out-band phase noise. The measurements show a VCO tuning range from 1.31 to 1.88GHz with AFC working correctly,an out-band phase noise of -139dBc/Hz at 3MHz offset frequency, and a fractional spur of less than - 60dBc. The chip area is 1.5mm × 1.2mm and the total current dissipation including LO buffers is 19mA from a single 3.0V supply voltage. 展开更多
关键词 short range device phase locked loop adaptive frequency calibration frequency synthesizer SIGMA-DELTA
A 5-GHz frequency synthesizer with constant bandwidth for low IF ZigBee transceiver applications
作者 姜亚伟 李智群 +1 位作者 舒海涌 侯凝冰 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2010年第1期6-10,共5页
A fully integrated integer-N frequency synthesizer is implemented.The synthesizer is designed for low intermediate frequency (IF)ZigBee transceiver applications.Techniques used to make the loop bandwidth constant ac... A fully integrated integer-N frequency synthesizer is implemented.The synthesizer is designed for low intermediate frequency (IF)ZigBee transceiver applications.Techniques used to make the loop bandwidth constant across the whole output frequency range of the voltage controlled oscillator(VCO)are adopted to maintain phase noise optimization and loop stability.In-phase and quadrature(IQ)signals are generated by a 1/2 frequency divider at the output of the VCO.The synthesizer is fabricated in 0.18 μm radio frequency(RF) complementary metal oxide semiconductor transistor (CMOS)technology.The chip area is 1.7 mm2.The synthesizer is measured on wafer.It consumes totally 28.8 mW excluding output buffers from a supply voltage of 1.8 V.The measured phase noise is -110 and -122 dBc/Hz at the offset of 1 and 3 MHz from a 2.405 GHz carrier,respectively.The measured reference spur at a 2 MHz offset from a 2.405 GHz carrier is-48.2 dBc.The measured setting time of the synthesizer is about 160 μs. 展开更多
关键词 phase-locked loop phase noise auto frequency calibration ZIGBEE voltage controlled oscillator
Measurement of 3db Bandwidth of Laser Diode Chips
作者 徐遥 王圩 王子宇 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第8期794-797,共4页
An accurate technique for measuring the frequency response of semiconductor laser diode chips is proposed and experimentally demonstrated.The effects of test jig parasites can be completely removed in the measurement ... An accurate technique for measuring the frequency response of semiconductor laser diode chips is proposed and experimentally demonstrated.The effects of test jig parasites can be completely removed in the measurement by a new calibration method.In theory,the measuring range of the measurement system is only determined by the measuring range of the instruments network analyzer and photo detector.Diodes' bandwidth of 7 5GHz and 10GHz is measured.The results reveal that the method is feasible and comparing with other method,it is more precise and easier to use. 展开更多
关键词 bandwidth measurement CALIBRATION frequency response semiconductor laser diode chips
Fluidization Characteristics of Silicon Particles with a Wide Size Distribution 被引量:2
作者 罗务习 梁卫华 +1 位作者 张国良 王金福 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2004年第6期851-856,共6页
Fluidization characteristics of silicon particle system are studied by the pressure fluctuation method.The existence of fine particles in the system can improve fluidization. Silicon particles with a wide size distrib... Fluidization characteristics of silicon particle system are studied by the pressure fluctuation method.The existence of fine particles in the system can improve fluidization. Silicon particles with a wide size distribution,preferably with some fines, behave as Group A particles according to Geldart classification, although the system belongs to Group B actually. The system is also approved to be suitable for organochlorosilane monomer production using a fluidized bed reactor. Experimental data obtained in this work are important for the design and operation of commercial fluidized bed reactors for the production of organochlorosilane monomers. 展开更多
关键词 silicon particle system wide size distribution pressure fluctuation average frequency standard deviation
Design of 0.18 μm CMOS programmable frequency divider based on standard cells
作者 何小虎 胡庆生 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2007年第1期31-34,共4页
The design of a programmable frequency divider, which is one of the components of the phase-locked loop (PLL) frequency synthesizer for transmitter and receiver in IEEE 802. 11 a standard, is investigated. The main ... The design of a programmable frequency divider, which is one of the components of the phase-locked loop (PLL) frequency synthesizer for transmitter and receiver in IEEE 802. 11 a standard, is investigated. The main steps in very large-scale integration (VLSI) design flow such as logic synthesis, floorplan and placement & routing (P & R) are introduced. By back-annotating the back-end information to the front-end design, the custom wire-load model is created and used for optimizing the design flow under deep submicron technology. The programmable frequency divider is implemented based on Artisan TSMC (Taiwan Semicoductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd. )0. 18μm CMOS (complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor) standard cells and fabricated. The Chip area is 1 360. 5μm^2 and can work in the range of 100 to 200 MHz. The measurement results indicate that the design conforms to the frequency division precision. 展开更多
关键词 programmable frequency divider frequency synthesizer standard cells CMOS
Frequency Effect of Formulaic Sequences on CAF in Academic Writing:Examples from L2 Master’s Theses 被引量:1
作者 Rong MA 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2020年第4期489-505,526,共18页
This study was conducted to explore the individual uses of formulaic sequence(FS)frequency and their effects on complexity,accuracy,and fluency(CAF)in academic writing.Data was collected from the conclusion sections o... This study was conducted to explore the individual uses of formulaic sequence(FS)frequency and their effects on complexity,accuracy,and fluency(CAF)in academic writing.Data was collected from the conclusion sections of a self-compiled corpus of 30 L2 master’s theses.Statistical analysis revealed several notable conclusions.1)Student writers tend to make repetitive use of particular FSs in single texts.2)FS use has a significant frequency effect on fluency,and the high-frequency group slightly outperforms the low-frequency group.3)FS use has a certain frequency effect on accuracy,and the high-frequency group demonstrates the strongest correlation between FS frequency and accuracy.4)FS use has a significant frequency effect on lexical complexity,and the low-frequency group slightly outperforms the high-frequency group.In the low-frequency group,FS use has a significant frequency effect on syntactic complexity as well.Finally,5)The results support Skehan’s trade-off effect,a competition between CAF,which,to a certain degree,is affected by individual uses of FS frequency.The low-frequency group displays a greater trade-off effect than the high-frequency group. 展开更多
关键词 formulaic sequence frequency FLUENCY accuracy COMPLEXITY
作者 Xue Jinzhu Shen Lansun (Signal & Information Processing Lab, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100022) 《Journal of Electronics(China)》 2003年第6期456-460,共5页
This letter proposes a rate control algorithm for H.264 video encoder, which is based on block activity and buffer state. Experimental results indicate that it has an excellent performance by providing much accurate b... This letter proposes a rate control algorithm for H.264 video encoder, which is based on block activity and buffer state. Experimental results indicate that it has an excellent performance by providing much accurate bit rate and better coding efficiency compared with H.264. The computational complexity of the algorithm is reduced by adopting a novel block activity description method using the Sum of Absolute Difference (SAD) of 16× 16 mode, and its robustness is enhanced by introducing a feedback circuit at frame layer. 展开更多
关键词 Rate control Video coding H.264
作者 Jin Tian Zhou Zhimin Song Qian Chang Wenge 《Journal of Electronics(China)》 2007年第4期503-508,共6页
Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) degrades the quality of focused Ultra-WideBand Syn- thetic Aperture Radar (UWB SAR) images. From both the theoretical analysis and real data valida- tion, it is concluded that target... Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) degrades the quality of focused Ultra-WideBand Syn- thetic Aperture Radar (UWB SAR) images. From both the theoretical analysis and real data valida- tion, it is concluded that target echo and RFI have different Region Of Support (ROS) in 2-D fast- time wavenumber and aperture wavenumber domain. Consequently, a novel adaptive filter is pro- posed according to the Wiener optimum criterion on the distinct ROS characteristics of target echo and RFI. Compared with the notch filter and the Least Mean Square (LMS) adaptive filter in previ- ous literatures, the proposed method is more computationally efficient with satisfactory suppression results. In terms of Signal-to-Interference Ratio Improvement (SIRI) and processing time, the per- formance of the proposed adaptive filter is verified with the field data collected with a UWB SAR system. 展开更多
关键词 Ultra-WideBand (UWB) Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) suppression Wiener criterion
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