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“等级考”背景下绘图类试题备考品析 被引量:1
作者 陈延松 唐永强 +1 位作者 刘树材 相炜 《地理教育》 2020年第6期25-29,共5页
绘图是学习地理的一项基本技能,也是提高地理教学质量的有效途径。从近几年高考试题的考查看,对于绘图技能的考查基本没有涉及,然而笔者通过梳理2020年北京、天津、山东、海南四省市模考试题发现,绘图类试题的考查得到了重视和凸显,这... 绘图是学习地理的一项基本技能,也是提高地理教学质量的有效途径。从近几年高考试题的考查看,对于绘图技能的考查基本没有涉及,然而笔者通过梳理2020年北京、天津、山东、海南四省市模考试题发现,绘图类试题的考查得到了重视和凸显,这无疑将对当前教学起到重要的导向作用。文章从命题立意考查形式与角度、答题要诀等对四省市模考及部分模拟试题中绘图类题目进行解析,并尝试探讨此类试题的备考策略。 展开更多
关键词 等级考 地图绘制 题品 备考启示
作者 戴涛 《科教文汇》 2013年第2期164-165,共2页
思品主观题观点太多,而且容易混淆,很多学生面对题目束手无策。这就要求教师在日常教学中予以正确的指导,帮助学生找到解题的方法,提高解题能力。我们要正确解读设问,做好分解分类;并关注一材料多考点,做到举一反三;最后注意总结考点,... 思品主观题观点太多,而且容易混淆,很多学生面对题目束手无策。这就要求教师在日常教学中予以正确的指导,帮助学生找到解题的方法,提高解题能力。我们要正确解读设问,做好分解分类;并关注一材料多考点,做到举一反三;最后注意总结考点,做好查漏补缺,细心仔细,才能做好主观题。 展开更多
关键词 主观 方法 能力 中考
作者 孙新科 叶剑 +1 位作者 陈阳 孙乃哲 《黄河科技大学学报》 2011年第1期33-37,43,共6页
《龙门百品》是民国初河南学者关百益选拓的北朝造像摩崖题记,反映了魏碑体形成的原始性和发展初期特点,称为伊阙宗。龙门题记组合以品计量源于清末河南太守德林,其典源于古代书画评论家对精品的专称,上溯自三国魏的官制和魏晋南北朝的... 《龙门百品》是民国初河南学者关百益选拓的北朝造像摩崖题记,反映了魏碑体形成的原始性和发展初期特点,称为伊阙宗。龙门题记组合以品计量源于清末河南太守德林,其典源于古代书画评论家对精品的专称,上溯自三国魏的官制和魏晋南北朝的门阀士族制。题记包含了丰富的历史文化信息。百品所代表的伊阙宗是由无名书手和刻手共同创造的。 展开更多
关键词 百则北朝 传拓组合背景 历史文化信息 记称
食品添加剂在我国食品加工中的应用现状 被引量:7
作者 李其晔 《保鲜与加工》 CAS 2023年第4期68-73,共6页
食品添加剂在现代食品工业生产中占据着非常重要的地位,与人们的日常饮食安全和身体健康息息相关。综述了我国食品添加剂的定义、作用、种类、相关法律法规和加工特点等,提出了食品添加剂在食品加工应用中存在的问题及相应解决措施,对... 食品添加剂在现代食品工业生产中占据着非常重要的地位,与人们的日常饮食安全和身体健康息息相关。综述了我国食品添加剂的定义、作用、种类、相关法律法规和加工特点等,提出了食品添加剂在食品加工应用中存在的问题及相应解决措施,对进一步丰富我国食品添加剂理论研究,推动食品加工业高质量发展具有重要的社会和经济意义。 展开更多
关键词 添加剂 使用规范 加工 生产 安全 监管
以彼无限景 寓我有限年——论苏轼贬惠期间的“仙居”生活 被引量:2
作者 杨子怡 《乐山师范学院学报》 2006年第2期10-17,共8页
林语堂先生在《苏东坡传》中把苏轼贬居惠州的一段时光称之为“仙居”,并以之名章,但究竟内容为何,语焉未详。这是一个饶有兴味的话题。笔者以为,苏轼在地方官员庇护下所居合江楼时光以及与王朝云的风流缠缱的爱情、与友朋的诗酒唱和、... 林语堂先生在《苏东坡传》中把苏轼贬居惠州的一段时光称之为“仙居”,并以之名章,但究竟内容为何,语焉未详。这是一个饶有兴味的话题。笔者以为,苏轼在地方官员庇护下所居合江楼时光以及与王朝云的风流缠缱的爱情、与友朋的诗酒唱和、抄书题品、种药浇蔬等赋闲生活是构成其仙居生活的主要内涵,这些也表现出苏轼一洗尘念,寂灭万想,物我两忘、潇洒自任的超旷态度。 展开更多
关键词 仙居 爱情 交友 题品 唱和
作者 譚新紅 《宋代文化研究》 2009年第1期735-751,共17页
关键词 人物 题品 核论 标准 涵义 月旦评
Study on Spatial Characteristics of Commercial Stores
作者 ZHU Ruihua 《International English Education Research》 2015年第10期90-91,共2页
the issues on space design of commercial stores are the main social problems that people put forward to enjoy life after the development of the national market economy in recent period. Because of the restriction of s... the issues on space design of commercial stores are the main social problems that people put forward to enjoy life after the development of the national market economy in recent period. Because of the restriction of space structure and brand culture, the design rules of commercial stores' space have made changes of times. Taking consumers as the main body, the space of commercial stores has gradually focused on humanization and characterization. 展开更多
关键词 ART commercial stores space design brand culture
The Food We WastemMaterial and Ethical Issues in Geography 被引量:1
作者 Walter Leimgruber 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2015年第1期1-14,共14页
Global food supply has for a long time been regarded as only a problem of food production. Since the turn of the century, however, other aspects have entered the debate, such as improving food quality, changing eating... Global food supply has for a long time been regarded as only a problem of food production. Since the turn of the century, however, other aspects have entered the debate, such as improving food quality, changing eating habits and avoiding food waste. The latter topic has become the subject of attention for the past I0 years and the interest in it has steadily grown. This paper focuses on food waste within the overall context. Apart from the purely quantitative (material) aspects, it draws our attention to the immaterial side of waste, which has to do with our value system. It hopes to sharpen our minds towards a responsible way of dealing with resources 展开更多
关键词 FOOD WASTE VALUES attitudes.
Letter from Editors-in-Chief
作者 Zhihua Zhong Raj Reddy 《Engineering》 SCIE EI 2015年第1期158-158,共1页
Engineering comes to you at last. As the Editors-in-Chief of En- gineering, first of all, we wish to thank all the scholars at home and abroad for their eager responses and full support, and all those who have provide... Engineering comes to you at last. As the Editors-in-Chief of En- gineering, first of all, we wish to thank all the scholars at home and abroad for their eager responses and full support, and all those who have provided encouragement and contributions toward the emergence of this journal. Looking back over the history of human civilization, hu- man survival is closely related to the development of social productive forces, which come from engineering science and technology (EST). Along with today's rapid economic and social development, we face common threats from global problems such as food safety, resource shortages, energy cri- ses, environmental pollution, climate change, network attacks, population expansion, poverty, the prevalence of disease, and economic crises. Therefore, EST research that addresses these major issues of economic development appears to be par- ticularly important. At present, a new scientific and technical revolution, including wide spread industrial transformation, is flowing together with new developments in human society. Historically, we know that progress and innovation in EST is a crucial engine for promotin~ progress in human society. 展开更多
关键词 CO2 mineralization natural mineral industrial waste science and engineering
Emmanuel Levinas: Hermeneutics, Ethics, and Art 被引量:1
作者 Hanoch Ben-Pazi 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第8期588-600,共13页
This article draws attention to the subject of art in Levinas's thinking through consideration of his philosophical language, which is aided by images, metaphors, and idioms of art. The primary image that will accomp... This article draws attention to the subject of art in Levinas's thinking through consideration of his philosophical language, which is aided by images, metaphors, and idioms of art. The primary image that will accompany our discussion throughout this article is the image of art as shadow, which Levinas incorporates into the title of the essay which he devotes to the subject of art: "Reality and Its Shadow". Thinking about art from the perspective of Levinas means thinking about image and essence, about which is visible before us and which we cannot see, and about the different ways in which art can express itself. Levinas's theory of interpretation is grounded in and guided by the field of ethics and addresses the ethical aspects of interpretation. Levinas approaches the discourse of interpretation not out of na'ivet6 but rather based on a deep understanding of the field of hermeneutics, with all its shortcomings and challenges. Thinking of hermeneutics from an ethical perspective is no mere addition to the discussion but the very crux of the matter. An attempt to understand interpretation as an act of exposing the truth encounters serious philosophical and logical difficulties, whether we are seeking to discover the intention of the artist, the intent of a specific work of art, or a hidden form within the work itself. The engagement with Levinas's theory of hermeneutics, however, raises a different question which is the focus of this article: Can Levinas's theory of interpretation be applied to the realm of artistic creation, and if so, how? This question is sharpened by the difficulties that Levinas himself poses to his readers by designating art as the "shadow" of reality and drawing attention to the egoistic dimension of the artistic act. 展开更多
关键词 Emmanuel Levinas HERMENEUTICS ETHICS ART Jewish philosophy PHENOMENOLOGY
Development of Bio-fertilizer Standard in China and Establishment of Standard System
作者 蔡全英 吕辉雄 +3 位作者 曾巧云 黄慧娟 张君 Quan-ying Hui-xiong Qiao-yun Hui-juan 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第5期191-193,共3页
Over the past decade,national standard and industry standard of bio-fertilizer have been gradually established in China. Moreover,the microbial fertilizer standard system with Chinese characteristics has been firstly ... Over the past decade,national standard and industry standard of bio-fertilizer have been gradually established in China. Moreover,the microbial fertilizer standard system with Chinese characteristics has been firstly established by China in the world. Development of bio-fertilizer standard,especially the amplification and modification of bio-fertilizer product standard and the construction of bio-fertilizer standard system,etc. were summarized in this paper. Meanwhile,relative suggestions of existing problems were put forward. 展开更多
关键词 Bid-fertilizer Standard Standard system
Research on the exports trade of Shandong agricultural products
作者 LI Bing 《Chinese Business Review》 2009年第1期46-48,66,共4页
This paper analyses the internal problems and external constraints against the further development of exports trade of Shandong agricultural products. The countermeasures in solving those problems and constraints are ... This paper analyses the internal problems and external constraints against the further development of exports trade of Shandong agricultural products. The countermeasures in solving those problems and constraints are recommended to ensure a sustainable development of Shandong regional agricultural products exports. 展开更多
关键词 export trade Shandong agricultural products sustainable development
Food Allergens and Food Safety: A Global Perspective with Respect to Codex Alimentarius
作者 Shastry Shravani 《Journal of Food Science and Engineering》 2012年第8期411-426,共16页
Over the last two decades, food allergens are being recognized as one of the food hazards. This serious food safety issue is being addressed in different countries not only in terms of their biological and clinical ch... Over the last two decades, food allergens are being recognized as one of the food hazards. This serious food safety issue is being addressed in different countries not only in terms of their biological and clinical characteristics, but also in terms of various standards of allergen management in food industries. This abnormal immune response caused by food allergens affects the quality of life especially in children and influences their overall health and retards normal growth, along with they suffer from ailments like eating disorders, depression, sometimes even death which is the most adverse impact of food allergy. Every country has their own set of guidelines to deal with the food allergens especially developed countries, food allergen guidelines is not well documented in developing countries. FAO/WHO is providing assistance to developing countries in strengthening their food safety guidelines. The Codex Alimentarius was formulated by the two organizations FAO/WHO in the year 1960; it is a collection of food standards in a integrated, codified style, together with associated material such as codes of hygiene and good manufacturing practices that should be followed by industries during various production stages of a food item. In both developed and developing nations, the Food Chemical Codex or the Codex Alimentarius aims to protect public health and implement fair trade practises for the trading of food items. 展开更多
关键词 Food allergens Codex alimentarius food safety FAO WHO
A Survey of Hatchery Waste Management Practices
作者 Philip Charles Glatz Belinda Kay Rodda 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2012年第2期172-182,共11页
A survey of major chicken meat hatcheries in Australia was undertaken in 2008 to identify how hatchery waste is currently managed. A weekly average of 10.4 tonnes of waste is produced by chicken meat hatcheries. The c... A survey of major chicken meat hatcheries in Australia was undertaken in 2008 to identify how hatchery waste is currently managed. A weekly average of 10.4 tonnes of waste is produced by chicken meat hatcheries. The cost of disposal (average $127/tonne) and availability of disposal sites is an emerging issue. The majority of hatchery waste is sent to land fill or for composting, with some rendered for use as pet food. Hatchery wastewater is mostly used for irrigation or disposed directly into the sewer. Most of the hatcheries have no environmental issues with hatchery waste on site but some report odour problems. Some hatcheries would like to treat the waste on site so that it could be sold as a commodity or to use methods to separate liquid from solid waste and recycle water. 展开更多
关键词 Hatchery waste SURVEY POULTRY ENVIRONMENT waste management.
Analysis of Energy-saving Behavior among University Students in Vietnam
作者 Naohiro Goto Shota Tokunaga +1 位作者 Dinh Thi Nga Van Ho Thi Thanh 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2016年第7期355-362,共8页
Currently, in the course of serious environmental problems where the cause is anthropogenic, such as global wanning, not only the technology and policies but also the promotions of pro-environmental behavior are requi... Currently, in the course of serious environmental problems where the cause is anthropogenic, such as global wanning, not only the technology and policies but also the promotions of pro-environmental behavior are required. However, previous studies reported a gap between high environmental awareness and behavior. So to promote this practice, it is necessary to clarify the determinants that lead to practice. Because of the rapid economic growth in developing countries, including Vietnam, pollution problems and energy consumption are of major importance. This study aims to propose methods to promote pro-environmental practices based on a questionnaire and statistical analysis that investigated university students in Vietnam's Ho Chi Minh city. From the factor analysis, in actions to do with the power-saving behavior of standby power and home electronics, and the use of air conditioning, four evaluation criteria including effectiveness, cost feasibility, convenience, and social norms are extracted. The covariance structure analysis showed that the evaluation of convenience represented the strongest causal relation to a given power-saving action, and the action, in turn, can lead to improvements in most practical activities so as to enhance their convenience. Finally, several methods to save energy are proposed based on the results of the questionnaire. 展开更多
关键词 Environmental behavior INTENTION factor analysis questionnaire investigation covariance structure analysis.
Heap-Leaching of Low-Grade Uranium Ore at SOMAIR: From Laboratory Tests to Production of 700 Tonnes U Per Year
作者 Nicolas Durupt Jean Jacques Blanvillain 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2011年第6期549-557,共9页
In 2006, SOMAIR decided to increase the uranium production by 50% using heap leaching for the treatment of low grade ores. These ores, which come from different lodes with various properties, have been studied in four... In 2006, SOMAIR decided to increase the uranium production by 50% using heap leaching for the treatment of low grade ores. These ores, which come from different lodes with various properties, have been studied in four steps: ( 1 ) Lab tests: to compare the ores (characterization, acid consumptions, recovery...); (2) Column tests on an average sample: to define significant parameters for a feasibility study; (3) Column tests on specific samples: to optimize recovery for each ore and identify problems of percolation due to the clays; (4) Pilot tests in large boxes (stalls): to validate process parameters. Uranium production by heap leaching started in July 2009. 展开更多
关键词 URANIUM heap-leaching low grade ores clays column tests acid consumption.
Soil Degradation and Food Security Coupled with Global Climate Change in Northeastern China 被引量:3
作者 GONG Huili MENG Dan +1 位作者 LI Xiaojuan ZHU Feng 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第5期562-573,共12页
The northeastern China is an important commodity grain region in China,as well as a notable corn belt and major soybean producing area.It thus plays a significant role in the national food security system.However,larg... The northeastern China is an important commodity grain region in China,as well as a notable corn belt and major soybean producing area.It thus plays a significant role in the national food security system.However,large-scale land reclamation and non-optimum farming practices give rise to soil degradation in the region.This study analyzed the food security issues coupled with global climate change in the northeastern China during 1980–2000,which is the period of modern agriculture.The results of statistical data show that the arable land area shrank markedly in 1992,and then increased slowly,while food production generally continually increased.The stable grain yield was due to the increase of applied fertilizer and irrigated areas.Soil degradation in the northeastern China includes severe soil erosion,reduced soil nutrients,a thinner black soil layer,and deterioration of soil physical properties.The sustainable development of the northeastern China is influenced by natural-artificial binary disturbance factors which consist of meteorological conditions,climate changes,and terrain factors as well as soil physical and chemical properties.Interactions between the increasing temperature and decreasing precipitation in the region led to reduced accumulation of soil organic matter,which results in poor soil fertility.Human-induced factors,such as large-scale land reclamation and non-optimum farming practices,unsuitable cultivation systems,dredging,road building,illegal land occupation,and extensive use of fertilizers and pesticides,have led to increasingly severe soil erosion and destruction.Solutions to several problems of soil degradation in this region requiring urgent settlement are proposed.A need for clear and systematic recognition and recording of land use changes,land degradation,food production and climate change conditions is suggested,which would provide a reference for food security studies in the northeastern China. 展开更多
关键词 food security soil degradation climate change northeastern China black soil region
On The Urban Image of The Brand and Spread
作者 Huishu Chen 《International English Education Research》 2014年第3期137-139,共3页
In this paper, the urban brand image as the starting point, the analysis of the urban problems facing the current urbanization process, analyze the phenomenon of brand image in the shaping and dissemination of propose... In this paper, the urban brand image as the starting point, the analysis of the urban problems facing the current urbanization process, analyze the phenomenon of brand image in the shaping and dissemination of proposed dissemination of subject and object of the brand image, discusses the city brandsignificance of the image of the construction and management. Aimed at analysis of the city's image, to improve our city brand image building, and the spread of attention. 展开更多
Wheat Genetic Transformation as Efficient Tools to Fight against Fungal Diseases
作者 Danielle Christelle Tinak Ekom Mohammed Nabil Benchekroun +2 位作者 Sripada Mahabal Udupa Driss Iraqi Moulay Mustapha Ennaji 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2015年第3期153-161,共9页
Wheat ranks first among cereal crops cultivated in the world. In its production, diseases like powdery mildew, fusarium head blight and rusts caused by fungal pathogens represent a major problem. They produce differen... Wheat ranks first among cereal crops cultivated in the world. In its production, diseases like powdery mildew, fusarium head blight and rusts caused by fungal pathogens represent a major problem. They produce different symptoms that cause severe crop damage by infecting the spikes, leaves, roots, stems and grains. They are causing losses both by reducing the quantity of the harvested crop and the quality of the product. Quality problems of the harvested product can be due to shrivelled seed, which are frequently found as a consequence of the infection by leaf pathogens, such as mildews, rusts and Septoria. Fusarium head blight is the major culprit for mycotoxin contamination from the harvested grain, causing economic losses and in the worst casing human and animal health problems. In severe epidemics, all these fungal diseases can significantly reduce yield. Resistance to fungi is beneficial not only from a commercial point of view (yield), but also because of the reduced levels of mycotoxins. The integration of transgenic approaches offers a potential chemical-free and environment-friendly solution for controlling fungal pathogens. This is an essential asset for wheat world food security. 展开更多
关键词 Crop damages food security transgenic approaches wheat fungal diseases.
Mapping the Supply Chain Issues SMEs and Impact for Quality Products
作者 Ayi Tejaningrum Anton Mulyono Azis Maya Irjayanti 《Management Studies》 2016年第1期9-15,共7页
Until now, the issue of quality of the products of SMEs (small and medium enterprises) remains the main issues as the cause of low ability to compete. This study focused into the issue of what happened with regard t... Until now, the issue of quality of the products of SMEs (small and medium enterprises) remains the main issues as the cause of low ability to compete. This study focused into the issue of what happened with regard to the quality of products in the supply chain SME products. This study aims to describe how the culture of quality in the supply chain of SMEs and their role in contributing to the lack of SME products. The study involved 128 SMEs in the food processing industry cluster and garment industry. The research uses qualitative method with case study approach. The results showed an average internal quality culture reached 3.62661 supply included in the category enough. Of the five industry cluster, a culture of quality in the internal supply chain is the best T-shirt industry (4.3385) in both categories, while other four clusters exist in enough categories, with grades: hoods (3.661), soy crisps (3.6635), cassava chips (3.64), and the last chips fish balls (2.829). The low average internal quality culture supply mainly is in industrial processing of cassava chips and chips fish balls. One reason is the low awareness of quality. There is no technology and equipment adequate to safeguard the stability of quality. The upper most excellent quality culture occurred in the supply chain, where the product is controlled by big industry, is the industry shirts (4.018), soy crisps (3.613), and hoods (3.473), while when in the upstream industry controlled by small or SMEs, there is deterioration in the cultural values of quality: cassava chips (2.917) and chips fish balls (2.781). For downstream, 100% controlled by SMEs, there is an average value of quality culture 3.5662. 展开更多
关键词 supply chain UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM a culture of quality small and medium enterprises (SMEs)
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