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作者 吴逸萍 陈文瑞 《福建基础教育研究》 2018年第8期123-125,共3页
关键词 核心素养
作者 王美 张登奎 《中小学课堂教学研究》 2022年第9期66-70,共5页
思想政治学科因其严谨、科学、强理论的学科特性,往往给人以枯燥乏味的学科印象。而获得感的难以满足,更令学生难以产生学习兴趣。测评与试题评讲是学生真切取得获得感的大好时机,然而部分教师在评讲时无法缩小标准答案与学生所学之间... 思想政治学科因其严谨、科学、强理论的学科特性,往往给人以枯燥乏味的学科印象。而获得感的难以满足,更令学生难以产生学习兴趣。测评与试题评讲是学生真切取得获得感的大好时机,然而部分教师在评讲时无法缩小标准答案与学生所学之间巨大的理解鸿沟,加深了学生“高预期、低获得”的感受。为了提升学生的获得感,教师在评讲时需要以教材作为支持,搭建标准答案与教材知识间的桥梁;尊重学生的思考习惯,提供基于经验基础的解题支架;基于思想政治学科的科学性原则,遵循原旨规律,对标准答案进行“重构”。 展开更多
关键词 主观题评 备考策略 政治生活
作者 朱静伟 张孝合 +1 位作者 金卫华 王耀达 《光明中医》 2005年第6期37-38,共2页
关键词 药师资格考试 强化集/浅
作者 张军良 《课外语文(下)》 2014年第6期10-10,共1页
关键词 语文 自主 探究 共性 总结
作者 金红江 傅越超 《中学教研(数学版)》 2021年第11期21-24,共4页
关键词 专业发展
作者 董纪兵 《新教育时代电子杂志(学生版)》 2019年第29期197-197,共1页
近年来我国的素质教育不断深入开展,高中化学教学也受到了一定的影响。传统教学方式在当前阶段显然已经不适合,也无法满足社会培养高素质和综合能力强人才的需求,对此还需要积极地进行教学调整。高中化学中的“说题”和“评题”是两种... 近年来我国的素质教育不断深入开展,高中化学教学也受到了一定的影响。传统教学方式在当前阶段显然已经不适合,也无法满足社会培养高素质和综合能力强人才的需求,对此还需要积极地进行教学调整。高中化学中的“说题”和“评题”是两种重要教学方法,能在一定程度上反映出学生的学习状况,本文主要对高中化学说题和评题对策进行了分析,希望能以此为高中化学教学开展提供一些有益帮助。 展开更多
关键词 高中化学 对策
作者 阮黎珊 《当代教研论丛》 2019年第2期9-10,共2页
随着我国教育的不断发展和课程改革的不断深入,传统的高中化学教学模式已经不能满足国家培养高素质人才的需要,需要不断地进行教学改革和教学优化。"说题"与"评题"是高中化学习题讲评教学中两种重要的教学方法,能... 随着我国教育的不断发展和课程改革的不断深入,传统的高中化学教学模式已经不能满足国家培养高素质人才的需要,需要不断地进行教学改革和教学优化。"说题"与"评题"是高中化学习题讲评教学中两种重要的教学方法,能够在很大程度上反映出学生对于知识的掌握水平以及分析问题、解决问题的综合能力。 展开更多
关键词 高中化学 方法 教学研究
作者 王冠 魏兰 《教育测量与评价》 2024年第3期3-18,共16页
随着数字技术的不断发展,教育考试阅卷工作正迈向智能化时代,AI大模型技术在阅卷中的应用探索已成为研究热点和发展重点。汇隽可之将其在认知智能生成式大语言模型领域研发的AI核心技术应用于考试阅卷工作,经过3年的实践与完善,该系统... 随着数字技术的不断发展,教育考试阅卷工作正迈向智能化时代,AI大模型技术在阅卷中的应用探索已成为研究热点和发展重点。汇隽可之将其在认知智能生成式大语言模型领域研发的AI核心技术应用于考试阅卷工作,经过3年的实践与完善,该系统在AI评卷速度、辅助定标成效、AI评分质量等方面均得到有效验证。目前,AI大模型技术在教育考试全题型阅卷工作中已成功实现辅助评分功能,未来有望在各类考试中逐步替代人工,最终实现AI全自动评分。 展开更多
关键词 人工智能 考试阅卷 自然语言处理 型自动 分析聚类 辅助质检
网络考试系统中自动评卷算法的应用研究 被引量:1
作者 尹菡 《电子世界》 2013年第24期254-256,共3页
随着网络化的发展,网络教学近几年逐渐兴盛起来,是未来教育发展的一种趋势,网络考试系统是网络教学的核心组成部分之一。本文针对当前已有考试系统的不足和学校的实际需求,设计和实现了一个新的网络考试系统,其中就主观题自动评卷技术... 随着网络化的发展,网络教学近几年逐渐兴盛起来,是未来教育发展的一种趋势,网络考试系统是网络教学的核心组成部分之一。本文针对当前已有考试系统的不足和学校的实际需求,设计和实现了一个新的网络考试系统,其中就主观题自动评卷技术作了分析与讨论。 展开更多
关键词 网络教学 网络考试 主观自动
作者 刘璇 《河北师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2023年第3期34-41,共8页
“美学语法”为中西美学理论的对接问题引入了一个新的维度,借助美学命题逻辑结构与话语表述之间的张力可以超越语义层基本相同的指称意义,进入到语法层与逻辑层的深度不对等性之中。西方美学命题以“S是P”为基本例程,通过语法标记来... “美学语法”为中西美学理论的对接问题引入了一个新的维度,借助美学命题逻辑结构与话语表述之间的张力可以超越语义层基本相同的指称意义,进入到语法层与逻辑层的深度不对等性之中。西方美学命题以“S是P”为基本例程,通过语法标记来表达本质判断、分类背景和知识质态中的逻辑关系。汉语通过有限的结构递系和二维的结构递归呈现多层动态套叠的逻辑形式,是一种包含命题“主谓”分析式但又不相等的更高层次的对称耦合结构,其所构筑的宇宙生命结构模式也是中国美学命题的逻辑基础与审美理想。中西美学命题对接中语法标记的转换以及逻辑结构的复敏有助于重新理解中西美学理论体系之间的合理关系,直面“言外之意”如何有效地运作于“传情达意”,不仅为西方美学理论如何调和感性经验和逻辑表述的冲突提供了有益的参照,也为中国传统美学精神的现代转换提供了一个重要契机。 展开更多
关键词 美学语法 S是P 题评 超越主谓结构
浅谈在物理习题教学中培养学生能力 被引量:1
作者 米央华 王殊君 《物理教学探讨(中学教学教研版)》 2010年第2期24-25,共2页
关键词 分析诊断
作者 齐长江 《新乡师范高等专科学校学报》 1999年第4期 73,共1页
关键词 中学 化学教学 化学习 课程设计
节奏·句式·诗境--古典诗歌传统的新解读 被引量:7
作者 蔡宗齐 李冠兰 《中山大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第2期26-38,共13页
节奏、句式和诗境是中国古典诗歌研究中极为重要的三个范畴。节奏和句法为实,诗境为虚,看似互不关联,可是实际上三者有着密不可分的关系。诗歌的音义节奏与句子结构是诗境营造的语言基础,而诗境则赋予诗句以生命和感发人心的力量。然而... 节奏、句式和诗境是中国古典诗歌研究中极为重要的三个范畴。节奏和句法为实,诗境为虚,看似互不关联,可是实际上三者有着密不可分的关系。诗歌的音义节奏与句子结构是诗境营造的语言基础,而诗境则赋予诗句以生命和感发人心的力量。然而,每种诗体有没有其独特的节奏、句式、诗境,每种诗体节奏能催生什么样的句式,新节奏与新句式的结合又会产生什么新的诗境,提供何种难以言传的审美体验?为了寻找这些问题的答案,文章进行了三个方面的研究。一是参照传统诗学对节奏的研究,较为精确地描述各种诗体的节奏。二是借鉴语言学句法论,仔细分析不同诗体节奏所催生的种种独特的句式,从而在时空、读作者关系的深层上探究各种诗境的生成方式。三是用节奏和句式分析的结果来阐释古人对各种诗体、诗境的直观描述,以求从感性的"知其然"迈向理性的"知其所以然"。通过较系统地研究中国诗歌的节奏、句式、诗境的演变过程以及内在互动关系,也许能为古典诗歌传统提出一种新的解读。 展开更多
关键词 《诗经》节奏句式 《楚辞》节奏句式 古典诗歌节奏句式 五言诗节奏句式 七言诗节奏句式 汉语题评句型
朱权“群英乐府格势”得失论 被引量:1
作者 姚品文 《江西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1993年第2期23-27,共5页
关键词 朱权 群英乐府格势 曲话 题评 风格学
On the Existence of Positive Solutions of Singular Second Order Boundary Value Problems 被引量:2
作者 LIHe-cheng 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 2004年第1期101-106,共6页
This paper deals with the existence of positive solutions of the equation u'+f(t, u)=0 with linear boundary conditions. We show the existence of at least one positive solution if / is neither superlinear nor subli... This paper deals with the existence of positive solutions of the equation u'+f(t, u)=0 with linear boundary conditions. We show the existence of at least one positive solution if / is neither superlinear nor sublinear on u by a simple application of a fixed point Theorem in cones. 展开更多
关键词 boundary value problem positive soulution fixed point EXISTENCE
Barriers in performing physical assessment among nursing students:An integrative review 被引量:1
作者 Jestoni D.Maniago Evelyn E.Feliciano +5 位作者 Adelina M.Santos Cyrelle L.Agunod Cris S.Adolfo Brian A.Vasquez Abdulrhman Albougami Joseph U.Almazan 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2021年第1期120-129,I0008,共11页
Objectives:This study aimed to identify barriers in performing physical assessments among nursing students through integrative review study.Methods:The literature were searched in Medline,CINAHL,ScienceDirect,Web of S... Objectives:This study aimed to identify barriers in performing physical assessments among nursing students through integrative review study.Methods:The literature were searched in Medline,CINAHL,ScienceDirect,Web of Science,ProQuest,and Taylor&Francis Online using the descriptors barrier,physical assessment,nursing student et al.Only English-language and peer-reviewed journal articles were included,and there were no year restrictions.Results:Twelve articles were selected for review.Two aspects were extracted:the barriers included personal challenges,challenges related to nursing education,challenges related to clinical practice;establishing competency-based education learning as a method to reduce physical assessment barriers.Student competencies and experiences were influenced by various factors that collectively hindered their successful performance of physical assessments.Conclusions:The review findings provide valuable insights into the complex issues involved in the performance of physical assessments and guidance for improvement in practice.A collaborative effort should be made to address the issues often faced by nursing students in performing routine physical assessments.Also,more constructive and competency-based teaching methods should be integrated into academic and clinical settings. 展开更多
关键词 Clinical competence Nursing education Physical assessment Problem solving
Translation Quality Assessment: Bridge the Gap between Theory and Practice
作者 WANG Jun-song 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2017年第12期1701-1706,共6页
Translation Quality Assessment (TQA) is a central concern for both academic research and translation practice. Yet consensus on the issue has almost never been reached among theorists and practitioners. In this pape... Translation Quality Assessment (TQA) is a central concern for both academic research and translation practice. Yet consensus on the issue has almost never been reached among theorists and practitioners. In this paper, a detailed comparison between academic and professional assessment has been made mainly in terms of text type, assessment criteria and models. It is believed that a "one size fits all" model across academy and industry is neither possible nor necessary. However, the gaps in between could be narrowed down by increasing communication and cooperation between theorists and practitioners, who are advised to turn their focus to translator's competence and evaluation process. 展开更多
关键词 Translation Quality Assessment GAPS theory and practice
Bayesian Method Reliability of Flight Simulator
作者 WANG Li XIONG Jing 《International English Education Research》 2017年第1期76-78,共3页
This paper introduces the basic viewpoints and characteristics of Bayesian statistics. Which provides a theoretical basis for solving the problem of small sample of flight simulator using Bayesian method. A series of ... This paper introduces the basic viewpoints and characteristics of Bayesian statistics. Which provides a theoretical basis for solving the problem of small sample of flight simulator using Bayesian method. A series of formulas were derived to establish the Bayesian reliability modeling and evaluation model for flight simulation equipment. The two key problems of Bayesian method were pointed out as follows: obtaining the prior distribution of WeibuU parameter, calculating the parameter a posterior distribution and parameter estimation without analytic solution, and proposing the corresponding solution scheme. 展开更多
关键词 Small sample data Flight simulation equipment Reliability modeling Bayesian method Weibull parameter
Evaluation of an Examination in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
作者 Delgadillo-Gutierrez Hector Javier Mendez-Ramirez Ignacio Saldafia-Balmori Yolanda 《Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology》 2017年第6期359-365,共7页
This work was aimed at assessing one of the examinations applied to the students enrolled in courses of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the School of Medicine, UNAM. We analyzed a f'mal examination in this subj... This work was aimed at assessing one of the examinations applied to the students enrolled in courses of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the School of Medicine, UNAM. We analyzed a f'mal examination in this subject. The test consisted of 80 multiple choice questions. The database was exported to Excel and then to the SPSS 16 statistical software for statistical analyses. The following techniques were used: (1) dificulty index (Pi), (2) discrimination index (Di), (3) discrimination coefficient (rpbis), and (4) Cronbach's alpha. Those questions that complied with 3 of the 4 mentioned techniques were considered acceptable; of the 80 questions, only 25 were accepted corresponding to 31%. The topic with the largest number of accepted questions was Water and pH (75%), and the topics without accepted questions were Bioenergetics and Hormones (0%). It is recommended that the faculty members that elaborate multiple choice examinations must know the subject, and should have a formation in didactics and educational methodology. 展开更多
关键词 Evaluation of the assessment learning in Biochemistry items evaluation learning.
Standardization Framework of Marine Sustainable Development Evaluation System 被引量:1
作者 Ye Shenglin,Ma Chun and Ju Meiting 《China Standardization》 2009年第6期16-20,共5页
The core concepts of standardization framework of marine sustainable development evaluation systemare fairness and justice and the aim of sustainable development is to pursue development beneficial bothfor the current... The core concepts of standardization framework of marine sustainable development evaluation systemare fairness and justice and the aim of sustainable development is to pursue development beneficial bothfor the current and future generations.Scientific evaluation of sustainable marine development is importantfor ensuring an accurate level of marine development.Establishing a scientific evaluation system is of greatimportance in the planning of marine development.Standardization of such an evaluation system needs tobe based on comprehensive work and must be founded on both marine science and modern managementprinciples.This paper analyses the current marine standards situation and looks at the assessment systemfor marine sustainable development.It also lists the main reasons for the standardization of a sustainablemarine development evaluation system and analyses five existing marine standardization problems whichare a constraint to this standardization.Finally a framework of marine sustainable development evaluationsystem standardization is established.The conclusion incorporates some advice on how to promote thisstandardization. 展开更多
关键词 STANDARDIZATION marine sustainable development evaluation system
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