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作者 黄一丁 《外国语文研究(辑刊)》 2022年第2期240-253,共14页
学界传统认为日本“国风文化”时代的文人摒弃了对中国文化的一味偏重,更注重日本本土文化。然而作者在“国风文化”时代的惜秋文学中发现,日本的惜秋风俗逐渐表现出明显的中国文化特征。“国风文化”时代的惜秋汉文学中,往往多见以曲... 学界传统认为日本“国风文化”时代的文人摒弃了对中国文化的一味偏重,更注重日本本土文化。然而作者在“国风文化”时代的惜秋文学中发现,日本的惜秋风俗逐渐表现出明显的中国文化特征。“国风文化”时代的惜秋汉文学中,往往多见以曲解的中国典故来营造惜秋习俗来源于中国的假象;而假名文学中则常见以中国文学物候观来说明惜秋文学渊源的现象。作者尝试将日本文人把日本传统风俗附会到中国文化上的现象定义为“逆国风化”,而现有的“国风文化”论无法合理解释该时代文学中“逆国风化”产生的根本原因。本文认为“逆国风化”产生的根本原因在于“国风文化”时代的文人对中国文化的憧憬依旧没有减退。 展开更多
关键词 惜秋文学 日本国风文化 逆国
作者 章煜琦 《新闻研究导刊》 2020年第19期229-230,共2页
起源于法国的野餐,在2020年于微信朋友圈掀起了ins风野餐文化。跨过心流体验的初心,野餐已成为年轻人充满仪式感和高级感的心理精装修。本文通过论述年轻群体“精致”的生活表象,分析其刻意追求伪精致的圈层焦虑。视觉文化冲击的社交平... 起源于法国的野餐,在2020年于微信朋友圈掀起了ins风野餐文化。跨过心流体验的初心,野餐已成为年轻人充满仪式感和高级感的心理精装修。本文通过论述年轻群体“精致”的生活表象,分析其刻意追求伪精致的圈层焦虑。视觉文化冲击的社交平台实现了他们“重要的不是做什么,而是让别人知道我在做什么”的心理需求,精致含量“欠费”直接提高了这群人的快乐阈值,而真生活在于过程的体验。也许独立思考、去伪存真、不被定义才能回归野餐文化的纯粹内核。 展开更多
关键词 ins野餐文化 仪式感 心理精装修
作者 马佳 《昭乌达蒙族师专学报(汉文哲学社会科学版)》 2004年第1期86-87,共2页
 《山下有风———十三世纪中国的政治和文化危机》是西方汉学界,尤其是宋史研究界知名学者戴仁柱教授的汉学名著。此著甚得界内人士好评。作为一部由政治和文化角度切入,个性化地阐释和论述南宋末年最终由偏安一隅走向灭亡的学术著作...  《山下有风———十三世纪中国的政治和文化危机》是西方汉学界,尤其是宋史研究界知名学者戴仁柱教授的汉学名著。此著甚得界内人士好评。作为一部由政治和文化角度切入,个性化地阐释和论述南宋末年最终由偏安一隅走向灭亡的学术著作,其著述既表现了一个历史学家的高瞻远瞩,也展示了他深邃的分析批判能力。 展开更多
关键词 戴仁柱 《山下有——十三世纪中国的政治和文化危机》 宋朝 汉学名著 书评
大众影视文化的伦理审视 被引量:3
作者 贾雪丽 《理论月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第3期84-87,共4页
大众影视文化作为当代中国文化的重要组成部分,具有重要的伦理功能。但是,由于许多大众影视文化工作者在巨额经济利益的驱使下,放弃了其应有的道德原则和社会责任,从而导致了部分大众文化影视作品出现了庸俗、低俗和媚俗的不良倾向。对... 大众影视文化作为当代中国文化的重要组成部分,具有重要的伦理功能。但是,由于许多大众影视文化工作者在巨额经济利益的驱使下,放弃了其应有的道德原则和社会责任,从而导致了部分大众文化影视作品出现了庸俗、低俗和媚俗的不良倾向。对大众影视文化进行伦理分析和审视,对于我们正确认识并发挥大众影视文化的伦理导向功能,规避其对社会大众的不良影响,具有着重要的理论价值和现实意义。 展开更多
关键词 大众影视文化 “三俗”文化 伦理分析
作者 孔远征 《集宁师专学报》 2011年第2期13-19,24,共8页
金代女真族作家完颜璹的词作,在文化心理上有着明显的汉民族倾向,在创作中也经常化用前人诗词名句及典故,但是他又保留了北方少数民族率真、洒脱的冰霜之"清"。透过樗轩词的创作,对女真族的汉化程度可略见一斑,更为重要的是,... 金代女真族作家完颜璹的词作,在文化心理上有着明显的汉民族倾向,在创作中也经常化用前人诗词名句及典故,但是他又保留了北方少数民族率真、洒脱的冰霜之"清"。透过樗轩词的创作,对女真族的汉化程度可略见一斑,更为重要的是,作为多民族文化碰撞、融合语境下哺育并成长的女真词人完颜璹的创作已改变了北宋词的走向,其亦迥异于同时期的南宋词,金词这种异质的风采值得我们深思,所以,民族文化的多元融合实乃金词发展的原发动力。 展开更多
关键词 樗轩词:文化融合:词嬗变
作者 徐金琦 庄雪阳 朱俊峰 《明日风尚(下旬)》 2022年第1期160-163,共4页
中华民族五千年的历史长河中,向来不缺乏璀璨的文化瑰宝,作为中华优秀传统文化的一部分—传统服饰,不仅包含着中华民族的染织绣等杰出工艺和美学,更是传统文化和民族精神的重要承载物,是中华民族审美情趣、风俗习惯的重要外在表现之一... 中华民族五千年的历史长河中,向来不缺乏璀璨的文化瑰宝,作为中华优秀传统文化的一部分—传统服饰,不仅包含着中华民族的染织绣等杰出工艺和美学,更是传统文化和民族精神的重要承载物,是中华民族审美情趣、风俗习惯的重要外在表现之一。近年来,在以国家文化复兴战略等多方面因素的推动下,民众对国家和民族的认同感日益提升,传统服饰逐渐走入大众视野。文章针对汉服文化起源、现状和发展对策做出探讨。 展开更多
关键词 汉塞明服饰文化 非遗京绣汉服 现状 发展对策
安徽凤阳凤画的表现技法 被引量:1
作者 姚婉亭 岳金凤 《美与时代(美术学刊)(中)》 2016年第3期112-113,共2页
关键词 凤阳凤画 风文化 表现技法 审美意蕴
Learning style and cultural differences
作者 胡家浩 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第8期5-7,共3页
Learning style is the most important variable that affects the success of English learning. It can both give full play to student's learning superiority and make up their inferiority. The formation of learning style ... Learning style is the most important variable that affects the success of English learning. It can both give full play to student's learning superiority and make up their inferiority. The formation of learning style is related with external elements, including culture. Chinese culture greatly differs from American culture. With the distinct cultural differences, the learning styles of the Chinese student and the American student show clear differences. 展开更多
关键词 learning style Chinese culture and American culture learning style difference
作者 王一川 《四川戏剧》 北大核心 2013年第10期9-11,共3页
文化的软实力,就是指不同于强硬实力的柔软实力,也就是柔和的实力、温柔的实力、柔和的权力、温柔的权力、柔婉的实力或柔婉的权力之类,就是说文化应当像风一样运行自己的力量,这样的文化软实力,正如柔和的清风一般轻抚人们的心田,带给... 文化的软实力,就是指不同于强硬实力的柔软实力,也就是柔和的实力、温柔的实力、柔和的权力、温柔的权力、柔婉的实力或柔婉的权力之类,就是说文化应当像风一样运行自己的力量,这样的文化软实力,正如柔和的清风一般轻抚人们的心田,带给他们以慰藉。谈论文化的软实力,正是谈论文化如风或如风的文化。 展开更多
关键词 文化 软实力 文化
作者 李晨曦 《中国报业》 2023年第4期24-25,共2页
新媒体语境下,农村文化礼堂对弘扬乡风文化和促进社会主义新农村建设起到重要作用,需要明确顶层设计,系统整合传播资源,深入挖掘乡风文明特色,搭建符合新媒体传播要求的区域性乡村传播框架,以农村文化礼堂建设为重要抓手助推共同富裕的... 新媒体语境下,农村文化礼堂对弘扬乡风文化和促进社会主义新农村建设起到重要作用,需要明确顶层设计,系统整合传播资源,深入挖掘乡风文明特色,搭建符合新媒体传播要求的区域性乡村传播框架,以农村文化礼堂建设为重要抓手助推共同富裕的高质量发展。 展开更多
关键词 新媒体语境 文化礼堂 风文化
作者 崔建平 山姆 《半岛新生活》 2004年第9期9-9,共1页
他说,从本质来讲,我是一个商人,一个喜欢弄点文化的商人。有人说青岛是文化沙漠,假定这话是对的,那么。在一片沙漠上才是大有可为。如果在一个文化丰沛的城市,你的努力仿佛是白费。在青岛,就有立竿见影的效果。你掘一眼甘泉。种... 他说,从本质来讲,我是一个商人,一个喜欢弄点文化的商人。有人说青岛是文化沙漠,假定这话是对的,那么。在一片沙漠上才是大有可为。如果在一个文化丰沛的城市,你的努力仿佛是白费。在青岛,就有立竿见影的效果。你掘一眼甘泉。种一株绿树,都有拓荒者的成就感。 展开更多
关键词 山姆 自由摄影师 五月风文化传播公司 青岛市 文化底蕴
作者 HUANG Fang, LIU Xiang-nan, XU Hong-mei, ZHANG Shu-wen, ZHANG Yang-zhen (Changchun Institute of Geography, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changchun 130021, P. R. China School of Urban and Environmental Science, Northeast Normal University, Changchun 13 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2001年第1期50-56,共7页
Land use changes are regarded as landscape pattern change driven by many interactive natural and social-economic factors. Different combination of physical geographical elements induced the difference of spatio-tempor... Land use changes are regarded as landscape pattern change driven by many interactive natural and social-economic factors. Different combination of physical geographical elements induced the difference of spatio-temporal pattern of land use change. There are four physical geographical regions in Mongolian Autonomou County of Qian Gorlos of Jilin Province. Based on spatial analysis and statistical analysis, we conclude that the primary pattern of land use and the tendency of land use changes are all different in four physical geographical regions. During 1987 – 1996, the dominant land use change processes were from grassland or forest to arableland, from unused land to paddy and grassland to unused land. Though land use change is mainly affected by social and economic condition in short period, the composite characters of physical geographical elements controls land use dynamic process. The relationship between land use dynamic process and the character of physical geographical units differ in different regions. Possible human impacts on land use change are explored with application of buffer areas of series distance along main roads and radius around main settlements. A few models are built to describe the relationship between land use spatial change rates and distance to road and settlements. According to our result, the relationship with the proximity to roads was a negative liner function, with the change rate decreasing rapidly when moving away from roads. Within a distance of less 7.5km from main traffic lines, land use changes occur red more. The bulk of grassland was apt to be opened up for cultivation around the settlements and the transformation from dryland to paddy occurred within the distance of 1km away from settlements. 展开更多
关键词 land use change physical geographic region land use dynamic process effective coefficient cultural landscape variable
Study on the Folk Costume Symbolization in Waterside Villages of Southern Yangtze in China
作者 崔荣荣 陶辉 沈琳琳 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2007年第3期391-395,共5页
The folk costume in waterside villages of Southern Yangtze in China was notonly daily consumer goods, but also a symbol system of folk-custom culture. This symbol system was directly conveyed by a series medley shape ... The folk costume in waterside villages of Southern Yangtze in China was notonly daily consumer goods, but also a symbol system of folk-custom culture. This symbol system was directly conveyed by a series medley shape signs, many-faceted color signs and decorated craft signs of pleated skirt. Its origination, accumulation, continual process and development were greatly associated with the life style and paddy culture of waterside villages, such as the folk religion, social life, artistic philosophy, regional culture, the landform of waterside villages and the humanity environment. So the folk costume was the significant sign of practical function and also the significative sign of folk traditional culture, both of which composed the costume cultural symbol system of waterside villages of Southern Yangtze called " integration of aesthetic and practical function". 展开更多
关键词 waterside villages of Southern Yangtze folkcostune symbol system integration of aesthetic andpractical function
Collar of Lady's Wear in Qing Dynasty
作者 李晓君 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2007年第3期396-399,共4页
The research is started with a query that whether the width of collar in Qing Dynasty is too small. The paper bases on the statistics which come from the collection of the Costume Museum of Denghua University. compare... The research is started with a query that whether the width of collar in Qing Dynasty is too small. The paper bases on the statistics which come from the collection of the Costume Museum of Denghua University. compares the results with the national standard specification, then analyzes the structure and shape of collars in Qing Dynasty, and tells the relationship between collar and the garment. Furthermore, the paper discusses the function of lady's collar in Qing Dynasty and gives a suggestion that collar being an indicator to distinguish women's wear from children's wear. 展开更多
关键词 filing Dynasty COLLAR COSTUME lady's wear
Design and Construction of a Forest Village in Greece
作者 Sarantis-Angelos Liampas Christos Stamatiou +2 位作者 Dimitris Farmakis George Tasionas Christodoulos Daoutis and Vasileios Drosos 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2018年第2期47-54,共8页
The aim of this paper is the study for the construction of a forest village in the area of Souvardo in Kalavrita in the prefecture of Achaia. This paper presents the history and purpose of forest villages, as well as ... The aim of this paper is the study for the construction of a forest village in the area of Souvardo in Kalavrita in the prefecture of Achaia. This paper presents the history and purpose of forest villages, as well as the laws that govern them. The methodology of the paper is analyzed and the particular characteristics of the study area are examined with the accompaniment of the general characteristics related to the formation of the space. Further, aerial photographs are listed with the help of Google Earth program, giving emphasis to the general plan of the study area. The reception building and the host installation of the forest village are described, as well as the building and topographic plans are designed with the use of AutoCAD and Photoshop programs. Furthermore, the cost of the development project is analyzed. Finally, the conclusions of the study and recommendations to the visitor of the area about sights, natural landscapes and archaeological sites axe given. Criteria for intervention and promotion of tourism and proposals for tourism development in the area, such as ideas for the development of cultural tourism and ecotourism in the region, are suggested. 展开更多
关键词 Recreational activities cultural tourism ECOTOURISM stonework AUTOCAD Photoshop.
Study on the Kind and Character of Mongol Hats in Yuan Dynasty
作者 贾玺增 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2007年第3期427-430,共4页
In the thirteenth century the Mongols created a vast, transcontinental empire that intensified cultural, art, craftwork, garment and commercial contact throughout Eurasia. Hats were so indispensable parts of formal Mo... In the thirteenth century the Mongols created a vast, transcontinental empire that intensified cultural, art, craftwork, garment and commercial contact throughout Eurasia. Hats were so indispensable parts of formal Mongol dress that were seen as a symbol of Mongol traditional garment. Roughly Mongolian men's headgear can be divided into two groups, which are Li and Mao. In addition, Mongolian women's Gu-gu-gwan, a kind of bonnet, was the head-dress for the empress, concubines of the emperor, and wife of high ranking ministers. This study, based on the analysis of image resources and existing evidence, discusses the hats of Yuan period in the context of its group, origin, decoration and cultural influences. 展开更多
关键词 Mongol hats ORNAMENTS Yuan Dynasty Nasji Gwgu-gwan
Language Mirrors Culture With Speech Styles
作者 ZHANG Jie 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2015年第6期464-470,共7页
Knowledge of the culture difference in inter-cultural communicative is of primary importance. It is so in Sino-American communication, especially in speech, one of the two means of communication through language, with... Knowledge of the culture difference in inter-cultural communicative is of primary importance. It is so in Sino-American communication, especially in speech, one of the two means of communication through language, with the other being writing. American and Chinese, brought up in different cultures, have different speech styles. Diversity in speech styles not only involves communication through verbal speech, but also through such non-verbal acts as kinesics, proxemics, and paralinguistic elements. Here the speech styles in the two cultures, American and Chinese, are contrasted with examples from a cultural perspective. 展开更多
关键词 LANGUAGE CULTURE speech style contrastive approach cultural perspective
Inheritance and applications of Qu River Arts in Culture Village construction
作者 Menglin WANG Chujing YUAN 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第12期25-27,共3页
Many scientific and irrational factors exist in the cultural development of the country, in the current housing reconstruction project in the village, residential style, building materials, and architectural culture a... Many scientific and irrational factors exist in the cultural development of the country, in the current housing reconstruction project in the village, residential style, building materials, and architectural culture are not conducive to the Wa architectural culture, history, culture and home and other cultural heritage' s protection and development, there is lack of integrity, long-term, historical, cultural, ethnic, heritage qualities and so on. Increased emphasis is on the development of national culture, implementing the development of a good culture, protection, inheritance. Development of national culture is a broad and urgent and we need to address issues that require more in-depth study of scholars and experts, and play to their strengths to further increase the cultural industry development. 展开更多
关键词 Cultural Village artistic heritage Qu River kiln
Architecture, Faith and Culture Antagonism or Harmony?
《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2012年第4期509-513,共5页
The relationship between architecture and faith has always been of great wealth. Faith as a way of life and social memory exercises a decisive influence on the shape of the construction environment. Yet this relations... The relationship between architecture and faith has always been of great wealth. Faith as a way of life and social memory exercises a decisive influence on the shape of the construction environment. Yet this relationship is rarely analyzed. On a general level, one reason for this deficiency is probably due to the spread of the ideology of modernity. Given that modernity is implicitly secular, it does not prompt to understand faith in its relationship with other phenomena. It is the same for architecture. We believe on the contrary that the construction environment and the cultural aspect must interact and complement each other. When this is not true or only partially true, this results in user dissatisfaction, and refusal to engage and participate in the process of changing that environment. Many authors have tried to show explicitly the influence of Islamic thought on the social organization and the housing as well as the link between housing and identity, but its implications have not always been understood and transmitted concretely. One thing is certain: the ideological -symbolic-metaphoric sphere is the essence of architecture, as are the program requirements: functionality, distributivity, health of the environment and technology of construction. In this contribution we will address the thorny issue of cultural and religious influences on the choice of the morphology of the habitat and its components, and we will try to highlight the interaction between architecture, faith and culture through analysis of a Mediterranean type "House with Patio" as a particular architectural style, which has been enriched through the centuries by different cultures. Although the course of this typology in each of these cultures and at different times has not been the same, this has only strengthened the mission and spirit of the "Patio" until the appropriation of this model by the Arab-Muslim peoples who were able to incorporate the Islamic perception in this space. 展开更多
关键词 Islamic Architecture faith and culture the traditional urbanism Mediterranean cities
Relations Between Intangible and Tangible Culture on Example of Casimir Historical Jewish District in Cracow
作者 T. E. Malec 《History Research》 2015年第2期109-115,共7页
In Jewish City in Casimir--historical district of Cracow, Jewish culture manifested its original architectural style based mostly on specific detail. Perception of this type of architectural detail depends, basically,... In Jewish City in Casimir--historical district of Cracow, Jewish culture manifested its original architectural style based mostly on specific detail. Perception of this type of architectural detail depends, basically, on knowledge of the Jewish culture. Proper understanding of meaning of the Jewish architectural detail depends on complex relations between Jewish tangible and intangible culture. Nowadays, it is especially important, according to relatively fast revitalization of the district. All renovation works require specific approach taking into account differences based on cultural diversity. Moreover, the understanding of the Jewish architectural detail is strictly connected with both history of Jews and Poles. One thousand years of cohabitation allowed to understand the economical and, partially, social differences, but not cultural at whole. The main aim of the article is to present chosen cultural and non-cultural factors, affecting the perception of the Jewish architectural detail in Casimir. 展开更多
关键词 architectural detail Jewish architecture CULTURE CASIMIR
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