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长白山自然保护区风灾区植被恢复技术研究——《长白山自然保护区风灾区植被恢复技术研究》之一 被引量:4
作者 赵晓飞 朴龙国 +5 位作者 刘利 黄祥童 李太允 邱宝鸿 崔凯峰 睢亚臣 《长白山自然保护》 2002年第1期7-14,共8页
关键词 长白山 自然保护区 风灾区 植被恢复技术 《长白山自然保护区风灾区植被恢复技术研究》
吉林长白山国家级自然保护区风灾区植被恢复情况调查 被引量:11
作者 薛俊刚 《国土与自然资源研究》 北大核心 2009年第1期95-96,共2页
长白山国家级自然保护区风灾区形成于1986年,风灾面积11386hm2,由于大面积森林被摧毁,以及毗临中朝边境线,成为全国重点火险区之一;通过对20多年来风灾区植被自然及人工恢复情况实地调查,全面掌握了保护区风灾区生态环境的现状,客观分... 长白山国家级自然保护区风灾区形成于1986年,风灾面积11386hm2,由于大面积森林被摧毁,以及毗临中朝边境线,成为全国重点火险区之一;通过对20多年来风灾区植被自然及人工恢复情况实地调查,全面掌握了保护区风灾区生态环境的现状,客观分析了影响恢复的各项因素,提出了加快恢复的有关措施。 展开更多
关键词 长白山保护区 风灾区 恢复
长白山风灾区更新造林方法试验 被引量:2
作者 田海洋 丁勇 孙艳君 《吉林林业科技》 北大核心 1994年第2期48-49,共2页
长白山风灾区更新造林方法试验田海洋,丁勇(吉林省泉阳林业局)孙艳君(吉林省三岔子林业局)长白山自然保护区干1986年8月28日遭到了15号台风袭击,致使近万公顷的原始森林受到了严重危害,大批林木风倒。根据省林业厅的决... 长白山风灾区更新造林方法试验田海洋,丁勇(吉林省泉阳林业局)孙艳君(吉林省三岔子林业局)长白山自然保护区干1986年8月28日遭到了15号台风袭击,致使近万公顷的原始森林受到了严重危害,大批林木风倒。根据省林业厅的决定,我们参加了风灾区的清理与恢复工... 展开更多
关键词 森林更新 造林 风灾区 长白山
林火对长白山自然保护区风灾区土壤性质的影响 被引量:3
作者 金慧 赵莹 +4 位作者 赵伟 尹航 范宇光 秦立武 代玉红 《北华大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2013年第6期698-703,共6页
以2012年长白山国家级自然保护区西坡风灾区森林火灾为研究背景,采用常规土壤分析方法研究了不同火烧强度下土壤理化性质的变化情况.结果表明:火烧后土壤容重和土壤含水率随火烧强度的增强显著下降;0~6cm土壤pH,土壤有机质,土壤... 以2012年长白山国家级自然保护区西坡风灾区森林火灾为研究背景,采用常规土壤分析方法研究了不同火烧强度下土壤理化性质的变化情况.结果表明:火烧后土壤容重和土壤含水率随火烧强度的增强显著下降;0~6cm土壤pH,土壤有机质,土壤全C、全N、速效P、速效K质量分数经轻度和中度火烧后均呈显著增加趋势;在火烧强度因子的控制下,对各养分质量分数进行的偏相关分析显示,除土壤pH外,其他各养分间存在显著的相关性. 展开更多
关键词 长白山风灾区 林火 土壤理化性质 火烧强度
作者 尹赛男 单延龙 +3 位作者 陈响 曹丽丽 于渤 张美玉 《林业科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第9期117-126,共10页
【目的】基于室内模拟点烧试验分析长白山风灾区地下火阴燃特征并建立发生概率预测模型,为该地区地下火防控提供理论依据。【方法】以长白山风灾区不同恢复程度(恢复区、半恢复区、未恢复区)的地下可燃物为研究对象,设置不同地下可燃物... 【目的】基于室内模拟点烧试验分析长白山风灾区地下火阴燃特征并建立发生概率预测模型,为该地区地下火防控提供理论依据。【方法】以长白山风灾区不同恢复程度(恢复区、半恢复区、未恢复区)的地下可燃物为研究对象,设置不同地下可燃物含水率梯度(0%、5%、10%、15%),通过室内模拟点烧试验,分析不同恢复程度的地下火阴燃温度和蔓延速率变化特征;采用双因素分析方法,确定不同恢复程度和含水率对地下火阴燃峰值温度和蔓延速率的影响;使用含水率和深度2个因子,基于Logistic回归模型建立风灾区地下火阴燃发生概率预测模型。【结果】长白山风灾区恢复区和未恢复区地下火阴燃的极限含水率为10%,半恢复区地下火阴燃的极限含水率为15%。不同恢复程度的地下火阴燃温度较低,自我维持燃烧的时间随可燃物含水率升高而增加,高含水率条件下的熄灭时间最短;地下火阴燃蔓延速率缓慢,最快仅为3.25 cm·h^(-1)。恢复程度和含水率交互作用对地下火阴燃峰值温度的影响存在显著差异,含水率0%和5%条件下不同恢复程度的峰值温度之间存在显著差异,恢复区不同含水率之间的峰值温度存在显著差异;地下火阴燃的蔓延速率受恢复程度和含水率影响,二者交互作用对蔓延速率的影响不存在显著差异。地下火阴燃发生概率预测模型拟合效果较好,预测精度高(P<0.01,AUC=0.917)。【结论】长白山风灾区恢复区和半恢复区的地下火阴燃温度较高,最高温度分别为640.57℃和602.02℃,未恢复区的地下火阴燃蔓延速率最快(3.25 cm·h^(-1)),基于Logistic回归建立的地下火发生概率预测模型具有较高预测精度。 展开更多
关键词 长白山风灾区 地下火 燃烧特征 发生预测 LOGISTIC回归
长白山自然保护区风灾区恢复景观问题的商榷 被引量:2
作者 郑鹏 陈明俊 +1 位作者 栗章英 于培权 《吉林林业科技》 北大核心 1989年第4期17-20,共4页
恢复长白山自然保护区风灾区的自然景观,是人们普遍关心的问题。该文从恢复风灾区的生态环境、保护长白山森林资源和充分利用风倒木增加社会效益三个方面,论述了尽速清理风灾区的必要性与合理性,同时对风灾区迹地更新问题,提出了自己的... 恢复长白山自然保护区风灾区的自然景观,是人们普遍关心的问题。该文从恢复风灾区的生态环境、保护长白山森林资源和充分利用风倒木增加社会效益三个方面,论述了尽速清理风灾区的必要性与合理性,同时对风灾区迹地更新问题,提出了自己的看法和建议。并愿与同行进行讨论。 展开更多
关键词 长白山 自然保护区 风灾区 恢复
长白山自然保护区风灾区植被恢复立地分类 被引量:1
作者 黄炳军 《长春师范学院学报(自然科学版)》 2013年第6期64-68,共5页
长白山保护区风灾区的面积占保护区面积的5.8%,目前的恢复现状为:已恢复区大约占10%,半恢复区占7.9%,未恢复区占81.4%。本文以长白山自然保护区管理局横山、维东、池西、峰岭四个自然保护管理站的数据为基础,根据长白山区植被、土壤等... 长白山保护区风灾区的面积占保护区面积的5.8%,目前的恢复现状为:已恢复区大约占10%,半恢复区占7.9%,未恢复区占81.4%。本文以长白山自然保护区管理局横山、维东、池西、峰岭四个自然保护管理站的数据为基础,根据长白山区植被、土壤等的变化特征,确定植被恢复立地类型划分的指标体系和立地分类系统。结果表明,长白山自然保护区风灾区共有39种立地类型,其中,台地草地中层壤质山地棕色针叶林土,阴陡坡草地中层壤质山地棕色针叶林土和阴缓坡草地中层壤质山地棕色针叶林土三种类型所占的比例最大,分别为38.56%、19.53%、10.57%,面积分别为4390.35 hm2、2223.78 hm2、1203.99 hm2。 展开更多
关键词 长白山自然保护区 风灾区 植被恢复 立地类型
长白山自然保护区风灾区生态环境恢复与预警监测的构想 被引量:1
作者 孟凡胜 陈绍春 陈金兰 《防护林科技》 2014年第10期64-65,70,共3页
长白山生态系统的保护意义和价值在全世界都具有举足轻重的地位。而1986年由朝鲜半岛登陆的强台风使长白山自然保护区核心区的大面积原始森林活立木连片刮倒,形成风灾区。28年来,风灾区经过自然和人为因素的作用得到了一定程度的恢复。&... 长白山生态系统的保护意义和价值在全世界都具有举足轻重的地位。而1986年由朝鲜半岛登陆的强台风使长白山自然保护区核心区的大面积原始森林活立木连片刮倒,形成风灾区。28年来,风灾区经过自然和人为因素的作用得到了一定程度的恢复。"天地一体化监测技术"给科学、全面、及时开展长白山风灾区生态环境恢复及预警监测带来了全新的监测方法。通过对监测内容、指标和方法的设计研究,最终形成长白山森林风干扰灾害的生态环境恢复监测相应的技术指南和建立长白山生态环境预警监测体系,以指导长白山区域生态修复和环境保护工作,预警长白山生态环境安全和灾害的发生。。 展开更多
关键词 天地一体化 监测 长白山 风灾区 生态环境 恢复 预警 构想
长白山自然保护区风灾区植被恢复评价 被引量:12
作者 牛丽君 梁宇 +4 位作者 王绍先 许嘉巍 张睿 武影 国微 《生态学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第9期2375-2381,共7页
风灾区的植被恢复对长白山森林生态系统稳定发展、生物多样性保护具有十分重要的意义,一直是长白山自然保护区内研究的重要问题。本研究在野外调查风灾区目前植被恢复情况的基础上,以空间明晰的方式确定森林生态系统的稳定性,根据不同... 风灾区的植被恢复对长白山森林生态系统稳定发展、生物多样性保护具有十分重要的意义,一直是长白山自然保护区内研究的重要问题。本研究在野外调查风灾区目前植被恢复情况的基础上,以空间明晰的方式确定森林生态系统的稳定性,根据不同的稳定性等级采用不同的恢复措施,最后应用森林景观模型评价恢复措施在短期和长期的植被恢复效果。结果表明:人工造林可以有效地改善植被恢复,长期效果尤为明显;因此,控制生态系统中不稳定的因素,降低不稳定因素的扩散能力,使不稳定生态系统、亚不稳定生态系统逐步向稳定生态系统转变,需要以人工造林为主,自然恢复为辅,创造良好的条件,促进一个群落发展成为由当地物种组成的完整生态系统,以实现当地的天然植被覆盖为最终目标。 展开更多
关键词 植被恢复 风灾区 长白山 森林景观模型
长白山寒温带风灾区植被受损与灾后变化程度及其影响因素 被引量:7
作者 王慧赟 张英洁 +7 位作者 靳英华 许嘉巍 陶岩 贺红士 高翔 白云玉 胡睿 韩莹莹 《应用生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第5期1580-1588,共9页
1986年台风袭击了长白山,在西、南坡的寒温带针叶林和岳桦林带形成了大量林窗.为了探究在强风干扰下寒温带森林植被受损和变化特征,揭示植被受损与灾后变化规律及其影响因子,2017年在长白山海拔1600~1800 m设立研究区.利用遥感资料,对... 1986年台风袭击了长白山,在西、南坡的寒温带针叶林和岳桦林带形成了大量林窗.为了探究在强风干扰下寒温带森林植被受损和变化特征,揭示植被受损与灾后变化规律及其影响因子,2017年在长白山海拔1600~1800 m设立研究区.利用遥感资料,对研究区依据植被破坏程度和灾后变化程度进行植被差异分区,并布设了40个样方进行植被调查.结果表明:按森林结构的受损程度可将长白山寒温带风灾区分为3个等级,轻度破坏、中度破坏和重度破坏,其中,中度破坏区的面积最大,其次是轻度破坏区、重度破坏区.乔木受损差异显著,轻度破坏区、中度破坏区和重度破坏区乔木优势种的数量分别减少20%、50%和85%,岳桦的抗风性大于鱼鳞云杉,大径级岳桦的抗风性大于小径级的岳桦.植被受损程度与坡度的相关性最强,随着坡度的增加,受风灾破坏程度减小.1987—2017年间,长白山寒温带风灾区的植被发生明显变化,根据变化的程度可将研究区分为3个等级:变化快、变化中等和变化慢,其中,变化中等的区域面积最大,其次是变化慢、变化快的区域;植被变化程度与海拔的相关性最强,随着海拔的增加,植被变化变慢.乔木的恢复较慢,鱼鳞云杉略好于岳桦;植被变化主要表现在灌木层和草本层,变化快的区域灌木层发育好于草本层;变化中等的区域草本层发育好于灌木层;变化慢的区域灌木层发育差异大,但草本层总体上表现为低矮稠密. 展开更多
关键词 长白山 寒温带 风灾区 植被受损 植被变化
长白山自然保护区风灾干扰区生态系统的恢复与重建 被引量:27
作者 赵晓飞 牛丽君 +2 位作者 陈庆红 张植 栾艳新 《东北林业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第4期38-40,共3页
为了恢复长白山自然保护区受台风严重破坏的森林生态系统 ,利用样方对比法对风灾干扰区进行了调查与分析 ,根据调查结果和风灾迹地类型 ,依据植被垂直分布规律人工引进先锋树种 ,并按不同的密度进行单株造林或簇株造林 ,为保证其成活率 ... 为了恢复长白山自然保护区受台风严重破坏的森林生态系统 ,利用样方对比法对风灾干扰区进行了调查与分析 ,根据调查结果和风灾迹地类型 ,依据植被垂直分布规律人工引进先锋树种 ,并按不同的密度进行单株造林或簇株造林 ,为保证其成活率 ,对苗木还采用生根粉处理、地膜覆盖、施肥、大穴整地、高强度抚育等措施。恢复与重建试验表明 :风灾迹地的植被结构由草本植物群落转变为木本植物群落 ;生物多样性指数提高 0 .5以上 ,土壤物理性质有所改善 :草根盘结度下降、土壤持水量和土壤孔隙度有所提高。长白山自然保护区风灾干扰区森林生态系统恢复和重建的难易程度由难到易排序如下 :高海拔 (14 5 0m以上 )生草密集的云冷杉林风灾迹地 ,低海拔(12 0 0~ 14 5 0m)生草密集的云冷杉林风灾迹地 ,低海拔 (12 0 0m以下 )的火山灰裸地、红松阔叶林风灾迹地。 展开更多
关键词 长白山 风灾区 退化生态系统 恢复与重建
Risk assessment of water inrush in tunnels based on attribute interval recognition theory 被引量:4
作者 WANG Sheng LI Li-ping +3 位作者 CHENG Shuai HU Hui-jiang ZHANG Ming-guang WEN Tao 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第2期517-530,共14页
Water inrush is one of the most serious geological hazards in underground engineering construction.In order to effectively prevent and control the occurrence of water inrush,a new attribute interval recognition theory... Water inrush is one of the most serious geological hazards in underground engineering construction.In order to effectively prevent and control the occurrence of water inrush,a new attribute interval recognition theory and method is proposed to systematically evaluate the risk of water inrush in karst tunnels.Its innovation mainly includes that the value of evaluation index is an interval rather than a certain value;the single-index attribute evaluation model is improved non-linearly based on the idea of normal distribution;the synthetic attribute interval analysis method based on improved intuitionistic fuzzy theory is proposed.The TFN-AHP method is proposed to analyze the weight of evaluation index.By analyzing geological factors and engineering factors in tunnel zone,a multi-grade hierarchical index system for tunnel water inrush risk assessment is established.The proposed method is applied to ventilation incline of Xiakou tunnel,and its rationality and practicability is verified by comparison with field situation and evaluation results of other methods.In addition,the results evaluated by this method,which considers that water inrush is a complex non-linear system and the geological conditions have spatial variability,are more accurate and reliable.And it has good applicability in solving the problem of certain and uncertain problem. 展开更多
关键词 water inrush risk assessment attribute interval recognition model TFN-AHP
Risk Assessment of Highways Affected by Debris Flows in Wenchuan Earthquake Area 被引量:21
作者 CUI Peng XIANG Ling-zhi ZOU Qiang 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第2期173-189,共17页
Since the Wenchuan earthquake in China on May 12th, 2008, highways in earthquake-affected areas have been frequently interrupted by debris flows. We analyzed the hazard effect modes and damage processes along highways... Since the Wenchuan earthquake in China on May 12th, 2008, highways in earthquake-affected areas have been frequently interrupted by debris flows. We analyzed the hazard effect modes and damage processes along highways and developed three key indexes, scale of debris flows, deposits on highways and river blockage, to describe quantitatively the highway disasters. By combining the empirical methods and the actual terrain conditions, we proposed new methods to determine the value of hazard indexes. In addition, we used the economic value and resistance of highway as vulnerability assessment indexes, then determined the specific subindexes for the subgrade, bridges and culverts, and developed a way for the quantified vulnerability zoning. Moreover, we proposed the assessment and mapping methods for highway risk. The risk is described into 5 grades: extremely low risk, low risk, middle risk, high risk and extremely high risk. We applied these methods in a case study carried out on provincial highway S3o3 from Yingxiu Town to Wolong Town, in Wenchuan County. Analysis of debris flow risk for the whole highway, showed that the total length of highway in extremely low risk area was 28.26 km, 4.83 km in low risk area, 8.0 km in middle risk area, 3.65 km in high risk area, and 3.06 km in extremely high risk area. The assessment results are consistent with the field survey data which reflected the disaster situation. This risk method can be used objectively to evaluate the debris-flow risk along highways, and is useful for highway reconstruction in mountainous areas suffering from active debris flows. 展开更多
关键词 Debris flow Highway disaster Hazardanalysis Vulnerability analysis Risk analysis Wenchuan earthquake
System Development for Storm Surge Hazard Assessment Based on WebG IS for Tianjin Binhai New Area 被引量:1
作者 崔博 周正印 +2 位作者 王晓玲 孙蕊蕊 孙小沛 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2016年第1期50-56,共7页
It is imperative to develop a risk assessment system for quickly predicting storm surge disaster due to the vulnerability of Tianjin Binhai New Area. The flood routing model with user-defined breaches was firstly esta... It is imperative to develop a risk assessment system for quickly predicting storm surge disaster due to the vulnerability of Tianjin Binhai New Area. The flood routing model with user-defined breaches was firstly estab- lished based on the seed spread algorithm in order to achieve a rapid forecasting of storm surge flood information. Furthermore, fuzzy mathematics was utilized to identify the storm disaster grade, and the hazard mapping was con- ducted to visually obtain the hazard spatial and temporal distribution. Finally, the flood routing visuaUzation method was proposed based on numerical simulation of storm surge to achieve the reappearance scene of dynamic evolution process. The developed system can play a vital role in the management and decision-making of sea dyke mitigation engineering in Tianjin Binhai New Area. 展开更多
关键词 storm surge disaster hazard assessment system WEBGIS Tianjin Binhai New Area
Risk Assessment and Zoning of Agricultural Drought Disaster in Heilongjiang Province
作者 ZHENG Kai CHEN Hong +1 位作者 ZHANG Li-juan GAO Yu-hong 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第4期588-591,共4页
In this study,we first zoned the drought degree in the years from 1971 to 2000 in Heilongjiang Province by using precipitation anomaly equation as an indicator,and analyzed the temporal distribution characteristics an... In this study,we first zoned the drought degree in the years from 1971 to 2000 in Heilongjiang Province by using precipitation anomaly equation as an indicator,and analyzed the temporal distribution characteristics and laws of arid disaster in different periods.Using the method of human being habitat risk assessment,we further studied and zoned the drought disaster risk index(DDRI)of maize cultivated in 74 stations in Heilongjiang Province via GIS software.The results showed that(1)the occurrence frequency of moderate and heavy drought in Heilongjiang Province was 1970s>1990s>1980s,and(2)the high risk area of drought disaster for maize production mainly assembled in Qiqihar and Daqing regions in west Heilongjiang Province,where agricultural drought should be highly concerned,while low risk and slight risk areas mainly distribute in middle areas and east plain areas in Heilongjiang Province.Our study provided basis for the defense of agricultural drought disaster. 展开更多
关键词 Drought disaster Risk index ZONING Helongjiang Province
Implementation of Action Research to Challenge Poverty of Local Communities in Forest Protection Area
作者 Gun Mardiatmoko Agustinus Kastanya Jan Willem Hatulesila 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2014年第9期744-751,共8页
Forest land including forest protection areas in Indonesia have been degraded due to poverty of local communities who live in the surrounding areas. They tend to destroy the forest and are less attentive to forest con... Forest land including forest protection areas in Indonesia have been degraded due to poverty of local communities who live in the surrounding areas. They tend to destroy the forest and are less attentive to forest conservation causing conflict between local community and government. Forest protection areas are very fragile and at risk from natural disaster, mainly in small islands. Natural resources management in small islands needs to be done properly. Therefore, a research has been done for local communities in the Gunung Sirimau forest protection area, Ambon, with objectives to increase income in local communities and knowledge of forest conservation. This study used the action research method. The results of this study showed that income of local communities in three demplots increased by IDR 3,966,000 (in cycle 1), IDR 20,107,000 (in cycle 2) and IDR 25,897,000 (in cycle 3). Unfortunately, their knowledge regarding forest conservation and tree maintenance, both in theory and practice is still low. A lot of effort is needed to increase their knowledge in the next action research. The effort to increase income of local communities and its knowledge of forest conservation should be done step by step. If their knowledge is sufficient, promotion of the environmental service of forest protection areas through carbon trade implementation can be carried out. 展开更多
关键词 Action research carbon trade AGROFORESTRY forest protection.
From Yokohama to Sendai: Approaches to Participation in International Disaster Risk Reduction Frameworks 被引量:17
作者 Arielle Tozier de la Poterie Marie-Ange Baudoin 《International Journal of Disaster Risk Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第2期128-139,共12页
Taking the importance of local action as a starting point, this analysis traces the treatment of participation of local and community actors through the three international frameworks for disaster risk reduction(DRR):... Taking the importance of local action as a starting point, this analysis traces the treatment of participation of local and community actors through the three international frameworks for disaster risk reduction(DRR): the Yokohama Strategy and Plan of Action for a Safer World, the Hyogo Framework for Action 2005–2015, and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030(SFDRR). The study finds a concerning shift away from valuing local community input and toward promoting technological advances. Community actors went from valued partners with their own expertise and relevant beliefs in Yokohama Strategy to ‘‘aid recipients’ ’ to whom tailored risk information must be transmitted(in SFDRR). This shift may reflect the top-down nature of negotiated international agreements or a broader shift toward investments in technological solutions. Whatever the cause, given widespread recognition of the importance of local knowledge and participation and growing recognition of the importance of intra-community differences in vulnerability, it suggests the need for reconsideration of both the discourse and the practice of involving community-level actors in DRR planning and implementation. 展开更多
关键词 Community participation Disaster risk reduction Discourse analysis International frameworks
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