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可视化管内风速风量测量实验装置的研制与开发 被引量:2
作者 赵美 臧建彬 +3 位作者 蔡炜 王晓东 曹昌盛 李翠 《教育教学论坛》 2019年第1期268-269,共2页
管内风速风量是通风空调系统中非常重要的参数之一。通过教学改革项目的建设,建立亚克力板可视化实验平台,实验中学生可以直观看到各种测试仪器的工作过程,有助于加深学生的理解并激发学生的实验积极性。采用创新的实验教学模式进行教学... 管内风速风量是通风空调系统中非常重要的参数之一。通过教学改革项目的建设,建立亚克力板可视化实验平台,实验中学生可以直观看到各种测试仪器的工作过程,有助于加深学生的理解并激发学生的实验积极性。采用创新的实验教学模式进行教学,有助于促进对实验教学内涵的再认识和深化,切实提高创新人才培养质量。 展开更多
关键词 风速风量测量 实验教学改革 可视化实验平台
作者 杨世杰 《测控技术》 CSCD 2018年第B11期113-115,共3页
关键词 大中型 矩形风管 风量风速 测量标校
作者 武锐喜 《消防界(电子版)》 2024年第1期81-83,共3页
应急救援是矿山灾难事故中的重要环节,其中矿井通风和瓦斯事故处理是关键部分。首先,分析了矿山正常生产和应急救援状态下的通风原理与要求以及巷道风量、风速、风压等重要参数对应急救援的影响。其次,对已经发生的瓦斯事故进行案例分析... 应急救援是矿山灾难事故中的重要环节,其中矿井通风和瓦斯事故处理是关键部分。首先,分析了矿山正常生产和应急救援状态下的通风原理与要求以及巷道风量、风速、风压等重要参数对应急救援的影响。其次,对已经发生的瓦斯事故进行案例分析,并依据案例分析了瓦斯事故中采取的不同应对措施。最后,探讨了井下环境改善与瓦斯防控技术的应用对矿井事故救援的具体影响。研究发现,合理利用矿井通风系统并灵活应用瓦斯排放与控制技术,可有效降低矿井应急救援中的危险性。 展开更多
关键词 矿山应急救援 井下通风 瓦斯事故处理 矿井风量风速风压 瓦斯防控技术
基于传感信息反馈的矿井开采区机械通风系统改进设计 被引量:1
作者 乔鹏 《能源与环保》 2023年第11期105-110,共6页
针对矿产资源开采中使用的机械通风系统没有考虑不同区域、不同环境对通风要求的多样性,矿产资源开采区的风量、风速控制缺少灵活性的问题,基于传感信息反馈方法改进设计矿井开采区机械通风系统。在多个矿井开采区内布置测点,测定当前... 针对矿产资源开采中使用的机械通风系统没有考虑不同区域、不同环境对通风要求的多样性,矿产资源开采区的风量、风速控制缺少灵活性的问题,基于传感信息反馈方法改进设计矿井开采区机械通风系统。在多个矿井开采区内布置测点,测定当前区域内的风量、风速等参数,整理出需风点数据;以需风点数据为依据,改进矿井采区内机械通风系统,通过布置空气幕、调整风机叶片角度、采用分区通风的方式,满足开采区对风量、风速的要求;测试风量的误差和通风性能,进一步分析改造后通风系统的性能。研究结果显示,在多区域复杂条件下矿井采区通风过程中,所提方法对风量、风速的控制更加精准,综合评价水平更高,保障了采区的通风效果。 展开更多
关键词 矿井采区 通风改造 复杂地质 空气幕 传感器 风速风量 精准控制
Study on Spatial and Temporal Distribution Characteristics of Wind Energy Resource and Preservation in Central and West Hexi Corridor 被引量:3
作者 郭良才 李红英 +2 位作者 于海跃 丑伟 相吉 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第3期451-455,共5页
[Objective] The aim was to explore the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of wind energy resource and preservation in central and west area of Hexi Corridor. [Method] By dint of the wind speed data from... [Objective] The aim was to explore the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of wind energy resource and preservation in central and west area of Hexi Corridor. [Method] By dint of the wind speed data from 1955 to 2007 in ten meteorological observation station in central and west area of Hexi Corridor,and special wind tower fine data from January to December in 2007,the distribution and reserves of the region's wind energy resources were studied. [Result] The results showed that environmental wind speed was relatively stable in central and west Hexi Corridor. There were no distinct changes in climate characteristics distribution. There were regional differences in the distribution of wind energy,and there was a large numerical area of wind energy in Gazhou County and Yumen City; Wind energy in the region generally was higher. The wind energy density was above 100 w/m2 in the 10 m layer,around 140 w/m2 in most places,and was more than 200 w/m2 in the large number area. The wind grew in vertical direction along with the linear growth of height. Each 10 m high wind increased to 15 w/m2 averagely,50m layer wind energy was greater than the general 240 w/m2 and there were obvious changes on daily and annual with wind energy in central and west area of Hexi Corridor. The duration from March to May was a wind energy-intensive stage,10m height from the ground in the wind around 10:00 in low-value. After growing from 11:00,it met the day largest number at 18:00,and then reduced gradually. Effective wind speed hours in the region in general were more than 6 200 h,and the value in the large areas was close to 7 600 h. [Conclusion] The study laid basis for the development and application of wind energy in central and west area of Hexi Corridor. 展开更多
关键词 Hexi Corridor Wind energy density RESERVES Effective speed
作者 任孝明 《江苏锅炉》 2014年第1期19-22,36,共5页
本锅炉为重庆川维热电厂460t/h煤粉锅炉,在锅炉启动前对该锅炉进行了冷态空气动力场测试,内容包括风量标定、燃烧器喷口、物理切圆测量、风门挡板特性等等,根据测得的数据,测试单位提出的问题进行探讨分析,并采取相应措施,使试... 本锅炉为重庆川维热电厂460t/h煤粉锅炉,在锅炉启动前对该锅炉进行了冷态空气动力场测试,内容包括风量标定、燃烧器喷口、物理切圆测量、风门挡板特性等等,根据测得的数据,测试单位提出的问题进行探讨分析,并采取相应措施,使试验结果基本与设计情况相符。 展开更多
关键词 燃烧器 风门挡板 风速风量 切圆
风扇的布局优化模型研究 被引量:3
作者 吴晓林 朱倩倩 卢浩 《企业技术开发(中旬刊)》 2015年第9期3-4,共2页
文章研究了在环境、空间、性能一定的情况下,将风扇放置于不同位置处,以达到布局最优的规划问题。布局最优由风扇的风速(风量)和噪音程度决定。首先,利用单摆法测量风力,再加上已知的物体重力,可以推算出风力的大小。其次,由风力计算风... 文章研究了在环境、空间、性能一定的情况下,将风扇放置于不同位置处,以达到布局最优的规划问题。布局最优由风扇的风速(风量)和噪音程度决定。首先,利用单摆法测量风力,再加上已知的物体重力,可以推算出风力的大小。其次,由风力计算风速:在选定的点处放置物体通过该物体的受力来估算该点的风速(事实上是周围若干点的集合,物体的受力并不均匀,但是微积分的工作量太大,我们决定不用这种太过专业的方法)。然后,根据风速的不同(即距离风扇位置的不同)测量相应的噪音程度,记录数据。最后,设定风扇的风速(风量)和噪音程度所占权重来考察距离风扇中心何种位置受益最大,即为风扇的最优布局。 展开更多
关键词 风力 风速(风量) 噪音程度 权重
作者 牛莉敏 《职业》 2019年第4期102-103,共2页
矿井通风与安全课程是中职学校通风专业学生重要的专业课,所用教材为煤矿技工学校通用教材,由煤矿工业出版社出版。本课程包括矿井通风部分,矿井空气、矿井通风压力和阻力、矿井通风系统、局部通风、矿井风量计算;煤矿安全部分,矿井瓦... 矿井通风与安全课程是中职学校通风专业学生重要的专业课,所用教材为煤矿技工学校通用教材,由煤矿工业出版社出版。本课程包括矿井通风部分,矿井空气、矿井通风压力和阻力、矿井通风系统、局部通风、矿井风量计算;煤矿安全部分,矿井瓦斯、矿尘、矿井防灭火、矿井防治水、矿山救护。本课程的实验教学环节主要分布在通风技术部分,本文将选取矿井空气成分检测、矿井通风阻力测定、井巷中的风速和实际通过的风量的测算等实验内容,结合上课实际情况进行简单探讨。 展开更多
关键词 矿井通风与安全 通风阻力 风速风量测算
作者 卢勇 《轻工科技》 2019年第12期44-45,共2页
关键词 防排烟系统 压差法 风速法计算送风量
煤矿通风参数测量方法与技术 被引量:4
作者 昌伟锋 武福生 何敏 《煤矿机械》 2022年第10期162-165,共4页
针对目前煤矿测风手段人机共存、种类繁多的现象,通过对测风技术原理的理论分析,讨论现有测风技术的不足和改进之处。风速、风量测量面临精度不足和风速换算的问题,超声波风速传感器可实现更精准的测量。通风阻力测定面临误差和传感器... 针对目前煤矿测风手段人机共存、种类繁多的现象,通过对测风技术原理的理论分析,讨论现有测风技术的不足和改进之处。风速、风量测量面临精度不足和风速换算的问题,超声波风速传感器可实现更精准的测量。通风阻力测定面临误差和传感器适用性问题,可根据实际巷道情况合理搭配使用差压和绝压传感器。 展开更多
关键词 风速风量 通风阻力 人工测风 传感器
Role of Downward Momentum Transport in the Formation of Severe Surface Winds 被引量:3
作者 LIU Xiang-E GUO Xue-Liang 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 2012年第5期379-383,共5页
The Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model was used to investigate the role of downward momentum transport in the formation of severe surface winds for a squall line on 3-4 June 2009 across regions of the Henan ... The Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model was used to investigate the role of downward momentum transport in the formation of severe surface winds for a squall line on 3-4 June 2009 across regions of the Henan and Shandong Provinces of China. The results show that there was a strong westerly jet belt with a wind speed greater than 30 m s 1 and a thickness of 5 km at an altitude of 11-16 km. The jet belt was accelerated, and it descended while the squall line convective system occurred. It was found that the appearance of strong negative perturbation pressure accompanied by the squall line caused the acceleration of the upper-level westerly jet and increased the horizontal wind speed by a maximum of 18%. Meanwhile, the negative buoyancy due to the loading, melting, and evaporation of cloud hydrometeors induced the downward momentum transport from the upper levels. The downward momentum transport contributed approximately 70% and the surface cold pool 30% to the formation of severe surface winds. 展开更多
关键词 downward momentum transport severe surface winds WRF model
Study of measurements of air velocity transducer deriving average air velocity of roadway based on one-dimensional linear regression 被引量:1
作者 ZHAO Dan LIU Jian +1 位作者 PAN Jing-tao LI Zong-xiang 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2012年第2期134-137,共4页
One-dimensional linear regression equation between measured value of air velocity transducer and the average air velocity was established by experimental data. The effect is to be evaluated. Through judging the parame... One-dimensional linear regression equation between measured value of air velocity transducer and the average air velocity was established by experimental data. The effect is to be evaluated. Through judging the parameters, one-dimensional linear equation established is valid. Regression equation can approximately put the measurements of air velocity transducer into the value of average air velocity. The distribution of air velocity field is simulated using Comsol in the conditions of the same length of roadway, the same air velocity and different sections. 展开更多
关键词 air velocity one-dimensional linear regression mine safety
Retrieval algorithm of sea surface wind vectors for WindSat based on a simple forward model 被引量:4
作者 赵屹立 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第1期210-218,共9页
WindSat/Coriolis is the first satellite-borne polarimetric microwave radiometer, which aims to improve the potential of polarimetric microwave radiometry for measuring sea surface wind vectors from space. In this pape... WindSat/Coriolis is the first satellite-borne polarimetric microwave radiometer, which aims to improve the potential of polarimetric microwave radiometry for measuring sea surface wind vectors from space. In this paper, a wind vector retrieval algorithm based on a novel and simple forward model was developed for WindSat. The retrieval algorithm of sea surface wind speed was developed using multiple linear regression based on the simulation dataset of the novel forward model. Sea surface wind directions that minimize the difference between simulated and measured values of the third and fourth Stokes parameters were found using maximum likelihood estimation, by which a group of ambiguous wind directions was obtained. A median filter was then used to remove ambiguity of wind direction. Evaluated with sea surface wind speed and direction data from the U.S. National Data Buoy Center (NDBC), root mean square errors are 1.2 rn/s and 30~ for retrieved wind speed and wind direction, respectively. The evaluation results suggest that the simple forward model and the retrieval algorithm are practicable for near-real time applications, without reducing accuracy. 展开更多
关键词 polarimetric microwave radiometer sea surface wind vector retrieval algorithm WindSat
Decadal Variations of Extreme Tropical Cyclones Influencing China during 1949-2009 被引量:4
作者 ZHAO Shan-Shan WANG Xiao-Ling 《Advances in Climate Change Research》 SCIE 2012年第3期121-127,共7页
Decadal variations of extreme tropical cyclones (TCs) influencing China were. investigated based on the tracks, landfall information, precipitation and wind data during 1949-2009. The extreme landfall date events ar... Decadal variations of extreme tropical cyclones (TCs) influencing China were. investigated based on the tracks, landfall information, precipitation and wind data during 1949-2009. The extreme landfall date events are less in the 1970s and 2000s. The number of extreme events of maximum wind speed and minimum pressure near TC's center reached the highest in the 2000s. The extreme rain duration events had the highest frequence in the 1970s, and the extreme strong wind duration events had the maximum frequence in the 1980s. The number of stations whereat the extreme maximum daily precipitation or process precipitation is observed, is the largest in the 1960s, and the number of stations whereat daily maximum wind speed events axe observed, is the largest in the 1980s. 展开更多
关键词 tropical cyclone extreme events decadal variation maximum landfall intensity landfall date maximum precipitation
Natural ventilation performance of single room building with fluctuating wind speed and thermal mass 被引量:3
作者 TAN Gang 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第3期733-739,共7页
Natural ventilation is driven by either buoyancy forces or wind pressure forces or their combinations that inherit stochastic variation into ventilation rates. Since the ventilation rate is a nonlinear function of mul... Natural ventilation is driven by either buoyancy forces or wind pressure forces or their combinations that inherit stochastic variation into ventilation rates. Since the ventilation rate is a nonlinear function of multiple variable factors including wind speed, wind direction, internal heat source and building structural thermal mass, the conventional methods for quantifying ventilation rate simply using dominant wind direction and average wind speed may not accurately describe the characteristic performance of natural ventilation. From a new point of view, the natural ventilation performance of a single room building under fluctuating wind speed condition using the Monte-Carlo simulation approach was investigated by incorporating building facade thermal mass effect. Given a same hourly turbulence intensity distribution, the wind speeds with 1 rain frequency fluctuations were generated using a stochastic model, the modified GARCH model. Comparisons of natural ventilation profiles, effective ventilation rates, and air conditioning electricity use for a three-month period show statistically significant differences (for 80% confidence interval) between the new calculations and the traditional methods based on hourly average wind speed. 展开更多
关键词 natural ventilation fluctuating wind speed thermal mass GARCH model
作者 魏健 《安装》 2012年第9期26-28,共3页
无尘室的基本技术要求是保证无尘室达到设计要求和业主生产要求。无尘室的测试与调整是检验施工完毕后的无尘室能否符合规范要求、业主生产要求和设计要求。笔者多年来亲自组织施工及测试无尘室或参与多个无尘室工程测试与调整,希望交... 无尘室的基本技术要求是保证无尘室达到设计要求和业主生产要求。无尘室的测试与调整是检验施工完毕后的无尘室能否符合规范要求、业主生产要求和设计要求。笔者多年来亲自组织施工及测试无尘室或参与多个无尘室工程测试与调整,希望交流这方面的经验。 展开更多
关键词 风速风量 洁净度 室压 层流 照度 温、湿度 噪声 振动 导电度 回复能力
Effects of Precipitation on Sonic Anemometer Measurements of Turbulent Fluxes in the Atmospheric Surface Layer
作者 ZHANG Rongwang HUANG Jian +2 位作者 WANG Xin ZHANG Jun A. HUANG Fei 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2016年第3期389-398,共10页
Effects caused by precipitation on the measurements of three-dimensional sonic anemometer are analyzed based on a field observational experiment conducted in Maoming, Guangdong Province, China. Obvious fluctuations in... Effects caused by precipitation on the measurements of three-dimensional sonic anemometer are analyzed based on a field observational experiment conducted in Maoming, Guangdong Province, China. Obvious fluctuations induced by precipitation are observed for the outputs of sonic anemometer-derived temperature and wind velocity components. A technique of turbulence spectra and cospectra normalized in the framework of similarity theory is utilized to validate the measured variables and calculated fluxes. It is found that the sensitivity of sonic anemometer-derived temperature to precipitation is significant, compared with that of the wind velocity components. The spectra of wind velocity and cospectra of momentum flux resemble the standard universal shape with the slopes of the spectra and cospectra at the inertial subrange, following the-2/3 and-4/3 power law, respectively, even under the condition of heavy rain. Contaminated by precipitation, however, the spectra of temperature and cospectra of sensible heat flux do not exhibit a universal shape and have obvious frequency loss at the inertial subrange. From the physical structure and working principle of sonic anemometer, a possible explanation is proposed to describe this difference, which is found to be related to the variations of precipitation particles. Corrections for errors of sonic anemometer-derived temperature under precipitation is needed, which is still under exploration. 展开更多
关键词 PRECIPITATION sonic anemometer virtual temperature ta:rbulent flux SPECTRA
Evaluation Method for Offshore Wind Energy Resources Using Scatterometer and Weibull Parameters 被引量:2
作者 Katsutoshi Kozai Teruo Ohsawa +1 位作者 Rinya Takahashi Yuko Takeyama 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2012年第11期1772-1778,共7页
The study discusses accuracy evaluation methods for offshore wind energy resources by using scatterometer SeaWinds-derived wind speed and Weibull parameters. The purpose of this study is to evaluate accuracies of SeaW... The study discusses accuracy evaluation methods for offshore wind energy resources by using scatterometer SeaWinds-derived wind speed and Weibull parameters. The purpose of this study is to evaluate accuracies of SeaWinds-derived Weibull mean wind speed and energy density by considering uncertainties inherent in SeaWinds wind speed estimates. In this study, 1159 SeaWinds-derived wind speeds covering the KEO buoy are used for estimating two Weibull parameters, scale and shape. On the other hand, observed wind speeds from 2004 to 2008 at the KEO buoy are used for simulating three kinds of wind speeds in order to quantify some uncertainties inherent in SeaWinds-derived wind speeds. It is found that uncertainties associated with wind speed estimates (operational wind speed range, sampling time) show small differences in scale, shape and Weibull mean wind speed except energy density among the simulated datasets. Furthermore, the upper and lower bounds of 90% confidence interval corresponding to SeaWinds number of observations indicate 4-2.5% error of Weibull mean wind speed and 4-6.8% error of energy density, respectively. 展开更多
关键词 Offshore wind energy resource SCATTEROMETER Weibull parameter.
New energy power generation-wind power generation 被引量:1
作者 HAN Chen-xi ZHANG Si-han 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2009年第9期45-48,共4页
This paper introduced the status quo of wind power and wind power generation technology. Focusing on the introduction of wind power generating system ibrational self-consistent field(VSCF), program implementation in... This paper introduced the status quo of wind power and wind power generation technology. Focusing on the introduction of wind power generating system ibrational self-consistent field(VSCF), program implementation included Alternating Current (AC)-Direct Current (DC)-AC conversion system, magnetic field modulation generator system, doubly-fed generator system etc. Among these, doubly-fed generator system is the trend. Where to build the wind farm is very important, so a perfect site is needed. Wind power generation will have a bright future. As long as the wind power can be linked to the grid in large scale. 展开更多
关键词 wind power generation VSCF doubly-fed generator system wind farm site
Results and Analysis of a L2F Flow Field Investigation within a High-Speed High-Pressure Centrifugal Compressor
作者 I.Thebinjac I.Claudin (Laboratoire de Mecanique des Fluides et d’Acoustique UMR CNRS 5509 / ECL / UCB Lyon I Ecole Celltrale de Lyon, BP 163, 69131 Ecully Cedex, France) 《Journal of Thermal Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 1997年第3期155-163,共9页
The paper describes experimental results obtained using a laser two-focus anemometry technique in a high-speed, high-pressure ratio unshrouded centrifugal compressor. Measurements in such a small impeller are extremel... The paper describes experimental results obtained using a laser two-focus anemometry technique in a high-speed, high-pressure ratio unshrouded centrifugal compressor. Measurements in such a small impeller are extremely difficult as the flow is restricted to narrow passages and as the temperature rise is very high. Even if the working principle of laser anemometry is well documented in literature, some specialities of our LA system are discussed.A description and an analysis of the inlet now field, based on integral methods, are proposed. Some passage velocity contours are presented. Whereas a potential flow structure exists up to the high meridional curvature region, the throughfiow pattern is largely distorted in the radial part of the impeller.Noticeable differences in ftow pattern between both channels are found, particularly through the low momentum fluid zone. A qualitative study of the vortical mechanisms ascribes them to the tip clearance effects. 展开更多
关键词 High-speed high-pressure compressor laser anemometry flowfield
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