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作者 晁望舒 费晓炜 +12 位作者 李伟萍 豆雅楠 王俊龙 何鑫 吕伟豪 武秀权 陈红庆 陈雷颖 马天 费舟 庄茁 康越 费霏 《爆炸与冲击》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第12期159-177,共19页
首先基于头部动态测试系统与激波管和外场实弹实爆测试环境,验证了眼部装备(护目镜和风镜)的防护性能。研究结果表明,风镜防护性能更优,建议给执勤人员配发兼容防紫外、强光、烟雾和防破片功能的风镜产品,以提高相关人员眼部防护能力。... 首先基于头部动态测试系统与激波管和外场实弹实爆测试环境,验证了眼部装备(护目镜和风镜)的防护性能。研究结果表明,风镜防护性能更优,建议给执勤人员配发兼容防紫外、强光、烟雾和防破片功能的风镜产品,以提高相关人员眼部防护能力。此后,研究眼部爆震伤后组织损伤、功能改变及市售风镜动物实验版的防护作用与机制,为防治眼部爆震伤及风镜后续的设计改进提供理论依据。选用比格犬和C57小鼠进行相关动物实验,通过HE、Tunel、Nissl染色、视觉电生理检查等检测方法,发现随着冲击波强度的提高和伤后时间的延长,视网膜损伤程度和细胞凋亡程度均提高,其中神经节细胞层(ganglion cell layer,GCL)和光感受器内外节交界处(layer of photoreceptor inner/outer segments,IS/OS)受到的损伤最严重;进一步研究分子变化发现,自噬相关调节蛋白SQSTM1/p62(P<0.0001)和LC3-Ⅱ(P=0.8437)、LC3-Ⅰ(P=0.003)的表达量明显增高,说明视网膜损伤一定程度上是由爆震伤后自噬增强这一机制导致的。市售风镜的动物实验版能够有效减轻冲击波对视网膜的损伤,保护RNFL、INL/ONL、GCL和IS/OS的结构。同时,与其他组相比,3.5 MPa组防护组与损伤组视网膜损伤和细胞凋亡程度差异最显著,推测该强度下防护风镜发挥了最大的保护作用,保护机制与防护降低视网膜细胞自噬相关。 展开更多
关键词 比格犬 眼部爆震伤 防护风镜 视网膜 线粒体 自噬
作者 傅诗 袁颖泉 +1 位作者 沈小军 潘舟 《电脑知识与技术》 2016年第6X期208-210,共3页
针对目前智能交通系统中车脸定位识别技术相对空白的状况,本文提出了一种车辆挡风镜区域定位分割的方法,并用C#进行了系统实现。此方法结合目前比较成熟的车牌定位技术,通过缩小目标区域和图像扫描统计的方法,对二值化后的车辆图像进行... 针对目前智能交通系统中车脸定位识别技术相对空白的状况,本文提出了一种车辆挡风镜区域定位分割的方法,并用C#进行了系统实现。此方法结合目前比较成熟的车牌定位技术,通过缩小目标区域和图像扫描统计的方法,对二值化后的车辆图像进行了挡风镜区域的定位与分割。经对不同光照、不同车型的车辆图像测试,该算法具有快速、精确、鲁棒性强、自适应性好的优点,为进一步车内人脸定位与识别提供了一定理论与技术基础。本方介绍的识别方法有一定的新颖性,已获得相关发明专利授权。 展开更多
关键词 智能交通系统 车牌定位 风镜区域 统计扫描 定位分割
《中国现代医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第1期I0065-I0065,共1页
2009年12月19日,第1届世界(19届中国)内镜医师大会在香港召开,全球15个医学专科内镜专家汇聚香港,联盟成立世界内镜医师协会和世界内镜博览会。成立揭牌仪式上,中国卫生部副部长、中央保健局局长黄洁夫教授参会致贺词,世界内镜... 2009年12月19日,第1届世界(19届中国)内镜医师大会在香港召开,全球15个医学专科内镜专家汇聚香港,联盟成立世界内镜医师协会和世界内镜博览会。成立揭牌仪式上,中国卫生部副部长、中央保健局局长黄洁夫教授参会致贺词,世界内镜医师大会组委会、第19届中国内镜医师大会、世界内镜医师协会、世界内镜博览会主席、内镜专业技术全国考评委员会主任和卫生部肝胆肠外科研究中心主任、中南大学生物医学工程研究院院长张阳德教授代表大会致欢迎词。 展开更多
关键词 内镜医师 医师协会 世界 中南大学生物医学工程研究院 中国 香港 卫生部副部长 风镜
VR-1巡航风镜 圆形2004款
《摩托车趋势》 2005年第5期83-83,共1页
关键词 摩托车 头盔 VR-1巡航风镜 防眩功能 光线
“佛像镜”相关问题浅议 被引量:1
作者 李龙 《洛阳工学院学报(社会科学版)》 2000年第3期34-38,共5页
“佛像镜”东汉中期起源于洛阳地区 ,流行于三国至西晋初。“佛像镜”的兴盛与传播与佛教在我国的传播有很大的关系。三国时 ,吴都武昌 (鄂城 )是其产地。
关键词 佛像镜 老子浮屠镜 佛像夔风镜
作者 王长洪 王立新 +2 位作者 陈山泉 陆宇平 朱虹 《沈阳部队医药》 2000年第1期47-47,共1页
自1994年4月至1997年3月,我们在内镜下用微波治疗消化道息肉542枚。现将疗效观察结果报告如下。 1 材料与方法 1.1 临床资料本组治疗消化道息肉198例,共542枚息肉。男156例,女42例,年龄17~77岁,其中单发124例,多发74例,有2例大肠息肉多... 自1994年4月至1997年3月,我们在内镜下用微波治疗消化道息肉542枚。现将疗效观察结果报告如下。 1 材料与方法 1.1 临床资料本组治疗消化道息肉198例,共542枚息肉。男156例,女42例,年龄17~77岁,其中单发124例,多发74例,有2例大肠息肉多达100枚以上。息肉分布:食管12枚,其中中段5枚,下段7枚;胃38枚,其中胃底6枚,胃体5枚,胃窦23枚,幽门口1枚,残胃3枚;十二指肠息肉10枚,均在球部;大肠息肉492枚,其中回盲部12枚,升结肠59枚,横结肠71枚,降结肠145枚,乙状结肠128枚,直肠77枚。息肉直径0.3~2. 展开更多
关键词 风镜微波 治疗 消化道息肉
国外防护眼镜的现状与发展趋势 被引量:6
作者 邹振高 李俊红 《中国个体防护装备》 2015年第1期29-31,共3页
关键词 防护眼镜 护目镜 风镜 现状 发展趋势
缺血性结肠炎的X线和内镜检查 被引量:1
作者 饭田三雄 盛利纯 《日本医学介绍》 1989年第10期435-436,共2页
随着人口的高龄化,最近,报道缺血性结肠炎的病例增加。本病以腹痛和便血突然发病及急剧的病情变化为特征。早期往往易漏诊和难以下诊断。由于病型不同,其病情经过有显著差异。作者曾总结自己的病例,报道了临床方面的动态变化,本文以这... 随着人口的高龄化,最近,报道缺血性结肠炎的病例增加。本病以腹痛和便血突然发病及急剧的病情变化为特征。早期往往易漏诊和难以下诊断。由于病型不同,其病情经过有显著差异。作者曾总结自己的病例,报道了临床方面的动态变化,本文以这些病例的检查结果为基础,就缺血性结肠炎的X线、内镜演变及鉴别诊断要点进行叙述。 展开更多
关键词 缺血性结肠炎 X线 诊断 风镜
作者 张辉球 《沈阳体育学院学报》 2003年第B12期29-30,共2页
关键词 高山滑雪 滑雪器材 滑雪板 滑雪杖 固定器 滑雪装 盔形帽 风镜
合理着装 避免伤亡
作者 刘汉军 《摩托车信息》 1997年第5期34-34,共1页
关键词 摩托车 驾驶员 着装 伤亡 事故 合理 骑士 空间 暴露 风镜
作者 Kevin 刘昊 《数码》 2005年第2期160-163,共4页
放眼如今的雪上江湖,已经不是双板滑雪的天下。君不见那些男孩女孩们足踏单板,飞驰而下,身后溅起漫天的雪雾,留下一连串的呐喊。古有明训,工欲善其事,必先利其器。要想吸引众多帅哥美女的眼光,光是玩得好还不够,身上的装备也是... 放眼如今的雪上江湖,已经不是双板滑雪的天下。君不见那些男孩女孩们足踏单板,飞驰而下,身后溅起漫天的雪雾,留下一连串的呐喊。古有明训,工欲善其事,必先利其器。要想吸引众多帅哥美女的眼光,光是玩得好还不够,身上的装备也是吸引眼球的利器。单板滑雪的器材主要包括单板、单板鞋、固定器、上衣、裤子、手套、风镜等,让我们一一看来。 展开更多
关键词 单板滑雪 单板 单板鞋 固定器 上衣 裤子 手套 风镜
别出心裁 保健有招
作者 容小翔 《健康博览》 1997年第8期38-38,共1页
视觉麻醉法美国牙医发明了一种让病人边看电视边接受治疗的视觉麻醉法,既松弛了患者的神经,又让医生获得一个较为轻松的工作环境。此法不需要任何麻醉药,而是借助于一种类似驾驶摩托的风镜,“风镜”后面有一根导线连接一部录像机,患者... 视觉麻醉法美国牙医发明了一种让病人边看电视边接受治疗的视觉麻醉法,既松弛了患者的神经,又让医生获得一个较为轻松的工作环境。此法不需要任何麻醉药,而是借助于一种类似驾驶摩托的风镜,“风镜”后面有一根导线连接一部录像机,患者戴上“风镜”开启录像机, 展开更多
关键词 录像机 麻醉法 麻醉药 风镜 工作环境 病人 导线连接 治疗 视觉 患者
Efficacy, risk factors and complications of endoscopic polypectomy: Ten year experience at a single center 被引量:35
作者 Pierluigi Consolo Carmelo Luigiano +5 位作者 Giuseppe Strangio Maria Grazia Scaffidi Giuseppa Giacobbe Giovanna Di Giuseppe Agata Zirilli Luigi Familiari 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第15期2364-2369,共6页
AIM: To examine the efficacy and complications of colonoscopic resection of colorectal polypoid lesions. METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed 1354 polypectomies performed on 1038 patients over a ten- year period. One ... AIM: To examine the efficacy and complications of colonoscopic resection of colorectal polypoid lesions. METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed 1354 polypectomies performed on 1038 patients over a ten- year period. One hundred and sixty of these were performed for large polyps, those measuring ≥ 20 mm. Size, shape, location, histology, the technique of polypectomy used, complications, drugs assumption and associated intestinal or extra intestinal diseases were analyzed. For statistical analysis, the Pearson χ2 test, NPC test and a Binary Logistic Regression were used. RESULTS: The mean patient age was 65.9 ± 12.4 years, with 671 men and 367 women. The mean size of polyps removed was 9.45 ± 9.56 mm while the size of large polyps was 31.5 ± 10.8 mm. There were 388 pedunculated and 966 sessile polyps and the most common location was the sigmoid colon (41.3%). The most frequent histology was tubular adenoma (55.9%) while for the large polyps was villous (92/160 -57.5%). Coexistent malignancy was observed in 28 polyps (2.1%) and of these, 20 were large polyps. There were 17 procedural bleeding (1.3%) and one perforation. The statistical analysis showed that cancer is correlated to polyp size (P < 0.0001); sessile shape (P < 0.0001) and bleeding are correlated to cardiac disease (P = 0.034), tubular adenoma (P = 0.016) and polyp size.CONCLUSION: The endoscopic resection is a simple and safe procedure for removing colon rectal neoplastic lesions and should be considered the treatment of choice for large colorectal polyps. The polyp size is an important risk factor for malignancy and for bleeding. 展开更多
关键词 COLONOSCOPY POLYPECTOMY Large polyps Colorectal neoplastic lesions Endoscopic resection
Risk factors for predicting early variceal rebleeding after endoscopic variceal ligation 被引量:42
作者 Liang Xu Feng Ji Qin-Wei Xu Mie-Qing Zhang 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第28期3347-3352,共6页
AIM: To analyze the clinical risk factors for early variceal rebleeding after endoscopic variceal ligation (EVL).METHODS: 342 cirrhotic patients with esophageal varices who received elective EVL to prevent bleeding or... AIM: To analyze the clinical risk factors for early variceal rebleeding after endoscopic variceal ligation (EVL).METHODS: 342 cirrhotic patients with esophageal varices who received elective EVL to prevent bleeding or rebleeding at our endoscopy center between January 2005 and July 2010.were included in this study.The early rebleeding cases after EVL were confirmed by clinical signs or endoscopy.A case-control study was performed comparing the patients presenting with early rebleeding with those without this complication.RESULTS: The incidence of early rebleeding after EVL was 7.60%,and the morbidity of rebleeding was 26.9%.Stepwise multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that four variables were independent risk factors for early rebleeding: moderate to excessive ascites [odds ratio (OR) 62.83,95% CI: 9.39-420.56,P < 0.001],the number of bands placed (OR 17.36,95% CI: 4.00-75.34,P < 0.001),the extent of varices (OR 15.41,95% CI: 2.84-83.52,P = 0.002) and prothrombin time (PT) > 18 s (OR 11.35,95% CI: 1.93-66.70,P = 0.007).CONCLUSION: The early rebleeding rate after EVL is mainly affected by the volume of ascites,number of rubber bands used to ligate,severity of varices and prolonged PT.Effective measures for prevention and treatment should be adopted before and after EVL. 展开更多
关键词 Esophageal variceal bleeding Endoscopic variceal ligation Loop ligature Early rebleeding Risk factor
Cost-benefit analysis of esophageal cancer endoscopic screening in high-risk areas of China 被引量:33
作者 Juan Yang wen-Qiang wei +3 位作者 Jin Niu Zhi-Cai Liu Chun-Xia Yang You-Lin Qiao 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第20期2493-2501,共9页
AIM:To estimate the cost-benefit of endoscopic screening strategies of esophageal cancer(EC)in high-risk areas of China. METHODS:Markov model-based analyses were conducted to compare the net present values(NPVs)and th... AIM:To estimate the cost-benefit of endoscopic screening strategies of esophageal cancer(EC)in high-risk areas of China. METHODS:Markov model-based analyses were conducted to compare the net present values(NPVs)and the benefit-cost ratios(BCRs)of 12 EC endoscopic screening strategies.Strategies varied according to the targeted screening age,screening frequencies,and follow-up intervals.Model parameters were collected from population-based studies in China,published literatures,and surveillance data. RESULTS:Compared with non-screening outcomes,all strategies with hypothetical 100 000 subjects saved life years.Among five dominant strategies determined by the incremental cost-effectiveness analysis,screening once at age 50 years incurred the lowest NPV(international dollar-I$55 million)and BCR(2.52).Screening six times between 40-70 years at a 5-year interval[i.e., six times(40)f-strategy]yielded the highest NPV(I$99 million)and BCR(3.06).Compared with six times(40)fstrategy,screening thrice between 40-70 years at a 10-year interval resulted in relatively lower NPV,but the same BCR. CONCLUSION:EC endoscopic screening is cost-beneficial in high-risk areas of China.Policy-makers should consider the cost-benefit,population acceptance,and local economic status when choosing suitable screening strategies. 展开更多
关键词 Cost-benefit analysis Esophageal cancer ENDOSCOPY SCREENING High-risk area
Factors associated with patient absenteeism for scheduled endoscopy 被引量:1
作者 Victor K Wong Hong-Bin Zhang Robert Enns 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第23期2882-2886,共5页
AIM: To identify risk factors to help predict which patients are likely to fail to appear for an endoscopic procedure. METHODS: This was a retrospective, chart review, cohort study in a Canadian, tertiary care, academ... AIM: To identify risk factors to help predict which patients are likely to fail to appear for an endoscopic procedure. METHODS: This was a retrospective, chart review, cohort study in a Canadian, tertiary care, academic, hospital-based endoscopy clinic. Patients included were: those undergoing esophagogastroduodenoscopy, colonoscopy or flexible sigmoidoscopy and patients who failed to appear were compared to a control group. The main outcome measure was a multivariate analysis of factors associated with truancy from scheduled endoscopic procedures. Factors analyzed included gender, age, waiting time, type of procedure, referring physician, distance to hospital, first or subsequent endoscopic procedure or encounter with gastroenterologist, and urgency of the procedure. RESULTS: Two hundred and thirty-four patients did not show up for their scheduled appointment. Compared to a control group, factors statistically significantly associated with truancy in the multivariate analysis were: non-urgent vs urgent procedure (OR 1.62, 95% CI 1.06, 2.450), referred by a specialist vs a family doctor (OR 2.76, 95% CI 1.31, 5.52) and office-based consult prior to endoscopy vs consult and endoscopic procedure during the same appointment (OR 2.24, 95% CI 1.33, 3.78). CONCLUSION: Identifying patients who are not scheduled for same-day consult and endoscopy, those referred by a specialist, and those with non-urgent referrals may help reduce patient truancy. 展开更多
Somatostatin adjunctive therapy for non-variceal upper gastrointestinal rebleeding after endoscopic therapy 被引量:16
作者 Cheol Woong Choi Dae Hwan Kang +5 位作者 Hyung Wook Kim Su Bum Park Kee Tae Park Gwang Ha Kim Geun Am Song Mong Cho 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第29期3441-3447,共7页
AIM:To evaluate the effect of pantoprazole with a somatostatin adjunct in patients with acute non-variceal upper gastrointestinal bleeding(NVUGIB).METHODS:We performed a retrospective analysis of a prospective databas... AIM:To evaluate the effect of pantoprazole with a somatostatin adjunct in patients with acute non-variceal upper gastrointestinal bleeding(NVUGIB).METHODS:We performed a retrospective analysis of a prospective database in a tertiary care university hospital.From October 2006 to October 2008,we enrolled 101 patients with NVUGIB that had a high-risk stigma on endoscopy.Within 24 h of hospital admission,all patients underwent endoscopic therapy.After successful endoscopic hemostasis,all patients received an 80-mg bolus of pantoprazole followed by continuous intravenous infusion(8 mg/h for 72 h).The somatostatin adjunct group(n=49)also received a 250-μg bolus of somatostatin,followed by continuous infusion (250μg/h for 72 h).Early rebleeding rates,disappearance of endoscopic stigma and risk factors associated with early rebleeding were examined.RESULTS:Early rebleeding rates were not significantly different between treatment groups(12.2%vs 14.3%,P=0.766).Disappearance of endoscopic stigma on the second endoscopy was not significantly different between treatment groups(94.2%vs 95.9%,P=0.696).Multivariate analysis showed that the complete Rockall score was a significant risk factor for early rebleeding(P =0.044,OR:9.080,95%CI:1.062-77.595).CONCLUSION:The adjunctive use of somatostatin was not superior to pantoprazole monotherapy after successful endoscopic hemostasis in patients with NVUGIB. 展开更多
Patient and physician perception of natural orifice transluminal endoscopic appendectomy 被引量:2
作者 Tomas Hucl Adela Saglova +4 位作者 Marek Benes Matej Kocik Martin Oliverius Zdenek Valenta Julius Spicak 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第15期1800-1805,共6页
AIM:To investigate perception of natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery(NOTES)as a potential technique for appendectomy.METHODS:One hundred patients undergoing endoscopy and 100 physicians were given a questi... AIM:To investigate perception of natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery(NOTES)as a potential technique for appendectomy.METHODS:One hundred patients undergoing endoscopy and 100 physicians were given a questionnaire describing in detail the techniques of NOTES and laparoscopic appendectomy.They were asked about the reasons for their preference,choice of orifice,and extent of complication risk they were willing to accept.RESULTS:Fifty patients(50%)and only 21 physicians(21%)preferred NOTES(P<0.001).Patients had previously heard of NOTES less frequently(7%vs73%,P<0.001)and had undergone endoscopy more frequently(88%vs 36%,P<0.001)than physicians.Absence of hernia was the most common reason for NOTES preference in physicians(80%vs 44%,P= 0.003),whereas reduced pain was the most common reason in patients(66%vs 52%).Physicians were more likely to refuse NOTES as a novel and unsure technique(P<0.001)and having an increased risk of infection(P<0.001).The preferred access site in both groups was colon followed by stomach,with vagina being rarely preferred.In multivariable modeling,those with high-school education[odds ratio(OR):2.68,95% confidence interval(CI):1.23-5.83]and prior colonoscopy(OR:2.10,95%CI:1.05-4.19)were more likely to prefer NOTES over laparoscopic appendectomy.There was a steep decline in NOTES preference with increased rate of procedural complications.Male patients were more likely to consent to their wives vaginal NOTES appendectomy than male physicians(P=0.02).CONCLUSION:The preference of NOTES for appendectomy was greater in patients than physicians and was related to reduced pain and absence of hernia rather than lack of scarring. 展开更多
关键词 Natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery Patient perception Physician perception APPENDECTOMY LAPAROSCOPY
Formation and evolution of Emeishan basalt saprolite in vadose zones of Touzhai landslide source rockmass 被引量:1
作者 YANG Ji-qing XU Ze-min +4 位作者 ZHANG Rui CHEN Ji-pu REN Zhe LUO Rong-zhang ZHANG Xiu-shuo 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第6期1174-1184,共11页
In order to explain the formation process of slope hazards, and to identify the key factors leading to instability of a slope, Emeishan basalt saprolite in vadose zones of the Touzhai landslide in Zhaotong, Yunnan, wa... In order to explain the formation process of slope hazards, and to identify the key factors leading to instability of a slope, Emeishan basalt saprolite in vadose zones of the Touzhai landslide in Zhaotong, Yunnan, was studied. The formation and evolution of Emeishan basalt saprolite was examined using, amongst other techniques, field investigations,thin section analysis, scanning electron microscopy(SEM) observations, chemical analysis, physical and water-physical property tests of rock masses. Field observations revealed that the majority of the weathered rock blocks were presented as a concentric layer structure in which an internal corestone was enveloped with several layers of external saprolized crust. Chemical and mineralogical analysis identified that iron was the most sensitive element and that the weathering progress usually started with the oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+ in rock blocks. Alkaline elements such as Si, Ca, Mg, Na and K were also dissolved and Fe and Al were concentrated in saprolized crusts. Results indicated that loss on ignition(LOI) also increased significantly. SEM results showed that the weathering intensity of thebasalt blocks decreased gradually from the outside to the inside, and the mineral morphology significantly differed on both sides of the weathering front. The saprolized crusts presented cellular microstructure features due to the generation of micropore and clay minerals. Thin section analysis showed that plagioclase was relatively more stable than pyroxene and chlorite during weathering. With a centripetal propagation of the weathering front, saprolized crusts became thicker and corestones became smaller; fresh Emeishan basalt blocks gradually turned into saprolized blocks. Due to the loose structure and low strength of saprolite, the quality of the Emeishan basalt mass significantly deteriorated, this being a potentially important factor which caused the Touzhai landslide to occur. 展开更多
关键词 Vadose zone Emeishan basalt Scanning electron microscopy Saprolite Corestone Touzhai landslide
The Relationship between a Cohort Endoscopic Screening of 15,000 Subjects and the Death of Patients with Esophageal and Gastric Cancers in High-Risk Areas
作者 Zhifeng Chen Guohui Song +4 位作者 Jun Hou Cuilan Guo Guoliang Jin Fanshu Meng Wenlong Bai 《Clinical oncology and cancer researeh》 CAS CSCD 2009年第4期271-276,共6页
OBJECTIVE Ci-xian County is located in the north of Chinaand is a high-risk area for esophageal cancer(EC).In 2004,theincidence rate of EC in the county was 127/100,000 and 93/100,000in the male and female population,... OBJECTIVE Ci-xian County is located in the north of Chinaand is a high-risk area for esophageal cancer(EC).In 2004,theincidence rate of EC in the county was 127/100,000 and 93/100,000in the male and female population,respectively,and that ofgastric cancer(GC)was 72/100,000 and 36/100,000.Since 2001 acohort screening,supported by a special national fund,utilizingendoscopic examination with iodine staining for the targetpopulation at the age ranging from 40 to 69 years was carried out,so as to reduce the incidence and mortality rates in the high-riskareas of EC.METHODS In October 2001,4 townships in the Ci-xian County,Hebei,China were selected,with 22,016 cases in the interventiongroup(IVG)and 33,410 in the control group(CG).The totalpopulation coverage reached 55,000.There were 3257 males and3339 females in the IVG with the age ranging from 40 to 69 years,and 4299 males and 4430 females in the CG with the same rangeof the age.Endoscopic screening with iodine staining was used inthe IVG,with a screening rate of 53.2%.During the screening byendoscopic examination,97 cases were found to have esophagealsquamous epithelium,carcinoma-in-situ at the cardiac glandularepithelium or intra-mucosal carcinoma.Additionally,102cases were identified to have severe atypical hyperplasia in theesophagus and gastric cardia.The natural incidence rate of cancerand the mortality were observed in the CG.The ICD-0 version wasused in the tumor incidence and death registration coding.Duringa period from June to September 2008,based on the information ofthe tumor registration database of the incidence and mortality inthe Ci-xian County,the cohort groups were studied and followed.RESULTS There were 133 patients with untreatable EC and48 with GC in the IVG,while there were 259 and 37 patients inthe CG who died of esophageal and gastric cancer,respectively.The relative risk(RR)of death was 0.76 in the male patients withEC,95%CI(0.59-0.98),P=0.038,and in the female patients theRR was 0.51,95%CI(0.35-0.75),P=0.000.The RR of death in theGC patients was 2.45,(1.40-4.29)in the male,P=0.01,and 0.99,(0.47-1.99),in the female cases,P=0.906.CONCLUSION Six years after a cohort screening of a largepopulation by endoscopic examination with iodine staining inareas at high risk for EC,the death risk in the male and femalepatients with EC has decreased compared with that in the controlgroup.The difference between the 2 groups was statisticallysignificant.However,no protective method used to decrease thedeath risk in GC patients has been found during this period ofendoscopic screening. 展开更多
关键词 endoscopic screening esophageal cancer gastriccancer mortality.
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