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风险投资生态系统的构建及其特征分析 被引量:3
作者 胡艳 张光辉 《武汉理工大学学报(信息与管理工程版)》 CAS 2007年第8期98-100,105,共4页
关键词 风险投资 自然生态系统 风险投资生态系统
品牌生态系统网络风险成因及应对策略 被引量:3
作者 王兴元 于伟 易金 《企业经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第5期53-55,共3页
对品牌生态系统网络风险的内涵进行了阐释;从信息传递失真和漏损、系统成员机会主义行为、核心品牌过度集权等10个方面,系统分析了品牌生态系统网络风险成因;提出了应从降低品牌生态系统的进出壁垒,促进系统要素的优化组合和系统的开放... 对品牌生态系统网络风险的内涵进行了阐释;从信息传递失真和漏损、系统成员机会主义行为、核心品牌过度集权等10个方面,系统分析了品牌生态系统网络风险成因;提出了应从降低品牌生态系统的进出壁垒,促进系统要素的优化组合和系统的开放性,培育系统内部的相互信任和创新氛围,增加对系统成员机会主义行为的惩罚力度等方面,防范品牌生态系统网络风险的应对策略。 展开更多
关键词 品牌生态系统 品牌生态系统网络风险 应对策略
基于生态资产的生态系统风险分析模型及应用实例 被引量:2
作者 李维德 王积全 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第7期3811-3817,共7页
生态学将在生态系统的管理和生命支持系统的可持续发展上发挥核心作用。对生态系统的定量研究是生态系统管理研究的核心和前沿。研究借助于金融资产风险管理方法,结合生态资产价值化和生态系统风险研究建立了基于生态资产的生态系统风... 生态学将在生态系统的管理和生命支持系统的可持续发展上发挥核心作用。对生态系统的定量研究是生态系统管理研究的核心和前沿。研究借助于金融资产风险管理方法,结合生态资产价值化和生态系统风险研究建立了基于生态资产的生态系统风险分析方法,给出了对区域(流域)生态系统总体风险进行度量的分析模型和计算公式,并以民勤绿洲生态系统为例进行了实证研究。实证研究结果表明:未来3a内民勤绿洲生态资产价值损失在95%置信水平下不会超过1.92亿元。所建立的生态资产风险分析模型对区域生态系统管理具有一定的意义。 展开更多
关键词 生态系统风险分析模型 生态资产 生态系统服务功能的价值 可持续发展 民勤
面向多重生态保护目标的广东省生态系统服务退化风险情景模拟 被引量:5
作者 张子墨 姜虹 +3 位作者 徐子涵 丹宇卓 叶玉瑶 彭建 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第3期1180-1191,共12页
稳定、协调、可持续的生态系统服务供给是维持区域自然生命系统、保障区域生态安全的基础。面临生态系统所受的人为与自然干扰,有必要准确评估生态系统服务退化风险,揭示区域生态安全和可持续性提升路径。现有研究多叠加所有生态系统服... 稳定、协调、可持续的生态系统服务供给是维持区域自然生命系统、保障区域生态安全的基础。面临生态系统所受的人为与自然干扰,有必要准确评估生态系统服务退化风险,揭示区域生态安全和可持续性提升路径。现有研究多叠加所有生态系统服务以评估生态系统服务退化风险,未能面向区域生态问题或生态需求对不同类型生态系统服务进行整合。研究提出面向多重生态保护目标的生态系统服务退化风险情景模拟框架,考虑广东省生物多样性保育、水资源安全、自然灾害防范等生态保护目标,选取代表性生态系统服务类型(生境维持、水源涵养、水质净化、土壤保持、洪水缓解、热带气旋缓解),基于不同典型浓度路径情景评估2018-2035年生态系统服务退化风险。结果表明,2018-2035年广东省生态系统服务供给空间格局基本稳定,尽管有所退化、空间异质性强。生态系统服务退化风险的情景模拟表明,面向生物多样性保育目标的生态系统服务退化高风险区位于珠三角的深圳市、佛山市和江门市,以及粤西和粤东地区的湛江市、茂名市和揭阳市;面向水资源安全目标的生态系统服务退化高风险区位于珠三角的深圳市、中山市和江门市,以及粤西与粤东地区的茂名市、揭阳市和江门市;面向自然灾害防范目标的生态系统服务退化高风险区位于珠三角的深圳市与江门市、粤西与粤东地区的茂名市、湛江市和揭阳市,是广东省生态系统服务退化风险防范的关键区域。面向多重生态保护目标,广东省生态系统服务退化风险应对策略应重视城市生态系统生物多样性保育,应加强对生态用地尤其是红树林的保护及恢复,应对流域进行分级管控,因地制宜开展面向多重生态保护目标的生态保护与修复工程,应积极采取气候变化相关干预政策,优选低资源消耗低生态影响的绿色可持续发展路径。 展开更多
关键词 生态系统服务退化风险 情景模拟 生物多样性保育 水资源安全 自然灾害防范
基于Choquet-Brusselator的煤层气开发中社会生态系统风险动态演化研究 被引量:2
作者 薛崇义 薛晔 纪晓东 《矿业安全与环保》 北大核心 2020年第4期116-121,共6页
为了解决当前煤层气开发中社会生态系统风险难以有效判定和防范不足的问题,提出了一种集成Choquet积分算子与Brusselator模型的风险动态演化模型。通过压力-状态-响应即PSR框架全面分析社会生态系统风险的影响因素并构建指标体系,结合... 为了解决当前煤层气开发中社会生态系统风险难以有效判定和防范不足的问题,提出了一种集成Choquet积分算子与Brusselator模型的风险动态演化模型。通过压力-状态-响应即PSR框架全面分析社会生态系统风险的影响因素并构建指标体系,结合耗散结构理论揭示社会生态系统风险是在压力和响应的非线性作用下系统不断自组织引起状态涨落突变的动态演化机制,利用Choquet积分算子计算压力和响应的评价值,进一步结合Brusselator模型的转义建立社会生态系统风险的动态演化模型以分析风险的演化路径,并运用该模型对沁水盆地郑庄煤层气开发区进行了案例分析。结果表明:该动态演化模型可识别系统风险防范中的不足,能判定风险的动态演化路径,可为煤层气开发中社会生态系统风险的科学防范提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 煤层气开发 社会生态系统风险 耗散结构 PSR CHOQUET积分 BRUSSELATOR
基于AQUATOX模型的白洋淀湖区多溴联苯醚(PB-DEs)的生态效应阈值与生态风险评价研究 被引量:11
作者 张璐璐 刘静玲 +3 位作者 张少伟 贺晟晨 郭春梅 曹瑞仙 《生态毒理学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第6期1156-1172,共17页
为了准确定量生态系统尺度下持久性有机污染物(POPs)的直接毒性效应和通过食物网传递的间接生态效应,建立POPs浓度与生态效应的量化关系,本研究以强人为干扰湖泊白洋淀为研究区,建立了湖泊底栖-浮游耦合食物网,运用AQUATOX模型评价典... 为了准确定量生态系统尺度下持久性有机污染物(POPs)的直接毒性效应和通过食物网传递的间接生态效应,建立POPs浓度与生态效应的量化关系,本研究以强人为干扰湖泊白洋淀为研究区,建立了湖泊底栖-浮游耦合食物网,运用AQUATOX模型评价典型POPs——多溴联苯醚(PBDEs)的水生态系统风险,判定关键浓度阈值.模型校正结果表明,该模型能够充分模拟白洋淀中18个优势种群生物量的季节变化过程;敏感性分析结果表明该模型对温度和呼吸速率参数敏感;风险评价的结果表明AQUATOX模型能够有效的评估PBDEs的直接毒性效应和间接生态效应,AQUATOX模型得到的最大无影响效应浓度(NOEC)要比实验室中的NOEC低1~2个数量级.因此,在自然生态系统中PBDEs的生态风险难以根据单一种群的毒性数据进行外推,而AQUATOX模型成为自然生态系统中PBDEs风险评价的可靠方法,能够判定在“可接受风险”水平时污染物的浓度阈值.AQUATOX模型为污染物环境基准的制定提供了较为可行的方法,进而为化学污染物的早期预警和风险管理提供决策依据. 展开更多
关键词 多溴联苯醚(PBDEs) 底栖-浮游耦合食物网 生态系统风险 AQUATOX模型 浓度阈值
作者 余璐 《中国城市经济》 2011年第29期364-364,共1页
生态问题具有累积性,我国长期的赶超式发展对环境资源造成了巨大的伤害,再加上缺乏对生态问题严重性的预见性,造成生态恶化的累计量不断增大。简单的环境保护难以解决这样牵涉面极广的难题。建立健全生态补偿机制来纠正以往行为的偏差,... 生态问题具有累积性,我国长期的赶超式发展对环境资源造成了巨大的伤害,再加上缺乏对生态问题严重性的预见性,造成生态恶化的累计量不断增大。简单的环境保护难以解决这样牵涉面极广的难题。建立健全生态补偿机制来纠正以往行为的偏差,防止这些矛盾进一步激化势在必行。 展开更多
关键词 生态系统风险 生态补偿
基于改进的“证据-权重法”评估污染土壤生态风险:以江苏靖江某电镀场地为例 被引量:3
作者 王美娥 马万凯 +1 位作者 姜瑢 谢天 《应用生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第6期1639-1651,共13页
污染场地土壤生态风险评估能够为准确制定土壤环境质量标准、污染土壤修复目标、土壤修复后效果评估及安全利用提供科学依据,是保障土壤健康和安全的重要手段。“证据-权重法”由于具有系统性、整体性和科学性的特点在风险评估中应用广... 污染场地土壤生态风险评估能够为准确制定土壤环境质量标准、污染土壤修复目标、土壤修复后效果评估及安全利用提供科学依据,是保障土壤健康和安全的重要手段。“证据-权重法”由于具有系统性、整体性和科学性的特点在风险评估中应用广泛。然而,当前“证据-权重法”大多依赖专家打分法进行权重设置,并且在实际操作中难以获得定量化的、信息全面的完整证据链,风险评估结果缺乏客观性和可比性。针对以上问题,本研究耦合美国EPA的四步法与层级法构建了“证据-权重法”污染场地土壤生态风险评估框架,统一了每个层级的评估方法与程序。采用多标准决策分析对权重进行定量化,通过预先设置证据链之间的层级来保证其相对独立性,基于基质试验和野外调查保证场地的针对性。最后,以靖江某电镀场地为案例进行实证研究,结果表明:所构建的方法具有较强的可操作性,评估结果具有较高的客观性、科学性和准确性。 展开更多
关键词 场地特异性 化学风险 生物累积风险 生态毒理学风险 生态系统风险
作者 张卿 《中国科技投资》 2024年第27期13-15,共3页
智能信息化如何赋能产业金融助力实体经济发展,是本文探讨的初衷。如何让安全生产管理在更大维度上形成闭环,在风险发生后更快的进行应急救援并实现损失补偿,是本文的研究目的。本文将智能信息技术、金融保险技术与风险管理深度融合,探... 智能信息化如何赋能产业金融助力实体经济发展,是本文探讨的初衷。如何让安全生产管理在更大维度上形成闭环,在风险发生后更快的进行应急救援并实现损失补偿,是本文的研究目的。本文将智能信息技术、金融保险技术与风险管理深度融合,探讨如何打通企业安全生产管理和复产减损的前后端,依托智能信息化技术构建全量风控损失补偿体系。本文还展望了通过智能信息化技术,挖掘、聚合数据资产做深做细风险管理;通过风险数据助力风险生态系统达到最优动态平衡。 展开更多
关键词 智能信息化 产融结合 风险管理 数据资产 风险数字画像 风控数据矿 风险生态系统
Ecological risk assessment of the Gannan Plateau,northeastern Tibetan Plateau 被引量:2
作者 YUE Dong-xia ZENG Jian-jun +6 位作者 YANG Chao ZOU Ming-liang LI Kai CHEN Guan-guang GUO Jian-jun Xu Xiao-feng Meng Xing-min 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第6期1254-1267,共14页
Desertification, soil salinization and grassland degradation are the major environmental hazards faced by the Gannan Plateau, northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Ecological risk assessment plays an important role in formula... Desertification, soil salinization and grassland degradation are the major environmental hazards faced by the Gannan Plateau, northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Ecological risk assessment plays an important role in formulating environmental management strategies yet little attention to this region. In this study, we established an ecological risk assessment index system based on 30 evaluation indices in the categories of hydrometeorology, ecological environment, ground surface disturbance, and society and economy for the Gannan Plateau. An entropy method was used to calculate an index weight,and subsequently the matter-element method was used together with extension theory to establish a matter-element extension model of ecological risk. We assessed the ecological risk in this region by calculating the degree of association between index layer, system layer and target layer, and the cumulative ecological risk index. The degrees of ecological risk for the counties of the region were determined by using Arc GIS which would represent a spatial heterogeneity of the risk grade in production. Our results showed that the areas of high ecological risk were in Zhouqu County and Zhuoni County, and others were of low risk(Hezuo City, Diebu County, Xiahe County and Lintan County) or intermediate risk(Maqu County). The results of the assessment were in accord with the actual observed situation. Thus, our ecological risk assessment index system is appropriate for this region and suggests that high risk counties need a priori ecological protection. Such research could provide a technological support which would potentially prevent or reduce disasters by establishing an ecological barrier to promote the sustainable development of Gannan Plateau. 展开更多
关键词 MATTER-ELEMENT Extension theory Ecological risk assessment ECOSYSTEM GannanPlateau
Ecological Risk Assessment of Combined Pollution of Heavy Metals and Pesticides in Urban Soils
作者 Kang An Xiaoping Xie 《International English Education Research》 2014年第7期104-108,共5页
Urban soil is the main component of urban ecological systems and the key risk receptor from urbanization. Heavy metal and green pesticide pollutions in urban soils have been widely reported with the expanding of urban... Urban soil is the main component of urban ecological systems and the key risk receptor from urbanization. Heavy metal and green pesticide pollutions in urban soils have been widely reported with the expanding of urbanization. Since urban soil pollution comes from various resources, application of integrated thinking and methods is needed in ecological risk assessment of urban soil pollution. This paper synthetically reviewed the combined pollution of heavy metals and pesticide, and ecological risk assessment, and then proposed some research trends and areas in the future that are required to carry out intensively according to the present situation of environmental pollution and international research fronts. 展开更多
关键词 Urban soil Heavy metal PESTICIDE Combined pollution Integrated eco-risk assessment
Risk Assessment of Carbon Sequestration for Terrestrial Ecosystems in China
作者 Shi Xiaoli Wu Shaohong +2 位作者 Dai Erfu Zhao Dongsheng Pan mao 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2012年第1期19-26,共8页
Climate change will alter the capacity of carbon sequestration,and the risk assessment of carbon sequestration for terrestrial ecosystems will be helpful to the decision-making for climate change countermeasures and i... Climate change will alter the capacity of carbon sequestration,and the risk assessment of carbon sequestration for terrestrial ecosystems will be helpful to the decision-making for climate change countermeasures and international climate negotiations.Based on the net ecosystem productivity of terrestrial ecosystems simulated by Atmosphere Vegetation Integrated Model,each grid of the risk criterion was set by time series trend analysis.Then the risks of carbon sequestration of terrestrial ecosystems were investigated.The results show that,in the IPCCSRES-B2 climate scenario,climate change will bring risks of carbon sequestration,and the high-risk level will dominate terrestrial ecosystems.The risk would expand with the increase of warming degree.By the end of the long-term of this century,about 60% of the whole country will face the risk;Northwest China,mountainous areas in Northeast China,middle and lower reaches plain of Yangtze River areas,Southwest China and Southeast China tend to be extremely vulnerable.Risk levels in most regions are likely to grow with the increase of warming degree,and this increase will mainly occur during the near-term to mid-term.Northwest China will become an area of high risks,and deciduous coniferous forests,temperate mixed forests and desert grassland tend to be extremely vulnerable. 展开更多
关键词 RISK carbon sequestration China terrestrial ecosystem
Agricultural Drought Resisting and Hydrological-Ecological Changes Taking Hebei Province in North China as an Example
作者 Yanrui Shang Kaijun Sun +1 位作者 Haifeng Shen Gongying Liu 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(A)》 2013年第3期189-196,共8页
Drought is usually supposed to be a rainfall deficiency problem. Most studies and practices to mitigate drought disaster are focusing on water development and irrigation, while neglecting that the agriculture system i... Drought is usually supposed to be a rainfall deficiency problem. Most studies and practices to mitigate drought disaster are focusing on water development and irrigation, while neglecting that the agriculture system is a compounded human-natural system. Drought situation and tendency is also driven by human coping strategies. This paper takes Hebei Province in north China as an example, studing the spirally interact process of drought resisting and hydrological ecological feedback. The result shows that large scale water projects construction facilitated irrigation. With improved irrigation, farmers enhanced multiple crop index and land-use intensity greatly and increased the sowing area of water consuming crop, winter wheat. At the same time, both crop yield and gross output are raising steadily. Water demand and depletion in agricultural system increase year by year. This gradually leads to highly dependent on over exploitation of water resources, especially overdraw of groundwater. The process deteriorated the stability of hydrological-ecological system and made the ecological environment drying up. Drying up environment is breeding greater vulnerability and risk of drought in the long term. For sustainable development, integrated drought risk management should be based on the balance between sustainable water supply and water demand. The key is to improve agricultural system's adaptive and resilient capacity to drought. 展开更多
关键词 Agricultural drought drought resisting ecological feedback.
Gradients in predation risk in a tropical river system 被引量:4
作者 Amy E. DEACON Faith A. M. JONES Anne E. MAGURRAN 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第2期213-221,共9页
The importance of predation risk as a key driver of evolutionary change is exemplified by the Northern Range in Trinidad, where research on guppies living in multiple parallel streams has pro- vided invaluable insight... The importance of predation risk as a key driver of evolutionary change is exemplified by the Northern Range in Trinidad, where research on guppies living in multiple parallel streams has pro- vided invaluable insights into the process of evolution by natural selection. Although Trinidadian guppies are now a textbook example of evolution in action, studies have generally categorized predation as a dichotomous variable, representing high or low risk. Yet, ecologists appreciate that community structure and the attendant predation risk vary substantially over space and time. Here, we use data from a longitudinal study of fish assemblages at 16 different sites in the Northern Range to quantify temporal and spatial variation in predation risk. Specifically we ask: 1) Is there evidence for a gradient in predation risk? 2) Does the ranking of sites (by risk) change with the defi- nition of the predator community (in terms of species composition and abundance currency), and 3) Are site rankings consistent over time? We find compelling evidence that sites lie along a contin- uum of risk. However, site rankings along this gradient depend on how predation is quantified in terms of the species considered to be predators and the abundance currency is used. Nonetheless, for a given categorization and currency, rankings are relatively consistent over time. Our study sug- gests that consideration of predation gradients will lead to a more nuanced understanding of the role of predation risk in behavioral and evolutionary ecology. It also emphasizes the need to justify and report the definition of predation risk being used. 展开更多
关键词 abundance currency gradients Poecilia reticulata predation risk TRINIDAD Trinidadian guppy.
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