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作者 陈文杰 《音乐探索》 北大核心 1989年第4期88-93,共6页
关键词 音乐作品 四川音乐学院 飞轻 民乐系 曲作者
作者 罗冰浩 《档案管理》 1989年第6期31-33,1,共4页
关键词 档案开放 综合档案室 飞轻 档案事业 基层档案工作 处境尴尬 基层单位 行政管理档案 人事档案 档案展览
作者 孙德元 蔡野 《北方音乐》 1986年第3期13-14,共2页
关键词 飞轻 情迹
《北京市工会干部学院学报》 2015年第1期1-1,共1页
烟柳飞轻絮,风榆落小钱。百花里,罗绮竞秋千。在和煦的春风中,我们迎来了2015年的春天,又是新的一年,又是新的开始。过去的一年,在经济新常态下亿万中华儿女激扬中国梦,写下了浓墨重彩的崭新画卷。中国共产党十八届四中全会在北京召开... 烟柳飞轻絮,风榆落小钱。百花里,罗绮竞秋千。在和煦的春风中,我们迎来了2015年的春天,又是新的一年,又是新的开始。过去的一年,在经济新常态下亿万中华儿女激扬中国梦,写下了浓墨重彩的崭新画卷。中国共产党十八届四中全会在北京召开,首次以全会的形式专题研究部署全面推进依法治国这一基本治国方略。为贯彻落实党的十八大作出的战略部署,加快建设社会主义法治国家,会议最终通过《中共中央关于全面推进依法治国若干重大问题的决定》。 展开更多
关键词 卷首语 飞轻 中国梦 工会工作 北京市总工会 法治国家 北京职工 职工教育 全国总工会 工会组织
作者 卢传裔 《今日科苑》 2008年第23期12-12,共1页
关键词 外一首 鹧鸪天 吴敏霞 郭晶晶 奥运冠军 玉貌 飞轻 老科协 东风浩荡 作者简介
以景寓情 以情见志——《淮中晚泊犊头》写作艺术评析
作者 米春秀 《中学语文(大语文论坛)(下旬)》 1989年第5期33-34,共2页
春阴垂野草青青,时有幽花一树明。晚泊孤舟古祠下,满川风雨看潮生。这首小诗,是宋代诗人苏舜钦的作品。这首诗以清新之笔,描写了泛舟淮河,晚泊渡口古祠之下所见之景,以景寓情,抒发了胸中之忧愤,从而表达了他的豪情壮志。以景寓情、以情... 春阴垂野草青青,时有幽花一树明。晚泊孤舟古祠下,满川风雨看潮生。这首小诗,是宋代诗人苏舜钦的作品。这首诗以清新之笔,描写了泛舟淮河,晚泊渡口古祠之下所见之景,以景寓情,抒发了胸中之忧愤,从而表达了他的豪情壮志。以景寓情、以情见志。苏舜钦的写景诗并不是以再现自然为长。他笔下的景物大多带有很强的主观色彩,比如“绿杨白鹭俱自得,近水远山皆有情”(《过苏州》),“老松偃蹇若傲世,飞泉喷薄如避人”(《越州云门寺》) 展开更多
关键词 淮中晚泊犊头 见志 苏舜钦 宋代诗人 写景诗 写作艺术 云门寺 孤舟 滁州西涧 飞轻
作者 华梅 《天津政协公报》 2013年第3期58-58,共1页
人们日常着装中,除了衣服还少不了佩饰,而佩饰中有很多是直接接触肌肤的,如耳环、手镯、项链,弄好了绝对有利于养生,弄不好就会损害健康。中国人佩饰有许多讲究,最有代表性的就是佩玉。儒家学说中有"君子以玉比德"、"君... 人们日常着装中,除了衣服还少不了佩饰,而佩饰中有很多是直接接触肌肤的,如耳环、手镯、项链,弄好了绝对有利于养生,弄不好就会损害健康。中国人佩饰有许多讲究,最有代表性的就是佩玉。儒家学说中有"君子以玉比德"、"君子无故玉不去身。"为什么这么喜欢玉呢?因为中国人认为"玉温润而泽,仁也; 展开更多
关键词 养生方法 养老穴 佩饰 腕背侧 儒家学说 体吸收 胃热 指压 飞轻 远红外线
Utilization of municipal solid waste incineration fly ash in lightweight aggregates 被引量:5
作者 谭文发 王里奥 +4 位作者 黄川 刘元元 J.E.Green D.Newport T.Green 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第3期835-841,共7页
Washing pre-treatrnent of municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) fly ash blended with shale and sludge was utilized in the manufacture of light-weight aggregates and processed to form ceramic pellets. A formula u... Washing pre-treatrnent of municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) fly ash blended with shale and sludge was utilized in the manufacture of light-weight aggregates and processed to form ceramic pellets. A formula uniform design was performed to arrange the mixture ratio of the materials. The optimal mixture ratio of the materials was determined by measuring the bulk density, granule strength, and 1 h water absorption of the pellets. It is shown that the optimal mixture ratios of materials, MSWI fly ash, shale, and sludge, are 23.16%, 62.58%, and 14.25% (mass fraction), respectively. The performance testing indicators of light-weight aggregates are obtained under the optimum mixture ratio: bulk density of 613 kg/m3, granule strength of 821N, and 1 h water absorption of 11.6%, meeting 700 grade light-aggregate of GB/T 17431.2--1998 standard. The results suggest that utilization of MSWI fly ash in light-weight aggregates is an effective method and a potential means to create much more values. 展开更多
关键词 MSWI fly ash pre-treatment trefoil rotary kiln heavy metal light-weight aggregates
人间仙境 世外桃园
作者 楊樹帆 張學忠 謝成華 《中国西部》 1992年第1期52-53,共2页
雲南民族村是昆明旅游度假區最吸引人的地方,距昆明市區5公里,滨臨滇池,與西山森林公園隔水相望。它把雲南少數民族的文化、習俗、建築、社會形態濃縮于一地,使旅游觀光者在一區之內,遍游滇中大地,于一村之中,體會民族風情。度假區內將... 雲南民族村是昆明旅游度假區最吸引人的地方,距昆明市區5公里,滨臨滇池,與西山森林公園隔水相望。它把雲南少數民族的文化、習俗、建築、社會形態濃縮于一地,使旅游觀光者在一區之內,遍游滇中大地,于一村之中,體會民族風情。度假區內將建26個民族村,現已建成傣族村和白族村。白族村白族村里湖水波光粼粼,和風送爽,岸柳輕飛,恍如仙境。白族民居雍容高雅。四合小院小巧精致。用青磨石砌成的门樓、牆壁、臺階,既整齊又美觀。村內設有白族餐廳,歌舞厅。工藝美術品和民族服飾更是琳琅滿目。 展开更多
关键词 人间仙境 民族村 世外桃园 輕飛 一村 習俗 滇中 石砌 隔水 市區
The Influence of Demoiselle Aircraft on Light and General Aviation Design
作者 Alvaro Martins Abdalla Femando Martini Catalano 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2013年第4期238-246,共9页
In 1907, aviation pioneer Santos-Dumont had the idea of building a very light airplane. He designed and built the SD 19, the Demoiselle, an aircraft with a 6 meter wing span and a 24 HP engine of his own design. The D... In 1907, aviation pioneer Santos-Dumont had the idea of building a very light airplane. He designed and built the SD 19, the Demoiselle, an aircraft with a 6 meter wing span and a 24 HP engine of his own design. The Demoiselle was very successful in flying and, became very popular and its development continued as SD20, SD21 and SD22 (his last airplane). The influence of the Demoiselle on design principles of light aircraft and general aviation were studied in this work, using statistical entropy, The designs number 20 and 22 may be considered dominant and influenced the design principles of light aircraft and general aviation. 展开更多
关键词 Demoiselle Santos Dumont general aviation aircraft design statistical entropy
Aeroelastic Simulation for Symmetric Manoeuvre of 123 Manager Light Plane
作者 Robert Roszak Witold Stankiewicz +1 位作者 Marek Morzyfiski Wojciech Chajec 《Journal of Physical Science and Application》 2012年第8期274-282,共9页
Expansion of computer technologies allow using numerical simulation in the early stages of aircraft design more and more often. The role of both wind tunnels and initial test flights used to verify the validity of sol... Expansion of computer technologies allow using numerical simulation in the early stages of aircraft design more and more often. The role of both wind tunnels and initial test flights used to verify the validity of solutions seems to be diminishing. Big systems for three-dimensional simulations of Fluid-Structure Interactions (FSI) constitute highly specialized and costly software. Most of the codes are based on many simplifications. In this paper fluid-structure interaction, taking into account the symetric manoeuvre of ultra light plane, is concerned. This phenomenon has important influence in many aeronautical applications. The method and developed system is demonstrated on ultra light I23 plane. For the first flow the comparison with experiment made in Institute of Aviation Warsaw is presented. Finally, aeroelastic simulation of full 123 aircraft configuration presents the capability of used numerical codes to analyze largescale complex geometries for manoeuvre. All computations were carried out in parallel environment for CFD mesh of order of millions tetrahedral elements. 展开更多
关键词 Aeroelasticity manoeuver numerical simulation plane.
Study the Influence of a Gap between the Wing and Slotted Flap over the Aerodynamic Characteristics of Ultra-Light Aircraft Wing Airfoil
作者 Cvetelina Velkova Michael Todorov Guillaume Durand 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2015年第5期278-285,共8页
The purpose of the study is to assess what the influence of the distance of the gap is between the wing and slotted flap on the aerodynamic characteristics of ultra-light aircraft wing when the flap is retracted. It h... The purpose of the study is to assess what the influence of the distance of the gap is between the wing and slotted flap on the aerodynamic characteristics of ultra-light aircraft wing when the flap is retracted. It has been elected numerical approach to the study and it is been realized through applied numerical model of the wing airfoil NACA 2412 for three different lengths of slotted gap size, whose length is expressed as percentages of the airfoil chord. The code ANSYS FLUENT has been applied, as it has been determined RANS (Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes) equations and DES (detached-eddy simulation) turbulent model has been used. 展开更多
关键词 AERODYNAMICS wing airfoil slotted flap GAP numerical approach.
Study on Dynamic Response of Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Float for Light Seaplane
作者 Yoshio Aoki Akihisa Tabata +1 位作者 Ryo Goto Goichi Ben 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2016年第2期175-182,共8页
The marine area of Japan, including territorial waters and the exclusive economic zone, is the sixth largest in the world at about 4,470,000 km2. Therefore, it is becoming necessary to establish appropriate means of t... The marine area of Japan, including territorial waters and the exclusive economic zone, is the sixth largest in the world at about 4,470,000 km2. Therefore, it is becoming necessary to establish appropriate means of transportation other than ships in order to utilize the area efficiently. In this respect, ultra-light seaplanes are attracting attention from the viewpoint of protecting the natural environment. Accordingly, JRPS (Japan Reinforced Plastics Society) is currently developing FRP (fiber-reinforced plastic) floats for such planes. In this study, we conducted simulations of seaplane behavior during alighting by using the smoothed particle hydrodynamics method, which is one of the functions in the PAM-CRASH solver, and we present the observed trend in the vertical acceleration of the floats as a first step toward deriving the impact force from analytical data. 展开更多
关键词 Dynamic response FRP float smoothed particle hydrodynamics seaplane structural analysis airworthiness.
作者 陈仲安 《文史知识》 1983年第7期62-67,共6页
关键词 元丰行示德逢 诗云 漏刻 渴乌 掖庭令 尖底瓶 张让 鹿卢 飞轻 《初学记》
《江苏政协》 2006年第1期42-43,共2页
关键词 永遇乐 仰瞻 飞轻 景何 沧桑岁月 数峰 碧霄 座座 丹台 鉴真东渡
作者 尤理直 《宝藏》 2013年第7期154-154,共1页
关键词 郑思远 飞轻 始觉 三清 人论
作者 汪茂荣 《岷峨诗稿》 2011年第1期20-21,共2页
关键词 东阁官梅 飞轻 游骑 罨画池 共祭 文命 蚕丛 古蜀 丁年 真隐
作者 卫宣利 《婚姻与家庭(家庭教育版)》 2006年第7期25-25,共1页
关键词 离婚协议 撒手而去 投资失误 林鸟 修来 宝贝女儿 她说 不知道 红烧鱼 飞轻
作者 冉冉 《西部(新文学)(上)》 2014年第10期41-44,共4页
顺着风的方向 一直走就会走到天上去 没有比星子更大的花朵了 它们清澈地摇曳 与我与无量的我相互倒映 空中草原 一个在天上一个在喀拉峻 紫色马紫色骑手从冰山走来 我为迟到的看见而啜泣—— 为重新看见她为刚刚看见自己 一次短暂的盛... 顺着风的方向 一直走就会走到天上去 没有比星子更大的花朵了 它们清澈地摇曳 与我与无量的我相互倒映 空中草原 一个在天上一个在喀拉峻 紫色马紫色骑手从冰山走来 我为迟到的看见而啜泣—— 为重新看见她为刚刚看见自己 一次短暂的盛开懵懂的圆满 展开更多
关键词 鸽子花 伊宁机场 水洼 娜夜 飞轻 红门兰 花丛中 福报 牛蹄 牛群
作者 高凤香 《中学语文教学参考》 2016年第1期81-82,137,共3页
徜徉植物园,惊叹于园艺师的巧手:高一剪低一剪,荒长的枝条便生出一树的俊秀;左一扭右一扭,单调的藤蔓便拧出龙飞凤舞的雄姿。如果,语文教师舞动自己的思想之手,让教学设计长成一棵风景树,学生流连于树下,赏花摘果,是不是便会忘记铃声... 徜徉植物园,惊叹于园艺师的巧手:高一剪低一剪,荒长的枝条便生出一树的俊秀;左一扭右一扭,单调的藤蔓便拧出龙飞凤舞的雄姿。如果,语文教师舞动自己的思想之手,让教学设计长成一棵风景树,学生流连于树下,赏花摘果,是不是便会忘记铃声何时响起?如果,我们的每次教学设计都能长出一棵风景树,三年时间, 展开更多
关键词 风景树 藤蔓 赤壁赋 《滕王阁序》 自主选择学习 语言美 自主学习 写作思路 飞轻 传统教法
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