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某型涡轴发动机离心飞重伺服组件工作原理与建模仿真研究 被引量:4
作者 傅强 樊丁 《计算机测量与控制》 北大核心 2013年第2期509-511,共3页
针对某型涡轴发动机离心飞重伺服组件进行了研究;通过对其结构及工作原理的分析,得出其动、静态条件下具体的数学模型;为验证模型的正确性,在AMESim软件中搭建了离心飞重伺服组件的模型对其进行了仿真验证,并采用某研究所提供的离心飞... 针对某型涡轴发动机离心飞重伺服组件进行了研究;通过对其结构及工作原理的分析,得出其动、静态条件下具体的数学模型;为验证模型的正确性,在AMESim软件中搭建了离心飞重伺服组件的模型对其进行了仿真验证,并采用某研究所提供的离心飞重组件的特性数据对搭建模型进行了对比检验;结果表明,离心飞重组件的AMESim模型仿真结果与试验结果基本一致,离心飞重组件的AMESim模型可以很好地模拟离心飞重组件。 展开更多
关键词 涡轴发动机 离心飞重 数学模型 仿真 组件
作者 王丽华 《文物鉴定与鉴赏》 2024年第18期18-21,共4页
山西省永和县棋盘山飞观神庙,第三次全国文物普查登录名称为“棋盘山飞虎神庙”,据现存《重修飞观神之庙记》,其名称应为“棋盘山飞观神庙”,应予纠正。庙宇结构形制特殊,建筑用途值得探究。现存《重修飞观神之庙记》,文笔优美,历史内... 山西省永和县棋盘山飞观神庙,第三次全国文物普查登录名称为“棋盘山飞虎神庙”,据现存《重修飞观神之庙记》,其名称应为“棋盘山飞观神庙”,应予纠正。庙宇结构形制特殊,建筑用途值得探究。现存《重修飞观神之庙记》,文笔优美,历史内涵丰富,是一方研究当地历史的重要碑刻资料。 展开更多
关键词 永和 观神庙 观神之庙记》
某型主燃油泵调节器离心飞重在油液中的轴向力计算 被引量:2
作者 张恕森 李鹏辉 +1 位作者 杨宏 刘闯 《航空维修与工程》 2020年第2期60-64,共5页
针对某型涡扇发动机离心飞重在油液中工作时轴向力的计算问题,提出了一种带油液修正的计算方式。首先确定其数学模型,再通过换算离心力的计算公式建立转速测量装置模型,为了验证其准确性,通过计算结果建立AMESim模型,并与该型发动机实... 针对某型涡扇发动机离心飞重在油液中工作时轴向力的计算问题,提出了一种带油液修正的计算方式。首先确定其数学模型,再通过换算离心力的计算公式建立转速测量装置模型,为了验证其准确性,通过计算结果建立AMESim模型,并与该型发动机实际性能测试数据进行了对比。结果表明,离心飞重AMESim仿真模型输出结果与试验结果一致,该计算方法可以很好地模拟离心飞重的实际工作情况。 展开更多
关键词 主燃油调节器 离心飞重 数学模型 仿真
拉萨机场飞机最大复飞限重提升策略研究 被引量:1
作者 孙宏 孙震 +1 位作者 孙启祯 唐彪 《交通运输工程与信息学报》 2020年第3期109-115,共7页
拉萨机场是我国西南地区最重要的高高原机场,保证航班正常运行,提高机场运行效率十分必要。本文对拉萨机场气温变化特征和夏秋季航班时刻分布规律进行统计分析,得出拉萨机场夏季下午时段航班量减少的主要原因在于“高海拔+高温”特性导... 拉萨机场是我国西南地区最重要的高高原机场,保证航班正常运行,提高机场运行效率十分必要。本文对拉萨机场气温变化特征和夏秋季航班时刻分布规律进行统计分析,得出拉萨机场夏季下午时段航班量减少的主要原因在于“高海拔+高温”特性导致的飞机发动机推力下降。运用空客PEP软件,对选装CFM56-5B7或IAEV2522-A5这两种发动机的A319机型在拉萨机场的最大复飞限重进行了计算,研究了两种发动机选型、三种不同的着陆复飞襟翼构型对改善飞机最大复飞限重的影响。结果表明通过选装高高原性能优良的发动机和优化飞机进近着陆复飞程序,可以有效提升飞机最大复飞限重。 展开更多
关键词 拉萨机场 爬升 最大复 发动机推力下降 襟翼构型优化
作者 袁芳 《黄河之声》 2018年第21期135-135,共1页
双人舞,是舞蹈艺术中的一种重要的表现形式,是以互相协调和对照性较强的动作、舞姿造型来共同表达一个主题的舞蹈。从生理角度上说,双人舞是以二人的"呼吸与配合"为前提。本文以女子双人舞作品《振翅重飞》现代舞中呼吸的运... 双人舞,是舞蹈艺术中的一种重要的表现形式,是以互相协调和对照性较强的动作、舞姿造型来共同表达一个主题的舞蹈。从生理角度上说,双人舞是以二人的"呼吸与配合"为前提。本文以女子双人舞作品《振翅重飞》现代舞中呼吸的运用为研究对像,通过参考文献、视频,并结合在校的理论学习与反复的创编实践,对舞蹈作品编创中呼吸的运用有了更深刻的认识,并提高了自身的编创能力。明白呼吸与舞蹈动作达到高度的统一、相互融合、形神兼备,才能让作品中的思想内涵才能通过舞蹈表现出来,让舞蹈更具感染力。 展开更多
关键词 双人舞 “振翅 现代舞 呼吸的运用
作者 芦晓茜 《北方音乐》 2018年第11期246-246,共1页
双人舞《振翅重飞》以现代舞的方式呈现。作品主要讲述的是两个在困苦中挣扎的年轻人,试图摆脱现实社会残酷的樊笼,渴求能像天空自由飞翔的大雁一样,无拘无束,不为现实的各种抉择而困苦不堪,在一次次的挣扎失败中,永不放弃最后看到希望... 双人舞《振翅重飞》以现代舞的方式呈现。作品主要讲述的是两个在困苦中挣扎的年轻人,试图摆脱现实社会残酷的樊笼,渴求能像天空自由飞翔的大雁一样,无拘无束,不为现实的各种抉择而困苦不堪,在一次次的挣扎失败中,永不放弃最后看到希望的过程。作品的创作灵感来源于现实生活。 展开更多
关键词 双人舞 情感 振翅
1种满足控制计划要求的凸轮型面设计方法 被引量:2
作者 王曦 《航空发动机》 2013年第1期1-5,78,共6页
针对液压机械控制装置要求按给定的稳态控制计划设计杠杆、凸轮、弹簧等结构性能参数的问题,采用了考虑离心飞重块工作在燃油中的浮力效应和液体离心力效应对离心飞重换算轴向离心力的修正方法,精确地计算了转速摆动活门的转速-弹簧位... 针对液压机械控制装置要求按给定的稳态控制计划设计杠杆、凸轮、弹簧等结构性能参数的问题,采用了考虑离心飞重块工作在燃油中的浮力效应和液体离心力效应对离心飞重换算轴向离心力的修正方法,精确地计算了转速摆动活门的转速-弹簧位移关系的输入输出特性;利用转速给定装置凸轮杠杆机构的叠加特性解决了油门杆角度和发动机进口温度同时变化时相关的控制计划反映在指令弹簧上的位移计算问题;同时从刚架的运动特性规律中抽象出几何不变性,提出了1种按控制计划的不同要求对转速指令凸轮、慢车温度修正凸轮和大车温度修正凸轮进行设计的方法。设计的凸轮按其内在的输入输出特性关系通过各模块之间的信息传递关系以液压机械的控制方式实现了发动机所要求的复杂转速控制计划,对这一设计方法进行了对比验证,可满足设计要求,具有通用性。 展开更多
关键词 凸轮设计方法 控制计划 离心飞重 几何不变性 弹簧位移输入输出特性
作者 陈俊逸 《中国科技信息》 2012年第9期113-113,125,共2页
CFM56-3系列发动机是由美国通用电气公司(GE)和法国国营航空发动机研制公司(SNECMA)组成的国际公司(CFMI)研制生产的为波音B737-300/400/500型航空器翼吊发动机;其N2转速管理系统为飞机提供精确的燃油控制功能以防止发动机超速及失速情... CFM56-3系列发动机是由美国通用电气公司(GE)和法国国营航空发动机研制公司(SNECMA)组成的国际公司(CFMI)研制生产的为波音B737-300/400/500型航空器翼吊发动机;其N2转速管理系统为飞机提供精确的燃油控制功能以防止发动机超速及失速情况的发生。N2转速管理系统主要通过接受发动机的核心转子转速(N2)和动力角(PLA)来控制燃油流量使发动机实际转速与目标转速相符。 展开更多
关键词 N2转速管理系统 燃油计量活门FMV 核心转子转速N2 伺服活塞作动筒 伺服活塞作动筒流量控制阀 离心飞重 蓄能弹簧
机械离心式转速敏感元件的迟滞特性建模仿真研究 被引量:1
作者 白晓 贠超 白靖华 《机电工程》 CAS 2015年第9期1156-1159,1165,共5页
针对机械离心式转速敏感元件的迟滞问题,对影响其迟滞特性的因素和减少迟滞的控制方法进行了研究,首先阐述了机械离心式转速敏感元件的工作原理,构建了某航空发动机用转速敏感元件的数学模型,随后利用AMESim软件对元件迟滞特性进行了仿... 针对机械离心式转速敏感元件的迟滞问题,对影响其迟滞特性的因素和减少迟滞的控制方法进行了研究,首先阐述了机械离心式转速敏感元件的工作原理,构建了某航空发动机用转速敏感元件的数学模型,随后利用AMESim软件对元件迟滞特性进行了仿真,对比分析了活门摩擦力和调准弹簧刚度差两个因素对迟滞特性的影响,最后通过选取不同加工状态的活门以及不同迟滞量的弹簧进行了试验验证。研究结果表明,活门摩擦力和调准弹簧刚度差是影响元件迟滞的重要因素,通过修整活门控油孔尖边和降低调准弹簧刚度差两个方面的措施,控制元件迟滞量可满足元件迟滞性能要求。 展开更多
关键词 机械离心式转速敏感元件 离心飞重 调准弹簧 迟滞特性 AMESIM 数学模型
Leaching behavior of heavy metals with hydrochloric acid fromfly ash generated in municipal waste incineration plants 被引量:9
作者 黄凯 井上胜利 +2 位作者 原田浩幸 川喜田英孝 大渡启介 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第6期1422-1427,共6页
The extraction behavior of heavy metals from municipal waste incineration (MWI) fly ash was investigated systematically. The extraction process includes two steps, namely, fly ash was firstly washed with water, and ... The extraction behavior of heavy metals from municipal waste incineration (MWI) fly ash was investigated systematically. The extraction process includes two steps, namely, fly ash was firstly washed with water, and then subjected to hydrochloric acid leaching. The main parameters for water washing process were tested, and under the optimal conditions, about 86% Na, 70% K and 12% Ca were removed from fly ash, respectively. Hydrochloric acid was used for the extraction of valuable elements from the water-washed fly ash, and the optimal extraction was achieved for each heavy metal as follows: 86% for Pb, 98% for Zn, 82% for Fe, 96% for Cd, 62% for Cu, 80% for Al, respectively. And the main compositions of the finally obtained solid residue are Ca2PbO4, CaSi2Os, PbsSiO7, Ca3A12Si3012 and SiO2. 展开更多
关键词 municipal waste incineration fly ash heavy metals LEACHING hydrochloric acid
燃油流量调节器流量不稳故障分析与改进 被引量:2
作者 张玉龙 李胜男 +1 位作者 刘金鹏 刘晓霞 《失效分析与预防》 2014年第3期189-192,共4页
燃油流量调节器是航空发动机主燃油系统的核心部件,为发动机提供动力。本研究提到的燃油流量调节器是通过感受发动机转速、油门杆角度、高压压气机进、出口压力、高压压气机出口温度、涡轮后燃气温度等输入信号调节产品内部可变计量柱... 燃油流量调节器是航空发动机主燃油系统的核心部件,为发动机提供动力。本研究提到的燃油流量调节器是通过感受发动机转速、油门杆角度、高压压气机进、出口压力、高压压气机出口温度、涡轮后燃气温度等输入信号调节产品内部可变计量柱塞套筒组件和加速控制器套筒组件的型孔开度,调整高压泵随动活塞两端压力差,从而调整高压泵斜盘角度,最终改变燃油流量。燃油流量调节器在试车过程中经串装发动机后仍存在流量不稳故障,通过分析计算燃油流量调节器的可变计量柱塞套筒组件、P3P压力变化、飞重、温度补偿机构、转速控制套筒计量刃边等对流量变化的影响,并通过产品试验及与发动机配试,确认了燃油流量调节器流量不稳性能故障的原因。通过细化可变计量柱塞工艺方法提高表面光洁度、调整飞重装配侧隙提高抗污染能力、控制温度补偿机构及转速控制套筒部分零组件的形位公差提高运动灵活性以及明确燃油流量调节器再调活门的清洗周期等措施,可提高燃油流量调节器流量稳定性。 展开更多
关键词 流量 可变计量柱塞 转速控制套筒 飞重
FD-21风洞Ma=10高超声速推进试验技术探索 被引量:6
作者 卢洪波 陈星 +7 位作者 曾宪政 陈勇富 孙日明 文帅 戴武昊 谌君谋 毕志献 金熠 《气体物理》 2022年第2期1-12,共12页
针对Mach数8以上(Ma>8)冲压发动机地面试验能力不足问题,基于FD-21高能脉冲风洞,开展了吸气式推进试验技术探索,提升了FD-21风洞的重活塞驱动能力,获得了总压18.66 MPa、总温3950 K、Ma=9.62、静压436.6 Pa、速度3 km/s的高焓大动压... 针对Mach数8以上(Ma>8)冲压发动机地面试验能力不足问题,基于FD-21高能脉冲风洞,开展了吸气式推进试验技术探索,提升了FD-21风洞的重活塞驱动能力,获得了总压18.66 MPa、总温3950 K、Ma=9.62、静压436.6 Pa、速度3 km/s的高焓大动压模拟流场,同时发展了高时间分辨率吸收光谱测量技术和基于重模型自由飞原理的发动机推阻测量方法.在此基础上,设计了弯曲激波压缩二元发动机,构建了燃料在线供应与喷注控制、模型悬挂与瞬态释放及相关测量一体的试验系统,在所建立的Ma=9.62风洞模拟环境中进行了集成验证试验,定量测得了有/无氢气射流与空气/氮气超声速气流作用下二元发动机的壁面压力、吸收光谱峰值吸收率、轴向力等数据,并利用纹影观测到了进气道唇口与燃烧室部位的波系特征.多次试验所得的壁面压力、峰值吸收率、轴向力随时间变化曲线均存在2 ms以上的平台,表明二元发动机建立了准定常流动.冷热态及氮气对照组对应的壁面压力分布、峰值吸收率、轴向力等数据呈现出了明显不同,且二者规律近似一致,一方面说明所建立的模拟流场、燃烧诊断技术、发动机推阻测量技术是有效的,另一方面也表明二元发动机实现了点火燃烧、获得有效热功转换,为后续相关研究奠定了良好的基础. 展开更多
关键词 FD-21高焓激波风洞 Ma=10超燃冲压发动机 自由射流试验 模型自由技术 吸收光谱测量技术
Analysis of Resistance-related Proteins in Rice Against Brown Planthopper by Two-dimensional Electrophoresis 被引量:12
作者 陈荣智 翁清妹 +2 位作者 黄臻 祝莉莉 何光存 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2002年第4期427-432,共6页
A recombinant inbred population (RI) was constructed from a cross between B5, an introgression. line from the wild rice Oryza officinalis Wall. ex Watt, and susceptible cultivar Minghui 63 ( O. sativa L.). The brown p... A recombinant inbred population (RI) was constructed from a cross between B5, an introgression. line from the wild rice Oryza officinalis Wall. ex Watt, and susceptible cultivar Minghui 63 ( O. sativa L.). The brown planthopper ( BPH) resistances of RI lines were evaluated. Based on bulked segregant analysis (BSA), two protein bulks were made by extracting proteins from equally mixed seedlings of extremely resistant and susceptible plants selected from the RI population, respectively. Two-dimensional electrophoresis was used to detect the changes of polypeptide pattern. Results showed that a protein P40 ( pI 6.3, Mw 40 kD) was significantly reduced or vanished after BPH infestation for 48 h in the susceptible bulk, while it remained uninfluenced in the resistant bulk. In connection with the physiological changes of the resistant and susceptible lines subjected to BPH sucking, we suppose that the protein P40 is related to the interaction responses of lice plants to BPH infestation. 展开更多
关键词 RICE recombinant inbred lines brown planthopper resistance two-dimensional electrophoresis
万众瞩目汽车召回 被引量:1
作者 徐国立 《质量技术监督研究》 2002年第12期5-11,共7页
中国入世后,汽车召回一直是业界的热门话题,但好事多磨,原来有望在今年二月出台的汽车召回政策的喜讯再度搁浅,是否应该实行汽车召回,让消费者享受国民待遇的争论也由此进入新的高潮。近日国家质检总局正式向社会公布了《缺陷汽车产品... 中国入世后,汽车召回一直是业界的热门话题,但好事多磨,原来有望在今年二月出台的汽车召回政策的喜讯再度搁浅,是否应该实行汽车召回,让消费者享受国民待遇的争论也由此进入新的高潮。近日国家质检总局正式向社会公布了《缺陷汽车产品召回管理规定(草案)》,这标志着中国广大消费者热切关注的汽车召回制度终于有了定数。 展开更多
关键词 缺陷汽车 质量信息 蒸焦 嶙嶙 弓头 气艇 产品召回 飞重 蒸罐 画商
Strength and thermal behavior of low weight foam geopolymer using circulating fluidized bed combustion fly ash 被引量:7
作者 刘泽 邵宁宁 +3 位作者 秦俊峰 孔凡龙 王春雪 王栋民 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第9期3633-3640,共8页
A comparative study of the influence of elevated temperature on foam geopolymer using circulating fluidized bed combustion fly ash(CFA) was reported. Foam geopoymers were prepared with different amounts of foam agen... A comparative study of the influence of elevated temperature on foam geopolymer using circulating fluidized bed combustion fly ash(CFA) was reported. Foam geopoymers were prepared with different amounts of foam agent and different Si O2/Al2O3 molar ratios of 3.1, 3.4, and 3.8. The mechanical, thermo-physical properties and microstructure of the foam geopolymers before and after exposure to elevated temperature of 800, 1000, and 1200 ℃ were investigated. The specimen with Si O2/Al2O3 molar ratio of 3.8 exhibits the highest compressive strength, better microstructure and dimension stability before and after firing. Carnegeite, nepheline, and zeolite crystalline phases appearing after exposure may contribute to the good post-exposure strength. Low weight foam geopolymer using CFA can increase strength and maintain higher stability as high as 1000 ℃. 展开更多
关键词 foam geopolymer circulating fluidized bed combustion fly ash thermal analysis MICROSTRUCTURE STRENGTH
Engine-Out Takeoff Path Optimization for Large Civil Aircraft 被引量:4
作者 Bertrand Masson Michael Bain John Page 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2013年第6期352-361,共10页
Maximum regulated takeoff weights and hence payloads of large commercial jets are limited by government regulations which take into account local airport conditions as well as a variety of safety factors. One of the c... Maximum regulated takeoff weights and hence payloads of large commercial jets are limited by government regulations which take into account local airport conditions as well as a variety of safety factors. One of the challenging conditions that must be met is linked to a minimum obstacle clearance in the unlikely event of an engine failure on the runway at the worst possible time. This requirement becomes an overriding factor for airports surrounded by challenging terrain, and therefore a well defined takeoff path out of these airports has the potential to transform a financially unsustainable operation into a commercially viable one. The research described in this paper represents an ongoing attempt to resolve this important problem and makes use of recent advances in robot path planning techniques. 展开更多
关键词 TAKEOFF RNP (required navigation performance) large aircraft engine out procedure path planning.
Path planning for UAVs formation reconfiguration based on Dubins trajectory 被引量:7
作者 CHEN Qing-yang LU Ya-fei +3 位作者 JIA Gao-wei LI Yue ZHU Bing-jie LIN Jun-can 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第11期2664-2676,共13页
Multiple UAVs are usually deployed to provide robustness through redundancy and to accomplish surveillance,search,attack and rescue missions.Formation reconfiguration was inevitable during the flight when the mission ... Multiple UAVs are usually deployed to provide robustness through redundancy and to accomplish surveillance,search,attack and rescue missions.Formation reconfiguration was inevitable during the flight when the mission was adjusted or the environment varied.Taking the typical formation reconfiguration from a triangular penetrating formation to a circular tracking formation for example,a path planning method based on Dubins trajectory and particle swarm optimization(PSO)algorithm is presented in this paper.The mathematic model of multiple UAVs formation reconfiguration was built firstly.According to the kinematic model of aerial vehicles,a process of dimensionality reduction was carried out to simplify the model based on Dubins trajectory.The PSO algorithm was adopted to resolve the optimization problem of formation reconfiguration path planning.Finally,the simulation and vehicles flight experiment are executed.Results show that the path planning method based on the Dubins trajectory and the PSO algorithm can generate feasible paths for vehicles on time,to guarantee the rapidity and effectiveness of formation reconfigurations.Furthermore,from the simulation results,the method is universal and could be extended easily to the path planning problem for different kinds of formation reconfigurations. 展开更多
关键词 unmanned aerial vehicles formation reconfiguration path planning Dubins trajectory particle swarm optimization
Characteristics of MSWI fly ash during vitrification
作者 田书磊 王琪 +1 位作者 汪群慧 马鸿志 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2009年第1期107-110,共4页
The vitrification characteristics of municipal solid waste incinerator (MSWI) fly ash were investigated. Effects of temperature on the binding efficiency of heavy metals, the change of chemical compositions and the we... The vitrification characteristics of municipal solid waste incinerator (MSWI) fly ash were investigated. Effects of temperature on the binding efficiency of heavy metals, the change of chemical compositions and the weight loss of fly ash in the range of 800-1350 ℃ were studied. Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) of the United States was used to analyze the leaching characteristics of heavy metals in fly ash and molten slag. Results indicate that chemical compositions, the weight loss of fly ash and the binding efficiency of heavy metals in fly ash have a tremendous change in the range of 1150-1260 ℃. The percentage of CaO, SiO2 and Al2O3 increases with the increasing temperature, whereas it is contrary for SO3, K2O, Na2O and Cl; especially when the temperature is 1260 ℃, the percentage of these four elements decreases sharply from 43.72% to 0.71%. The weight loss occurs obviously in the range of 1150-1260 ℃. Heavy metals of Pb and Cd are almost vaporized above 1000 ℃. Cr is not volatile and its binding efficiency can reach 100% below 1000 ℃. Results of TCLP indicate that the heavy metal content of molten slag is beyond stipulated limit values. 展开更多
关键词 heavy metal SWI fly ash caching concentration
The Degree of Association between Concepts Focusing on the Viewpoint
作者 Misako Imono Eriko Yoshimura +1 位作者 Seiji Tsuchiya Hirokazu Watabe 《Computer Technology and Application》 2012年第12期801-807,共7页
For a computer to perform intelligent information processing requires functions that can extract concepts from words, as humans do, and then associate those concepts with related concepts. In order to implement this a... For a computer to perform intelligent information processing requires functions that can extract concepts from words, as humans do, and then associate those concepts with related concepts. In order to implement this association function, it is necessary to quantify the degree of association between two concepts. In the present paper, we propose a method for quantifying degree of association focusing on the viewpoint that uses a concept base (a knowledge base that expresses concepts as a collection of pairs, each pair consisting of an attribute word used to describe the concept and a weighting that expresses the word's importance). Here, "Viewpoint" is the perspective from which a concept is viewed; for example, consider the degree of association between "airplane" and "automobile", and the degree of association between "airplane" and "bird". From the viewpoint of "vehicle", "airplane" and "automobile" are highly related, while from the viewpoint of "flight", "airplane" and "bird" are highly related. We present herein a comparison of two methods for calculating degree of association focusing on the viewpoint, and demonstrate that the method involving modulation of attribute weightings based on viewpoint results in degree of association calculations that are closer to human senses. 展开更多
关键词 Degree of association VIEWPOINT concept-base.
Establishment and application of a multiplex genetic mutation-detection method of lung cancer based on MassARRAY platform 被引量:5
作者 Hong-Xia Tian Xu-Chao Zhang +4 位作者 Zhen Wang Jian-Guang Chen Shi-Liang Chen Wei-Bang Guo Yi-Long Wu 《Cancer Biology & Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第1期68-76,共9页
Objective: This study aims to establish a method for highly parallel multiplexed detection of genetic mutations in Chinese lung cancer samples through Agena i PLEX chemistry and matrix-assisted laser desorption ioniza... Objective: This study aims to establish a method for highly parallel multiplexed detection of genetic mutations in Chinese lung cancer samples through Agena i PLEX chemistry and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight analysis on Mass ARRAY mass spectrometry platform.Methods: We reviewed the related literature and data on lung cancer treatments. We also identified 99 mutation hot spots in 13 target genes closely related to the pathogenesis, drug resistance, and metastasis of lung cancer. A total of 297 primers, composed of99 paired forward and reverse amplification primers and 99 matched extension primers, were designed using Assay Design software. The detection method was established by analyzing eight cell lines and six lung cancer specimens. The proposed method was then validated through comparisons by using a Lung Carta^(TM) kit. The sensitivity and specificity of the proposed method were evaluated by directly sequencing EGFR and KRAS genes in 100 lung cancer cases.Results: The proposed method was able to detect multiplex genetic mutations in lung cancer cell lines. This finding was consistent with the observations on previously reported mutations. The proposed method can also detect such mutations in clinical lung cancer specimens. This result was consistent with the observations with Lung Carta^(TM) kit. However, an FGFR2 mutation was detected only through the proposed method. The measured sensitivity and specificity were 100% and 96.3%, respectively.Conclusions: The proposed Mass ARRAY technology-based multiplex method can detect genetic mutations in Chinese lung cancer patients. Therefore, the proposed method can be applied to detect mutations in other cancer tissues. 展开更多
关键词 Lung neoplasms driver genes mutation multigene testing MassARRAY
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