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作者 赵文海 韩春平 何瑞玲 《肉品卫生》 2002年第5期14-15,共2页
2001年对通辽市市场上销售的各种肉灌食品290份进行了卫生状况调查,结果为:春季合格率为91.18%;夏季合格率为84.21%;秋季合格率为86.25%;冬季合格率为93.94%;总合格率为86.90%。提示我们必须重视生产、储存、运输、销售、食用的每... 2001年对通辽市市场上销售的各种肉灌食品290份进行了卫生状况调查,结果为:春季合格率为91.18%;夏季合格率为84.21%;秋季合格率为86.25%;冬季合格率为93.94%;总合格率为86.90%。提示我们必须重视生产、储存、运输、销售、食用的每一个环节的卫生问题,加大卫生知识的宣传、普及、加大卫生执法力度,从严监督,让消费者买到放心、安全的肉灌食品,保证人们的身体健康。 展开更多
关键词 通辽市 食品 检测分析 卫生状况
蛋白芯片检测法验证热加工肉及含肉食品的加热效果 被引量:6
作者 韩伟 顾鸣 +2 位作者 杨捷琳 张柳 杨峥嵘 《检验检疫科学》 2008年第3期22-24,共3页
关键词 热加工及含食品 加热效果 HACCP 全自动蛋白芯片检测
作者 吕晓英 吕胜利 《甘肃农业》 2002年第5期13-15,共3页
关键词 招商引资 开发 食品 高原地区 天然食品 草地 蓄牧业 可持续发展
作者 孟建军 《中国卫生工程学》 CAS 2008年第3期190-190,共1页
关键词 食品 抽检 卫生质量
作者 唐竹村 曹宏 戴定中 《北华大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2001年第3期231-231,共1页
关键词 灌肠食品 卫生质量 亚硝酸盐
作者 殷国政 陈金发 +2 位作者 刘耀庆 刘新达 李红梅 《养殖与饲料》 2020年第9期121-122,共2页
随着宠物食品市场的不断发展,消费者的需求也越来越具体。"有机"和"天然"不再是宠物主人唯一想看到的时髦词汇;高端宠物食品领域的细分市场正在不断扩大,高肉类宠物食品也在这些细分市场之列。为此,本文简述了宠物... 随着宠物食品市场的不断发展,消费者的需求也越来越具体。"有机"和"天然"不再是宠物主人唯一想看到的时髦词汇;高端宠物食品领域的细分市场正在不断扩大,高肉类宠物食品也在这些细分市场之列。为此,本文简述了宠物食品市场的细分需求;从生产工艺、市场需求、高肉产品3个方面分析了高肉宠物食品行业近况,以期为宠物食品市场的发展提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 宠物食品 高质量 膳食 市场
作者 关风权 《山东肉类科技》 CAS 1995年第4期3-4,共2页
关键词 食品企业 类加工企业 新思路 提高经济效益 五莲县 白条 要效益 食品肉 寻求对策 速食
作者 王络 《农村新技术》 2006年第1期58-59,共2页
关键词 市场现状 欧盟委员会 源性食品
作者 屈笑宇 《质量天地》 1999年第6期40-40,共1页
在黑龙江省市场调查大队对哈尔滨市十余家食品商场的红肠的一次千人抽样调查表明: “大众”、“秋林”、“哈义”名列前茅.“大众”和“秋林”红肠做为哈尔滨的“老字号”产品,在消费者心目中已有多年历史,那么。
关键词 食品 哈尔滨市 哈尔滨红肠 专卖店 食品 黑龙江省 市场调查 抽样调查 流水线 生产基地
作者 曹勇 蒲朝文 +5 位作者 康晓丽 张仁平 李恒 封雷 艾彦彪 喻珊 《寄生虫病与感染性疾病》 CAS 2018年第1期1-3,共3页
目的监测分析重庆市涪陵区鸡肉、鸭肉、猪肉、鱼肉、禽蛋食品中黄曲霉毒素B1(AFB1)含量状况,为食品安全监管及预防控制AFB1危害人体健康提供科学依据。方法 2013-2016年采集涪陵区鸡肉、鸭肉、猪肉、鱼肉、禽蛋等5种市民主要食用的肉蛋... 目的监测分析重庆市涪陵区鸡肉、鸭肉、猪肉、鱼肉、禽蛋食品中黄曲霉毒素B1(AFB1)含量状况,为食品安全监管及预防控制AFB1危害人体健康提供科学依据。方法 2013-2016年采集涪陵区鸡肉、鸭肉、猪肉、鱼肉、禽蛋等5种市民主要食用的肉蛋类食品,用酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA)检测AFB1含量。结果抽检样品326件,检出AFB1含量范围分别为(μg/kg):鸡肉0.18~1.76、鸭肉0.08~1.85、猪肉0.16~2.11、鱼肉0.11~1.70、禽蛋0.06~2.12;均值(±s,μg/kg)为鸡肉0.57±0.25、鸭肉0.61±0.25、猪肉0.54±0.28、鱼肉0.47±0.29、禽蛋0.53±0.33。结论该地区鸡肉、鸭肉、猪肉、鱼肉、禽蛋食品受到AFB1不同程度污染,但检出AFB1含量低,食品安全风险低。 展开更多
关键词 黄曲霉毒素B1 蛋类食品 监测 分析
作者 孔凡嘉 《山东肉类科技》 CAS 1994年第3期3-3,共1页
五莲县食品总公司于五月八日召开食品工作会议。主要议题是:贯彻落实上级关于食品工作的一系列指示精神,认清食品行业面临的严峻形势,进一步解放思想,转变观念,振作精神,加大措施,大干五、六月,为全面完成年初提出的奋斗目标奠定基础。... 五莲县食品总公司于五月八日召开食品工作会议。主要议题是:贯彻落实上级关于食品工作的一系列指示精神,认清食品行业面临的严峻形势,进一步解放思想,转变观念,振作精神,加大措施,大干五、六月,为全面完成年初提出的奋斗目标奠定基础。 会议结合1~4月份的生产经营情况,经过分析讨论认为:食品肉联行业的优势在削弱,经营阵地在缩小。 展开更多
关键词 振作精神 认清形势 食品肉 五莲县 生产经营情况 主要议题 解放思想 严峻形势 食品行业 分析讨论
Effect of Delay Chilling on μ-calpain Activities and the Tenderness of Bovine M. longissimus
作者 胡鹏 丁玉 +1 位作者 梁荣蓉 罗欣 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第5期90-92,158,共4页
μ-calpain activities and shear force values of bovine M. longissimus from Chinese Yellow crossbred bulls were analyzed,and the effect of delay chilling on μ-calpain activities and the tenderness of beef during postm... μ-calpain activities and shear force values of bovine M. longissimus from Chinese Yellow crossbred bulls were analyzed,and the effect of delay chilling on μ-calpain activities and the tenderness of beef during postmortem aging were studied. The results showed that delay chilling significantly improved μ-calpain activities (P<0.05) and enhanced the tenderness of bovine M. longissimus during earlier aging periods compared with conventional chilling. But in later aging periods,delay chilling weakened the effect on the tenderness of beef because of premature consumption of μ-calpain. The experiment results confirmed that delay chilling improved the rate of postmortem aging of beef and remarkably enhanced the tenderness of beef through the effect of delay chilling on μ-calpain activities. 展开更多
关键词 Delay chilling Shear force values Tendemess μ-calpain activities
Meat Production through Evaluation of Stallion Prospects for Simmental and Simbrah Cattle
作者 Nelson Manzanares-Miranda Horatio Villalón-Mendoza +1 位作者 Gustavo Moreno-Degollado Jorge Ramsy Kawas 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2015年第8期703-708,共6页
In the world, many research has been made to increase the quality and quantity of food production, and also to seek increase of accessibility of consumption for the population, especially in low economic income commun... In the world, many research has been made to increase the quality and quantity of food production, and also to seek increase of accessibility of consumption for the population, especially in low economic income communities, where the consumption of protein may be very important for public health and sustainable development. The main objective of this study was to generate knowledge to increase food safety in the production of meat through the assessment of cattle that are prospect to be stallions of the Simmental and Simbrah breeds. This took place in Linares, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. The period of time for the test to get accurate data regarding food consumption in this study was 70 d. The Simmental breed surpasses the Simbrah breed, with respect to increase in daily weight and increase in final weight (P ≤ 0.05). If Northeast México is looking to enhance food safety through a higher increase in final weight, then it should consider the Simmental breed as the most appropriate. 展开更多
关键词 SIMMENTAL Simbrah STALLIONS food security.
Industrial High Pressure Processing of Foods: Review of Evolution and Emerging Trends
作者 Francisco Purroy Balda Beatriz Val Aparicio Carole Tonello Samson 《Journal of Food Science and Engineering》 2012年第10期543-549,共7页
High Pressure Processing (HPP), in the range of 200 MPa to 600 MPa/29,000 psi to 87,000 psi, is the most advanced emerging non-thermal processing technology for food. The constant improvements of high pressure equip... High Pressure Processing (HPP), in the range of 200 MPa to 600 MPa/29,000 psi to 87,000 psi, is the most advanced emerging non-thermal processing technology for food. The constant improvements of high pressure equipment concerning productivity and production costs have facilitated the increase of industrial uses of the technology. This paper reviews some of these advances in high pressure food processing including development of new functional beverages the new value proposals being offered by copackers substitution of traditional thermal techniques for novel product manufacturing and refrigerated services suppliers. Substitution of thermal treatments for meat processing and tenderisation of low value meat cuts. 展开更多
关键词 Industrial HPP equipment functional products toll processing meat tenderization HPP.
作者 吴军 钱声芬 张洪义 《中国卫生质量管理》 1998年第2期45-46,共2页
通过对269份熟食冷拼菜监测结果的分析,证明一、四季度合格率明显高于二、三季度,差别非常显著;大、中型餐厅合格率明显高于小型餐厅;冷荤、素菜之间合格率无显著差别。提出冷拼菜的制作必须具备专用加工间、专用工具容器、专人制作,严... 通过对269份熟食冷拼菜监测结果的分析,证明一、四季度合格率明显高于二、三季度,差别非常显著;大、中型餐厅合格率明显高于小型餐厅;冷荤、素菜之间合格率无显著差别。提出冷拼菜的制作必须具备专用加工间、专用工具容器、专人制作,严格操作卫生与消毒,尽量缩短加工到食用的时间,减少食品污染机会,加强经常性卫生监督,特别是制作过程中工具容器、熟食冰箱的使用卫生管理和监督监测,制定相应的管理与消毒制度及卫生标准,是减少食品污染和防止食物中毒发生的根本途径。 展开更多
关键词 食品 熟食冷拼盘 监测 分析 卫生监督
Relevance of Dried Meat Product (Kundi), an Intermediate Moisture Meat, for Food Security
作者 P. O. Fakolade 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2011年第4X期563-569,共7页
The main goal of food security is for individual to be able to obtain adequate and quality food needed at all times, and to utilise the food to meet the body needs. Kundi is a relish Intermediate Moisture Meat (dried... The main goal of food security is for individual to be able to obtain adequate and quality food needed at all times, and to utilise the food to meet the body needs. Kundi is a relish Intermediate Moisture Meat (dried meat) product, produced in the Northern part of Nigeria. 2-3 years old male Camelus dromedarius and White Fulani animals were used for this study, 2 kg of semimembranous muscles from each animal were used, and trimmed of all external fat, connective tissues and bones. Meat samples were cut in sizeable pieces of weight ranges 70-90 grams of 6-8 cm and kept in the refrigerator for 24 hours. Fresh meat cuts were boiled for 20 minutes at 100 ~C, seasoned and oven dried for 3 hours at 170 ~C. This study assessed the proximate composition of fresh and dried meat (Kundi) products and their sensory evaluation in a completely randomized design. The results showed that fresh camel meat had 74.55% and 21.96% significantly (P 〈 0.05) higher in moisture and protein content than 72.69% and 18.96% of fresh beef, while fresh beef had higher (P 〈 0.05) ether extract (6.34%) than fresh camel meat (2.39%). Laboratory Prepared Beef Kundi (LPBK) had the highest (P 〈 0.05) value in moisture content 35.09% followed by Laboratory Prepared Camel 'Kundi' (LPCK) with 33.21% while Commercial Kundi (CK) had the least. Protein obtained was inversely proportionally to moisture content. Ether extract for LPCK and LPBK were statistically similar (P 〉 0.05) and both were lower (P 〈 0.05) than value obtained for CK. The results obtained for sensory evaluation showed that the panelist rated seasoned Kundi to have the highest significant (P 〈 0.05) valve for tenderness, flavour, colour, juiciness, texture and acceptability with values 6.50, 5.30, 6.50, 6.53, 6.30 and 7.00 respectively. Study showed that dry meat products (Kundi) is of high nutritional qualities, and could be of a great relevance; to food security. 展开更多
关键词 Kundi BEEF CAMEL seasoned and unseasoned kundi.
Sustainability and Market Orientation in the Brazilian Beef Chain
作者 Miguelangelo Gianezini Julio Otavio Jardim Barcellos +2 位作者 Clandio Favarini Ruviaro Tamara Esteves de Oliveira Homero Dewes 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2014年第4期249-260,共12页
The demand for natural resources, energy and food facing the contemporary perception of sustainability is imposing challenges to the productive sectors in accordance with market guidelines. In this context, the Brazil... The demand for natural resources, energy and food facing the contemporary perception of sustainability is imposing challenges to the productive sectors in accordance with market guidelines. In this context, the Brazilian agribusiness seeks to maintain external competitiveness and to satisfy growing domestic demands. In beef production, this competitiveness pervades traceability, food safety and sustainability. This article aims to identify the sustainability state of the art in agribusiness and characterize it within the Brazilian beef chain. Descriptive methodology, combining a literature review and a documentary data survey were adopted. An outline of the dimensions of agribusiness sustainability, drawn from benchmark practices, indicates that environmental, social and technological demands have become part of the industry's agenda. The data for beef cattle point to a growth in production but demonstrate that expansion has occurred in areas of environmental tension, which creates a demand for sustainability in the beef chain. A table of guidelines for sustainability demonstrates that although perceptions are not yet harmonized among the links in the whole beef chain, many of the technological guidelines for sustainable production may increase the producer's economic efficiency. In the Brazilian case, the increment of initiatives and dissemination of sustainable practices among the beef chain is desirable to provide a coordinated response of production, processing and distribution organizations facing market opportunities for sustainable livestock. 展开更多
关键词 Agribusiness LIVESTOCK PROCESS sustainable production demand chains.
Evaluation of Kenyan Orange Fleshed Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas Lam,) Purees for Functional Food Production
作者 Muchiri M. Njeri McCartney Anne L. 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2014年第2期128-133,共6页
Consumption of functional foods with health promoting benefits and/or disease prevention has been on the increase globally. The study aimed at evaluating the potential of utilizing Kenyan orange fleshed sweet potato ... Consumption of functional foods with health promoting benefits and/or disease prevention has been on the increase globally. The study aimed at evaluating the potential of utilizing Kenyan orange fleshed sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas Lam.) for functional food production with aesthetics benefits. Purees from three different varieties of orange fleshed sweet potato (OFSP) were analyzed for nutritional, physicochemical and microbial quality, The findings of the study show that the three purees were all microbiologically safe and of near neutral pH, but differed significantly (P 〈 0.05) in nutrient content (dry matter content, 12.76-28.23%; crude fiber, 1.37-2.90% fresh weight basis (FWB); 13-carotene, 0.94-9.27 mg/100g dry weight basis (DWB); starch, 10.20-18.30% FWB & total sugar 27.08-31.76% DWB). The purees had attractive appearance (ranging from yellow to dark orange), with varying significantly different spectrophotometer hunters color scale (P 〈 0.05), and flow ability. Conclusions from the findings show great potential of utilizing the varying properties of OFSP puree to produce enriched functional food products such as probiotic/prebiotic dairy, beverages, bakery and baby foods. 展开更多
关键词 Orange fleshed sweet potato puree functional foods sustainable nutrition.
The Elaboration of Horse Meat Products Technology
作者 Abzhanova Sholpan Kizatova Maigul Mukhtarkhanova Rauan Tarakbaeva Raushan Abilmazhinova Nazum 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2012年第10期1180-1184,共5页
In Kazakhstan, production of meat has traditionally been considered one of the main priorities in agriculture. In this case the main national source of traditional raw meat materials is lamb and horse meat. The soluti... In Kazakhstan, production of meat has traditionally been considered one of the main priorities in agriculture. In this case the main national source of traditional raw meat materials is lamb and horse meat. The solution of a food problem about providing the population of the country with high-grade food protein, expansion of the range of food, increase of their biological and food value, and also creation of products meeting the requirements of a healthy food of the population, are actual problems of modem society. One of the available ways to solve these problems is the development of technology for production of various products combined with physico-biological technologies. In this regard, particular interest is creation of the combination of meat and vegetable raw materials. The aim is to develop the technology of molded meat product with the use of plant materials. 展开更多
关键词 Horse meat PUMPKIN ordinary meat kazy zhaya SAUSAGE VITAMINS SAUCE protein.
Physico-Chemical and Organoleptic Quality of Madurese Spicy Dried Beef Prepared with Different Concentrations of Cooking Salt and Cane Sugar
作者 H. Pumomo S. Tjitarso P. S. Naryanto 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2011年第8期1115-1117,共3页
Madurese s;picy dried beef is an indegenious sun dried meat incorporating cooking salt, cane sugar and spices and have not been explored scientifically. The purpose of this study was to find out the effect of differen... Madurese s;picy dried beef is an indegenious sun dried meat incorporating cooking salt, cane sugar and spices and have not been explored scientifically. The purpose of this study was to find out the effect of different concentrations of cooking salt and cane sugar on physico-chemical and organoleptic quality of Madurese spicy dried beef. Randomized Block Design with two factors namely concentration of cooking salt (1%, 2% and 3% w/w) and cane sugar (3%, 6% and 9% w/w), and three replications were used in this study. The increasing amount of either cooking salt and cane sugar incorporated during preparation affected the samples salt, total sugar and moisture contents as well as it's aw value and texture of end products. From the organoleptic properties it was found that these treatments only affected the taste of spicy dried beef. Best sample was obtained from incorporating 3% cooking salt and 6% cane sugar with moisture content: 7.11%, aw: 0.354, salt content: 8.17%, total sugar content: 16.91%, texture: 0.0107 kiloNewton and panelists scores tbr texture 5.03; taste 4.53 and colour 5.31. Amino acids profile analysis of best sample showed that the most dominant amino acid was Glutamic acid (7.34%) followed by Aspartic acid (4.15%), Lysine (3.30%) and Leucine (3.22%). It can be concluded that to get the best spicy dried beef, the amount of 3% cooking salt and 6% cane sugar should be incorporated during preparation. 展开更多
关键词 Madurese spicy dried beef cooking salt cane sugar
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