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从古代食玉成风看中国传统玉文化审美经验的跃迁 被引量:1
作者 李鹏飞 《宝石和宝石学杂志》 CAS 2014年第5期75-80,共6页
食玉是魏晋六朝时代的一种流行风气,其积极价值在于以一种粗俗的现实主义精神破坏了汉儒的形式主义比德于玉观,建构了玉审美的俗世主义精神取向,也为复兴先秦以玉类比人之美的生命精神创造了条件。玉石和玉雕本身的美,高度契合六朝美学... 食玉是魏晋六朝时代的一种流行风气,其积极价值在于以一种粗俗的现实主义精神破坏了汉儒的形式主义比德于玉观,建构了玉审美的俗世主义精神取向,也为复兴先秦以玉类比人之美的生命精神创造了条件。玉石和玉雕本身的美,高度契合六朝美学对自然与人格之美的推崇,在《世说新语》《文心雕龙》等美学经典中,可以看到当时人心中玉之审美经验的高度。因此,六朝,并非一般认为的"古玉"衰落期,而是中国传统玉文化审美转折与范型的重要时期。 展开更多
关键词 食玉成风 审美经验 六朝
作者 薛世平 《中国文化》 2002年第19期120-122,共3页
中國是世界上用玉最早的國家,也是生產玉器歷史最為悠久、經驗最為豐富的國家。早在距今7000多年前的新石器時代,就已開始利用天然玉料制作精細的工具和装飾品。中國玉雕工藝精湛,在世界上久負盛名,其傳統綿延下絕,一脈傳承到近現代。... 中國是世界上用玉最早的國家,也是生產玉器歷史最為悠久、經驗最為豐富的國家。早在距今7000多年前的新石器時代,就已開始利用天然玉料制作精細的工具和装飾品。中國玉雕工藝精湛,在世界上久負盛名,其傳統綿延下絕,一脈傳承到近現代。世界上沒有哪一個民族像漢民族那樣與王結下了不解之緣,并對古代文化產生了那樣大的影響。 展开更多
关键词 食玉现象 崇拜 溯源 道家 文化
作者 黄菲菲 《今古文创》 2022年第18期35-37,共3页
关键词 食玉 汉魏六朝 长生
作者 赵庆杰 郭兴东 《新农村(黑龙江)》 2014年第12期25-25,共1页
鲜食玉米保鲜行业起步于上个世纪九十年代初,十几年时间,行业就从产品的导入期进入产品的饱和期,从高利润期进入到价格竞争的激烈的低利润时期。行业内的各企业都感受到了竞争的压力和来自多方面的威胁。今后企业怎样走?发展趋势是... 鲜食玉米保鲜行业起步于上个世纪九十年代初,十几年时间,行业就从产品的导入期进入产品的饱和期,从高利润期进入到价格竞争的激烈的低利润时期。行业内的各企业都感受到了竞争的压力和来自多方面的威胁。今后企业怎样走?发展趋势是什么?本文概括地叙述了以上问题的走向。 展开更多
关键词 食玉 行业特点 企业发展趋势
食玉 爱它,吃它,成为它
作者 吴风 《中华遗产》 2024年第2期128-135,共8页
成语“锦衣玉食”,绝非一个比喻词,而是实有其事。魏晋南北朝时期,大量修道求仙的“有心人”,以金玉为食,掀起食玉狂潮。这种不可思议的“怪癖”背后,藏着怎样的隐秘心思与时代隐忧?北魏孝文帝时期,蓝田(今陕西西安蓝田县)郊外古墓。一... 成语“锦衣玉食”,绝非一个比喻词,而是实有其事。魏晋南北朝时期,大量修道求仙的“有心人”,以金玉为食,掀起食玉狂潮。这种不可思议的“怪癖”背后,藏着怎样的隐秘心思与时代隐忧?北魏孝文帝时期,蓝田(今陕西西安蓝田县)郊外古墓。一男子着夜行装,带了几个人来挖墓,然后从古墓寻得玉环、玉璧等上古玉器百余件,皆光润可玩,男子欣喜不已,但随即就来了个神操作——把其中70余枚美玉,统统磨成了粉,吃了下去…… 展开更多
关键词 北魏孝文帝 比喻词 食玉 魏晋南北朝时期 陕西西安 蓝田县
《山海经》与白玉崇拜的起源——黄帝食玉与西王母献白环神话发微 被引量:12
作者 叶舒宪 《民族艺术》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第6期19-26,共8页
商周时代萌生的白玉崇拜在华夏玉教神话发展史上催生一场"新教革命",三千年来对国家意识形态和物质生产发挥着深远的影响。《山海经》记载的黄帝吃白玉膏神话和昆仑玉山西王母神话,都属于西玉东输的历史现实在早期中原国家催... 商周时代萌生的白玉崇拜在华夏玉教神话发展史上催生一场"新教革命",三千年来对国家意识形态和物质生产发挥着深远的影响。《山海经》记载的黄帝吃白玉膏神话和昆仑玉山西王母神话,都属于西玉东输的历史现实在早期中原国家催生出的神话想象再造,其想象的原型和驱动力来自中原国家统治者的和田玉崇拜,尤其是和田玉中的羊脂白玉崇拜。无论是白玉膏生出玄玉、黄帝播种玉荣,还是西王母所在昆仑玉山(群玉之山)、瑶池,此类母题极为鲜明地体现华夏本土的白玉崇奉情结。苏雪林、凌纯声等认为西王母是西亚古文明之月神传播到中国的观点,在重新复原出的举世无双的华夏白玉崇拜和昆仑圣山崇拜之事实面前,露出无法遮掩的破绽。详细记述140座产玉之山和16座出产白玉之山的《山海经》,或为白玉崇拜者探寻神圣物质资源的圣经。 展开更多
关键词 教神话 崇拜 黄帝食玉 西王母献白环
论历史上的食玉之风 被引量:2
作者 吕建昌 《学术月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第2期66-72,共7页
中国古代食玉思想源于史前时代的原始巫术观念 ,道教食玉成仙思想的广泛传播则对食玉之风的流行起了催化剂的作用。食玉对人体所带来的损害 ,迫使人们最终放弃了对食玉成仙希望的追求。然而 ,食玉现象给后人的思考是深刻的。
关键词 中国 食玉思想 原始巫术观念 道教 神仙思想
从斜玉部文字看中国古代玉文化 被引量:10
作者 岑运强 张志云 《井冈山大学学报(社会科学版)》 1999年第1期10-15,共6页
汉字由于它的表意性,与汉文化有着不可分割的联系。几乎每个汉字都有一定的文化内涵。中国人使用玉的历史至少有7-8千年。玉的文化内涵表现在以下几个方面:1、玉可以通灵,用于祭祀天地鬼神;2、玉可以成为权力、地位的象征;3、是... 汉字由于它的表意性,与汉文化有着不可分割的联系。几乎每个汉字都有一定的文化内涵。中国人使用玉的历史至少有7-8千年。玉的文化内涵表现在以下几个方面:1、玉可以通灵,用于祭祀天地鬼神;2、玉可以成为权力、地位的象征;3、是祥瑞的象征;4、古人认为玉可以防腐,故以玉敛尸;认为玉可以延年益寿,故食玉成风;5、中国人还把玉视作品德、信义、才华和容貌的象征,并把它当作友情爱情的信物。还常用于敬称和美称。 展开更多
关键词 文化 通灵 敛尸 比德 食玉成风
High-efficiency Planting Techniques of Five Crops a Year for Fresh Edible "Faba Bean/Spring Mazie+Soybean-Autumn Maize/Autumn Soybean"
作者 葛红 汪凯华 +4 位作者 王学军 陈满峰 缪亚梅 顾春燕 单志良 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第4期833-837,共5页
The high-efficiency planting mode for five crops a year of fresh edible "faba bean/spring maize+soybean-autumn maize/autumn soybean" was introduced, and its yield and economic benefits were compared with the planti... The high-efficiency planting mode for five crops a year of fresh edible "faba bean/spring maize+soybean-autumn maize/autumn soybean" was introduced, and its yield and economic benefits were compared with the planting mode of three crops a year of "faba bean-spring maize/red bean". The results showed that the planting method for fresh edible "faba bean/spring maize+soybean-autumn maize/autumn soybean" was much easier to operate with the input-output ratio of about185.6%, and its yield and economic benefits were 2.09 and 1.83 times of that of the planting mode for three crops a year, significantly improving the agricultural yield and income of farmers. In addition, the cropping index of the planting mode for fresh edible fresh edible "faba bean/spring maize +soybean-autumn maize/autumn soybean" reached up to 350%, and planting faba bean once a year and soybean twice a year could make the biological fixation amount of nitrogen increase 350-450kg/m^2, which equaled to up to 700 kg/m^2 of urea, showing significant ecological and social benefits. Based on the comparison results, the high-yield culture techniques of the planting mode of fresh edible "faba bean/spring maize+soybean-autumn maize/autumn soybean" were summarized. 展开更多
关键词 Fresh edible faba bean Fresh edible maize Fresh edible soybean Five crops a year High-efficiency planting mode
作者 张志善 《甘肃教育》 北大核心 1989年第10期34-34,共1页
"登昆仑兮食玉英"(《涉江》)句中的"昆仑"课文没有注。屈原为什么要登上"昆仑"呢?中国的名山很多,他不但在《涉江》中要"登昆仑兮食玉英",而且在他的诗作《离骚》中有"遭吾道夫昆仑兮,路... "登昆仑兮食玉英"(《涉江》)句中的"昆仑"课文没有注。屈原为什么要登上"昆仑"呢?中国的名山很多,他不但在《涉江》中要"登昆仑兮食玉英",而且在他的诗作《离骚》中有"遭吾道夫昆仑兮,路修远以周流"。在《九歌·河伯》中有"登昆仑兮回望,心飞扬兮浩荡"。 展开更多
关键词 屈原 仑山 食玉
Effects of Different Intercropping Patterns on Population Yield and Benefit of Fresh Maize and Mung Bean
作者 YANG Xue-le ZHANG Lu +1 位作者 WANG Su-hua HE Lu-qiu 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2022年第1期6-10,共5页
In order to find the best intercropping pattern of fresh maize and mung bean, five planting patterns, namely fresh maize monocropping, mung bean monocropping, fresh maize and mung bean intercropping at row ratios of 2... In order to find the best intercropping pattern of fresh maize and mung bean, five planting patterns, namely fresh maize monocropping, mung bean monocropping, fresh maize and mung bean intercropping at row ratios of 2∶4, 3∶3 and 4∶2 were set up, and the yields and economic benefits of these planting patterns were analyzed. The results showed that the LERs of the three intercropping patterns were all above 1, and the economic benefits of 2∶4, 3∶3 and 4∶2 fresh maize and mung bean intercropping patterns were seen an increase of 2.85%, 17.64% and 14.26% respectively compared with fresh maize monocropping and an increase of 52.06%, 73.92% and 68.93% respectively compared with mung bean monocropping.Among the three intercropping patterns, the intercropping pattern with row ratio 3∶3showed the best effect, which also derived the highest LER with greatest economic benefit. 展开更多
关键词 Fresh Maize Mung Bean INTERCROPPING Economic Benefits
Rapid Determination of Pesticide Residues in Fresh Sweet Corn
作者 林玉婵 冯会胜 +1 位作者 陈孟君 黄子敬 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第10期1696-1698,1702,共4页
Objective] This study aimed to detect al organophosphate, organochlorine and pyrethroid pesticide residues in fresh sweet corn in one determination using a gas chromatograph. [Method] The pesticide residues in fresh s... Objective] This study aimed to detect al organophosphate, organochlorine and pyrethroid pesticide residues in fresh sweet corn in one determination using a gas chromatograph. [Method] The pesticide residues in fresh sweet corn were ex-tracted and loaded to simultaneously the gas chromatograph Agilent 6890N which was equipped with two autosamplers, two columns and two detectors. [Result] Al the 26 pesticides were completely separated and eluted out within 25 min. The re-coveries of standard addition of the 26 pesticides ranged from 76% to 106%, with relative standard deviations (RSD) ranging from 0.5% to 8.9%. The linear regression equation fit wel from 0.050 to 1.500 mg/L corn extract (r2&gt;0.996). [Conclusion] The method is accuracy, which meets the requirements of pesticide residue analysis and can be used for the rapid detection, qualitative and quantitative analysis of pesticide residues in fresh sweet corn. 展开更多
关键词 Fresh sweet corn PESTICIDE Multiple residue Rapid determination Gas chromatography
Non-starch Polysaccharide Degrading Enzymes in Corn and Wheat-Based Broiler Diets: Dual Activity for Major Substrates 被引量:1
作者 Kirsten De Keyser Noel Dierick +4 位作者 Leni Kuterna Olivier Maigret Sebastian Kaczmarek Andrzej Rutkowski Erik Vanderbeke 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2018年第2期76-88,共13页
This study consolidates the efficacy of a non-starch polysaccharide (NSP)ase enzyme-concept in corn and wheat-based broiler diets. The NSP building blocks of corn, wheat and soybean meal (SBM, 44% protein) were st... This study consolidates the efficacy of a non-starch polysaccharide (NSP)ase enzyme-concept in corn and wheat-based broiler diets. The NSP building blocks of corn, wheat and soybean meal (SBM, 44% protein) were studied first. Cereal NSP primarily consists of arabinose, xylose and glucose molecules that form arabinoxylan, β-glucan and cellulose polysaccharides. In soybean meal (SBM), glucose (cellulose) predominates, next to galactose and uronic acids that form “pectins”. Broiler performance progress using in-feed NSPase enzymes depends on the concentration, complexity and solubility of the substrate and the genetic potential of the animal, mainly. A dual NSPase enzyme-concept for cereal and SBM NSP, predominantly being arabinoxylan, β-glucan and cellulose, was developed. Methods for measuring enzyme activities (endo-1,4-β-xylanase (EC and endo-1,3(4)-β-glucanase (EC were developed (AVEVE Biochem UNITS) and preparations thereof (XG) standardized to meet requirements for most challenging NSP (corn, barely soluble). Feed intake (FI), bodyweight gain (BWG) and feed:gain ratio (F:G) were assessed in three zootechnical studies, each using 160 Ross 308 broilers split in two feeding groups with 80 birds/group (10 replicates of eight) for 42 d (starter/grower period). Respective corn-SBM, wheat-SBM and corn/wheat-SBM diets were used as negative control (NC) or added with the enzyme-concept (XG). In the total period, XG ameliorated BWG and F:G compared to NC in each study, where BWG increased best in diets with corn and F:G lowered most in diets with wheat. The dual NSPase enzyme-concept offers ingredient flexibility in present setting by enhancing the nutritional content of corn, wheat and SBM, expectedly from cleaving major NSP target molecules. Thereby, broiler professionals increase feed formulation liberty and safety and production result simultaneously. 展开更多
Prediction of net energy value of corn and soybean meal for broiler chicken 被引量:4
作者 HUAN Zong-jin WANG Kang-ning 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology》 2009年第6期6-12,共7页
Net energy (NE) is the most accurate and unbiased way in characterizing the energy content of feed. Comparatively speaking, research on NE prediction is still limited and under development. Therefore, it is importan... Net energy (NE) is the most accurate and unbiased way in characterizing the energy content of feed. Comparatively speaking, research on NE prediction is still limited and under development. Therefore, it is important to correctly assess NE for further study. In this study, an energy balance trial and a fasting metabolism trial were used to measure the net energy for production (NEp) and the net energy for maintenance (NEm), respectively. Meanwhile, a backward method of multiple linear regression was applied to establish prediction equations for NE. The results showed that corn NE is about 2 times higher than that of soybean meal, due to the efficiency of ME (k) utilization by the ingredients. Meanwhile, AME and acid detergent fiber (ADF) were found to be better predictors for the NE of corn and soybean meal, respectively. Furthermore, Equations 1(R^2=0.993, RSD=0.0091) and 12 (R^2=0.999, RSD=0.0008) were found to be better prediction equations in multiple linear regression analyses for corn and soybean meal, respectively. However, considering the cost of the analytical procedures, the accuracy of the prediction (RSD), and the additional variability or errors due to interlaboratory variance, Equation 4 (R^2=0.990, RSD=0.0109) and Equation 20 (R^2=0.996, RSD=0.0043) were better models for corn and soybean meal, respectively. Nevertheless, these equations for corn and soybean meal should be applied only under similar experimental conditions. 展开更多
关键词 net energy CORN soybean meal CHICKEN prediction equatton
Effects of Different Agroecosystems on Prevalence of Different Species of Pests and Coccinellid Predators
作者 Robert W. Nyukuri Fred M. E. Wanjala +2 位作者 Evelyn Cheramgoi Jared O. Odhiambo Stella C. Kirui 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2012年第6期776-783,共8页
This study was aimed at determining the effects of mixed and single cropping agroecosystems on the prevalence of different species of insect pests and coccinellids. It involved six growing crops: maize Zea mays L., b... This study was aimed at determining the effects of mixed and single cropping agroecosystems on the prevalence of different species of insect pests and coccinellids. It involved six growing crops: maize Zea mays L., beans Phaseolus vulgaris L. and cowpeas Vignaunguiculata L. Walp in single and mixed stands and sampling throughout the phenology of the crops. Eight insect pest species were recorded on maize grown alone, while thirty seven insect species were endemic on cowpea mono cropped and were of six orders whereas twenty two insect pest species occurred on beans. The predator population was most abundant in the mixed stands of maize and beans (2.33 predators per 30 aphids) as compared to their occurrence in pure stands of cowpeas (0.85 predators per 30 aphids) as there were numerous aphids on beans at pre-flowering phase that supported a higher population level of coccinellids. Also, predator population was at the peak during the tussling stage of maize as they fed on the pollen grains while aphids on cowpeas co-existed mutualistically with black ants that protected them against predation. The genus Cheilomenes spp. was the most ubiquitous predator with a mean of 4.00 individuals per 30 aphids while Hippodamiavariegata was the least abundant predator species with a mean of 0.92 individuals per 30 aphids in all the agroecosystems as the Cheilomenes spp. had a faster discovery rate, range of perception, effective capture efficiency and a shorter handling time of a prey. 展开更多
关键词 PHENOLOGY STANDS Zea mays L. Phaseolus vulgaris L. Vignaunguiculata L. Walp AGROECOSYSTEM
Evaluating Added Benefits from Combined Cattle Manure and Fertilizer Application in a Maize Cropping System
作者 Mavis Badu Brempong Andrews Opoku +1 位作者 Nana Ewusi-Mensah Robert Clement Abaidoo 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2017年第1期34-40,共7页
A field experiment was conducted at Kpongu in the Upper West region of Ghana to determine the added benefits in grain yield of maize derived from the concurrent use of manure and mineral fertilizer, and their cost eff... A field experiment was conducted at Kpongu in the Upper West region of Ghana to determine the added benefits in grain yield of maize derived from the concurrent use of manure and mineral fertilizer, and their cost effectiveness. Factorial combinations of cattle manure and mineral fertilizer each at 0, 50 and 100% of their recommended rates were evaluated in both the field and the laboratory studies. The treatments were applied in a randomized complete block design with three replications on the field. The same treatments were applied in the incubation study in a completely randomized design. The use of 100% NPK (Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium) + 5 t manure gave the highest grain yield of 4,678 kg·ha^-1. Synergistic interactions resulting in added benefits in grain yield were observed in all the combined nutrient inputs except 50% NPK + 2.5 t manure which accrued an added disadvantage of 44 kg·ha^-1. Economic analysis proved that 100% NPK + 2.5 t manure and 50% NPK + 5 t manure were the most economically viable combined treatments in terms of grain yield. Based on the results from this study, resource poor farmers in the Upper West region of Ghana may reduce mineral fertilizer recommended rates by 50% and supplement it with 5 t quality (N 〉2.5%) cattle manure without compromising yield and profit. 展开更多
关键词 Synergistic interaction YIELD value cost ratio.
莱夷玉文化板块探析——胶县三里河大汶口文化玉器解读 被引量:3
作者 杨伯达 《故宫博物院院刊》 北大核心 2009年第6期99-111,共13页
胶县三里河大汶口文化玉器有璇玑形玉环(玉圆孔边刃三牙器)、玉镞(包括方、圆两种锥形器和四式玉镞)、钏、耳坠、管、环以及鞍形饰、马蹄形饰共35件。玉圆孔边刃三牙器应为女巫事神的玉神器,玉镞中的12件用作尸主口中之唅(琀),体现了鬼... 胶县三里河大汶口文化玉器有璇玑形玉环(玉圆孔边刃三牙器)、玉镞(包括方、圆两种锥形器和四式玉镞)、钏、耳坠、管、环以及鞍形饰、马蹄形饰共35件。玉圆孔边刃三牙器应为女巫事神的玉神器,玉镞中的12件用作尸主口中之唅(琀),体现了鬼神食玉的原始巫教理念。由于三里河大汶口文化遗址和墓葬的地理位置靠山面海,不可避免带有海洋性文化的特点,玉圆孔边刃三牙器就是海洋性玉文化的的象征和例证。距今4500年前后,女巫以玉圆孔边刃三牙器事神,标志着其原始宗教仍处于女巫事神的早期阶段,远远落后于东北夷、东夷两大玉文化男巫为教主的阶段。大汶口文化始于公元前4300年,到公元前2500年前后发展为山东龙山文化。该文化处于北夷、南越两大玉文化板块之间,昊夷玉文化板块之东,故厘定为莱夷玉文化板块。三里河大汶口文化玉器中的玉圆孔边刃器的出现,是莱夷玉文化板块即胶东半岛玉文化板块的标志和结晶,而胶县三里河一带也就是两个玉文化板块的碰撞带和撞击点。 展开更多
关键词 圆孔边刃三牙器 鬼神食玉 莱夷文化板块 文化碰撞带
Quantification of CrylAb Toxin in Bt Maize for Ostrinia nubilalis (Lep.: Crambidae) Bioassay
作者 J. Stara V. Falta T. Erban F. Kocourek 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2011年第5期685-691,共7页
Two variants of diet composition were prepared to evaluate the susceptibility of ECBs to CrylAb toxin as follows: 1) 38-0600 Stonefly Heliothis Diet mixed with purified CrylAb protein and 2) 38-0600 Stonefly Heliot... Two variants of diet composition were prepared to evaluate the susceptibility of ECBs to CrylAb toxin as follows: 1) 38-0600 Stonefly Heliothis Diet mixed with purified CrylAb protein and 2) 38-0600 Stonefly Heliothis Diet mixed with lyophylized leaves of Bt maize MON 810-YieldGard. A method of sample preparation and extraction of Bt toxin for reproducible ELISA quantification were optimized. The qualitative DAS-ELISA kit from Agdia was optimized for use in quantitative analysis of Cry lAb toxin. The mortality of ECB larvae from the laboratory strain on the diet with CrylAb toxin did not differ significantly from the mortality on the diet with Bt maize leaves with the same rate of Cry lAb toxin. Similarly, the mortality of the ECB larvae from the field population on the diet with Bt maize leaves did not differ significantly from the mortality of ECB larvae from the laboratory strain on the same type of diet. Therefore, the incorporation of Bt maize leaves into the diet did not influence the efficacy of CrylAb toxin against ECBs. Using this method, a susceptibility of one field population of ECBs from the Czech Republic to CrylAb toxin was determined (LC50 of 2.16 μg of Cry 1Ab g^-1 of diet). 展开更多
关键词 Bacillus thuringiensis Bt toxin Cry 1Ab European corn borer MON 810 susceptibility transgenic maize
Verification of protein sparing by feeding carbohydrate to common carp Cyprinus carpio 被引量:1
作者 程镇燕 李静辉 +5 位作者 张宝龙 方珍珍 孙金辉 白东清 孙金生 乔秀亭 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第2期251-257,共7页
A 9-week feeding trial in floating freshwater cages(1.0 m×1.0 m×2.0 m) was conducted to study the effects of different dietary levels of protein and starch on growth,body composition,and gene expression of e... A 9-week feeding trial in floating freshwater cages(1.0 m×1.0 m×2.0 m) was conducted to study the effects of different dietary levels of protein and starch on growth,body composition,and gene expression of enzymes in common carp,Cyprinus carpio(mean body weight,36.12±1.18 g) to evaluate the protein-sparing effect of dietary carbohydrate.Four diets were formulated with corn starch as the carbohydrate source to obtain corn starch levels of 6.5%,13%,19.5%,or 26%and protein levels of 30.5%,28.2%,26.4%,and 24.2%.The results showed no differences in growth performance of fish fed the diets with different protein and corn starch levels,but body composition and glucose metabolic enzyme activity of carp were significantly affected by the different diets(P<0.05).Weight gain,specific growth rate,and the feed conversion ratio were not different in fish fed the different dietary treatments.Protein efficiency ratio increased significantly as corn starch level increased(P<0.05).Whole-body crude lipid composition increased with increasing dietary corn starch level(P<0.05).Glucokinase(GK),hexokinase,and pyruvate kinase(PK) activities increased significantly with increasing dietary corn starch level(P<0.05),whereas glucose-6-phosphate(G6Pase) activity decreased with increasing dietary corn starch level(P<0.05).GK gene expression was significantly higher in fish fed the high-corn starch diet than those fed the low-corn starch diet(P<0.05).G6 pase gene expression tended to decrease with increasing starch level(P>0.05).In summary,the results indicate a protein-sparing effect by substituting carbohydrate in the diet of common carp. 展开更多
关键词 common carp protein sparing corn starch growth performance glucose metabolism
An Empirical Study on the Relationship Between China's Maize Price and Maize Import and Export Trade
作者 Jiahui HOU Junying WEI 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第9期2209-2211,共3页
Based on the time series of China’s maize trade and domestic maize price,the article analyzes the relationship between domestic maize price and China’s maize international trade by using empirical methods.The result... Based on the time series of China’s maize trade and domestic maize price,the article analyzes the relationship between domestic maize price and China’s maize international trade by using empirical methods.The results show that there is a connection between domestic maize prices and China's maize international trade,but the link is not very close.Domestic maize price is the cause of China’s maize international trade change,but its impact is very limited;China's maize international trade also can make some difference on the domestic maize price.Based on the results of research,the article brings three suggestion and expectation to adjust China’s maize international trade and the cost control reasonably in order to stabilize domestic maize price and maize yield,and to protect domestic grain security. 展开更多
关键词 Maize price Maize import and export trade Grain security
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