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烟台苹果园害虫的主要天敌昆虫及其保护利用 被引量:1
作者 王忠和 隋秀奇 刘强 《北方果树》 2007年第6期53-54,共2页
  果园以多年生的果树为基础,生态环境条件比较稳定,果树害虫的天敌资源极为丰富.果树害虫天敌包括天敌昆虫、蜘蛛和捕食螨、病原微生物、食虫鸟类等.充分保护利用果树害虫天敌,可有效地控制果树害虫种群数量,减少化学农药用量,是生...   果园以多年生的果树为基础,生态环境条件比较稳定,果树害虫的天敌资源极为丰富.果树害虫天敌包括天敌昆虫、蜘蛛和捕食螨、病原微生物、食虫鸟类等.充分保护利用果树害虫天敌,可有效地控制果树害虫种群数量,减少化学农药用量,是生产安全优质果品的重要措施之一.然而,生产中许多果农不认识天敌,更谈不上保护利用.为此,现将烟台苹果园害虫主要天敌昆虫及其保护利用措施总结如下.…… 展开更多
关键词 天敌昆虫 食虫昆虫 果树害 苹果园 保护利用 烟台 山东
作者 薛承祥 王惠珍 杨海峰 《新疆农业科学》 CAS 1982年第3期18-19,共2页
姬蝽科(Nabidae)又名姬猎蝽科,此科昆虫可捕食各种小虫,这对控制害虫发生有一定作用。1980—1981年,我们在玛纳斯县调查天敌昆虫时,采到5种姬蝽,均属姬蝽亚科(Nabinae),其中姬蝽属3种,网姬蝽属1种,海姬蝽属1种。 姬蝽亚科的昆虫,体长形... 姬蝽科(Nabidae)又名姬猎蝽科,此科昆虫可捕食各种小虫,这对控制害虫发生有一定作用。1980—1981年,我们在玛纳斯县调查天敌昆虫时,采到5种姬蝽,均属姬蝽亚科(Nabinae),其中姬蝽属3种,网姬蝽属1种,海姬蝽属1种。 姬蝽亚科的昆虫,体长形或葫芦形,灰黄色、灰褐色及土灰色,具黑褐斑纹,披短毛,头圆柱状略向前伸。复眼大,位于头两侧,单眼一对,位于头上方,互相靠近。 展开更多
关键词 天敌昆虫 前足 前翅 革片 食虫昆虫 抱握器 黑色斑 股节 腿节 前胸背板
昆虫蛋白的开发利用 被引量:2
作者 罗志良 《周口师范学院学报》 CAS 1994年第1期59-62,76,共5页
关键词 昆虫蛋白 食虫昆虫 饲料昆虫 营养分析
利用生物技术天敌昆虫防治蔬菜害虫的可行性简介——贺州市无公害蔬菜生产技术建议 被引量:2
作者 陈斌艳 韦素群 《广西农学报》 2003年第2期45-46,49,共3页
关键词 天敌昆虫 食虫昆虫 蔬菜害 化学农药防治 无公害蔬菜生产 贺州市
浅谈茶园害虫生态调控的主要方法 被引量:4
作者 韦静峰 《广西农学报》 2004年第4期14-18,共5页
关键词 茶丛 生态调控 天敌昆虫 食虫昆虫 同型幼 防治 害防治 假眼小绿叶蝉 茶园害
七星瓢虫生物学特性及人工饲养初步研究 被引量:4
作者 马野萍 孙洪波 +2 位作者 王瑞霞 郭天凤 魏娟 《新疆农业科学》 CAS CSCD 2000年第z1期154-,共1页
通过室内饲养和大田观察 ,得出结果为七星瓢虫在奎屯垦区一年发生 2代 ,以成虫越冬 ,且在长日照情况下出现生殖滞育和蛰伏越夏的习性 ,研究证实了七星瓢虫各虫态发育历期分别为卵 2~ 3.3天 ,幼虫期 8.8~ 9.8天 ,蛹期 2 .94~ 3.5 5天 ... 通过室内饲养和大田观察 ,得出结果为七星瓢虫在奎屯垦区一年发生 2代 ,以成虫越冬 ,且在长日照情况下出现生殖滞育和蛰伏越夏的习性 ,研究证实了七星瓢虫各虫态发育历期分别为卵 2~ 3.3天 ,幼虫期 8.8~ 9.8天 ,蛹期 2 .94~ 3.5 5天 ,自卵至成虫羽化 13.9~ 14.9天 ,七星瓢虫对棉蚜功能反应曲线为 Holling- 型。初步研究了七星瓢虫人工繁殖的技术程序。 展开更多
关键词 七星瓢 食虫昆虫
国外森林保护先进思想和有益做法对我国森林病虫害防治工作之借鉴 被引量:7
作者 范俊秀 《山西林业》 2002年第2期28-29,共2页
关键词 森林病害防治 森林保护 天敌昆虫 食虫昆虫
作者 刘贺昌 秦兰萍 《华北农学报》 1984年第4期36-36,共1页
七星瓢虫是蚜虫的主要天敌之一。国内应用瓢虫治蚜,多采用人工助迁办法。这种方法的缺点,一是不能增加瓢虫数量,只是简单地将自然发生的天敌集中在一定的田块内;二是瓢虫的自然增殖速率慢,特别是在早春气候不适、越冬瓢虫少时,更难达到... 七星瓢虫是蚜虫的主要天敌之一。国内应用瓢虫治蚜,多采用人工助迁办法。这种方法的缺点,一是不能增加瓢虫数量,只是简单地将自然发生的天敌集中在一定的田块内;二是瓢虫的自然增殖速率慢,特别是在早春气候不适、越冬瓢虫少时,更难达到及时控制为害的目的。关于用人工代饲料大批饲养,国内外有不少单位进行研究。 展开更多
关键词 七星瓢 食虫昆虫 休眠期 人工控制
农业害虫的发生与防治 第九讲 害虫的生物学防治技术
作者 苏农保 《江苏农业科学》 1987年第6期26-28,共3页
应用生物学措施防治与控制农业害虫,统称为生物学防治技术。生物学防治技术具有经济、安全、有效的特点,特别是对保护农田环境有着无比的优越性,是害虫综合防治措施的有机组成部分。 一、昆虫生理活性物质的应用 昆虫生理活性物质,又称... 应用生物学措施防治与控制农业害虫,统称为生物学防治技术。生物学防治技术具有经济、安全、有效的特点,特别是对保护农田环境有着无比的优越性,是害虫综合防治措施的有机组成部分。 一、昆虫生理活性物质的应用 昆虫生理活性物质,又称为功能化合物。目前对昆虫生理活性物质的研究较多,应用最广的有信息素、益它素等。 1.信息素 信息素是指昆虫从体表特定腺体分泌释放,起着同种个体间传递信息作用的化学物质。信息素的种类很多,在害虫的测报与防治上。 展开更多
关键词 天敌昆虫 食虫昆虫 性信息素诱捕器
我在寄生蜂研究上的学术观点 被引量:2
作者 赵修复 CHAO Hsiu-fu 《武夷科学》 2003年第1期1-4,共4页
赵修复教授是著名的昆虫学家,在寄生蜂分类、蜻蜓分类及害虫生物防治诸多领域中卓有见树。他同时是本刊的创建者及自1982年创刊至2001年的主编。下文是根据赵修复教授2000年10月份重病住院期间的录音不加修饰整理而成。 赵修复教授不幸... 赵修复教授是著名的昆虫学家,在寄生蜂分类、蜻蜓分类及害虫生物防治诸多领域中卓有见树。他同时是本刊的创建者及自1982年创刊至2001年的主编。下文是根据赵修复教授2000年10月份重病住院期间的录音不加修饰整理而成。 赵修复教授不幸于2001年5月以85岁高龄病逝福州。赵修复教授离开我们两年多了,遵照赵修复教授的遗愿,我们发表本文以资纪念。 展开更多
关键词 寄生蜂 赤眼蜂 喷药 稻纵卷叶螟 水稻害 天敌昆虫 食虫昆虫 稻飞虱 稻苞 学术观点
Difference in volatiles of poplar induced by various damages 被引量:1
作者 胡增辉 杨迪 沈应柏 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第4期280-282,共3页
Three treatments including mechanical damage, Lymantria dispar attacking and daubing oral secretions of the in-sects on mechanically damaged cut were conducted on Populus simonii譖opulus pyramibalis c.v. in order to f... Three treatments including mechanical damage, Lymantria dispar attacking and daubing oral secretions of the in-sects on mechanically damaged cut were conducted on Populus simonii譖opulus pyramibalis c.v. in order to find the genuine reason leading to effective resistance response of tree to insects attacking. The release situation of the induced volatiles of the plant was analyzed by TCT-GC/MS at 24 hours after damages. The results indicated that some of the volatiles such as (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate, decanal, 3-hexenyl isovalerate, nonanal, ocimene, and 2-cyanobutane can be induced by both insects attack-ing and mechanical damage, while 2,6-dimethyl-1,3,5,7-octatetraene, 2-methyl-6-methylene-1,7-octadien-3-one, caryophyllene, Isovaleronitrile, diethyl-methyl-benzamide, and dicapryl phthalate were only induced by insects attacking. Such difference in volatiles was attributed to that there existed active components in oral sections of the larvae of Lymantria dispar 展开更多
关键词 Induced volatiles Oral secretions of insects Mechanical damage the larvae Lymantria dispar attacking
美国生物防治的科研与应用 被引量:4
作者 包建中 张乃鑫 《世界农业》 1981年第1期26-29,共4页
生物防治(Biological control)作为现代科学概念是1919年美国人首先正式使用的,已有六十多年的历史。当初,生物防治的对象仅涉及害虫,它的手段是天敌,特别是食虫昆虫。但是,随着科学的发展,生防对象已经从害虫扩大到有害生物(特别是杂... 生物防治(Biological control)作为现代科学概念是1919年美国人首先正式使用的,已有六十多年的历史。当初,生物防治的对象仅涉及害虫,它的手段是天敌,特别是食虫昆虫。但是,随着科学的发展,生防对象已经从害虫扩大到有害生物(特别是杂草和病原微生物)。现在,笼统地说生防往往是指有害生物的生物防治或植物保护的生物学方法。然而,生防手段除天敌以外究竟还包括哪些?目前还存在着较大的意见分歧,就是说,生防有狭义和广义的两种概念,还没有取得一致的看法。 展开更多
关键词 生物防治 有害生物 食虫昆虫 植物保护 天敌 科研 病原微生物 科学概念 杂草
《新疆农业科学》 CAS CSCD 2006年第B10期96-96,共1页
关键词 名录 天敌昆虫 食虫昆虫 新疆 书讯
作者 王山亭 《杂技与魔术》 2007年第3期54-55,共2页
大千世界中,魔术师既是一个能够表演魔术的演员,也是一个要应付生活中各种困难的人,他们是如何对待人生中的挑战,他们如何把握魔术之外的生活,本期魔术传奇我们节选了王山亭所著《魔幻人生》中丁发生的一些生活片断做为首篇,也希望大家... 大千世界中,魔术师既是一个能够表演魔术的演员,也是一个要应付生活中各种困难的人,他们是如何对待人生中的挑战,他们如何把握魔术之外的生活,本期魔术传奇我们节选了王山亭所著《魔幻人生》中丁发生的一些生活片断做为首篇,也希望大家能够就此来稿,谈谈魔术之外的生活。 展开更多
关键词 棉铃 棉田 棉苗 地老虎 切根 蚕桑害 勤勉 赤眼蜂 蜂窝 七星瓢 食虫昆虫 队长 天敌
作者 黄强 《科技信息》 2008年第27期658-,共1页
关键词 园林绿色植保 有害生物 天敌昆虫 食虫昆虫
Records of Edible Insects from China
作者 胡鹏 查岭生 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2009年第6期114-118,共5页
Resource of edible insects from China, which dealt with 13 orders, 71 families, and 283 species and subspecies, have been reviewed in this paper. Edible morphologies of all. species have been attached.
关键词 Edible insect Edible morphology INVESTIGATION
Effect of Colored Sticky Cards on Non-target Insects 被引量:2
作者 Zhen CHEN Yihang GE +1 位作者 Xia LIU Rongping KUANG 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第5期983-987,共5页
Field experiments to evaluate four different colored sticky cards for trapping non-target insects were conducted in an organic maize field in the Heinigou region of China. Yellow, blue, green, and red sticky cards wer... Field experiments to evaluate four different colored sticky cards for trapping non-target insects were conducted in an organic maize field in the Heinigou region of China. Yellow, blue, green, and red sticky cards were used to trap insects in the field. The total number of insects species caught was 54, with 3,862 individuals recorded. Over half of the specimens caught were non-target insects, including phytophagous insects, particularly dipteran species(including many mosquitoes)(50.3%), followed by target pests(37.0%), and beneficial insects(12.7%). Statistical analysis revealed a significant difference in attraction to target pests, non-target pests, and beneficial insects among treatment groups. The results showed that higher numbers of target pests(Myzus persicae Sulzer, Empoasca flavescens Fabricius, Nysius ericaecshinly Schilling) were caught on yellow sticky card traps compared with blue, green, or red sticky card traps, indicating that yellow was the best trap color for target pests, with green and blue being progressively less attractive. For non-target insects, including phytophagous insects, flies, and mosquitoes,higher numbers of were caught on blue sticky card traps compared with yellow,green, or red sticky card traps. Our study indicated that blue was the most attractive color for flies, especially for the housefly, Musca domestica Linnaeus. Our study also showed that most beneficial insects exhibited preferences to particular trap color characteristics: yellow was the most attractive color for parasitic wasps and lady beetles; blue was the most attractive color for hoverflies and honeybees. In contrast,green and red had no significant attraction to beneficial insects. 展开更多
关键词 Colored sticky cards Color trap Non-target insects Beneficial insects Natural enemies Conservation
Design of a Mechanical Release System of Predator Insects to Control the Colorado Potato Beetle, Leptinotarsa Decemlineata (Say) 被引量:1
作者 Sylvain de Ladurantaye Mohamed Khelifi 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2012年第6期756-762,共7页
The CPB (Colorado potato beetle), Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say), is the major insect pest of potato crops in North America, Europe and Asia. Large amounts of chemical insecticides are used to control this insect... The CPB (Colorado potato beetle), Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say), is the major insect pest of potato crops in North America, Europe and Asia. Large amounts of chemical insecticides are used to control this insect pest. Also, the CPB has developed over the years a resistance to most of the registered chemical insecticides, including those that were effective at one time. One of the most promising alternatives to chemical insecticides consists of taking advantage of natural enemies. The use of the stinkbug predator Perillus bioculatus to control the CPB has been successful at small scale. However, this natural enemy is not abundant in the nature and its hand release at large scale is not realistic. To remedy to this problem, predators must be massively released in potato fields using a mechanical distributor. Such a machine has been successfully designed and built at the Department of Soils and Agri-Food Engineering of University Lavak In this distributor, masses of predators are placed in small containers and mixed with a carrier material. In the field, the containers are mechanically opened at different locations, based on a source-point mass release option. These locations are determined in advance following a field monitoring of the populations of CPBs. Field trials proved that the mechanical distributor is reliable and ease of use. Its efficiency in releasing insect predators is high and comparable to that obtained in previous laboratory tests. 展开更多
关键词 POTATO Colorado potato beetle chemical insecticides biological control natural enemies source-point mass release mechanical distributor.
Control of the Colorado Potato Beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say), Using Predator Insects Released by a Mechanical Prototype
作者 Saad Almady Mohamed Khelifi Marie-Pascale Beaudoin 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(A)》 2012年第11期1279-1287,共9页
The CPB (Colorado potato beetle) is unquestionably the major insect pest of potato crops in North America, Europe, and Asia. The use of chemical insecticides to control this insect pest started in the 1860s. To date... The CPB (Colorado potato beetle) is unquestionably the major insect pest of potato crops in North America, Europe, and Asia. The use of chemical insecticides to control this insect pest started in the 1860s. To date, no registered chemical has been capable of effectively managing this agricultural pest. Moreover, the CPB has developed over the years a resistance to most of the registered chemical insecticides. The biological control through manual release of natural enemies of the CPB has been successful at small scale. However, hand release of these predators at large scale is not realistic. The objective of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of controlling the CPB through mechanical release of predator insects under real conditions in a potato field. Obtained results indicate that the mechanical release of predator insects resulted in a better control of the CPB populations and egg masses than the manual release. The success of this mechanical release of predator insects in potato fields will be highly valuable for the biological control of insect pests in many other row crops such as strawberry, lettuce, etc.. 展开更多
关键词 Colorado potato beetle chemical insecticides biological control mechanical release natural enemies Perillusbioculatus Podisus maculiventris.
Aboveground herbivory increases soil nematode abundance of an invasive plant 被引量:2
作者 Jia Liu Susu Dai +1 位作者 Wei Huang Jianqing Ding 《Journal of Plant Ecology》 SCIE CSCD 2020年第4期405-412,共8页
Aims Plant invasions have the potential to affect the community structure of soil nematodes,but little is known about whether such effects are mediated by aboveground herbivores since invasive plants are not completel... Aims Plant invasions have the potential to affect the community structure of soil nematodes,but little is known about whether such effects are mediated by aboveground herbivores since invasive plants are not completely released from herbivores in the introduced range.In this study,we explored how aboveground insect herbivores mediated the effect of invasive plant Alternanthera philoxeroides on soil nematodes and examined the temporal variations of such an herbivory-elicited effect.Methods We conducted a greenhouse experiment by applying different herbivory treatments(no insect herbivores,specialist Agasicles hygrophila and generalist Cassida piperata)to potted A.philoxeroides,and then measured the community compositions of soil nematodes in corresponding pots on the 1st,10th and 20th day after removal of all herbivores.In addition,the carbon content of roots and root exudate of A.philoxeroides were also measured.Important Findings Our results showed that aboveground herbivory significantly increased the abundance of soil nematodes of A.philoxeroides,likely plant feeder nematodes,after insect herbivores were removed immediately(1st day).However,such impacts waned with time and there was no significant difference at later stages(10th and 20th days).Furthermore,the effects of specialist A.hygrophila and generalist C.piperata herbivory were consistent on the abundance of soil nematodes.Overall,our results suggest that aboveground insect herbivores have the potential to alter the effects of plant invasions on soil nematodes,but such impacts are transient.Furthermore,our study highlighted the importance of integrating the effects of above-and belowground organisms when evaluating the impacts of plant invasions. 展开更多
关键词 aboveground insect herbivores soil nematodes trophic groups plant invasions temporal change
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