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苏俄粮食采购制的变化 被引量:1
作者 赵海燕 《西伯利亚研究》 1994年第2期6-10,共5页
粮食对国民经济的发展至关重要,一个国家的粮食政策不仅仅是囿于经济状况所做出的政治抉择,也是影响未来经济发展的宏观决策.粮食的征集采购制度则是一个国家粮食政策最集中的体现,研究粮食采购体制的变化是研究特定国家农业经济发展、... 粮食对国民经济的发展至关重要,一个国家的粮食政策不仅仅是囿于经济状况所做出的政治抉择,也是影响未来经济发展的宏观决策.粮食的征集采购制度则是一个国家粮食政策最集中的体现,研究粮食采购体制的变化是研究特定国家农业经济发展、体制变化、国内和国际贸易不可缺少的环节.一 苏俄历史上的粮食征购制苏维埃政权建立后,由于战乱,原有的经济体系被砸碎不再运作,国家陷于饥荒和混乱之中.当时,为了维持政权,保证军队、工人的粮食供给实行了特殊的“战时共产主义政策”——“余粮征集制”.列宁在谈到这一政策时说:“我们实际上从农民手里拿来了全部余粮,甚至有时不仅是余粮,而是农民的一部分必需的粮食。 展开更多
关键词 集体农庄 产量 农产品 战时共产主义政策 配合饲料 预购合同 国家粮政策 食采 畜牧业
作者 张立国 刘顿成 +3 位作者 王全伟 刘启旺 张洪军 马松成 《今日畜牧兽医(奶牛)》 2022年第1期64-66,共3页
本试验之目的在于比较不同酸化奶饲喂水平对哺乳期犊牛不同阶段开食料平均采食量以及日增重的影响。试验选取30头荷斯坦犊母牛按照出生日期顺序随机分入低水平组和高水平组,每组共计15头,按照设定标准饲喂,测定指标包括酸化奶和开食料... 本试验之目的在于比较不同酸化奶饲喂水平对哺乳期犊牛不同阶段开食料平均采食量以及日增重的影响。试验选取30头荷斯坦犊母牛按照出生日期顺序随机分入低水平组和高水平组,每组共计15头,按照设定标准饲喂,测定指标包括酸化奶和开食料的平均采食量、体重、不同饲养阶段的平均日增重。试验结果显示不同处理之间,犊牛在15至57日龄酸化奶平均采食量存在显著差异;开食料平均采食量在50日龄之前差异不显著,在51至71日龄显示出趋于显著到不显著,再到显著的过程;15至50日龄,高水平组的平均日增重显著高于低水平组,51至71日龄两组之间差异不显著,但在数值上低水平组有一定优势。从本试验结果分析,在犊牛哺乳期前期增加酸化奶饲喂水平可以显著提高犊牛的平均日增重,对开食料平均采食量没有显著影响;在过渡阶段两个处理组的平均日增重差异不显著,做好断奶前的过渡有利于犊牛尽快适应由牛奶到开食料的转换。 展开更多
关键词 酸化奶 饲喂水平 哺乳期犊牛 平均日增重
作者 徐植 《福建农业》 1999年第9期20-20,共1页
母猪产后不食症在临床中较为常见,主要是母猪怀孕期饲养管理不当,饲料单调,营养物质不足或由于病菌侵害等原因所致。近年来,在治疗母猪不食采用维生素B<sub>1</sub>,治疗效果较好。其方法:(1)复合维生素B注射液:2毫升/千... 母猪产后不食症在临床中较为常见,主要是母猪怀孕期饲养管理不当,饲料单调,营养物质不足或由于病菌侵害等原因所致。近年来,在治疗母猪不食采用维生素B<sub>1</sub>,治疗效果较好。其方法:(1)复合维生素B注射液:2毫升/千克体重,肌肉注射,隔12小时一次,1—2次可愈。(2)维生素B<sub>1</sub>10—20毫升,B<sub>12</sub>5—10毫升,混合肌注。(3)维生素B<sub>1</sub>10—20毫升,B<sub>2</sub>10—20毫升,混合肌注。(4)维生素B<sub>1</sub>10—20毫升,胃复安5—10毫升。 展开更多
关键词 维生素B1 产后不 母猪 混合肌注 复合维生素B注射液 食采 怀孕期 胃复安 饲养管理 柘荣县
孙武故里乐安在今广饶说 被引量:1
作者 周维衍 《中国石油大学学报(社会科学版)》 1991年第2期105-108,共4页
孙武是我国春秋年间的大军事家。他的祖籍乐安在今何处?历史文献没有明确记载。60年代初,郭化若同志首创惠民说。郭老当初指“惠民地区”,这不能说错。但今研究孙武的学者迳直以为春秋乐安即今惠民县,这就很有进一步考证、研究之必要。... 孙武是我国春秋年间的大军事家。他的祖籍乐安在今何处?历史文献没有明确记载。60年代初,郭化若同志首创惠民说。郭老当初指“惠民地区”,这不能说错。但今研究孙武的学者迳直以为春秋乐安即今惠民县,这就很有进一步考证、研究之必要。笔者从事历史地理工作,在所接触到的史料中发现,春秋齐国乐安地面主体在今广饶县境,认为在今惠民县是不能成立的。鉴于孙武及其著作《孙子兵法》在当今的影响越来越大,我感到有必要把这个问题辨析清楚。 展开更多
关键词 薄姑 安县 孙武故里 广饶县 秦乐 济水 博兴县 惠民县 故城 食采
孙武里籍考 被引量:1
作者 骆承烈 《中国石油大学学报(社会科学版)》 1991年第3期10-15,共6页
在我国先秦诸子的瑰丽花苑中,《孙子兵法》是一朵艳丽的奇葩。这部兵家名著,是我国乃至世界上保存最早的一部兵书。此书问世后,自曹操开始注释,到今天的各种译注,历代对其研究者、学习者络绎不绝。近世以来,此书更被翻译成各国文字,流... 在我国先秦诸子的瑰丽花苑中,《孙子兵法》是一朵艳丽的奇葩。这部兵家名著,是我国乃至世界上保存最早的一部兵书。此书问世后,自曹操开始注释,到今天的各种译注,历代对其研究者、学习者络绎不绝。近世以来,此书更被翻译成各国文字,流传世界。人们把孙子与孔子并列,尊称为文武两圣人。孙武及其兵书的产生,离不开其所处的时代和地域,因此人们在对此书、此人研究的同时,对其里籍进行一下考虑,也应是一项重要的内容。 展开更多
关键词 广饶县 孙武 里籍 青州府 安县 布政使司 齐国 食采 临淄 清水泊
作者 张效忠 《石油大学学报(社会科学版)》 2001年第2期70-72,共3页
孙武故里乐安说忽略了许多实质性问题。首先 ,割裂了孙武与家庭、社会的联系 ;其次 ,忽略了“食采乐安”中食采的实质 ,把“食采”地定位于故里 ;再次 ,忽略了孙武奔吴原因“谋为乱”的实质 ,把“谋为乱”定位于“发生内乱”。孙武故里... 孙武故里乐安说忽略了许多实质性问题。首先 ,割裂了孙武与家庭、社会的联系 ;其次 ,忽略了“食采乐安”中食采的实质 ,把“食采”地定位于故里 ;再次 ,忽略了孙武奔吴原因“谋为乱”的实质 ,把“谋为乱”定位于“发生内乱”。孙武故里乐安说与《春秋·左传》、《史记》两部民族文化遗产相违背 ,经不起历史检验。 展开更多
关键词 孙武故里 乐安说 《春秋·左传》 艾陵战役 食采 临淄
作者 胡世庆 《云南民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 1992年第1期61-63,共3页
清代乾嘉年间的著名考据家孙星衍在《孙子兵法·序》中说:“吾家出乐安,真孙子之后。”孙星衍自称是孙子的后代,照孙星衍的说法,孙子故里在今山东省广饶县,因为孙星衍原籍乐安,就是现在的广饶。 对于孙子的里籍,民国七年(1918)修的... 清代乾嘉年间的著名考据家孙星衍在《孙子兵法·序》中说:“吾家出乐安,真孙子之后。”孙星衍自称是孙子的后代,照孙星衍的说法,孙子故里在今山东省广饶县,因为孙星衍原籍乐安,就是现在的广饶。 对于孙子的里籍,民国七年(1918)修的《乐安县志·人物志》也说:“孙子,各书谓武,齐人,而田氏祖属,祖书以功赐姓,食采乐安。此地以乐安名而见于载籍之最古者,事尤前于汉之以乐安名国名郡,则元(应为金)之用以名今县(按:当时“乐安”县已改“广饶”县,但《县志》内容,下限仍在未改之前)所属或亦有因。推是,则武或邑人。”这里说:“武或邑人”,虽然比较谨慎,但在整个民国时期,对此问题,除“广饶说”之外,别无他论。 展开更多
关键词 里籍 广饶县 孙星衍 食采 博兴县 孙武故里 安县 春秋时期 高青县 故城
作者 谢钧祥 《中州统战》 2000年第8期39-,共1页
关键词 元和姓纂 食采 新郑 毕万 冯奉世
Effects of Dietary Soy Isoflavones on Feed Intake,Growth Performance and Digestibility in Juvenile Japanese Flounder(Paralichthys olivaceus) 被引量:9
作者 MAI Kangsen ZHANG Yanjiao +3 位作者 CHEN Wei XU Wei AI Qinghui ZHANG Wenbing 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2012年第4期511-516,共6页
An 8-week feeding trial was conducted to investigate the effects of dietary soy isoflavones on feeding intake,growth performance,and digestion of juvenile Japanese flounder(Paralichthys olivaceus).Four isonitrogenous(... An 8-week feeding trial was conducted to investigate the effects of dietary soy isoflavones on feeding intake,growth performance,and digestion of juvenile Japanese flounder(Paralichthys olivaceus).Four isonitrogenous(49% crude protein) and isoenergetic(20.1 MJ kg-1) diets were formulated to contain four graded levels of soy isoflavones,namely,0,1,4 and 8 g soy isoflavones in 1 kg of diet.Each diet was randomly fed to triplicate tanks of fish(Initial average weight:2.58 g ± 0.01 g),and each tank was stocked with 35 fish.No significant difference was observed among diets with levels of 0,1 and 4 g kg-1 soy isoflavones in feed intake,weight gain,feed efficiency ratio(FER),proximate composition of fish whole body and apparent digestibility coefficients(ADC) of nutrients and energy(P>0.05).However,high dietary soy isoflavones level(8 g kg-1) significantly depressed weight gain,FER,whole-body crude lipid content of fish and ADC of nutrients(P<0.05).These results indicate that high level of dietary soy isoflavones(above 4 g kg-1) significantly depresses growth responses and FER of Japanese flounder.However,as the content of soy isoflavones in soybean meal is around 1 to 3 g kg-1,the adverse effects might be neglected when soybean products are used as a fish feed ingredient. 展开更多
关键词 soy isoflavones feed intake DIGESTIBILITY GROWTH Japanese flounder
饲喂代乳料对犊牛生长性能、瘤胃发育和代谢的影响 被引量:1
作者 Silper B F 孙鹏 《中国畜牧兽医》 CAS 北大核心 2014年第3期187-187,共1页
本试验评价了3种饲喂方式对荷斯坦公犊牛生长性能、瘤胃发育和代谢的影响。试验选取54头荷斯坦公犊牛,分别饲喂3种日粮:每日饲喂4L代乳料(MR)至60日龄(4L-60d);每日饲喂6LMR至29日龄,30~60日龄改为每Et饲喂4LMR(6L-29d/4L-60... 本试验评价了3种饲喂方式对荷斯坦公犊牛生长性能、瘤胃发育和代谢的影响。试验选取54头荷斯坦公犊牛,分别饲喂3种日粮:每日饲喂4L代乳料(MR)至60日龄(4L-60d);每日饲喂6LMR至29日龄,30~60日龄改为每Et饲喂4LMR(6L-29d/4L-60d);或每日饲喂6LMR至60日龄(6L-60d)。犊牛自由饮水和采食开食料。每日记录MR和开食料的采食量,每周记录犊牛体重(BW)。试验第15、30、45、60、75和90天时采集血液样品用于测定葡萄糖和胰岛素浓度,采集瘤胃内容物样品测定挥发性脂肪酸含量和瘤胃氨浓度。试验第30、60和90天每个处理选取6头犊牛屠宰。测定前胃和皱胃空重、乳头长度及有丝分裂指数。犊牛30日龄前每日饲喂6LMR较饲喂4LMR相比,平均MR日采食量(以体重百分比计算)较高。30~60日龄期间6L-29d/4L60d处理组犊牛MR日采食量最低,其次是4L-60d和6L60d处理组。各组之间开食料采食量(每日干物质量按kg计算)无差异。从第1个月的0.065kg/d增长至第2个月的0.386kg/d,直至断奶后达到2.065kg/d。第1个月时饲喂MR较多的犊牛体重增长较快,但在第2个月时无差异。断奶后,6L-60d组犊牛体重增长高于其他2组且在30、60和90日龄均较高。前胃空重、瘤胃pH、氨氮浓度各组差异不显著。6L60d组丙酸浓度较低,但乙酸和丁酸浓度未受MR饲喂方式影响。犊牛30日龄前饲喂较多的MR其瘤胃有丝分裂指数较高。不同MR饲喂模式未影响瘤胃乳头长度和上皮厚度。瘤胃未见诸如角化不全或角化过度等病变。MR饲喂方式未影响葡萄糖浓度,但6L-60d组犊牛胰岛素浓度高于其他2组。葡萄糖浓度随日龄增加而升高,但胰岛素浓度到45日龄时先有所下降,而后至90日龄时又逐渐升高。总之,MR饲喂方式未影响瘤胃发育,给犊牛每日饲喂6LMR超过60日龄可使体重增加而对开食料采食量及前胃发育无负面影响。6L60d组犊牛断奶前获得的体重增长优势持续至90日龄。 展开更多
关键词 葡萄糖 生长 断奶前
Effect of stocking density on performances of juvenile turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) in recirculating aquaculture systems 被引量:6
作者 李贤 刘鹰 Jean-Paul BLANCHETON 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第3期514-522,共9页
Limited information has been available about the influence of loading density on the performances of Scophthalmus maximus, especially in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS). In this study, turbot (13.84±2.... Limited information has been available about the influence of loading density on the performances of Scophthalmus maximus, especially in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS). In this study, turbot (13.84±2.74 g; average weigh±SD) were reared at four different initial densities (low 0.66, medium 1.26, sub-high 2.56, high 4.00 kg/m^2) for 10 weeks in RAS at 23±1℃ Final densities were 4.67, 7.25, 14.16, and 17.47 kg/m^2, respectively, which translate to 82, 108, 214, and 282 percent coverage of the tank bottom. Density had both negative and independent impacts on growth. The final mean weight, specific growth rate (SGR), and voluntary feed intake significantly decreased and the coefficient of variation (CV) of final body weight increased with increase in stocking density. The medium and sub-high density groups did not differ significantly in SGR, mean weight, CV, food conversion rate (FCR), feed intake, blood parameters, and digestive enzymes. The protease activities of the digestive tract at pH 7, 8.5, 9, and 10 were significantly higher for the highest density group, but tended to be lower (not significantly) at pH 4 and 8.5 for the lowest density group. The intensity of protease activity was inversely related to feed intake at the different densities. Catalase activity was higher (but not significantly) at the highest density, perhaps because high density started to induce an oxidative effect in turbot. In conclusion, turbot can be cultured in RAS at a density of less than 17.47 kg/m^2. With good water quality and no feed limitation, initial density between 1.26 and 2.56 kg/m^2 (final: 7.25 and 14.16 kg/m^2) would not negatively affect the turbot cultured in RAS. For culture at higher density, multi-level feeding devices are suggested to ease feeding competition. 展开更多
关键词 TURBOT stocking density GROWTH protease activity
Phytogenic Feed Additive for Sows: Effects on Sow Feed Intake, Serum Metabolite Concentrations, IgG Level, Lysozyme Activity and Milk Quality 被引量:4
作者 M. Zhong D. Wu +1 位作者 Y. Lin Z. F. Fang 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2011年第6期802-810,共9页
The objective of this study was to investigate the influence ofa phytogenic feed additive (PFA) to late-gestation (d 90) and lactation sows on their reproduction performance. Sixty Large White × Landrace prim... The objective of this study was to investigate the influence ofa phytogenic feed additive (PFA) to late-gestation (d 90) and lactation sows on their reproduction performance. Sixty Large White × Landrace primiparous sows were divided into four groups (fifteen sows per group). The control group was fed with basal diet, the others were fed with basal diet supplemented with 0.02%, 0.04% and 0.06% PFA, respectively. Compared with the control, the sows in 0.04% PFA group had higher feed intake during lactation and higher litter weaning weight (P 〈 0.05). At farrowing, glucose level in 0.04% PFA sows was higher than the control and sows in 0.02% PFA had the highest IgG content among the treatments (P 〈 0.05). On day 7 of lactation, serum urea nitrogen contents were lower in response to PFA supplementation compared to the control (P 〈 0.05). At the same time, sows fed the 0.06% PFA diet increased the lysozyme activity (P 〈 0.05). The levels of milk lactose and IgG were increased in 0.02% and 0.04% PFA groups (P 〈 0.05). In conclusion, feeding PFA improved sows and litter performance, serum metabolite concentrations, lgG level and lysozyme activity at postpartum and milk quality. 展开更多
关键词 METABOLISM MILK performance phytogenic feed additive sows.
Feeding Effect of Triticale Fodder as Replacement of Straw on Production Performance of Dairy Cows 被引量:2
作者 Nathu Ram Sarker Mohammad Asaduzzaman +4 位作者 Khan Shahidul Huque Mohammad Toyebur Rahman NazrulIslam Mohammad Enamul Haque Stephen R. Waadington 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2013年第1期72-82,共11页
Twenty lactating cows of two to five parity having an average live weight of 290.00 to 330.00 kg and an average milk production of 4.54 kg/head/day to 4.66 kg/head/day were selected from the Central Cattle breeding St... Twenty lactating cows of two to five parity having an average live weight of 290.00 to 330.00 kg and an average milk production of 4.54 kg/head/day to 4.66 kg/head/day were selected from the Central Cattle breeding Station and Dairy Farm. The four dietary treatment were: SlooTo (Straw 100: Triticale 0 as control); $5oT5o (Straw 50: Triticale 50); $25T75 (Straw 25: Triticale 75) and SoTloo (Straw 0: Triticale 100). It was observed that the roughage dry matter intake (DMI) (2.61 ~ 0.07 kg) in percent live weight was significantly (P 〈 0.05) higher in $25T75 and the lowest (1.76 ~ 0.018 kg) in the control group (SlooTo) and the differences were significant among the dietary treatments except $5oT5o and SoTloo. The total DMI was significantly (P 〈 0.05) higher in SoT^oo (13.36 i 0.13 kg) followed by $25T75, $5oT5o and SlooTo, respectively. The digestibility of crude protein (CP) was slightly higher in $25T75 (75.48 ~ 0.96) compared to SoTtoo (75.31 ~ 1.45) and the difference was non-significant (P 〉 0.05). Milk production was significantly (P 〈 0.05) the highest in $5oT5o and the lowest in SlooTo followed by SoTloo, $25T75, respectively. The percent increased in milk yield was also the highest in $5oT5o (67.68%) and the lowest in SlooTo (28.85%). The 4% fat corrected milk was also significantly (P 〈 0.05) higher in $5oT5o followed by SoTloo, $25T75 and SlooTo, respectively. Therefore, it can be concluded that triticale and straw at a ratio of 50:50 may be fed for better production performance of dairy cows. 展开更多
关键词 Triticale green fodder production performance REPLACEMENT milk yield.
Effects of fish meal and sodium butyrate on growth performance, gut development and glucagon-like peptide-2 secretion in weanling piglets 被引量:2
作者 WANG Chun-gang DING Xue-mei BAI Shi-ping ZHANG Ke-ying 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2009年第9期8-15,共8页
The experiment was conducted to study the effects of fish meal and sodium butyrate on growth performance, gut development and GLP-2 secretion in weanling piglets. A 2×2 factorial design was used with two fish ... The experiment was conducted to study the effects of fish meal and sodium butyrate on growth performance, gut development and GLP-2 secretion in weanling piglets. A 2×2 factorial design was used with two fish meal levels (0, 5%), and two sodium butyrate levels (0, 0.3%). There were 4 dietary treatments: control diet (CD); control diet supplemented with fish meal (CF), control diet supplemented with sodium butyrate (CB), control diet supplemented with fish meal and sodium butyrate (FB). A total of 44 28-days-old Large White×Landrace weanling piglets were randomly allotted into 4 treatment averagely. The experiment period was 14 days. The results showed that sodium butyrate's addition increased average diary gain (ADG), average diary feed intake (ADFI) and gain to feed intake ratio (G:F) of weanling piglets (all P〈0,05), improved gut morphology (mucosa thickness, ratio of villous height to crypt depth) and sucrase activity, and fish meal's addition increased maltase activity (all P〈0.05). Either sodium butyrate or fish meal addition decreased cecum colibacillus quantity, sodium butyrate increaded ratio of cecum lactobacilli to colibacillus (P〈0.05). Consequently, diarrhea was reduced in diet supplemented with fish meal (P=-0.08) and diet supplemented with sodium butyrate (P=0.15) through 14 days of experiment, significant reduction of diarrhea rate was observed in diet supplemented with fish meal through the first 7 days (P〈0.05). In addition, sodium butyrate and fish meal addition in diets tended to increase plasma GLP-2 concentration, however, GLP-2 concentration on the 4th day was consistently decreased in diet supplemented with fish meal relative to that on day 0 (P=0.08). Overall, it could be concluded that both sodium butyrate and fish meal addition improve intestinal development and sodium butyrate addition significantly increase growth performance. The gut trophic response to sodium butyrate or may be in agreement with development. peptide GLP-2 increases in fish meal addition in diet and the alteration of intestinal 展开更多
关键词 fish meal sodium butyrate GLP-2 PERFORMANCE weanling piglet
Body composition and compensatory growth in Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus under different feeding intervals 被引量:1
作者 高阳 王子威 +1 位作者 HUR Jun-wook LEE Jeong-Yeol 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第4期945-956,共12页
We investigated the growth and body composition of Nile tilapia under five different feeding regimes. A control group was fed to satiation twice daily for 185 days; four treatment groups were fed at intervals of 2, 3,... We investigated the growth and body composition of Nile tilapia under five different feeding regimes. A control group was fed to satiation twice daily for 185 days; four treatment groups were fed at intervals of 2, 3, 4 or 7 days(dietary ‘restricted' period, days 0–80) and then fed to satiation(‘refeeding' period, days 80–185). Compensatory growth in weight and length of the feed-restricted groups was observed during the refeeding period. However, the growth of none of the restricted groups caught up with that of the control group over the experimental period. Feed intake upon refeeding increased with the duration of deprivation. There were no significant differences in feed efficiency between the restricted and control groups during the refeeding stage, suggesting that hyperphagia was the mechanism responsible for the increased growth rates during this period. Tilapia preferentially used n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and nonessential amino acids during the restricted-feeding period. Higher production was achieved by higher feed consumption. We suggest that if attainment of market size in minimum time is required, fish should be consistently fed to satiation, while taking care to avoid the possible negative consequences of overfeeding. 展开更多
关键词 restricted feeding HYPERPHAGIA feed efficiency fatty acid amino acid TILAPIA
Interrelation between Seasonal Grazing Behavior of Guizhou Black Goat and Grassland Productivity
作者 舒健虹 王普昶 丁磊磊 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第3期678-683,共6页
In order to discover the relationship of the Guizhou black goat seasona grazing behavior traits and grassland productivity, the varieties of grazing behavior of Guizhou black goat and its relationship with the grassla... In order to discover the relationship of the Guizhou black goat seasona grazing behavior traits and grassland productivity, the varieties of grazing behavior of Guizhou black goat and its relationship with the grassland productivity under different grazing intensity in all seasons on Guizhou karst artificial grassland were studied. Obvious differences for goat grazing behavior were found under differen grazing intensity in either the same season or different seasons. The grazing behav ior in the same season showed that it could significantly reduce the mouth eating grass within 5 minutes, each step number, feeding speed, each food intake, daily feed intake(P0.05) under high grazing intensity. In different seasons, it could in crease the feeding time within 5 min, marching step, standing time and intake(P0.05) in the spring; while in the summer, it could improve intake mouth number each mouth eating grass number and feeding rate(P0.05). It had no obvious dif ference in ruminant behavior parameters in the same season under different grazing intensity, but in different seasons, it can obviously increase ruminant within 5 minutes, number of ruminant feed group(P0.05) in the spring, and it can obviously in crease the time and number of each food group chew(P0.05) in the summer. The correlation analysis of main goat grazing behavior parameter showed that it had good correlation among other parameters except within 5 min walk time, each feed intake and daily feed intake(P0.05).The relationship between goat grazing behavio parameters and grassland productivity showed that, the foraging time and standing time within 5 min were lower in the medium level of grassland productivity, while number of food intake, every step to eat grass and daily feed intake were higher with increasing grassland productivity, goats feeding speed was reduced, but each intake was increased. 展开更多
关键词 Karst grass Guizhou black goat Grazing behavior Grassland productivity
Feeding habits and ontogenetic diet shifts of Bombay duck, Harpadon nehereus 被引量:2
作者 张波 金显仕 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第3期542-548,共7页
Based on two bottom trawl surveys conducted in autumn 2000 and 2001, a total of 1106 stomach samples of Bombay duck Harpadon nehereus between 23–278 mm fork length were collected and analyzed. The results show that B... Based on two bottom trawl surveys conducted in autumn 2000 and 2001, a total of 1106 stomach samples of Bombay duck Harpadon nehereus between 23–278 mm fork length were collected and analyzed. The results show that Bombay duck prey items consisted of 11 groups or 32 species, of which Apogon lineatus, Leptochela gracilis, Acetes chinensis, and Euphausia pacifi ca were the dominant prey species. Ontogenetic variations were found in feeding habits and feeding activity of Bombay duck. Feeding activity was highest in fi sh smaller than 50 mm, lowest in fi sh between 50 and 99 mm, and then increased with increasing size thereafter. As Bombay duck size increased, fi sh prey increased in importance, whereas euphausiids and decapods decreased in importance. Different trophic guilds were observed in feeding habits across the examined size range. Bombay duck smaller than 50 mm were zooplanktivores, mainly feeding on zooplankton and fi sh larva; those between 50 and 149 mm were generalist predators, mainly feeding on pelagic shrimps, demersal shrimps and fi shes; and those larger than 150 mm were piscivores, mainly feeding on fi shes. 展开更多
关键词 Harpadon nehereus diet composition feeding activity dietary overlap ontogenetic variation
Assessing the Effect of Farmers' Supplementation Strategy on Feed Intake and Liveweight of Goats Grazing Natural Range and Crop Fields of Zamfara Reserve in Semi-Arid Nigeria
作者 Bello S. Malami Pierre Hiernaux +1 位作者 Hussaini M. Tukur Joerg Steinbach 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2012年第5期628-635,共8页
This on-farm study was conducted in Zamfara reserve of north western Nigeria between July, 2002 and June, 2003 to assess feed intake and liveweight of 12 indigenous Red Sokoto castrated bucks, separated into two group... This on-farm study was conducted in Zamfara reserve of north western Nigeria between July, 2002 and June, 2003 to assess feed intake and liveweight of 12 indigenous Red Sokoto castrated bucks, separated into two groups of six, supplemented and nonsupplemented respectively. The nonsupplemented group grazed natural pasture and crop stubble of crop fields, whereas the supplemented group grazed natural pasture, crop stubbles and received concentrate supplementation. Concentrate supplement (wheat offal) was fed at 1% of the metabolic weight of the animals which corresponds to the mean of the farmers offer. The total faecal collection method and grab samples of feed were used to estimate total intake of dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM), crude protein (CP) and metabolizable energy (ME). Liveweight of the animal was recorded at five weekly intervals. Results of the study indicated that nutrients intake of supplemented animals were generally higher than those of the nonsupplemented group, but not significantly different (P 〉 0.05). However, it was observed that supplementation significantly (P 〈 0.05) affected the liveweight of the supplemented bucks during early dry season in December, During this period feed became more available to the grazing animals from crop residues. It was therefore concluded that supplementation with wheat offal at 1% metabolic weight may not be enough to counteract weight loss of grazing goats during the other periods of dry season in this environment. 展开更多
关键词 Supplementation goats LIVEWEIGHT natural range cropfields semi-arid.
Use of Chromium Oxide and Alkane Indicator Methods for Determination of Feed Intake for Grazing Sheep
作者 Selcuk Altacli Suphi Deniz 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2017年第3期199-208,共10页
This experiment was carried out to determine feed intake and digestibility of grazing sheep on pasture. A total of 14 animals randomly divided into two groups with seven animals each group were used in the experiment.... This experiment was carried out to determine feed intake and digestibility of grazing sheep on pasture. A total of 14 animals randomly divided into two groups with seven animals each group were used in the experiment. Digestibility of pastures was determined using two types of markers-alkane (C32-C36) and chromium oxide. Dry matter intake (DMI) was 717.22 g/d based on chromium oxide method in the experiment, while according to alkane method, DMI was 965.93 g/d and 1,051.07 g/d for C32 and C36, respectively. In conclusion, pastures met 74%-81% of crude protein (CP) and 57%-61% of energy requirements of lambs grazing on Yuzuncu Yil University pasture, who are mid-quality and 4-7 month-old with a 275 g/d expected daily gain. It was calculated that when 628-693 g/d of barley is given, both CP and metabolizable energy (ME) requirements of animals can be met. 展开更多
关键词 PASTURE chromium oxide ALKANE feed intake DIGESTIBILITY energy content.
Frequency of Occupation with Different Objects by Growing Rabbits under Various Conditions
作者 C. Lang, C. Weirich S. Hoy 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2011年第6期833-841,共9页
The investigation was carried out with altogether 332 growing rabbits (ZIKA) in six rounds of 8 weeks duration respectively (R1-R6) with the following occupational objects: wooden gnawing stick (WGS), plastic g... The investigation was carried out with altogether 332 growing rabbits (ZIKA) in six rounds of 8 weeks duration respectively (R1-R6) with the following occupational objects: wooden gnawing stick (WGS), plastic gnawing stick (PGS) and two iron chains connected by a horizontal stick (ICS), wooden gnawing limb (WGL) and a horizontal iron chain (HIC). The feeding system varied from pellet feeding ad libitum (in the first rounds, in the following rounds it decreased pro-rata whereas the proportion of the crude fibre feed (loose or pressed in blocks) increased appropriately) to crude fibre feeding ad libitum. The behavior "occupation with the tool" was infrared video recorded and continuously analyzed and summarized in hour-values per rabbit. The average frequency of occupation per rabbit and hour ranged from 0,13 to 2.19 concerning the rounds and between 0.12 and 1,30 concerning the tools. Altogether, it could be assumed that different occupational tools had an influence on the engaging behavior but the effect of the round which was affected by the feeding system was higher. The investigation showed that rabbits spent less time occupying with the tool when they were fed with an increasing percentage of crude fibre (less pellets) in the ration. 展开更多
关键词 Growing rabbits environmental enrichment OCCUPATION behaviour.
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