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2016年徐州市城市生活饮用水水质卫生调查分析 被引量:4
作者 吴玲 朱广奎 《中国校医》 2017年第10期732-732,734,共2页
目的了解徐州市城市饮用水水质卫生状况,为保障城市居民饮水安全提供科学依据。方法按照《全国饮用水卫生监测方案(2016版)》要求,分别于2016年每个季度采集市政供水的出厂水、末梢水和二次供水水样以及自备井水源的出厂水和末梢水。市... 目的了解徐州市城市饮用水水质卫生状况,为保障城市居民饮水安全提供科学依据。方法按照《全国饮用水卫生监测方案(2016版)》要求,分别于2016年每个季度采集市政供水的出厂水、末梢水和二次供水水样以及自备井水源的出厂水和末梢水。市政供水出厂水在第三季度丰水期(7—9月)进行水质指标全分析,其余水样检测水质常规指标。2016年共监测市政供水水厂6座,其中以地表水为水源水的2座水厂供水方式为常规处理,4座以地下水为水源水的水厂供水方式仅以消毒为主。结果全年共监测水样200份,合格水样164份,水样合格率为82%。引起不合格的主要原因是耗氧量、总硬度和微生物指标,耗氧量不合格样品为17份,总硬度不合格样品为16份,微生物指标不合格样品为14份(其中11份水样有多种不合格指标)。结论徐州市全年生活饮用水的水样合格率为82%,说明城市供水水质卫生安全还是存在很多问题,需要政府和有关部门引起重视,加大饮水安全的投入,确保人民生活饮用水的安全。 展开更多
关键词 饮用水/分析 饮用水/标准 公共卫生监测 城市卫生
生活饮用水微生物检验方法及评价标准分析 被引量:3
作者 付树艳 《中国校医》 2018年第4期280-280,284,共2页
目的探讨生活饮用水微生物检验方法及评价标准。方法随机抽取生活中的饮用水600份,分为观察组和对照组,观察组水样采取多管发酵法进行检验,对照组水样采取滤膜法进行检验,对比2组水样的检验效果以及评价标准。结果观察组268份检测结果合... 目的探讨生活饮用水微生物检验方法及评价标准。方法随机抽取生活中的饮用水600份,分为观察组和对照组,观察组水样采取多管发酵法进行检验,对照组水样采取滤膜法进行检验,对比2组水样的检验效果以及评价标准。结果观察组268份检测结果合格,32份不合格,总合格率为89.3%,对照组200份合格,100份不合格,总合格率为66.7%,观察组合格率明显高于对照组,观察组采取多管发酵的检验方法的准确率明显高于对照组采取滤膜法进行过滤检验的方法,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论多管发酵的检验方法检验后的水样数值准确性较高,符合相关饮用水的判定标准,因此在相同的检验环境下,多管发酵的检验方法效果更好。 展开更多
关键词 饮用水/分析 水微生物学 微生物学技术
作者 陈花珍 胡喜梅 《中国校医》 2017年第8期578-579,共2页
目的调查分析2015年嵩县矿区饮用水中化学及重金属污染状况,为饮用水污染防治提供参考。方法采用随机抽样方法,对2015年嵩县矿区饮用水进行检测。检测结果参照《生活饮用水卫生标准》(GB5749-2006)执行,检测指标包括氨氮,聚硅硫酸铝、... 目的调查分析2015年嵩县矿区饮用水中化学及重金属污染状况,为饮用水污染防治提供参考。方法采用随机抽样方法,对2015年嵩县矿区饮用水进行检测。检测结果参照《生活饮用水卫生标准》(GB5749-2006)执行,检测指标包括氨氮,聚硅硫酸铝、聚氯化铝以及聚氯化铝铁等化学处理剂,砷、铅、银、硒、汞、镉以及铬等重金属。结果本次调研共抽取矿区供水水井24眼,其中包含小型集中式供水单位水井14眼,大型水井10眼;共抽取样本192份,其中总体合格率为46.4%(89/192)。本年度矿区送检样本146份,总体合格率为69.9%(102/146)。抽检样本与送检样本合格率差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。192份样本中氨氮合格率为54.2%(104/192)。化学处理剂检测指标结果中聚硅硫酸铝53份,合格率为47.2%(25/53);聚氯化铝60份,合格率为53.3%(32/60);聚氯化铝铁79份,合格率为51.9%(41/79)。重金属指标检测结果显示总体合格率为51.0%(98/192);其中砷、铅、银、硒、汞、镉以及铬等重金属合格率分别为60.9%(117/192)、53.1%(102/192)、64.6%(124/192)、58.3%(112/192)、76.0%(146/192)、78.6%(151/192)、64.1%(123/192)。各项化学指标及重金属指标比较,抽检样本合格率均显著低于送检样本(P<0.05)。结论 2015年嵩县矿区饮用水中化学及重金属污染较为严重,应提高饮用水消毒管理水平,保障矿区用水安全。 展开更多
关键词 饮用水/分析 金属 /分析 水污染 化学 环境监测 采矿
沈阳市于洪区某学院饮用水污染事故调查 被引量:2
作者 关大庆 《中国校医》 2014年第9期645-646,共2页
2011年9月22日,沈阳市于洪区某学院89名学生发生恶心、呕吐、腹痛、腹泻症状,经过流行病学、卫生学调查,结合实验室检测结果证明,是由于生活饮用水污染引起的一起突发公共卫生事件,现将结果报告如下。1流行病学调查该学院为三年制专科院... 2011年9月22日,沈阳市于洪区某学院89名学生发生恶心、呕吐、腹痛、腹泻症状,经过流行病学、卫生学调查,结合实验室检测结果证明,是由于生活饮用水污染引起的一起突发公共卫生事件,现将结果报告如下。1流行病学调查该学院为三年制专科院校,全院共有学生4 922人,在职员工260人;学院共有诚信食堂、仁德食堂2个食堂,每个食堂各有10余个独立的档口; 展开更多
关键词 学校 饮用水/分析 水污染
分光光度法与离子色谱法测定饮用水中氰化物的比较 被引量:2
作者 姜占元 《中国校医》 2018年第11期857-858,共2页
目的采用异烟酸-吡唑酮分光光度法和离子色谱法分别测定饮用水中氰化物含量来对比分析2种方法的差异性。方法使用紫外可见分光光度计和离子色谱仪分别对氰化物质控样和试剂样品进行对此测定,分析2种方法的精密度和准确度。结果通过分析... 目的采用异烟酸-吡唑酮分光光度法和离子色谱法分别测定饮用水中氰化物含量来对比分析2种方法的差异性。方法使用紫外可见分光光度计和离子色谱仪分别对氰化物质控样和试剂样品进行对此测定,分析2种方法的精密度和准确度。结果通过分析测定,离子色谱法测定饮用水中氰化物含量的精密度和准确度较分光光度法有所提高,其差异无统计学意义。结论异烟酸-吡唑酮分光光度法的测试过程操作繁琐,稳定性较差,样品需要蒸馏预处理,试验耗时较长。离子色谱法分析操作简单,能够有效降低样品受污染的可能性并保证分析质量。 展开更多
关键词 氰化物/分析 饮用水/分析 分光光度测定法/方法 色谱法 离子交换/方法
Qualitative and Environmental Aspects Study of Water Distributed in West Algeria: The Case of Sidi Bel Abbes City
作者 Habib Meliani Mohamed Benyahia Mohamed Ali Bouzidi 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2013年第9期1009-1018,共10页
Water comes from various different sources, such as lakes, rivers, streams, springs and boreholes. Depending on the quality of its source, water will almost certainly have to be treated to make it safe to drink. All w... Water comes from various different sources, such as lakes, rivers, streams, springs and boreholes. Depending on the quality of its source, water will almost certainly have to be treated to make it safe to drink. All water supplies for human consumption must be well stored, free from micro-organisms, parasites and any substances that endanger public health if found in sufficient numbers or concentrations, in the same time. In our continued effort for a better result in our study of qualitative aspects, by physicochemical and bacteriological analysis, the authors focus in two crucial questions: a) is the water quality of Sidi-bel-Abbes good or bad ,and well stored? b) is the people of Sidi-bel-Abbes are aware of the importance of water and knowledgeable about how to use this vital? This study is the first to use data from I real work based upon a developed method and a good investigation to know exactly if water of Sidi-Bel-Abbes is safely treated, well stored and consumed in resemble way. In first, the authors plotted the method in analysing the qualitative aspect of water using developed material for a precise result starting by the distribution connection (condition and management) and the verification of water tank storage and finishing by analyzing the all the aspect of water (physicochemical and bacteriological analysis). In second, the authors focus on the way that people of Sidi Bel Abbes used and consumption water by introducing a targeted method (questionnaires) which help us a lot to know precisely the way, time and the real quantity of water consumed daily. In final step of our study of qualitative aspects, by physico-chemical and bacteriological, and environmental analyses, investigation processed by PCA (principal component analysis) of the drinking water supplied to Sidi Bel Abbes city (Algeria north-west) concluded by an encouraging result, that despite the various constraints faced by the departments concerned, they ensure the supply of safe drinking water in households almost daily. 展开更多
关键词 Drinking water Sidi Bel Abb6s city qualitative and environmental aspects PCA
Hydrochemical Control of Groundwater in an Administrative Area of Mamou
作者 Mamadou Dian Kante Chuanping Feng +2 位作者 Cellou Kante Alfa-Sika Mande Seyf-Laye Baogang Zhang 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2014年第1期49-54,共6页
The potability of water wells, drilling and tap water is the determining factor for the quality management of health of the urban and rural population. This study has been done on the basis of monitoring aspect such a... The potability of water wells, drilling and tap water is the determining factor for the quality management of health of the urban and rural population. This study has been done on the basis of monitoring aspect such as pH, content ammonium, nitrate, nitrite and chloride from a physico chemical point of view. This study allowed the chemical and bacteriological analysis of samples, based on the result obtained, and the potability of water was defined. The bacteriological analysis was carried out taking account of the total flora, coliforms and Escherichia coll. This work gave rise to analyze 36 samples of water from wells, eight samples of drilling water and nine samples of water taps from municipalities such as Mamou, Dalaba and Pita. Water wells represent 90% of water supplies in drinking water to the population. In this research, collection of samples was very important. This study shows that 16 samples from 52 are potable, therefore, it is urgent to focus on the treatment of sewage in order to ensure better health for the population from administrative region of Mamou. 展开更多
关键词 NITRATES NITRITES total flora.
2014—2017年泗洪县农村集中式供水水质分析 被引量:5
作者 刘伯 俞文文 张明访 《中国校医》 2019年第3期185-187,共3页
目的为及时掌握泗洪县农村饮用水水质及其动态变化,为卫生监管和保障饮水安全提供预见性资料。方法按照《生活饮用水标准检验方法》《生活饮用水卫生标准》对全县所有集中式供水水质进行检测和评价。结果共检测水样1 529份,合格1 189份... 目的为及时掌握泗洪县农村饮用水水质及其动态变化,为卫生监管和保障饮水安全提供预见性资料。方法按照《生活饮用水标准检验方法》《生活饮用水卫生标准》对全县所有集中式供水水质进行检测和评价。结果共检测水样1 529份,合格1 189份,合格率77.76%;出厂水和末梢水合格率差异无统计学意义(χ2=0.67,P>0.05);枯水期水样合格率明显高于丰水期,差异有统计学意义(χ2=34.66,P<0.001);检测47 868项次,合格率98.571%,枯水期项次合格率明显高于丰水期,差异有统计学意义(χ2=117.71,P<0.001),主要不合格项目为菌落总数、游离余氯、总大肠菌群、浑浊度、耐热大肠菌群等13项。结论泗洪县农村集中式供水存在诸多安全问题,实施区域供水后得到明显好转;建立长效水质监测机制是保障农村饮水安全的重要举措。 展开更多
关键词 饮用水/分析 饮用水/标准 公共卫生监测 农村卫生
2013—2015年南京市鼓楼区管道直饮水卫生检测结果分析 被引量:3
作者 王晓君 张明 李春红 《中国校医》 2016年第11期811-812,814,共3页
目的了解南京市鼓楼区管道直饮水的卫生状况,为今后开展监督监测提供科学依据。方法2013—2015年对南京市鼓楼区3类245家委托单位的管道直饮水进行卫生监督监测。结果共检测291份管道直饮水,合格268份,合格率为92.10%;3年合格率分别为92... 目的了解南京市鼓楼区管道直饮水的卫生状况,为今后开展监督监测提供科学依据。方法2013—2015年对南京市鼓楼区3类245家委托单位的管道直饮水进行卫生监督监测。结果共检测291份管道直饮水,合格268份,合格率为92.10%;3年合格率分别为92.87%、89.38%和95.06%,2014年合格率有所下降;中学的管道直饮水卫生状况合格率(79.59%)最低。微生物指标菌落总数是致管道直饮水不合格的主要原因之一。结论南京市鼓楼区各类管道直饮水的总体合格率较高,但应进一步加强卫生监督监测,不断提高管道直饮水的卫生安全性。 展开更多
关键词 饮用水/分析 公共卫生监测 中小学生卫生保健服务 学校
Optimum Solution for the Safe Drinking Water Crisis in Tala Upazila, Bangladesh 被引量:1
作者 Sajidur RAHMAN ZHAO Junkai 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2020年第2期213-222,共10页
Coastal areas of Bangladesh are especially vulnerable due to their physiographic location and exposure to natural calamities. Around 35 million people living in coastal areas have no access or limited access to safe d... Coastal areas of Bangladesh are especially vulnerable due to their physiographic location and exposure to natural calamities. Around 35 million people living in coastal areas have no access or limited access to safe drinking water. Contamination of water sources by salinity, arsenic or iron are the principal causes of water scarcity. Rising sea levels and unevenness of climatic events due to climate change will exacerbate the situation in coastal areas, especially in the southwestern coastal zone. This study examines one of the vulnerable coastal upazila Tala at Satkhira(an 'upazila' is a medium level administrative unit in Bangladesh) in the southwestern zone of Bangladesh to understand the gravity of the problems. The study develops a GIS based multi-criteria analysis to identify suitable options and locations of fresh water as part of a current and future solution to the problems and further deterioration. To fulfill the objectives, a questionnaire-based GPS guided field survey was conducted to collect details of field level conditions in order to find a suitable solution. Because aquifers are considered the primary source of drinking water, field data have been analyzed for two distinct aquifers, one relatively shallow and one deeper, to understand aquifer quality. Potentiality of different water sources the socioeconomic status of communities, types of water use and corresponding sources and water demand are also evaluated. The analysis finds that alternative water sources that are safe are difficult to find, because both surface and groundwater-based sources are already contaminated, and there are no nearby, easily accessible safe sources. Groundwater-based sources are contaminated by arsenic, iron or salinity, and surface water-based sources are not in use due to maintenance and management issues. In some cases, surface water sources are polluted by flash flooding of high saline water during storm surges or seepage from saline water-based aquacultures. Multiple limitations identified during field observations and field data analysis were considered as an analytical parameter A GIS based multi-criteria analysis incorporated field data, including Geo-spatial and socioeconomic information for road networks, settlement locations, number of households, quality and quantity of existing water sources, water demand and business opportunities. The analysis found some potential options in distributed locations which are consistent with community demand. Suggested options made use of technologies that are already understood and commonly used by communities, like deep tubewells, PSFs(Pond Sand Filter) and WTPs(Water Treatment Plant). In the study area, PSF is the most commonly used method and to make this surface water-based technology sustainable some precautionary measurements are suggested. 展开更多
关键词 safe drinking water coastal community multi-criteria analysis suitable options BANGLADESH
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