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投饵型网箱养鱼对生态环境的影响及对策 被引量:5
作者 冉景恒 《科学养鱼》 1999年第8期3-3,共1页
关键词 网箱养鱼 饵型 生态环境
作者 褚继芳 李国龙 +1 位作者 宋显全 董双波 《林业勘查设计》 2002年第4期43-45,共3页
介绍了试验区的概况和试验方法 ,对实验的结果做了结论性分析。
关键词 药剂 饵型 灭杀 森林害鼠
C型肉毒素饵粒防治草原鼠害试验 被引量:4
作者 白全江 高宝兰 +7 位作者 张万英 程玉臣 赵存虎 王飞 李英 陶毅 袁爱萍 冯润兰 《内蒙古农业科技》 2007年第3期54-55,共2页
2006年应用生物杀鼠剂C型肉毒素饵粒对乌拉特后旗草原害鼠进行了试验研究。结果表明:C型肉毒素饵粒750g/hm2、1500g/hm2、2250g/hm2和3000g/hm2处理投饵后7d防效为81.5%~86.5%,对照药剂用500万毒价/ml C型肉毒杀鼠素冻干剂毒饵1500g/hm... 2006年应用生物杀鼠剂C型肉毒素饵粒对乌拉特后旗草原害鼠进行了试验研究。结果表明:C型肉毒素饵粒750g/hm2、1500g/hm2、2250g/hm2和3000g/hm2处理投饵后7d防效为81.5%~86.5%,对照药剂用500万毒价/ml C型肉毒杀鼠素冻干剂毒饵1500g/hm2处理防效为87.4%,各用量处理及对照药剂处理间差异不显著。而且对人畜和害鼠类天敌比较安全,无二次中毒现象;综合考虑,以每hm2撒施C型肉毒素饵粒750~1500g为宜。 展开更多
关键词 C肉毒素 鼠害 防治
心居康地上型饵剂系统治理散白蚁的效果研究 被引量:1
作者 程元善 华志清 《中华卫生杀虫药械》 CAS 2013年第4期337-338,共2页
目的总结心居康地上型饵剂系统在实际治理散白蚁应用中的效果,摸索经验,更好地控制散白蚁危害。方法在不同季节将饵剂安装在散白蚁活动的场所,并进行后期检查维护,查看散白蚁取食及死亡情况。结果在有效实验的229户中,有207户成功诱到... 目的总结心居康地上型饵剂系统在实际治理散白蚁应用中的效果,摸索经验,更好地控制散白蚁危害。方法在不同季节将饵剂安装在散白蚁活动的场所,并进行后期检查维护,查看散白蚁取食及死亡情况。结果在有效实验的229户中,有207户成功诱到散白蚁;在一个散白蚁族群死亡后间断一段时间仍有19户被发现还存在散白蚁危害。结论心居康地上型饵剂系统能够有效控制散白蚁危害;但单一采用心居康地上型饵剂系统治理散白蚁的效果较慢,治理的彻底性还有待进一步观察。 展开更多
关键词 心居康地上剂系统 散白蚁
地上型饵站灭治散白蚁试验 被引量:1
作者 李家春 潘德瑜 陈永红 《科技创新导报》 2008年第28期4-4,共1页
本试验分别采用由美国恩斯特克斯(EXTERRA)公司生产的"艾氏"和美国陶氏益农公司生产的"心居康"地上型饵站灭治散白蚁。自2008年3月12日至3月28日对4个单位5栋房屋7个灭治点安装地上型饵站,经跟踪检查,得出如下结论... 本试验分别采用由美国恩斯特克斯(EXTERRA)公司生产的"艾氏"和美国陶氏益农公司生产的"心居康"地上型饵站灭治散白蚁。自2008年3月12日至3月28日对4个单位5栋房屋7个灭治点安装地上型饵站,经跟踪检查,得出如下结论:艾氏地上型饵站灭治散白蚁群体周期约4周左右,灭蚁效果良好。 展开更多
关键词 地上 灭治 散白蚁
问题解决式题型设计策略 被引量:1
作者 杭海 桂守才 《现代中小学教育》 2006年第1期28-31,共4页
问题解决式题型是用来培养中小学生问题解决能力和对学生的问题解决能力进行评价的一种题目类型。它与普通题型最大的不同之处是按照问题解决的基本环节来分阶段编制题目,其优势在于充分考虑到了学生的身心发展规律。问题解决式题型通... 问题解决式题型是用来培养中小学生问题解决能力和对学生的问题解决能力进行评价的一种题目类型。它与普通题型最大的不同之处是按照问题解决的基本环节来分阶段编制题目,其优势在于充分考虑到了学生的身心发展规律。问题解决式题型通常是依照“以问题解决为中心”的明确问题、理解问题和表征问题、探索问题解决方案、实施和评估解决方案等四个基本环节来编制题目,并依据这四个阶段设计解决问题的策略。 展开更多
关键词 问题决式题 设计 策略 教学
两种抗凝血灭鼠剂实验室及现场灭鼠效果比较 被引量:3
作者 陶卉英 马红梅 +3 位作者 柳小青 郭学俭 李卫民 燕念如 《中华卫生杀虫药械》 CAS 2006年第6期461-463,共3页
目的比较溴鼠灵毒饵和杀特宁B型饵剂实验室及现场灭鼠效果,为今后灭鼠工作提供科学依据。方法用有选择给饵法测定毒饵的适口性及实验室毒杀效果;用粉迹法测定现场鼠密度,计算校正灭鼠率。结果溴鼠灵毒饵的摄食系数为1.10,杀特宁B型饵剂... 目的比较溴鼠灵毒饵和杀特宁B型饵剂实验室及现场灭鼠效果,为今后灭鼠工作提供科学依据。方法用有选择给饵法测定毒饵的适口性及实验室毒杀效果;用粉迹法测定现场鼠密度,计算校正灭鼠率。结果溴鼠灵毒饵的摄食系数为1.10,杀特宁B型饵剂为1.35;2种毒饵实验室灭鼠率均为100%;现场校正灭鼠率,溴鼠灵毒饵为86.67%,杀特宁B型饵剂为42.99%。结论2种抗凝血灭鼠剂均具有很好的适口性及室内毒杀效果,但现场条件下溴鼠灵毒饵灭鼠更好,可以用于社区的大面积灭鼠。 展开更多
关键词 溴鼠灵毒 杀特宁B 适口性 灭鼠效果 抗凝血灭鼠剂
变电站内红火蚁防治效果观察 被引量:3
作者 赵瑾 钟平生 +1 位作者 张颂声 宋新像 《中华卫生杀虫药械》 CAS 2008年第4期267-269,共3页
目的采用红火蚁克星Ⅳ型饵剂对多个变电站进行红火蚁防治效果观察。方法采用大面积撒施和单蚁巢处理相结合进行统一灭治。结果1个月后,11个变电站中有7个已经诱集不到红火蚁;2个月后,只在2个变电站外围发现蚁巢;3个月后,各个变电站均没... 目的采用红火蚁克星Ⅳ型饵剂对多个变电站进行红火蚁防治效果观察。方法采用大面积撒施和单蚁巢处理相结合进行统一灭治。结果1个月后,11个变电站中有7个已经诱集不到红火蚁;2个月后,只在2个变电站外围发现蚁巢;3个月后,各个变电站均没有诱测到活动工蚁。结论红火蚁克星Ⅳ型饵剂能够快速杀灭红火蚁,除个别变电站初次施药后需要进行1次补施之外,多数变电站内一次施药后就能够杀灭红火蚁种群。在施药后18个月的监测调查中,各变电站内均未再诱测到活动工蚁,表明变电站内的红火蚁防治效果满意。 展开更多
关键词 红火蚁 红火蚁克星Ⅳ 变电站 防治效果
3000MLD/g C型肉毒杀鼠素饵粒对高原鼠兔的灭效试验 被引量:1
作者 张锦伟 彭晶煜 +1 位作者 张青龙 施大钊 《中国媒介生物学及控制杂志》 CAS CSCD 2009年第6期514-515,共2页
目的在青海省冬季条件下测定新型3000MLD/g C型肉毒杀鼠素饵粒对高原鼠兔的灭效。方法试验共设10个面积均为1hm2的小区,其中3000MLD/g C型肉毒杀鼠素饵粒与0.1%燕麦毒饵的100万MLD/ml C型肉毒梭菌毒素水剂对照处理各为4次重复,空白对照... 目的在青海省冬季条件下测定新型3000MLD/g C型肉毒杀鼠素饵粒对高原鼠兔的灭效。方法试验共设10个面积均为1hm2的小区,其中3000MLD/g C型肉毒杀鼠素饵粒与0.1%燕麦毒饵的100万MLD/ml C型肉毒梭菌毒素水剂对照处理各为4次重复,空白对照区2次重复。试验采用洞口投饵方式。结果灭前试验区高原鼠兔平均密度为(923.1±34.9)洞口/hm2。投饵后第6天3000MLD/g C型肉毒杀鼠素饵粒处理组平均校正灭洞率为(91.14±0.17)%,0.1%的水剂处理组平均校正灭洞率为(89.00±0.63)%,二者灭效差异有统计学意义。试验期间,未发现非靶标动物中毒死亡现象。结论3000MLD/g C型肉毒杀鼠素饵粒对高原鼠兔的灭效优于C型肉毒梭菌毒素水剂,但在长时间及大范围内,该药剂的安全性需要进一步的验证。 展开更多
关键词 C肉毒杀鼠素 高原鼠兔 灭效
A Leslie-Gower Holling Type-II Predator-Prey Mathematical Model with Disease in Prey Population Incorporating a Prey Refuge
作者 P. Mandal N. Das S. Pal 《Journal of Mathematics and System Science》 2016年第10期395-408,共14页
We formulate and analyze a predator-prey model followed by Leslie-Gower model in which the prey population is infected by disease. We assume that the disease can only spread over prey population. As a result prey popu... We formulate and analyze a predator-prey model followed by Leslie-Gower model in which the prey population is infected by disease. We assume that the disease can only spread over prey population. As a result prey population has been classified into two categories, namely susceptible prey, infected prey where as the predator population remains free from infection. To investigate the behaviour of prey population we incorporate prey refuge in this model. Since the prey refuge decreases the predation rate then it has an important effect in our predator-prey interaction model. We have discussed the existence of various equilibrium points and local stability analysis at those equilibrium points. We investigate the Hopf-bifurcation analysis about the interior equilibrium point by taking the rate of infection parameter and the prey refuge parameter as bifurcation parameters. The numerical analysis is carried out to support the analytical results and to discuss some interesting results that our model exhibits. 展开更多
关键词 Predator and prey Disease transmission Prey refuge Stability Hopf-bifurcation.
Geomorphic Habitat Type, Drift Cell, Forage Fish and Juvenile Salmon: Are They Linked?
作者 J. Anne Shaffer Patrick Crain +2 位作者 Todd Kassler Dan Penttila Dwight Barry 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(A)》 2012年第5期688-703,共16页
The role of geomorphic habitat type, drift cell scale, and geographic scale in defining fish use of nearshore habitats is poorly known, particularly for Pacific salmon and their prey. In this study, key areas of nears... The role of geomorphic habitat type, drift cell scale, and geographic scale in defining fish use of nearshore habitats is poorly known, particularly for Pacific salmon and their prey. In this study, key areas of nearshore habitat in central and western Strait of Juan de Fuca were categorized by geomorphic habitat type and assessed for fish use within a degraded (Elwha) and intact comparative drift cells over a one year period. Juvenile Chinook and coho salmon were also sampled for genetic analysis to define regional dispersal patterns. Key findings are: (1) Ecological function of the area's nearshore is complex, with very strong seasonal variation in fish use both within and across GMHT (geomorphic habitat type); (2) GMHT link to nearshore function for fish use differs depending on the fish species and time of year. Surf smelt and sand lance were the most abundant. And they were seasonally used embayed, spit, and bluff shorelines more than lower rivers. Juvenile Chinook, coho, and chum salmon occurred in much lower density than forage fish species, and used lower rivers more than other GMHTs; (3) When GMHTs were combined and analyzed at the drift cell scale, the degraded drift cell had different ecological patterns than the intact drift cell; (4) Cross regional juvenile fish use of nearshore is an important component of habitat use: juvenile Chinook and coho from as far away as the Columbia River Oregon and Klamath River California utilize central Strait of Juan de Fuca shorelines. Forage fish species may do so as well. Drift cell and cross regional scales are therefore most important for accurately defining nearshore ecological function, management, and restoration actions. 展开更多
关键词 NEARSHORE geomorphic habitat type fish use Elwha Chinook.
《统计工作》 1957年第19期23-24,共2页
第五届全国统计工作会议批判了以往统计工作中的脱离实际的不良倾向,同时也指出了过去统计方法上的机械呆板,不够生动活泼等缺点,为了贯彻会议精神,纠正上述错误倾向,我局除在现有大量资料中加强分析研究外,并在综合统计科内配备干部五... 第五届全国统计工作会议批判了以往统计工作中的脱离实际的不良倾向,同时也指出了过去统计方法上的机械呆板,不够生动活泼等缺点,为了贯彻会议精神,纠正上述错误倾向,我局除在现有大量资料中加强分析研究外,并在综合统计科内配备干部五人,先后开展了生猪、副业、流转费、茶叶等各项典型调查。 展开更多
关键词 调查 副业 根表 统计工作者 统计工作会议 饵型 分析研究 不良倾向 止工作 行情
作者 Desheng TIAN 《Journal of Systems Science & Complexity》 SCIE EI CSCD 2008年第2期226-238,共13页
The author considers a three-species ratio-dependent predator-prey model with time delay in a two-patch environments. This model is of periodic coefficients, which incorporates the periodicity of the environment. By m... The author considers a three-species ratio-dependent predator-prey model with time delay in a two-patch environments. This model is of periodic coefficients, which incorporates the periodicity of the environment. By means of the coincidence degree theory, sufficient conditions for the existence of at least one positive periodic solution of this model are established. Moreover, The author shows that the system is uniformly persistent under the conditions. 展开更多
关键词 Coincidence degree periodic solution predator-prey model RATIO-DEPENDENT uniform persistence.
Optimal harvesting of a prey-predator model with variable carrying capacity 被引量:5
作者 Chaity Ganguli T. K. Kart P. K. Mondal 《International Journal of Biomathematics》 2017年第5期185-208,共24页
This work deals with a prey-predator model in an environment where the carrying capacities are assumed to be variable with time and one species feeds upon the other. Independent harvesting efforts are applied in eithe... This work deals with a prey-predator model in an environment where the carrying capacities are assumed to be variable with time and one species feeds upon the other. Independent harvesting efforts are applied in either species and asymmetrical intraguild predation occurs. A common resource is consumed by two competing species and at the same time predator also consumes the prey. At first we discuss the model under constant carrying capacity and make the conclusion that no limit cycle exists in this case. Then we discuss the model without intraspecific competition. Our main concern is to cover the above mentioned two cases together, i.e. the model with variable carrying capacity and intraspecific competition. We determine the steady states and examine the dynamical behavior. We also analyze the local and global stability of the interior equilibrium by Routh-Hurwitz criterion and a suitable Lyapunov function respectively. A Hopf bifur- cation occurs with respect to a parameter which is the ratio of predator's and prey's intrinsic growth rate. The possibility of bionomic equilibrium has been considered. The optimal harvest policy is formulated and solved with Pontryagin's maximum principle. Some numerical simulations are given to explain most of the analytical results. 展开更多
关键词 Variable carrying capacity intraguild predation Hopf bifurcation optimal harvesting.
Stability and Hopf bifurcation analysis of a diffusive predator-prey model with Smith growth 被引量:4
作者 M. Sivakumar M. Sambath K. Balachandran 《International Journal of Biomathematics》 2015年第1期163-180,共18页
In this paper, we consider a diffusive Holling-Tanner predator prey model with Smith growth subject to Neumann boundary condition. We analyze the local stability, exis- tence of a Hopf bifurcation at the co-existence ... In this paper, we consider a diffusive Holling-Tanner predator prey model with Smith growth subject to Neumann boundary condition. We analyze the local stability, exis- tence of a Hopf bifurcation at the co-existence of the equilibrium and stability of bifur- cating periodic solutions of the system in the absence of diffusion. Furthermore the Turing instability and Hopf bifurcation analysis of the system with diffusion are studied. Finally numerical simulations are given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the theoretical analysis. 展开更多
关键词 Stability analysis diffusive Holling-Tanner predator-prey model Smith growth Turing instability.
Global stability of a stochastic predator-prey model with Allee effect 被引量:4
作者 Baodan Tian Liu Yang Shouming Zhong 《International Journal of Biomathematics》 2015年第4期37-51,共15页
In this paper, we study a stochastic predator-prey model with Beddington-DeAngelis functional response and Allee effect, and show that there is a unique global positive solution to the system with the positive initial... In this paper, we study a stochastic predator-prey model with Beddington-DeAngelis functional response and Allee effect, and show that there is a unique global positive solution to the system with the positive initial value. Sufficient conditions for global asymptotic stability are established. Some simulation figures are introduced to support the analytical findings. 展开更多
关键词 Predator prey model stochastic perturbation Allee effect It5 formula sta-bility.
Globally asymptotic stability of a predator-prey model with stage structure incorporating prey refuge 被引量:2
作者 Fengying Wei QiuyueFu 《International Journal of Biomathematics》 2016年第4期155-168,共14页
This paper focuses on the stabilities of the equilibria to a predator-prey model with stage structure incorporating prey refuge. By analyzing the characteristic functions, we obtain that the equilibria of the model ar... This paper focuses on the stabilities of the equilibria to a predator-prey model with stage structure incorporating prey refuge. By analyzing the characteristic functions, we obtain that the equilibria of the model are locally stable when some suitable conditions are being satisfied. According to the comparison theorem and iteration technique, the globally asymptotic stability of the positive equilibrium is discussed. And, the sufficient conditions of the global stability to the trivial equilibrium and the boundary equilibrium are derived. The study shows that the prey refuge will enhance the density of the prey species, and it will decrease the density of predator species. Finally, some numerical simulations are carried out to show the efficiency of our main results. 展开更多
关键词 Predator-prey model STABILITY stage structure equilibrium.
Dynamics of a non-autonomous density-dependent predator-prey model with Beddington-DeAngelis type 被引量:1
作者 Haiyin Li Zhikun She 《International Journal of Biomathematics》 2016年第4期15-39,共25页
The goal of this paper is to investigate the dynamics of a non-autonomous density- dependent predator-prey system with Beddington-DeAngelis functional response, where not only the prey density dependence but also the ... The goal of this paper is to investigate the dynamics of a non-autonomous density- dependent predator-prey system with Beddington-DeAngelis functional response, where not only the prey density dependence but also the predator density dependence are considered, such that the studied predator-prey system conforms to the realistically biological environment. We firstly introduce a sufficient condition for the permanence of the system and then use a specific set to obtain a weaker sufficient condition. Afterward, we provide corresponding conditions for the extinction of the system and the existence of boundary periodical solutions, respectively. ~rther, we get a sufficient condition for global attractiveness of the boundary periodic solution by constructing a Lyapunov function, arriving at the uniqueness of boundary periodic solutions since the uniqueness of boundary periodic solutions can be ensured by global attractiveness. Finally, based on the existence of positive periodic solutions, which can be ensured by the Brouwer fixed- point theorem, we provide a sufficient condition for the uniqueness of positive periodic solutions. 展开更多
关键词 PERMANENCE Beddington-DeAngelis functional response global attractive-ness uniqueness of periodic solutions.
Prey-predator model with functional response for optimal harvesting incorporating prey refuge
作者 G. S. Mahapatra P. Santra 《International Journal of Biomathematics》 2016年第1期265-285,共21页
This paper presents a prey-predator model considering the predator interacting with non-refuges prey by class of functional responses. Here we also consider harvesting for only non-refuges prey. We discuss the equilib... This paper presents a prey-predator model considering the predator interacting with non-refuges prey by class of functional responses. Here we also consider harvesting for only non-refuges prey. We discuss the equilibria of the model, and their stability for hiding prey either in constant form or proportional to the densities of prey population. We also investigate various possibilities of bionomic equilibrium and optimal harvesting policy. Finally we present numerical examples with pictorial presentation of the various effects of the prey predator system parameter. 展开更多
关键词 PREY-PREDATOR functional response prey refuge STABILITY bionomic equilib-rium optimal harvesting.
作者 freefish 《垂钓》 2007年第12期67-69,共3页
关键词 亚马逊 沉水 开口咬铅 球形浮标 抄网 钓鱼
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