The north-south trending Kullu valley between Rohtang in the north and Hansu in the south is a wide and open valley filled with Quaternary sediments along the main eourse of the Beas River. The valley in the middle is...The north-south trending Kullu valley between Rohtang in the north and Hansu in the south is a wide and open valley filled with Quaternary sediments along the main eourse of the Beas River. The valley in the middle is drained by the Beas River and numerous tributaries join it laterally. The tributary ehannels have deposited large alluvial fans at their mouths whieh form three distinct levels. The Beas River has deposited alluvial terraees, whieh are very distinct towards the lower reaehes and form three to four levels. The upper slopes and high altitudinal areas are eovered with periglaeial and glaeial deposits. The terraee, fan and hill slopes have provided an ideal geoenvironment for human aetivities inehiding agrieulture, hortieulture, dense settlements and other eivil establishments. The Kulhi Valley is prone to various natural hazards, flash floods and eloudbursts that are very eommon in this valley due to its peeuliar geomorphie eonclifton, high relief of peripheral ridges and impact of monsoon winds. The studies carried out so far indicate that the losses caused by these phenomena both in terms of life and property are mainly due to unwise human interaction with the geoenvironment of the area. The paper gives an overview of the geoenvironmental status of the Kulhi Valley and suggests the necessity of undertaking further detailed studies ineluding resouree mapping for balaneed development of the area.展开更多
印度喜马偕尔邦的耶什旺特·辛格·帕尔马园艺与林学大学的研究人员发现了1个野生猕猴桃品种,能够在高海拔的极寒条件下正常生长的毛叶硬齿猕猴桃(Actinidia callosa var strigilosa)。该品种最初在锡金的拉钦地区被发现,成功...印度喜马偕尔邦的耶什旺特·辛格·帕尔马园艺与林学大学的研究人员发现了1个野生猕猴桃品种,能够在高海拔的极寒条件下正常生长的毛叶硬齿猕猴桃(Actinidia callosa var strigilosa)。该品种最初在锡金的拉钦地区被发现,成功将猕猴桃的种植范围提升到海拔2800 m,超过目前的800~1500 m种植范围。这项研究旨在保存这种濒临灭绝的种质,以供进一步研究。该猕猴桃变种的鉴定得到了当地园艺研究中心工作人员的支持。展开更多
文摘The north-south trending Kullu valley between Rohtang in the north and Hansu in the south is a wide and open valley filled with Quaternary sediments along the main eourse of the Beas River. The valley in the middle is drained by the Beas River and numerous tributaries join it laterally. The tributary ehannels have deposited large alluvial fans at their mouths whieh form three distinct levels. The Beas River has deposited alluvial terraees, whieh are very distinct towards the lower reaehes and form three to four levels. The upper slopes and high altitudinal areas are eovered with periglaeial and glaeial deposits. The terraee, fan and hill slopes have provided an ideal geoenvironment for human aetivities inehiding agrieulture, hortieulture, dense settlements and other eivil establishments. The Kulhi Valley is prone to various natural hazards, flash floods and eloudbursts that are very eommon in this valley due to its peeuliar geomorphie eonclifton, high relief of peripheral ridges and impact of monsoon winds. The studies carried out so far indicate that the losses caused by these phenomena both in terms of life and property are mainly due to unwise human interaction with the geoenvironment of the area. The paper gives an overview of the geoenvironmental status of the Kulhi Valley and suggests the necessity of undertaking further detailed studies ineluding resouree mapping for balaneed development of the area.