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马华女作家的马共想像 被引量:4
作者 林春美 《华文文学》 2009年第6期83-90,共8页
"马共"长久以来是马华文学书写的敏感课题,直至1989年马共与政府达成协议结束对抗,马华文学中的马共想像间接获得初步解严,逐渐浮出马华文学的地表。一般对于以马共为题材之马华作品的讨论,多以男作家为主流。文章则试图梳理... "马共"长久以来是马华文学书写的敏感课题,直至1989年马共与政府达成协议结束对抗,马华文学中的马共想像间接获得初步解严,逐渐浮出马华文学的地表。一般对于以马共为题材之马华作品的讨论,多以男作家为主流。文章则试图梳理马华女作家对"马共"的认知与思考,并指出她们的想像与一般常见的(男作家)文本之异同及其意义。 展开更多
关键词 马华女作家 马共 马共想像
从失踪到重写——论黄锦树马共题材小说中的“父” 被引量:2
作者 温明明 王天然 《华文文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第6期84-89,共6页
马共书写一直是黄锦树创作的重心,"父"、"马共"、"写作"、缺位的"我"等在此类小说中交织缠绕,作为马共的"父"与作为书写者的"父"又相互重叠交替,呈现出有意味的阐释张力... 马共书写一直是黄锦树创作的重心,"父"、"马共"、"写作"、缺位的"我"等在此类小说中交织缠绕,作为马共的"父"与作为书写者的"父"又相互重叠交替,呈现出有意味的阐释张力。从早期的《大卷宗》(1989)到晚近的《如果父亲写作》(2014),黄锦树笔下的"父"由"失踪"变为"重写",两部小说从内容、文体、语言上都充满了不安定感。《大卷宗》中祖父预支了"我"的生命进行写作,完成的"大卷宗"又流离海外、失去居所;而《如果父亲写作》中父亲的"文"则是假拟的定居,"我"的出生直接被删除,"我"的缺位意味着生命力回溯与叙事错位,小说呈现出多个时空交错的幻境。 展开更多
关键词 黄锦树 马共书写 “父” 失踪 重写
作者 林春美 《吉林地质》 2009年第4期-,共8页
"马共"长久以来是马华文学书写的敏感课题,直至1989年马共与政府达成协议结束对抗,马华文学中的马共想像间接获得初步解严,逐渐浮出马华文学的地表。一般对于以马共为题材之马华作品的讨论,多以男作家为主流。文章则试图梳理... "马共"长久以来是马华文学书写的敏感课题,直至1989年马共与政府达成协议结束对抗,马华文学中的马共想像间接获得初步解严,逐渐浮出马华文学的地表。一般对于以马共为题材之马华作品的讨论,多以男作家为主流。文章则试图梳理马华女作家对"马共"的认知与思考,并指出她们的想像与一般常见的(男作家)文本之异同及其意义。 展开更多
关键词 马华女作家 马共 马共想像
作者 邱向宇 《广东技术师范学院学报》 2016年第3期15-21,共7页
"马共"历史书写是研究马华文化建构的一种新意义的视角。1963年马来西亚成立后,"马共"成为马来西亚政治文化历史的禁区。然而,历史的禁区又是黄锦树和黎紫书两位新生代马华代表作家,无法回避的历史伤痕体验,蕴含着... "马共"历史书写是研究马华文化建构的一种新意义的视角。1963年马来西亚成立后,"马共"成为马来西亚政治文化历史的禁区。然而,历史的禁区又是黄锦树和黎紫书两位新生代马华代表作家,无法回避的历史伤痕体验,蕴含着如何建构马华文化的深刻课题。他们以第三人称有限视角,追溯"马共"历史,颠覆了"马共"的形象,构架了马华族群历史伤痕的主题表达。他们对马华"双重他者"边缘处境的认知,又无意中表现"马共"被历史尘封失落的英雄诗篇,由此寄托自身及族裔深沉的身份包袱与存在焦虑。他们在巧妙的历史叙事中,借助历史阙如和历史在场的探索方式,表达对马华族群构建文化自主性的焦虑和困惑,使新生代的创作拥有了特殊的文学史价值。 展开更多
关键词 新生代 马共 双重他者 马华 叙事
《建筑装饰材料世界》 2007年第10期8-8,共1页
关键词 《策马共驰骋》 散文 文学作品 当代文学
走入森林,走出自我--以《生命如河流》为例看女性参加马共 被引量:1
作者 陈焕仪 《世界华文文学论坛》 2018年第2期81-87,共7页
《生命如河流》是一本口述自传合集,收录新马泰16位女性马共的访谈录,牵涉她们在森林里的生活、革命思维、奋斗经历等。她们都是马来亚共产党游击队的普通队员,跟男性马共或马共领导群有不同视角和关注点。上世纪马来亚独立前动荡的时代... 《生命如河流》是一本口述自传合集,收录新马泰16位女性马共的访谈录,牵涉她们在森林里的生活、革命思维、奋斗经历等。她们都是马来亚共产党游击队的普通队员,跟男性马共或马共领导群有不同视角和关注点。上世纪马来亚独立前动荡的时代,加之"二战"前后不断被殖民,出生在普遍贫穷保守的社会之女性,没有自由,无法独立。接触进步思想的女性,在有限的选择之下,宁愿走入森林,加入马共以求改变人生。邱依虹用第一人称写作,从女性角度思索和书写女马共的喜怒哀乐和生离死别,跟近年来马共相继出版的回忆录有所不同,具有独特的文史意义。 展开更多
关键词 马华文学 女性马共 《生命如河流》
陈河论 被引量:2
作者 杨晓文 《华文文学》 2013年第6期98-105,共8页
迄今为止的、陈河的文学成就体现在系列阿尔巴尼亚作品里,其中以《黑白电影里的城市》为最。除此之外,陈河也将笔锋延伸到欧美题材,但作品泥沙俱下,质量上良莠不齐。而到了近期的《沙捞越战事》《米罗山营地》,文学性锐减,倾向于用字讲... 迄今为止的、陈河的文学成就体现在系列阿尔巴尼亚作品里,其中以《黑白电影里的城市》为最。除此之外,陈河也将笔锋延伸到欧美题材,但作品泥沙俱下,质量上良莠不齐。而到了近期的《沙捞越战事》《米罗山营地》,文学性锐减,倾向于用字讲马来西亚的抗日故事;但在国内抗日题材文艺创作如何创新成了一个应该考虑的问题的今天,陈河取道国外(马来西亚),把发生在那里的、不大为国内读者所知悉的抗日故事写出来,其创新精神还是值得首肯的。 展开更多
关键词 陈河 阿尔巴尼亚 马共题材
披着女巫外衣的精灵——黎紫书小说创作主题研究 被引量:1
作者 黄熔 《世界华文文学论坛》 北大核心 2012年第2期24-29,共6页
黎紫书是当代马华文学的一个异数,也是马华文学的骄傲。近些年来,她一直游走在中国大陆和马来西亚之间,采集着写作的素材。人性中罪恶因素的探索、马共历史的重新书写和都市社会问题的挖掘是黎紫书近十年作品的中心主题。本文将从文本... 黎紫书是当代马华文学的一个异数,也是马华文学的骄傲。近些年来,她一直游走在中国大陆和马来西亚之间,采集着写作的素材。人性中罪恶因素的探索、马共历史的重新书写和都市社会问题的挖掘是黎紫书近十年作品的中心主题。本文将从文本细读入手,对黎紫书作品的主题进行整体上的把握和分析。 展开更多
关键词 人性 原罪 马共书写 都市问题
小黑的历史修辞与小说叙事 被引量:2
作者 林春美 《华文文学》 2013年第6期33-38,共6页
小黑以马共斗争为题材的系列小说,意在检讨一段令马华社会困扰的历史。在其对历史的"检讨"中,其实亦极力主张一种他观点中的"真实",并反复申述他对于历史的一套解释。本文要探讨的,就是这位小说家如何通过叙事去编... 小黑以马共斗争为题材的系列小说,意在检讨一段令马华社会困扰的历史。在其对历史的"检讨"中,其实亦极力主张一种他观点中的"真实",并反复申述他对于历史的一套解释。本文要探讨的,就是这位小说家如何通过叙事去编撰他的马共"历史",及其修辞方式如何建构他对"过去"的解释。 展开更多
关键词 小黑 马共 历史修辞 小说叙事
Removal of manganese from waste water by complexation-ultrafiltration using copolymer of maleic acid and acrylic acid 被引量:2
作者 邱运仁 毛廉君 王伟华 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第4期1196-1201,共6页
Copolymer of maleic acid and acrylic acid (PMA-100), combining with polyvinyl butyral (PVB) ultrafiltration membrane was used for the removal of Mn(II) from waste water by complexation-ultrafiltration. The carbo... Copolymer of maleic acid and acrylic acid (PMA-100), combining with polyvinyl butyral (PVB) ultrafiltration membrane was used for the removal of Mn(II) from waste water by complexation-ultrafiltration. The carboxylic group content of PMA-100 and the rate of complexation reaction were measured. Effects of the mass ratio of PMA-100 to Mn(II) (n), pH, background electrolyte, etc on the rejection rate (R) and permeate flux (J) were investigated. The results show that carboxylic group content of PMA-100 is 9.5 mmol/g. The complexation of Mn(II) with PMA-100 is rapid and completed within 5 min at pH 6.0. Both R and J increase with pH increasing in the range of 2.5-7.0, and R increases with the increase of n at pH 6.0 while J is little affected. The background electrolyte leads to the decrease of R, and CaCl2 has much greater effect on R than NaCl at the same ionic strength. 展开更多
关键词 complexation-ultrafitration copolymer of maleic acid and acrylic acid poly (vinyl butyral) hollow fiber membrane MANGANESE wastewater treatment
作者 张森林 《华文文学》 2013年第2期94-101,共8页
作者认为多元视野下的新华左翼文学运动可以定义为下列三种形式:第一、左翼文学是源自后五四运动的文学团体或文学流派的理论,并由当时个别的中国左翼知识分子带来新加坡和马来亚文坛的一种论述;第二、左翼文学是马共地下外围势力的政... 作者认为多元视野下的新华左翼文学运动可以定义为下列三种形式:第一、左翼文学是源自后五四运动的文学团体或文学流派的理论,并由当时个别的中国左翼知识分子带来新加坡和马来亚文坛的一种论述;第二、左翼文学是马共地下外围势力的政治武器,例如以严思为代表的作家所创作的作品;第三、左翼文学是当时不参加任何政党而纯粹反英国殖民地政府的左倾作家的一种书写方式,例如以杜红为代表的作家群的文学创作。 展开更多
关键词 新华左翼文学运动 马来亚共产党(马共) 反帝国主义 反殖民主义
Casein kinase 2 interacts with and phosphorylates ataxin-3 被引量:3
作者 陶瑞松 费尔康 +2 位作者 应征 王洪枫 王光辉 《Neuroscience Bulletin》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第5期271-277,共7页
Objective Machado-Joseph disease (MJD)/Spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 (SCA3) is an autosomal dominant neurodegenerative disorder caused by an expansion of polyglutamine tract near the C-terminus of the MJD1 gene pr... Objective Machado-Joseph disease (MJD)/Spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 (SCA3) is an autosomal dominant neurodegenerative disorder caused by an expansion of polyglutamine tract near the C-terminus of the MJD1 gene product, ataxin-3. The precise mechanism of the MJD/SCA3 pathogenesis remains unclear. A growing body of evidence demonstrates that phosphorylation plays an important role in the pathogenesis of many neurodegenerative diseases. However, few kinases are known to phosphorylate ataxin-3. The present study is to explore whether ataxin-3 is a substrate of casein kinase 2 (CK2). Methods The interaction between ataxin-3 and CK2 was identified by glutathione S-transferase (GST) pull-down assay and co-immunoprecipition assay. The phosphorylation of ataxin-3 by CK2 was measured by in vitro phosphorylation assays. Results (1) Both wild type and expanded ataxin-3 interacted with CK2α and CK2β in vitro. (2) In 293 cells, both wild type and expanded ataxin-3 interacted with CK2β, but not CK2α. (3) CK2 phosphorylated wild type and expanded ataxin-3. Conclusion Ataxin-3 is a substrate of protein kinase CK2. 展开更多
关键词 Machado-Joseph disease/spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 ATAXIN-3 casein kinase 2 PHOSPHORYLATION
作者 Ling Hu Yun Yue +5 位作者 Ping-ping Zuo Zheng-yu Jin Feng Feng Hui You Ming-li Li Qin-sheng Ge 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 2006年第4期214-218,共5页
To investigate the effects of long-term low dose hormone replacement therapy (HRT) on postmenopaosal women in homone level, cognition score, hippocampus volume, and magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) parameters... To investigate the effects of long-term low dose hormone replacement therapy (HRT) on postmenopaosal women in homone level, cognition score, hippocampus volume, and magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) parameters. Methods A total of 182 postmenopausal women aged 50-87 years were chosen at Peking Union Medical College Hospital and assigned to HRT group and control group. The volunteers of HRT group had taken low dose hormone [ estradiol (E2 ) 0. 5-1.0 mg and progesterone 0.5-2.0 mg, once a day ] for 4-33 years. The concentrations of E2, progesterone, and testosterone were measured using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The gene types of apolipoprotein E (ApoE) were measured by polymerase chain reaction, and the subjects with susceptible genes ( ApoE ε3/ε4) of Alzheimer's disease (AD) were screened. Their hippocampus volumes and MRS parameters were obtained through magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and results in two groups were analyzed by statistical method. Results Compared with control group, the concentrations of E2 at each age stage in HRT group were significantly higher (P 〈0. 05) except the 80-89 years old subgroup; yet, there were no statistical differences in the concentrations of progesterone and testosterone between the two groups. There was no obvious difference in ApoE subtypes distribution between the two groups The results of hippocampus MRI for the subjects with susceptible genes ApoE ε3/ε4 (HRT group 14 cases, control group 11 cases) showed that the ratio of bilateral hippocampus volume to whole brain volume in HRT group (0. 406 ± 0.028) was signiticantlyhigher than control gronp (0.369±0.031, P〈0.05). Theresults of ^1H MRS for the subjects with susceptible genes ApoE ε3/ε4 ( HRT group 12 cases, control group 11 cases) showed that the N-acetylaspartate/total creatine at the area of hippocampus in HRT group ( 1.54±0. 08 ) were significantly higher than control group ( 1.45±0. 13, P 〈 0. 05). Conclusions For postmenopausal women, long-term low dose HRT can maintain the physiological concentration of E2 in plasma. Furthermore, the hippocampus MRI performed on those with ApoE ε3/ε3 genes shows that long-term low dose HRT can prevent hippocampus atrophy, which is beneficial to maintain the brain function and prevent AD. 展开更多
关键词 long-term low dose hormone replacement therapy ESTROGEN apolipoprotein E HIPPOCAMPUS magnetic resonance spectroscopy
Integration Possibility of Urban Public Bus System and Cable Car in Maribor 被引量:1
作者 Sebastian Toplak 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2014年第3期332-338,共7页
Combination of a bus system and cable car system can reduce the overall congestion of traffic in urban areas, where surrounding hills or mountains hold larger settlements or tourist and recreational infrastructure. Wi... Combination of a bus system and cable car system can reduce the overall congestion of traffic in urban areas, where surrounding hills or mountains hold larger settlements or tourist and recreational infrastructure. With this kind of integration number of individual car trips can be significantly reduced. In this paper, the authors present an analysis of the pilot project implementation, which was held in Maribor. The authors conducted a limited test trial of two means of transportation, combining them into a single operating transport offer for inhabitants and tourists. Combined transport option proved to be a good starting point for reduction of traffic and parking congestion during winter tourist season and beyond. Method used in the research, in order to gain actual potential of integrating two systems and improving public transport offer, was establishment and implementation of the pilot project in Maribor during January 2011. Data was gathered through interviews of two interest groups. The first covered the users who were brought to the foothills of Pohorje's ski center by bus. The second covered the cable car users that were traveling to the top of Pohorje. For a limited time period, a trial principle of a single ticket was established, which gave ski-pass holders free bus ride on bus line No. 6. With the aim of reducing CO2, test drives of hybrid bus and compressed natural gas bus were conducted alongside many promotional activities with which users were informed of importance of environmentally friendly mobility options. 展开更多
关键词 Public transport bus system cable car INTEGRATION combined ticket single ticket compressed natural gas CO2reduction.
PolyQ-expanded ataxin-3 interacts with full-length ataxin-3 in a polyQ length-dependent manner
作者 贾娜丽 费尔康 +2 位作者 应征 王洪枫 王光辉 《Neuroscience Bulletin》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第4期201-208,共8页
Objective Machado-Joseph disease (MJD), also known as spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 (SCA3), is a dominant neurodegenerative disorder caused by an expansion of the polyglutamine (polyQ) tract in MJD-1 gene produc... Objective Machado-Joseph disease (MJD), also known as spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 (SCA3), is a dominant neurodegenerative disorder caused by an expansion of the polyglutamine (polyQ) tract in MJD-1 gene product, ataxin-3 (AT3). This disease is characterized by the formation of intraneuronal inclusions, but the mechanism underlying their formation is still poorly understood. The present study is to explore the relationship between wild type (WT) AT3 and polyQ expanded AT3. Methods Mouse neuroblastoma (N2a) cells or HEK293 cells were co-transfected with WTAT3 and different truncated forms of expanded AT3. The expressions of WT AT3 and the truncated forms of expanded AT3 were detected by Western blotting, and observed by an inverted fluorescent microscope. The interactions between AT3 and different truncated forms of expanded AT3 were detected by immunoprecipitation and GST pull-down assays. Results Using fluorescent microscope, we observed that the truncated forms of expanded AT3 aggregate in transfected cells, and the full-length WT AT3 is recruited onto the aggregates. However, no aggregates were observed in cells transfected with the truncated forms of WT AT3. Immunoprecipitation and GST pull-down analyses indicate that WT AT3 interacts with the truncated AT3 in a polyQ length-dependent manner. Conclusion WT AT3 deposits in the aggregation that was formed by polyQ expanded AT3, which suggests that the formation of AT3 aggregation may affect the normal function of WT AT3 and increase polyQ protein toxicity in MJD. 展开更多
关键词 Machado-Joseph disease/spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 ATAXIN-3 POLYGLUTAMINE
作者 Jing-jing Lu Lian-kun Ren +6 位作者 Feng Feng Hui You Li-hua Zhang Ming-li Li Fei Sun Hai-hong Fu Zheng-yu Jin 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 2006年第4期209-213,共5页
Objective To evaluate metabolic abnormalities in patients with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE) with proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) using a 3.0T MR scanner. Methods Sixty-three patients (32 wom... Objective To evaluate metabolic abnormalities in patients with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE) with proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) using a 3.0T MR scanner. Methods Sixty-three patients (32 women and 31 men) with diagnosed MTLE underwent diagnostic MR imaging (MRI) and proton MRS using a 3.0T MR scanner. The clinical history and interictal epileptiform discharges (IEDs) were recorded. Sixteen healthy volunteers served as control. The results of proton MRS were compared with the findings of electroencephalogram and structural MRI findings. Results Twenty-seven of the 63 patients with MTLE showed unilateral hippocampal sclerosis, and 9 showed bilateral hippocampal sclerosis. The concentration ratio of N-acytelaspartate (NAA) / [ creatine ( Cr ) + choline (Cho) ] in the hippocampal region of MTLE patients (0. 64±0. 07) was significantly lower than control (0. 80±0. 05, P = 0.023). In the patients with unilateral hippocampal sclerosis, NAA/(Cr + Cho) in the hippocampal region ipsilateral to the sclerotic hippocampus (0.56±0.06) was significantly lower than the ratio in the contralateral hippocampal region (0.69±0.07, P 〈 0. 001 ). There was significant difference in hippocampal NAA/( Cr + Cho) between the refractory patients and the non-refractory patients (0. 64±0. 05 vs.0.71±0. 07, P =0. 04). Forty-five patients were lateralized by IEDs, while 49 patients were lateralized by metabolite ratio. And lateralization determined by proton MRS and IEDs was concordant in 33 patients. Conclusions MRS as a noninvasive tool adds helpful metabolite information to routine MRI in evaluation of MTLE. The method is well established and should be a routine clinical application in the investigation of epilepsy. 展开更多
关键词 magnetic resonance spectroscopy temporal lobe epilepsy ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAM
Does landscape structure contribute to the long-term maintenance of generalized parasitism in cowbirds?
作者 Scott ROBINSON Wendy SCHELSKY Jeffrey HOOVER 《Chinese Birds》 CSCD 2013年第1期31-38,共8页
Unlike most brood parasites, several species of cowbird (Molothrus) are generalists that parasitize multiple host species across their range and within the same communities; likewise, there is little evidence that ind... Unlike most brood parasites, several species of cowbird (Molothrus) are generalists that parasitize multiple host species across their range and within the same communities; likewise, there is little evidence that individuals within a population specialize on host species. This situation has variously been attributed to the recency of cowbird evolution (the 'evolutionary lag' hypothesis) or to hidden costs of rejection by hosts (the 'equilibrium' hypothesis). Both hypotheses have some support as cowbirds are indeed a relatively young clade compared with more specialized cuckoos and cowbirds are capable of sophisticated behaviors such as retaliation against rejection ('mafia' behaviors) that would select for acceptance of cowbird eggs. Nevertheless, many species in the Americas have evolved specialized defenses against cowbird parasitism, almost all of which live in more open habitats (e. g., grasslands, shrublands, riparian strips), which indicates that coevolutionary processes can operate in ways that select for host defenses in spite of cowbird counterdefenses. We propose that the structure of landscapes in North America may explain why forest-nesting birds lack defenses against parasitism and reinforce the long-term maintenance of generalized brood parasitism in cowbirds. Because cowbirds require open habitats in which to feed, they are rare or absent in large forest tracts, which dominate much of the forest cover of the Americas. These tracts act as 'source habitats' that produce surplus young that recolonize populations in smaller, fragmented forest patches in which rates of both cowbird parasitism and nest predation are very high ('sink' habitats). Evolution of antiparasite adaptations would be very slow in this situation because most hosts are produced in areas where there is little or no cowbird parasitism. In addition, the interplay of host breeding dispersal, source-sink metapopulation dynamics, and fragmented forest habitat could further deter the evolution of host defenses against parasitism. Therefore, as long as large forest tracts remain widespread in North America, most forest birds will likely continue to lack defenses against cowbird parasitism, guaranteeing a steady supply of na ve hosts in forest habitats, even in fragmented landscapes. This situation will, in turn, favor host generalist cowbirds that actively avoid more open habitats in favor of parasitizing forest bird communities. These forest communities may also act as source populations for cowbirds, which might pump surplus generalist cowbirds into more open habitats further slowing the coevolutionary process. As long as large forest tracts are a common part of the landscape, generalist parasitism may persist indefinitely. 展开更多
关键词 brood parasitism COWBIRD forest fragmentation geographic mosaic theory of coevolution nest predation source-sink metapopulation dynamics
Affects of Marshall Plan on Turkish Economy
作者 Nurgun Koc Bedriye Koc 《Sociology Study》 2017年第2期83-121,共39页
Marshall Plan is an important declaration that dominated world economy and politics after the World War II. It is also evidence that policy of the United States of America to make for its internal politics between two... Marshall Plan is an important declaration that dominated world economy and politics after the World War II. It is also evidence that policy of the United States of America to make for its internal politics between two world wars was abandoned and it was intended to dominate world politics. Likewise, it can be considered as the smoking gun for power loss of continental Europe, including England, against the Soviet Union. When Turkey had to find its way into Western alliance in this new period divided into two poles and called as "Cold War", it intended to enter into economic acquis formed by Marshall Plan. Turkey, in the process to prevent the spread of communism against the Soviet Union that started mainly by Truman Doctrine, was of the first priority status by the USA just like Greece. It can be said that Turkish economy made an important progress to move into liberal system from its statist structure through Marshall Plan. Accession process to European Union integration mandated by the USA was started by Republican People's Party (CHP) and it was also continued in Democratic Party period with liberal program that took over the power as a result of elections in Turkey. Although Marshall Plan created economic added value in Turkey at the beginning, it could not create a sustainable welfare process as consultants coming from the USA had insisted on unilateral economic policies and Turkey was directed towards military spending due to being seen mainly as a buffer state against the Soviet Union and Middle East. It can be also said that arrangements arising from double standards in the application compared to European countries caused economic instabilities in the long run. 展开更多
关键词 Truman Doctrine Marshall Plan the United States of America TURKEY ECONOMY
The Cynical Thrasymachus
作者 Thanassis Samaras 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2012年第3期172-184,共13页
In this paper, I revisit the question of the consistency of Thrasymachus' position on justice in the First Book of the Republic. The paper falls into four parts. (The first part is an introduction.) In the second p... In this paper, I revisit the question of the consistency of Thrasymachus' position on justice in the First Book of the Republic. The paper falls into four parts. (The first part is an introduction.) In the second part, I examine two influential interpretations of the sophist's views, George B. Kerferd's and Timothy D. J. Chappell's, and argue that neither one fully resolves the riddle of Thrasymachus. In the third part, I claim that the sophist has a "descriptive" theory of justice, not a "prescriptive" one, and that no moral command to act in any particular way follows from this theory. In the fourth and final part, I propose a new approach to the whole issue by arguing that the essential problem with Thrasymachus' theory is not the incompatibility between his two definitions of justice in 338c and 343c, as it is usually assumed, but the fact that in Book One he uses two different and irreconcilable conceptions of justice. It is because the sophist uses the term "justice" to mean different things in different parts of the text that his overall position is ultimately inconsistent. 展开更多
Government Underpinning: Failure to Abolish Consumer Slavery
作者 Amari Teal 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2016年第1期26-32,共7页
This paper will assess the way in which consumerism is used to manipulate individuals within marginalized groups, specifically those based on race and gender. Following a Marxist framework, this paper will illustrate ... This paper will assess the way in which consumerism is used to manipulate individuals within marginalized groups, specifically those based on race and gender. Following a Marxist framework, this paper will illustrate a symbiotic relationship between the laborer and the capitalist, a hierarchal relationship where mutual dependence encourages unrelenting exploitation. Further focus will center on how these social hierarchies perpetuate a continuous enslavement of individuals politically defined as black and politically defined as woman. These identities are outlined within the framework of two active dichotomies: black/white and man/woman. Both gender and race are key factors in determining an individual's identity. Because the hegemonic gender is man, while the hegemonic race is white, any person who does not fit into those two categories simultaneously is underprivileged. Hence the reason why black and woman, both of which have been historically deemed subordinate to white and man, is automatically a part of the underprivileged working class. Since the hierarchal laborer-capitalist relationship is greatly validated by socializations, it cannot be voided by taking legal action alone. However, policy changes addressing education gaps, gender wage gaps, and hiring discrepancies, can assist in decoupling the social constructs of race and gender from class therefore minimizing racial and gender privileges. 展开更多
关键词 social construct CAPITALISM CONSUMERISM dichotomies hegemonic masculinity Blind Hiring occupational segregation
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