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《武汉商学院学报》 2023年第1期F0002-F0002,共1页
武汉商学院马影河校区南临马影河,位于武汉市汉南区周家河北路以北、育文路两侧、育源路以南地块。总用地面积约280亩,总建筑面积约11万平方米,总投资约10亿元。主要建设内容包括教学楼、食堂、学生宿舍、人才公寓、体育馆、图书馆、行... 武汉商学院马影河校区南临马影河,位于武汉市汉南区周家河北路以北、育文路两侧、育源路以南地块。总用地面积约280亩,总建筑面积约11万平方米,总投资约10亿元。主要建设内容包括教学楼、食堂、学生宿舍、人才公寓、体育馆、图书馆、行政楼、学术交流中心、马匹兴奋剂检测中心、马术培训与考试中心、室外运动场等,同时配套建设景观绿化、道路铺装及水电管网等。 展开更多
关键词 兴奋剂检测 用地面积 学术交流中心 学生宿舍 马影 景观绿化 培训与考试 图书馆
武汉市汉南地区马影河流域地质环境特征分析与评价 被引量:1
作者 邓青军 刘亚洲 +2 位作者 朱帆济 王先登 陈玉茹 《城市勘测》 2019年第2期191-195,共5页
通过对马影河流域现状全面深入勘测,结合区域资料成果综合研究,从研究区现状、地层分布及岩土理化特征、特殊性岩土及不良地质作用、岸坡稳定性、地下水补径排条件等方面系统全面地分析了马影河流域工程、水文地质特征,并对存在的主要... 通过对马影河流域现状全面深入勘测,结合区域资料成果综合研究,从研究区现状、地层分布及岩土理化特征、特殊性岩土及不良地质作用、岸坡稳定性、地下水补径排条件等方面系统全面地分析了马影河流域工程、水文地质特征,并对存在的主要生态环境问题进行剖析,为马影河流域的生态地质环境合理开发与综合整治以及流域经济可持续发展提供了地质依据。 展开更多
关键词 马影河流域 工程地质 水文地质 生态环境问题 汉南地区
作者 黎枫 《电影评介》 北大核心 1991年第12期28-29,共2页
用影坛得意,情场失意来形容当今港台许多金马影后的感情生活,恐怕最为贴切。金马影后们的爱情生活似乎比普通人更加崎岖坎坷,她们的“情路”比封升金马影后之路显得更艰辛难定。如林青霞、杨惠姗、张艾嘉、陆小芬、郑裕玲、梅艳芳、张... 用影坛得意,情场失意来形容当今港台许多金马影后的感情生活,恐怕最为贴切。金马影后们的爱情生活似乎比普通人更加崎岖坎坷,她们的“情路”比封升金马影后之路显得更艰辛难定。如林青霞、杨惠姗、张艾嘉、陆小芬、郑裕玲、梅艳芳、张曼玉等人至今虽然都是功成名就的大龄青年,但仍然独守空闺。 展开更多
关键词 马影 张曼玉 感情生活 林青霞 杨惠姗 张艾嘉 梅艳芳 爱情生活 尔冬升 陆小芬
作者 大飞 《流行歌曲(下半月)》 2008年第9期56-56,共1页
关键词 秦海璐 中央戏剧学院 马影 陈果 戏曲学校 女演员 表演系 刘烨 章子怡 京剧团
作者 常乐 《伴侣》 2017年第2期34-36,共3页
不久前,第53届金马奖举行了颁奖仪式。演员周冬雨和马思纯凭借在电影《七月与安生》中的出色表现,双双获得金马奖最佳女主角奖项。从18岁那年被张艺谋选中参演《山楂树之恋》,周冬雨多年来一直保持着青春少女的银幕形象,也经常被诟病为... 不久前,第53届金马奖举行了颁奖仪式。演员周冬雨和马思纯凭借在电影《七月与安生》中的出色表现,双双获得金马奖最佳女主角奖项。从18岁那年被张艺谋选中参演《山楂树之恋》,周冬雨多年来一直保持着青春少女的银幕形象,也经常被诟病为“缺乏演技”。私下里,周冬雨也一直对自己不满意,她曾表示自己缺乏安全感,是“社交恐惧症患者”。但随着时光的流逝,她慢慢学会了接纳本真的自己, 展开更多
关键词 冬雨 金马奖 最佳女主角奖 银幕形象 山楂树 宁浩 河北话 男主角 思纯 马影
作者 忘忧草 《小雪花(初中高分作文)》 2016年第3期22-24,共3页
山静日长唐子西诗云:“山静似太古,日长如小年。”余家深山之中,每春夏之交,苍藓盈阶,落花满径,门无剥啄(1),松影参差,禽声上下。午睡初足,旋汲山泉,拾松枝,煮苦茗啜之。随意读《周易》《国风》《左氏传》《离骚》《太史公书》及陶... 山静日长唐子西诗云:“山静似太古,日长如小年。”余家深山之中,每春夏之交,苍藓盈阶,落花满径,门无剥啄(1),松影参差,禽声上下。午睡初足,旋汲山泉,拾松枝,煮苦茗啜之。随意读《周易》《国风》《左氏传》《离骚》《太史公书》及陶杜诗、韩苏文数篇。从容步山径,抚松竹,与麛(2)犊共偃息于长林丰草间。 展开更多
关键词 唐子西 《国风》 太史公书 诗云 左氏传 长林 丰草 韩苏 马影 竹窗
《绿色中国》 2015年第19期7-7,共1页
2015中国森交会成交额近42亿元 历时4天的第二届中国森林食品交易博览会9月21日落幕。本届森交会成交总额128.5亿元人民币,其中实际成交额和意向成交额分别为41.7亿和86.8亿元人民币,参观人数超过4万人次,规模、产品、交易额等都超过... 2015中国森交会成交额近42亿元 历时4天的第二届中国森林食品交易博览会9月21日落幕。本届森交会成交总额128.5亿元人民币,其中实际成交额和意向成交额分别为41.7亿和86.8亿元人民币,参观人数超过4万人次,规模、产品、交易额等都超过首届森交会。首批候鸟飞抵鄱阳湖3年回家都是同一天26日,首批南迁越冬候鸟抵达都昌县马影湖区域。监测记录显示,首批越冬候鸟2013、2014和2015年连续3年抵达鄱阳湖的第一站都是都昌县马影湖,且都是9月26日这天抵达鄱阳湖。 展开更多
关键词 马影 监测记录 森林食品 交易博览会 核心地带 生态恢复工程 绿色版 环境变化
作者 赵非一 《家庭医药(快乐养生)》 2015年第5期82-83,共2页
海璐的导师曾评价她是"很难得既会演戏又懂戏"的人,所以在她准备拿着中戏文凭当白领之前,她用金马影后证明了这一点。作为中戏五朵金花之一,她没有乘风而上大红大紫,反而坚持去当秘书开发廊,去实现自己的平凡梦想。兜兜转转一圈后,她... 海璐的导师曾评价她是"很难得既会演戏又懂戏"的人,所以在她准备拿着中戏文凭当白领之前,她用金马影后证明了这一点。作为中戏五朵金花之一,她没有乘风而上大红大紫,反而坚持去当秘书开发廊,去实现自己的平凡梦想。兜兜转转一圈后,她又回到原点,才发现最适合她的角色还是演员。 展开更多
关键词 秦海璐 马影 红玫瑰与白玫瑰 《四世同堂》 结婚生子 大赤包 金马奖 悬崖边 金像奖 话剧舞台
马飞 剩下的事明天再讲
作者 郭旺 《时代人物》 2016年第8期100-103,共4页
我第一次听《回西安》是在"北漂"的出租屋里,歌放到一半,同事说:"我靠,这是哪个流氓唱的,这么牛X!"初见马飞,在曲江音乐厅,我和音乐人王建房在谈事,谈话快要结束时,王建房突然站起来说,马飞正在排练房排练,我很是惊讶,请王建房介... 我第一次听《回西安》是在"北漂"的出租屋里,歌放到一半,同事说:"我靠,这是哪个流氓唱的,这么牛X!"初见马飞,在曲江音乐厅,我和音乐人王建房在谈事,谈话快要结束时,王建房突然站起来说,马飞正在排练房排练,我很是惊讶,请王建房介绍认识,马飞神色匆匆的从排练房里走出来打招呼,他剪了短发,穿着白T恤、橘红色短裤,脚上蹬着一双老布鞋,给人的第一印象,不像是个做民谣的, 展开更多
关键词 第一印象 陕北民歌 人王 科尔沁夫 群众演员 大城市带 张亚东 马影 三线城市 乐评人
《中国印刷》 2017年第2期78-78,共1页
2017年1月6日,富士施乐(中国)有限公司发布了全新“智能工作平台(Smart Work Gateway)”,并正式推出了基于该平台的富士施乐新一代智能型彩色数码多功能机、移动打印和文件管理解决方案、整合了微软云应用及阿里巴巴支付应用的解决... 2017年1月6日,富士施乐(中国)有限公司发布了全新“智能工作平台(Smart Work Gateway)”,并正式推出了基于该平台的富士施乐新一代智能型彩色数码多功能机、移动打印和文件管理解决方案、整合了微软云应用及阿里巴巴支付应用的解决方案等首批“智能工作平台”产品。“智能工作平台”及系列产品的推出,将助力商务人士通过多样化工作方式发挥最大潜能。富士施乐大中华区总裁徐正刚先生、富士施乐(中国)有限公司总裁余树章先生、 展开更多
关键词 富士施乐 大中华区 品牌形象代言人 系列产品 文件管理 企业级用户 马影 GATEWAY 移动解决方案 行业化
Robustness of Minimum Norm Quadratic Unbiased Estimator of Variance Under the General Linear Model
作者 张宝学 罗季 李馨 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 2002年第1期97-100,共4页
Necessary and sufficient conditions for equalities between a 2 y′(I-P Xx)y and minimum norm quadratic unbiased estimator of variance under the general linear model, where a 2 is a known positive number, are... Necessary and sufficient conditions for equalities between a 2 y′(I-P Xx)y and minimum norm quadratic unbiased estimator of variance under the general linear model, where a 2 is a known positive number, are derived. Further, when the Gauss? Markov estimators and the ordinary least squares estimator are identical, a relative simply equivalent condition is obtained. At last, this condition is applied to an interesting example. 展开更多
关键词 general linear model orthogonal projector minimum norm quadratic unbiased estimator
Extreme Weather Related Disasters: A Case Study of Two Flashfloods Hit Areas of Badrinath and Kedarnath Valleys, Uttarakhand Himalaya, India
作者 Vishwambhar Prasad Sati 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2013年第8期562-568,共7页
Climate induced disasters such as cloudburst triggered flash floods, debris-flow, mass movements and landslides are very common phenomenon in the Himalaya. There are many instances in the recent past when these catast... Climate induced disasters such as cloudburst triggered flash floods, debris-flow, mass movements and landslides are very common phenomenon in the Himalaya. There are many instances in the recent past when these catastrophes caused heavy losses to lives and tremendous damage to property. One of the important characteristics of the Himalaya during the monsoon season is heavy downpour (cloudburst) which is due to extreme weather condition. Further, the landscape is very fragile and the human settlements are located either along the perennial streams of big rivers or on the unstable slopes. These perennial streams and big rivers are highly violent during the monsoon and whenever, the water level of these streams rises, it causes heavy loss to property and lives through destruction of the human settlements located along these courses. During the recent past, extreme changes in the climatic conditions have been seen largely due to the anthropogenic activities, i.e., population growth and large-scale deforestation. It has not only affected the climatic conditions but also affected the daily life of the inhabitants. This article examines the extreme weather related disasters in the Himalaya and gives a description of two deadly cloudburst triggered flashfloods that occurred in the Kedarnath and Badrinath valleys, which left the entire landscape devastated. This was followed by devastation of the settlements, agricultural fields, and thousands of lives were wiped out during this catastrophe. Rainfall data were collected to know about the changes in the climatic conditions and their impacts on the disaster in this part of the Himalaya. 展开更多
关键词 Climate disaster cloudburst SETTLEMENT DEFORESTATION Himalaya.
Perception, Attitude, and Impact Change after Watching Faith-Based Films: A Comparative Study
作者 Saodah Wok Nor Faridah Abdul Manaf Rizalawati Ismail 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2014年第8期496-509,共14页
Malaysia is a multi-religious country. Hence, it is important for everyone to understand each other's religion and culture to maintain peace and harmony in the country. This study was conducted to analyze the impact ... Malaysia is a multi-religious country. Hence, it is important for everyone to understand each other's religion and culture to maintain peace and harmony in the country. This study was conducted to analyze the impact of Islamic films on youth (teenage, adolescent, and young adults) of various races, religions and gender. Specifically, the objectives of the study are: (1) to find out the level of perception on Islamic films among youth of various backgrounds, (2) to find out the level of attitude toward Islamic films among youth of various backgrounds, (3) to find out the level of impact change after watching Islamic films among youth of various backgrounds, and (4) to compare youth of various backgrounds on the relationships between perception, attitude, and impact change after watching Islamic films. The data were collected from a quasi-experimental research method, using questionnaire as the research instrument. From a total of 141 respondents, two-thirds are females and 70% are teenagers, representing different races and religions. Results showed that there was no difference between males and females. The differences were evident in the results for perception, attitude, and impact change for various races, religions, and age groups. 展开更多
关键词 PERCEPTION ATTITUDE impact change quasi-experimental design comparative study
The Expected Places of Religion and Communities in Film
作者 William L. Blizek 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2017年第9期1161-1168,共8页
In the 2014 movie, Spotlight, religion, represented by the Catholic Church, has an expected place for the community--the City of Boston, Massachusetts. And, the community of Boston, represented by the institution of a... In the 2014 movie, Spotlight, religion, represented by the Catholic Church, has an expected place for the community--the City of Boston, Massachusetts. And, the community of Boston, represented by the institution of a free press, has a corresponding expectation of the Church. In this paper, I explore these expectations as they are identified in the Oscar winning film, Spotlight. 展开更多
关键词 the Church free press PRIESTS sexual abuse investigation SPOTLIGHT
Carlo Bavagnoli's and Mario Dondero's Photojournalism in the Neorealist Italy in the Post-second World War (1950-1959)" An Uncensored Gaze
作者 Rita Ladogana 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第2期141-150,共10页
The article describes the activity of two Italian photographers: Carlo Bavagnoli (1932) and Mario Dondero (1928) In particular, it focuses on their debuts in the world of photojournalism in Italy since the early ... The article describes the activity of two Italian photographers: Carlo Bavagnoli (1932) and Mario Dondero (1928) In particular, it focuses on their debuts in the world of photojournalism in Italy since the early 1950s. First, it offers an overview of the national photographic research in the post-Second World War, underlining a significant evolution compared with the past and the complexity of the directions undertaken. Then, in the outlined context, it studies the work of the two photographers and their approach to a socially active photography, dwelling mainly on the relationships interwoven with the ruling publishing system. It also underlines the elements characterizing the nature of their reportages and the distance from an idea of image exploitation, derived from an always increasing interference of the political control over the images destined to mass communication. Both Dondero and Bavagnoli avoid any tendency to spectacularization and to the representative models typical of the common neorealist orientation, proposing an information founded on the effectiveness of narration, on the concreteness and immediacy of evidence; the first collaborations with the most progressive magazines testify the peculiarity of a method that both will coherently develop in the experiences matured outside the Italian context. 展开更多
关键词 photojoumalism ITALY NEOREALISM Carlo Bavagnoli Mario Dondero
Impact of Climate Change on Regional Hydroclimate Projection in Peninsular Malaysia
作者 Mohd Ekhwan Toriman Mazlin Bin Mokhtar +3 位作者 Rahmah E1-fithri NorAzlina Abdul Aziz Md.Pauzi Abdullah Muhamad Barzani Gasim 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(A)》 2012年第1期41-45,共5页
For the assessment of the impact of future climate change on the hydrologic regime and water resources of Peninsular Malaysia, it is necessary to downscale the climate change simulations of a coarse scale General Circ... For the assessment of the impact of future climate change on the hydrologic regime and water resources of Peninsular Malaysia, it is necessary to downscale the climate change simulations of a coarse scale General Circulation Model to the region of Peninsular Malaysia at fine grid resolution. This paper presents a desktop review of the state of climate change parameters, namely rainfall and river flow over the Peninsular Malaysia for the 2041-2050 projection period. Analysis of the results from the models shows there will be a substantial increase in mean monthly precipitation over the North East Coastal region from historical 259.5 mm to 281.5 mm, from 289.0 mm to 299.0 mm and 221.8 mm to 239.5 mm over Terengganu and Kelantan, respectively. Meanwhile, for river flow projection, it will be an expected increase in interannual and intraseasonal variability with increased hydrologic extremes (higher high flows, and lower low flows) at Kelantan, Pahang, Terengganu, and Kedah watersheds in the future. 展开更多
关键词 Climate change peninsular Malaysia RAINFALL river flow.
作者 陈静 杨涛 《作家》 2015年第4X期197-198,共2页
只因一句"世间所有的相遇,都是久别重逢","宫二"名副其实地摘得金马影后的桂冠。《一代宗师》上映之际,便引起了国内叫喊声两级分端,江湖如此,影坛更如此,没有一部影片可以做到处处暖人心意,可以每每捧得桂冠,可以... 只因一句"世间所有的相遇,都是久别重逢","宫二"名副其实地摘得金马影后的桂冠。《一代宗师》上映之际,便引起了国内叫喊声两级分端,江湖如此,影坛更如此,没有一部影片可以做到处处暖人心意,可以每每捧得桂冠,可以名利双丰收,更何况,还是带着始终带着墨镜的导演——王家卫。2013年12月初,奥斯卡公布了入围九强的最佳外语片奖,作为多年来唯一一部华语电影入围并角逐世界最高奖项的作品,无论如何,国人应该暂且为之欣然一番。当然。 展开更多
关键词 最佳外语片奖 一代宗师 王家卫 华语电影 马影 叫喊声 电影史 旺角卡门 级分 《花样年华》
沙漠中的唯美 被引量:1
作者 张承志 《花城》 北大核心 1997年第4期50-52,共3页
1 不少人听说过,有一个能歌善舞的美女,生逢乱世暴君,她以歌舞升平为耻,于是拒绝出演,闭门不出。开始人们都很敬佩她,即便陌生人闲谈之际,也对她赞不绝口。几个男女朋友簇拥着她,信誓旦旦。可是时间长了,先是众人对她显出淡忘。世间总... 1 不少人听说过,有一个能歌善舞的美女,生逢乱世暴君,她以歌舞升平为耻,于是拒绝出演,闭门不出。开始人们都很敬佩她,即便陌生人闲谈之际,也对她赞不绝口。几个男女朋友簇拥着她,信誓旦旦。可是时间长了,先是众人对她显出淡忘。世间总不能少了丝竹宴乐;在时光的流失中,不知又起落了多少婉转的艳歌,不知又飘甩过多少舒展的长袖。人们继续为一个接一个的新人迷住,久而久之,没有谁还记得她了。她逐年衰老,退尽了红颜。家人的话语中,有了忿忿的不平,也悄悄地有了埋怨。 展开更多
关键词 艳歌 宴乐 神诗 亲戚们 马影 彻夜不眠 第三天 在路上 纯白 如梦
作者 陈然 《创作评谭》 2004年第5期26-27,共2页
关键词 白洋淀派 马影 阿黑小史 我们小时候 晚饭花集 对我说 田园牧歌 生存体验 主流话语 神巫之爱
作者 张军瑜 《电影画刊》 2013年第11期8-11,共4页
真正的巨星是可以出演任何角色的,比如说章子怡。她可以因冷艳绝尘以大家风范的宫二被封金马影后,也可以在《非常幸运》里,让你看到一个崭新的萌妹子——画漫画的苏菲。"傻大妞"的形容未必适合她,但是率真,被老爸老妈时时逼婚... 真正的巨星是可以出演任何角色的,比如说章子怡。她可以因冷艳绝尘以大家风范的宫二被封金马影后,也可以在《非常幸运》里,让你看到一个崭新的萌妹子——画漫画的苏菲。"傻大妞"的形容未必适合她,但是率真,被老爸老妈时时逼婚,又时刻幻想着可以遇到一个漫画中人物一样的"完美王子"的女文青形象。对于苏菲来说,可能还是比较到位。少了一些冷艳的性感,多了一些卖萌系列的淳朴率真,说颠覆性表演有些夸张,但是这样一个角色的尝试,对章子怡来说,至少可以说是一种突破。再加上憨直富贵系的姚晨。 展开更多
关键词 章子怡 姚晨 封金 马影 林心如
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