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作者 周正喜 《现代商业》 2007年第17期104-105,共2页
从决定企业竞争能力和生存能力的经营收益为突破口,对传统的EVA模型进行了改进,并对改进后的模型进行深入分析,将企业内在价值创造的驱动性因素具体到各个财务指标。这有利于企业管理层根据价值的驱动性因素进行有效管理,使股东财富最大... 从决定企业竞争能力和生存能力的经营收益为突破口,对传统的EVA模型进行了改进,并对改进后的模型进行深入分析,将企业内在价值创造的驱动性因素具体到各个财务指标。这有利于企业管理层根据价值的驱动性因素进行有效管理,使股东财富最大化;同时也有利于企业投资者根据价值驱动性因素全面、深入评价企业创造价值的能力。 展开更多
关键词 EVA模型 经营剩余收益 驱动性因素
作者 杜志远 赵长峰 《江南社会学院学报》 2018年第4期73-80,共8页
“西联政策”作为印度适应印太地区和世界局势变迁以及推动国内发展和外交政策转型作出的重大国家战略部署,体现出莫迪政府重构并实施符合印度外交政策的逻辑和把握。同时,“西联政策”作为印度“向东行动政策”结构性补充和完善,有益... “西联政策”作为印度适应印太地区和世界局势变迁以及推动国内发展和外交政策转型作出的重大国家战略部署,体现出莫迪政府重构并实施符合印度外交政策的逻辑和把握。同时,“西联政策”作为印度“向东行动政策”结构性补充和完善,有益二者并举前进,遥相呼应,成为助力印度走出南亚次大陆或亚洲地区,成为世界有影响力大国的关键一步。随着印度“向东行动政策”日臻成熟且处于美国等国实力范围映射或笼罩之下,印度的“西联政策”将成为莫迪政府重点发力和关注对象。能源安全保障、日益攀升的贸易往来以及突破中国“珍珠链”等因素将驱动印度不断推进其“西联政策”。同时,恐怖主义肆虐、近地优势削弱、硬实力与软实力转化等问题,将成为莫迪政府实施“西联政策”的重大挑战。 展开更多
关键词 莫迪政府 向东行动政策 西联政策 驱动性因素 阻碍因素
2016-2017赛季CBA球场主要暴力事件及其治理措施的研究 被引量:6
作者 邱红武 《南京体育学院学报(自然科学版)》 2017年第6期150-154,共5页
随着我国CBA市场经济的深化改革和发展,企业资金的流入,篮球规则的不断修改和完善,运动员竞技能力水平的提高,国际球员的加盟,这些都增强了CBA赛事的商业性、观赏性和对抗性,提高了赛事关注度,推动了联赛的发展,提升了赛事品牌价值。然... 随着我国CBA市场经济的深化改革和发展,企业资金的流入,篮球规则的不断修改和完善,运动员竞技能力水平的提高,国际球员的加盟,这些都增强了CBA赛事的商业性、观赏性和对抗性,提高了赛事关注度,推动了联赛的发展,提升了赛事品牌价值。然而,在联赛中的球场暴力事件也随之增加、升级,甚至愈演愈烈,从球场扩散到看台,从球迷延伸到媒体,从事件转变成现象,呈现出逐渐向外扩展的趋势,普遍化态势,使CBA品牌形象在老百姓心目中的地位大打折扣,制约了篮球运动的发展,背离了体育运动的根本宗旨。本文采用文献资料法、调查法、观察法的研究方法,对2016-2017赛季CBA球场主要暴力事件进行研究和分析,梳理导致CBA球场暴力的驱动性因素,并结合以往国内外对此类事件的治理措施,寻找现阶段实际有效的治理措施,为遏制篮球球场暴力现象,缓解球场中的社会矛盾,促进赛事健康发展贡献一份力量。 展开更多
关键词 CBA 球场暴力 遏制 驱动性因素 治理措施
作者 邱红武 《南京体育学院学报(自然科学版)》 2017年第4期95-100,共6页
随着我国CBA市场经济的深化改革和发展,企业资金的流入,篮球规则的不断修改和完善,运动员竞技能力水平的提高,国际球员的加盟,这些都增强了CBA赛事的商业性、对抗性和观赏性,提高了赛事关注度,推动了联赛的发展,提升了赛事品牌价值。然... 随着我国CBA市场经济的深化改革和发展,企业资金的流入,篮球规则的不断修改和完善,运动员竞技能力水平的提高,国际球员的加盟,这些都增强了CBA赛事的商业性、对抗性和观赏性,提高了赛事关注度,推动了联赛的发展,提升了赛事品牌价值。然而,在联赛中的球场暴力事件也随之增加、升级,甚至愈演愈烈,从球场扩散到看台,从球迷延伸到媒体,从事件转变成现象,呈现出逐渐向外扩展的趋势,普遍化态势,使CBA品牌形象在老百姓心目中的地位大打折扣,制约了篮球运动的发展,背离了体育运动的根本宗旨。本文采用文献资料法、调查法、观察法的研究方法,对2016~2017赛季CBA球场主要暴力事件进行研究和分析,梳理导致CBA球场暴力的驱动性因素,并结合以往国内外对此类事件的治理措施,寻找现阶段实际有效的治理措施,为遏制篮球球场暴力现象,缓解球场中的矛盾,促进赛事健康发展贡献一份力量。 展开更多
关键词 CBA 球场暴力 驱动性因素 治理措施
Driving Forces and Their Effects on Water Conservation Services in Forest Ecosystems in China 被引量:11
作者 GONG Shihan XIAO Yang +2 位作者 XIAO Yi ZHANG Lu OUYANG Zhiyun 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第2期216-228,共13页
Identifying the driving forces that cause changes in forest ecosystem services related to water conservation is essential for the design of interventions that could enhance positive impacts as well as minimizing negat... Identifying the driving forces that cause changes in forest ecosystem services related to water conservation is essential for the design of interventions that could enhance positive impacts as well as minimizing negative impacts. In this study, we propose an assessment concept framework model for indirect-direct-ecosystem service (IN-DI-ESS) driving forces within this context and method for index construction that considers the selection of a robust and parsimonious variable set. Factor analysis was integrated into two-stage data envelopment analysis (TS-DEA) to determine the driving forces and their effects on water conservation services in forest ecosystems at the provincial scale in China. The results showed the following. 1) Ten indicators with factor scores more than 0.8 were selected as the minimum data set. Four indicators comprising population density, per capita gross domestic product, irrigation efficiency, and per capita food consumption were the indirect driving factors, and six indicators comprising precipitation, farmland into forestry or pasture, forest cover, habitat area, water footprint, and wood extraction were the direct driving forces. 2) Spearman's rank correlation test was performed to compare the overall effectiveness in two periods: stage 1 and stage 2. The calculated coefficients were 0.245, 0.136, and 0.579, respectively, whereas the tabulated value was 0.562. This indicates that the driving forces obviously differed in terms of their contribution to the overall effectiveness and they caused changes in water conservation services in different stages. In terms of the variations in different driving force effects in the years 2000 and 2010, the overall, stage 1, and stage 2 variances were 0.020, 0.065, and 0.079 in 2000, respectively, and 0.018, 0.063, and 0.071 in 2010. This also indicates that heterogeneous driving force effects were obvious in the process during the same period. Identifying the driving forces that affect service changes and evaluating their efficiency have significant policy implications for the management of forest ecosystem services. Advanced effectiveness measures for weak regions could be improved in an appropriate manner. In this study, we showed that factor analysis coupled with TS-DEA based on the IN-D1-ESS framework can increase the parsimony of driving force indicators, as well as interpreting the interactions among indirect and direct driving forces with forest ecosystem water conservation services, and reducing the uncertainty related to the internal consistency during data selection. 展开更多
关键词 driving effectiveness driving force factor analysis forest ecosystem two-stage data envelopment analysis water conservation service
Temporal variation and its drivers in the elemental traits of four boreal plant species 被引量:3
作者 Isabella C.Richmond Shawn J.Leroux +5 位作者 Travis R.Heckford Eric Vander Wal Matteo Rizzuto Juliana Balluffi-Fry Joanie L.Kennah Yolanda F.Wiersma 《Journal of Plant Ecology》 SCIE CSCD 2021年第3期398-413,共16页
Aims Intraspecific variation in plant traits has important consequences for individual fitness and herbivore foraging.For plants,trait variability across spatial dimensions is well documented.However,temporal dimensio... Aims Intraspecific variation in plant traits has important consequences for individual fitness and herbivore foraging.For plants,trait variability across spatial dimensions is well documented.However,temporal dimensions of trait variability are less well known,and may be influenced by seasonal differences in growing degree days(GDD),temperature and precipitation.Here,we aim to quantify intraspecific temporal variation in traits and the underlying drivers for four commonly occurring boreal plant species.Methods We sampled the elemental and stoichiometric traits(%C,%N,%P,C:N,C:P,N:P)of four common browse species'foliage across 2 years.Using a two-step approach,we first fitted generalized linear models(GzLM,n=24)to the species'elemental and stoichiometric traits,and tested if they varied across years.When we observed evidence for temporal variability,we fitted a second set of GzLMs(n=8)with temperature,productivity and moisture as explanatory variables.Important Findings We found no evidence of temporal variation for most of the elemental and stoichiometric traits of our four boreal plants,with two exceptions.Year was an important predictor for percent carbon across all four species(R^(2)=0.47-0.67)and for multiple elemental and stoichiometric traits in balsam fir(5/8,R2=0.29-0.67).Thus,variation in percent carbon was related to interannual differences,more so than nitrogen and phosphorus,which are limiting nutrients in the boreal forest.These results also indicate that year may explain more variation in conifers'stoichiometry than for deciduous plants due to life history differences.GDD was the most frequently occurring variable in the second round of models(8/8 times,R^(2)=0.21-0.41),suggesting that temperature is an important driver of temporal variation in these traits. 展开更多
关键词 BIOGEOCHEMISTRY boreal forest elemental phenotype ecological stoichiometry environmental drivers plant traits plant variation
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