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《全国名医验案类编》学术特色举要 被引量:2
作者 张家玮 鲁兆麟 《中医文献杂志》 2014年第3期11-13,共3页
《全国名医验案类编》是清末民初著名医家何廉臣的代表著作。该书为何氏搜集当时全国90位名医的验案300余则分类汇编而成。书中内容以急性外感热病的中医治疗为主,并附以何氏按语进行点评,具有很高的理论研究和临床实践价值。为了更好... 《全国名医验案类编》是清末民初著名医家何廉臣的代表著作。该书为何氏搜集当时全国90位名医的验案300余则分类汇编而成。书中内容以急性外感热病的中医治疗为主,并附以何氏按语进行点评,具有很高的理论研究和临床实践价值。为了更好地学习《全国名医验案类编》,笔者将该书的学术特色归纳为"专注外感,资料宏富"、"格式统一,记录翔实"、"按语精当,画龙点睛"3个方面。 展开更多
关键词 全国名医 何廉臣 学术特色 医案 民国时期
作者 仵博 吴敏 《计算机工程》 CAS CSCD 2013年第4期214-218,共5页
在连续状态的部分可观察马尔可夫决策过程中,在线规划无法同时满足高实时性与低误差的要求。为此,提出一种基于后验信念聚类的在线规划算法。使用KL散度分析连续状态下后验信念之间的误差,根据误差分析结果对后验信念进行聚类,利用聚类... 在连续状态的部分可观察马尔可夫决策过程中,在线规划无法同时满足高实时性与低误差的要求。为此,提出一种基于后验信念聚类的在线规划算法。使用KL散度分析连续状态下后验信念之间的误差,根据误差分析结果对后验信念进行聚类,利用聚类后验信念计算报酬值,并采用分支界限裁剪方法裁剪后验信念与或树。实验结果表明,该算法能够有效降低求解问题的规模,消除重复计算,具有较好的实时性和较低的误差。 展开更多
关键词 部分可观察马尔可夫决策过程 信念聚 在线规划 KL散度 分支界限
《魏氏验案类编初集》旋覆代赭汤临证解析 被引量:5
作者 吴娟娟 马凤岐 陈永灿 《浙江中医药大学学报》 CAS 2019年第12期1345-1347,共3页
[目的]分析《魏氏验案类编初集》中魏长春应用旋覆代赭汤的经验,以期对旋覆代赭汤的临床应用提供借鉴。[方法]通过阅读《魏氏验案类编初集》,选择其中五则运用旋覆代赭汤的医案,从处方用药着手,分析其遣方用药原则和药物配伍特点,从而... [目的]分析《魏氏验案类编初集》中魏长春应用旋覆代赭汤的经验,以期对旋覆代赭汤的临床应用提供借鉴。[方法]通过阅读《魏氏验案类编初集》,选择其中五则运用旋覆代赭汤的医案,从处方用药着手,分析其遣方用药原则和药物配伍特点,从而总结其应用旋覆代赭汤的经验。[结果]从五则医案分析,魏氏运用旋覆代赭汤多取其降逆功能,并结合其他治法辨证论治,以使脏腑气机恢复正常。如以通络降逆、和营调中法治疗痰瘀咳嗽;以下气化痰、镇纳肾气法治疗痰饮虚喘;以降逆化饮、益气和胃法治疗溢饮咳逆;以重镇摄纳、降逆和中法治疗元虚呃逆;以补中降逆、温补脾肾法治疗虚寒呕吐。魏氏临证应用时加减灵活,待气机条畅后,中病即止。[结论]魏氏辨证入微,遣药有度,既善用旋覆代赭汤,又灵活加减变通,尤善顾护胃气,拓宽了旋覆代赭汤的临床运用思路。 展开更多
关键词 魏氏编初集 旋覆代赭汤 魏长春 医案 临证经 浙派中医
何廉臣《当代全国名医验案类编》学术特色探讨 被引量:2
作者 鲍玺 何迎春 《浙江中医杂志》 2018年第3期166-168,共3页
《当代全国名医验案类编》是清末民初著名医家何廉臣晚年的扛鼎之作。该书为何氏搜集当时全国90位名医的验案371则分类汇编而成。书中内容以急性外感热病的中医治疗为主,并附以何氏按语进行点评,具有很高的理论研究和临床实践价值。笔... 《当代全国名医验案类编》是清末民初著名医家何廉臣晚年的扛鼎之作。该书为何氏搜集当时全国90位名医的验案371则分类汇编而成。书中内容以急性外感热病的中医治疗为主,并附以何氏按语进行点评,具有很高的理论研究和临床实践价值。笔者从选题、医案、评语等三方面对其学术特色进行总结。 展开更多
关键词 何廉臣 当代全国名医 学术特色 医案
作者 张铎 张玉萱 安伟伟 《中国中医药图书情报杂志》 2021年第4期50-52,56,共4页
本文通过分析、总结、归纳何廉臣对《全国名医验案类编四时六淫病案》以六气为纲的疾病分类方法,总体分为风、寒、暑、湿、燥、火六门,各门细分下又包括六气本证,六气本证与疾病核心信息组合,六气兼证、夹证、变证,特定病名等数种情况,... 本文通过分析、总结、归纳何廉臣对《全国名医验案类编四时六淫病案》以六气为纲的疾病分类方法,总体分为风、寒、暑、湿、燥、火六门,各门细分下又包括六气本证,六气本证与疾病核心信息组合,六气兼证、夹证、变证,特定病名等数种情况,执简驭繁,细致入微,使学者在学习与实践中能够从中医理论高度分析复杂的临床问题,对学术研究和临床工作具有指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 何廉臣 绍派伤寒 《全国名医编》 六气 时病
作者 邱雪玉 赵红艳 《光明中医》 2024年第16期3224-3226,共3页
不孕症是涉及全球育龄夫妇的重要问题,是直接或间接反映家庭幸福与否、生活质量高低的关键标志,同时也是衡量一个国家和地区的生殖健康水平、医疗服务水平、经济水平、文化水平等多个层面的重要指标。由于社会环境的飞速变化,不孕症的... 不孕症是涉及全球育龄夫妇的重要问题,是直接或间接反映家庭幸福与否、生活质量高低的关键标志,同时也是衡量一个国家和地区的生殖健康水平、医疗服务水平、经济水平、文化水平等多个层面的重要指标。由于社会环境的飞速变化,不孕症的发生率越来越高。赵红艳主任医师从事妇科临床工作20年,在治疗不孕症方面有独到见解,遵循“辨证、求因、调经、种子、安胎”五步走原则,取得良好的临床疗效,文章归纳总结其临床经验,期冀为后期临床研究提供更多思路。 展开更多
关键词 不孕症 中西医结合 思路与方法 赵红艳 验类
摆式矫治器治疗安氏Ⅱ类错的牙弓形态变化 被引量:2
作者 翟佳羽 任琼 +3 位作者 邓利琴 姜杰 王洪涛 邓细河 《广东牙病防治》 2007年第10期470-471,共2页
目的研究摆式矫治器治疗安氏Ⅱ类错的牙弓形态变化。方法应用摆式矫治器治疗安氏Ⅱ类错患者32例,定量测量矫治前后上下颌石膏模型的尖牙间宽度、第一磨牙间宽度,测量结果行t检验。结果上颌尖牙间宽度、上颌第一磨牙间宽度分别增加3.... 目的研究摆式矫治器治疗安氏Ⅱ类错的牙弓形态变化。方法应用摆式矫治器治疗安氏Ⅱ类错患者32例,定量测量矫治前后上下颌石膏模型的尖牙间宽度、第一磨牙间宽度,测量结果行t检验。结果上颌尖牙间宽度、上颌第一磨牙间宽度分别增加3.49 mm和3.04 mm。上颌第一磨牙的轴倾度减少3.77°。下牙弓的拥挤改善,前牙覆减少3.37 mm、覆盖减少4.42 mm。磨牙关系由安氏Ⅱ类转为安氏Ⅰ类。结论摆式矫治器可用于治疗轻、中度安氏Ⅱ类错,且避免拔牙。 展开更多
关键词 摆式矫治器 安氏Ⅱ 牙弓形态
功能矫治器矫治安氏Ⅱ类1分类错的护理体会 被引量:1
作者 孙爱农 徐红红 《广东牙病防治》 2010年第2期101-102,共2页
目的探讨功能矫治器矫治安氏Ⅱ类1分类错患儿的护理体会。方法对52例使用功能矫治器患儿进行矫治前心理护理、矫治中护理及使用功能矫治器后的指导。结果52例戴功能矫治器患儿平均疗程8.2个月,全部患儿均获得满意的矫治效果。结论在... 目的探讨功能矫治器矫治安氏Ⅱ类1分类错患儿的护理体会。方法对52例使用功能矫治器患儿进行矫治前心理护理、矫治中护理及使用功能矫治器后的指导。结果52例戴功能矫治器患儿平均疗程8.2个月,全部患儿均获得满意的矫治效果。结论在功能矫治器矫治安氏Ⅱ类1分类错中,良好的正畸护理可以提高患儿的配合意识,缩短疗程,获得满意的疗效。 展开更多
关键词 护理 安氏Ⅱ 依从性 功能矫治器
安氏Ⅱ类2分类错扩弓后牙弓宽度的稳定性研究 被引量:1
作者 聂向真 姜萃长 李伟奇 《广东牙病防治》 2007年第4期177-178,共2页
目的探讨安氏Ⅱ类2分类错扩弓矫治后的牙弓宽度的稳定性。方法分别测量17例安氏Ⅱ类2分类错患者扩弓治疗前后及保持2年磨牙间及尖牙间牙弓宽度。结果安氏Ⅱ类2分类错患者扩弓治疗前后上下尖牙及磨牙间宽度均明显增大(P<0.05),... 目的探讨安氏Ⅱ类2分类错扩弓矫治后的牙弓宽度的稳定性。方法分别测量17例安氏Ⅱ类2分类错患者扩弓治疗前后及保持2年磨牙间及尖牙间牙弓宽度。结果安氏Ⅱ类2分类错患者扩弓治疗前后上下尖牙及磨牙间宽度均明显增大(P<0.05),保持2年后上尖牙及磨牙宽度基本稳定,而下尖牙间宽度明显缩窄。结论安氏Ⅱ类2分类错扩弓矫治后,最好用舌侧保持器做永久保持。 展开更多
关键词 安氏Ⅱ2分 扩弓 牙弓宽度
作者 李儒婷 毛萌 +6 位作者 张翼飞 王若冲 马捷 何青鋆 宋丹丹 于清茜 李峰 《现代中医临床》 2023年第5期47-52,共6页
《全国名医验案类编》由清代著名医家何廉臣征集编纂而成,内容宏富,纲目分明,按语精妙,是中医治疗急性外感热病的重要参考资料,具有很高的理论研究与临床实践价值。本文通过对《全国名医验案类编八大传染病案》中的疫病医案进行分类归... 《全国名医验案类编》由清代著名医家何廉臣征集编纂而成,内容宏富,纲目分明,按语精妙,是中医治疗急性外感热病的重要参考资料,具有很高的理论研究与临床实践价值。本文通过对《全国名医验案类编八大传染病案》中的疫病医案进行分类归纳与解析,总结出何廉臣包括将六淫偏向性作为重要发病诱因,重视外感病与患者个人体质因素之结合,中西医理论融合汇通施治,疫病康复期注重个性化调养护理在内的四大疫病辨治及康复特色,并与现代疫病研究结合进行探讨,以期探究何氏疫病诊治思想历久弥新之精华,体现其在当代疫病治疗中的指导作用与实践意义。 展开更多
关键词 何廉臣 全国名医 疫病 传染病 医案
Forsus矫治器治疗下颌后缩年青成人患者的疗效观察 被引量:7
作者 麦志辉 艾虹 +1 位作者 梁焕友 卢红飞 《广东牙病防治》 2008年第8期360-361,共2页
目的观察Forsus矫治器治疗下颌后缩年青成人患者的临床疗效。方法12例下颌后缩的年青成人患者在直丝弓矫治技术排齐整平上下牙列后,应用Forsus矫治器进行功能性矫形治疗,在治疗前后拍摄头颅侧位片,通过SPSS11.0统计软件对治疗前后的测... 目的观察Forsus矫治器治疗下颌后缩年青成人患者的临床疗效。方法12例下颌后缩的年青成人患者在直丝弓矫治技术排齐整平上下牙列后,应用Forsus矫治器进行功能性矫形治疗,在治疗前后拍摄头颅侧位片,通过SPSS11.0统计软件对治疗前后的测量结果进行配对t检验。结果Forsus矫治器治疗4~6个月后,12例患者的下颌均明显前移,下颌后缩面型显著改善。其中B点前移(2.2±1.0)mm,ANB角减小(2.4±1.0)°,前牙覆盖减小(4.6±1.1)mm,治疗前后的差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),磨牙关系由远中关系改为中性关系。结论Forsus矫治器与直丝弓矫治技术联合应用,可以有效地促进下颌骨前移,协调上下颌骨的位置关系,改善年青成人患者的Ⅱ类咬合关系和下颌后缩面型。 展开更多
关键词 FORSUS矫治器 下颌后缩 安氏Ⅱ 年青成人
何廉臣生平述略 被引量:2
作者 傅维康 《上海中医药杂志》 北大核心 2008年第6期69-70,共2页
关键词 何廉臣 《绍兴医药学报》《全国名医编》
Meta-analysis of potentially confounding effect of class size on associations between object-oriented metrics and maintainability
作者 卢红敏 周毓明 徐宝文 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2008年第3期281-283,共3页
This paper uses three size metrics,which are collectable during the design phase,to analyze the potentially confounding effect of class size on the associations between object-oriented(OO)metrics and maintainability... This paper uses three size metrics,which are collectable during the design phase,to analyze the potentially confounding effect of class size on the associations between object-oriented(OO)metrics and maintainability.To draw as many general conclusions as possible,the confounding effect of class size is analyzed on 127 C++ systems and 113 Java systems.For each OO metric,the indirect effect that represents the distortion of the association caused by class size and its variance for individual systems is first computed.Then,a statistical meta-analysis technique is used to compute the average indirect effect over all the systems and to determine if it is significantly different from zero.The experimental results show that the confounding effects of class size on the associations between OO metrics and maintainability generally exist,regardless of whatever size metric is used.Therefore,empirical studies validating OO metrics on maintainability should consider class size as a confounding variable. 展开更多
选评家的目光——医案絮语之一 被引量:2
作者 朱炳林 《江西中医药》 2008年第4期67-68,共2页
关键词 医案 《古今医案按》 《增评柳选四家医案》 《重印全国名医编》
作者 陈金旭 范天田 +2 位作者 马凤岐 白钰 陈永灿 《中华中医药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第4期2390-2392,共3页
通过研读《魏氏验案类编初集》,总结近代医家魏长春治疗暑温重症临证经验。暑温以湿热伤人,轻则病及肌表,重则侵及内脏,耗气伤津动血,遂致血证、昏厥、霍乱、痢疾等危急重症。魏氏临重症而辨证不乱,精准分析病机,遣方用药有其独特见地,... 通过研读《魏氏验案类编初集》,总结近代医家魏长春治疗暑温重症临证经验。暑温以湿热伤人,轻则病及肌表,重则侵及内脏,耗气伤津动血,遂致血证、昏厥、霍乱、痢疾等危急重症。魏氏临重症而辨证不乱,精准分析病机,遣方用药有其独特见地,治法精妙,运用凉血通腑、温脾摄血治暑温血证;清热开闭、补养气血、涌吐逐痰治暑温昏厥;凉血解毒、健脾利水治霍乱;下血调气、补气和血治暑温痢疾,审病势定治法,法证相依,知常达变,转危为机。 展开更多
关键词 魏氏编初集 暑温重症 医案 中医治法
Experimental study on the type change of liquid flow in broken coal samples 被引量:6
作者 Lu-zhen WANG Zhan-qing CHEN Hai-de SHEN 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2013年第1期19-25,共7页
A test system of the permeability of broken coal samples mainly consists of a CMT5305 electronic universal test machine, crushed rock compaction containing cylinder and a self-designed seepage circuit, which is compos... A test system of the permeability of broken coal samples mainly consists of a CMT5305 electronic universal test machine, crushed rock compaction containing cylinder and a self-designed seepage circuit, which is composed of a gear pump, a reversing valve, a relief valve and other components. By using the steady penetration method, the permeability and non-Darcy flow β factor of broken coal samples under five different porosity levels were measured, the grain diameters of the coal samples were selected as 2.5-5 mm, 5-10 mm, 10-15 mm, 15-20 mm, 20-25 mm and 2.5-25 ram, respectively. After measuring the permeability under each porosity, the overfall pressure of the relief valve continuously increased until the coal sample was broken down. In this way, the flow type of liquid inside the broken coal samples changed from seepage to pipe flow. The correlation between breakdown pressure gradient (BPG) and porosity was analyzed, and the BPG was compared with the pressure gradient when seepage instability occurred. The results show that, ①the non-Darcy flow β factor was negative before broken coal samples with six kinds of diameters were broken down; ②the BPG of coal samples with a grain size of 2.5-25 mm was lower than that of the others; ③ the BPG of coal samples with a single diameter under the same porosity increased as the grain size increased; ④ the BPG could be fitted by an exponential function with porosity, and the exponent decreased as the grain size increased for coal samples with a single diameter; ⑤ the BPG was slightly less than the seepage instability pressure gradient. The change in liquid flow type from seepage to pipe flow could be regarded as the performance of the seepage instability. 展开更多
关键词 broken coal sample permeability parameters breakdown pressure gradient (BPG) seepage instability flow type
Effectiveness of a training program based on maker education for baccalaureate nursing students: A quasi-experimental study 被引量:10
作者 Kai-Han Yang Zhi-Xia Jiang +2 位作者 Freida Chavez Lian-Hong Wang Chang-Rong Yuan 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2019年第1期24-30,共7页
Objectives:Maker education is a dominant force in education reform and is viewed as a revolutionary way to learn.As innovative pedagogy is continuously explored in the field of nursing,the emerging role of maker educa... Objectives:Maker education is a dominant force in education reform and is viewed as a revolutionary way to learn.As innovative pedagogy is continuously explored in the field of nursing,the emerging role of maker education must be examined.This research aims to build a nursing bachelor education program based on maker education and to evaluate the effectiveness of this program.Methods:Forty volunteer junior students majoring in nursing from a college were the subjects for this quasi-experiment.The training program for nursing students based on maker education was developed and implemented as an additional class for a period of 12 weeks.Before and after the experiment,two measures including the"Williams Creative Scale"and"Current Status Questionnaire of Nursing Students'Learning"were adopted for investigation,and corresponding statistical methods were used for analysis.The degree of satisfaction with this training program was investigated after the experiment.Results:The average scores of creativity,learning interest,cooperative learning skill,scientific research ability,and information attainment of the nursing students after the implementation of maker education all improved.The differences in the above points before and after the experiment were all statistically significant(P<0.05).Most of the students expressed satisfaction with this training program(72.5%were very satisfied,15.0%were partially satisfied,and 12.5%were not satisfied).Conclusion:Implementing the training program based on maker education enhanced student creativity,learning interest,cooperative learning skill,scientific research ability,and information attainment.Comprehensive nursing talents were also cultivated.Our data suggested the importance of improving this program,adopting the method,and pursuing research in nursing education. 展开更多
Effect of dietary fiber on constipation:A meta analysis 被引量:29
作者 Jing Yang Hai-Peng Wang +1 位作者 Li Zhou Chun-Fang Xu 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第48期7378-7383,共6页
AIM:To investigate the effect of dietary fiber intake on constipation by a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials(RCTs).METHODS:We searched Ovid MEDLINE(from 1946 to October 2011),Cochrane Library(2011),PubMed ... AIM:To investigate the effect of dietary fiber intake on constipation by a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials(RCTs).METHODS:We searched Ovid MEDLINE(from 1946 to October 2011),Cochrane Library(2011),PubMed for articles on dietary fiber intake and constipation using the terms:constipation,fiber,cellulose,plant extracts,cereals,bran,psyllium,or plantago.References of important articles were searched manually for relevant studies.Articles were eligible for the meta-analysis if they were high-quality RCTs and reported data on stool frequency,stool consistency,treatment success,laxative use and gastrointestinal symptoms.The data were extracted independently by two researchers(Yang J and Wang HP) according to the described selection criteria.Review manager version 5 software was used for analysis and test.Weighted mean difference with 95%CI was used for quantitative data,odds ratio(OR)with 95%CI was used for dichotomous data.Both I2 statistic with a cut-off of ≥ 50% and the χ2 test with a P value < 0.10 were used to define a significant degree of heterogeneity.RESULTS:We searched 1322 potential relevant articles,19 of which were retrieved for further assessment,14 studies were excluded for various reasons,five studies were included in the analysis.Dietary fiber showed significant advantage over placebo in stool frequency(OR = 1.19;95%CI:0.58-1.80,P < 0.05).There was no significant difference in stool consistency,treatment success,laxative use and painful defecation between the two groups.Stool frequency were reported by five RCTs,all results showed either a trend or a significant difference in favor of the treatment group,number of stools per week increased in treatment group than in placebo group(OR = 1.19;95%CI:0.58-1.80,P < 0.05),with no significant heterogeneity among studies(I2= 0,P = 0.77).Four studies evaluated stool consistency,one of them presented outcome in terms of percentage of hard stool,which was different from others,so we included the other three studies for analysis.Two studies reported treatment success.There was significant heterogeneity between the studies(P < 0.1,I2 > 50%).Three studies reported laxative use,quantitative data was shown in one study,and the pooled analysis of the other two studies showed no significant difference between treatment and placebo groups in laxative use(OR = 1.07;95%CI 0.51-2.25),and no heterogeneity was found(P = 0.84,I2= 0).Three studies evaluated painful defecation:one study presented both quantitative and dichotomous data,the other two studies reported quantitative and dichotomous data separately.We used dichotomous data for analysis.CONCLUSION:Dietary fiber intake can obviously increase stool frequency in patients with constipation.It does not obviously improve stool consistency,treatment success,laxative use and painful defecation. 展开更多
关键词 Dietary fiber Constipation Meta-analysis Stool frequency Stool consistency
Effect of size on characteristic of acoustic emission in rock specimen 被引量:1
作者 袁瑞甫 李小军 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2008年第4期631-633,共3页
A series of uniaxial-compression tests were conducted on some granite speci- mens.A multi-channel,high-speed AE signal acquiring and analyzing system was em- ployed to acquire and record the characteristics of AE even... A series of uniaxial-compression tests were conducted on some granite speci- mens.A multi-channel,high-speed AE signal acquiring and analyzing system was em- ployed to acquire and record the characteristics of AE events and demonstrate the tem- poral and spatial distribution of these events during the failure process.The test results show that in the primary stage,many low amplitude AE events are developed rapidly and distributed randomly throughout the entire specimens.In the second stage,the number of AE increases much slower than that in the first stage,while the amplitude of most AE events became greater.Contrarily to the primary stage,AE events clusteres in the middle area of the specimen and distributes vertically conformed to the orientation of compres- sion.The most distinct characteristic of this stage is a vacant gap formed approximately in the central part of the specimen.In the last stage,the number of AE events increases sharply and their magnitude increases accordingly.The final failure location coincidently inhabited the aforementioned gap.The main conclusion is that most macrocracks are de- veloped from the surrounding microcracks existed earlier and their positions occupy the earlier formed gaps,and the AE activity usually becomes quite acute before the main rup- ture occurs. 展开更多
关键词 rock specimen acoustic emissifon SIZE gap area ROCKBURST
Classification of CBERS-2 Imagery with Fuzzy ARTMAP Classifier 被引量:3
作者 LUO Chengfeng LIU Zhengjun YAN Qin 《Geo-Spatial Information Science》 2007年第2期124-127,共4页
A fuzzy ARTMAP classifier is adopted for a classification experiment of CBERS-2 imagery. The fundamental theory and processing about the algorithm are first introduced, followed with a land-use classification experime... A fuzzy ARTMAP classifier is adopted for a classification experiment of CBERS-2 imagery. The fundamental theory and processing about the algorithm are first introduced, followed with a land-use classification experiment in Shihezi County on CBERS-2 high resolution imagery. Three classifiers are compared: maximum likelihood classifier (MLC), error back propagation (BP) classifier, and fuzzy ARTMAP classifier. The comparison shows comparably better results for the fuzzy ARTMAP classifier, with overall classification accuracy of 9.9% and 4.6% higher than that of MLC and BP. The results also prove that the fuzzy ARTMAP classifier has better discernment in identifying bare soil on CBERS-2 imagery. 展开更多
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