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《释骨》辨正 被引量:2
作者 邵冠勇 《山东中医药大学学报》 2000年第2期134-136,共3页
关键词 辨证
作者 胡雲鳳 《甲骨文与殷商史》 2022年第1期62-71,共10页
殷墟甲骨正反面皆能記録刻辭,但一般以正面刻辭居多,反面刻辭相對只佔少數。歷來研治甲骨者多重視正面刻辭,而忽視反面刻辭。反面甲骨拓本多布滿鑽鑿,且多雜紋、斑點,致使反面卜辭往往漫患不清,難以辨識,這也是反面甲骨刻辭被輕忽的另... 殷墟甲骨正反面皆能記録刻辭,但一般以正面刻辭居多,反面刻辭相對只佔少數。歷來研治甲骨者多重視正面刻辭,而忽視反面刻辭。反面甲骨拓本多布滿鑽鑿,且多雜紋、斑點,致使反面卜辭往往漫患不清,難以辨識,這也是反面甲骨刻辭被輕忽的另一個原因。反面卜辭不受重視的情況更反映在所屬兆序的釋讀疏漏上。一旦無法具體呈現反面每條卜辭與兆序的相承對應關係,就無法釐清整版卜辭的關係,對於整版甲骨卜辭内容和占卜關係的認識也不全面。本文以四版賓組龜腹甲正反卜辭的對應釋讀爲例,論述反面甲骨刻辭在考釋甲骨文字、通讀整版卜辭内容、釐清卜辭之間的關係、判斷釋讀的歧異等,均起着關鍵性的作用,其重要性並不亞於正面刻辭。了解甲骨,應該針對反面甲骨刻辭進行全面而系統的考察與探究。重新■編殷墟甲骨具正反面對應的釋文,以期能完整呈現殷墟反面甲骨刻辭的書寫規律及内容特點,進而正確掌握整版卜辭之間的關係,通讀整版卜辭的内容。 展开更多
关键词 殷墟 反面刻辭 釋讀
治疗成人2型糖尿病的复方缓释片Invokamet~ XR
作者 陈本川 《医药导报》 CAS 2017年第3期353-361,共9页
复方缓释片Invokamet~XR由美国强生公司(Johnson&Johnson)旗下的杨森制药公司(Janssen Pharms)研发,为固定剂量的坎格列净(canagliflozin)和缓释盐酸二甲双胍(metformin hydrochloride)组成的复方缓释片。该药于2016年9月20日获... 复方缓释片Invokamet~XR由美国强生公司(Johnson&Johnson)旗下的杨森制药公司(Janssen Pharms)研发,为固定剂量的坎格列净(canagliflozin)和缓释盐酸二甲双胍(metformin hydrochloride)组成的复方缓释片。该药于2016年9月20日获得美国食品药品管理局(FDA)批准上市,商品名为Invokamet~XR,是美国批准的首个由一种钠-葡萄糖协同转运蛋白2(SGLT2)抑制药和缓释骨架、盐酸二甲双胍组成的复方缓释片,为成人2型糖尿病的一线治疗药。该文对Invokamet~XR的非临床和临床药理毒理学、临床研究、适应证、剂量与用法、用药注意事项、不良反应、知识产权状态和国内外研究进展等进行介绍。 展开更多
关键词 Invokamet XR 固定剂量 商品名 盐酸二甲双胍 美国强生公司 抑制药 空腹血糖 格列
作者 干祖望 《辽宁中医杂志》 CAS 北大核心 1997年第4期179-179,共1页
干祖望医话(1)独具风仪的中医四部解剖学书干祖望南京中医药大学(南京210029)虽然很早在《灵枢·经水》“其死可解剖而视之”中见到了解剖一词,可是礼义之邦,“身体发肤,受之父母,不敢毁伤,孝之道也”《孝经》这1... 干祖望医话(1)独具风仪的中医四部解剖学书干祖望南京中医药大学(南京210029)虽然很早在《灵枢·经水》“其死可解剖而视之”中见到了解剖一词,可是礼义之邦,“身体发肤,受之父母,不敢毁伤,孝之道也”《孝经》这16个字,就轻轻地把解剖学扼死了,所以中... 展开更多
关键词 中医解剖 存真图 骨释 医林改错
沈彤《释骨》考略 被引量:2
作者 闫敏敏 黄作阵 《北京中医药大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第2期103-108,共6页
沈彤为清代乾隆年间经学家和考据学家,与方苞、惠栋等经学大家交往密切。清代名医徐灵胎为其同乡好友,沈彤寓居徐灵胎医馆期间受针灸医生所请,同时因"耻其为吾身所具而不知,又伤唐以后论撰有贻误后人者"而撰《释骨》。《释骨... 沈彤为清代乾隆年间经学家和考据学家,与方苞、惠栋等经学大家交往密切。清代名医徐灵胎为其同乡好友,沈彤寓居徐灵胎医馆期间受针灸医生所请,同时因"耻其为吾身所具而不知,又伤唐以后论撰有贻误后人者"而撰《释骨》。《释骨》为一部中医骨骼解剖专书,取《黄帝内经》《针灸甲乙经》中骨骼名称、部位、形态而考释之,训释体例具有"以经证字,以字解经"的特点,虽篇幅精悍而影响颇深,初刻于清乾隆十六年(公元1751年),刊成不久即流传日本,成为针灸经穴及注释《黄帝内经》的重要参考书,同时,它在中医解剖史上也具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 沈彤 考据 中医解剖
桂枝茯苓骨架缓释双层片释药机理及药效评价研究 被引量:3
作者 廖正根 梁新丽 +2 位作者 将且英 平其能 杨明 《中药药理与临床》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第6期12-15,共4页
目的:研究桂枝茯苓骨架缓释双层片,探讨其体外释药机理及药效学。方法:制备多种成分同步释放的桂枝茯苓骨架缓释双层片,并以多种成分的释放度为指标,引用多种数学模型拟合释药曲线,结合药效学指标评价其剂型的合理性。结果:多种数学模... 目的:研究桂枝茯苓骨架缓释双层片,探讨其体外释药机理及药效学。方法:制备多种成分同步释放的桂枝茯苓骨架缓释双层片,并以多种成分的释放度为指标,引用多种数学模型拟合释药曲线,结合药效学指标评价其剂型的合理性。结果:多种数学模型综合判断桂枝茯苓骨架缓释双层片中苦杏仁苷(Lae)、芍药苷(Paeon if)以扩散释放为主;而丹皮酚(Pae)以骨架溶蚀为主,桂枝茯苓骨架缓释双层片与原剂型桂枝茯苓胶囊药效学无显著差异。结论:桂枝茯苓骨架缓释双层片剂型合理,多种成分可同步释放且具有明显的缓释效果。 展开更多
关键词 桂枝茯苓架缓双层片 药机理 药效评价 同步
Study of Sustained Release Phenylpropanolamine Hydrochloride Hydrophilic Matrix Tablets Containing Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose K100M and Carbopol 971P 被引量:1
作者 吕丹 裴元英 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 2000年第4期185-190,共6页
选用HPMC K100M和卡波普971P为骨架材料,粉末直接压片法制备骨架片,考察释放度,反相高效液相色谱法检测盐酸苯丙醇胺(PPA·HCl)的浓度。释药曲线均符合Higuchi方程(R>0.98,P<0.01)。运用正交设计法,以美国市场的PPA&#... 选用HPMC K100M和卡波普971P为骨架材料,粉末直接压片法制备骨架片,考察释放度,反相高效液相色谱法检测盐酸苯丙醇胺(PPA·HCl)的浓度。释药曲线均符合Higuchi方程(R>0.98,P<0.01)。运用正交设计法,以美国市场的PPA·HCl缓释片Acutrim^R为对照,相似因子f2值为指标,筛选获得了最优处方。其工艺重现性合格。研制片在0.1mol·L^-1 HCl,H2O(pH6.5),磷酸盐缓冲液(PBS)pH5.0,6.8和7.4的介质中,以及在0.1mol·L^-1HCl中释放2h,转移至PBS6.8中释放10h,相对于对照品的f2值为63-74,表明在各介质中两制剂的释药曲线相似。释药影响因素的考察结果表明:在本实验考察的范围内,骨架片在水中的释药速率与HPMC K100M和卡波普971P的用量呈负相关。HPMC K100M和卡波普971P的比例(保持聚合物总用量相同),硬脂酸镁量和骨架片硬度对释药速率无显著性影响。 展开更多
关键词 Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose(HPMC K100M) Carbopol 971P Phenylpropanolamine Hydrochloride Hydrophilic sustained release matrix tablets Similarity factor
作者 王永昌 《高校教育管理》 1985年第1期93-94,共2页
目前,多数高中学生的议论能力不强,表现在:缺少议论文的色彩,缺少对论点的阐释,缺少道理上的分析,也缺少谋篇布局上的层层深入。提高学生的议论能力,是提高学生读写水平的需要,是发展学生智力的需要,也是培养开拓型的现代化建设人才的... 目前,多数高中学生的议论能力不强,表现在:缺少议论文的色彩,缺少对论点的阐释,缺少道理上的分析,也缺少谋篇布局上的层层深入。提高学生的议论能力,是提高学生读写水平的需要,是发展学生智力的需要,也是培养开拓型的现代化建设人才的需要。一个开拓型的人才必然是善于宣传群众、组织群众的,而要宣传群众、组织群众,就要善于发表自己创造性的见解,议论风生,有充足的逻辑力量。 展开更多
关键词 议论文教学 篇章结构 高中学生 宣传群众 谋篇布局 组织群众 初中学生 总结全文
Research on the Influence of HPMC Release the Bupropion Hydrochloride Sustained Release Tablets
作者 XieChunHua 《International English Education Research》 2014年第2期116-118,共3页
Objective Study of bupropion hydrochloride gel matrix sustained release tablet and the preparation method, test the skeleton material of hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose influencing drug release for evaluation, explore ... Objective Study of bupropion hydrochloride gel matrix sustained release tablet and the preparation method, test the skeleton material of hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose influencing drug release for evaluation, explore the preparation of sustained release tablets of optimization method. Method With hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose as skeleton material, according to the different prescription preparation of bupmpion hydrochloride sustained release tablets. Different HPMC viscosity, Consumption, particle size, compression pressure and slurry rotational speed and other factors, analysis the influence on drug release rate.Through the release of test evaluation of sustained release effect, and the preliminary study on the drug release characteristic. With hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose ( HPMC ) as skeleton material, with citric acid citrate as a porogenic agent, direct powder tabletting method of bupropion hydrochloride sustained release tablets; by using single factor and orthogonal experiment method to investigate HPMC different viscosity, different Consumption, different particle size, different compression pressure, different pulp rotational speed and other factors on the release of delivery rate. Result Select HPMC-K100M for bupropion hydrochloride sustained release tablets of the skeleton materials; reinforcing materials of high viscosity HPMC K100M and main drug quality ratio of 1: 1; HPMC particle diameter of 125p m, make use of these conditions to preparation of bupropion hydrochloride sustained release tablets for optimal prescription conditions. Conclusion bupropion hydroehloride sustained release tablets on the drug release rate is mainly affected by HPMC viscosity and dosage effect. Along with the tablet of HPMC viscosity increased, the drug is released slowly. HPMC viscosity, dosage on the drug release rate has significant influence. 展开更多
关键词 PHARMACY hydrochloride bupropion Hypromellose Cellulose.
Identification and functional annotation of novel microRNAs in the proximal sciatic nerve after sciatic nerve transection 被引量:17
作者 LI ShiYing YU Bin +3 位作者 WANG YongJun YAO DengBing ZHANG ZhanHu GU XiaoSong 《Science China(Life Sciences)》 SCIE CAS 2011年第9期806-812,共7页
The peripheral nervous system is able to regenerate after injury, and regeneration is associated with the expression of many genes and proteins. MicroRNAs are evolutionarily conserved, small, non-coding RNA molecules ... The peripheral nervous system is able to regenerate after injury, and regeneration is associated with the expression of many genes and proteins. MicroRNAs are evolutionarily conserved, small, non-coding RNA molecules that regulate gene expression at the level of translation. In this paper, we focus on the identification and functional annotation of novel microRNAs in the proximal sciatic nerve after rat sciatic nerve transection. Using Solexa sequencing, computational analysis, and quantitative reverse transcription PCR verification, we identified 98 novel microRNAs expressed on days 0, 1, 4, 7, and 14 after nerve transection. Furthermore, we predicted the target genes of these microRNAs and analyzed the biological processes in which they were involved. The identified biological processes were consistent with the known time-frame of peripheral nerve injury and repair. Our data provide an important resource for further study of the role and regulation of microRNAs in peripheral nerve injury and regeneration. 展开更多
关键词 MICRORNA proximal sciatic nerve RAT Solexa
作者 鲁川 《绿风》 2013年第2期118-118,共1页
关键词 外一首 花影 鸡鸣寺 刀剑
Arrhythmogenic mechanisms in ryanodine receptor channelopathies 被引量:15
作者 ZHAO Yan-Ting VALDIVIA Carmen R. +2 位作者 GURROLA Georgina B. HERNNDEZ Jonathan J. VALDIVIA Héctor H. 《Science China(Life Sciences)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第1期54-58,共5页
Ryanodine receptors(Ry Rs) are the calcium release channels of sarcoplasmic reticulum(SR) that provide the majority of calcium ions(Ca2+) necessary to induce contraction of cardiac and skeletal muscle cells.In their i... Ryanodine receptors(Ry Rs) are the calcium release channels of sarcoplasmic reticulum(SR) that provide the majority of calcium ions(Ca2+) necessary to induce contraction of cardiac and skeletal muscle cells.In their intracellular environment,Ry R channels are regulated by a variety of cytosolic and luminal factors so that their output signal(Ca2+) induces finely-graded cell contraction without igniting cellular processes that may lead to aberrant electrical activity(ventricular arrhythmias) or cellular remodeling.The importance of Ry R dysfunction has been recently highlighted with the demonstration that point mutations in RYR2,the gene encoding for the cardiac isoform of the Ry R(Ry R2),are associated with catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia(CPVT),an arrhythmogenic syndrome characterized by the development of adrenergically-mediated ventricular tachycardia in individuals with an apparently normal heart.Here we summarize the state of the field in regards to the main arrhythmogenic mechanisms triggered by Ry R2 channels harboring mutations linked to CPVT.Most CPVT mutations characterized to date endow Ry R2 channels with a gain of function,resulting in hyperactive channels that release Ca2+ spontaneously,especially during diastole.The spontaneous Ca2+ release is extruded by the electrogenic Na+/Ca2+ exchanger,which depolarizes the external membrane(delayed afterdepolarization or DAD) and may trigger untimely action potentials.However,a rare set of CPVT mutations yield Ry R2 channels that are intrinsically hypo-active and hypo-responsive to stimuli,and it is unclear whether these channels release Ca2+ spontaneously during diastole.We discuss novel cellular mechanisms that appear more suitable to explain ventricular arrhythmias due to Ry R2 loss-of-function mutations. 展开更多
关键词 ryanodine receptors CPVT sarcoplasmic reticulum cardiac arrhythmias
Delivering MC3T3-E1 cells into injectable calcium phosphate cement through alginate-chitosan microcapsules for bone tissue engineering
作者 Peng-yan QIAO Fang-fang LI +2 位作者 Li-min DONG Tao XU Qiu-fei XIE 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第4期382-392,共11页
Objective: To deliver cells deep into injectable calcium phosphate cement(CPC) through alginate-chitosan(AC) microcapsules and investigate the biological behavior of the cells released from microcapsules into the... Objective: To deliver cells deep into injectable calcium phosphate cement(CPC) through alginate-chitosan(AC) microcapsules and investigate the biological behavior of the cells released from microcapsules into the CPC.Methods: Mouse osteoblastic MC3T3-E1 cells were embedded in alginate and AC microcapsules using an electrostatic droplet generator.The two types of cell-encapsulating microcapsules were then mixed with a CPC paste.MC3T3-E1 cell viability was investigated using a Wst-8 kit,and osteogenic differentiation was demonstrated by an alkaline phosphatase(ALP) activity assay.Cell attachment in CPC was observed by an environment scanning electron microscopy.Results: Both alginate and AC microcapsules were able to release the encapsulated MC3T3-E1 cells when mixed with CPC paste.The released cells attached to the setting CPC scaffolds,survived,differentiated,and formed mineralized nodules.Cells grew in the pores concomitantly created by the AC microcapsules in situ within the CPC.At Day 21,cellular ALP activity in the AC group was approximately four times that at Day 7 and exceeded that of the alginate microcapsule group(P0.05).Pores formed by the AC microcapsules had a diameter of several hundred microns and were spherical compared with those formed by alginate microcapsules.Conclusions: AC microcapsule is a promising carrier to release seeding cells deep into an injectable CPC scaffold for bone engineering. 展开更多
关键词 Injectable scaffold Calcium phosphate cement OSTEOBLAST MICROENCAPSULATION Cell release CHITOSAN
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