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作者 宋忠鹏 韩雪 《中医临床研究》 2023年第7期46-49,共4页
近年来,儿童哮喘的发病率逐年上升,给患者家庭和社会带来了沉重的负担。肺-肠轴因其共有黏膜免疫、微生物菌群、固有淋巴细胞归巢等成为儿童哮喘研究的热点。而肺肠微生物菌群可以促进骨髓造血,骨髓的造血功能是肺肠微生物菌群及其代谢... 近年来,儿童哮喘的发病率逐年上升,给患者家庭和社会带来了沉重的负担。肺-肠轴因其共有黏膜免疫、微生物菌群、固有淋巴细胞归巢等成为儿童哮喘研究的热点。而肺肠微生物菌群可以促进骨髓造血,骨髓的造血功能是肺肠微生物菌群及其代谢物维持肺稳态和免疫功能的桥梁,因此肺、肠、骨髓三者关系密切。中医认为,儿童哮喘病位主要在肺、脾、肾三脏,故多以此论治,正如“五脏六腑皆令人咳”,哮喘亦是如此,其亦与肺、肾、肠关系密切,三者相合,共同固护腠理皮毛,成为人体第一道防线;又可化髓生血,固本扶源,增强人体免疫机能。故文章基于肺-肠-髓轴,从中医肺、肾、肠角度出发,论述儿童哮喘。 展开更多
关键词 肺-肠-髓轴 儿童哮喘
作者 李泽伦 许二平 王晓鸽 《辽宁中医药大学学报》 CAS 2024年第8期88-92,共5页
肠易激综合征(irritable bowel syndrome,IBS)是一种复杂的慢性功能性肠道疾病,其发病机制涉及内脏高敏感、肠道菌群失衡、肠-脑轴紊乱等。在中医理论中,IBS属于“腹痛”“泄泻”范畴,其病理主要与肝、脾、肾的失调有关。中医中的“肝... 肠易激综合征(irritable bowel syndrome,IBS)是一种复杂的慢性功能性肠道疾病,其发病机制涉及内脏高敏感、肠道菌群失衡、肠-脑轴紊乱等。在中医理论中,IBS属于“腹痛”“泄泻”范畴,其病理主要与肝、脾、肾的失调有关。中医中的“肝”“髓”“脑”通过肝髓相生、髓脑相通、肝脑互动形成一个互动体系,即“肝-髓-脑”轴。这一轴的异常可能导致肝失疏泄、脾虚失运、肾气亏虚,进而影响到肠-脑轴的正常功能,导致肠道菌群-胆汁酸代谢轴的失衡以及下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺(HPA)轴的异常。现代医学研究表明,IBS的发病机制与神经内分泌系统的紊乱、心理社会因素、肠道免疫功能异常等因素密切相关。特别是肠-脑轴的互动在IBS的发展中扮演着重要角色。将中医的“肝-髓-脑”轴与现代医学对IBS发病机制的研究相结合,探索从“肝-髓-脑”轴角度出发的治疗策略,可能为IBS的防治提供新的思路。 展开更多
关键词 肠易激综合征 “肝--脑” 内脏高敏感 发病机制
中医“肾虚髓枯”理论介导“下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺轴”在PMOP治疗中的应用进展 被引量:2
作者 权祯 秦大平 +5 位作者 高国栋 张晓刚 宋敏 徐斌 马姣姣 郑礼 《中国骨质疏松杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第11期1621-1625,共5页
绝经后骨质疏松症是目前临床上的常见病,但其发病机制较为复杂,中医学“肾主骨”“脑为髓海”,“肾满髓充”是维持骨生长发育和骨代谢平衡的生物学基础,反之,“肾虚髓枯”则是绝经后骨质疏松症发病的潜在核心。随着现代医学对骨质疏松... 绝经后骨质疏松症是目前临床上的常见病,但其发病机制较为复杂,中医学“肾主骨”“脑为髓海”,“肾满髓充”是维持骨生长发育和骨代谢平衡的生物学基础,反之,“肾虚髓枯”则是绝经后骨质疏松症发病的潜在核心。随着现代医学对骨质疏松症发病本质及相关危险因素的认识不断深入,发现“下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺轴”的衰退和功能紊乱与内分泌代谢、骨微观免疫等关系密切,是绝经后骨质疏松症发病的重要生物学代谢轴。因此,将中医学“肾虚髓枯”理论与脑肾代谢轴进行靶向位点结合研究,明确两者之间的发病关联性及信号互通互调效应,并通过补肾益髓法进行生物学干预效应,具有较高的研究价值和临床意义。该综述主要以上述思路为基点,明确绝经后骨质疏松症的发病机制,以进一步指导临床。 展开更多
关键词 绝经后骨质疏松症 “肾虚枯”“下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺 补肾益 中医中药
作者 贾伟 马艳飞 《中国现代普通外科进展》 CAS 2023年第5期358-362,共5页
目的:探讨环状非编码RNA(CircRNA)SMC3通过调节微小RNA(miR)-582-5p/髓细胞白血病基因1(MCL1)轴对胃癌(GC)细胞增殖、凋亡和迁移的影响。方法:qRT-PCR检测4种GC细胞系及正常胃上皮细胞系GES-1中SMC3、miR-582-5p、MCL1mRNA的表达水平。... 目的:探讨环状非编码RNA(CircRNA)SMC3通过调节微小RNA(miR)-582-5p/髓细胞白血病基因1(MCL1)轴对胃癌(GC)细胞增殖、凋亡和迁移的影响。方法:qRT-PCR检测4种GC细胞系及正常胃上皮细胞系GES-1中SMC3、miR-582-5p、MCL1mRNA的表达水平。将SGC-7901细胞分为对照组、si-NC组、si-SMC3组、mimics NC组、miR-582-5p组、si-SMC3+inhibitor NC组、si-SMC3+miR-582-5p inhibitor组、miR-582-5p+pcDNA3.1组、miR-582-5p+MCL1组。检测各细胞凋亡、增殖、迁移及相关蛋白表达的情况;验证miR-582-5p与SMC3、MCL1的靶向关系。结果:4种GC细胞系中SMC3、MCL1 mRNA表达均增加,miR-582-5p表达下降(P<0.05)。干扰SMC3、过表达miR-582-5p可以抑制SGC-7901细胞增殖、迁移及相关蛋白、表达(P<0.05);抑制miR-582-5p表达可逆转干扰SMC3对细胞的作用(P<0.05);上调MCL1可逆转过表达miR-582-5p细胞的作用(P<0.05)。结论:干扰SMC3可能通过调节miR-582-5p/MCL1轴,抑制SGC-7901细胞增殖、迁移,促进凋亡。 展开更多
关键词 环状非编码RNA(CircRNA)SMC3 微小RNA(miR)-582-5p/细胞白血病基因1(MCL1) 胃肿瘤 增殖 凋亡 迁移
作者 张博 任献青 +6 位作者 傅文 孙宇莹 刘晓羽 宋纯东 张霞 郭庆寅 丁樱 《中医杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第9期909-914,共6页
以“肾生髓”理论为指导,从经脉循行和脏腑关系角度阐述阴跷脉循行路线与“肾-髓-脑”轴相一致的观点。据此认为“肾-髓-脑”轴功能失司和阴跷脉病是儿童遗尿症的核心病机,并从肾精不足、“肾-髓-脑”轴功能失司,阴跷脉病、下焦虚寒,阴... 以“肾生髓”理论为指导,从经脉循行和脏腑关系角度阐述阴跷脉循行路线与“肾-髓-脑”轴相一致的观点。据此认为“肾-髓-脑”轴功能失司和阴跷脉病是儿童遗尿症的核心病机,并从肾精不足、“肾-髓-脑”轴功能失司,阴跷脉病、下焦虚寒,阴跷脉病、冲脉失养三大方面进行阐述。提出以“一针二灸三巩固”整合针灸模式治疗儿童遗尿症,一针即以针刺调和阴阳、温阳补肾、醒脑开窍,重用阴跷脉穴(照海、交信)和八脉交会穴(外关、足临泣),配合百会、印堂、关元、气穴、大钟等;二灸即以艾灸扶正温阳、培本固元,可选用神阙、命门、悬枢;三巩固即以穴位贴敷巩固疗效,常用关元-膀胱俞、气海-志室、神阙-次髎3组穴位,以温肾固脱、调补气血。 展开更多
关键词 遗尿症 阴跷脉 儿童 “肾--脑”
试析推铅球的最后用力技术 被引量:3
作者 姚向珍 《浙江万里学院学报》 2002年第1期121-124,共4页
运用生物力学等原理 ,对铅球飞行轨迹进行计算分析 ,提出影响铅球运行远度的因素和最后用力对运动成绩起的决定性作用 ,并运用人体解剖学和生物力学的方法对最后用力各个环节的技术进行全面分析 ,提出激发肌肉潜能 ,加速运作节奏 ,以适... 运用生物力学等原理 ,对铅球飞行轨迹进行计算分析 ,提出影响铅球运行远度的因素和最后用力对运动成绩起的决定性作用 ,并运用人体解剖学和生物力学的方法对最后用力各个环节的技术进行全面分析 ,提出激发肌肉潜能 ,加速运作节奏 ,以适宜的角度 。 展开更多
关键词 最后用力 髓轴 左侧支援 非投掷臂 铅球 推铅球技术 投掷臂
中枢神经系统对免疫功能的调节 被引量:4
作者 温美秀 李学良 《医学综述》 2012年第2期180-182,共3页
炎症是人体在日常生活过程中对外界各种有害因素所作出的一种防御反应。但如果炎症过度,会造成机体破坏甚至死亡。在过去的十余年中,分子和神经生理学的研究给出了一个重要的答案:操控条件反射的神经网络调控机体对损伤和感染作出反应... 炎症是人体在日常生活过程中对外界各种有害因素所作出的一种防御反应。但如果炎症过度,会造成机体破坏甚至死亡。在过去的十余年中,分子和神经生理学的研究给出了一个重要的答案:操控条件反射的神经网络调控机体对损伤和感染作出反应。现就下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺轴、自主神经系统-肾上腺髓质轴对免疫调控展开论述。 展开更多
关键词 中枢 免疫 下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺 自主神经系统-肾上腺
作者 朱圣潮 《丽水师范专科学校学报》 2001年第5期32-34,共3页
阐述了丽水山地的 8种松萝科地衣的特征和分布。丽水山地的生物资源调查已开展多次 ,但对于地衣植物的调查 ,几乎还是空白。生态示范区的建立对丽水的生态工程建设提出更高的要求 ,地衣是植被生态演替中的“拓荒者” ,能忍受酷寒、炎热... 阐述了丽水山地的 8种松萝科地衣的特征和分布。丽水山地的生物资源调查已开展多次 ,但对于地衣植物的调查 ,几乎还是空白。生态示范区的建立对丽水的生态工程建设提出更高的要求 ,地衣是植被生态演替中的“拓荒者” ,能忍受酷寒、炎热、干旱、贫瘠等环境 ,对空气污染非常敏感 ,环保领域常作为指示生物采用。鉴于此 ,作者结合多年生物资源调查之资料和标本记载 ,对丽水生态示范区内的松萝科地衣进行统计调查 ,发现共有 展开更多
关键词 生态建设 西伯利亚亚种松萝 空松萝 松萝科 地衣 丽水山地 特征 分布 生态示范区 柔韧松萝 东亚松萝 柔韧松萝
Research advancements of axonal remyelination in spinal cord injury 被引量:1
作者 吴波 任先军 郭树章 《Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA(China)》 CAS 2007年第4期250-254,共5页
Spinal cord injuries(SCI)usually result in impairment of axonal conduction and sensorimotor function.There are no effective therapy to completely repair SCI.Axonal demyelination is very common as a pathologic change i... Spinal cord injuries(SCI)usually result in impairment of axonal conduction and sensorimotor function.There are no effective therapy to completely repair SCI.Axonal demyelination is very common as a pathologic change in SCI,and demyelination partly contributes to neural function impairment.So,it may be reasonable that remyelination of demyelinated axons become one of effective therapeutic targets for SCI treatment. Demyelination involves myelin breakdown and loss of myelin-forming cells(oligodendrocytes).The death of oligodendrocytes plays a key role in axonal demyelination in SCI.Recently a number of studies demonstrate that cell replacements could facilitate axonal remyelination and restore axonal conductive func- tion.Thus,it is expected that myelinogenetic cell transplantation(oligodendroglial lineage)will have good prospect as an effective therapy to improve axonal remyelination and restore neural function for SCI treat- ment in the near future. 展开更多
关键词 spinal cord injury DEMYELINATION axonal remyelination
Effect of fetal spinal cord graft with different methods on axonal pathology after spinal cord contusion 被引量:2
作者 张强 廖维宏 +1 位作者 王正国 伍亚民 《Chinese Journal of Traumatology》 CAS 2001年第3期147-151,共5页
Objective: To investigate the effect of fetal spinal cord (FSC) graft with different methods on axonal pathology and neurological function recovery after spinal cord injury (SCI). Methods: Forty Wistar rats were divid... Objective: To investigate the effect of fetal spinal cord (FSC) graft with different methods on axonal pathology and neurological function recovery after spinal cord injury (SCI). Methods: Forty Wistar rats were divided into 4 groups. In Group A, the spinal cord was injured and hemisected. In Group B, fetal spinal cord (FSC) was transferred into the injured site. In Group C, after having done as Group B, the upper and lower spinal nerve roots were anastomosed. And in Group D, after having done as Group B, the pedicled omentum was transferred into the hemisection cavity. At 6 weeks after operation, light and electronic microscopes were used to examine the axonal pathology. The neurological function was assessed with inclined plane tests in the open field. The number of axons was quantitated by a computer image analysis system. Results: A greater loss of axons was observed in Group A than that of other groups at 6 weeks. The sequence of the reduced rate of the axons was as following, Group A>Group B>Group C>Group D (P< 0.05 ). The remaining axons were paralleled with the significant improvement in neurological function recovery of the rats. Conclusions: It indicates that FSC and pedicled omentum grafts after SCI can protect the axons and promote the neurological function recovery of the rats. 展开更多
关键词 Spinal cord injuries Embryo transfer OMENTUM Spinal nerve roots AXONS
Influence of cryopreserved olfactory ensheathing cells transplantation on axonal regeneration in spinal cord of adult rats 被引量:5
作者 沈慧勇 殷德振 +4 位作者 唐勇 吴燕峰 程志安 杨睿 黄霖 《Chinese Journal of Traumatology》 CAS 2004年第3期179-183,共5页
Objective: To observe the effects of cryopreserved olfactory ensheathing cells (OECs) transplantation on axonal regeneration and functional recovery following spinal cord injury in adult rats. Methods: Twenty-four rat... Objective: To observe the effects of cryopreserved olfactory ensheathing cells (OECs) transplantation on axonal regeneration and functional recovery following spinal cord injury in adult rats. Methods: Twenty-four rats were divided into experimental and control groups, each group having 12 rats. The spinal cord injury was established by transecting the spinal cord at T 10 level with microsurgery scissors. OECs were purified from SD rat olfactory bulb and cultured in DMEM (Dulbeccos minimum essential medium) and cryopreserved (-120℃) for two weeks. OECs suspension [(1-1.4)×10 5/ul] was transplanted into transected spinal cord, while the DMEM solution was injected instead in the control group. At 6 and 12 weeks after transplantation, the rats were evaluated with climbing test and MEP (moter evoked potentials) monitoring. The samples of spinal cord were procured and studied with histological and immunohisto chemical stainings. Results: At 6 weeks after transplantation, all of the rats in both transplanted and control groups were paraplegic, and MEPs could not be recorded. Morphology of transplanted OECs was normal, and OECs were interfused with host well. Axons could regrow into gap tissue between the spinal cords. Both OECs and regrown axons were immunoreactive for MBP. No regrown axons were found in the control group. At 12 weeks after transplantation, 2 rats (2/7) had lower extremities muscle contraction, 2 rats (2/7) had hip and/or knee active movement, and MEP of 5 rats (5/7) could be recorded in the calf in the transplantation group. None of the rats (7/7) in the control group had functional improvement, and none had MEPs recorded. In the transplanted group, histological and immunohistochemical methods showed the number of transplanted OECs reduced and some regrown axons had reached the end of transected spinal cord. However, no regrown axons could be seen except scar formation in the control group. Conclusions: Cryopreserved OECs could integrated with the host and promote regrowing axons across the transected spinal cord ends. 展开更多
关键词 Olfactory nerve Spinal cord injuries AXONS REGENERATION HYPOTHERMIA
Protective effect of Tanreqing injection on axon myelin damage in the brain of mouse model for experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis 被引量:3
作者 Yongping Fan Tao Yang +4 位作者 Qi Zheng Lei Wang Chunxiao Yuan Ling Fang Kangning Li 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第5期576-583,共8页
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of Tanreqing injection on axon myelin in the mouse brain of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis(EAE).METHODS: An EAE model was established by myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein... OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of Tanreqing injection on axon myelin in the mouse brain of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis(EAE).METHODS: An EAE model was established by myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein(MOG)35-55 immunization in C57BL/6 mice. Mice were randomly divided into the following groups: normal, model,prednisone acetate(PA)(6 mg/kg), Tanreqing high dose(5.14 m L/kg), Tanreqing low dose(2.57 m L/kg). On the day of immunization, both Tanreqing groups were treated by intraperitoneal injection,with the PA group treated by intragastrical perfusion after T cell response, and the other groups treated with saline. Changes in body weight, neurological deficit score, incidence rate, mortality rate,and course of disease were observed for all mice.Brain tissue was isolated and stained with hematoxylin-eosin, and pathological investigations performed to evaluate axon myelin damage by transmission electron microscopy(TEM). Myelin basic protein and microtubule associated protein-2 were analyzed by immunohistochemistry.RESULTS: Tanreqing injection significantly prolonged EAE latency and decreased the neurological deficit score, alleviated infiltration of inflammatory cells in the focus area, up-regulated hippocampal MBP expression at the acute stage and the remission stage, and increased microtubule associated protein-2 expression in the EAE brain to varying degrees in the acute stage. TEM analysis indicated that Tanreqing injection alleviates myelin damage in the EAE mouse and maintains the integrity of circular layer structures and alleviates axon mitochondrial swelling.CONCLUSION: Tanreqing injection alleviates EAE symptoms. 展开更多
关键词 Multiple sclerosis Encephalomyelitis autoimmune experimental Tanreqing injection Myelin basic protein Microtubule-associated pro-teins
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