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作者 鲁国芳 《甘肃高师学报》 2018年第1期97-99,共3页
高师英语教学论的课改,引入案例教学模式具有重大现实意义。案例教学法在高师英语教学论中有着普遍适用性,我们引入案例法后,教学论教改推进发生了新变化,也探讨到了其规律性的四个方面:真实性、启发性、实践性和示范性。在高师英语教... 高师英语教学论的课改,引入案例教学模式具有重大现实意义。案例教学法在高师英语教学论中有着普遍适用性,我们引入案例法后,教学论教改推进发生了新变化,也探讨到了其规律性的四个方面:真实性、启发性、实践性和示范性。在高师英语教学论教改中引入案例教学法,并从三个方面拓展,收到了多方面的实效。 展开更多
关键词 案例教学 高师英语教学 小学教育专业
作者 蔡满园 《南昌高专学报》 2007年第3期79-80,112,共3页
关键词 基础教育 新课程标准 高师英语教学改革
高师英语教学中“用英语讲中国故事”的实践研究 被引量:3
作者 唐亮 《英语广场(学术研究)》 2020年第22期87-89,共3页
立德树人是教育的永恒话题,中国故事是中华优秀传统文化的瑰宝。在高师英语教学中开展“用英语讲中国故事”的实践活动契合高师外语教学课程思政的要求,符合高师英语教学导入文化的要求,同时也可以满足高师学生实习实训的新要求。本文... 立德树人是教育的永恒话题,中国故事是中华优秀传统文化的瑰宝。在高师英语教学中开展“用英语讲中国故事”的实践活动契合高师外语教学课程思政的要求,符合高师英语教学导入文化的要求,同时也可以满足高师学生实习实训的新要求。本文从课前准备、课前展示、课中探究和课后巩固四个方面来探讨在高师英语教学中如何开展“用英语讲中国故事”的实践。 展开更多
关键词 高师英语教学 中国故事 实践研究
作者 高翃 《克拉玛依学刊》 2006年第4期73-74,80,共3页
《新课标》提出将任务型教学法用于英语课堂教学,完善了英语课堂教学模式,较好地提高了英语课堂教学效率。高等师范学校作为培养基础教育师资的阵地,应该充分理解并贯彻《新课标》的新理念,积极实施高师英语教学的改革。本文从任务... 《新课标》提出将任务型教学法用于英语课堂教学,完善了英语课堂教学模式,较好地提高了英语课堂教学效率。高等师范学校作为培养基础教育师资的阵地,应该充分理解并贯彻《新课标》的新理念,积极实施高师英语教学的改革。本文从任务型教学的过程和特点出发,探讨在高师英语课堂实施任务型教学模式的可行性和应注意的一些问题。 展开更多
关键词 任务型教学 高师英语教学 《新课标》 英语课堂教学
作者 海霞 《和田师范专科学校学报》 2006年第6期140-141,共2页
当前我国中小学课程改革如火如荼。肩负培养英语合格师资的高师英语教学工作也应该主动应对这一局势,这就要求高师教学工作者在深刻把握新课程改革内涵的基础上,切实转变教学观念,强化教学中的示范作用,充分利用现代化教学手段,创设教... 当前我国中小学课程改革如火如荼。肩负培养英语合格师资的高师英语教学工作也应该主动应对这一局势,这就要求高师教学工作者在深刻把握新课程改革内涵的基础上,切实转变教学观念,强化教学中的示范作用,充分利用现代化教学手段,创设教学情景,促进应用教学。 展开更多
关键词 新课程标准 高师英语教学 课程改革
作者 朱昱 《和田师范专科学校学报》 2010年第1期142-143,共2页
关键词 英语教学改革 英语综合语言运用能力 高师英语教学模式
高师英语“一条龙”教学体系的构想 被引量:1
作者 陈岐山 《绥化学院学报》 2003年第A03期40-42,共3页
本文从对英语教育现状、教育理念、层次衔接及高师英语专业职责、课程设置、职业培训诸方面的阐述 ,意在论证高师英语“一条龙”教学体系的构建有利于为各层次英语教学培养出更多合格的英语教师 。
关键词 高师英语教学 一条龙体系 教育观念
中国传统文化导入高师英语课堂教学的研究 被引量:1
作者 段海燕 易乐双 《科教文汇》 2017年第36期155-156,共2页
"目的语"语言和文化的导入是高师英语课堂教学的共识,无论是教材的编写,抑或英语课堂教学过程,师生对于中国传统文化较为漠视,一味接收"目的语"文化。中国传统文化在高师英语课堂教学中的缺失表明我国高师英语课堂... "目的语"语言和文化的导入是高师英语课堂教学的共识,无论是教材的编写,抑或英语课堂教学过程,师生对于中国传统文化较为漠视,一味接收"目的语"文化。中国传统文化在高师英语课堂教学中的缺失表明我国高师英语课堂教学中"母语文化"缺失现象较为严重。高师英语课堂教学过于偏重对西方文化的引入,使得中国传统文化的输入失衡。要想培育出高质量、全方位发展的高师英语人才,需要在高师英语课堂教学过程中均衡西方文化的引入和中国传统文化的带入。 展开更多
关键词 高师英语教学 中国传统文化 缺失与导入
作者 殷蜀红 《科技信息》 2009年第32期I0167-I0168,共2页
基于《英语课程标准》的要求,在高师英语专业课程教学中引入形成性评价成为课程教学改革不可或缺的一部分。本文根据高师英语专业课程教学的特点,从评价原则、评价方式、评价内容三个方面进行了探讨。形成性评价体现了以学生为本的教育... 基于《英语课程标准》的要求,在高师英语专业课程教学中引入形成性评价成为课程教学改革不可或缺的一部分。本文根据高师英语专业课程教学的特点,从评价原则、评价方式、评价内容三个方面进行了探讨。形成性评价体现了以学生为本的教育理念,促进高师英语专业学生自主学习及终身学习能力,推动高师英语专业教学改革和教学质量的提高。 展开更多
关键词 新课程标准 高师英语教学 形成性评价
作者 王黎 《黑龙江教育学院学报》 2011年第7期180-181,共2页
交际语言测试是语言测试的科学模式,在我国也逐步被应用到大学英语教学中。通过对交际语言测试的产生、发展及特征的阐述,指出交际性语言测试是语言测试的理想模式,提出高师综合英语口语测试要采用主观性测试、直接性测试和分析综合结... 交际语言测试是语言测试的科学模式,在我国也逐步被应用到大学英语教学中。通过对交际语言测试的产生、发展及特征的阐述,指出交际性语言测试是语言测试的理想模式,提出高师综合英语口语测试要采用主观性测试、直接性测试和分析综合结合的评分方法。 展开更多
关键词 交际语言测试 高师综合英语教学 口语测试
英语教师教育的有效途径——学习档案袋的运用 被引量:1
作者 徐勰 《哈尔滨职业技术学院学报》 2007年第3期54-56,共3页
关键词 学习档案袋 英语教师教育 高师英语教学
《基础教育外语教学研究》 2007年第2期15-15,共1页
全国高等师范院校外语教学研究协作组(全国高师协作组)是在教育部高等教育司文科处领导下,指导我国高等师范院校外语专业开展外语教学与研究的学术指导和咨询研究机构。经教育部高教司批准,每年召开一次全国性高师院校学术年会。目前,... 全国高等师范院校外语教学研究协作组(全国高师协作组)是在教育部高等教育司文科处领导下,指导我国高等师范院校外语专业开展外语教学与研究的学术指导和咨询研究机构。经教育部高教司批准,每年召开一次全国性高师院校学术年会。目前,已分别在山西忻州师范学院、浙江温州师范学院(现温州大学)、辽宁沈阳师范大学、江苏南京师范大学召开了四次学术年会,进行了科学、民主的学术探讨,取得了良好的学术与社会效益。 展开更多
关键词 高等师范院校:7439 外语教学研究:4207 学术年会:3190 协作组:2895 高等教育:1516 高师英语教学:1268 英语课程设置:1136 征文启事:1046 论文作者:1027 教育部:1018
浅谈提高高师英语课堂教学有效性的策略——读《有效教学方法》有感 被引量:1
作者 王维 《才智》 2012年第28期100-100,共1页
高师英语课堂上,传统的教学模式虽然仍被广泛采用,但已经缺失一定的有效性。鉴于此,笔者以美国教育家加里.D.鲍里奇所著《有效教学方法》为指导,分析了高师英语课堂教学有效性缺失的原因,并针对提高高师英语课堂教学有效性的策略提出了... 高师英语课堂上,传统的教学模式虽然仍被广泛采用,但已经缺失一定的有效性。鉴于此,笔者以美国教育家加里.D.鲍里奇所著《有效教学方法》为指导,分析了高师英语课堂教学有效性缺失的原因,并针对提高高师英语课堂教学有效性的策略提出了几点建议。 展开更多
关键词 有效教学 高师英语教学 具体策略
Discussion on the Application of Flipped Classroom in English Teaching in Higher Vocational Colleges
作者 WANG Jie 《International English Education Research》 2018年第4期50-52,共3页
Compared with college students in regular higher education institutions, students in higher vocational colleges have a series of problems, such as lack of study foundation, learning interest and self-control. Although... Compared with college students in regular higher education institutions, students in higher vocational colleges have a series of problems, such as lack of study foundation, learning interest and self-control. Although they have studied English for many years, they still have many problems in applying English. They also have some problems in English learning. Under this background, English teachers in higher vocational colleges must improve teaching methods and stimulate students' interest in English learning. Building a teaching model of flipped classroom based on information technology will provide new ideas for English teaching reform. 展开更多
关键词 Teaching Mode of Flipped Classroom Higher Vocational English Teaching Application
Study of Culture Teaching in English Teaching of Senior Middle Schools
作者 WANG Wei 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2018年第6期296-301,共6页
Language is a part of culture and the carrier of the culture. Foreign language study is not only the process of learning a language but also the process of taking the language as a means of information transmission to... Language is a part of culture and the carrier of the culture. Foreign language study is not only the process of learning a language but also the process of taking the language as a means of information transmission to comprehend culture. With the implementation of the New Curriculum Standard (2017) in senior English, the notions of cultural awareness and culture instruction are being accepted and carried out in EFL (English as Foreign Language) classroom by English teachers. This paper tries to analyze the relationship between language and culture, the contents and goals in teaching foreign language and culture, the significance of teaching culture in foreign language education. This paper concludes with recommendations for improving culture teaching: Learning a foreign language is inseparable from learning its culture; The knowledge of culture differences may help students to make less pragmatic errors and become proficient in cross-cultural communication; Great efforts should also be paid to the development of the student’s cross-cultural awareness, and then the quality of English teaching could be really improved. 展开更多
关键词 culture teaching English teaching senior middle school (SMS)
Research on Higher Vocational English Education
作者 Lahey 《International English Education Research》 2015年第8期100-101,共2页
Vocational students generally English foundation is weak, not strong interest in learning how to guide students to learn to think independently, to stimulate students' curiosity, is a series of problems faced by Engl... Vocational students generally English foundation is weak, not strong interest in learning how to guide students to learn to think independently, to stimulate students' curiosity, is a series of problems faced by English teachers in vocational college. In this paper, the issues currently facing vocational English education was of, and the corresponding countermeasures. With the development of economic and trade globalization, increasingly strengthened international exchanges. Society is not only high-level personnel to graduate raised higher and higher English proficiency requirements, the ability to develop applications based English Education in Higher Colleges also put forward higher requirements. Vocalional Training Colleges for professional and technical personnel is an important part of our personnel training requirements for rapid economic development of professional and technical personnel in addition to high technical expertise, but also need to understand the professional literature information inquiry, learning and further education. Therefore, we must from the height of the times and the needs of international competition to recognize new opportunities and challenges of English teaching in higher vocational colleges are facing a variety of approaches and strive to improve our English teaching level. 展开更多
关键词 vocational colleges vocational education vocational English teaching model
Current Situation of Cultural Conflict Between Teachers and Students in English Classes Provided by Colleges and Universities and Effective Solutions
作者 CHEN Qiang CHEN Hong-bo 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2014年第11期823-827,共5页
At present, quality education is proceeding in full swing in China. English education provided by colleges and universities of China has gone through a series of reform and gained relatively rapid development to a cer... At present, quality education is proceeding in full swing in China. English education provided by colleges and universities of China has gone through a series of reform and gained relatively rapid development to a certain degree. English has become an international language, and most companies have listed English proficiency as an important requirement for hiring employees, which indicates that English teaching in classrooms of colleges and universities is of great importance. However, cultural conflict between teachers and students in English classes provided by colleges and universities has been gradually drawing people's attention and has an impact on quality of English teaching provided by colleges and universities. In this paper, the current situation of cultural conflict is introduced and several solutions for solving such cultural conflicts are put forward, which may be viewed as a reflection. 展开更多
Study on university teachers' career development complying with the connotative development in Shanxi province Taking young English teacher from Shaanxi University of Science and Technology for example
作者 Gao Li 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2016年第1期39-41,共3页
With the development of higher education in China, the social responsibility undertaken by higher education is becoming more and more obvious and knowledge innovation in universities, scientific research, teaching and... With the development of higher education in China, the social responsibility undertaken by higher education is becoming more and more obvious and knowledge innovation in universities, scientific research, teaching and others have played an important role for social and economic development. And the agent and practitioner of all the nature and content of these are teachers in universities and colleges which are the main power of education, teaching and research. Highly qualified team of teachers have an important value for higher education. New mode of higher education has also undergone a significant change from denotative growth gradually to connotative development concerning over personnel training and teaching quality, which bring up more requirements for the quality and ability of university teachers. Thus we will put forward a comprehensive analysis of how to comply with cormotative development and come up with new strategy of teachers' pro fessional development. 展开更多
关键词 Connotative development Teachers' career development Teachers' ability Higher education
A Study on the Effects of Cooperative Learning in English Reading Class in Vocational Colleges
作者 Zhang Ziyi 《International English Education Research》 2014年第11期71-73,共3页
Since the late 1990s, the study on cooperative learning has been an educational fad in linguistic circle. The previous studies have shown that cooperative learning is a good method of learning. However, very few Chine... Since the late 1990s, the study on cooperative learning has been an educational fad in linguistic circle. The previous studies have shown that cooperative learning is a good method of learning. However, very few Chinese English teachers have really or commonly tried to apply the theory of cooperative learning in English reading class. On the basis of reading some related literatures, the author combine his teaching experience and the reality of the teaching subjects to put forward the following questions:l) Whether cooperative learning helps improve students' reading achievements? 2) Whether cooperative learning can inspire students' motivation in learning English? 3) Whether cooperative learning can improve students' English reading ability? The results of the study show that cooperative learning used in the English reading class can not only stimulate students' learning interests, boost the students' motivation, but also raise their English language proficiency and reading ability. 展开更多
关键词 Cooperative learning Reading ability English language proficiency
作者 王洸 《外语教学与研究》 1986年第4期33-36,共4页
国家教委会委托北外英语二系主办的二年制高等师范本科英语教程已经办过两届。两届写的毕业论文都具有结合实际、各具己见、语言朴素、题目小而论证清楚的特点。论文写作过程中,曾听到过“何必多此一举”之类的话。经导师和学员的坚持努... 国家教委会委托北外英语二系主办的二年制高等师范本科英语教程已经办过两届。两届写的毕业论文都具有结合实际、各具己见、语言朴素、题目小而论证清楚的特点。论文写作过程中,曾听到过“何必多此一举”之类的话。经导师和学员的坚持努力,终于写出了有质量的论文,为高师英语教学打开局面,也是本科英语教学中值得注意之事。 展开更多
关键词 高等师范 英语专业 论文题目 毕业生 高师英语教学 中学英语教学 毕业论文 论文写作 英语教程 师范本科
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