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应用高效复合培养基M3D与紫外诱变法筛选高效发酵啤酒酵母菌株 被引量:3
作者 金玮鋆 李红 《食品与发酵工业》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第5期50-55,共6页
采用高效复合培养基M3D将高降糖速度、低双乙酰、低乙醛3项啤酒酵母发酵特性的选育方法进行同步综合,结合紫外诱变法可筛选出同时具备3种发酵特性的啤酒酵母菌株,从而对出发菌株的发酵性能进行综合提升。对应用该法筛选得到的实验菌株... 采用高效复合培养基M3D将高降糖速度、低双乙酰、低乙醛3项啤酒酵母发酵特性的选育方法进行同步综合,结合紫外诱变法可筛选出同时具备3种发酵特性的啤酒酵母菌株,从而对出发菌株的发酵性能进行综合提升。对应用该法筛选得到的实验菌株进行低温发酵,得到6株(M3D03、M3D05、M3D08、M3D11、M3D19、M3D22)相对出发菌株KB综合发酵性能显著提升的优良菌株,综合正突变率达到24.00%。菌株M3D03的100L中试试验结果与实验室规模低温发酵各发酵指标变化率相差不大,且所酿啤酒风味良好。 展开更多
关键词 高效复合培养基M3D 高效发酵啤酒酵母 降糖速度
利用双亲灭活原生质体融合技术选育高效发酵啤酒酵母 被引量:2
作者 褚洁洁 杜金华 李红 《酿酒科技》 2015年第12期15-18,共4页
啤酒酵母b双乙酰含量低,发酵速度较慢;啤酒酵母c发酵速度快,但双乙酰含量较高。为了得到高效发酵啤酒酵母菌株,分别用蜗牛酶制得2个亲本原生质体。当酶解浓度为2%,酶解时间为30 min,酶解温度为28℃时,原生质体制备率和生成率最佳。啤酒... 啤酒酵母b双乙酰含量低,发酵速度较慢;啤酒酵母c发酵速度快,但双乙酰含量较高。为了得到高效发酵啤酒酵母菌株,分别用蜗牛酶制得2个亲本原生质体。当酶解浓度为2%,酶解时间为30 min,酶解温度为28℃时,原生质体制备率和生成率最佳。啤酒酵母b采用15 W紫外灯下30 cm照射2 min,100%灭活。啤酒酵母c采用60℃水浴4 min,100%灭活。聚乙二醇4000(PEG-4000)作为融合剂,选取PEG-4000浓度为30%,处理30 min为最佳融合时间。结果表明,通过最佳条件的确定,后续融合实验的效率得到很大的提升,最终筛选出了高效发酵的啤酒酵母菌株,发酵速度较融合亲本提高了108%,双乙酰含量降低了60.7%。 展开更多
关键词 原生质体融合 啤酒酵母 高效发酵
作者 卢洋 张帅兵 +4 位作者 翟焕趁 李娜 吕扬勇 胡元森 蔡静平 《河南工业大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2021年第1期63-69,共7页
葡萄糖氧化酶是一类能催化β-D-葡萄糖生成葡萄糖酸-δ-内酯的酶类,在食品、药品以及生物传感器等领域具有广泛的应用前景。从黑曲霉中克隆出葡萄糖氧化酶编码序列,在毕赤酵母中实现了组成型和诱导型表达并分析了其酶学性质和发酵条件... 葡萄糖氧化酶是一类能催化β-D-葡萄糖生成葡萄糖酸-δ-内酯的酶类,在食品、药品以及生物传感器等领域具有广泛的应用前景。从黑曲霉中克隆出葡萄糖氧化酶编码序列,在毕赤酵母中实现了组成型和诱导型表达并分析了其酶学性质和发酵条件。结果表明:黑曲霉葡萄糖氧化酶的编码基因长度为1 818 bp,编码605个氨基酸,具有21个氨基酸组成的信号肽。毕赤酵母组成型表达葡萄糖氧化酶的发酵上清液中葡萄糖氧化酶的酶活可达1.2 U/m L,利用镍离子亲和层析纯化后得到了分子质量约为100 kDa的葡萄糖氧化酶。利用糖苷内切酶H(Endo H)对葡萄糖氧化酶去糖基化后,其分子质量约为70 kDa,与推测的分子质量相近。对黑曲霉葡萄糖氧化酶的酶学性质研究表明,该酶的最适反应pH 6.0,最适反应温度35℃,比活力60.9 U/mg。为了进一步提高葡萄糖氧化酶在毕赤酵母中的表达量,构建了诱导型表达的毕赤酵母菌株并通过G418抗生素筛选获得了高效表达菌株。对该菌株进行高密度发酵(湿菌体200 g/L),甲醇添加量为2.5%,发酵至第7天时葡萄糖氧化酶发酵量可达133 U/m L,蛋白表达量约1.9 g/L。 展开更多
关键词 葡萄糖氧化酶 黑曲霉 毕赤酵母 高效发酵
作者 褚洁洁 李红 杜金华 《食品科技》 CAS 北大核心 2016年第4期46-50,共5页
以啤酒酵母b和啤酒酵母c为供试菌株,通过递归原生质体融合技术得到高效发酵啤酒酵母融合菌株。通过测定其发酵速度和TVDK含量进行初筛,选取5株融合菌株进行低温发酵实验测定发酵度、凝聚性、乙醛、风味物质等理化指标进行复筛。并对高... 以啤酒酵母b和啤酒酵母c为供试菌株,通过递归原生质体融合技术得到高效发酵啤酒酵母融合菌株。通过测定其发酵速度和TVDK含量进行初筛,选取5株融合菌株进行低温发酵实验测定发酵度、凝聚性、乙醛、风味物质等理化指标进行复筛。并对高效发酵融合菌株进行遗传稳定性实验。结果表明:通过原生质体递归融合得到的融合菌株与供试菌株相比,表现出降糖速度提高43.3%,TVDK含量降低35%~50%之间,发酵度符合优良菌株的要求,且具有较好的凝聚性能,风味得到改善,遗传稳定性较佳。 展开更多
关键词 高效发酵 啤酒酵母 低温发酵
高效发酵啤酒酵母原生质体融合实验条件的优化 被引量:3
作者 李红 《中外酒业》 2016年第21期33-38,共6页
探索原生质体融合技术应用于高效啤酒酵母育种中关键步骤的最优条件。本实验以啤酒酵母b与啤酒酵母c为实验菌株,研究菌体酶解浓度、酶解时间、灭活条件以及融合时间对原生质体融合的影响。当酶解温度为28℃时,酶解时间为30min,酶解... 探索原生质体融合技术应用于高效啤酒酵母育种中关键步骤的最优条件。本实验以啤酒酵母b与啤酒酵母c为实验菌株,研究菌体酶解浓度、酶解时间、灭活条件以及融合时间对原生质体融合的影响。当酶解温度为28℃时,酶解时间为30min,酶解浓度为2%,原生质体制备率和生成率最佳。啤酒酵母b采用15W紫外灯下30cm照射2min,100%灭活。啤酒酵母C采用60℃水浴4min,100%灭活。聚乙二醇4000(PEG-4000)作为融合剂,PEG-4000浓度选取30%,处理30min为最佳融合时间。结论:通过最佳条件的确定,后续融合实验的效率得到大幅提升,最终筛选出了高效发酵的啤酒酵母菌株,发酵速度较融合亲本提高了108%,双乙酰含量降低了60.7%。 展开更多
关键词 原生质体融合 啤酒酵母 高效发酵
作者 李红 《中外酒业》 2016年第23期26-32,共7页
研究了五株高效发酵啤酒酵母融合菌株(O-2—2,0—2—16,0—3—4,0—3—9,0—3—17)在13° Bx麦芽汁中发酵性能的差异。考察的发酵特性指标包括发酵速度、TVDK含量、发酵度、凝聚性、乙醛、风味物质等理化指标。并对高效发酵融... 研究了五株高效发酵啤酒酵母融合菌株(O-2—2,0—2—16,0—3—4,0—3—9,0—3—17)在13° Bx麦芽汁中发酵性能的差异。考察的发酵特性指标包括发酵速度、TVDK含量、发酵度、凝聚性、乙醛、风味物质等理化指标。并对高效发酵融合菌株进行遗传稳定性实验。本实验结果表明:通过原生质体递归融合得到的融合菌株与供试菌株相比,表现出降糖速度提高43.3%左右,TVDK含量降低35%-50%之间,发酵度符合优良菌株的要求,且具有较好的凝聚性能。风味得到改善,遗传稳定性较佳。 展开更多
关键词 高效发酵 啤酒酵母 低温发酵
作者 方景泉 徐欣 《中国乳品工业》 CAS 北大核心 2013年第7期24-26,39,共4页
分别使两株嗜酸菌在脱脂乳水解液培养基和脱脂乳培养基中生长,通过一系列的对比实验,以及使菌体浓缩,浓菌体悬浮在添加保护剂D质量分数为10%脱脂乳中,经冷冻干燥后,所得高效嗜酸菌发酵剂中的细胞数达8.3×1010g-1。其在真空冷冻干... 分别使两株嗜酸菌在脱脂乳水解液培养基和脱脂乳培养基中生长,通过一系列的对比实验,以及使菌体浓缩,浓菌体悬浮在添加保护剂D质量分数为10%脱脂乳中,经冷冻干燥后,所得高效嗜酸菌发酵剂中的细胞数达8.3×1010g-1。其在真空冷冻干燥后的存活率最高可达68.8%。将此高效发酵剂与奶粉混合即可制得嗜酸菌奶粉。 展开更多
关键词 高效嗜酸菌发酵 保护剂 发酵
玉米制糖发酵生产L-乳酸的工艺优化 被引量:1
作者 范小辉 姜建友 +1 位作者 顾永华 唐小玲 《现代食品》 2020年第10期75-77,共3页
L-乳酸工业化生产过程中,原料玉米糖水品质和发酵菌种性能是影响发酵效果的主要因素。通过对玉米制糖和发酵工艺整合优化,选育高性能L-乳酸菌种,并进行发酵过程调控,既能有效提升玉米原料利用率,又能实现乳酸高效发酵,提升L-乳酸光学纯... L-乳酸工业化生产过程中,原料玉米糖水品质和发酵菌种性能是影响发酵效果的主要因素。通过对玉米制糖和发酵工艺整合优化,选育高性能L-乳酸菌种,并进行发酵过程调控,既能有效提升玉米原料利用率,又能实现乳酸高效发酵,提升L-乳酸光学纯度。本文对玉米原料发酵生产L-乳酸的关键工艺技术进行分析,期望能为后续工业生产提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 玉米制糖 L-乳酸 工艺优化 高效发酵
The Nucleosides Contents and Their Variation in Natural Cordyceps sinensis and Cultured Cordyceps Mycelia 被引量:15
作者 李绍平 李萍 +3 位作者 季晖 朱荃 董婷霞 詹华强 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 2001年第4期175-179,共5页
Aim: To compare the contents of nucleosides from natural Cordyceps sinensis and cultured Cordyceps mycelia, and to study the effect of humidity and heat on the content of nucleosides. Methods: The contents of nucleos... Aim: To compare the contents of nucleosides from natural Cordyceps sinensis and cultured Cordyceps mycelia, and to study the effect of humidity and heat on the content of nucleosides. Methods: The contents of nucleosides were determined by using high performance capillary electrophoresis (HPCE). Beckman P/ACE System 5010 apparatus equipped with a UV detector and a Beckman untreated fused-silica capillary (57 cm 75 mm, 50 cm effective length) was used. Before sample injection, the capillary was rinsed with 1 molL-1 sodium hydroxide solution and running buffer for 5 min, respectively. A voltage of 20 kV was applied for the separation. Pressure injection was 586 kPa for 6 seconds, and the wavelength of detector was 254 nm. The running time was 20 min at 20 oC. The effect of humidity and heat on the contents of nucleosides from natural Cordyceps sinensis and cultured Cordyceps mycelia was observed for 1, 3, 5 and 10 days at temperature 40 oC, and relative humidity 75%. Results: The content of nucleosides from natural Cordyceps sinensis was higher than that from cultured Cordyceps mycelia. But the contents of nucleosides from freshly collected natural Cordyceps sinensis were very low, even below the limit of quantitation. The contents of nucleosides from natural Cordyceps sinensis were significantly increased by humidity and heat, but this phenomenon was not observed in cultured Cordyceps mycelia. Conclusion: There are differences between the nucleosides from natural Cordyceps sinensis and cultured Cordyceps mycelia. The nucleosides in natural Cordyceps sinensis may be derived from the degradation of nucleic acids. This implies that adenosine being used for the quality control of natural Cordyceps sinensis may have to be reconsidered. 展开更多
Determination of Candicidin/FR-008 and Related Components in Fermentation Broth by RP-HPLC
作者 毛相朝 沈亚领 +2 位作者 魏东芝 陈实 邓子新 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 2005年第2期115-118,共4页
Aim A liquid chromatographic method for the determination ofcandicidin/FR-008 and related components in fermentation broth has been developed. Methods Therewere four major components in the candicidin/FR-008 complex, ... Aim A liquid chromatographic method for the determination ofcandicidin/FR-008 and related components in fermentation broth has been developed. Methods Therewere four major components in the candicidin/FR-008 complex, which were separated by HPLC under thefollowing conditions: SB-C8 column (4.6 mm x 250 mm, 5 μm) was used, the mobile phase consisted ofacetonitrileam-monium acteate (20 mmol·L^(-1) , pH 4.0) (40:60, V/V) , with a flow rate of 1 .0mL·min^(-1) , the UV detection wavelength was 380 nm, and the whole process was performed at 25℃ .Results The linearity was obtained in the range of 6.25 - 500 μg· mL^(-1) candicidin/FR-008 withthe regression equation of Y = 20 461 x + 30 748 and the correlation coefficient of 0.999 1. Theinstrument precision was 1.84% and the method precision was 3.8%. Conclusion This method isaccurate, rapid and simple; it can be used for determination of candicidin/FR-008 and relatedcomponents in fermentation broth. 展开更多
关键词 candicidin/FR-008 HPLC fermentation broth METABOLITES
泥位、HRT对高效初沉发酵池运行的影响 被引量:2
作者 张金伟 曹国凭 +3 位作者 郑兴灿 范波 郭亚琼 隋克俭 《中国给水排水》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第23期14-17,共4页
以高效初沉发酵池中试装置为试验对象,通过单因素控制,研究了泥位和HRT对其运行效果的影响。结果表明,在合理的运行条件下,高效初沉发酵池对改善生物段进水碳源有显著作用;不同泥位下高效初沉发酵池运行效果排序为:75%>60%>35%>... 以高效初沉发酵池中试装置为试验对象,通过单因素控制,研究了泥位和HRT对其运行效果的影响。结果表明,在合理的运行条件下,高效初沉发酵池对改善生物段进水碳源有显著作用;不同泥位下高效初沉发酵池运行效果排序为:75%>60%>35%>90%,最佳泥位时的出水COD/SS、VSS/SS值分别比进水提高了23.0%、26.0%,而COD/TN值则降低了11.0%;当HRT为0.75 h时高效初沉发酵池的运行效果明显优于其他HRT的,此时出水COD/SS、VSS/SS值与进水相比分别提高了23.0%、22.7%,而COD/TN值降低了13.0%。 展开更多
关键词 泥位 HRT 高效初沉发酵 COD SS值 COD TN值 VSS SS值
环沟型改良A^2/O工艺中试研究 被引量:3
作者 李鹏峰 郑兴灿 +3 位作者 孙永利 杨敏 隋克俭 韦启信 《给水排水》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第12期46-49,共4页
环沟型改良A2/O工艺是集高效初沉发酵池、回流污泥反硝化池、厌氧池及双沟道氧化沟工艺于一体的新型污水处理工艺。对该工艺去除污染物的效果进行试验研究,结果表明,在生物系统水力停留时间不足8h的条件下,达到了较好的除磷脱氮效果,出... 环沟型改良A2/O工艺是集高效初沉发酵池、回流污泥反硝化池、厌氧池及双沟道氧化沟工艺于一体的新型污水处理工艺。对该工艺去除污染物的效果进行试验研究,结果表明,在生物系统水力停留时间不足8h的条件下,达到了较好的除磷脱氮效果,出水水质稳定达到《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB 18918—2002)一级A标准。研究结果同时表明,该工艺具有很好的节能降耗潜力。 展开更多
关键词 环沟型 A^2/O工艺 高效初沉发酵 除磷脱氮 节能降耗
Isolation and Identification of a Taxol-producing Endophytic Fungus Identified from Taxus media 被引量:8
作者 李佟清 张志建 +5 位作者 张鹏 王春兰 刘博 刘婷婷 付春华 余龙江 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第5期38-40,68,共4页
[Objective] The aim was to isolate and identify a taxol-producing endophytic fungus from Taxus media. [Method] 32 strains of endophytic fungi were identified form the inner bark of T. media,and their fermentation prod... [Objective] The aim was to isolate and identify a taxol-producing endophytic fungus from Taxus media. [Method] 32 strains of endophytic fungi were identified form the inner bark of T. media,and their fermentation products were detected by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). [Result] Through the screening,a strain of taxol-producing endophytic fungi M57 was obtained,which could produce 45-50 μg/L of taxol,and M57 was defined as Rhizopus sp. through morphological observation and 18S rDNA sequence analysis. [Conclusion] The finding of Rhizopus sp. M57 provided a promising strain for producing taxol with taxol-producing fungi fermentation process. 展开更多
关键词 Taxus media Taxol Endophytic fungi HPLC 18S rDNA
农村畜禽养殖的污染防治研究 被引量:1
作者 邓俊 《资源节约与环保》 2017年第9期61-62,共2页
关键词 农村畜禽养殖 高效厌氧发酵
Optimization of dilute acid hydrolysis of Enteromorpha 被引量:2
作者 冯大伟 刘海燕 +2 位作者 李富超 姜鹏 秦松 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第6期1243-1248,共6页
Acid hydrolysis is a simple and direct way to hydrolyze polysaccharides in biomass into fermentable sugars. To produce fermentable sugars effectively and economically for fuel ethanol, we have investigated the hydroly... Acid hydrolysis is a simple and direct way to hydrolyze polysaccharides in biomass into fermentable sugars. To produce fermentable sugars effectively and economically for fuel ethanol, we have investigated the hydrolysis of Enteromorpha using acids that are typically used to hydrolyze biomass: H2SO4, HC1, H3PO4 and C4H404 (maleic acid). 5%(w/w) Enteromorpha biomass was treated for different times (30, 60, and 90 min) and with different acid concentrations (0.6, 1.0, 1.4, 1.8, and 2.2%, w/w) at 121~C. H2SO4 was the most effective acid in this experiment. We then analyzed the hydrolysis process in H2SO4 in detail using high performance liquid chromatography. At a sulfuric acid concentration of 1.8% and treatment time of 60 min, the yield of ethanol fermentable sugars (glucose and xylose) was high, (230.5 mg/g dry biomass, comprising 175.2 mg/g glucose and 55.3 mg/g xylose), with 48.6% of total reducing sugars being ethanol fermentable. Therefore, Enteromorpha could be a good candidate for production of fuel ethanol. In future work, the effects of temperature and biomass concentration on hydrolysis, and also the fermentation of the hydrolysates to ethanol fuel should be focused on. 展开更多
关键词 ENTEROMORPHA acid hydrolysis ethanol fermentable sugars
Biogenic Amines Profile of Serbian Traditional Sausage in Relation to Raw Material and Production Conditions
作者 Tatjana Tasic Predrag Ikonic +7 位作者 Ljiljana Petrovic Anamarija Mandic Snezana Skaljac Marija Jokanovic Vladimir Tomovic Branislav Sojic Maja Ivic Natalija Dzinic 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2016年第1期48-56,共9页
Petrovska klobasa is a traditional dry fermented sausage produced in the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina. Formation of nine hiogenic amines was determined in three sausage groups produced from hot deboned (A1) and ... Petrovska klobasa is a traditional dry fermented sausage produced in the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina. Formation of nine hiogenic amines was determined in three sausage groups produced from hot deboned (A1) and cold meat (B1, B3) during drying and ripening in traditional room (A1, B1) and in industrial ripening chamber (B3). Dansyl chloride derived amines were analysed by high-performance liquid chromatography with diode-array detector (HPLC-DAD) on Eclipse XDB-C18 column. Histamine, the most important amine from food safety point of view, was not found in any of the analyzed samples. Serotonin and spermidine were also not detected in any samples, while spermin was determined in all analyzed samples. At the end of drying, phenylethylamine was the predominant amine in A1 sausage group (51.6 mg/kg), and tryptamine in B1 (38.1 mg/kg) and B3 (28.7 mg/kg) sausage groups. At the end of ripening, tryptamine was the predominant biogenic amine in all sausage groups (133, 121 and 39.8 mg/kg in A1, B1 and B3 groups, respectively). Total level of biogenic amines in all investigated sausages did not exceed 174 mg/kg at the end of drying and 238 mg/kg at the end of ripening period. Tryptamine and cadaverine may be used as indicators of total biogenic amines for sausages produced in traditional and indusrial conditions from hot deboned and cold meat. 展开更多
关键词 Biogenic amines traditional dry fermented sausage Petrovska klobasa raw material production conditions.
中国酱香型白酒酿造酿酒酵母的独特生理代谢特征 被引量:14
作者 路晓伟 吴群 徐岩 《微生物学通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第11期2098-2107,共10页
【目的】酿酒酵母是白酒发酵的主要微生物,对白酒的产量及质量都有重要影响。而酱香酒酿造环境具有高温、酸性、高乙醇等胁迫因素,研究其中酿酒酵母的生理代谢特征并有目的地应用于白酒实际生产中。【方法】从酱香酒酿造环境中筛选一株... 【目的】酿酒酵母是白酒发酵的主要微生物,对白酒的产量及质量都有重要影响。而酱香酒酿造环境具有高温、酸性、高乙醇等胁迫因素,研究其中酿酒酵母的生理代谢特征并有目的地应用于白酒实际生产中。【方法】从酱香酒酿造环境中筛选一株性能优良的酿酒酵母菌株,比较其与酿酒酵母模式菌株S288c和商业酵母的生理代谢特征。【结果】从酱香型酒醅中筛选得到性能优良的Saccharomyces cerevisiae MT1,该菌株可耐受高温42°C,高浓度乙醇(16%,体积比),低p H(2.0),其最大比生长速率和最大比产乙醇速率分别达到了S288c的125%和114%,其乙醇转化率也要高于其他菌株。一些挥发性物质只有在MT1的发酵液中可检测到,包括苯并噻唑、2,3-二氢苯并呋喃、4-乙烯基愈创木酚以及丁羟甲苯等,MT1的苯乙醇、法尼醇、橙花叔醇、乙偶姻和大马酮量也要高于S288c。另外,MT1可以利用多种碳源发酵产乙醇,如半乳糖、麦芽糖、蜜二糖、松二糖、海藻糖和棉子糖等。【结论】来源于酱香酒酿造的S.cerevisiae MT1具有高耐受力、高效的发酵性能及更广泛的碳源利用图谱,并能生成多种挥发性物质。 展开更多
关键词 酱香型白酒 酿酒酵母 耐受性 高效发酵
Isolation and characterization of a Klebsiella pneumoniae strain from mangrove sediment for efficient biosynthesis of 1,3-propanediol 被引量:3
作者 周胜 李莉莉 +3 位作者 马琳 黄友华 魏京广 秦启伟 《Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第5期511-521,共11页
1,3-Propanediol (PDO) is an important bulk industrial material. It can be produced by microbial fermentation. In this study, the microbial flora of mangrove sediment was screened to identify strains with high produc... 1,3-Propanediol (PDO) is an important bulk industrial material. It can be produced by microbial fermentation. In this study, the microbial flora of mangrove sediment was screened to identify strains with high production of PDO by fermentation of glycerol. The PDO productivities of the isolated strains were tested, and the strain with highest PDO productivity was characterized using the API20E and 16-s rRNA sequence analysis. The physiological and phylogenetic analysis indicated that the strain was closed related to K. pneumoniae species and was named as K. pneumoniae HSL4. The structure of the dha cluster which was responsible for the biosynthesis of PDO was analyzed. It is observed that K. pneumoniae HSL4 was tolerant to salt and partly tolerant to acetate and lactate, which will favor industrial applications. Fed-batch fermentation experiments revealed K. pneumoniae HSL4 exhibited an excellent ability to produce PDO with high concentration (80.08 g L^-1), productivity (2.22 g L^-1h^-1) and conversion (0.435 g g^-1 or 0.53 mol mol^-1). The metabolic flux profile illuminated that glycerol was consumed rapidly and PDO was accumulated quickly to a high level during the exponential growth phase. This study provided important information for further fermentation and metabolic engineering of PDO production by K. pneumoniae HSL4. 展开更多
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