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我国高新区产业集群持续创新能力研究 被引量:26
作者 朱斌 王渝 《科学学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第5期529-537,共9页
在对持续创新特性分析研究的基础之上,构建了一套评价高新区产业集群持续创新能力的指标体系,并且用多指标模糊评价法对南京、上海、广州、青岛、厦门、福州等高新区产业集群的持续创新能力进行实证研究,最后提出创新加速度这一概念,对... 在对持续创新特性分析研究的基础之上,构建了一套评价高新区产业集群持续创新能力的指标体系,并且用多指标模糊评价法对南京、上海、广州、青岛、厦门、福州等高新区产业集群的持续创新能力进行实证研究,最后提出创新加速度这一概念,对持续创新能力进行了深入研究。 展开更多
关键词 高新区产业集群 持续创新能力 评价指标体系 创新加速度
作者 陈亮 《商情》 2011年第13期121-121,共1页
关键词 高新区产业集群 发展模式 内涵型 集约式
作者 郭平南 《中国集体经济》 2015年第24期27-28,共2页
关键词 西安高新区产业 电子信息 集成电路 先进制造 生物医药 总部经济 光伏与LED
作者 尹宏玲 《上海经济》 2003年第4期27-29,共3页
一、高新区产业群的理论与科学内涵 1.高新区产业群理论 高新区产业群是把产业群理论引申到高新区的发展中,即高技术产业内某一部门的企业以及该部门的相关产业和支持产业在高新区内的相对集中.高新区产业群是在一般产业群理论的基础上... 一、高新区产业群的理论与科学内涵 1.高新区产业群理论 高新区产业群是把产业群理论引申到高新区的发展中,即高技术产业内某一部门的企业以及该部门的相关产业和支持产业在高新区内的相对集中.高新区产业群是在一般产业群理论的基础上发展起来的,因此具有产业群的共性和自身发展的特性. 展开更多
关键词 上海 高新技术开发区 产业 高新区产业群理论 形成机制 产学研合作机制 服务设施 产业体系 政府
作者 牛跃平 仝秀丽 《中国高新区》 2004年第1期18-20,共3页
每年都有新政策出台的西安高新区,在新的园区建设与经济发展规划启动之际,劲吹起新一轮新政策旋风,几个月里先后有14项政策出台.与高新区创立之初,市委市政府全力支持高新区发展14项大力度扶持政策不同,近期出台的政策从内容和导向上,... 每年都有新政策出台的西安高新区,在新的园区建设与经济发展规划启动之际,劲吹起新一轮新政策旋风,几个月里先后有14项政策出台.与高新区创立之初,市委市政府全力支持高新区发展14项大力度扶持政策不同,近期出台的政策从内容和导向上,具有强烈的新阶段性色彩,其指向更具体、更细化,政策体系更完整更系统化. 展开更多
关键词 高新区产业 西安市 扶持政策 创新能力 招商引资工作 融资成本 人力资源 国际化 投资体系 科技创新
作者 律高峰 《商情》 2023年第34期49-52,共4页
中医药在我国拥有几千年的发展历史.21世纪后,中医药产业彰显出新的生命力.亳州高新区种植中药材的历史悠久,中药材的种类繁多并且品质优良,再加上在特有的自然条件与社会资源条件的共同作用下,中医药产业迎来了发展的机遇.中医药产业... 中医药在我国拥有几千年的发展历史.21世纪后,中医药产业彰显出新的生命力.亳州高新区种植中药材的历史悠久,中药材的种类繁多并且品质优良,再加上在特有的自然条件与社会资源条件的共同作用下,中医药产业迎来了发展的机遇.中医药产业在历经多年的发展与实践后,中医药产业已经成为地方经济发展的重要产业形式.而招商引资作为推动地方经济增长以及对产业结构进行优化调整的重要手段,其不仅可以推动经济的发展,而且还能提高人们的收入水平.与其他产业一样,亳州高新区中医药产业若想发展,还需要开展招商引资工作.本文结合亳州高新区中医药产业发展,就如何保障招商引资工作顺利开展提出了几点建议. 展开更多
关键词 亳州高新区中医药产业 招商引资 保障措施
基于粗糙集方法的国家高新区主导产业选择模型 被引量:7
作者 王敏晰 李新 《商业研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第1期115-119,共5页
根据特定经济区域的样本数据建立决策系统,以国家高新区主导产业选择的评价指标作为属性,找出反映评价指标本质关系和特征的重要属性及主导产业选择的知识规则。运用这些规则对选择数据库中的其他样本进行评价,得到各样本产业的综合评价... 根据特定经济区域的样本数据建立决策系统,以国家高新区主导产业选择的评价指标作为属性,找出反映评价指标本质关系和特征的重要属性及主导产业选择的知识规则。运用这些规则对选择数据库中的其他样本进行评价,得到各样本产业的综合评价值,旨在为国家高新区主导产业的选择提供一种新方法。 展开更多
关键词 国家高新区主导产业选择 决策模型 粗糙集方法
基于生态理论的天津高新区优化产业创新环境浅析 被引量:3
作者 王兵 《天津科技》 2016年第12期9-10,共2页
产业创新动力发挥作用离不开产业创新生态系统,而产业创新生态系统与自然生态系统在根植性、协同性、可塑性等许多方面有着显著共通。产业创新政策对优化产业创新生态系统起着至关重要的作用,天津高新区一直重视科技创新政策体系建设,... 产业创新动力发挥作用离不开产业创新生态系统,而产业创新生态系统与自然生态系统在根植性、协同性、可塑性等许多方面有着显著共通。产业创新政策对优化产业创新生态系统起着至关重要的作用,天津高新区一直重视科技创新政策体系建设,取得了较好的成效,但产业创新政策体系尚需提升。结合高新区产业创新发展实际,从需求导向科技经济融合模式、激发企业内部创新活力、盘活产业创新资源和科技创新大数据运用4个方面,提出了高新区产业创新政策的发展建议。 展开更多
关键词 产业创新生态系统产业创新政策天津高新区
作者 凌文东 《中国高新技术企业》 2007年第15期47-47,50,共2页
关键词 高新区信息产业 发展 分析与对策
我国高新技术产业开发区管理模式比较研究 被引量:18
作者 代帆 《科学管理研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2001年第4期26-29,38,共5页
我国第一个高新技术产业开发区始建于 1988年。与欧美发达国家相比 ,无论是在开发区本身的科技及经济实力上 ,还是在对开发区的管理上 ,都存在着很大的差距。本文将我国高新区的管理模式分为政府主导、政企合一和企业主导三种类型 ,逐... 我国第一个高新技术产业开发区始建于 1988年。与欧美发达国家相比 ,无论是在开发区本身的科技及经济实力上 ,还是在对开发区的管理上 ,都存在着很大的差距。本文将我国高新区的管理模式分为政府主导、政企合一和企业主导三种类型 ,逐一进行分析 ,并揭示出目前高新区中普遍存在的一些问题 ,力图通过管理模式的创新 ,实现我国高新区健康顺利的发展。 展开更多
关键词 中国 高新区技术产业开发 管理模式 创新 管理机制 产学研一体化
作者 司雨 《经贸实践》 2016年第15期17-18,共2页
抓住新机遇,实现新跨越,在市场低迷,整体经济增速疲软之际,文化创意产业异军突起,成为逆转"经济周期"的新力量。本文从"钻石模型"视角出发,结合陕西省西安市高新技术产业区目前文化创意产业现状,并就其竞争优势及... 抓住新机遇,实现新跨越,在市场低迷,整体经济增速疲软之际,文化创意产业异军突起,成为逆转"经济周期"的新力量。本文从"钻石模型"视角出发,结合陕西省西安市高新技术产业区目前文化创意产业现状,并就其竞争优势及主要影响因素进行了详细分析,提出相关理论及政策建议。 展开更多
关键词 西安高新区文化创意产业 钻石模型 产业竞争力 生产要素
国家高新区政策的历史演进及协调状况研究 被引量:35
作者 汪涛 李祎 汪樟发 《科研管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第6期108-115,共8页
高新技术产业开发区是我国国家创新体系的重要组成部分,为高新技术开发、产业化和地区经济发展做出了重要贡献。本文对1988年以来国务院及有关部委发布的有关国家级高新技术产业开发区(以下简称"国家高新区")的政策文本进行... 高新技术产业开发区是我国国家创新体系的重要组成部分,为高新技术开发、产业化和地区经济发展做出了重要贡献。本文对1988年以来国务院及有关部委发布的有关国家级高新技术产业开发区(以下简称"国家高新区")的政策文本进行了分析,从政策的发起背景、政策数量分布、政策参与部门、政策工具演进等四个方面考察了国家高新区政策的演进历程;从政策连续性、政策互补性、政策交叉性、政策缺失性及政策矛盾性等五个维度研究了国家高新区政策的协调状况。研究结果表明:国家高新区政策的目标和工具都经历了不断的创新;国家高新区政策的延续性和互补性较好,但存在一定的政策缺失和矛盾现象,与有关经济技术开发区、高技术产业基地等方面政策也存在一定程度的交叉性。 展开更多
关键词 高新技术产业开发区(高新区) 政策演进 政策协调 文本研究
The Role of China's High-Tech Zones in Its Regional Economic Development 被引量:2
作者 刘瑞明 赵仁杰 《China Economist》 2016年第5期44-56,共13页
National high-tech industrial development zones represent a major strategy of the Chinese government in developing high-tech industries and spurring regional economic growth. The effect of this policy is yet to be pro... National high-tech industrial development zones represent a major strategy of the Chinese government in developing high-tech industries and spurring regional economic growth. The effect of this policy is yet to be proven. Based on the panel data of 283 Chinese cities between 1984 and 2012, this paper investigates the effect of high-tech zones on regional economic development. Empirical results suggest that first, national hightech zones have remarkably enhanced regional GDP and per capita GDP growth, and this conclusion still holds true after multiple rounds of robustness test; second, the economic effect of national high-tech zones is subject to diminishing marginal return and compared with higher-tier cities, lower-tier cities benefited more from the creation of national hightech zones. This paper concludes that national high-tech zones where special policies are experimented and offered not only drive economic development but, if properly distributed across regions, may help reduce regional economic disparities as well. The results of this study provide important implications for the future distribution of national high-tech zones and the creation of other relevant policies. 展开更多
关键词 national high-tech zones regional economic growth difference-in-differences method
Spatial Evolution and Locational Determinants of High-tech Industries in Beijing 被引量:20
作者 ZHANG Xiaoping HUANG Pingting +1 位作者 SUN Lei WANG Zhaohong 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第2期249-260,共12页
Using datasets on high-tech industries in Beijing as empirical studies, this paper attempts to interpret spatial shift of high-tech manufacturing firms and to examine the main determinants that have had the greatest e... Using datasets on high-tech industries in Beijing as empirical studies, this paper attempts to interpret spatial shift of high-tech manufacturing firms and to examine the main determinants that have had the greatest effect on this spatial evolution. We aimed at merging these two aspects by using firm level databases in 1996 and 2010. To explain spatial change of the high-tech firms in Beijing, the Kernel density estimation method was used for hotspot analysis and detection by comparing their locations in 1996 and 2010, through which spatial features and their temporal changes could be approximately plotted. Furthermore, to provide quantitative results, Ripley′s K-function was used as an instrument to reveal spatial shift and the dispersion distance of high-tech manufacturing firms in Beijing. By employing a negative binominal regression model, we evaluated the main determinants that have significantly affected the spatial evolution of high-tech manufacturing firms and compared differential influence of these locational factors on overall high-tech firms and each sub-sectors. The empirical analysis shows that high-tech industries in Beijing, in general, have evident agglomeration characteristics, and that the hotspot has shifted from the central city to suburban areas. In combination with the Ripley index, this study concludes that high-tech firms are now more scattered in metropolitan areas of Beijing as compared with 1996. The results of regression model indicate that the firms′ locational decisions are significantly influenced by the spatial planning and regulation policies of the municipal government. In addition, market processes involving transportation accessibility and agglomeration economy have been found to be important in explaining the dynamics of locational variation of high-tech manufacturing firms in Beijing. Research into how markets and the government interact to determine the location of high-tech manufacturing production will be helpful for policymakers to enact effective policies toward a more efficient urban spatial structure. 展开更多
关键词 high-tech manufacturing firms spatial evolution locational determinant negative binomial regression model BEIJING
Innovative Development and Commercialization of Technologies: Experience of Technopark "Novosibirsk"
作者 Yury I. Shokin Boris Y. Grishnyakov Leonid K. Bobrov 《Chinese Business Review》 2012年第10期855-863,共9页
This article is concerned with analyzes of experience of Technopark "Novosibirsk" as an important part of the innovation infrastructure of the Novosibirsk region. In this article the authors are formulated prioritie... This article is concerned with analyzes of experience of Technopark "Novosibirsk" as an important part of the innovation infrastructure of the Novosibirsk region. In this article the authors are formulated priorities for the development of an innovative economy: The promotion of investment growth in production infrastructure and innovation, increasing the orientation of research institutions to the needs of the real economy, the development of entrepreneurship in all sectors of the economy and the creation of necessary conditions. The article considers the key elements of innovation infrastructure. Also program "Development of high-tech industry and which Technopark "Novosibirsk" implements the this article is given a brief description of the complex target innovation in the industry to the city of Novosibirsk in 2020", in concept of technopark of distributed type, when the Technopark is built in the form of structural and autonomous innovation and technology centers established by the territorial-branch principle in conjunction with partner organizations. The analysis of the stories of success (and failure) of residents of Technopark is described in this article. Based on this analysis, which highlights the main factors contributing to the achievement of commercially meaningful results. These include training as an essential component of the innovation infrastructure. Describes the international educational programs implemented by the Innovative Technology Center "Education" at the Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management. It is noted that the most important result of the operation of Technopark "Novosibirsk" was working out a model of public-private partnership that has allowed Technopark flourish, creating a network of specialized centers of innovation and technology. Finally the authors conclude that at the present time in Russia on almost all the basic elements of support for innovative entrepreneurship are created. At the same time a significant part of the difficulties cause problems originating from the external environment of business innovation 展开更多
关键词 innovation infrastructure start-up projects technology transfer experience of technopark public-private partnership technology commercialization Gate2RuBIN project
《变频器世界》 2005年第2期21-22,共2页
关键词 “生产电机和电气传动控制设备基地” 西门子公司 天津高新区华苑产业 2005年3月
Empirical Study on the Measurement of the High-Tech Industry Efficiency in China--Based on the Data of China's 31 Provinces (Including Municipalities and Autonomous Regions)
作者 Degang CHEN Xiaojun FENG 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第5期9-12,共4页
To evaluate the relative effectiveness of the input and output of the high-tech industry in China's 31 provinces (including municipalities and autonomous regions), DEA evaluation model was constructed using data en... To evaluate the relative effectiveness of the input and output of the high-tech industry in China's 31 provinces (including municipalities and autonomous regions), DEA evaluation model was constructed using data envelopment analysis (DEA), and DEA evaluation model was solved using Deap2.1 software, for the purpose of obtaining the DEA efficiency and the non-DEA efficiency in all the provinces (including municipalities and autonomous regions). Then, the comprehensive efficiency, technical efficiency, scale efficiency, scale return, and projection analysis were analyzed. Finally, the provinces of the non-DEA efficiency are sorted according to three efficiencies, and also a goal of improvement is proposed for the purpose of expanding technology investment in the provinces of the DEA efficiency. 展开更多
关键词 High-tech Industry Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) Measurement on Efficiency
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