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作者 董琦 李浩林 党智敏 《电力电容器与无功补偿》 2024年第1期128-139,共12页
金属化介质薄膜是高压电容器的关键组成部分,由于其突出的耐温耐压性能,被广泛应用于电力系统、脉冲功率和新能源汽车等领域。金属化薄膜具有优异的自愈特性,但在大电流冲击下,极薄的金属电极极易出现断裂、失效等现象,是影响电容器安... 金属化介质薄膜是高压电容器的关键组成部分,由于其突出的耐温耐压性能,被广泛应用于电力系统、脉冲功率和新能源汽车等领域。金属化薄膜具有优异的自愈特性,但在大电流冲击下,极薄的金属电极极易出现断裂、失效等现象,是影响电容器安全稳定运行的重要因素。此外,体积大、容量小等问题也严重限制了薄膜电容的应用,并由此形成了技术壁垒。而金属化介质薄膜在向小型化高容量发展的过程中,除新型介质薄膜材料的影响外,超薄高方阻金属化电极结构的设计对薄膜电容器性能的影响也逐渐开始显露。本文旨在综述近年来高方阻金属化薄膜的电极结构设计,及表/界面工程在电极结构设计中的应用与发展。总结过往从电极厚度、元素、图案化对金属化电极结构进行设计的局限性和存在的问题,分析了随着金属电极厚度从微米级向纳米级转变过程中界面在电气特性中承担的角色,偏重结合其自愈特性与电极结构相互作用的关系进行阐述。结合光电半导体领域中超薄金属化薄膜界面研究成果中介质薄膜金属化可以借鉴的界面研究方法,为应用于未来新能源领域中储能用超薄金属化膜如何利用界面开展结构设计及性能调控等方面提供参考。系统阐述了微观基础研究领域中金属化薄膜结构与界面设计对宏观电气性能调控的预测,并从根本上提出薄膜电容器领域发展的国产化关键技术。 展开更多
关键词 金属化介质薄膜 高方阻 电极结构 表界面工程 电气特性
高方阻密栅电池发射结方阻的优化 被引量:5
作者 高华 黄其煜 《光电技术应用》 2013年第1期18-24,共7页
主要介绍了晶体硅太阳电池光电转换效率的工艺优化,特别是对高发射结方阻方面,以及后道工序中如何使之适应高方阻工艺。在高方阻方面主要采用了深结高方阻,这主要是从工艺稳定性方面考虑。通过一系列工艺的优化及大量实验,获得了高达635... 主要介绍了晶体硅太阳电池光电转换效率的工艺优化,特别是对高发射结方阻方面,以及后道工序中如何使之适应高方阻工艺。在高方阻方面主要采用了深结高方阻,这主要是从工艺稳定性方面考虑。通过一系列工艺的优化及大量实验,获得了高达635 mV的开路电压,5.817 A的短路电流,均值18.67%的电池效率。 展开更多
关键词 高方阻发射结 晶体硅电池 转换效率
高方阻太阳能电池用正面银浆导电机理研究 被引量:1
作者 郑建华 张愿成 +2 位作者 吴新正 刘玉杰 王训春 《电工材料》 CAS 2015年第6期23-27,共5页
分别研发了适用高方阻和低方阻晶硅太阳能电池的正面银浆A和B,并将两者应用到尺寸为156 mm×156 mm,方块电阻分别为60Ω/sq、85Ω/sq的多晶硅电池片上。结果显示两种银浆制备的60Ω/sq多晶硅电池片性能十分接近,而85Ω/sq多晶硅电... 分别研发了适用高方阻和低方阻晶硅太阳能电池的正面银浆A和B,并将两者应用到尺寸为156 mm×156 mm,方块电阻分别为60Ω/sq、85Ω/sq的多晶硅电池片上。结果显示两种银浆制备的60Ω/sq多晶硅电池片性能十分接近,而85Ω/sq多晶硅电池片性能差异明显。在利用A、B两种浆料制备的85Ω/sq多晶硅电池片中,B的Rs较A高8.15 mΩ,FF低8.1%,Eff低2.28%,接触电阻率是A的5倍以上。并将A、B两种银浆印刷于已经扩散、镀膜的抛光单晶片上,烧结后再使用HNO3、HF依次腐蚀银和玻璃,观察玻璃、硅界面的状态。结果表明A在硅上留下的腐蚀坑较B的数量多、分布均匀、腐蚀深度均一,且A的玻璃层厚度更小,对氮化硅的开孔率更高。 展开更多
关键词 高方阻 传输线 接触电 腐蚀坑 隧道效应
单晶硅太阳电池高阻密栅工艺的研究 被引量:2
作者 王静 张东升 《电子技术与软件工程》 2017年第14期138-138,共1页
扩散高方阻匹配密栅丝网印刷工艺是提升单晶硅太阳电池效率的主要方向之一,高方阻,即浅结扩散能够减少"死层",密栅网版缩窄了金属栅线的间距以减少发射区电池横向移动的复合,同时,增加了副栅线总面积,提高填充因子FF,最终达... 扩散高方阻匹配密栅丝网印刷工艺是提升单晶硅太阳电池效率的主要方向之一,高方阻,即浅结扩散能够减少"死层",密栅网版缩窄了金属栅线的间距以减少发射区电池横向移动的复合,同时,增加了副栅线总面积,提高填充因子FF,最终达到提升电池效率的目的,本文通过对比三种不同扩散工艺的方块电阻和ECV浓度。分析高方阻对太阳电池电性能参数的影响。结果表明:方阻为85Ω/□的发射区电池转换效率提高了0.1%。 展开更多
关键词 单晶硅 电池效率 高方阻 金属栅线
低压扩散机理及其对扩散方阻均匀性的影响研究 被引量:1
作者 张宝锋 陈晖 《电子工业专用设备》 2016年第4期12-16,共5页
传统的太阳能电池扩散工艺采用常压扩散,随着高效晶硅电池的发展,扩散结深的不断变浅,常压扩散已难以满足晶体硅太阳能电池高效、低成本发展的技术要求。低压扩散通过在反应管内提供低压工艺环境,提升扩散制结的性能。对低压扩散机理进... 传统的太阳能电池扩散工艺采用常压扩散,随着高效晶硅电池的发展,扩散结深的不断变浅,常压扩散已难以满足晶体硅太阳能电池高效、低成本发展的技术要求。低压扩散通过在反应管内提供低压工艺环境,提升扩散制结的性能。对低压扩散机理进行了详细分析,从扩散分子自由程、掺杂原子分压比和气场均匀性等方面详细分析了低压扩散对高方阻均匀性的影响关系。采用新型低压扩散炉进行工艺实验测试,结果表明,低压扩散在可达到扩散方阻目标值110Ω时更好的均匀性,载片量较常压扩散大幅度提升,具有无可比拟的生产优势,是未来扩散技术的主要发展方向。 展开更多
关键词 低压扩散 高方阻 均匀性
减压扩散高阻密栅技术应用研究 被引量:2
作者 汪已琳 任哲 +1 位作者 赵志然 张威 《人工晶体学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第12期2659-2662,共4页
本文对减压扩散机理及高阻密栅技术作了详细的分析,并就设备及工艺方面的关键技术进行了阐述,最后对减压扩散高方阻工艺及密栅匹配技术电池效率进行了对比分析,有以下结论:(1)减压扩散在工艺优化后,方阻均匀性得到大幅改善,达到3%以内。... 本文对减压扩散机理及高阻密栅技术作了详细的分析,并就设备及工艺方面的关键技术进行了阐述,最后对减压扩散高方阻工艺及密栅匹配技术电池效率进行了对比分析,有以下结论:(1)减压扩散在工艺优化后,方阻均匀性得到大幅改善,达到3%以内。(2)减压扩散电池效率完全可达到常规产线的水平,且在高阻密栅方面更有优势,可有效提升太阳电池效率。 展开更多
关键词 减压扩散 高方阻 密栅技术
量产效率>22.3%的高阻密栅PERC太阳电池及性能研究 被引量:1
作者 王璞 俞健 +3 位作者 陈涛 黄跃龙 吴俊旻 张忠文 《太阳能学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第9期115-119,共5页
采用低压三步法通磷源扩散制备低掺杂浓度的p-n结,并应用于高阻密栅p型单晶硅钝化发射极局域背接触(PERC)太阳电池。通过增加第二步小氮的流量以改变扩散后硅片的方阻。随着方阻的增大,发射极表面掺杂浓度降低、俄歇复合降低、平均少子... 采用低压三步法通磷源扩散制备低掺杂浓度的p-n结,并应用于高阻密栅p型单晶硅钝化发射极局域背接触(PERC)太阳电池。通过增加第二步小氮的流量以改变扩散后硅片的方阻。随着方阻的增大,发射极表面掺杂浓度降低、俄歇复合降低、平均少子寿命增加。通过ECV测试,研究不同方块电阻对发射极掺杂浓度及结深的影响,结合发射极光电损耗机理的理论分析,确定优化的扩散后方块电阻180Ω/□及激光选择性掺杂区域方阻为80Ω/□,并对应细栅的数目为114。研究表明,随着发射极方块电阻的提高,太阳电池的短波响应显著提高,短路电流稳定提升80 mA,而通过对细栅线设计的优化,可抑制方阻提高对串联电阻及填充因子的影响,高方阻密栅PERC太阳电池的光电性能显著提升,电池效率稳定提升0.28%,转化效率达到22.3%,体现出高方阻密栅技术应用于PERC太阳电池的巨大潜力。 展开更多
关键词 PERC太阳电池 高方阻 平均少子寿命 密栅数目
低压扩散机理及其对扩散方阻均匀性的影响研究 被引量:1
作者 张宝锋 陈晖 《电子工业专用设备》 2016年第7期10-14,共5页
传统的太阳能电池扩散工艺采用常压扩散,随着高效晶硅电池的发展,扩散结深的不断变浅,常压扩散已难以满足晶体硅太阳能电池高效、低成本发展的技术要求。低压扩散通过在反应管内提供低压工艺环境,提升扩散制结的性能。通过对低压扩散机... 传统的太阳能电池扩散工艺采用常压扩散,随着高效晶硅电池的发展,扩散结深的不断变浅,常压扩散已难以满足晶体硅太阳能电池高效、低成本发展的技术要求。低压扩散通过在反应管内提供低压工艺环境,提升扩散制结的性能。通过对低压扩散机理的详细分析,从扩散分子自由程、掺杂原子分压比和气场均匀性等方面详细分析了低压扩散对高方阻均匀性的影响关系。采用新型低压扩散炉进行工艺实验测试,结果表明,低压扩散在可达到扩散方阻目标值110Ω时获得更好的均匀性,载片量较常压扩散大幅度提升,具有无可比拟的生产优势,是未来扩散技术的主要发展方向。 展开更多
关键词 低压扩散 高方阻 均匀性
晶硅太阳电池低压扩散工艺优化研究 被引量:2
作者 郭进 杨晓生 +2 位作者 陆运章 任哲 蒋超 《电子工业专用设备》 2017年第3期51-54,共4页
关键词 晶硅太阳电池 低压扩散工艺 高方阻 均匀性
Testing with high density resistivity method in prevention and cure for mine water disaster and its applied effect 被引量:11
作者 张平松 吴健生 刘盛东 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2007年第2期165-169,共5页
The detecting examples using the high density resistivity method, about the evaluation of containing water characteristic from the floor rock and the height of overburden failure, were given. It expresses that the hig... The detecting examples using the high density resistivity method, about the evaluation of containing water characteristic from the floor rock and the height of overburden failure, were given. It expresses that the high density resistivity method has good effect with strong maneuverability and continuous observing section during the prevention and cure for mine water disaster. At the same time, the article pointed out that the study of space data inversion and dynamic watching technology about the high density resistivity method must be enhanced in the future because of special condition of data collecting in mine. 展开更多
关键词 high density resistivity method water disaster overburden failure
Treatment of portal hypertension 被引量:44
作者 Khurram Bari Guadalupe Garcia-Tsao 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第11期1166-1175,共10页
Portal hypertension is the main complication of cirrhosis and is defined as an hepatic venous pressure gradient (HVPG) of more than 5 mmHg. Clinically significant portal hypertension is defined as HVPG of 10 mmHg or... Portal hypertension is the main complication of cirrhosis and is defined as an hepatic venous pressure gradient (HVPG) of more than 5 mmHg. Clinically significant portal hypertension is defined as HVPG of 10 mmHg or more. Development of gastroesophageal varices and variceal hemorrhage are the most direct consequence of portal hypertension. Over the last decades significant advancements in the field have led to standard treatment options. These clinical recommendations have evolved mostly as a result of rando.mized controlled trials and consensus conferences among experts where existing evidence has been reviewed and future goals for research and practice guidelines have been pro- posed. Management of varices/variceal hemorrhage is based on the clinical stage of portal hypertension. No specific treatment has shown to prevent the formation of varices. Prevention of first variceal hemorrhage depends on the size/characteristics of varices. In patients with small varices and high risk of bleeding, nonselective β-blockers are recommended, while patients with medium/large varices can be treated with either β-blockers or esophageal band ligation. Standard ofcare for acute variceal hemorrhage consists of vasoacrive drugs, endoscopic band ligation and antibiotics prophylaxis. Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS) is reserved for those who fail standard of care or for patients who are likely to fail ("early TIPS"). Prevention of recurrent variceal hemorrhage consists of the combination of β-blockers and endoscopic band ligation. 展开更多
关键词 CIRRHOSIS Portal hypertension VARICES Varicealhemorrhage Primary prophylaxis Secondary prophylaxis
Forward modeling for “earth-ionosphere” mode electromagnetic field 被引量:2
作者 LI Di-quan 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第9期2305-2313,共9页
A fixed artificial source(greater than 200 kW) was used and the source location was selected at a high resistivity region to ensure high emission efficiency. Some publications used the "earth-ionosphere" mod... A fixed artificial source(greater than 200 kW) was used and the source location was selected at a high resistivity region to ensure high emission efficiency. Some publications used the "earth-ionosphere" mode in modeling the electromagnetic(EM) fields with the offset up to a thousand kilometer, and such EM fields still have a signal/noise ratio of 10-20 dB. This means that a new EM method with fixed source is feasible, but in their calculation, the displacement in air was neglected. In this work, some three-layer modeling results were presented to illustrate the basic EM fields' characteristics in the near, far and waveguide areas under "earth-ionosphere" mode, and a standard is given to distinguish the boundary of near, far and waveguide areas. Due to the influence of the ionosphere and displacement current in the air, the "earth-ionosphere" mode EM fields have an extra waveguide zone, where the fields' behavior is very different from that of the far field zone. 展开更多
关键词 earth-ionosphere mode large power large offset electromagnetic field forward modeling
Continuum and Discrete Element Coupling Approach to Analyzing Seismic Responses of a Slope Covered by Deposits 被引量:7
作者 ZHANG Hua LU Yang 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2010年第3期264-275,共12页
Numerical analyses of earthquake effects on the deformation, stability, and load transfer of a slope covered by deposits are traditionally based on the assumption that the slope is a continuum. It would be problem... Numerical analyses of earthquake effects on the deformation, stability, and load transfer of a slope covered by deposits are traditionally based on the assumption that the slope is a continuum. It would be problematic, however, to extend these approaches to the simulation of the slide, collapse and disintegration of the deposits under seismic loading. Contrary to this, a discrete element method (DEM) provides a means to consider large displacement and rotation of the non-continuum. To take the advantages of both methods of continuum and non- continuum analyses, seismic responses of a slope covered by deposits are studied by coupling a twodimensional (a-D) finite difference method and a 2-D DEM, with the bedrock being modelled by the finite difference grids and the deposits being represented by disks. A smooth transition across the boundaries of the continuous/discontinuous domains is obtained by imposing the compatibility condition and equilibrium condition along their interfaces. In the course of computation, the same time-step value is chosen for both continuous and discontinuous domains. The free-field boundaries are adopted for lateral grids of bedrock domain to eliminate the radiation damping effect. When the static equilibrium under gravity load is obtained, dynamic calculation begins under excitation of the seismic wave input from the continuum model bottom. In this way, responses to the earthquake of a slope covered by deposits are analyzed dynamically. Combined with field monitoring data, deformation and stability of the slope are discussed. The effects of the relevant parameters of spectrum characteristic, duration, andpeak acceleration of seismic waves are further investigated and explained from the simulations. 展开更多
关键词 SLOPE DEPOSIT CONTINUUM discreteelement method dynamic coupling rock/soilinterface
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