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作者 宋松 王乐 +1 位作者 范志勇 张朋 《新疆有色金属》 2023年第4期14-16,共3页
高林矿区位于缅甸中部盆地地体与掸帮-马来西亚地体之间,实皆断裂北段西侧。该区域大地构造位置在古特提斯-喜马拉雅造山带由西向东延伸再转折东南方向缅甸中部火山增生带上,早白垩世~第三纪火山活动-次火山岩浅成侵入活动十分强烈。缅... 高林矿区位于缅甸中部盆地地体与掸帮-马来西亚地体之间,实皆断裂北段西侧。该区域大地构造位置在古特提斯-喜马拉雅造山带由西向东延伸再转折东南方向缅甸中部火山增生带上,早白垩世~第三纪火山活动-次火山岩浅成侵入活动十分强烈。缅甸中部火山岩成矿区主要矿产为与岩浆期后热液活动有关的铜矿和金矿,结合区内不同地质体中元素的地球化学特征,简单总结分析金和铜成矿特征。 展开更多
关键词 地质体 地球化学 成矿特征 高林 缅甸
一切为“实用”掌握——高林谈地方院校发展 被引量:4
作者 李士伟 《教育与职业》 北大核心 2006年第13期52-54,共3页
随着我国社会经济的快速发展,特别是高等教育的大众化,在我国的许多省市出现了一批地方性本科院校,这些本科院校基本是伴随着改革开放的发展在近30年内新建或由专科学校升格的。这些学校应该如何发展,有困惑、有摇摆、有借鉴、有探... 随着我国社会经济的快速发展,特别是高等教育的大众化,在我国的许多省市出现了一批地方性本科院校,这些本科院校基本是伴随着改革开放的发展在近30年内新建或由专科学校升格的。这些学校应该如何发展,有困惑、有摇摆、有借鉴、有探索,已成为目前我国高等教育体系中倍受关注的热点之一。记者见到高林教授时,他刚刚结束了一场课题研讨会。 展开更多
关键词 高林 地方本科院校 办学定位 培养目标 区域经济
《高林汪氏宗谱》中张英佚文述略 被引量:1
作者 江小角 朱杨 《合肥学院学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第6期3-6,共4页
桐城《高林汪氏宗谱》中有张英佚文三篇,即《高林汪氏宗谱序》、《尔玉公传》和《汪老伯母胡太孺人八秩荣寿序》,具有一定的文献价值和研究价值。张英介绍高林汪氏家族发展和纂修宗谱的特点,阐述自己对修谱等相关问题的认识,叙述同汪德... 桐城《高林汪氏宗谱》中有张英佚文三篇,即《高林汪氏宗谱序》、《尔玉公传》和《汪老伯母胡太孺人八秩荣寿序》,具有一定的文献价值和研究价值。张英介绍高林汪氏家族发展和纂修宗谱的特点,阐述自己对修谱等相关问题的认识,叙述同汪德雯的深厚情谊;同时,张英对尔玉公和胡太孺人十分景仰,撰写传记和寿序以颂之。 展开更多
关键词 高林汪氏 宗谱 佚文 张英
高林水库除险加固工程设计要点 被引量:1
作者 吴淑艳 《山西水土保持科技》 2017年第2期22-23,共2页
高林水库位于汾河一级支流柳根河上,地处平遥县岳壁乡高林村东南,是一座以防洪为主、兼顾农业灌溉的小(1)型水库。水库下游分布有9个自然村3万余人、2 113.3 hm^2耕地,世界文化遗产平遥古城、国家级文物古迹双林寺,以及山西南北铁路、... 高林水库位于汾河一级支流柳根河上,地处平遥县岳壁乡高林村东南,是一座以防洪为主、兼顾农业灌溉的小(1)型水库。水库下游分布有9个自然村3万余人、2 113.3 hm^2耕地,世界文化遗产平遥古城、国家级文物古迹双林寺,以及山西南北铁路、公路交通枢纽,区位十分重要。该水库始建于1971年,运行40多年来,淤积严重,设施不健全,部分坝体损坏,防洪能力大大下降,经鉴定属病险水库。针对水库现状,论述了除险加固设计要点。 展开更多
关键词 高林水库 除险加固 工程设计 平遥县
作者 朱春明 《中国农村水利水电》 1996年第6期24-24,共1页
高林水电站扩建工程设计朱春明(四川省成都市水利水电勘测设计院610031)关键词水电站,扩建,设计1问题的提出四川省都江堰市聚源镇高林电站是江安河开发的第五个梯级电站。该电站设计水头8.5m,引水流量30.84m3/... 高林水电站扩建工程设计朱春明(四川省成都市水利水电勘测设计院610031)关键词水电站,扩建,设计1问题的提出四川省都江堰市聚源镇高林电站是江安河开发的第五个梯级电站。该电站设计水头8.5m,引水流量30.84m3/s,装机4×500kW,于1989... 展开更多
关键词 水电站 扩建 设计 高林水电站 四川
作者 张涛 《企业管理》 2019年第12期45-48,共4页
银文化在中国的发展历程可谓绵久而辉煌,早在距今约三千年前的商周时期,已经开始出现了银制品。二十世纪80~90年代,中国正值改革开放初期,珠宝产业开始快速发展。“老银匠”品牌就是在这种背景下诞生的。“老银匠”品牌创立者高林,是一... 银文化在中国的发展历程可谓绵久而辉煌,早在距今约三千年前的商周时期,已经开始出现了银制品。二十世纪80~90年代,中国正值改革开放初期,珠宝产业开始快速发展。“老银匠”品牌就是在这种背景下诞生的。“老银匠”品牌创立者高林,是一位痴迷银饰工艺、从不轻言放弃的传奇人物,他虽非珠宝设计科班出身,却能够游刃有余地驾驭银制品从设计绘画到加工制作这一整套流程,缔造了银饰界传奇。 展开更多
关键词 高林 老银匠 自我突围 营销战略 加盟商管理 品牌建设 传承创新
《世界建筑导报(设计论谈)》 2005年第3期21-21,共1页
关键词 建筑师 人居模式 设计论谈 高林
作者 尹栋栋 《山西水利》 2012年第11期32-33,共2页
介绍了高林水库库区的流域情况和工程概况,结合历年来水和洪水调节情况,从自然因素、周边环境因素和水库自身的设计管理因素几方面分析了造成水库淤积的原因,论述了水库淤积对水库的行洪安全和经济效益及周边环境带来的不利影响,并提出... 介绍了高林水库库区的流域情况和工程概况,结合历年来水和洪水调节情况,从自然因素、周边环境因素和水库自身的设计管理因素几方面分析了造成水库淤积的原因,论述了水库淤积对水库的行洪安全和经济效益及周边环境带来的不利影响,并提出清淤措施,促进水库兴利除害。 展开更多
关键词 水库淤积 排沙清淤 高林水库
《西部论丛》 2003年第8期21-21,共1页
关键词 高林股份有限公司 员工 缝纫机生产行业 企业教育
作者 王智纲 姚富升 《世界有色金属》 2020年第3期96-97,共2页
高林-文多地区是缅甸中央火山弧带上金矿的集中产出区域,通过对高林-文多地区典型矿床介绍,总结出该区金矿化主要赋存于安山岩、闪长岩、花岗岩以及砂岩中,受NE-NNE向断裂以及NW向断裂控制明显,岩浆期后的热液活动与金矿化密切相关。矿... 高林-文多地区是缅甸中央火山弧带上金矿的集中产出区域,通过对高林-文多地区典型矿床介绍,总结出该区金矿化主要赋存于安山岩、闪长岩、花岗岩以及砂岩中,受NE-NNE向断裂以及NW向断裂控制明显,岩浆期后的热液活动与金矿化密切相关。矿床类型从西向东依次为蚀变岩型→石英脉-蚀变岩型→石英脉型的分带特点,反映了不同构造层次、不同岩性介质是确定矿床类型的重要因素。金矿体的形成在收缩挤压到旋转走滑的构造转换的背景下,岩浆活动萃取围岩中流体,在构造有利位置富集成矿。 展开更多
关键词 缅甸高林-文多地区金矿床 地质特征 类型分析
作者 高林 《艺术教育》 2008年第5期I0015-I0015,共1页
关键词 设计作品 河北理工大学 清华大学美术学院 环境艺术设计 美术专业 工业学校 艺术学院 秦皇岛 高林
Some Notable Chinese in Dublin in the Mid-Twentieth Century
作者 Kevin MACKEOWN 《Chinese Annals of History of Science and Technology》 2024年第1期78-96,共19页
The careers of three Chinese physicists,Hu Ning,Ma Shijun,and Peng Huanwu at the Dublin Institute for Advance Studies in the 1940s,and later,are described.A brief history of the foundation and operations of the instit... The careers of three Chinese physicists,Hu Ning,Ma Shijun,and Peng Huanwu at the Dublin Institute for Advance Studies in the 1940s,and later,are described.A brief history of the foundation and operations of the institute,as well as the roles in it of Erwin Schrodinger,Walter Heitler,Max Born,and others are included.Some details are given of the works carried out there.The three men's post-institute careers are described,Ma eventually in Australia,and Hu and Peng in the People's Republic of China where they became distinguished leaders of theoretical physics research. 展开更多
关键词 Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies Eamon de Valera Erwin Schrodinger Paul Dirac Max Born Walter Heitle
作者 高林有 《天津文学》 2009年第5期99-99,共1页
窗子 晨曦请来晨风轻轻地摸着清晨 窗外的世界水一样安宁 白天嘈吵的人声退下去了 工地上也消失了机械的轰鸣 那是一棵邻家的柿子树 灯笼似的果实开始泛红 那是—只叫不出名字的小鸟
关键词 《杂咏五题》 诗歌 作品集 高林
作者 江逸之 《东方企业家》 2002年第1期122-124,共3页
关键词 台湾省 缝纫机产业 高林股份有限公司 台资企业 深圳市
作者 王亚兰 《共产党人》 2004年第20期54-55,54,共2页
关键词 《借一片高林做秋山——父亲周年祭》 王亚兰 中国 回忆录
作者 葛高林 《江苏教育通讯》 2005年第1期5-7,共3页
“江苏省第四届高中生作文大赛”现场决赛于2004年12月24-26日在江苏省兴华中学举行,来自全省各地的202名选手参加了现场决赛,决出一等奖20名,二等奖100名,三等奖82名。“江苏省高中生作文大赛”是经江苏省教育厅批准,省内唯一一... “江苏省第四届高中生作文大赛”现场决赛于2004年12月24-26日在江苏省兴华中学举行,来自全省各地的202名选手参加了现场决赛,决出一等奖20名,二等奖100名,三等奖82名。“江苏省高中生作文大赛”是经江苏省教育厅批准,省内唯一一项面向高中生的作文比赛,该比赛事于2000年创办,至今已举办了四届,每年都有几十万名高中生参赛,获奖学生已有数千人。省委教育工委副书记葛高林出席本次大赛颁奖会,并发表了热情洋溢的讲话。现将“讲话”摘要编发,供大家学习。 展开更多
关键词 兴中杯 第四届 高中生 作文大赛 颁奖仪式 讲话摘要 高林 江苏 2004年
Competitive Strategies of Two Species of Co-occuring Tadpoles 被引量:3
作者 张晋东 熊晔 +3 位作者 傅之屏 李玉杰 戴强 王跃招 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第1期41-46,共6页
We examined the competitive ability of larval toads (Bufo gargarizans ) and frogs (Rana kukunoris ) which co-occur in natural pools in the Jiuzhaigou Nature Reserve. We measured the activity level, growth rate, ma... We examined the competitive ability of larval toads (Bufo gargarizans ) and frogs (Rana kukunoris ) which co-occur in natural pools in the Jiuzhaigou Nature Reserve. We measured the activity level, growth rate, mass at metamorphosis and larval period in a laboratory experiment. Tadpoles of B. gargarizans were significantly more active when food was abundant than scarce, while there was no significant difference in the activity of R. kukunoris tadpoles at different food levels. At low food availability, mass at metamorphosis and growth rate of R. kukunoris were significantly increased in the presence of B. gargarizans, whereas the presence of R. kukunoris had no significant effect on the mass and growth rate of B. gargarizans. In all treatments, the larval period of B. gargarizans at low food availability was the shortest. These results suggest that B. gargarizans can adapt to different food levels by changing their activity rate. At high food level, B. gargarizans increased activity to gain more food. At low food level, B. gargarizans decreased activity and achieved early metamorphosis. However, when food resources were limited, R. kukunoris could gain more food than B.gargarizans . 展开更多
关键词 Activity level Mass at metamorphosis Bufo gargarizans Rana kukunoris Interspecific competition
Remote Sensing Monitoring of the Subalpine Coniferous Forests and Quantitative Analysis of the Characteristics of Succession in East Mountain Area of Tibetan Plateau——A Case Study With Zamtang County 被引量:5
作者 张学儒 张镱锂 +2 位作者 刘林山 张继平 高俊刚 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第6期926-930,共5页
The study area lies in the Dadu River drainage area in upstream Yangtze River.The spatial distribution of subalpine coniferous forests in 1989 and 2009 was extracted by means of a combined method of object orientation... The study area lies in the Dadu River drainage area in upstream Yangtze River.The spatial distribution of subalpine coniferous forests in 1989 and 2009 was extracted by means of a combined method of object orientation and visual interpretation,and then the overlaying analysis of these data was conducted.The type and spatial location of succession were discovered and served as the sample of dependant variable.Meanwhile,supported by GIS technology and based on DEM and thematic data,the eight variables including altitude,slope,sin and cosin of aspect,curvity of land surface,and distance to residential area,cultivated land and road were extracted served as the sample of spatial succession of subalpine coniferous forests to fit Logistic Regression,and then the contribution of each independent variable as well as the spatial property of the occurrence probability of succession was calculated.The results suggested that,during the succession of subalpine coniferous forests to meadow,the closer to the residential area and cultivated land,the greater the contribution to succession is.In particular,when the distance to the residential area decreases by one unit,the probability for its conversion to meadow will be increased by 1.15 times.During the succession of subalpine coniferous forests to deciduous-broadleaved shrubs,the sin of aspect and distance to residential area contribute more,and the probability of succession increases with increasing degree of northwardness,i.e.when the degree of northwardness increases by one unit,the probability will be increased by 1.2 times.The quantitative analysis of spatial succession property of subalpine coniferous forests will supply scientific basis to the protection and restoration of subalpine coniferous forests. 展开更多
关键词 Subalpine Coniferous Forests Logistic Regression GIS East Mountain Area of Tibetan Plateau
The features of soil aggregation and its eco-environmental effects under different subalpine forests on the east slope of Gongga Mountain, China 被引量:3
作者 张保华 何毓蓉 +1 位作者 周红艺 程根伟 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2003年第1期80-82,共3页
Structural properties of forest soils have important hydro-ecological function and can influence the soil water-physical characters and soil erosion. The experimental soil samples were obtained in surface horizon (0-1... Structural properties of forest soils have important hydro-ecological function and can influence the soil water-physical characters and soil erosion. The experimental soil samples were obtained in surface horizon (0-10 cm) from different subalpine forest types on east slope of Gongga Mountain in the upriver area of Yangtze River China in May 2002. The soil bulk density, porosity, stable infiltration rate, aggregate distribution and particle-size distribution were analyzed by the routine methods in room, and the features and effects on eco-environment of soil aggregation were studied. The results showed that the structure of soil under mixed mature forest is in the best condition and can clearly enhance the eco-environmental function of soil, and the soil structure under the clear-cutting forest is the worst, the others are ranked between them. The study results can offer a basic guidance for the eco-environmental construction in the upper reaches of Yangtze River. 展开更多
关键词 Soil aggregation Eco-environmental effects Subalpine forest Gongga Mountain China
Effect of Continuous Cropping on Leaf Nutrient and Growth of Different Species of Poplar Plantation 被引量:1
作者 房莉 余健 陈金林 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第2期224-227,252,共5页
[Objective]The paper was to study the effect of continuous cropping on leaf nutrient and growth of different species of poplar plantation.[Method] The tree height,diameter at breast height(DBH),volume of different g... [Objective]The paper was to study the effect of continuous cropping on leaf nutrient and growth of different species of poplar plantation.[Method] The tree height,diameter at breast height(DBH),volume of different generations and species of poplar plantation in poplar production area in northern Jiangsu Province,as well as TN,TP and TK content in their leaves were determined through field investigation and indoor experiment.[Result] With the increasing generation,the changes of TN,TP and TK content in the leaves of different ages of two varieties of forest stand were also different.However,with the increasing tree ages,TN,TP and TK contents in leaves showed decrease trend.With the increasing generation,the changes of tree height of I-69 and I-72 poplar showed the similar trend.The effect of increasing generation on tree height of 7-year-old and 10-year-old poplar was relatively stable,showing decrease trend from generation to generation.The tree height of 4-year-old poplar first increased and then decreased with the increasing generation.The changes of DBH along with different generations were basically consistent with the changes of tree height.With the increasing cultivation generations,the volume of 7-year-old and 10-year-old poplar decreased with significant difference.[Conclusion ] The result provided basis for rational fertilization and management of poplar plantation,improvement of productivity of poplar plantation,and achievement of sustainable management of plantation. 展开更多
关键词 Poplar plantation Tree height DBH VOLUME NUTRITION
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