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作者 于克晓 骆文伟 《吉林农业科技学院学报》 2013年第3期50-53,共4页
高校在"三支一扶"计划推进中存在重传统专业,轻创新专业;重教学环节、轻实践环节;重专业学习、轻服务学习;重招生数量、轻培养质量;重信息发布、轻解读宣传等问题倾向,高校必须以教育改革为突破口,优化人才培养机制、完善大... 高校在"三支一扶"计划推进中存在重传统专业,轻创新专业;重教学环节、轻实践环节;重专业学习、轻服务学习;重招生数量、轻培养质量;重信息发布、轻解读宣传等问题倾向,高校必须以教育改革为突破口,优化人才培养机制、完善大学生职业生涯辅导机制、加强服务基层激励机制,主动对接"三支一扶"计划。 展开更多
关键词 高校人才教育培养 "三支一扶"计划 对接机制
关于高校人才教育培养的几点思考——以马克思主义人学思想为视角 被引量:1
作者 林忠心 《山东社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第S1期14-15,共2页
随着高校规模扩招的稳定发展,社会转型期高校人才的教育培养改革正不断深化。本文以马克思主义人学为视角,分析揭示了马克思主义人学思想对当代高校人才教育培养改革的一些启示,指出当前应该从育人理念、价值观引导、突出差异化和健全... 随着高校规模扩招的稳定发展,社会转型期高校人才的教育培养改革正不断深化。本文以马克思主义人学为视角,分析揭示了马克思主义人学思想对当代高校人才教育培养改革的一些启示,指出当前应该从育人理念、价值观引导、突出差异化和健全立体化育人机制等方面进一步深化改革,帮助大学生实现全面发展,实现社会主义合格建设者和可靠接班人的人才教育培养目标。 展开更多
关键词 高校人才教育培养 马克思主义人学 全面发展
作者 姜越 《新西部》 2019年第32期121-121,157,共2页
关键词 习近平人才 高校 思想政治教育 启示
作者 岳龙 王黎 +2 位作者 杨毅恒 罗欣 郭伟 《大学(研究与管理)》 2023年第12期1-5,共5页
海关作为国家进出境监督管理机关,是实现国内、外沟通循环的关键枢纽,也是新时代中国式现代化不可或缺的重要组成部分。中国式现代化海关建设的接续实践离不开优秀海关人才的发掘与培养。文章就海关人才培养的概况与实践、政产学研合作... 海关作为国家进出境监督管理机关,是实现国内、外沟通循环的关键枢纽,也是新时代中国式现代化不可或缺的重要组成部分。中国式现代化海关建设的接续实践离不开优秀海关人才的发掘与培养。文章就海关人才培养的概况与实践、政产学研合作教育的路径展开探索,以期培养出能肩负起新时代海关使命的优秀人才,助力探索中国式现代化海关建设之路。 展开更多
关键词 中国式现代化海关 政产学研 高校人才教育
试析创新人才培养下的高校教学管理改革 被引量:2
作者 刘栋 《俪人(教师)》 2014年第16期257-257,共1页
在当今社会时代,科技发展突飞猛进,各类竞争日新月异,归根到底地说,这一切都来源于创新型人才的有效培养和不断涌现.江泽民同志强调指出“创新是一个民族进步的灵魂,是一个国家兴旺发达的不竭动力,也是一个政党永葆生机的源泉.”教育不... 在当今社会时代,科技发展突飞猛进,各类竞争日新月异,归根到底地说,这一切都来源于创新型人才的有效培养和不断涌现.江泽民同志强调指出“创新是一个民族进步的灵魂,是一个国家兴旺发达的不竭动力,也是一个政党永葆生机的源泉.”教育不仅是一种社会生产力,更是创新型人才的摇篮基地.作为国民教育体系的较高层次,高等院校的教学改革工作对于培养创新型社会人才来说,有着不可或缺且是无可比拟的促进作用.高等院校及其管理者要认清形势、与时俱进,切实把培养创新型人才计划纳入教育教学改革的核心体系和中心任务,为加大创新型人才的开发与培养力度多作贡献. 展开更多
关键词 高校教育教学管理改革创新人才培养实践与思考
作者 李孟锜 《吉林广播电视大学学报》 2024年第1期111-113,共3页
创新创业人才的培养与开发是提升国家竞争力的关键基石,高校肩负着时代赋予的历史重任。高校应深入认识创新创业教育在学生成长、国家建设、社会发展中的作用,充分发挥高校教育的功能,提升大学生的创新创业能力,推动我国社会市场经济的... 创新创业人才的培养与开发是提升国家竞争力的关键基石,高校肩负着时代赋予的历史重任。高校应深入认识创新创业教育在学生成长、国家建设、社会发展中的作用,充分发挥高校教育的功能,提升大学生的创新创业能力,推动我国社会市场经济的健康发展。文章结合创新创业的科学内涵,明确提升大学生创新创业能力的价值意蕴及问题,探索以制度保障、人才培养体系、训练体系、实践平台为支撑的能力提升路径,以期推动高校创新创业教育事业的发展,缓解大学生就业难问题,满足产业结构转型与升级的诉求。 展开更多
关键词 高校教育人才 创新创业能力 提升
浅析河南省会展人才培养的问题及对策 被引量:2
作者 李霞 《长春教育学院学报》 2013年第16期131-132,共2页
会展经济在全球蓬勃发展,随之而来的是其对会展人才的爆炸性需求,会展教育因此引起了高校、业界以及行业的重视。相较于我国会展业的繁荣,会展旅游教育的发展无法与之相适应,存在滞后性。在此行业背景和教育背景下,通过调查分析河南省... 会展经济在全球蓬勃发展,随之而来的是其对会展人才的爆炸性需求,会展教育因此引起了高校、业界以及行业的重视。相较于我国会展业的繁荣,会展旅游教育的发展无法与之相适应,存在滞后性。在此行业背景和教育背景下,通过调查分析河南省会展人才教育现状,归纳总结了会展人才教育迫切需要解决的现实问题,为日后河南省会展人才培养提出一些有针对性的建议。 展开更多
关键词 会展人才 会展人才需求 会展人才培养 高校会展人才教育
作者 刘月娇 《科技视界》 2015年第28期189-189,共1页
面对如今职业竞争激烈的社会现状,本文对创业型旅游人才培养方案和具体实施过程做出全面阐释。其中旅游业是我国新兴行业,发展迅速,发展不够完善、人才资源少、经验理念不够丰富等成为了此行业的一大诟病。对此,笔者从高校人才培养、市... 面对如今职业竞争激烈的社会现状,本文对创业型旅游人才培养方案和具体实施过程做出全面阐释。其中旅游业是我国新兴行业,发展迅速,发展不够完善、人才资源少、经验理念不够丰富等成为了此行业的一大诟病。对此,笔者从高校人才培养、市场理念和地域特点方面进行发表自己的看法和观点。 展开更多
关键词 旅游人才培养 东西部城市群 高校创业人才教育
浅谈中国动漫产业现状与高端人才培养 被引量:1
作者 贾倩 《美术教育研究》 2012年第24期132-132,共1页
动漫产业作为21世纪的新兴文化产业,在提升我国文化软实力的过程中起到了重要作用。但是,我国动漫产业人才结构发展的不合理,导致了国产原创动漫作品竞争力低下,同时高端原创动漫人才的缺乏也阻碍了我国动漫产业的发展。我国高等院校是... 动漫产业作为21世纪的新兴文化产业,在提升我国文化软实力的过程中起到了重要作用。但是,我国动漫产业人才结构发展的不合理,导致了国产原创动漫作品竞争力低下,同时高端原创动漫人才的缺乏也阻碍了我国动漫产业的发展。我国高等院校是培养动漫高端人才的最重要场所之一,但是由于我国高等院校动漫教育的滞后,严重影响了动漫原创人才的输送。 展开更多
关键词 动漫产业 原创人才 人才结构高校教育
Inquiring Into the Current Dilemma on the Employment for College Graduates
作者 LI Jun-xin 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2013年第7期524-532,共9页
The difficulty in employment has become a serious social problem, which caused widespread concern of the government and society, it is because the system of the current economy cannot mix together organically with the... The difficulty in employment has become a serious social problem, which caused widespread concern of the government and society, it is because the system of the current economy cannot mix together organically with the cultivating form of talented person in the popular higher education. The employment post cannot satisfy the need of the talented person's production. The employing situation is getting worse gradually. How to find the realistic reasons and seek out a feasible way, and how to get rid of the current employment difficulties will become one of our major tasks. Through the investigation and analysis, we find out the mismatch on one-sided enrollment expansion of higher education with the economic system and the model of talent training. The prominent contradictions of the professional settings in universities with the marketing demands is the main reason of difficult employment. So, we think, in order to adjust the policies of enrollment and employment, perfecting market system, expanding employment channels, and improving the students' quality are the fundamental ways to solve the problem of employment. Solving the employment problem is the foundation of stable development of social economy. Through a lot of investigation and study, we have carried on the thorough analysis to solve the problems Thinking that we seek truth only from facts, especially knowing reality and admitting the reality, we could find the reasonable solution to resolve a series of problems in the process of popularization of higher education, and to promote the scientific development and progress of higher education and social economy 展开更多
关键词 college student difficult position of employment current situation cause of formation train of thoughtfor settlement
Research on the training mode of innovative and entrepreneurial talents of higher education based on "Internet +"
作者 YU Zefeng DU Qian DAI Lilan 《International English Education Research》 2018年第4期76-77,共2页
The talent training mode under the traditional educational form has hardly met the needs of modem enterprises for the innovation and Entrepreneurship of college graduates. Using the modem information technology and re... The talent training mode under the traditional educational form has hardly met the needs of modem enterprises for the innovation and Entrepreneurship of college graduates. Using the modem information technology and relying on the "Interact +" platform to study the training mode of innovative and entrepreneurial talents of higher education, in order to adapt to the present situation of the demand of modem enterprises for college graduates. This paper makes a survey and Analysis on the present situation of the cultivation of innovative and entrepreneurial talents in higher education, and deeply grasps the prospect of the human resource demand of the enterprise, in order to improve the students' innovative and entrepreneurial ability as the core, to serve the enterprise as the purpose, to make use of the information and communication technology and the Interact platform to innovate the educational model, so as to improve the training of higher education. The theoretical basis is provided for innovative and entrepreneurial talents. 展开更多
关键词 Training mode "Intemet +" Innovative and entrepreneurial talents
Research on the New Education Mode towards Clothing Education in Colleges and Universities under the Background of Ability Guided Value
作者 Jiarong Han 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第10期70-72,共3页
In this paper, we conduct research on the new education mode towards clothing education in colleges and universities under the background of ability guided value. Applied talent is to apply professional knowledge and ... In this paper, we conduct research on the new education mode towards clothing education in colleges and universities under the background of ability guided value. Applied talent is to apply professional knowledge and professional skills in social practice of specialized personnel a line is fluent in social production and social activities of basic knowledge and basic skills. Ability evaluation index is not fixed, combining with the change of market demand for talents and the improvement of unit of choose and employ persons of evaluation standard. Our reform combines the needs of the society and the class education which will enhance the students' ability. In the near future, we plan to conduct more corresponding research to polish the current methodology. 展开更多
关键词 Education Mode Clothing Education Ability Guided Colleges and Universities.
Study on the Applied Talents Training in Local Colleges
作者 Wang Qiuyuan 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第7期55-57,共3页
It is the inevitable requirement to emphasize applied talents training in modem society when the economy and society are under rapid development, during which the local colleges are obliged to undertake this significa... It is the inevitable requirement to emphasize applied talents training in modem society when the economy and society are under rapid development, during which the local colleges are obliged to undertake this significant responsibility. Taking the training of applied talents as the core during the teaching and education is the important step taken by local colleges in Jilin to adapt to the social demands. The quality of the talents would directly influence the contributions made to the society by local colleges and its own sustainable development. Nowadays, the local colleges in Jilin should reinforce their efforts in the training of applied talents and deepen the reform comprehensively from the educational concepts, training programs and teaching courses so as to effectively realize the teaching objectives of the training on applied talents. 展开更多
关键词 local colleges applied talents TRAINING RESEARCH
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