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高盐浓度处理对水稻苗期生长的影响 被引量:8
作者 方先文 张所兵 +1 位作者 王艳平 林静 《江苏农业科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第3期69-71,共3页
选用46份耐盐水稻种质,于2叶1心期进行高浓度盐胁迫,处理21 d后,调查出叶速率、根长、苗高、秧苗的鲜重及绿色叶片数的变化,研究高盐浓度处理对水稻苗期生长的影响。结果表明,水稻苗期植株受盐分胁迫后,与对照相比,秧苗的出叶速率降低... 选用46份耐盐水稻种质,于2叶1心期进行高浓度盐胁迫,处理21 d后,调查出叶速率、根长、苗高、秧苗的鲜重及绿色叶片数的变化,研究高盐浓度处理对水稻苗期生长的影响。结果表明,水稻苗期植株受盐分胁迫后,与对照相比,秧苗的出叶速率降低、根长变长、高度降低、鲜重降低、绿色叶片数减少,但不同品种对高盐胁迫的反应不完全相同。 展开更多
关键词 水稻 高盐处理 苗期生长 影响
作者 杨舒程 赵增兵 +2 位作者 杨炳祺 成兰兴 柴勇利 《化学工程师》 CAS 2024年第3期96-98,103,共4页
用真空膜渗透结晶工艺对高盐废水进行处理,对比了操作温度、进水流量、进水温度和膜使用次数对高盐废水除盐率的影响。实验结果显示,当操作温度为75~80℃、进水流量为65L·h^(-1)、进水温度为39℃时,高盐废水除盐效果最好,除盐率可... 用真空膜渗透结晶工艺对高盐废水进行处理,对比了操作温度、进水流量、进水温度和膜使用次数对高盐废水除盐率的影响。实验结果显示,当操作温度为75~80℃、进水流量为65L·h^(-1)、进水温度为39℃时,高盐废水除盐效果最好,除盐率可达97%以上,且膜重复使用10次以内对高盐废水除盐率基本没有影响,为其在处理高盐废水上的应用进一步实现工业化过程提供了基础理论支持。 展开更多
关键词 高盐废水处理 真空膜渗透结晶 膜结晶 除盐
作者 张静秋 齐鹏 +5 位作者 闫禹辰 邓龙 贾飞 蒋石权 夏星 齐树华 《中国水运》 2024年第2期90-92,共3页
随着船舶及海上平台生活污水排放标准的提高,对现有电化学处理技术提出了更高的技术要求。本文结合船舶及海上平台生活污水的排放特点、性质和指标,探讨了海水电解和絮凝处理生活污水中化学需氧量(COD)、总磷、总氮、氨氮、臭味和微生... 随着船舶及海上平台生活污水排放标准的提高,对现有电化学处理技术提出了更高的技术要求。本文结合船舶及海上平台生活污水的排放特点、性质和指标,探讨了海水电解和絮凝处理生活污水中化学需氧量(COD)、总磷、总氮、氨氮、臭味和微生物的氧化消除机理,电解还原去除有毒亚硝基二甲胺和卤代有机物反应历程,确定了电解与絮凝的合理工艺路线;从电化学原理和活性自由基产生方法出发,提出电化学法处理生活污水提效、降耗的技术途径。 展开更多
关键词 高盐生活污水处理 电化学法 船舶及海上平台 技术改进 次氯酸
煤化工高盐废水处理及资源化回收进展 被引量:5
作者 孙晋琳 刘红丽 +2 位作者 杨伟 覃一洲 刘镇铭 《现代盐化工》 2019年第4期1-2,共2页
随着大型煤化工企业污水排放与环境保护矛盾日益突出,再加上就近水体流域纳污能力接近饱和,顺应时代发展要求的绿色GDP理念被推出。煤化工企业不得不一次又一次挑战与攻克高盐废水资源化利用的技术性难题,以应对环保压力。当前,高盐废... 随着大型煤化工企业污水排放与环境保护矛盾日益突出,再加上就近水体流域纳污能力接近饱和,顺应时代发展要求的绿色GDP理念被推出。煤化工企业不得不一次又一次挑战与攻克高盐废水资源化利用的技术性难题,以应对环保压力。当前,高盐废水处理技术虽然已有较为成熟的经验,但是可资源化回收和利用高盐废水还有很多难点要突破。 展开更多
关键词 煤化工 高盐废水处理 回收利用
煤化工高盐废水处理及资源化利用技术 被引量:2
作者 李卿 《化工设计通讯》 CAS 2018年第11期15-15,17,共2页
目前国家环保政策收紧,加上就近水体流域纳污能力接近饱和,生产排污许可行政审批越来越严格,大型煤化工企业不得不新建零排放项目,应对环保压力。虽然污水零排放已有成功运行案例,但是只是污水零排放,真正副产盐的资源化利用还有很长的... 目前国家环保政策收紧,加上就近水体流域纳污能力接近饱和,生产排污许可行政审批越来越严格,大型煤化工企业不得不新建零排放项目,应对环保压力。虽然污水零排放已有成功运行案例,但是只是污水零排放,真正副产盐的资源化利用还有很长的路要走,目前零排放投资大,能耗高,也是企业不能承受之重。 展开更多
关键词 煤化工 高盐废水处理 资源化利用
医药化工高盐废水处理技术的应用探讨 被引量:5
作者 洪方悦 陈甜甜 《环境与发展》 2019年第4期83-84,共2页
工业是我国经济体系中重要部分,而医药化工随着经济增长,所产生的废料也在迅猛增加。医药化工在生产时,会有许多酸碱性物料投入使用,从而使得一些无机盐与毒害物质以废水的形式排出,但如今对于废水的处理还是较多难点。基于此,本文对医... 工业是我国经济体系中重要部分,而医药化工随着经济增长,所产生的废料也在迅猛增加。医药化工在生产时,会有许多酸碱性物料投入使用,从而使得一些无机盐与毒害物质以废水的形式排出,但如今对于废水的处理还是较多难点。基于此,本文对医药化工高盐废水的现状进行阐述,并对其处理技术进行分析,以期为医药化工废水的处理提供借鉴方案。 展开更多
关键词 医药化工 高盐废水处理 技术应用
机械蒸汽再压缩技术在高盐废水处理中的应用与发展 被引量:6
作者 王建 夏兴洪 周红 《机械管理开发》 2016年第1期93-95,116,共4页
关键词 机械蒸汽再压缩技术 高盐废水处理 应用 发展
膜技术在煤化工高盐废水处理中的应用与发展前景 被引量:4
作者 高卓凡 《煤质技术》 2021年第2期14-19,共6页
随着我国煤化工产业的高速发展,工业废水的无害化处理成为煤化工行业亟待解决的一大难题。膜技术由于其具有不易相变、适应性强、分离性能强、低能耗与可持续发展等优点,已在煤化工工业废水处理中实现部分应用,但针对高盐废水的无害化... 随着我国煤化工产业的高速发展,工业废水的无害化处理成为煤化工行业亟待解决的一大难题。膜技术由于其具有不易相变、适应性强、分离性能强、低能耗与可持续发展等优点,已在煤化工工业废水处理中实现部分应用,但针对高盐废水的无害化处理仍面临重大挑战。随着我国“十二五”规划的实施,膜技术的研发和产业化被予以专项支持并大力推广,膜技术在煤化工高盐废水综合治理领域显现出巨大的发展前景。从煤化工高盐废水的来源与成分、处理技术及其面临的问题两个方面简单介绍我国煤化工高盐废水处理现状,并从正渗透膜技术、反渗透膜技术、膜蒸馏技术、渗透汽化膜技术等方面梳理了国内外膜技术在高盐废水处理方面的进展,以期为膜技术在煤化工高盐废水处理中的应用研究提供参考。目前国内外的研究表明正渗透、反渗透、膜蒸馏和渗透汽化膜技术在处理高含盐废水上均展现出卓越的应用与发展前景,但在煤化工工艺实际应用方面仍存在不足之处,指出今后应进一步对膜材料与膜组件防污、防腐蚀性能及清洗技术进行研究,开发多种膜处理技术的综合治理工艺并研究协同工艺机理,寻求优势互补。 展开更多
关键词 膜技术 高盐废水处理 煤化工 综合治理 正渗透 反渗透 膜蒸馏 渗透汽化
作者 陈磊 孙磊 《广东化工》 CAS 2011年第8期270-271,共2页
实验采用"ABR+SBR"工艺及耐高盐复合菌微生物技术处理硝基氯苯和对氨基苯酚的生产废水。结果显示在试验条件下,该技术对此种混合废水有良好的处理效果。废水中的COD、硝基酚等污染物去除率均在90%以上。整套工艺具有良好的经... 实验采用"ABR+SBR"工艺及耐高盐复合菌微生物技术处理硝基氯苯和对氨基苯酚的生产废水。结果显示在试验条件下,该技术对此种混合废水有良好的处理效果。废水中的COD、硝基酚等污染物去除率均在90%以上。整套工艺具有良好的经济效益。 展开更多
关键词 ABR SBR 高盐复合菌 硝基氯苯 对氨基苯酚 高盐废水处理
膜蒸馏结晶技术研究进展 被引量:1
作者 陈雨王飞 宋晓梅 +1 位作者 苑志华 周婷婷 《资源节约与环保》 2019年第4期6-8,共3页
近年,膜蒸馏技术由于其新颖的膜分离过程和潜在的应用前景受到了越来越多的关注。为了实现不同的分离效果,膜蒸馏和其它技术的耦合也得到了快速发展。膜蒸馏结晶是将膜分离和结晶有效结合的一项新技术,其原理是通过膜蒸馏去除料液中的溶... 近年,膜蒸馏技术由于其新颖的膜分离过程和潜在的应用前景受到了越来越多的关注。为了实现不同的分离效果,膜蒸馏和其它技术的耦合也得到了快速发展。膜蒸馏结晶是将膜分离和结晶有效结合的一项新技术,其原理是通过膜蒸馏去除料液中的溶剂,将料液浓缩至过饱和状态,其后在结晶器中结晶并分离晶体的过程。膜蒸馏结晶技术作为一项具有广阔应用前景的技术,越来越受到重视。然而,现阶段膜蒸馏结晶技术还存在诸多问题,这在一定程度上阻碍了其规模化应用。本文详细介绍了膜蒸馏结晶技术的原理、研究进展及应用现状,探讨了膜蒸馏结晶技术的经济性,并指出了该技术存在的局限性和可能的发展方向,以期为膜蒸馏结晶技术的发展提供新思路。 展开更多
关键词 膜蒸馏结晶 废水零排放 卤水处理 高盐废水处理
Pretreatment of hypersaline mustard wastewater with integrated bioreactor 被引量:3
作者 何强 张婷婷 +3 位作者 柴宏祥 杨士伟 周健 杜国军 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第6期1673-1678,共6页
A full-scale experimental study of treating mustard wastewater by the integrated bioreactor with designed scale of 1 000 m3/d is conducted combined with a demonstration project. The systematical researches on the effi... A full-scale experimental study of treating mustard wastewater by the integrated bioreactor with designed scale of 1 000 m3/d is conducted combined with a demonstration project. The systematical researches on the efficiency of combined operation conditions of anaerobic-aerobic and anaerobic-aerobic-flocculation as well as chemical phosphorus removal of hypersaline mustard wastewater are conducted. The optimal operation condition and parameters in pretreatment of mustard wastewater in winter (the water temperature ranges 8-15 ~C) are determined: the anaerobic load is 3.0 kg (COD)/(m3.d), the average COD and phosphate concentration of the inflow are respectively 3 883 mg/L and 35.53 mg/L and the dosage of flocculent (PAC) is 400 mg/L. The anaerobic-aerobic-flocculation combined operation condition and postpositive phosphorous removal with ferrous sulfate are employed. After treatment, the COD of the effluent is 470 mg/L and the average phosphate concentration is 5.09 mg/L. The effluent could achieve the third-level of Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard (GB 8978--1996). 展开更多
关键词 mustard wastewater aerobic treatment anaerobic treatment integrated bioreactor chemical phosphorus removal
阳离子交换膜在高盐废水处理中的应用 被引量:2
作者 李明 李建军 《装备维修技术》 2020年第6期414-414,共1页
离子交换膜分离技术是一种常用的技术,许多相关人员对该项技术进行了深度.离子交换膜表面包含特有基团,具有分离和选择特质,还具有节能和高效环保等优势,因此被广泛应用在海水脱盐和工业废水回收利用等领域。本文对阳离子交换膜在高盐... 离子交换膜分离技术是一种常用的技术,许多相关人员对该项技术进行了深度.离子交换膜表面包含特有基团,具有分离和选择特质,还具有节能和高效环保等优势,因此被广泛应用在海水脱盐和工业废水回收利用等领域。本文对阳离子交换膜在高盐废水处理中的应用进行分析。 展开更多
关键词 阳离子交换膜 高盐废水处理 应用
作者 施琳 佟昌慈 +1 位作者 丛培芳 柳云恩 《中国微生态学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2021年第4期416-419,共4页
目的探讨高盐预处理的幽门螺杆菌(H.pylori)对胃黏膜的损伤作用。方法将30%高盐预处理前后的胃癌来源的H.pylori菌株(4854)灌胃蒙古沙土鼠(MGs),在灌胃后13、26和73周解剖动物,通过组织病理学检查、免疫组化染色和黏膜厚度测量,探讨高... 目的探讨高盐预处理的幽门螺杆菌(H.pylori)对胃黏膜的损伤作用。方法将30%高盐预处理前后的胃癌来源的H.pylori菌株(4854)灌胃蒙古沙土鼠(MGs),在灌胃后13、26和73周解剖动物,通过组织病理学检查、免疫组化染色和黏膜厚度测量,探讨高盐预处理的H.pylori对胃黏膜的损伤作用。结果与未加盐预处理的相应菌株相比,高盐预处理组小鼠的慢性炎症、黏膜变性/坏死、腺体萎缩伴肠上皮化生的发生率较低,黏膜糜烂/溃疡和黏膜上皮增生的发生率较高,差异均有统计学意义(t=8.325 6,P=0.040 8)。第73周,高盐预处理4854菌株组胃体和胃窦黏膜增生显著高于未加盐预处理组(t=12.802 4,P=0.035 1;t=16.536 0,P=0.043 8)。结论高盐预处理改变了H.pylori的体内致病性,有助于阐明H.pylori感染与高盐饮食在胃病中的相互作用模式。 展开更多
关键词 幽门螺杆菌 高盐处理 肥大细胞瘤 胃黏膜损伤 黏膜相关淋巴组织淋巴瘤
Impact of salinity on treatment of saline wastewater by sequencing batch biofilm reactor process 被引量:4
作者 卢杰 闫雪 +2 位作者 马艳飞 田彩星 丁金城 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第5期1989-1994,共6页
High salinity industrial wastewater is difficult to treat using biological treatment system because of the high concentrations of salt.The potential of a sequencing batch biofilm reactor(SBBR)process in treating synth... High salinity industrial wastewater is difficult to treat using biological treatment system because of the high concentrations of salt.The potential of a sequencing batch biofilm reactor(SBBR)process in treating synthetic high salinity wastewater was evaluated at laboratory scale during a 110-day operation.The reactor was operated in a 12 h cycle,and each cycle consisted of 0.25 h influent addition,8 h aeration,3 h anoxic reaction,0.5 h sedimentation and 0.25 h effluent withdrawal.Gradual increase in salinity gradient was applied during the acclimatization period.The acclimated SBBR system was demonstrated to be an effective process to remove organic compounds and ammonia nitrogen under high salinity conditions with chemical oxygen demand(COD)and ammonia nitrogen(NH3-N)removal efficiencies of 88% and 80%,respectively.The microscopic examination indicated that rather than rotifers or vorticella,the zoogloea,filamentous fungus mingled with a small quantity of swimming infusorians were dominant bacteria in SBBR system.The removal efficiencies close to 80% in COD and 75% in NH3-N were achieved at an organic loading rate(OLR)of 0.96 kg COD/(m3·d),pH of 7.0,salinity of 14 g/L and NH3-N of 30 mg/L. 展开更多
关键词 sequencing batch biofilm reactor saline wastewater microscopic examination sludge acclimation salinity shock
Evapotranspiration and Removal Performance in the Treatment of High Salinity LandfilI-Leachate Using HSF
作者 Tokuo Yano Kazuhiro Yamada +3 位作者 Masatomo Nakayama Akiko Inoue-kohama Shinya Sato Keijiro Enari 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2016年第9期440-450,共11页
In this study, the water budget in the treatment of high salinity landfill-leachate was estimated and the influence of evapotranspiration (ET) on treatment performance was investigated. The salinity of the inside of... In this study, the water budget in the treatment of high salinity landfill-leachate was estimated and the influence of evapotranspiration (ET) on treatment performance was investigated. The salinity of the inside of horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland (HSF) of the raw leachate inflow was 15.0± 3.4 g.Cl/L which was in the level of the salinity of the survival limit of reed, and that of the double diluted leachate inflow was 9.3 ± 1.9 g.CI7L. There were large differences in the vegetation between HSF of the raw leachate inflow and that of the double diluted leachate inflow. The dense vegetation bed of double diluted leachate inflow during the growing season (April-October) provided a high ET and a large water loss, which made great contributions to the reduction of the outflow load of COD and T-N. The HSF with die-back reeds in the non-growing season (November-March) provided a slight ET and a small water loss and made less of a contribution to pollutant removal compared to the HSF with dense vegetation bed during the growing season. However, the HSF with die-back reeds during the non-growing season exhibited higher removal performance than the unplanted HSF. 展开更多
关键词 EVAPOTRANSPIRATION HSF high salinity landfill-leachate removal performance water budget.
Solar Photochemical Pre-Treatment for Sulphurous Ground Water Purification Process
作者 Tonahtiuh Rendon Femando Hernandez Juan Castillo 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2011年第9期793-798,共6页
The sulfurous water deposit exploitation in volcanic, swamp, or wetland regions, represents an alternative option for potable water supply in cities and communities around the world. However, before its consumption, i... The sulfurous water deposit exploitation in volcanic, swamp, or wetland regions, represents an alternative option for potable water supply in cities and communities around the world. However, before its consumption, it must be treated by the application of physicochemical or biological methods with the ability to separate high contents in sulfates, hydrogen sulphite and sulphides which have laxative, allergic and toxic properties in humans. Conventional methods require the supply of chemical compounds or the adequate control of different parameters such as pH, temperature, etc., and the constant maintenance within their reactors. For these reasons, the systems could have elevated operating costs and require additional steps to enable the treatment of its separated products and the final disposal of its residual waste generated. In this research, compound parabolic collectors are implemented for the use of solar energy radiation, UV-B type, in Solar Advanced Oxidation Processes in H2O2/O3/UVsolar homogeneous phase. Its application during the pre-treatment of four sulfur water wells from the region of Puebla, Mexico, demonstrated its ability to transform their sulfur compounds in sulfates of easy removal by a later stage of reverse osmosis, in an approximately 15 min treatment time process. 展开更多
关键词 Solar homogeneous advanced oxidation processes sulphurous ground water treatment complex parabolic concentrator.
Dynamics and Availability of Different Pools of Manganese in Semiarid Soils as Affected by Cropping System and Fertilization 被引量:5
作者 WANG Shuzhuan WEI Xiaorong HAO Mingde 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第3期351-361,共11页
Manganese(Mn) deficiencies are common in soils on the Loess Plateau of China. This research provided essential information on improving Mn availability in semiarid soils through agricultural practices. Twelve cropping... Manganese(Mn) deficiencies are common in soils on the Loess Plateau of China. This research provided essential information on improving Mn availability in semiarid soils through agricultural practices. Twelve cropping system and fertilization treatments were designed in a 28-year experiment. The cropping systems included long-term fallow, continuous winter wheat cropping, pea(1 year)-winter wheat(2 years)-millet(1 year) rotation(crop-legume rotation) cropping, and continuous alfalfa cropping. The fertilizer treatments under the cropping systems included no-fertilizer control(CK), application of P fertilizer(P), application of N and P fertilizers(NP), and application of N and P fertilizers and manure(NPM), but the NP treatment was excluded in the continuous alfalfa cropping system. Available Mn and Mn fractions of soil samples(0–20 and 20–40 cm depths) were measured and further analyzed quantitatively using path analyses. Results showed that the crop-legume rotation and continuous alfalfa cropping systems significantly increased available Mn compared with the fallow soil. Compared with the no-fertilizer control, manure application increased available Mn in soil of the continuous wheat cropping system. Across all treatments, the averaged content of mineral-, oxide-, carbonateand organic matter-bound and exchangeable Mn accounted for 42.08%, 38.59%, 10.05%, 4.59%, and 0.09% of the total Mn in soil,respectively. Cropping significantly increased exchangeable Mn in soil and the highest increase was 185.7% in the continuous wheat cropping system at 0–20 cm depth, compared with the fallow soil. Fertilization generally increased exchangeable and carbonate-bound Mn in soil. Carbonate-bound Mn was the main and direct source of available Mn in soil, followed by exchangeable and organic matterbound Mn. These results indicated that crop-legume rotation cropping, continuous alfalfa cropping and application of manure, have the potential to promote Mn availability in soils of rainfed farmlands. 展开更多
关键词 available Mn crop-legume rotation micronutrient Mn availability Mn deficiency Mn fraction the Loess Plateau trace element
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