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哈尔滨市高空气候变暖变化分析 被引量:4
作者 张金峰 张丽娟 +1 位作者 李文亮 郑红 《灾害学》 CSCD 2010年第2期41-44,共4页
依据哈尔滨市1970-2005年的探空资料,采用线性模拟、相关和回归等分析方法,对哈尔滨市35年来地面及高空气候的变化进行分析和预测。研究结果认为:①哈尔滨市对流层中下层、平流层下层气候变化明显,对流层中下层气候变暖变湿,且对流层下... 依据哈尔滨市1970-2005年的探空资料,采用线性模拟、相关和回归等分析方法,对哈尔滨市35年来地面及高空气候的变化进行分析和预测。研究结果认为:①哈尔滨市对流层中下层、平流层下层气候变化明显,对流层中下层气候变暖变湿,且对流层下层经向风速变小,年平均风速也变小,其中值得关注的是温度升高可延伸到400hPa,比湿增加也从地面延伸到400hPa;②建立了二氧化碳与水汽之间的关系方程,二氧化碳增加,水汽含量也随之增加,二氧化碳每增加一个单位,水汽就增加0.011g/kg;③各层次温度与比湿存在线性关系,水汽对各层次温度所起到的增加作用,随高度的增加增温效果越明显。 展开更多
关键词 高空气候 变暖趋势 哈尔滨
作者 陈芳 马英芳 殷万秀 《青海气象》 2008年第1期2-6,共5页
根据青海省7个探空站1970~2001年的探测资料,主要对高空对流层中上部、平流层底部的高度和温度进行异常、突变等研究。30多年来,对流层高度、温度的正异常站次多于负异常站次,1970~1986年负异常比例较大,1987~2001年正异常比例较大;2... 根据青海省7个探空站1970~2001年的探测资料,主要对高空对流层中上部、平流层底部的高度和温度进行异常、突变等研究。30多年来,对流层高度、温度的正异常站次多于负异常站次,1970~1986年负异常比例较大,1987~2001年正异常比例较大;20世纪80年代中后期温度、高度均发生由低向高的突变;对流层年平均高度和温度的年代际变化趋势不尽相同,但总体上对流层增暖,高度抬升;秋冬季500hPa高空温度分型情况一致,区域特征比较明显。平流层温度负异常站次多于正异常站次,高度负异常站次少于正异常站次,高度变化呈上升趋势,温度呈降温趋势。 展开更多
关键词 高空气候 异常 突变 区域特征
基于高空与地面观测的阿克苏河流域气候水文要素变化分析 被引量:5
作者 王志成 方功焕 +3 位作者 张辉 李万江 陈亚宁 周洪华 《气候变化研究进展》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第1期1-10,共10页
本研究基于地面和高空资料,分析了阿克苏河流域1960—2015年的气候和水文变化特征,并探讨了高空气候变量在径流反演中的作用。结果表明,在全球变化背景下,阿克苏河流域地表温度呈显著升高趋势,线性倾向率为0.18℃/10a(-0.09~0.43℃/10a)... 本研究基于地面和高空资料,分析了阿克苏河流域1960—2015年的气候和水文变化特征,并探讨了高空气候变量在径流反演中的作用。结果表明,在全球变化背景下,阿克苏河流域地表温度呈显著升高趋势,线性倾向率为0.18℃/10a(-0.09~0.43℃/10a);流域降水总体呈增加趋势,增加速率为10.42 mm/10a(2.23~21.11 mm/10a)。阿拉木图、伊宁和库车3个高空探测站的0℃层高度总体呈上升趋势。相对于1960—1989年,1990—2015年3个站的0℃层高度分别增加了88.9 m、29.4 m和7.2 m。联合使用地面气温、降水和高空0°层高度资料,能显著提高阿克苏河流域夏季流量反演效果。 展开更多
关键词 气候变化 高空气候 0℃层高度 阿克苏河流域
气候变化对和田河夏季平均流量的影响 被引量:4
作者 玉苏甫.阿布都拉 程鹏 +1 位作者 马宏武 王永莉 《新疆气象》 2006年第3期8-10,共3页
选择和田河流域作为和田地区水资源的典型代表,和田河流域代表站和田市气象站1961~2004年的夏季高空500~300hPa气温、0℃层高度资料、和田河上游(乌鲁瓦提和同古孜洛克站)水文资料,分析了和田河流域夏季高空气温、0℃层平均高度和夏... 选择和田河流域作为和田地区水资源的典型代表,和田河流域代表站和田市气象站1961~2004年的夏季高空500~300hPa气温、0℃层高度资料、和田河上游(乌鲁瓦提和同古孜洛克站)水文资料,分析了和田河流域夏季高空气温、0℃层平均高度和夏季流量的年际线性趋势变化。结果表明:近44a来和田河流域夏季高空500~300hPa平均气温和0℃层高度呈下降趋势,倾向率分别为-0.322℃/10a、-32.42gpm/10a;夏季流量也呈下降趋势,其倾向率为-7.26m3s-1/10a。和田河流域夏季高空500~300hPa平均气温和0℃层高度的下降等高空气候变化是和田河夏季流量减少的主要原因。 展开更多
关键词 高空气候变化 0℃层高度 夏季流量变化 和田河
作者 郭定泰 《外语学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 1994年第3期56-57,共2页
关于十七卷本《现代俄罗斯标准语词典》的修订郭定泰从70年代起苏联科学院曾对十七卷本《现代俄罗斯标准语词典》的修订和新编科学院大词典问题进行过激烈的讨论,之后决定修订并再版大小科学院词典,即十七卷本和四卷本,而推迟编写... 关于十七卷本《现代俄罗斯标准语词典》的修订郭定泰从70年代起苏联科学院曾对十七卷本《现代俄罗斯标准语词典》的修订和新编科学院大词典问题进行过激烈的讨论,之后决定修订并再版大小科学院词典,即十七卷本和四卷本,而推迟编写新科学院词典的任务。小科学院词典已... 展开更多
关键词 俄罗斯标准 词典 动物名词 自动驾驶仪 科学院 高空气候 词的语义结构 语义修辞 小科学 气喘病患者
《高原山地气象研究》 1990年第1期31-31,共1页
关键词 高空气候 船舶观测
Projection of the East Asian westerly jet under six global warming targets 被引量:2
作者 FU Yuanhai GUO Dong 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2020年第2期129-135,共7页
This study investigates the projected changes in the East Asian westerly jet(EAJ)under six global warming targets(1.5℃,2.0℃,2.5℃,3.0℃,3.5℃,and 4.0℃)relative to the present climate,using the outputs of CMIP5 mode... This study investigates the projected changes in the East Asian westerly jet(EAJ)under six global warming targets(1.5℃,2.0℃,2.5℃,3.0℃,3.5℃,and 4.0℃)relative to the present climate,using the outputs of CMIP5 models.The results show that the westerly tends to weaken slightly under the 1.5℃warming target.Under the 2.0℃target,it is projected to intensify south of the EAJ’s axis(approximately 40°N)and decay north of the axis.This change becomes increasingly evident under the 2.5℃and higher warming targets,which suggests that the EAJ’s axis will move farther and farther southward,but its intensity will change little with increasing global warming.Further analyses suggest that the change in the EAJ is closely related to the inhomogeneous rising rate of air temperature in the mid–upper troposphere.The relatively slow-rising air temperature in the mid–upper troposphere over the EAJ’s entrance and exit regions will lead to a negative(positive)meridional temperature gradient to the south(north),and will then accelerate(decelerate)the westerly on the EAJ’s south/north side. 展开更多
关键词 Global warming target East Asian westerly jet CMIP5 climate change
Response of Biomass Spatial Pattern of Alpine Vegetation to Climate Change in Permafrost Region of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau,China 被引量:4
作者 ZHANG Yu WANG Genxu WANG Yibo 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2010年第4期301-314,共14页
Alpine ecosystems in permafrost region are extremely sensitive to climate changes.To determine spatial pattern variations in alpine meadow and alpine steppe biomass dynamics in the permafrost region of the Qinghai-Tib... Alpine ecosystems in permafrost region are extremely sensitive to climate changes.To determine spatial pattern variations in alpine meadow and alpine steppe biomass dynamics in the permafrost region of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau,China,calibrated with historical datasets of above-ground biomass production within the permafrost region's two main ecosystems,an ecosystem-biomass model was developed by employing empirical spatialdistribution models of the study region's precipitation,air temperature and soil temperature.This model was then successfully used to simulate the spatio-temporal variations in annual alpine ecosystem biomass production under climate change.For a 0.44°C decade-1 rise in air temperature,the model predicted that the biomasses of alpine meadow and alpine steppe remained roughly the same if annual precipitation increased by 8 mm per decade-1,but the biomasses were decreased by 2.7% and 2.4%,respectively if precipitation was constant.For a 2.2°C decade-1 rise in air temperature coupled with a 12 mm decade-1 rise in precipitation,the model predicted that the biomass of alpine meadow was unchanged or slightly increased,while that of alpine steppe was increased by 5.2%.However,in the absence of any rise in precipitation,the model predicted 6.8% and 4.6% declines in alpine meadow and alpine steppe biomasses,respectively.The response of alpine steppe biomass to the rising air temperatures and precipitation was significantly lesser and greater,respectively than that of alpine meadow biomass.A better understanding of the difference in alpine ecosystem biomass production under climate change is greatly significant with respect to the influence of climate change on the carbon and water cycles in the permafrost regions of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. 展开更多
关键词 Permafrost change Qinghai-TibetanPlateau Alpine ecosystem Grassland biomass Climate change Response model
探险家仿《飞屋环游记》 计划靠气球飞越大西洋
《新科幻·科学阅读》 2013年第2期55-55,共1页
你是否为电影《飞屋环游记》里为信守对爱妻的承诺,带着房屋一飞冲天的卡尔老先生感动过?在现实世界里,美国冒险家即将上演真人版《飞屋环游记》。据英国《每日邮报》11月16日报道,美国北卡罗莱纳州的探险家乔纳森.特拉普计划明年夏天乘... 你是否为电影《飞屋环游记》里为信守对爱妻的承诺,带着房屋一飞冲天的卡尔老先生感动过?在现实世界里,美国冒险家即将上演真人版《飞屋环游记》。据英国《每日邮报》11月16日报道,美国北卡罗莱纳州的探险家乔纳森.特拉普计划明年夏天乘"飞艇"从美国缅因州升空,飞越2500英里(约4023千米)宽的大西洋抵达法国巴黎。 展开更多
关键词 拉普 美国缅因州 美国北卡罗莱纳 高空气候 乔纳森 飞行高度 《每日邮报》 卫星通信设备 紧急着陆
Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Evapotranspiration and Its Influencing Factors on Qinghai-Tibet Plateau from 1982 to 2014 被引量:14
作者 CUI Mingyue WANG Junbang +2 位作者 WANG Shaoqiang YAN Hao LI Yingnian 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2019年第2期213-224,共12页
Evapotranspiration is the key driving factor of the earth’s water cycle, and an important component of surface water and energy balances. Therefore, it also reflects the geothermal regulation function of ecohydrologi... Evapotranspiration is the key driving factor of the earth’s water cycle, and an important component of surface water and energy balances. Therefore, it also reflects the geothermal regulation function of ecohydrological process. The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is the birthplace of important rivers such as the Yangtze River and the Yellow River. The regional water balance is of great significance to regional ecological security. In this study, ARTS, a dualsource remote sensing evapotranspiration model developed on a global scale, is used to evaluate the actual evapotranspiration(ET) in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau from 1982 to 2014, using meteorological data interpolated from observations, as well as FPAR and LAI data obtained by satellite remote sensing. The characteristics of seasonal. interannual and dynamic changes of evapotranspiration were analyzed. The rates at which meteorological factors contribute to evapotranspiration are calculated by sensitivity analysis and multiple linear regression analysis,and the dominant factors affecting the change of evapotranspiration in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau are discussed.The results show that:(1) The estimated values can explain more than 80% of the seasonal variation of the observed values(R^2 = 0.80, P < 0.001), which indicates that the model has a high accuracy.(2) The evapotranspiration in the whole year, spring, summer and autumn show significant increasing trends in the past 30 years, but have significant regional differences. Whether in the whole year or in summer, the southern Tibetan Valley shows a significant decreasing trend(more than 20 mm per 10 years), while the Ali, Lhasa Valley and Haibei areas show increasing trends(more than 10 mm per 10 years).(3) Sensitivity analysis and multiple linear regression analysis show that the main factor driving the interannual change trend is climate warming, followed by the non-significant increase of precipitation. However, vegetation change also has a considerable impact, and together with climate factors, it can explain 56% of the interannual variation of evapotranspiration(multiple linear regression equation R^2= 0.56, P < 0.001). The mean annual evapotranspiration of low-cover grassland was 26.9% of high-cover grassland and 21.1% of medium-cover grassland, respectively. Considering significant warming and insignificant wetting in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the increase of surface evapotranspiration will threaten the regional ecological security at the cost of glacial melting water. Effectively protecting the ecological security and maintaining the sustainable development of regional society are difficult and huge challenges. 展开更多
关键词 EVAPOTRANSPIRATION Qinghai-Tibet Plateau climatic factors spatial and temporal distribution
Spatial distribution of surface energy fluxes over the Loess Plateau in China and its relationship with climate and the environment 被引量:6
作者 ZHANG Qiang ZHANG Liang +3 位作者 HUANG Jing ZHANG LiYang WANG WenYu SHA Sha 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第9期2135-2147,共13页
China's Loess Plateau is located at the edge of the Asian summer monsoon in a transition zone of climate and ecology. In the Loess Plateau, climate and environments change along with space, which has an obvious im... China's Loess Plateau is located at the edge of the Asian summer monsoon in a transition zone of climate and ecology. In the Loess Plateau, climate and environments change along with space, which has an obvious impact on the spatial distribution of surface energy fluxes. Because of scarce land-surface observation sites and short observation time in this area, previous studies have failed to fully understand the land-surface energy balance characteristics over the entire the Loess Plateau and their effect mechanisms. In this paper, we first test the simulation ability of the Community Land Model(CLM) model by comparing its simulated data with observed data. Based on the simulation data for the Loess Plateau over the past thirty years, we then analyze the spatial distribution of surface energy fluxes and compare the pattern differences between the area averages for the driest year and wettest year. Furthermore, we analyze the relationship between the spatial distribution of the components of the surface energy balance with longitude, latitude, altitude, precipitation and temperature. The main results are as follows: the spatial distribution of surface energy fluxes are significantly different, with the surface net radiation and sensible heat flux increasing from south to north and latent heat flux and soil heat flux decreasing from southeast to northwest. The sensible heat flux at the driest point is nearly twice as high as that at the wettest point, whereas the latent heat flux and soil heat flux at the driest point are half as much as that at the wettest point. The impact of variations of annual precipitation on the components of the surface energy balance is also obvious, and the maximum magnitude of the changes to the sensible heat flux and latent heat flux is nearly 30%. To a certain extent, geographical factors(including longitude, latitude, and altitude) and climate factors(including temperature and precipitation) affect the surface energy fluxes. However, the surface net radiation is more closely related to latitude and altitude, sensible heat flux is more closely related to the monsoon rainfall and latitude, and latent heat flux and soil heat flux are more closely related to the monsoon rainfall. 展开更多
关键词 Loess Plateau components of surface energy balance spatial distribution climatic and geographical factors effect mechanism
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