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作者 郭业才 赵俊渭 陈华伟 《系统工程与电子技术》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2003年第4期405-408,共4页
为了综合考虑高阶累积量各种切片抑制高斯噪声的性能,定义了加权高阶累积量切片,并给出了加权高阶累积量切片符号联合迭代公式,得到了基于加权高阶累积量切片的自适应谱线增强新算法。对该算法增强水下目标辐射的非线性调频信号的效果... 为了综合考虑高阶累积量各种切片抑制高斯噪声的性能,定义了加权高阶累积量切片,并给出了加权高阶累积量切片符号联合迭代公式,得到了基于加权高阶累积量切片的自适应谱线增强新算法。对该算法增强水下目标辐射的非线性调频信号的效果进行了仿真研究。仿真结果表明:该算法能抑制大约18dB~28dB的高斯色噪声;调整高阶累积量切片的加权系数,可获得抑制高斯色噪声的最佳效果。在工程实践中,具有重要的指导意义和实用价值。 展开更多
关键词 加权累积量切片 加权系数 自适应谱线增强算法 非线性调频信号
基于时空高阶累积量与各向异性背景抑制的红外弱小目标检测算法 被引量:4
作者 潘良 邱建林 《电子测量与仪器学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第11期118-124,共7页
为了改善弱小目标的检测准确度,设计了时空高阶累积量耦合各向异性背景抑制的红外弱小目标检测算法。首先,根据红外图像的边缘停止函数,考虑弱小目标与背景的差异,构建各向异性背景抑制方案,以弱化背景干扰;随后,基于传统的高阶累积量,... 为了改善弱小目标的检测准确度,设计了时空高阶累积量耦合各向异性背景抑制的红外弱小目标检测算法。首先,根据红外图像的边缘停止函数,考虑弱小目标与背景的差异,构建各向异性背景抑制方案,以弱化背景干扰;随后,基于传统的高阶累积量,考虑空域特性,利用弱小目标的运动能量来建立一种时空高阶累积量方案,对背景抑制结果中的候选目标进行增强处理;最后,引入尺度空间理论,计算弱小目标的直径,以此改进了管道滤波方案,以充分消除伪目标,从而准确检测弱小目标。测试数据表明,相对于已有的红外目标检测方案,在噪声与杂波环境下,所提方案可以准确地识别出真实目标,具有更高的信杂比增益与背景抑制因子,呈现出更好的ROC曲线。 展开更多
关键词 红外弱小目标检测 各向异性背景抑制 时空累积 边缘停止函数 尺度空间 管道滤波 信杂比增益
不同基因型冬小麦镉累积差异及其与根系形态的关系 被引量:9
作者 肖亚涛 吴海卿 +4 位作者 李中阳 樊向阳 朱东海 吴大付 任秀娟 《水土保持学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第6期276-280,286,共6页
为了探讨不同冬小麦品种对镉吸收的差异性及其与根系形态的关系,利用水培试验研究不同浓度Cd处理下籽粒镉含量较高的新麦9817(XM)和籽粒镉含量较低的洛优9909(LY)2个小麦品种吸收、累积镉的差异及其根系形态变化特征。结果表明:同一镉... 为了探讨不同冬小麦品种对镉吸收的差异性及其与根系形态的关系,利用水培试验研究不同浓度Cd处理下籽粒镉含量较高的新麦9817(XM)和籽粒镉含量较低的洛优9909(LY)2个小麦品种吸收、累积镉的差异及其根系形态变化特征。结果表明:同一镉浓度下,LY的生物量高于XM,且单株镉累积量高于XM,其对镉胁迫有更好的适应性。中高浓度镉(50,100μmol/L)处理下,LY根系中Cd含量高于XM,而Cd迁移系数低于XM。植株体内镉迁移系数低是造成小麦籽粒中Cd含量低的主要原因。低浓度镉(10μmol/L)胁迫对LY的粗根系的根长、根表面积、根体积有促进作用,XM则表现为抑制作用。中高浓度镉(50,100μmol/L)处理,对XM和LY根系均为抑制作用。XM植株体内镉累积量与根系总根长、根系表面积、根体积的相关系数分别为-0.868,-0.864,-0.838,均为极显著负相关;LY镉累积量与根系总长根系总根长、根系表面积、根体积均为极显著负相关,相关系数分别为-0.936,-0.933,-0.875。根系直径与镉累积量不存在相关关系。 展开更多
关键词 冬小麦 高累积 累积 根系形态
不同基因型冬小麦镉累积的器官差异及生产适用性研究 被引量:9
作者 肖亚涛 吴海卿 +4 位作者 李中阳 樊向阳 赵志娟 吴大付 任秀娟 《灌溉排水学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第9期61-64,共4页
在粮食安全前提下,将汽油桶埋入田间做微区处理模拟大田环境,研究了不同镉质量分数下筛选出的籽粒中含镉量高的冬小麦品种(XM、XM6)和含镉量低的冬小麦品种(YM和LY)器官中镉的分布差异及其农艺性状差异。结果表明,小麦器官中含... 在粮食安全前提下,将汽油桶埋入田间做微区处理模拟大田环境,研究了不同镉质量分数下筛选出的籽粒中含镉量高的冬小麦品种(XM、XM6)和含镉量低的冬小麦品种(YM和LY)器官中镉的分布差异及其农艺性状差异。结果表明,小麦器官中含镉量随着土壤中镉质量分数的增大而增大:镉质量分数为81.644mg/kg时,LY籽粒中含镉量超过XM和XM6;同一镉质量分数下,YM茎、叶和籽粒器官中含镉量均低于其他品种且农艺性状良好。镉质量分数为4.375~81.644mg/kg时,YM和LY籽粒中含镉量超过0.1mg/kg,不具有籽粒含镉量低的品种特性。 展开更多
关键词 冬小麦 高累积 累积 生产适用性
四川单季稻抽穗扬花期和灌浆结实期高温热害时空特征 被引量:15
作者 刘佳 陈超 +3 位作者 张玉芳 庞艳梅 陈东东 赖江 《中国农业气象》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第1期46-58,共13页
利用四川省84个气象观测站1961-2014年逐日平均气温、最高气温和日平均相对湿度等气象资料以及1981-2014年水稻空壳率数据,通过线性回归法、多项式回归法、Morlet小波分析等方法,分析水稻抽穗扬花期和灌浆结实期高温热害的时空变化规律... 利用四川省84个气象观测站1961-2014年逐日平均气温、最高气温和日平均相对湿度等气象资料以及1981-2014年水稻空壳率数据,通过线性回归法、多项式回归法、Morlet小波分析等方法,分析水稻抽穗扬花期和灌浆结实期高温热害的时空变化规律。结果表明:1961-2014年高温热害总次数呈上升趋势,不同等级热害发生次数的年际变化特点与总次数一致,尤以2000年后增幅显著,其中抽穗扬花期轻度热害和灌浆结实期重度热害的增幅最显著,这与气候变暖背景下,1990年以来水稻高温热害区域增多的趋势基本一致;不同生育期内各等级高温热害发生次数均有显著的周期震荡规律,方差值在16a、12a、4a时间尺度上均出现峰值,依据周期变化推测,2015年后高温热害将持续偏多。依据高温热害"山区少、盆地多"的分布特征,可将盆中浅丘区及盆南丘陵区划分为热害频发区,盆东岭谷区为热害偶发区,川西南山地为热害少发区。在气候变暖背景下,1990年以来不同等级高温热害均呈现发生频率增多,范围扩大,高发中心从平原向山地扩大的趋势。本研究实现了水稻高温热害监测产品由定性向定量化的转变,融合常规高温指标的动态监测,提高了空间分布的精细度,延长了研究的时效性,更具针对性和指导性。 展开更多
关键词 水稻 温热害指数 温热害累积指数 MORLET小波分析
基于热害累计指数的四川单季稻高温热害综合风险评价 被引量:4
作者 刘佳 卿清涛 +2 位作者 陈超 张玉芳 邹雨伽 《中国生态农业学报(中英文)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第9期1440-1452,共13页
高温热害是四川主要农业气象灾害之一,研究高温热害对水稻的风险区划,对保障水稻产量及农业可持续发展有重要意义。本文利用四川单季稻种植区1986-2015年气象观测资料、农业气象观测资料、社会统计资料以及基础地理信息资料,以单季稻生... 高温热害是四川主要农业气象灾害之一,研究高温热害对水稻的风险区划,对保障水稻产量及农业可持续发展有重要意义。本文利用四川单季稻种植区1986-2015年气象观测资料、农业气象观测资料、社会统计资料以及基础地理信息资料,以单季稻生育敏感期(抽穗扬花期和灌浆结实期)为研究时段,选取热害累积指数、地形、产量变异度、农村经济等因子,分别构建了危险性、脆弱性、暴露性和防灾减灾能力4个风险因子,利用灰色关联度方法构建了四川单季稻高温热害“四因子”风险评价模型并对种植区进行风险区划。结果显示,高风险区主要分布在盆东平行岭谷区、盆中浅丘区、盆周边缘山地区的西部,以及盆南丘陵区的南部,该类型区域地势平缓,高温热害频繁。中等风险区主要集中在盆西平丘区和川西南中山山地区,该类型区域灌溉条件优越,社会经济水平发达,应对高温热害风险水平较高。低风险区主要集中在川西南中山宽谷区以及盆周边缘山地区,该类型区域地形较复杂,水稻种植较少,受高温热害影响偏小。四川盆地单季稻高温热害风险存在显著地区差异,应根据各自区域的风险特征选用适合的品种和方式提高防灾减灾能力。 展开更多
关键词 四川盆地 单季稻 温热害累积指数 风险评价
我国持久性、生物累积性和毒性(PBT)化学物质评价研究 被引量:12
作者 王宏 杨霓云 +3 位作者 闫振广 余若祯 王一喆 刘征涛 《环境工程技术学报》 CAS 2011年第5期414-419,共6页
在综合分析美国、加拿大、英国、欧盟等国家和国际组织对PBT化学物质鉴别以及风险管理进展的基础上,重点探讨了我国应如何开展有关PBT化学物质的评价与控制的技术方法和管理对策。给出了我国PBT化学物质风险管理战略目标建议和我国PBT... 在综合分析美国、加拿大、英国、欧盟等国家和国际组织对PBT化学物质鉴别以及风险管理进展的基础上,重点探讨了我国应如何开展有关PBT化学物质的评价与控制的技术方法和管理对策。给出了我国PBT化学物质风险管理战略目标建议和我国PBT化学物质环境管理鉴别标准建议,并重点讨论了我国PBT新化学物质风险评价方法。 展开更多
关键词 持久性有机污染物(POPs) 持久性、生物累积性和毒性(PBT)化学物质 持久性和生物累积性(vPvB)化学物质 风险评估 风险管理 PBT鉴别标准 PBT评价
作者 郭业才 赵俊渭 +1 位作者 陈华伟 王峰 《声学与电子工程》 2002年第2期5-8,27,共5页
本文首先介绍了加权高阶累积量切片的概念,给出了加权混合高阶累积量的更新公式,提出了其自适应谱线增强算法,并用实测运动目标辐射噪声数据,对该算法的性能进行了仿真研究.仿真结果表明:该算法具有较强的抑制高斯有色噪声能力,能抑制大... 本文首先介绍了加权高阶累积量切片的概念,给出了加权混合高阶累积量的更新公式,提出了其自适应谱线增强算法,并用实测运动目标辐射噪声数据,对该算法的性能进行了仿真研究.仿真结果表明:该算法具有较强的抑制高斯有色噪声能力,能抑制大约13~23dB的高斯有色噪声;调整高阶累积量切片加权系数,可改善该算法抑制高斯有色噪声的性能. 展开更多
关键词 加权累积量切片 加权系数 自适应谱线增强算法 信号处理
持久性、生物累积性和毒性物质评价及管理情况概述 被引量:1
作者 乔婧 任昱 《化工安全与环境》 2022年第31期6-10,共5页
介绍了持久性(P)、生物累积性(B)和毒性(T)化学物质的概念及PBT/vPvB物质的危害,汇总了欧盟等多个国家对于PBT/vPvB类物质的评价标准和管理策略,重点讨论了《新化学物质环境管理登记办法》中关于PBT新物质的评价程序,并提出我国PBT类物... 介绍了持久性(P)、生物累积性(B)和毒性(T)化学物质的概念及PBT/vPvB物质的危害,汇总了欧盟等多个国家对于PBT/vPvB类物质的评价标准和管理策略,重点讨论了《新化学物质环境管理登记办法》中关于PBT新物质的评价程序,并提出我国PBT类物质的管理建议。 展开更多
关键词 持久性、生物累积性和毒性(PBT)化学物质 持久性和生物累积性(vPvB)化学物质 新化学物质 环境管理登记 PBT鉴别标准和评估程序
作者 凯瑟琳·张 黄光辉 《中国产经》 2024年第4期94-97,共4页
刻画股票市场记忆性作为检验市场有效性的重要途径,构造和估计表征记忆性的数量化指标成为研究焦点。本文基于投资者视角,构建了描述市场记忆特征的统计量,并利用历史成交数据回溯算法生成了低价位和高价位统计量。通过采用滑动窗口技... 刻画股票市场记忆性作为检验市场有效性的重要途径,构造和估计表征记忆性的数量化指标成为研究焦点。本文基于投资者视角,构建了描述市场记忆特征的统计量,并利用历史成交数据回溯算法生成了低价位和高价位统计量。通过采用滑动窗口技术分析2015年8月—2021年12月深圳综合指数等日数据,确定了最佳的记忆深度为89天和最佳的回测深度为11天。这有助于量化市场记忆,并为市场有效性的评估提供指标。 展开更多
关键词 股票价格 低价位累积统计量 记忆深度 回测深度 滑动窗口
Effects of Application Modes of Potassium Fertilizer on Sorghum Grain Yield and Dry Matter Accumulation
作者 周紫阳 马英慧 +4 位作者 王江红 李光华 石贵山 刘海楼 王鼐 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第8期1885-1888,共4页
[Objective] This study was conducted to investigate the effects of application modes of potassium fertilizer on sorghum grain yield and dry matter accumulation. [Method] Sorghum hybrids Jiza 305 and Jiza 87 were used ... [Objective] This study was conducted to investigate the effects of application modes of potassium fertilizer on sorghum grain yield and dry matter accumulation. [Method] Sorghum hybrids Jiza 305 and Jiza 87 were used as materials, and four treatments were designed (Ko: applying potassium at 0 kg/hm^2, K1: applying potassium as base fertilizer at 120 kg/hm^2, K2: applying potassium as base fertilizer at 90 kg/hm^2 and as additional fertilizer at 30 kg/hm^2, and K3: applying potassium as base fertilizer at 60 kg/hm^2 and as additional fertilizer at 60 kg/hm^2) to investigate the effects of application modes of potassium fertilizer on dry matter accumulation and grain yield, so as to determine the best application mode of potassium fertilizer. [Result] The results showed that after the application of potassium, the leaf area, dry matter accumulation, grain starch content, yield and economic coefficient of sorghum plants were improved. The leaf area values of the two sorghum cultivars showed the order of K0〈K1〈K2〈K3. The economic coefficients were in order of K0〈 K3〈K2〈K1. The amounts of dry matter accumulation, grain starch contents and grain yields showed the order of K0〈K3〈K1〈K2. For Jiza 305, the grain yields of K1, K2 and K3 were higher than that of Ko by 9.3%, 15.6% and 9.3%, respectively. As to Jiza 87, the grain yields of K1, K2 and K3 were higher than that of K0 by 8.1%, 12.5% and 8.1%, respectively. [Conclusion] Comprehensively, the best application method was 90 kg of potassium as base fertilizer and 30 kg of potassium as additional fertilizer per hectare. 展开更多
关键词 SORGHUM POTASSIUM Dry matter accumulation Starch accumulation
Quantitative Variations of Five Anthraglucosides in Rhubarb
作者 郑俊华 黄琴 +2 位作者 张治国 高双新 楼之岑 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 1992年第1期85-87,共3页
应用高效液相色谱法测定大黄1—5年不同生长年限、植株不同发育阶段、植株不同部分中番泻式A(sennoside A,SA),大黄酸-8-葡萄糖甙(rhein-8-O-β-D-glucoside,R8G),大黄酸甙(rheinoside)A(RA),C(RC),D(RD)等五种蒽甙类成分的含量,结果表... 应用高效液相色谱法测定大黄1—5年不同生长年限、植株不同发育阶段、植株不同部分中番泻式A(sennoside A,SA),大黄酸-8-葡萄糖甙(rhein-8-O-β-D-glucoside,R8G),大黄酸甙(rheinoside)A(RA),C(RC),D(RD)等五种蒽甙类成分的含量,结果表明:(1)大黄随生长年限的延长,五种蒽甙类成分的总含量呈递增趋势,但第二年以后增加缓慢;(2)不同发育阶段中五种蒽甙的总量以果熟期为最高;(3)大黄的根系中五种蒽甙的总含量依下列顺序递减:主根茎→细根→主根及支根→支根茎;茎部只含少量大黄酸甙 D,叶不含任何蒽甙类成分。本研究有利于确定大黄合理的采收年限和季节,以及大黄资源的合理利用。 展开更多
关键词 Rheum palmatum Anthraglucosides VARIATIONS High Performance Liquid Chromatography
作者 Yang Shaoquan Chen Weidong (School of Electronic Engineering, Xidian University, Xi’an 710071) 《Journal of Electronics(China)》 2002年第1期99-103,共5页
A new feature based on higher order statistics is proposed for classification of MPSKsignals, which is invariant with respect to translation (shift), scale and rotation transforms of MPSK signal constellations, and ca... A new feature based on higher order statistics is proposed for classification of MPSKsignals, which is invariant with respect to translation (shift), scale and rotation transforms of MPSK signal constellations, and can suppress additive color or white Gaussian noise. Application of the new feature to classification of MPSK signals, at medium signal-to-noise ratio with specified sample size, results in high probability of correct identification. Finally, computer simulations and comparisons with existing algorithms are given. 展开更多
关键词 Higher order statistics Cumulant invariants Modulation classification
Dynamics of Above-and Below-ground Biomass and C,N,P Accumulation in the Alpine Steppe of Northern Tibet 被引量:5
作者 LU Xuyang YAN Yan +2 位作者 FAN Jihui CAO Yingzi WANG Xiaodan 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第6期838-844,共7页
The temporal dynamics of the biomass, as well as the carbon (C), nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) concentrations and accumulation contents, in above- and below-ground vegetation components were determined in the alp... The temporal dynamics of the biomass, as well as the carbon (C), nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) concentrations and accumulation contents, in above- and below-ground vegetation components were determined in the alpine steppe vegetation of Northern Tibet during the growing season of 2OLO. The highest levels of total biomass (311.68 g m-2), total C (115.95 g m-2), total N (2.60 g m-2), and total P (0.90 g m-2) accumulation contents were obtained in August in 2010. Further, biomass and nutrient stocks in the below-ground components were higher than those of the above-ground components. The dominant species viz., Stipa purpurea and Carex moorcrofli had lower biomass and C, N, P accumulations than the companion species which including Oxytropis. spp., Artemisia capillaris Thunb., Aster tataricus L., and SO on. 展开更多
关键词 BIOMASS Nutrient concentration Nutrient accumulation Alpine steppe Northern Tibet
Effect of microvoids on microplasticity behavior of dual-phase titanium alloy under high cyclic loading(Ⅰ):Crystal plasticity analysis 被引量:4
作者 Kai-di LI Xiao-ning HAN +2 位作者 Bin TANG Meng-qi ZHANG Jin-shan LI 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第2期513-523,共11页
A crystal plasticity finite element(CPFE)model was established and 2D simulations were carried out to study the relationship between microvoids and the microplasticity deformation behavior of the dual-phase titanium a... A crystal plasticity finite element(CPFE)model was established and 2D simulations were carried out to study the relationship between microvoids and the microplasticity deformation behavior of the dual-phase titanium alloy under high cyclic loading.Results show that geometrically necessary dislocations(GND)tend to accumulate around the microvoids,leading to an increment of average GND density.The influence of curvature in the tip plastic zone(TPZ)on GND density is greater than that of the size of the microvoid.As the curvature in TPZ and the size of the microvoid increase,the cumulative shear strain(CSS)in the primaryα,secondaryα,andβphases increases.Shear deformation in the prismatic slip system is dominant in the primaryαphase.As the distance between the microvoids increases,the interactive influence of the microvoids on the cumulative shear strain decreases. 展开更多
关键词 crystal plasticity dual-phase Ti alloy MICROVOIDS high cyclic loading cumulative shear strain geometrically necessary dislocation
An Array Extension Method in a Noisy Environment 被引量:1
作者 李博 孙超 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2011年第2期226-232,共7页
An array extension method in a noisy environment was proposed to improve angular resolution and array gain. The proposed method combines the FOC (fourth-order cumulants) technique with the ETAM (extended towed arra... An array extension method in a noisy environment was proposed to improve angular resolution and array gain. The proposed method combines the FOC (fourth-order cumulants) technique with the ETAM (extended towed array measurements) method to extend array aperture and suppress Gaussian noise, First, successive measurements of a virtual uniform linear array were constructed by applying lburth-order cumulants to measurements of uniform linear array; Gaussian noise in these measurements was also eliminated. Then, the array was extended by compensating phase differences using the ETAM method, Finally, the synthetic aperture was extended further by the fourth-order cumulants technique. The proposed FOC-ETAM-FOC method not only improves angular resolution and array gain, but also effectively suppresses Gaussian noise. Furthermore, it inherits the advantages of the ETAM method. Simulation results showed that the FOC-ETAM-FOC method achieved better angular resolution and array gain than the ETAM method. Furthermore this method outperforms the ETAM method in Gaussian noise environment. 展开更多
关键词 array signal processing array extension fourth-order cumulants synthetic aperture linear array
Frequency Domain TOA Estimation Algorithm Based on Cross-HOC
作者 李晶 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS 2011年第2期170-173,共4页
High-Order Cumulants (HOC) and cross-correlation was combined to suppress the Gaussian color noises and the tin-related noises in real applications. The cross-HOC TOA estimation model was developed based on the diag... High-Order Cumulants (HOC) and cross-correlation was combined to suppress the Gaussian color noises and the tin-related noises in real applications. The cross-HOC TOA estimation model was developed based on the diagonal slice of the forth-cross-cumu-lant. The eigen analysis was carried out, and the eigea noise space and the eigen signal space was achieved. Then the Frequency Domain TOA estimation algorithm based on Cross-HOC was developed. Different simulation experiments were carried out to draw out the conclusions. 展开更多
关键词 wireless location High-Order Cumulant SUPERRESOLUTION
Modeling of ratcheting accumulation of secondary deformation due to stress-controlled high-cyclic loading in granular soils
作者 贾鹏飞 孔令伟 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第6期2306-2315,共10页
An objective of this work is to develop a validated computational model that can be used to estimate ratcheting accumulation behavior of granular soils due to high-cyclic loading. An accumulation model was proposed to... An objective of this work is to develop a validated computational model that can be used to estimate ratcheting accumulation behavior of granular soils due to high-cyclic loading. An accumulation model was proposed to describe only the envelope of the maximum plastic deformations generated during the cyclic loading process, which can calculate the accumulated deformation by means of relatively large load cycle increments. The concept of volumetric hardening was incorporated into the model and a so-called overstress formulation was employed to describe the evolution of the accumulated volumetric deformation as a state parameter. The model accounted for ratcheting shakedown and accumulation such as a pseudo-yield surface(a shakedown surface) associated with loading inside the current virgin yield surface which was implemented into the well-known modified Cam-clay model. Finally, the model was calibrated using data from the stress-controlled drained cyclic triaxial tests on homogeneous fine grained sands. It is seen that the model can successfully represent important features of the ratcheting accumulation of both volumetric and deviatoric deformation caused by repeated drained loading over a large number of cycles. 展开更多
关键词 ratcheting accumulation secondary deformation response envelope high-cyclic loading granular soils
Persistence of malachite green and leucomalachite green in perch (Lateolabrax japonicus) 被引量:1
作者 谭志军 邢丽红 +4 位作者 郭萌萌 王洪艳 江艳华 李兆新 翟毓秀 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第3期647-655,共9页
The persistence of malachite green (MG), and its metabolite leucomalachite green (LMG), in fish tissues is still unclear, leading to many trade disputes. In this research, we established and evaluated an HPLC method t... The persistence of malachite green (MG), and its metabolite leucomalachite green (LMG), in fish tissues is still unclear, leading to many trade disputes. In this research, we established and evaluated an HPLC method that could detect MG and LMG simultaneously, and then investigated the persistence of these two toxins in the tissues of juvenile perch (Lateolabrax japonicus) post sub-chronic MG exposure at 1.0 mg/L. Exposure lasted for 2 h everyday and was repeated six times. The perch were then placed in MG-free seawater for 100 d to eliminate the toxins. Results show that MG accumulated in the tissues, including the gills, liver, muscle, blood and viscera, and then was metabolized rapidly to LMG. The concentrations of these two toxins increased significantly with the accumulation process. In general, the highest concentrations of MG and LMG in all tissue exceeded 1 000 μg/kg, except for MG in the muscle. The order of accumulation levels (highest to lowest) of MG was gill>blood>liver>viscera>muscle, while that of LMG was liver>blood>gill>viscera>muscle. High levels of MG or LMG could persist for several hours but decreased rapidly during the elimination process. The concentration of LMG was much higher than that of MG during the experiment, especially in the gill, liver and blood. Therefore, the three tissues play important roles in toxin accumulation, biotransformation, and elimination. Although the MG and LMG concentrations in muscle were much lower than in other tissues, the content still exceeded the European minimum required performance limit (MRPL), even after 2 400 h (100 d) of elimination. This demonstrates that it is extremely difficult to eliminate MG and LMG from tissues of perch, and therefore use of these toxins is of concern to public health. 展开更多
关键词 PERSISTENCE RESIDUES malachite green leucomalachite green PERCH
QoE Assessment and Prediction Method for HighDefinition Video Stream Using Image Damage Accumulation 被引量:2
作者 Yang Geng Luoming Meng +2 位作者 Yao Wang Yu Yang Zhiguo Qu 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第7期48-59,共12页
The accuracy of the traditional assessment method of the quality of experience(Qo E) has been facing challenges with the growth of high-definition(HD) video streaming services.Image display-quality damage is the main ... The accuracy of the traditional assessment method of the quality of experience(Qo E) has been facing challenges with the growth of high-definition(HD) video streaming services.Image display-quality damage is the main factor that affects the Qo E in HD video services through UDP network transmission.In this paper,we introduce a novel objective factor known as image damage accumulation(IDA) to assess user's Qo E in HD video services.First,this paper quantitatively analyzed the effect on user quality of experience by IDA and established a mapping relationship between mean opinion scores and IDA.Furthermore,the probability of image damage caused by compression and transmission were analyzed.Based on this analysis,an objective Qo E assessment and prediction method for HD video stream service that evaluated the user experience according to IDA are proposed.The proposed method can achieve assessment and prediction accuracy on three distinct subjective tests. 展开更多
关键词 high-definition video stream quality of experience(QoE) image damage accumulation
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