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作者 卫龙兴 吴文辉 +4 位作者 祁兵 洪云超 夏紫芸 季晓晨 宋军 《现代畜牧科技》 2024年第9期54-57,共4页
为验证能繁母羊二年三产饲养体系和母羊同期发情、人工授精、早孕检测、妊娠期饲养、围产期护理及羔羊早期断奶等技术集成的可行性和可操作性,在上海某规模山羊养殖场开展了二轮母羊二年三产高繁技术体系的集成示范试验。能繁母羊通过... 为验证能繁母羊二年三产饲养体系和母羊同期发情、人工授精、早孕检测、妊娠期饲养、围产期护理及羔羊早期断奶等技术集成的可行性和可操作性,在上海某规模山羊养殖场开展了二轮母羊二年三产高繁技术体系的集成示范试验。能繁母羊通过系列先进饲养技术的集成应用,可实现7~8个月一个胎次的连续循环生产,形成流水线式的二年三产饲养体系。 展开更多
关键词 能繁母羊 二年三产 高繁技术 集成示范
应用群体继代选育法建立南江黄羊高繁品系 被引量:4
作者 周光明 熊朝瑞 +1 位作者 王维春 贾正贵 《四川畜牧兽医》 1998年第2期15-16,共2页
应用群体继代选育法,建立南江黄羊高繁品系取得了较好效果,主选性状产羔率的选择进展较快。经过○、一、二世代选择与培育,已选育出高繁群体一世代61只,二世代126只。一世代母羊胎平产羔率一、二、三胎分别达16852%、... 应用群体继代选育法,建立南江黄羊高繁品系取得了较好效果,主选性状产羔率的选择进展较快。经过○、一、二世代选择与培育,已选育出高繁群体一世代61只,二世代126只。一世代母羊胎平产羔率一、二、三胎分别达16852%、17963%、21667%,比大群统计资料分别提高2229%、1112%和481%。二世代母羊胎平产羔率一、二胎分别为17000%和18947%,比大群统计资料分别提高2337%和1735%。在产羔率选择方面,加强第三胎选择,同时兼顾二胎的成绩。 展开更多
关键词 南江黄羊 高繁品系 继代选育
南江黄羊的高繁殖性能选育研究 被引量:1
作者 陈瑜 王维春 +2 位作者 张国俊 熊朝瑞 张红平 《草业与畜牧》 2008年第1期47-49,共3页
在"放牧+补饲"的条件下,对南江黄羊高繁品系"0~4"世代共1126只繁殖母羊的繁殖性能测定结果显示:高繁品系选育群体平均(1~5胎)产羔率220.34%,经产(2~5胎)羊群产羔率230.78%,生殖成活率98.73%,断奶成活率94.40%,... 在"放牧+补饲"的条件下,对南江黄羊高繁品系"0~4"世代共1126只繁殖母羊的繁殖性能测定结果显示:高繁品系选育群体平均(1~5胎)产羔率220.34%,经产(2~5胎)羊群产羔率230.78%,生殖成活率98.73%,断奶成活率94.40%,产羔间隔190.96d,获得了遗传性状较好的进展。 展开更多
关键词 南江黄羊 高繁品系 繁殖性能
莱芜黑山羊高繁品系培育 被引量:9
作者 徐云华 曹洪防 +6 位作者 李强 陈华 亓秀菊 魏述东 孙恕孟 杨兴菊 张华 《山东畜牧兽医》 2001年第6期13-14,共2页
关键词 山羊 莱芜黑山羊 高繁品系 培育 育种
济宁青山羊高繁品系选育效果观察 被引量:6
作者 蒋培红 葛仕豪 +2 位作者 孟冬梅 樊兆斌 冯善祥 《中国畜禽种业》 2020年第9期45-46,共2页
济宁青山羊是我国宝贵的一个高繁山羊品种,为进一步提高其繁殖率和生产性能,提高养殖青山羊的经济效益,开展了青山羊高繁品系选育及其相关体貌指标测试。经过4个代次选育结果,选育羊只繁殖率达到302.27%,较之该品种记录平均产羔率293.6... 济宁青山羊是我国宝贵的一个高繁山羊品种,为进一步提高其繁殖率和生产性能,提高养殖青山羊的经济效益,开展了青山羊高繁品系选育及其相关体貌指标测试。经过4个代次选育结果,选育羊只繁殖率达到302.27%,较之该品种记录平均产羔率293.65%,提高8.62%;外貌特征比较匀称,整齐度高,6月龄济宁青山羊的体重、体高和胸围等均有所提高,但提高的幅度不大。选育后母羊的周岁体重较选育前提高1.98kg,成年体重提高2.99kg。 展开更多
关键词 济宁青山羊 高繁 选育
作者 苗耀天 赵咏中 +3 位作者 董伟 王建军 张剑霞 何建军 《中国草食动物科学》 CAS 2023年第1期77-81,共5页
为提高湖羊母羊繁殖率和提升湖羊群体品质,利用现代分子育种和母羊早期培育技术,开展湖羊高繁殖力研究,以期建立湖羊高繁品系核心群及选育群。结果显示:(1)湖羊群体中存在BB、B+、++三种基因型,基因型频率分别为0.89、0.07、0.04,B、+... 为提高湖羊母羊繁殖率和提升湖羊群体品质,利用现代分子育种和母羊早期培育技术,开展湖羊高繁殖力研究,以期建立湖羊高繁品系核心群及选育群。结果显示:(1)湖羊群体中存在BB、B+、++三种基因型,基因型频率分别为0.89、0.07、0.04,B、+基因频率分别为0.93、0.07,BB型是湖羊群体中的优势基因型;(2)初配母羊5.5月龄即可配种,其受胎率、产羔率、产三羔及以上比率和羔羊成活率分别为92.24%、236.04%、30.93%、93.64%,配种效果良好;分娩母羊35 d即可配种,其受胎率、产羔率、产三羔及以上比率和羔羊成活率分别为95.86%、250.51%、40.86%、95.56%,配种效果良好。以上结果表明,利用现代分子育种和母羊早期培育技术建立的湖羊高繁品系核心群,不仅能够确保湖羊群体的高繁殖力,还可以快速扩大理想群体的数量,加快培育进程,实现高效繁殖和高频繁殖的有效结合。 展开更多
关键词 湖羊 高繁品系 母羊早期培育 人工授精
《四川畜牧兽医》 2004年第4期57-57,共1页
关键词 南江黄羊 高繁 新品种 审定
作者 虞刚 《畜禽业》 2021年第9期54-55,共2页
关键词 黑山羊 高繁 选育
作者 王东梅 李宝栋 +1 位作者 李海娟 王桂东 《畜牧业环境》 2023年第7期5-9,共5页
敖汉细毛羊作为全国知名的优秀毛肉兼用型羊品种,具有体格大、抓膘快、适应性强和抗病力强等饲养优势,以及肉质细嫩、味道鲜美、屠宰率高等肉用优势。面对纺织工业发展转型、市场对羊肉消费量持续增加的局面,敖汉旗昭阳养殖业农民专业... 敖汉细毛羊作为全国知名的优秀毛肉兼用型羊品种,具有体格大、抓膘快、适应性强和抗病力强等饲养优势,以及肉质细嫩、味道鲜美、屠宰率高等肉用优势。面对纺织工业发展转型、市场对羊肉消费量持续增加的局面,敖汉旗昭阳养殖业农民专业合作社利用赤峰市财政局“培育高繁殖性能及产肉性能的新品系”课题资金30万元,依托多所高校及科研院所,积极开展敖汉细毛羊的创新利用,以提高其产肉性能。采用多胎品种引进、多胎基因导入、分子生物学辅助育种、组建高繁品系育种核心群等育种措施,把繁殖率从136.8%提高到196%,提高了敖汉细毛羊的经济效益、社会效益与生态效益。 展开更多
关键词 敖汉细毛羊 品种选育 高繁品系
莱芜黑山羊高繁品系培育 被引量:1
作者 徐云华 曹洪防 +6 位作者 李强 陈华 亓秀菊 魏述东 孙恕孟 杨兴菊 张华 《中国草食动物》 2002年第S1期57-59,共3页
关键词 莱芜黑山羊 繁殖性能 基础群 生产性能 拓扑群 高繁品系 产绒量 核心群
作者 刘国强 李春冬 +4 位作者 呼日 牛慧敏 徐伟良 任雨婷 郭梁 《食品研究与开发》 CAS 2024年第12期144-149,共6页
建立基于绵羊多胎(fecundity booroola,FecB)基因保守单核苷酸多态性(single nucleotide polymorphism,SNP)位点的TaqMan实时荧光聚合酶链式反应(polymerase chain reaction,PCR)分析方法,为锡林郭勒羊肉的真实性检测提供有益科学借鉴... 建立基于绵羊多胎(fecundity booroola,FecB)基因保守单核苷酸多态性(single nucleotide polymorphism,SNP)位点的TaqMan实时荧光聚合酶链式反应(polymerase chain reaction,PCR)分析方法,为锡林郭勒羊肉的真实性检测提供有益科学借鉴。利用锡林郭勒羊肉(乌珠穆沁羊和苏尼特羊)FecB基因的保守SNP位点(A)与高繁品种(小尾寒羊和湖羊)的对应基因位点(G)有明显差异,采集乌珠穆沁羊、苏尼特羊及小尾寒羊核心保种场种质资源对此基因位点进行大样本验证,建立锡林郭勒羊肉真实性判定模型,通过春节冷库抽样以及屠宰季现场采样对判定模型进行适用性研究。根据实时荧光扩增曲线检测结果判定FecB基因分型AA、AG和GG,建立以基因位点(G)的比率大于5%为判定界限,样本量不少于10为前提,来判断锡林郭勒羊群中是否含有高繁品种羊。春节冷库抽样验证20批冷库羊肉样品中有17批羊肉为锡林郭勒羊肉,3批羊肉样品存在高繁品种羊肉;屠宰季现场采样验证11批羊肉样品有9批为锡林郭勒羊肉,2批羊肉样品存在高繁品种羊肉。所建立的锡林郭勒羊肉真实性判定模型具有较好的判定能力,锡林郭勒本地市场中存在小尾寒羊和湖羊等高繁品种羊肉。 展开更多
关键词 锡林郭勒羊肉 真实性分析 FECB基因 保守单核苷酸多态性位点 高繁品种羊
夷陵绵羊繁殖性能研究 被引量:2
作者 李吉华 张敏 +5 位作者 姜勋平 刘桂琼 孙灵 谌雨濛 张晓春 代春鹏 《养殖与饲料》 2023年第10期11-18,共8页
[目的]分析夷陵绵羊繁殖性能,了解其产能现状,为进一步选育提供参考依据。[方法]利用夷陵绵羊核心育种场的繁殖记录,系统分析夷陵绵羊繁殖性能及变化规律,探究胎次和季节对产羔性能的影响,并依据繁殖性状与其他20个绵羊品种进行聚类分析... [目的]分析夷陵绵羊繁殖性能,了解其产能现状,为进一步选育提供参考依据。[方法]利用夷陵绵羊核心育种场的繁殖记录,系统分析夷陵绵羊繁殖性能及变化规律,探究胎次和季节对产羔性能的影响,并依据繁殖性状与其他20个绵羊品种进行聚类分析。[结果]经过4个世代的选育,目前夷陵绵羊平均产羔间隔230 d,平均胎产羔数2.3只,平均胎产活羔数2.0只。产羔数随胎次增加呈现先上升后下降的变化趋势,第1胎最低,第4~5胎达到峰值。夷陵绵羊全年产羔,但季节对产羔数有显著影响,春季产羔数最多,且显著高于其他3个季节。21个绵羊品种聚类为2个类群,夷陵绵羊与其母本小尾寒羊和湖羊等高繁品种聚为一类。[结论]夷陵绵羊四季产羔,繁殖性能优良,具有良好的均衡生产潜力。 展开更多
关键词 夷陵绵羊 繁殖性能 产羔数 胎次 绵羊育种 高繁品种
Nesting records of 20 bird species in Lhasa region,Tibet 被引量:1
作者 卢欣 柯坫华 +2 位作者 马小艳 贡国鸿 于同雷 《Chinese Birds》 2010年第3期167-174,共8页
This paper provides the information on nesting biology of 20 bird species in alpine shrub (4000-4700 m a.s.l.) or alpine meadow-wasteland habitats (4300-4700 m a.s.l.) in Lhasa region,Tibet.Of these species,three are ... This paper provides the information on nesting biology of 20 bird species in alpine shrub (4000-4700 m a.s.l.) or alpine meadow-wasteland habitats (4300-4700 m a.s.l.) in Lhasa region,Tibet.Of these species,three are endemic to the Tibetan plateau and 17 widespread in altitudes.The data on these taxa are all new to the high-altitude environments,especially the upper limit of their breeding distribution.A few species are firstly reported with respect to nesting information in the world.The study will contribute our knowledge for natural history of birds occurring in the harsh,extreme habitats. 展开更多
关键词 alpine shrub alpine meadow-wasteland breeding parameter Tibetan plateau
Genetic Parameters Evaluation of Main Reproductive Traits for the New Yorkshire Dam Line with High Prolificacy
作者 宋忠旭 孙华 +3 位作者 彭先文 李良华 董斌科 梅书棋 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第10期1465-1467,共3页
The genetic parameters of main reproductive traits for the new Yorkshire line with high prolificacy were evaluated by multiple animal model DFREML The re- suits showed that the heritability evaluates of the total numb... The genetic parameters of main reproductive traits for the new Yorkshire line with high prolificacy were evaluated by multiple animal model DFREML The re- suits showed that the heritability evaluates of the total number of born (TNB), alive number of born (ANB), litter weigh at birth (LWB) and litter weight at age of 21 days were 0.10, 0.15, 0.09 and 0.14, respectively. The genetic correlations between these traits, for example, the correlations between TNB/ANB, NB/LWB, TNB/LW21, ANB/LWB, ANB/LW21 and LWB/LW21 were 0.87, 0.74, 0.43, 0.69, 0.59 and 0.51, respectively. 展开更多
关键词 New Yorkshire dam line with high prolificacy DFREML Variance com- ponent Genetic parameter
Combined Selection Index for New Yorkshire Dam Line with High Prolificacy
作者 孙华 宋忠旭 +3 位作者 彭先文 李良华 董斌科 梅书棋 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第10期1443-1445,1461,共4页
The combined selection index used in the breeding of new Yorkshire dam line with high prolificacy according to breeding objects was formulated as /:2.272E- BVNB-0.056EBVDAYS. After 5 generations breeding, the two mai... The combined selection index used in the breeding of new Yorkshire dam line with high prolificacy according to breeding objects was formulated as /:2.272E- BVNB-0.056EBVDAYS. After 5 generations breeding, the two main selected traits such as total number of born and age at 100 kg weight was 12.17 piglets/litter and 165.18 d, respectively. The genetic improvements per generates was 0.156 and -2.198, respec- tively. The breeding objects of the new Yorkshire dam line with high prolificacy were basically reached. It indicated that the methods and index could be used in pig breeding. 展开更多
关键词 New Yorkshire dam line with high prolificacy Breeding objects Com- bined selection index
莱芜黑山羊培育技术国内领先 被引量:2
作者 郭增彬 《农村百事通》 2002年第4期16-16,共1页
关键词 莱芜黑山羊 培育技术 高繁品系 配套技术 科技计划项目 莱芜市 技术鉴定 产绒量 畜牧兽医站 成年母羊
Effects of Culture Conditions on Growth and Docosahexaenoic Acid Production from Schizochytrium limacinum 被引量:5
作者 ZHU Luying ZHANG Xuecheng +1 位作者 REN Xueying ZHU Qinghua 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2008年第1期83-88,共6页
The effects of temperature, initial pH, salinity of culture medium, and carbon and nitrogen sources on growth and doco- sahexaenoic acid (C22 : 6 n-3, DHA) production from Schizochytrium limacinum OUC88 were investiga... The effects of temperature, initial pH, salinity of culture medium, and carbon and nitrogen sources on growth and doco- sahexaenoic acid (C22 : 6 n-3, DHA) production from Schizochytrium limacinum OUC88 were investigated in the present study. The results revealed that the optimal temperature, initial pH and salinity level of the medium for DHA production were 23℃, 7.0 and 18, respectively. Glucose was proved the best carbon source for the growth and DHA production from S. limacinum. Among the nitrogen sources tested, soybean cake hydrolysate, a cheap by-product, was found to be effective for the accumulation of DHA in S. lima- cinum cells. In addition, increasing the concentration of carbon sources in the medium caused a significant increase in cell biomass; however, accumulation of DHA in cells was mainly stimulated by the ratio of C/N in the medium. Under the optimal culture condi- tions, the maximum DHA yield achieved in flasks was 4.08 g L-1 after 5 d of cultivation. 展开更多
关键词 culture conditions DHA production Schizochytrium limacinum
Genetic Analysis of Three Populations of Barbados Blackbelly Sheep at Microsatellite Loci
作者 L. McClean L. Waterman C. Roberts 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2011年第8期1187-1191,共5页
The phenotypic traits of high prolificacy, low fat on the rib eye muscle and high tolerance to internal parasites make the Barbados Blackbelly (BBB) sheep a valuable economic resource for small subsistence farmers o... The phenotypic traits of high prolificacy, low fat on the rib eye muscle and high tolerance to internal parasites make the Barbados Blackbelly (BBB) sheep a valuable economic resource for small subsistence farmers on some Caribbean islands. However, the determination of what is a purebred BBB sheep has long been a contentious issue because of the subjectivity. It is therefore necessary to have a more reliable means of identifying what is a purebred BBB sheep for purposes of conservation and breed improvement. Three geographically isolated populations of BBB sheep were genetically analysed at 19 microsatellite loci. Eighteen of the microsatellites were found to be useful for genetic analysis of the BBB sheep, based on polymorphic information content (PIC) values (0.5 〈 PIC 〉 0.25). One microsatellite was not useful for genetic analysis based on PIC (0.111), however it is considered to be a locus of interest because it is fully inbred (f = 1) and homozygous in all of the populations analysed. The analysis also showed that the purebred population of BBB sheep can be distinguished from other populations by formation of distinct clusters when subjected to analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) and the construction of a rooted consensus tree using the Neighbour-Joining method and pair-wise distances based on marker estimated kinships. 展开更多
关键词 Barbados blackbelly sheep MICROSATELLITE polymorphism information content.
Screening of Prolific Micromonospora carbonacea in Antibiotics Production by Sodium Nitrite Mutagenesis
作者 吴越 黄运红 +1 位作者 李瑾 龙中儿 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第10期1409-1412,共4页
[Objective] The purpose of the study is to breed Micromonospora car- bonacea highly producing antibiotics and then to improve the antibiotic production. [Method] Sodium Nitrite mutagenesis, combined with rifampicin re... [Objective] The purpose of the study is to breed Micromonospora car- bonacea highly producing antibiotics and then to improve the antibiotic production. [Method] Sodium Nitrite mutagenesis, combined with rifampicin resistance screening, was used in mutation breeding of M. carbonacea highly producing antibiotics from the strain of M. carbonacea JXNU-I. [Result] The overproducing strain JXNU-1-16- Y65 was screened with the production of antibiotics 266.05% more than that of the original strain. [Conclusion] The effectiveness of sodium nitrite mutation in breeding microorganisms highly producing antibiotic was proved, and the study may lay the foundation on further development and application of the antibiotic from M. car- bonacea JXNU-1. 展开更多
关键词 Micromonospora carbonacea Sodium nitrite mutagenesis Resistance screening
Effects of Low-Intensity Ultrasound on Cell Proliferation and Reproductivity
作者 杨春梅 蒋学慧 +1 位作者 杜康 蔡启亮 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2016年第2期125-131,共7页
Ultrasound has been widely used in clinics. Cellular responses to low-intensity ultrasound are parameter-dependent. Proper parameter setting is vital to its exact use. To get guidelines for parameter setting, lowinten... Ultrasound has been widely used in clinics. Cellular responses to low-intensity ultrasound are parameter-dependent. Proper parameter setting is vital to its exact use. To get guidelines for parameter setting, lowintensity ultrasound stimulation on the proliferation and reproductivity of Hep G2 and 3T3 cells in vitro was examined with a 1.06 MHz-generator by changing the parameters(including intensity, pulse repetition frequency and duty cycle)in a wide range. Cell viability and reproductivity at different time after sonication were measured by 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide(MTT)and colony formation assay to indicate timerelated proliferation. The results illustrate that ultrasound irradiation at 0.4—0.8 W/cm^2 and high pulse repetition frequency(100 Hz)can facilitate cell proliferation, while above 0.8 W/cm^2 would resist it. The extent of resistance closely correlated with duty cycle and pulse repetition frequency. Resistance effect at low pulse repetition frequency(1 Hz)is greater than that at high pulse repetition frequency(100 Hz)and not time-related. The influence of high pulse repetition frequency is time-accumulated, indicating cellular process involved. These findings would provide valuable guidelines for the application of low-intensity ultrasound in stem cell transformation and tissue engineering. 展开更多
关键词 low-intensity ultrasound cell viability cell morphology cell proliferation cell reproductivity
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