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作者 吴德琳 姜珂 吴晔 《教育与职业》 北大核心 2011年第14期24-25,共2页
高职院校智力资本具有特定的内涵和意义。文章通过对高职院校智力资本含义、架构和学工体系绩效管理现状的分析,阐述了智力资本增值对学工体系绩效管理的影响,提出了提高学工体系智力资本增值的主要方法是建立知识型的实效工作机制、完... 高职院校智力资本具有特定的内涵和意义。文章通过对高职院校智力资本含义、架构和学工体系绩效管理现状的分析,阐述了智力资本增值对学工体系绩效管理的影响,提出了提高学工体系智力资本增值的主要方法是建立知识型的实效工作机制、完成思想政治教育范式的转化、定时发布智力资本报告、建立"三位一体"的学生工作模式等,为构建更加完善的学工体系,提高管理效益进行了新的探索。 展开更多
关键词 高职院校学工体系 智力资本管理绩效
作者 邓静 葛志宏 《商情》 2011年第19期18-18,共1页
关键词 高职院校学生“说 广义“说 狭义“说
高职院校市场营销学课程教学改革探究 被引量:5
作者 刘彦伯 梁海英 蒋吉德 《现代营销(下)》 2016年第8期70-71,共2页
市场营销学课程是培养和激发学生学习市场营销兴趣的基础课程。随着社会的发展,社会对市场营销人才的需求日益苛刻,高职院校在市场营销专业人才培养尤其是市场营销学课程教学上尤为重视,由于教学模式滞后社会发展需求,各高职院校也在积... 市场营销学课程是培养和激发学生学习市场营销兴趣的基础课程。随着社会的发展,社会对市场营销人才的需求日益苛刻,高职院校在市场营销专业人才培养尤其是市场营销学课程教学上尤为重视,由于教学模式滞后社会发展需求,各高职院校也在积极探索新方法新路径加强人才培养。因此,本文立足市场营销人才培养目标,结合相关教学经验及文献调查,分析了高职院校市场营销学课程教学现状,就市场营销学课程中涉及的人才培养方案、师资队伍招聘、教学内容、教学形式、教学测评等方面进行探讨,希望对高职院校教学、企业人才选拔、学生就业等方面有所助益。 展开更多
关键词 高职院校市场营销课程 市场营销人才 改革
高职学前教育专业教师职业实践能力培养 被引量:11
作者 左彩云 《教育与职业》 北大核心 2016年第2期57-58,共2页
关键词 高职院校学 前教育专业 教师职业实践能力
作者 欧雅文 《新丝路(中旬)》 2020年第6期0117-0117,0119,共2页
新形势下,我国经济社会不断发生变革,网络科技水平不断提高,受日益复杂的社会意识形态影响“,95后”、“00后”大学生呈现出追求自由、自我,责任意识淡薄,抗压能力减弱等特点。解决当前高职院校团学工作中存在的认识不足、指导老师专业... 新形势下,我国经济社会不断发生变革,网络科技水平不断提高,受日益复杂的社会意识形态影响“,95后”、“00后”大学生呈现出追求自由、自我,责任意识淡薄,抗压能力减弱等特点。解决当前高职院校团学工作中存在的认识不足、指导老师专业化、专职化水平不够等问题,成为提高高职院校团学工作对培养学生综合素质的实效性的重要途径。 展开更多
关键词 高职院校工作 生综合素质 实效性
“工学结合”模式下高职生思政教育需创新的现代意识 被引量:12
作者 何思平 欧阳剑波 《经济师》 2009年第4期143-144,共2页
"工学结合"作为高等职业教育人才培养模式改革的重要切入点,既给高职院校的思想政治教育提出了新要求,也为高职思政教育提供了新的发展平台。在"工学结合"的教学模式下,高职院校思政教育必须积极转换思路,注重职业... "工学结合"作为高等职业教育人才培养模式改革的重要切入点,既给高职院校的思想政治教育提出了新要求,也为高职思政教育提供了新的发展平台。在"工学结合"的教学模式下,高职院校思政教育必须积极转换思路,注重职业导向意识、树立服务意识、融入现代科技信息意识、强化环境意识,才能适应当代高职教育发展的新需要和新趋势。 展开更多
关键词 “工结合”高职院校思想教 育现代意识
作者 陈素敏 耿树海 《河北交通职业技术学院学报》 2016年第4期1-3,14,共4页
关键词 高职院校结合 市场营销 专业人才 培养模式
作者 徐娟娟 《当代经济》 2013年第23期128-129,共2页
经过多年的实践,高职教育得到了发展,可是针对课程式的工学结合还存在着很多问题,很多"工学结合"浮于表面,并不彻底,没有真正的做到工和学的结合。因此,从原来单个课程型的"工学结合"向专业紧密型的"工学结合&... 经过多年的实践,高职教育得到了发展,可是针对课程式的工学结合还存在着很多问题,很多"工学结合"浮于表面,并不彻底,没有真正的做到工和学的结合。因此,从原来单个课程型的"工学结合"向专业紧密型的"工学结合"的过渡是非常必要的,本文在国内外学者研究"工学结合"的基础上,进一步深化"工学结合"的探索。 展开更多
关键词 高职院校结合课程改革
作者 刘莉 《卫生职业教育》 2022年第13期32-35,共4页
根据高职院校护理学专业学生的培养目标及学生特点,充分挖掘微生物与免疫学课程中蕴含的爱国情怀、民族自信、奉献精神、社会责任感等思政元素。研究专业基础课程与思政教育相融合的路径,使思政教育贯穿教学全过程,探索教书与育人巧妙... 根据高职院校护理学专业学生的培养目标及学生特点,充分挖掘微生物与免疫学课程中蕴含的爱国情怀、民族自信、奉献精神、社会责任感等思政元素。研究专业基础课程与思政教育相融合的路径,使思政教育贯穿教学全过程,探索教书与育人巧妙融合的方法。 展开更多
关键词 课程思政 微生物与免疫:高职院校:护理专业
“工学结合”模式下顶岗实习生权益维护策略 被引量:3
作者 潘美英 《继续教育研究》 2012年第7期94-96,共3页
高职院校的"工学结合"办学模式对于提高学生的实践水平发挥了极为重要的意义。但是,随之而来的问题,让学生、家长、学校、单位都卷入了麻烦之中,因为顶岗实习学生作为企业非劳动关系人员,无法享受工伤保险、医疗保险等社会保... 高职院校的"工学结合"办学模式对于提高学生的实践水平发挥了极为重要的意义。但是,随之而来的问题,让学生、家长、学校、单位都卷入了麻烦之中,因为顶岗实习学生作为企业非劳动关系人员,无法享受工伤保险、医疗保险等社会保障,而学生又不可避免地要参与到正常的工作流程中去,此种情况下,无法避免在工作过程中导致的人身及财产的伤害。文章就高职院校"工学结合"办学模式下顶岗实习学生权益维护问题进行深入分析与论述,首先阐述了高职院校"工学结合"办学模式下顶岗实习学生权益维护存在的问题,继而提出了高职院校"工学结合"办学模式下顶岗实习学生权益维护策略,最后对全文进行了总结,以期能够对我国当前高职院校"工学结合"办学模式下顶岗实习学生权益的维护提供一点可借鉴之处。 展开更多
关键词 高职院校“工结合”办模式 顶岗实习 权益维护策略
以就业为导向,产学结合办好民政管理专业调研报告 被引量:2
作者 徐静春 《漯河职业技术学院学报》 2009年第1期18-19,121,共3页
关键词 高职院校结合 需求和实现需求的方式 人才培养目标
作者 赵彩霞 徐潇 《林区教学》 2023年第8期18-21,共4页
高职医药学院校学生肩负守卫人民生命健康的神圣使命,将抗疫精神融入高职医药学院校思政课具有感知医药学真谛、树立医药学信念,弘扬大医精神、厚植爱国情怀,感受医护大爱、传承医务品格,敬畏关爱生命、培养职业素养,重燃医药热情、践... 高职医药学院校学生肩负守卫人民生命健康的神圣使命,将抗疫精神融入高职医药学院校思政课具有感知医药学真谛、树立医药学信念,弘扬大医精神、厚植爱国情怀,感受医护大爱、传承医务品格,敬畏关爱生命、培养职业素养,重燃医药热情、践行青春使命等独特价值。通过实施主体、课程体系、文化体系、实践体系、家庭教育等“五位一体”融入模式,可帮助高职医药学院校有效开展职业道德教育,使医药生厚植家国情怀、树立报国志向,为我国医疗卫生事业培养合格的医药人才。 展开更多
关键词 抗疫精神 思想政治教育 高职医药院校思政课
作者 徐叶 《商业文化》 2021年第7期116-117,共2页
21世纪的来临不仅加速了新一代技术的发展,同时也加快了教育改革的步伐,慕课这种新的教学模式在国内蓬勃发展。市场营销学课程更加适合慕课的教学模式,因为市场营销学具有实践性和实用性两大特点。为了更加凸显对市场营销学实践教学的重... 21世纪的来临不仅加速了新一代技术的发展,同时也加快了教育改革的步伐,慕课这种新的教学模式在国内蓬勃发展。市场营销学课程更加适合慕课的教学模式,因为市场营销学具有实践性和实用性两大特点。为了更加凸显对市场营销学实践教学的重视,促进学生的全面发展,慕课这种新的教学模式、新的教育理念应该被引入市场营销学的课程中。 展开更多
关键词 市场营销 高职院校市场营销课程 新一代技术 慕课教模式 实践教 生的全面发展 新的教育理念 慕课的教模式
高职产学合作教育内涵解读 被引量:2
作者 李芹 《前沿》 2007年第6期65-66,共2页
关键词 高职院校合作教育 内涵
Brief analysis of English teaching in vocational institutes 被引量:1
作者 吴凤鸣 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2009年第4期33-35,共3页
Nowadays, as the international exchange of China becomes increasingly more and China's international status has been greatly improved, cross-cultural communication presents its importance in all walks of our life. In... Nowadays, as the international exchange of China becomes increasingly more and China's international status has been greatly improved, cross-cultural communication presents its importance in all walks of our life. In vocational institutes, especially institutes of foreign languages, how to train talented persons who can not only speak English fluently and adapt to the market economy, but also professionals with various skills is the most important task. This paper analyzes the problems existing in English teaching in vocational institutes at present and discusses how to sort them out successfully. 展开更多
关键词 vocational institutes English teaching cultivate abilities enhance the quality of the teaching staff
Ways of higher vocational college students' ideological and political education under the IT background
作者 Bingrong Wang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第3期82-84,共3页
Higher Vocational Education is showing unprecedented good momentum of development, for a large number of vocational technical talents will be the training object of society. As the number of students in higher vocatio... Higher Vocational Education is showing unprecedented good momentum of development, for a large number of vocational technical talents will be the training object of society. As the number of students in higher vocational colleges expands rapidly, their quality education and ability training have become more important. In conjunction with my teaching practice to engage in political work in colleges, from analyzing the problems of students ' ideological and political education, I elaborate approaches to strengthen students' ideological and political education. 展开更多
关键词 Vocational colleges the ideological and political education ISSUES METHODS
The Application of Research Study in Higher Vocational Medical College Teaching
作者 Su Yanhong Zhu Huifang Lei Ming 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第3期56-57,共2页
The research study is a new learning mode emerging in recent years, which can cultivate students' many aspects of ability. In the higher vocational colleges, obstetrics and gynecology department is a subject of stron... The research study is a new learning mode emerging in recent years, which can cultivate students' many aspects of ability. In the higher vocational colleges, obstetrics and gynecology department is a subject of strong theory and practice, which has a higher requirement for students' autonomous learning and ability to independently solve and analyze the problems. And it applies to the higher vocational obstetrics and gynecology subject teaching, which conforms to the refornl and development of clinical teaching in obstetrics and gynecology, and it is good for cultivating the medical talents suitable for social need with high quality and strong practice ability. 展开更多
关键词 research study department of gynecology and obstetrics TEACHING
First Exploration on The Reform of Experimental Examination of Physiology in Higher Vocational College Students
作者 Gao Yinli Zhang Jieqiong +1 位作者 Wang Ya’ning Li Junli 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2017年第1期13-15,共3页
Objective:The purpose of this paper is to explore the application effect of diversified assessment mode in physiology experimental examination of higher vocational college students.Method:We selected 173 higher voca... Objective:The purpose of this paper is to explore the application effect of diversified assessment mode in physiology experimental examination of higher vocational college students.Method:We selected 173 higher vocational college students as the research group,in the experimental assessment,adopted diversi? ed assessment model;and selected 192 higher vocational college students as the control group,adopted the traditional assessment method.The pathological examination scores of the two groups were compared,and the research group was investigated by questionnaire.Result:The physiological end term test scores (t=1.973,p〈0.05) and experimental operation assessment scores of the research group were higher than those of the control group (t=1.624,p〈0.05).The diversified assessment model helps to improve the learning initiative,improve learning interest,foster collaboration and communication ability,reduce learning pressure and reduce anxiety before examination.Conclusion:The diversified assessment model can highlight the cultivation of professional skills and innovation ability,enable students reserve the necessary knowledge through inquiry and cooperative learning,and conducive to sustainable development of students.B 展开更多
关键词 Diversified Assessment Physiology Experiment Higher Vocational College Students
The Construction of New Diversified Teaching Modes Based on the Training of Workplace English Proficiency-- Research on Vocational Public English Practical Teaching
作者 Bi Lihua 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第8期1-3,共3页
The current vocational public English education system can not meet the demands of society and market, so there' s still a big gap between the capacity of students' workplace English and market demands. Therefore, t... The current vocational public English education system can not meet the demands of society and market, so there' s still a big gap between the capacity of students' workplace English and market demands. Therefore, the vocational public English teaching should change the traditional English teaching modes, and construct new diversified teaching modes based on the training of workplace English proficiency, which enables students to master the workplace English through practical work tasks. The practical teaching process is an effective way to realize this teaching aim. So the training of students' workplace English capacity is the primary task of English teaching reform in vocational colleges. 展开更多
关键词 vocational public English education workplace English proficiency teaching modes practical teaching
Cultivation Research on Entrepreneurial Competence of Vocational College Students Based on Entrepreneurship
作者 Zhang Jing 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第9期99-102,共4页
The market competition is more and more complicated and the employment situation is more severe, which makes innovation and entrepreneurship ability become the way of survival of university students. How to cultivate ... The market competition is more and more complicated and the employment situation is more severe, which makes innovation and entrepreneurship ability become the way of survival of university students. How to cultivate entrepreneurial competence for colleges and universities is worth of caring and considering. The paper researches the cultivation of entrepreneurial competence of vocational college students and proposes the opinions to improve the entrepreneurial competence of Vocational college students. 展开更多
关键词 corporate entrepreneurship vocational college entrepreneurial competence cultivation research
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